Study On Stress Management Among Co-Operative Bank Employees in Malappuram District

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© July 2021| IJIRT | Volume 8 Issue 2 | ISSN: 2349-6002

Study on Stress Management among Co-operative Bank

Employees in Malappuram district

Abdul Jaleel Kuzhiyengal Mambra

Research Scholar, College of Social Science & Humanities, Srinivas University, Mangalore, Karnataka,

Abstract - Banks are among the highest ten most stressful various psychosomatic and psychological disorders,
workplaces in India. Despite of feeling relaxed with the the emotions of frustration, dissatisfaction with life
arrival of recent technology and innovations within the generally. Workplace stress is that the harmful
banking sector, employees are feeling overloaded with
biological reaction that happens when there's poor
work and stressed. With the in technology, banks
match between job profiles and therefore the
advancement got to make rapid changes. It’s become
hard for workers to affect these changes. This may cause capabilities, resources, or needs of the worker. These
arising of stress among employees. The work nature of conditions, ultimately affects the work performance
banking employees is extremely tedious because it and therefore the health of the individuals. But a touch
involves the direct customer interaction altogether levels. amount of stress may convince be healthy for an
Consistent with research, an enormous percentage of organization. Stress is often positive also as negative.
bankers are stressed as a result of their jobs, and Acceptable levels of stress help to extend the
therefore the causes of this stress include long working individual’s performance while excessive amounts of
hours, an ineffective reward system, a scarcity of
stress can cause a decreased performance.
professional autonomy, corporate culture, role conflict,
With the rising problem of stress, stress management
and so on. An effort has been made to review the causes
and effects of stress amongst bank employees. There has become vital. Stress Management refers to the
have also been suggestions about the way to affect stress. wide selection of techniques and psychotherapies
It’s been discovered that the bulk of bank staff are which may prevent and control an individual’s level of
stressed. Majority of the workers attempt to find solution stress. There by improving everyday functioning of an
to alleviate them from stress. Measures to beat stress that individual. Stress management can have any of the
affects the physical and mental wellbeing of employees three solutions “prevent or control, escape from it, or
also are suggested within the paper. learn to adopt to it. As it is claimed that prevention is
best than cure, steps should be taken at the initial stage
Index Terms - Bank employee, stress management,
to stop the stressors instead of curing its harmful
Malappuram district, Co-operative bank.
effects or bearing heavy costs after being affected by
it. Effective stress management can be accomplished
in a variety of methods at both the individual and
organizational levels. Stress management is often
Stress may be a Common element in any quite job.
divided into two phases: the primary is dealing with
Stress is an increasing problem in organizations and
stress and therefore the second is facing the strain with
sometimes causes adverse effects on performance.
the assistance of relaxation techniques like meditation.
Organizational stress arises because of lack of person¬
Psychotherapies should be employed because each
environment fit. When organizational stress is
person is unique. Banks should treat employees
mismanaged, it has an impact on the organization's
differently at work, respecting and appreciating their
human potential. It further leads to reduced quality,
contributions. Banks should introduce Employee
productivity, health as well as wellbeing and morale of
Assistance Programs and stress control workshops
an employee. Stress at work can lead to ill health and
consistent with the extent of employees as level of
even harm. Our economy has shown growth in most
stress and employees are directly related. Employees'
sectors, but stress has also joined hands with this
productivity will rise if their psychological well-being
growth. Individuals under stress are experiencing


© July 2021| IJIRT | Volume 8 Issue 2 | ISSN: 2349-6002

and health are enhanced. Because "A Healthy century and it is still changing at rapidly speed they
Employee May Be a Productive Employee," as the have touched almost all profession. Job stress posses
saying goes. threat to physical health. Working at job related stress
in the life of organised workers. As a result affect the
II.OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY health of organisation.
Nadeem Malik(2011) conducted a study titled “A
1. To study the causes of stress among the study on occupational stress experienced by private
employees of Malappuram District Co-operative and public banks employees in Quetta City.” In this
Bank research paper it was checked that what the impact
2. To examine the effect of stress on productivity of occupational stress produced upon employees. The
the organization. study describes the occupational stress in public and
3. To identify different methods and techniques to private banks. Occupational stress is higher among
reduce job-related stress. private bank employees than among public bank
employees, according to a randomly selected sample
III.REVIEW OF LITERATURE of 200 employees from private and public banks. Role
overload, role authority, role conflict, and a lack of
Richardson.K.M and Rothsetin.H,R(2005) , in their senior level support are the factors that contribute the
article titled “Effects of occupational stress most to occupational stress. Bank employees can't
management intervention programs”, provided an afford to take time off.
empirical review of stress management intervention, Vijay Joshi and K.A. Goyal (2012) investigated stress
employee meta-analysis procedures. The result also management among bank personnel in relation to
revealed that relaxation interventions were the most mergers and acquisitions. The study's goal was to
frequent type of interventions. More specific results identify several stresses that cause employees to
are the cognitive behavioural interventions produced become more stressed. Uncertainty, insecurity, fears
larger effect than other of interventions. of job loss, employment changes, compensation, and
Stevenson, Anne and Harper, Sarah (2006), At the changes in lifestyle were highlighted as stressors in the
Scottish Higher Education Institute, researchers study.
looked into the impact of academic workplace stress Ashfaq Ahmed and Dr. Muhammad Ramzan (2013)
on student learning. He gathered primary data for his conducted a study on “Effects of Job Stress on
investigation by constructing a questionnaire. The Employees Job Performance a Study on Banking
questionnaire covered the background information, Sector of Pakistan.” This study investigates the
general attitudes, support from colleagues, perceived relationship between job stress and job performance
stress levels, perceived stressors, and perceived effects among Pakistani bank employees. Employing a
of stress and positive aspects of stress. For their sample of 144 individuals, the study investigates the
analysis, he used the statistical package for social aim model in connection to job stress and its impact
scientists where frequencies, cross-tabulations and on job performance. In participant the info of senior,
tests for significance were calculated. Qualitative data graduate employees including customer services
were analyzed using content analysis. For their study, officers and managers of well reputed rising bank in
he conducted this survey in 1994 and for the follow up Pakistan. the knowledge was gathered via a closed-
the same survey was repeated in 2003. They found ended questionnaire. A regression, correlation, and
significant changes in a decade. They concluded that reliabilities statistical test were also confirmed. The
stress had positive as well as negative impact on the results are significant with negative correlation
student learning experience. Over half of the between job stress and job performances and shows
respondents considered themselves to be considerably that job stress significantly reduces the performance of
or extremely stressed which ultimately had a negative a private. The results suggest to the organization that
impact on the student learning experience. they need sustained a really health, cooperative and
Sanyo moosa (2009), Stress at work is a moderately friendly environment within the team for better
new phenomenon of present lifestyle. The nature of performance.
work has gone through strong changes over the last


© July 2021| IJIRT | Volume 8 Issue 2 | ISSN: 2349-6002

Garg, Rachita and Shukla, Harish (2013), attempted to autonomy. He suggested that the psychological
review the explanations of stress among the bank wellbeing and health of the employees should be
employees and therefore the ways employed by enhanced to increase the overall productivity of the
employees to deal with the strain generated at organization.
workplace. They used primary also as secondary data Shavita Dhankar (2015) seeks in his study titled
for their study. They discovered that the majority of “Occupational stress in banking sector” to determine
bank employees are stressed. The stressed employees the impact of various constituents of occupational
also try to find a solution to relieve them from stress. stress on the employees of banking sector. The current
They suggested various strategies such as encouraging investigation is limited to Kurukshetra, Panipat,
and appreciating employees, job rotation, job Sonipat, and Karnal. A sample of 200 employees was
enrichment, decentralization, cracking jokes, playing considered. Random convenient sampling was used.
games, guidance and counseling, quality According to the findings, there is a high level of
consciousness awareness programs, psychological occupational stress among private and public sector
support and many more to minimize stress. They also bank personnel due to long working hours, role
suggested five-day week working so that the conflict, and political pressure.
employees can get more time for themselves and their Anas Khan (2015) ,in his study “Job Stress among
family and discharge other social responsibilities. Managers in Public & Private Sector Banks: A Case
Bharati P.Jagdale et al. (2016) conducted a study titled Study of SBI and ICICI Bank.” he investigates the job
“Managing Stress at Work Place: A Study on Stress stress among managers in banking sector in India. A
Management among the Employees of Bank in Pune.” sample of 100 managers from State Bank of India and
The purpose of this study is to determine the sources ICICI has been selected for the study. Data are
of stress and, as a result, the consequences of stress collected through questionnaires designed on a five-
among bank employees in the Pune area. The study point Likert scale. Mean, variance and independent
presents the results of a thorough evaluation of the sample t-test are wont to measure the difference in job
literature in the field of stress management. Our study stress on the variables role overload, role ambiguity,
is descriptive in nature, and we employ questionnaires powerlessness, political pressures and status. The
to collect data.a way for gathering data The analysis of the info shows that there's a big difference
information was gathered from 41 bank personnel. in job stress on the variables role overload, role
Employees are clear about their tasks and ambiguity and powerlessness among managers
responsibilities at work, according to the study, and publicly and private Sector banks but there is no
health is often a source of stress. As far as work goes significant difference in job stress on the variables
Employee stress is reduced as a result of company political pressures and low status.
culture. Banks must become more sociable and Dr. P.Kannan and Suma.U(2015) conducted a study
comprehended. Employees require rest from time to on “Managing Stress among Co-Operative Bank
time. Employees in Palakkad district”. The main aim of the
G., Gopika (2014), attempted to study the experience study is to determine the cause-effect relationship
level of employees and the relative effect of between factors causing stress and their impact on
experience on stress level changes. The primary aim banker’s personal life and health. Objectives of the
of the study was to analyze the level of stress among study were: i) to analysis the job stress among the
the bank employees. His study included 100 private banking sector employees in Palakkad district. ii) to
and public sector banks in Ernakulam as a sample size. examine the effect of stress on work factors (e.g.,
Pilot testing was conducted. Questionnaire was morale, job satisfaction, task effort, Organizational
designed. Employees were interviewed so that commitment, etc) iii) to identify different methods and
information on their perception about their techniques to reduce job-related stress. In order to
organization could be collected and the problems manage stress within the organization, it's
which they face both directly and indirectly in the recommended that the organization encourage
discharge of their responsibilities could be identified. employee development and start training interventions
Various factors which cause stress were identified for employees. Training specifically associated with
such as work overload, lack of rewards and lack of policies and policy implementation may be a key


© July 2021| IJIRT | Volume 8 Issue 2 | ISSN: 2349-6002

priority. The more informed the worker, the less stress employees working in 9 branches in Karimganj
and therefore the more productive the employee will district. The employees are classified into two
become. Stress in banking sector is usually thanks to categories viz officer (Manager, Assistant Manager)
more than work pressure and work life imbalance the and clerk (senior assistant, junior assistant, clerk cum
organization should support and encourage taking cashier). The number of sample respondents of the
over roles that help them to balance work and family. study is 84 employees. Secondary data has been
Mohanapriya, K., & Mahadevan, A. (2016) conducted collected from books, journals, periodicals, websites
“A study on Stress Management among Bank and unpublished sources.
Employees with special regard to Erode District.” This Siddharth Nayan Sharma et al. (2020) in their article
research studies the causes which decides the stress titled “Job stress and its impact on the performance of
among bank employees. The aim of the research is the bank employees: A study on selected banks in Kamrup
way to cope the stress among employees in banking Metro district.” find out if there is a difference in
system . Banking industry has become one among the gender in terms of job stress and performance. The
highly competitive sectors in India. Since the study will provide a reference which can show the
beginning of this decade, the banking industry has management of depository financial institution of
faced growing challenges in terms of global banking India (SBI), Punjab commercial bank (PNB), United
and technological transformation. Employees will Bank of India (UBI), Oriental Bank of Commerce,
experience stress as methods, systems, and approaches Bank of India (BOI)the impact of gender differences
become more difficult to implement due to the usage on job stress and performance, and as a result, they will
of new technology. Every employee cannot handle use various ways to reduce workplace stress among
with such rapid modifier happening within the jobs. their personnel. Objectives of the study were: i) to find
This directs to stress among employees. This research out the level of stress and their impact on the
highlights to analysis the causes of stress among the employees work performance. ii) to examine the
bank employees and therefore the ways to follow impact of stress on their work performance and to
employees to manage the stress aroused at workplace. provide suggestions. From the study it was found that
Primary data was acquired from employees via a employees of different designation faces job stress but
questionnaire in this study. 108 employees were the factors of stress are slightly different. Employees
selected in probability representative sampling. It has are mostly affected by two factors: a heavy workload
been discovered that the majority of bank staff are and time pressure placed on them to achieve a goal.
stressed. Majority of the employees make an attempt Long working hours, poor communication, inflexible
to seek out solution to scale back the stress. The report work schedules, poor relationships with others, low
also suggests that the measures be taken to combat pay, and so on are some of the factors that cause stress
stress, which has a negative impact on their physical in some employees, whereas factors such as dual
and mental health. career problems, poor working environments, and
Fazlul Karim(2017) conducted a study titled ” Work office politics affect the opposite employees. The
Stress among Employees of State Bank of India: A study also discovered that job stress and job
Study of Karimganj District, Assam.” The main performance have an adverse connection. This
objectives of the study are, to analyse the factors indicates that as job stress rises, so does performance,
causing work stress among employees working at and vice versa.
State Bank of India in Karimganj district, Assam and Minhajul Islam Ukil and Muhammad Shariat Ullah
to study the level of work stress among the employees (2016) have stated in the study on “Effect of
of State Bank of India in Karimganj district, Assam. occupational stress on personal and professional life of
For achieving thsee objectives the researcher has been bank employees in Bangladesh: Do coping strategies
used a well-structured questionnaire developed by matter." The aim of the study was investigating the
Srivastava, A.K., and Singh, A.P. (1981) which covers impact of occupational stress on life satisfaction and
twelve (12) dimensions consisting of forty-six (46) work-life balance alongside job performance and job
statements for the purpose of collecting data from the satisfaction of bank employees working in private
sample employees of SBI in Karimganj district of commercial banks (PCBs) in Bangladesh. This
Assam. The sample has been drawn from SBI research also looks into the function of coping


© July 2021| IJIRT | Volume 8 Issue 2 | ISSN: 2349-6002

mechanisms in mediating the relationship between questionnaire (Google form) was used for gathering
occupational stress and life satisfaction, work-life information about their organization and the problems.
balance, job performance, and job satisfaction. Data E] SOURCES OF DATA
from a quantitative survey of 204 employees serving Primary and secondary data will be used in the
in 15 different PCBs in Bangladesh was collected and research. The primary data was collected by direct
analysed using a variety of statistical approaches, online interview and through Self-structured
including correlation matrix and hierarchical questionnaire. The secondary data was collected from
regressions, using SPSS software version 20.0. The research publications, books, internet web sites,
results of testing hypotheses revealed that standard journal and periodicals.
occupational stress has meaningful negative impact on
life satisfaction and work-life balance also as on job V.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
performance and job satisfaction. Coping methods
were also discovered to moderate the influence of TABLE NO: 1-PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS
occupational stress on life satisfaction or work-life WHO FELT THAT THEY WERE STRESSED
balance in the current study. However, no evidence of Category % of Respondents
coping techniques moderating the relationship Stressed 40
between occupational stress and job performance, or Not Stressed 10
satisfaction has been found. From the table 1, it is indicated that majority of the
respondents were stressed, whereas only few
IV.METHODOLOGY respondents felt that they were not stressed.
A] POPULATION: Causes of Stress % of Respondents
The population selected for this particular study is Work overload 16
employees from District Co-operative bank in the Time Management 9
Malappuram district. Lack of Support 5
Feeling of Inequality 5
Job Difficulty 8
The study was of explorative as well as descriptive in
Personal problems 7
nature. The sample size is 50. It was collected from the
From Table 2, it is inferred that major causes of stress
employees of District Co-operative Bank situated in
among the bank employees are excess of workload
Malappuram. Data was collected through self-
[16%] and inefficiencies of time management [9%].
structured questionnaire. Research publications,
As a result, individuals reported feeling under a lot of
books, internet web sites, standard journal and
stress at work because they were expected to
periodicals etc were used as a source of secondary
undertake many duties and responsibilities. Time is
data. Percentage Analysis method was used to analyze
another important factor which causes stress among
and interpret results and achieves research objectives.
The particulars of sample design,
Initiatives of Stress % of
2. SAMPLING UNIT: Malappuram District in Kerala
Continuous Training 7
Effective Communication 9
Recognition 8
The information was randomly collected from Work in group 8
Malappuram District Co-operative Bank (MDCB) Meditation, Yoga & Relaxation 12
employees at all the levels. Online Interviews were therapy
conducted with the employees and Self-structured Reducing Responsibility 6


© July 2021| IJIRT | Volume 8 Issue 2 | ISSN: 2349-6002

From the above table, it is interpreted that Meditation, The concept of a five-day work week can be
Yoga & Relaxation therapy has a direct, positive introduced in banks to allow employees to devote
impact on the mind giving it the strength and power to more time to themselves and their families while also
resist stress. Moreover, around 12 percent of the fulfilling other social obligations. Banks should
respondents expected that they required recognition as arrange physical exercise, YOGA camp, mindfulness
acknowledging people’s value is especially important meditation camp, relaxation techniques, entertaining
in times of stress. Based on the analysis; the initiatives programs etc. to relieve stress. Cleanliness and safety
taken by the banks to reduce stress are by providing should be prioritised in the workplace. In all
continuous training, proper communication and departments, proper work division is required. There
conducting effective stress management programmes. should be a cordial atmosphere among coworkers and,
especially, among the supervisor. Rather than being
VI.FINDINGS OF THE STUDY afraid of poor performance, employees should strive
for it. There should provide timely training for all
1. About 80 % of the respondents believed that they categories of employees to them updated and
face high level of stress, which may be due to both confident. Organize a Stress Management Program
professional and personal reasons. that focuses on different types of leave for employees
2. In their workplace, the respondent was at all levels of the organisation. To deal with work-
overburdened with tasks. related stress, encourage an open line of
3. The researcher identified few initiatives for communication. Promotion practices like internal
effectively handling stress. Meditation has been promotion provided to employees will lead to more
discovered to be an important aspect of life for accomplished employees. Bank should take adequate
reducing stress. steps to redesign jobs, which are taxing to employees’
abilities and Capacities and adequate role clarification
VII.IMPLICATION OF STRESS to be made whenever necessary to eliminate role
Physical problems and health problems like heart IX.CONCLUSION
diseases, ulcers, arthritis, increased smoking,
cardiovascular, and other stress related disorders 2. The problem of stress is inevitable and unavoidable in
Psychological and behavioural issues include mood the banking sector. Giving more importance to work
swings, inferiority complexes, pervasive resentment, and less importance to health and family is the main
low goals and self-esteem, and a lack of drive and job cause behind this workplace stress. Stress, within the
abilities, 3. Job unhappiness, behavioural issues, present scenario has become a deep rooted evil which
production turnover, increased absenteeism, higher must be uprooted. Stress itself may be a problem
accidents, and poorer productivity are all examples of which successively gives birth to variety of problems.
organisational challenges. There is a dire need of stress management programmes
to relief stress and to scale back its harmful effects.
VIII. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR BANK & This article is an attempt to review the necessity of
BANK EMPLOYEES Stress Management Programmes thanks to increasing
dangers of stress under which it becomes difficult for
Because the majority of employees report feeling an employee to figure. Through various studies, it's
stressed at work, banks should take proactive been found that those firms which have adopted stress
measures to ensure that their staff are stress-free so management strategies have gained a competitive
that they can perform with maximum efficiency and edge over other firms as their employees work more
effectiveness. Employees of banks should be free of efficiently. These days Stress Management
not just dread of poor performance, but also fear of Programmes have proven to be an integral a part of
various kinds of worry that arise in their minds. any industry. This research article would definitely be
Guidance and counseling, quality consciousness beneficial for the organizations to know the share they
awareness programs, stress management programs, have to spend on stress management programmes in
psychological support can be provided to employees. order that they will maximize their Profit would also


© July 2021| IJIRT | Volume 8 Issue 2 | ISSN: 2349-6002

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