The Healing Center:: "The World Leader in DIV Ozone Therapy"

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THE HEALING CENTER: “The world leader in DIV Ozone Therapy”

Dr. Howard F. Robins, DPM. Director 200 West 57th Street Suite 807 New York, NY 10019
Telephone (212) 581-0101 Cell 516-967-1009 Email: [email protected]

Robins Method DIV

1. Keep arms and legs extended and neck straight. Best to keep patient in semi recumbent
position. Pick the most proximal best vein by your best techniques
2. Fill a 60cc syringe with ozone at 55 gamma (Rowen recommends 20-30 gamma only to prevent
vein sclerosis. However lower gamma may cause slower cure) past the 60cc mark to about 65cc
3. Attach a 27-gauge butterfly. Push 5 cc ozone out through the butterfly to flush it up to the 60cc
mark. Sniff carefully a tiny amt to verify you truly have ozone. Do cautiously if you have asthma.
4. Apply tourniquet, Insert the butterfly into vein and watch for flash. Release tourniquet
5. Slowly push in the requisite volume. Begin with 20cc first treatment for person 90lbs.(40.8K)
or more. Treatment time is about 2-5 minutes for 20 cc. Push rate is about 1cc every 5-15
seconds. STOP if cough, chest discomfort, short of breath, dizziness, red face, anything unusual,
etc. No deep breathing during the DIV injection, nor during chest tightness or cough. Shallow
breathing only. Try to suppress any cough. Rowen likes slower push may prevent vein sclerosis
6. If there is vein discomfort, slow the push. Stop if not better. Make sure there is no infiltration.
7. If there is obstruction, squeeze the arm above venipuncture site in “milking” movements
toward the heart in order to relieve “traffic jam” (blockage) of gas.
8. Always leave 5cc ozone in the syringe to keep syringe sterile. Syringe is reusable until you see
a black ring inside from plunger, or the plunger gets too stiff to move it, or graduation
markings become obscure.
9. Increase by 10cc each treatment unless the patient has Herxheimer reaction, expresses
discomfort, cough, chest tightness, facial flush, or vein irritation not helped by slowing
infusion. Do not increase the dose until he/she has the same dose again without any such
experience. Keep the maximum treatment volume at 55 cc for at least 10 more treatments.
Then you can add a second syringe doing the same method as above, increasing volume by
10cc each session to about 110 cc. If no DIV for ~ 2 weeks, re-start at ~ same last or 2/3 last
dose. If no DIV for 3 weeks, restart at ~ 2/3 last dose. If no DIV for ~ 4 weeks, re-start at ~
half last dose. If no DIV for >4 weeks, restart at ~ 30 cc, then build up by ~ 10-15 cc each
treatment as tolerated.
Always rotate veins and arms to avoid repeated trauma.
10. Can “sandwich” in a syringe of IV push GSH 1000 mg. dividing the ozone volume in half. Give
half the amount of ozone, then the GSH, then the other half of ozone.
11. After butterfly is removed, patient must compress vein for 5 minutes without bending arm.
Must observe patient for at least 10 minutes before the patient leaves. Note cough, chest
tightness or anything unexpected.
12. Smaller veins need slower rate of push than larger veins. Have patient “pump some iron” with
2lb. weights before inserting needle.
13. Wait 3 hours in between 2 or more DIV treatments in the same day. Treat at least 3 times per
week, up to 12 times (two per day) weekly. No treatments at least one day per week for body
to process waste.
14. A cerebral paresis has been observed by Robins in ~1:10,000 treatments. A feeling of paresis
may begin on one side of the body within the first 30 minutes after the push starts. It lasts from
2-30 minutes after DIV and has not led to any residual effects. It is only a feeling of weakness,
not actual weakness. Never has happened with the first DIV, or during the actual treatment.
15. If severe chest symptoms, give oxygen at 3 liters per minute via nasal cannula to speed the
resolution of the chest discomfort. Do not let the patient leave until he is well past the
symptoms. Make them wait 5-10 minutes after the symptoms disappear before patient leaves.
Should be breathing O2 the whole time.
16. For vein irritation, warm compresses every 10 minutes, Traumeel cream, and as last resort,
ibuprofen. To prevent vein irritation make sure the patient is taking vitamin C to gut tolerance
every 2 hours, 5-6 times a day. Also drink 1 gallon of water everyday, and take Zana Bio-juice
at least 3 ozs daily to replenish bacteria in intestinal wall. Written by Terri Su, MD Rev. 10-30-17

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