Tools: "Social Learning"

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These tools use the power of social media to help students learn and
teachers connect.


Edmodo Teachers and students can take The Edmodo network

advantage of this great tech enables teachers to
tool, as it offers a Facebook- share content,
like environment where classes distribute quizzes,
can connect online. assignments, and manage
communication with
students, colleagues,
and parents. 
Grockit Get your students connected Grockit was an online
with each other in study social learning game
sessions that take place on company. Grockit
this great social site. prepared students for
and GRE standardized
EduBlogs offers a safe and secure place Edublogs archive and
to set up blogs for yourself support student and
or your classroom. teacher learning by
facilitating reflection,
questioning by self and
others, collaboration
and by providing
contexts for engaging in
higher-order thinking.
Skype Skype can be a great tool for Skype is a proprietary
keeping in touch with other telecommunications
educators or even attending application that
meetings online. Even cooler, specializes in providing
it can help teachers to video chat and voice
connect with other classrooms, calls between computers,
even those in other countries. tablets, mobile devices,
the Xbox One console
Wikispaces Share lessons, media, and It competed with
other materials online with PBworks, Wetpaint,
your students, or let them Wikia, and Google Sites.
collaborate to build their own It was among the largest
educational wiki on wiki hosts.
Pinterest many teachers are using it as discovery of information
a place to collect great on the internet using
lesson plans, projects, and images and animated GIFs
inspirational materials.
Schoology Through this social site, Schoology is a virtual
teachers can manage lessons, learning environment and
engage students, share social networking
content, and connect with service for K-12 schools
other educators. and higher education
institutions that allows
users to create, manage,
and share academic
Quora While Quora is used for a wide Quora is an American
range of purposes, it can be a question-and-answer
great tool for educators. It website where questions
can be used to connect with are asked, answered,
other professionals or to followed, and edited by
engage students in discussion Internet users, either
after class. factually or in the form
of opinions. 

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