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Questions & Answers: Vincent Anthony Galido

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Student Name vincent anthony galido

Student Number 6203021

Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s) SITHCCC014 Prepare meat dishes
Elements 1. Select ingredients.
2. Select, prepare and use equipment.
3. Portion and prepare ingredients.
4. Cook meat Dishes.
5. Present meat Dishes.
Trainer/Assessor BHASKAR ADEEB

Assessment for this Unit of Competency Details

Assessment 1 E – Learning Checkpoints
Assessment 3 Practical Observation
Assessment conducted in this instance: Assessment 1 2 3

Reasonable Adjustment
1. Has reasonable adjustment been applied to this assessment?
No No further information required

Yes Complete 2.
2. Provide details for the requirements and provisions for adjustment of assessment:

Student to complete
My assessor has discussed the adjustments with me
I agree to the adjustments applied to this assessment
Signature Date

2nd Assessor to complete

I agree the adjustments applied to this assessment are reasonable

Signature Date

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Version 1.2 April 2020
Responsibility: Manager of Hospitality Training Facilities
Candidate Instructions

This is a written assessment. Your Trainer/Assessor will set a date and time to complete this Assessment.

In the time allocated, you are to answer all of the following questions. Make sure you:

• Print Clearly
• Answer all questions
• Use a pen. Assessments written in pencil will not be accepted.
• Ask your assessor if you do not understand a question. Whist your assessor cannot tell you the answer,
he/she may be able to re-word the question for you


• This is a summative assessment. The learner is to answer all questions and be competent in them. It is an
individual answered open book assessment monitored in a classroom environment under the supervision
and guidance of the Trainer and Assessor.
• The candidate will only be deemed competent after successfully completing all three assessment tasks
required by the unit of competency.
• For information on re-assessment and assessment appeals please refer to the relevant policy and procedure
in the student handbook.


ANIBT accommodates students with reasonable adjustments to training and assessments. This could include
variations in course delivery or assessment methodology and it is the responsibility of Trainer/Assessors to
coordinate this in consultation with the Manager of Hospitality Training Facilities. When making reasonable
adjustments to assessments and assessment processes, assessors need to focus particularly upon validity and
fairness. If, as a student you feel you have special needs that require your Trainer/Assessor to apply a
reasonable adjustment – please discuss this with your Trainer/Assessor at the beginning of the subject studies.


Plagiarism is the act of representing as one’s own original work the creative works of another, without
appropriate acknowledgement of the author or source. To avoid plagiarism – it is that you write your
assignment answers in your own words, but also reference any sources of information using the Harvard
Referencing System ( please ask your Trainer/Assessor if you require support with this).

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Responsibility: Manager of Hospitality Training Facilities

Collusion is the presentation by a student of an assignment as his or her own which is in fact the result in whole
or in part of unauthorized collaboration with another person or persons.

Collusion involves the cooperation of two or more students in plagiarism or other forms of academic misconduct
and as such both parties are subject to disciplinary action. Collusion or copying from other students is not
permitted and will result in NYC.

Plagiarism and collusion constitute cheating. Disciplinary action will be take against students who engage in
plagiarism and collusion as outlined in the schools’s policies. See ‘Student Discipline/Misconduct Policy’ and
‘Assessment policy’.

Assignments must be typed using document software such as MS word; no handwritten assignments will be
accepted (unless prior written confirmation is provided by the Trainer/Assessor to confirm)


Assessment decisions will be based on your ability to demonstrate competency against all performance criteria
(included in this booklet) and required skills and knowledge outlined in the competency standard. Competency
will be determined after reviewing all of the evidence you have submitted.

Each piece of assessment will be graded Satisfactory (S) or Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS). When all evidence has
been gathered, your assessor will make a final judgement and sign off with Competent (C) or Not Yet Competent
(NYC). If you have been deemed competent your assessor will advise you of the ‘final judgement’ and
feedbacks. Alternatively, you will be advised what further action you need to take to achieve competency.


For information in regards to how appeals are to be managed and conducted refer to student handbook pages


For information on how the candidate will be re-assessed refer to student handbook pages 38-39.


All assessor instructions and guidelines are detailed in the trainer and assessor responsibilities handbook.

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Responsibility: Manager of Hospitality Training Facilities
Assessment Guidelines
What will be assessed
The purpose of this assessment is to assess your knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined in elements and
performance criteria of this unit:
• culinary terms and trade names for:
o ingredients commonly used in the production of different meat dishes
o classical and contemporary meat dishes
o different cuts of meat and styles of cooking
• contents of stock date codes and rotation labels
• meat classifications
• characteristics of meat products and meat dishes:
o appearance / fat content
o freshness and other quality indicators
o primary, secondary and portioned cuts
o nutritional value
o taste
o texture
• historical and cultural origin of different meat products and meat dishes
• preparation techniques for different cuts and types of meat specified in the performance evidence
• cookery methods for different cuts and types of meat specified in the performance evidence
• equipment used to prepare and produce meat dishes:
o knife care and maintenance
o essential features and functions
o safe operational practices
• mise en place requirements for meat dishes
• appropriate environmental conditions for storing meat and meat products to:
o ensure food safety
o optimise shelf-life
• safe operational practices using essential functions and features of equipment used to produce meat dishes.
Place/Location where assessment will be conducted
 ANIBT Brunswick Campus – Unit 2 / 306 Albert Street, Brunswick, Victoria 3056
 Responsibility: Manager of Hospitality Training Facilities

Resource Requirements
Pen, paper, calculator
Instructions for assessment including WHS requirements
You are required to address each question in this assessment.
Once you have completed all questions, check all responses and calculations.
Your trainer will be providing you with feedback.

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Responsibility: Manager of Hospitality Training Facilities
Statement of Authenticity
✔ I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks
The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were explained to me
✔ and I understand these processes
I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I have acknowledged or
✔ referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of this assessment

Student Signature: Date: / / 5/7/20

This assessment: First Attempt 2nd Attempt Extension – Date: / /

Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

Feedback to Student:

Assessor(s) Signature(s): Date: / /


(If required)

Due Date: _______________________________ Signature of Assessor: ___________________

Name of Assessor: ________________________

Date of Re-Assessment: _____________________

The Candidate was assessed as: (Please TICK)

O Satisfactory (S) O Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS)

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Responsibility: Manager of Hospitality Training Facilities
Your task:

1. You arrive at work for your shift. List 3 methods you could use to establish the mise en place requirements
for service. What would you need to consider to prevent wastage?

Method used to identify mise en place requirements Consideration to prevent wastage

number of bookings Figure out how many ingredients need to

beprepared by all data information and recip.
Reusingoffcuts and bones in making stocks,
soup andsauces
Special functions
Climate and Weather

2. Explain the general key steps for preparing ingredients for mise en place and the production of meat dishes.
Which provisions for correct storage of usable trimmings and offcuts would this require?

Key steps

Prepare the ingredients in to the correct size or trim as required. The requirements should
beoutlined in the recipe and will be influenced by the dish. Its origin and final
presentation.During preparation it is important to consider any trimmings or offcuts and how
they couldbe utilized in other recipes or sections of the kitchen. For example vegetable
trimmings canbe used for jus production, meat offcuts can be used for stocks. Any iems that
can be reusedmust be storeed hygienically and are normally identified with a tag or label stating
the item,the date of packaging and the intended use. Other details can be added like the name
of thechef that produced the item, a use by date or colour code or allergen information


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Version 1.2 April 2020
Responsibility: Manager of Hospitality Training Facilities
3. List 3 quality points for lamb.

Quality Points for Lamb

1.Bright red meat

2.White, firm fat covering
3.Fine grain


4. List 4 restaurant cuts from a whole lamb loin.

Restaurant Cuts

1.Diced lamb
2.Loin chop
3.Rib loin, mid loin


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Responsibility: Manager of Hospitality Training Facilities
5. List 3 fancy meats and select a suitable menu dish with the appropriate cookery method for each.

Fancy meat/offal Menu Dish Method of Cookery

Cheek Braised Fried, Asian style dishes

Trotter Brawn Stewed, Asian style dishes

Oxtail Oxtail ragout Stews, soups


6. Using the veal cuts provided below, select a suitable menu dish and an appropriate cookery method for
Cut Menu Dish Method of Cookery
Topside Veal roast with mustard cream sauce Roasting

Osso bucco Traditional Osso Bucco simmered


7. List 4 primal cuts which can be obtained from a leg of beef (butt).
Primal Cut

1.Top side

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Responsibility: Manager of Hospitality Training Facilities

8. Why is the silverside tougher than the topside?

Reason Outside muscle is toughter than inside muscle. Topside is on the inside of leg thus
making it fairly tender. Silverside is on the outside of the leg thus making it fairly tonght


9. List 4 measures which help to ensure correct hygiene standards when handling and preparing meat and
meat dishes. What would this need to include when thawing meats?

Hygiene Requirements

1.Ensure that all workbenches, trays and storage containers are clean and sanitised
2.Clean and sanitise knives and boards before commencing work as they can become
contaminated with bacteria from raw food
3.Prevent cross-contamination during preparation and storage. Wash hands and utensils
before to prepare cooked food
4.Use colour coded boards for prepared and finished products and never cut cooked items on
boards that have been used previously for the cutting of raw items


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Responsibility: Manager of Hospitality Training Facilities
10. List 2 advantages of having offal and second class cuts on the menu:


1.They are very healthy, usually rich in trace elements and high in protein
2.They make the menu more interesting and diversified


11. List 3 restaurant cuts which can be obtained from a leg primal.

Restaurant Cut
3.Rump steak


12. Describe the differences in veal and lamb kidneys and list two suitable menu dishes.

Differences Menu Dishes

Lamb: -Grilled lamb kidneys wirth crispy sage -Lamb
kidney in tomatoe sauce

Veal: Grilled on toast -Veal Kidneys in a Tamarind and

Red Wine Sauce Recipe


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Responsibility: Manager of Hospitality Training Facilities
13. Provide 2 reasons why you should not stew beef topside.

1.Longer cooking time does not equate to more moisture loss.
2.Can affect how juicy something feels to us.


14. What are the suitable temperature ranges for roasting e.g. a Striploin? What are the reasons and how do
the different temperatures affect the product? What needs to be considered when carving roasted meats
for service?

Temperature Range: _______ °Celsius
Reasons and Explanation
High temperatures and long cooking times increase the amount of cooking loss. The higher the
temperature and the longer the cooking time, the more moisture is lost from the item. -The
internal temperature of the item is an indicator of the degree of doneness. -The cooking
temperature chosen greatly affects the breakdown of the collagen and elastin


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Responsibility: Manager of Hospitality Training Facilities
15. A pork rib loin costs $ 10.80 per kg bone in. The trimming loss is 40%. Alternatively you can purchase a kg of
pork cutlets for $16.00 per kg. Which option should you choose when purchasing your meat?
State your reasons supported by the appropriate calculations.


10.80 = cost of 600 g trimmed meat [1000 – (40/100)=600]

Equation: If 0.600 kg cost $10.80 how much does 1.000 kg cost?

0.600 kg – $ 10.80

1.000 kg – $ X

Reasons: pork cutlets ($16) are cheaper compared with pork rib loin ($18).pork cutlets do not
needadditional time for trimming. It is more economical choice if we can use the
rimming of pork rib loin for other dishes.


16. You have boned a leg of lamb and will utilise the meat for lamb schnitzel and roast lamb. Which primals
would you use for either menu dish? Why have you made these choices?

Primals used Reason

Lamb Schnitzel leg It is a large, lean, and tender cut and can be
used whole or subdivided into smaller cuts,
which can are usually cooked using dry heat
methods, such as roasting

Roast Lamb lion his is the most tender part of the lamb, producing
only the most tender and flavourful cuts. Boned
and rolled loin makes for a delectable roasting
joint. This is also where the juiciest chops and
noisettes come from


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Responsibility: Manager of Hospitality Training Facilities
17. Explain the applications and uses of the following Equipment and Utensils and provide one applied example
for each. What are the WHS and hygiene procedures which must be followed for assembly, and for safe use?

Equipment and Utensils Explanation for use Applied Example

Butcher Knife long slightly curved knife for cut beef skin
slicing meat

Boning Knife timming and boning boning the chicken

Meat Hook A meat hook is any hook normally used in hang pork
butcheries to hang meat. This form of
hook is a variation on the classic S hook

Larding Needles Larding needles are used to insert slices of lard into
meat before it is roasted. This particular model is make roasted chicken
shaped like a gutter and is suitable for large cuts of
meat. The lard is placed into the gutter and prodded into
the meat, along the grain.

Sharpening Steel Roughened or coated rod of steel Sharpening a chef’s knife

which scratches the round edge of a
blunt knife, making it sharp again

Meat Thermometer Displayed the temperatures of fridges and checking the internal temperature ofthe
freezers should be attached to an alarm
in case thetemperature gets too high
delivered meat, checking the internal
temperature of the met during roasting
Butcher’s String Used to truss or tie joints of meat Trussing a whole chicken for roasting
to prevent them falling apart
while being cooked
Meat Bat Used for flattening out Flattening schnitzels to give uniform
pieces ofraw meat thickness

Safety and Hygiene requirements:

Ensure that the electricity is switched off and disconnected when cleaning, assembling


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Responsibility: Manager of Hospitality Training Facilities
18. Complete the following table for examples of restaurant cuts from pork with a suitable method of cookery
applied for a menu dish for each cut:

Primal Cut Restaurant Cut Cookery Method Menu Dishes


Neck Neck medallion Grill or braise char sui pork

Shoulder Diced or minced Stew, deep-fry or grill Boiled pickled pork, sweet
and sourpork

Leg Schnitzel, escalope, Roast, pan-fry, grill Roast pork with apple
steak sauce, pork schnitzel,
scaloppini with Parmesan

Loin Rack, cutlet, Grill, pan-fry, roast Pork rack with Panzanella,
medallion, steak pork cutlet with capsicum

Belly Spare ribs Slow roast, braise, grill, slow cooked pork belly in
bbq soy marinade,five spice pork
spare ribs


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Responsibility: Manager of Hospitality Training Facilities
19. Provide a description for each of the following preparation and portioning techniques:
Larding The term larding refers to inserting thin strips of raw, unprocessed bacon back fat, also known
as lardons or green bacon, through the muscle tissue of meat. For this purpose the bacon fat is
cut into strips of varying length with a diameter of ~5mm, depending on the size of the cut. The
strips are inserted or attached to a larding needle and pushed through the meat in order to
achieve a nice presentation when the cooked meat is cut

Tenderising: tough meat can be tenderised to make it more tender or to speed up

the cooking process. Tenderising can be done physically, e.g.
flattening a schnitzel with a mallet, or enzymatically, e.g. marinating
tough cuts in paw-paw

Stuffing and trussing When roasting meat, extra flavours are sometimes added in the form of stuffing, often to the
cavity formed by the removal of the bone. In order to keep the stuffing inside and moist, the
meat is tied up. This is referred to as tying or trussing and there is a number of methods that
can be used. Watch the videos to see how it is done

Mincing Mincing is taking something that is roughly chopped and then chopping it finely. Put one hand
flat on top of the knife while moving the knife over the chopped pile. Occasionally, use the heel
of the knife to gather the pile back together. This will work for a recipe that calls for finely
chopped or minced ingredients.

Marinating– Instant and Soaking Application and Uses

Instant marinade Soaking marinade

Lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, Buttermilk, red wine, beer, vinegar, brines.
yoghurt and tandoori paste. Used for seafood Used for tougher cuts, older animals or as
and poultry as well as first class cuts preparation for smoked meats


20. What are the advantages of ageing meat in vacuum sealed packaging?
What are the ideal temperatures for storage? How are frozen items defrosted safely?
Chilled meat is packaged in special bags which then have the air removed and are sealed to a snug fit. The oxygen-free
environment inhibits the growth of spoilage bacteria, oxidisation and dehydration, while still allowing the natural tenderising
process of ageing to occur. It extends shelf life, which also provides increased yields and hygiene.

storage temperatures : 0 ~ 1 'c

Food should be left out at room temperature for the shortest time possible. Ideally, defrost these foods in the fridge. Foods will
defrost quite quickly at room temperature, but harmful bacteria could grow in food if it gets too warm while defrosting.


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Responsibility: Manager of Hospitality Training Facilities
21. What are the general considerations for suitable sauces and accompaniments for meat dishes?

Sauces often make the dish as they provide the added subtlety or extra contrast. Just imagine a
rich smoked pork loin balanced with a sweet Port sauce, a grilled pork loin with a slightly
pungent mustard sauce, or a beef fillet with a rich Choron sauce. In each case the sauce
provides extra contrast, additional moisture or mouth feel. For cold meat dishes mayonnaise
derivatives are often suitable.


22. What are the nutritional benefits of meat and game meat in a healthy diet? What would you need to
consider to provide nutritional balance of dishes?

The fat content of meat varies. Beef and lamb tend to be is higher in fat than white meat such
as pork and veal. It is important to consider what happens to the fat - if it is rendered during the
cooking process and does not end up on the diners plate, then it is less of a concern.


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Version 1.2 April 2020
Responsibility: Manager of Hospitality Training Facilities

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