A Simple Structure of Zero-Voltage Switching Zero Current Switching Buck Converter

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The key takeaways are that this paper proposes a buck converter with a coupled inductor that achieves both zero-voltage switching and zero-current switching without any auxiliary circuits, reducing losses and improving efficiency.

With increasing switching frequencies, the main challenges with conventional buck converters operating under hard switching conditions are increased switching losses reducing efficiency. This adversely affects the reliability, power density and size of the converter.

The two most popular soft switching techniques are zero-voltage switching (ZVS) and zero-current switching (ZCS), which are commonly achieved using quasi-resonant circuits with additional components like switches, diodes, inductors and capacitors.

1480 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 15, No. 6, pp.

1480-1488, November 2015

JPE 15-6-7 ISSN(Print): 1598-2092 / ISSN(Online): 2093-4718

A Simple Structure of Zero-Voltage Switching

(ZVS) and Zero-Current Switching (ZCS) Buck
Converter with Coupled Inductor
Xinxin Wei†, Ciyong Luo*, Hang Nan*, and Yinghao Wang*
State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology, Chongqing
University, Chongqing, China

In this paper, a revolutionary buck converter is proposed with soft-switching technology, which is realized by a coupled inductor.
Both zero-voltage switching (ZVS) of main switch and zero-current switching (ZCS) of freewheeling diode are achieved at turn on
and turn off without using any auxiliary circuits by the resonance between the parasitic capacitor and the coupled inductor.
Furthermore, the peak voltages of the main switch and the peak current of the freewheeling diode are significantly reduced by the
coupled inductor. As a result, the proposed converter has the advantages of simple circuit, convenient control, low consumption and
so on. The detailed operation principles and steady-state analysis of the proposed ZVS-ZCS buck converter are presented, and
detailed power loss analysis and some simulation results are also included. Finally, experimental results based on a 200-W prototype
are provided to verify the theory and design of the proposed converter.

Key words: Buck converter, Coupled inductor, Soft switching, Zero-current switching (ZCS), Zero-voltage switching (ZVS)

have proposed a great amount of methods. Zero-voltage

switching (ZVS) and zero-current switching (ZCS) are the most
Buck converters have been widely used in the industry, popular methods of soft switching, which can be realized by
especially in low-voltage and high-current applications. With quasi-resonant circuits [1]-[11]. While some auxiliary
the development of power electronics technology, it is components are normally added to the converter to obtain
imperative to demand small-sized, lightweight, and quasi-resonant circuits, such as switches, diodes, inductors,
high-reliability qualities and power density for the converters. capacitors and so on. In [4], [5], the loss of main switch is
To achieve these, high-switching frequency is used to the decreased by the quasi-resonant circuits, but some additional
converters. However, the increase of switching losses results in elements work under hard-switching conditions, which generate
an increase of switching frequency, if converters operate under a large amount of power losses. Therefore, it is not obvious that
hard-switching conditions, and consequently, adversely affects the total efficiency of the converters has improved. High-peak
the efficiency of the overall circuits. Then, soft-switching voltage or current of the main power switches and the diodes
techniques are applied to the converters, which will also happened [6]-[8]. Consequently, higher ranks of devices
considerably decrease switching losses, improve efficiency, and must be adopted for the converters, and additional power losses
enhance stability. In addition, soft switching can reduce will also be generated. In any case, the control algorithm is
electromagnetic interference and the size of heat sinks. more complicated than that of conventional pulse width
In recent years, to achieve soft switching, many researchers modulation converters because of the auxiliary switches being
added to the converters.
Manuscript received Mar. 12, 2015; accepted Jun. 20, 2015 Coupled inductor also has been applied to the conventional
Recommended for publication by Associate Editor Jung-Wook Roh. converters in the early researches to realize soft switching that

Corresponding Author: [email protected]
Tel: +86-23-6510-2434, Fax: +86-23-6510-2441, Chongqing University can obtain high efficiency [12]-[18]. In [13], even though the
State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System efficiency of the proposed converter can be improved under
Security and New Technology, Chongqing University, China heavy-load conditions, it is worse than that of the conventional
© 2015 KIPE
A Simple Structure of ... 1481

ones under light-load conditions because the auxiliary circuits

generate a large number of additional conduction losses at light
load. To make the main switch achieve ZCS condition, it is
demanding the converter to operate under discontinuous
conduction mode in [15]. When the current of the main small
inductor is discontinuous, the coupled inductor can supply
power to the loads. However, the additional diode and the
copper losses of the coupled inductor itself have an adverse
effect on the total efficiency. Although the topology of the buck
converter in [17] is very simple, the switching frequency is  
variable, which makes the control method much more complex. Fig. 1. The topology of proposed ZVS-ZCS buck converter.
In this paper, a revolutionary control method is proposed to
achieve soft switching, based on the extended topology in [17].
The topology of proposed ZVS-ZCS buck converter is shown in
Fig. 1. As is evident from the figure, the filter inductor of the
conventional converter is replaced by a coupled inductor. The
main power switch can work under ZVS conditions at turn on
and turn off. The freewheeling diode can also operate under
ZCS conditions at turn on and turn off, i.e., soft switching of the
proposed converter can be achieved. Moreover, there are not
any auxiliary components or quasi-resonant circuit branches,
which often generate additional power dissipations. Hence, the
control method is very facile, similar to that of the conventional
converter. A 200-W prototype is also built to verify the theory
of the proposed converter.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section II takes
a brief description of the proposed converter, then the key
waveforms and the equivalent circuits of each mode are
presented. In Section III, the requirements of achieving soft
switching and the specific parameter design of proposed
converter are given. Section IV presents some simulation results
and the detailed power dissipations. In Section V, the
experimental results are obtained to illustrate the proposed
converter. Finally, some conclusions are included in Section VI.


Fig. 2. Key ideal waveforms of the proposed ZVS-ZCS buck
A. Description of the Converters converter.
The topology of proposed ZVS-ZCS buck converter is shown
in Fig. 1. S1 is the power MOSFET, and DS is an anti-parallel the switching period, and any particular time during the
diode that integrates in the power MOSFET. D1 is the switching period can be chosen as a starting point to analyze
freewheeling diode, C1 is the filter capacitor, and Cr is the them. The analysis processes can be simplified by selecting the
parasitic capacitor. L1 and L2 are tightly coupled on the same appropriate starting point. This paper chose a starting point at
ferrite core that constitutes a coupled inductor. The coupled switch S1 turned-off moment. The key ideal waveforms of the
inductor L1 is so small that its current can be bidirectional. proposed ZVS-ZCS buck converter are shown in Fig. 2. The
Because of the resonance between the parasitic capacitor Cr and operation of the proposed converter in one switching period can
the coupled inductor L1, switch S1 can be turned on and off be divided into six, and the equivalent circuits of each stage are
under ZVS conditions. The coupled inductor L2 creates ZCS presented in Fig. 3. The detailed analyses of each mode are
conditions for the freewheeling diode D1 that is turned on and described as follows:
off. 1) Mode 1 [t0-t1, Fig. 3(a)]: The freewheeling diode D1 turns
on in this interval. Before t0, the switch S1 is turned on, and uCr
B. Operation Principles and Analysis is equal to zero. The freewheeling diode D1 is turned off, and
The operation processes of switching circuits are repeated by i2 is also equal to zero. At t0, switch S1 turns off under a ZVS

1482 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 15, No. 6, November 2015

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

Fig. 3. Proposed ZVS-ZCS buck equivalent circuits of each operation mode. (a) Mode 1, t0-t1. (b) Mode 2, t1-t2. (c) Mode 3, t2-t4. (d)
Mode 4, t4-t5. (e) Mode 5, t5-t6. (f) Mode 6, t6-t0.

condition, and the current of the coupled inductor L1 reaches  di1 di2
maximum value, i.e., iS = i1 = I1max. At the same time, the  u L1  L1 dt  M dt (4)
freewheeling diode D1 turns on automatically under a ZCS  di di
u L 2   L2 2  M 1
condition. After t0, the coupled inductor L1 discharges, and i1  dt dt .
starts decreasing from I1max, while the coupled inductor L2, By substituting (4) into (3), the slopes of i1 and i2 are
parasitic capacitor Cr charge, i2, and uCr increase from zero. At derived as follows:
t1, iS drops to zero, and i1 and i2 are equal to It1.The voltage
di1 di2 Vo (5)
across Cr reaches steady value, and the charging is completed. k  
According to Magnetism Chain Conservation Theorem, this
dt dt L1  L2  2M .
process can have The slope of the filter inductor current of the conventional
L1I1max  L1  L2  2M I t1 (1) buck converter in this interval is equal to

where M is mutual inductance, and the  coupling coefficient is k   Vo L1  . (6)

about one, therefore M  L1L2 . Obviously, we can obtain
Simplifying (1), i1 and i2 at t1 can be obtained as follows: k  k (7)
L1 Consequently, it demonstrates that the discharging of the
i1  i2  I t1  I1 max (2)
L1  L2  2M .
proposed buck converter is slower than that of conventional
buck converter in this mode, and it contributes to decrease the
2) Mode 2 [t1-t2, Fig. 3(b)]: The coupled inductor L1 and L2
ripple of output voltage Vo.
discharge in this interval. After t1, i1 and i2 are equal, and
Combining (3) and (4), the voltage across coupled inductor
decrease linearly. The voltage across Cr remains steady value,
L1, L2, and parasitic capacitor Cr can be written as follows:
and iS is equal to zero.
The conduction voltage drop uD1 of the freewheeling diode  L1  M
uL1   L  L  M Vo
D1 is ignored, and based on KCL and KVL, we can obtain  1 2 2
 L2  M (8)
 i1  i2 uL2  Vo
  L1  L2  2M
uL2  uL1  Vo (3)
u  V  L2  M V
V  u  u  Cr
 in L2 Cr
. 
L1  L2  2M
The voltage equations of the coupled inductor L1 and L2 can 3) Mode 3 [t2-t4, Fig. 3(c)]: The resonance between the
be described as follows: parasitic capacitor Cr and coupled inductor L1 occurs in this

A Simple Structure of ... 1483

interval. At t2, i1 and i2 are equal to zero. It provides a uL1  Vin  Vo . (16)
necessary condition for the freewheeling diode D1 turned off
Then, the slope of i1 can be obtained as follows:
under a ZCS condition. After t2, the parasitic capacitor Cr
 Vin  Vo  L1
discharges through coupled inductor L1, and i1 changes its di1
k (17)
direction and is equal to iS. At t3, i1 reaches negative maximum dt .
value. Then, i1 starts to decline negatively until the voltage uCr
At the same time, the voltage uL2 across coupled inductor L2
drops to zero at t4.
can be derived as follows:
Let us make an assumption that the output capacitor C1 is
  Vin  Vo  .
di1 M
large enough, or the output voltage Vo is constant. Based on uL2   M (18)
KCL and KVL, we can obtain dt L1
According to KVL, the voltage uD1 of the freewheeling
 iS  i1
 (9) diode can be written as follows:
Vin  uCr  uL1  Vo .
The current equation of coupled inductor L1 and the voltage
uD1  uL2  uL1  Vo  
Vin  Vo   Vin . (19)
equation of parasitic capacitor Cr can be expressed as follows: 5) Mode 5 [t5-t6, Fig. 3(e)]: The switch S1 is turned on, and
 duCr the current i1 is negative in this interval. Before t5, the current
iS  C r dt i1 flows through anti-parallel diode DS, and the voltage uCr of
 (10)
the parasitic capacitor Cr is equal to zero. Therefore, a ZVS
u  L di1
 condition of the switch S1 turned on can be obtained at t5.
L1 1
dt .
After t5, it is the same as Mode 4, except that i1 flows through
Combining (9) and (10), the following resonant equation switch S1. The current i1 decreases negatively with the
can be written as follows:
slope Vin Vo  L1 until it reaches zero at t6.
d 2uCr
L1Cr  uCr  Vin  Vo (11) 6) Mode 6 [t6-t0, Fig. 3(f)]: The switch S1 is turned on, and
dt 2 . the current i1 is positive in this interval. At t6, the current i1
The initial conditions of the resonant circuit at t2 are i1 = 0, changes its direction. After t6, this mode is the same as Mode 4
L2  M and Mode 5, except that the current i1 is positive. Then, i1
and uCr  Vin  Vo . Some assumptions are increases linearly with the slope Vin  Vo  L1 until switch S1
L1  L2  2M
turns off at t0. At the end of this mode, the next operating cycle
made in this interval as follows:
0  1 L1Cr (12)


L1  M
U0  Vo (14) A. Analysis of the Soft Switching
L1  L2  2M . The proposed buck converter can easily achieve ZCS
According to the abovementioned equations in this mode, i1, conditions of the freewheeling diode D1, as long as the
iS, and uCr are derived as follows: coupled inductor L1 is so small that it can reduce the current i1
uCr  U 0 cos0 t  t2   Vin  Vo to zero and become negative, i.e., the coupled inductor L1
 works under a discontinuous conduction mode (DCM). Then,
 (15)
i1  iS   Z sin 0 t  t2 
U0 some assumptions are made as follows:
 0 K  2L1 RTS (20)
where the constraint condition is t 2  t  t 4 . N  L2 L1 (21)
4) Mode 4 [t4-t5, Fig. 3(d)]: The anti-parallel diode DS is where R is load resistor, TS is switching period, N is turn ratio,
turned on in this interval. At t4, the discharging of parasitic and the dimensionless parameter K is a measure of the
capacitor Cr is completed, and uCr is equal to zero. After t4, the tendency of a converter to operate in the DCM.
anti-parallel diode DS turns on. As a result, it makes uCr stay at Therefore, the following formula must be satisfied to make
zero. Meanwhile, i1 is negative and is equal to iS, which the proposed converter operate under DCM
declines linearly. The conduction voltage drop of the
anti-parallel diode DS can be neglected, and based on KVL K 1  D (22)
equation, the voltage uL1 across coupled inductor L1 is given 1  N 2
by where D is the duty cycle.

1484 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 15, No. 6, November 2015

Parameters Values
Input voltage Vin 48V
Output voltage Vo 32V
Output power Po 200W
Switching period TS 20μs
Couple inductor L1 5μH
Couple inductor L2 5μH
Fig. 4. ZVS condition analyses particularly.
parasitic capacitor Cr 440nF
However, to obtain ZVS conditions of the switch S1, the filter capacitor C1 220μF
switch S1 must be turned on between t4 and t6, as shown in Fig.
completed, and the voltage conversion ratio MD and turn ratio
According to the voltage across parasitic capacitor Cr in
N are constant, it can be chosen a large resonant capacitor Cr
equation (15), t4 can be obtained as follows:
to increase ΔT. But at the same time, the current i1 at t3 is
1  1  Vin  Vo 
 -U0/Z0, which also increases. As a matter of fact, we expect to
t4    cos     t2 (23)
0   U0  

decrease the value of i1 at t3. Hence, the volume of Cr must be
appropriate. The specific values and others parameter values
Then, we can obtain are shown in Table I.
U 0   V V 
It4   sin   cos1 in o  
U 0  Vin  Vo 
2 2 A. Soft Switching Waveforms of Simulation
 (24)
Z0 To illustrate the operation of the proposed ZVS-ZCS buck
converter, it has been accomplished through a simulation with
where It4 is the current iS at t4.
Multisim software. Using the parameters in Table I, the
Consequently, ΔT that is between t4 and t6 can be derived as
soft-switching waveforms are obtained, in which the turn ratio
N is equal to 1, as shown in Fig. 5.
1  U0  The resonant circuit, which consists of the coupled inductor
T     1 (25) L1 and parasitic capacitor Cr, provides a necessary condition
0  Vin  Vo  . for switch S1 turned on under a ZVS condition. Furthermore,
the ZVS condition of switch S1 turned off is obtained by the
B. Design of the Proposed Circuits
parasitic capacitor Cr, as shown in Fig. 5(a). Since the
As presented in formula (22), the coupled inductor L1 must proposed converter works under DCM, the current i2 is equal
be chosen a small one to satisfy it. However, to achieve ZVS to zero at the freewheeling diode D1 both turned on and turned
better, it demands ΔT as long as possible. off. Therefore, the ZCS conditions of the freewheeling diode
The voltage conversion ratio MD is the ratio of the output to D1 that is turned on and turned off are achieved, as shown in
the input voltage of the converter, and can be obtained under Fig. 5(b). The voltage uL1 and current i1 of coupled inductor L1
DCM as follows: are supplied in Fig. 5(c).
M D  Vo Vin
B. Analysis of Power Losses
 (26) The power losses of the proposed ZVS-ZCS buck converter
2  1  N   1  N  1  N   4 K D
2 2 2
can be divided into three segments, i.e., switch losses, diode
losses, and others. When the turn ratio N is equal to 1, power
Thus, the equation (25) can be simplified as follows:
losses at different output power are shown in Fig. 6. As we can
1  MD  see in the figure, the main factors that affect the total
T     1 (27) efficiency of the proposed converter are the switch and diode
0  1  M D 1  N   . losses.
As we can see in equation (27), the ΔT is closely related to As shown in Fig. 5(a), the switch losses are closely related
ω0, i.e., the coupled inductor L1 and resonant capacitor Cr. to the voltage uCr, i.e., the switch losses will decrease as the
Therefore, when the design of the coupled inductor L1 is voltage uCr declines and when the switch S1 turns off. The

A Simple Structure of ... 1485

uCr_N  1  (29)
1 N .
Similarly, Fig. 5(b) shows that the diode losses will reduce
as the current i2 declines at freewheeling diode D1 turned on
moment. The maximum value I1max of the current i1 at t0 can be
derived under hard-switching conditions as follows:
I1 max  DTS Vin  Vo  L1 (30)
(a) Therefore, the current i2 of coupled inductor L2 at t1 in
equation (2) can be simplified as follows:
Vin  Vo
I t1  DT . (31)
1  N 2 L1 S
Normalized Current It1_N is defined as
1 MD
I t1 _ N  D. (32)
1  N 2
The contours of uCr_N and It1_N are shown in Fig. 7(a) and
(b) (b), respectively, in which K is constant value. The x axis
represents the duty cycle D, and the y axis represents the turn
ratio N. As shown in Fig. 7, the increase of duty cycle D
results in a decrease of uCr_N. However, It1_N increases first,
then decreases, while uCr_N and It1_N will both decrease as the
turn ratio N increases. In Fig. 8, the switch losses and
freewheeling diode losses are presented with different turn
ratio N at diverse output power, respectively. Both the switch
losses and freewheeling diode losses can be decreased by
increasing the turn ratio N. Hence, the total power losses can
(c) be decreased by increasing the turn ratio N, i.e., the overall
Fig. 5. The soft switching waveforms of simulation. (a) ZVS efficiency of the proposed converter can be improved this
conditions of switch S1 (magnification: voltage is 0.5 and current way.
is 1). (b) ZCS conditions of freewheeling diode D1 (magnification:
voltage is 0.2 and current is 1). (c) The voltage and current of C. Evaluation of Output Voltage
coupled inductor L1 (magnification: voltage is 0.833 and current
The ripple of output voltage Vo, an important index to
is 1).
evaluate the performance of proposed buck converter, is
affected by the slopes of i1 and i2 when the freewheeling diode
D1 turns on. The equation (5) can be simplified as follows:
k  (33)
1  N 2 L1
In any case, the value of coupled inductor L1 is so small that
the current i1 can be negative. Hence, the ripple of output
voltage also closely associates with the current i1. At t3, the
negative maximum of the current i1 is
L1  M Vo Vo
I t3    (34)
Fig. 6. Power losses of the proposed converter. L1  L2  2 M Z 0 1  N Z 0
voltage of parasitic capacitor Cr in equation (8) can be According to the couple of equations above, when the
simplified as follows: coupled inductor L1, parasitic capacitor Cr, and output voltage
1 Vo are constant, |k| and |It3| will both decrease as turn ratio N
uCr  Vin  Vo (28) increases. That is to say, the ripple of Vo can be decreased by
11 N .
increasing turn ratio N. In Table II, the ripples of Vo are
The normalized parameter uCr_N is presented at different turn ratio N by simulation.

1486 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 15, No. 6, November 2015

(a) (b)
Fig. 7. Contour graphs of the proposed converter. (a) uCr_N contour graph. (b) It1_N contour graph.

(a) (b)

Fig. 8. Switch and freewheeling diode losses of the proposed converter. (a) Switch losses. (b) Freewheeling diode losses.
Turn ratio N Ripple of Vo /mV
1 301
2 215
3 173
4 156

Fig. 9. The prototype of the proposed converter.

To verify the theoretical and simulated results of the and off moment are achieved in Fig. 10(a).  The coupled
proposed ZVS-ZCS buck converter, a 200-W and 50-kHz inductor L1 and parasitic capacitor Cr constitute a resonant
prototype has been built in the laboratory. The photograph of circuit that provides a ZVS-turned on condition for the switch
the proposed converter prototype is shown in Fig. 9. The used S1. The parasitic capacitor Cr is parallel with the switch S1, and
parameter values are the same as those specified in the makes a necessary condition for the switch S1 turned off under
simulation, and the semiconductors used are a ZVS condition. In Fig. 10(b), the ZCS conditions of the
- Switch S1: MOSFET IRL2910S freewheeling diode D1 turned on and off also happen. Because
- Freewheeling diode D1: MBR30200PT. of the proposed converter working under DCM, the current i2
dropped to zero before the freewheeling diode D1 turned off.
A. Soft Switching Waveforms of Experiment Furthermore, the current i2 keeps at zero until the freewheeling
The experimental soft-switching waveforms of the proposed diode D1 turns on. The experimental voltage uL1 and current i1
ZVS-ZCS buck converter at medium load, light load and full of coupled inductor L1 are shown in Fig. 10(c). In comparison
load are shown in Fig. 10, 11, and 12, respectively. It is to Fig. 11 and 12, the proposed buck converter can
presented that the ZVS operations of the switch S1 at turned on successfully achieve ZVS and ZCS conditions, as well.

A Simple Structure of ... 1487

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 10. Experimental waveforms at medium load. (a) ZVS conditions of switch S1 (current iS: 5A/div. and voltage uCr: 10V/div.). (b)
ZCS conditions of freewheeling diode D1 (current i2: 5A/div. and voltage uD1: 20V/div.). (c) The voltage and current of coupled inductor
L1 (current i1: 5A/div. and voltage uL1: 10V/div.).

(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 11. Experimental waveforms at light load. (a) ZVS conditions of switch S1 (current iS: 5A/div. and voltage uCr: 20V/div.). (b) ZCS
conditions of freewheeling diode D1 (current i2: 2A/div. and voltage uD1: 20V/div.). (c) The voltage and current of coupled inductor L1
(current i1: 5A/div. and voltage uL1: 20V/div.).

(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 12. The experimental waveforms at full load. (a) ZVS conditions of switch S1 (current iS: 10A/div. and voltage uCr: 20V/div.). (b)
ZCS conditions of freewheeling diode D1 (current i2: 10A/div. and voltage uD1: 20V/div.). (c) The voltage and current of coupled
inductor L1 (current i1: 10A/div. and voltage uL1: 10V/div.).

B. Efficiency
The efficiency curves of the buck converters are shown in
Fig. 13. As we can observe in the figure, the overall efficiency
values of the proposed buck converter are relatively high with
respect to those of the rest buck converters. Moreover, the
efficiency reaches 97.3% at full load. The figure also shows
that even at light load (about 10% of the full power) the
measured efficiency is as high as 91%.
Fig. 13. Measured efficiency.

1488 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 15, No. 6, November 2015

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principle at steady state have also been provided. The main [16] M. R. Amini and H. Farzanehfard, “Novel family of PWM
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experimental results confirm the related theoretical analyses.
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