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International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) - Volume-2, Issue-1, January 2016

ISSN: 2395-3470

PI Controller Based Bidirectional Soft Switched Converter for Motor

Drive Applications

Stalin. B, 2Dr. Sivakumaran. T.S.

Research Scholar (PT), Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Anna University, Chennai. 600025, India
Professor & Dean PG Studies, Arunai College of Engineering, Tiruvannamalai, India

bidirectional power flow capabilities is required to

connect the battery to the DC motor drive system [2].
The output voltage should not be maintained constant
with variation in input voltage in open loop system
hence a closed loop system is required [1]. A PI
controller based closed loop system is used for
controlling the switching pulses so that the output
voltage is maintain constant with variation in input
voltage [3]. A fractional order PID controller is used to
control auxiliary switch so that the efficiency of the
converter with soft switching has been increased. An
Artificial Intelligence technique is used to tune PI
controller (Improved Particle Swarm Optimization
algorithms) [4]. In DC distributed power systems PI
controllers are not only dampers the bus transients but
also keeps the storage voltage level [5]. The energy
management system in Hybrid Electric Vehicle is
maintained and controlled by using PI controller during
charging and discharging of the battery [6]. There are
many construction types of power system of multi
energy Electric Vehicles such as Fuel Cells + Auxiliary
Power Battery+ Ultra Capacitor, Fuel Cells + Ultra
Capacitor, Fuel Cells + Power Battery, Power Battery +
Ultra Capacitor. Measure and control circuit detects the
voltage of power battery and ultra capacitor to determine
the work status of the Ultra Capacitor [8]. A hybrid
power source with batteries and super Capacitors gives
the power in steady state during transient state [9]. An
Ultra Capacitor system for an electric vehicle is used to
allow higher acceleration and decelerations of the
vehicle with minimal loss of energy and minimal
degradation of the main battery [10]. The features of of
Zero Voltage Switching ensures the high operating
frequency, high step-up ratio, low voltage stress across
the switches and increase the conversion efficiency of
the converter[7]. A resonant network in parallel with the
switches achieves Zero Voltage Switching for both
active and passive switches without increasing their
voltage and current stresses [11]. A Zero Current
Transient (ZCT) implement ZCS turn OFF for the

In recent years bidirectional dc to dc converters are
widely used in electric vehicles. In electric vehicles the
energy is transferred between battery and motor drive
and also the battery acts as a catalyst to provide energy
boost. But due to its short driving range and high cost
has limited its use. Hence a bidirectional converter is
required to control Power flow in both motoring and
regenerative braking operation so that the overall drive
system efficiency increases significantly. This paper
presents a closed loop bidirectional converter with a PI
controller for a motor drive system. In order to reduce
the losses and to increase the conversion efficiency of
the proposed converter all the switches are turned OFF
and turned ON at zero current and zero voltage crossing,
so the proposed converter act as Zero Current Transient
buck to charge the battery and Zero Voltage Transient
boost to discharge the battery. The output voltage is
maintained constant even with varied input voltage using
a PI controller. The proposed topology is verified
through simulations using MATLAB/Simulink and the
output performances are analyzed.
Key words: Closed loop control, PI controller, Zero
Voltage Transient (ZVT), Zero Current Transient (ZCT),
Bidirectional Converter, Battery, Separately excited DC
1. Introduction
In soft switching based storage system, the efficiency
of system is depends on the size and cost; it can be
increased by a combination of batteries or ultra
capacitors. Also, the leakage current of ultra capacitor is
high so the voltage imbalance problem has to be
occurred. The development of high power bi-directional
DC-DC converters has become an important topic
because of the requirement in energy storage systems.
Battery fed electric vehicles are commonly being used
for EV applications due to zero emission, guaranteed
load leveling, good transient operation and energy
recovery during braking operation. Hence converter with


International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) - Volume-2, Issue-1, January 2016
ISSN: 2395-3470

transistors without substantially increases in voltage or

current stresses in the switches [12]. ZCT PWM FB
dc/dc converter not only achieves zero current switching
for all switches in the entire load ranges but it also
realizes soft commutation for the output rectifier diode.
Further the auxiliary circuit also helps to turn on the
main switches softly [13]. ZCZVT PWM boost
converter differ from a hard switching PWM boost
converter by the presence of an additional shunt resonant
network formed by two resonant capacitors C R1 and C R2,
a resonant inductor L R a bidirectional auxiliary switch
and two auxiliary diodes to provide ZCS and ZVS at
both turn ON and turn OFF for the main switch [14].
The ZVT principle is based on the auxiliary circuit
carrying higher current than the steady state boost
current for a fraction of the switching cycle to achieve
soft switching for the switches and diodes used in the
converter. So ZVT converters have more conduction
losses than the hard switched boost converters but still
have higher efficiencies due to reduced switching losses
Generally DC motor drives are categorized in to nonregenerative and regenerative in industry. Non
regenerative is
normal conventional type, used to control speed and
torque in one direction whereas regenerative DC drives
are four quadrant drives, not only controlling speed and
direction of rotation but also direction of motor torque.
This paper is based on regenerative DC drive type with a
closed loop system implementing a PI controller to
maintain constant output voltage with variation in input
voltage. The proposed topology is preferred for
maintaining the conversion efficiency and its operating
modes are analyzed by the equivalent circuit models
during both buck and boost mode of conversion.

Fig.1. Structure of the proposed circuit

The proposed circuit is shown in Figure. 1, which
consists of an auxiliary switch between the battery and
separately excited DC motor, which improves the
conversion ratio and reduces the leakage current of
inductor while charging and discharging. The proposed
circuit is operated in two modes such as buck mode and
the boost mode. During the buck mode of operation the
switch M 1 and the diode D 2 is ON and the circuit act as
ZCT buck to charge the battery. Similarly for the boost
mode of operation the switch M 2 and the diode D 1 is ON
and the circuit act as ZVT boost to discharge the battery.
The auxillary switches M a1 and M a2 , along with the
switched inductors (L s1 and L s2 ) and diodes (D 4 , D 5 and
D 6 ) will improve the voltage gain of the system. The
auxiliary inductor L y and resonant capacitors C rs are
utilized to achieve soft switching.
2.1 Buck Mode Of Operation
During this mode diode D 2 and the switch M 1 is
turned ON, the circuit act as a ZCT buck to charge the
battery. In this mode input voltage and inductor L f
current are assumed as constant. Similarly all the
components present in the circuit considered to be ideal.
The one switching cycle consists of six modes of
operation which is shown in following figure 2.
Mode 1:(t 0 t 1 )
At the starting time of the mode 1 operation is t 0 to t 1 ,
during this time the diode D 2 and the switch M 1 is
turned ON. The output current I out is flowing through the
diode D 2 , the switch is turned ON with the ZCS to
charge an ultra capacitor. At the end of the mode the
time is t 1 , in this period the switched inductor current is
reaches to the output current I out . The voltage equation
of the mode 1 is given in the following equation (1).
Elow =

2. Proposed Circuit and Operation

i =1
j =1


dI j

kT j

j =1

+L f

dI f

+ nVT ln out
I s D2

j =1



The output current across the diode D 2 is given in the
following equation (2)


The current of the switched inductor is defined by the

following equation (3)

I SL = E s
(L + L )
+ I s 5 (e

( nVT )


Where K is the Boltzmann constant, T absolute

temperature, q magnitude of the charge, is the ideality


International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) - Volume-2, Issue-1, January 2016
ISSN: 2395-3470

factor, I s5 is the saturation current of the diode 5, V d is

the voltage across the diode, L s1 and L s2 are the switched
inductors, V T is the thermal voltage of the diode, E s is
the supply voltage, I out is the output current and SL is the
switched inductor.
Mode 2: (t 1 t 2 )
During this mode of operation current of the main
switch reaches to zero at t = t 1 and the diode D 2 is turned
OFF, i.e., soft switching turn OFF ZCZVS. The
resonance of the switched inductors (L s1 and L s2 ) and
capacitors C rs start flows through the diode D a1 . The
resonant condition components current and the voltage
of the mode 2 are given in the following equations.

dI j

i =1
j =1


Elow = Lsj

dI f
+L f
+ nVT ln out + irs (t )dt + I out ( Ra )
j =1
I s Da1 Crs

Mode 5
Mode 6
Fig.2. Buck Modes of Operation


The output current and the capacitor voltage of this

mode are given in the following equations (5) and (6).

I out (t 2 ) = I SL Es
sin( SLC (t 2 ))

ECrs (t 2 ) = Es [1 cos( SLC (t 2 ))]


Where, =

( Ls1 + Ls 2 )C rs



Fig.3. Waveforms for Buck Operation

Ls1 + Ls 2
C rs

The power flows from the source input to the output

enhanced ultra capacitor. The voltage of the mode is
given by the following equation (7).
dI j
dI f
+L f
+ I out ( Ra )
Elow = Lsj

Mode 3: (t 2 t 3 )
During this mode of operation resonant capacitor
current reaches to zero at t = t 2 . The auxiliary switch
M a1 is turned off, so the resonance of the inductor and
capacitor is stopped. This mode of operation the
resonant capacitor C rs voltage reaches 2E s and the
switched inductor current reaches to the output current
I out .

Mode 1

i =1
j =1

j =1

Mode 4: (t 3 t 4 )
During this mode of operation the auxiliary
switchM a1 is turned off under ZCS condition at time t 3 .
In this mode the resonance between the resonant
capacitor and the switched inductor starts, so that the
switched inductor fully discharge i.e., it reaches zero. At
the end of the mode operation 4, the switchM 1 softly
turned OFF at ZCS. The voltage equation of this mode is
given in the following equation (8).
n kT
dI j
dI f
Elow = Lsj
I rs (t )dt + I out ( Ra )
+L f


Mode 2

i =1
j =1

Mode 3

j =1

j =1


The output current of this mode can be described as

the following equation (9)

I (t ) = I + E
(t ))

Mode 4




ECrs (t 4 ) = Es [1 + cos( SLC (t 4 ))]



International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) - Volume-2, Issue-1, January 2016
ISSN: 2395-3470

I out


At this mode of operation starting at t 0 , during this

time the diode D 1 is turned ON, the current flows
through the inductor L f . In this time the auxiliary
switches M a1 and M a2 is turned ON, due to this the
auxiliary inductor L y voltage is
E s -E b and causes the
current of the inductor to increase. At the end of this
mode the auxiliary inductor current I Ly reaches the
output current I out .
The voltage equation of this mode can be described in
equation (14).


When the switched inductor current I sL reaches zero,

the ZCS condition occurs for switch M 1 . The equation
10 shows the resonant capacitor C rs voltage at the mode
4 operation. The above equation 11 is the constraint for
ZVS, if the output current is less than the condition,
i.e., I out < E s , additional one mode is added to the
buck operation and also the body diode of the main
switch is conduct.
Mode 5: (t 4 t 5 ))
This mode started at t 4 , in which the switched
inductor current I SL fully decreases to zero and the
output current flows through the resonant capacitor C rs .
So the resonance voltage decreases, at the end of this
mode, the resonant capacitor voltage reaches zero. The
voltage of this mode is given in the following equation


I s D2


j =1


dI j

j =1

i =1
j =1



n kT
I rs (t )dt +
+L y out + nVT ln out

C rs
j =1
j =1
I s Dj

I Ly

Mode 2:(t 1 -t 2 )
This mode of operation starts at time t 1 , in this time
the auxiliary inductor L y current decreases to zero.
During this condition the resonant capacitor C rs voltage
is E s + Z SLC I out . The auxiliary switches M a1 and M a2
turned ON under the soft switching ZCS and resonance
between the resonant capacitor C rs , auxiliary inductor L y
and switched inductor SL flow through these auxiliary
switches. At the end of this mode the resonant capacitor
C rs voltage reaches zero. The voltage equation of this
mode is given by the following equation (16).

Mode 6:(t 5 t 6 )
At the starting of this mode t 5 the resonant capacitor
C rs voltage reduced to zero, so the diode D 2 is turned
ON under the soft switching ZVS condition. In this
mode the auxiliary switch M a1 is turned OFF under the
ZVS condition and the energy flows from the inductor L f
to the battery. In this condition the voltage of this mode
is given by the following equation (13).
dI out
E = nV ln out
I (R )

The output current of the circuit is given by the
following equation (15)
E Eb ,
= s

dI out n
+ Lf
+ I out ( Ra ) (12)
I rs (t )dt +
j =1


E high = I out Ra + ( Lsj + L f )

j =1

i =1
j =1

Ehigh = I out Ra + ( Lsj + L f + L y )

n kT
nVT ln out


dt Crs
j =1 q
j =1
I s Dj

dI j


The above six modes are completed in one switching

cycle, i.e., one switching cycle have six modes of
2.2 Boost Mode Of Operation
During this boost mode of operation diode D 1 and
the switch M 2 is turned ON and the circuit act as a ZVT
boost to discharge the battery. In this mode of operation,
circuit input voltage and the inductor L f current are
assumed as constant. Similarly all the components
present in the circuit considered to be an ideal condition.
The one switching cycle consists of eight modes of
operation which is shown in following fig. 4.
Mode 1: (t 0 t 1 )

Mode 1


Mode 2

International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) - Volume-2, Issue-1, January 2016
ISSN: 2395-3470

Mode 3

Mode 4

Mode 5

Mode 6

Fig.5. Waveforms for Boost Operation

The voltage equation of this mode is given in the
following equation (19).

Mode 7
Mode 8
Fig.4. Boost Modes of operation
The output current and the voltage across the resonant
capacitor are given in the following equations (17) and

I out (t 2 ) = I SL (t 2 )
E crs

Es + Z SLC I out Elow

i =1


sin( SLY (t 2 ))

dI j

j =1

i =1
j =1


kTa 2 n
+ nVT ln out
j =1
I s Dj

The output current of this mode can be described as
the following equation (20)




E s + Z SLC I out Elow


i =1
i =1
i =1
(t 2 )
I out (t 3 ) = I SL (t 3 )

Ls1 + Ls 2 + L y
E s + Z SLC I out Elow
i =1


= E s + Z SLC E low cos( SLY (t 2 )) + Elow

i =1
i =1

Where, SLY =
Crs ( Ls1 + Ls 2 + Ly )

Ehigh = I out Ra + ( Lsj + L f + L y )

and Z =

Mode 4: (t 3 -t 4 )
This mode of operation starts at t3 , during this time
the switched inductor SL current decreases from the
output current I out . The switch current I M2 increases
linearly and at the end of this mode the switch current
I M2 reaches to the output current I out at t 4 . The voltage
equation of this mode equation is given in the following
equation (21) and output current is given in the equation

Ls1 + Ls 2 + Ly

Mode 3 :(t 2 t 3 )
During this mode of operation starts at t 2 , the resonant
capacitor C rs is completely discharge due to the
resonance cycle. At this time diode D 2 conducts and the
switched inductor SL current reaches the output current
I out . At the end of this mode of operation switch M 2 is
turned ON under soft switched ZCS condition.

dI j

j =1

i =1
j =1


Ehigh = I out ( Ra ) + ( Lsj + L f + L y )

j =1

+ nVT ln out
q j =1
I s Dj

kT j


I out (t 4 ) = I SL (t 4 ) +

i =1


Ls1 + Ls 2 + L y

(t 4 )


Mode 5: (t 4 t 5 )
During this mode of operation the auxiliary switches
are turned ON and the energy flows from the battery to


International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) - Volume-2, Issue-1, January 2016
ISSN: 2395-3470

to solve even a very complex control problem, especially

when combined with different blocks.

the inductor L f. The voltage of this mode of operation is

given in the following equation (23).
dI f
kT j
(R ) + L


j =1



j =1

Mode 6 :(t 5 t 6 )
This mode of operation the switch is turned OFF, the
inductor L f current flows through the resonant capacitor
C rs , the resonant capacitor is charged by the current and
voltage E s . Due to this condition the switch is turned
OFF under the ZVS condition. The equivalent circuit of
this mode is shown in the fig.3. The voltage of the
equivalent circuit is given in the following equation (24).

dI f

j =1


Ehigh = I out ( Ra ) + L f

Fig. 6. Structure of PI Controller

The structure of PI controller is shown in fig.6. It is a
combination of proportional (P) and Integral (I)
parameters, the proportional (P) part are used to set a
desired set-point, while the integral part (I) is used to
account the accumulation of past errors and rate of
change of error in the process respectively.

I rs (t )dt + nVT ln out

C rs
I s Da1

The output current of this mode of operation can be
described as the following equation (25).
I out (t6 ) = Ecrs (t6 ) * Crs (t6 )
Mode 7 : (t 6 t 7 )
At the starting time of this mode is t 6 , the capacitor
voltage reaches to E s . During this time the diode D 1
starts to conduct and the diode current increases due to
the switched inductor SL. At the end of this mode of
operation, the capacitor voltage reaches E s + Z SLC I out .
The voltage equation of this mode of operation is given
in the following equation (26).

dI j

i =1
j =1


E high = I out ( Ra ) + ( Lsj + L f )

j =1

Fig.7.Block diagram of PI Controller for DC to DC


I rs (t )dt + nVT ln out
C rs
j =1
I s Daj

In control techniques, as K p increased the system

speed increase and the steady state error decreases but is
not eliminated, as K i increases, the steady state error
goes to zero and the system tends towards instability. So
Proportional and Integral controllers are never used

Mode 8 :(t 7 t 8 )
During this mode of operation the energy flows from
the battery because the resonant capacitor is overcharged
and the auxiliary switch M a1 is turned off under ZCS. At
this condition the switched inductor current reaches to
the output current I out . The voltage equation of this mode
is given in the following equation (27).

dI j

j =1

i =1
j =1


E high = I out ( Ra ) + ( Lsj + L f )

As Proportional control, P(t) = K p e(t). Proportional

control P(t), where the signal is proportional to the error
signal. As Integral control, i(t) = K i e(t) dt. Integral
control i(t), where the signal is proportional to the
cumulative values of error signal, where K p and K i are
The overall control of PI controller is
PI(t) = K p e(t) + K i e(t) dt.
In S domain,
PI(S) = [ K p + K i / S] E(s)

+ nVT ln out
I s D1

3. PI Controller for DC to DC Converter
PI controllers are mostly implemented in bidirectional
converters due its simplicity and ability to tune a few
parameters automatically and less overshoot and small
settling time can be obtained. PI controllers can be used

4. Results and Discussions


International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) - Volume-2, Issue-1, January 2016
ISSN: 2395-3470

4.1 Results for Buck Operation

MATLAB/Simulink platform. The simulation model for
buck and boost operation with PI compensator are
shown in Fig. 8 and 9 respectively and the simulated
result waveforms for both buck and boost operation are
shown in Fig.10 and Fig. 11 respectively. The proposed
circuit with PI controller is validated by injecting a
disturbance in the input voltage and the impact of this
disturbance in the output is corrected by tuning the PI
controller which is shown in the Fig. 10 and 11 for both
the modes of operation.

(a) Input Voltage and Output Voltage

(b) Gate pulses, drain current and drain source

voltage across switch M 1
Fig.8. Buck operation of the proposed circuit

(c) Gate pulses, drain current and drain source voltage

across switch M a1

Fig.9. Boost operation of the proposed circuit


International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) - Volume-2, Issue-1, January 2016
ISSN: 2395-3470

(b) Gate pulses, drain current and drain source voltage

across switch M 2

(d) Armature speed in rpm and Input voltage

(e) Torque
Fig.10. Waveforms for buck operation of the proposed

(c) Gate pulses, drain current and drain source voltage

across switch M a2

4.2 Results for Boost Operation

(d) Armature speed in rpm and input voltage

(a) Output Voltage


International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) - Volume-2, Issue-1, January 2016
ISSN: 2395-3470

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4.3 Results Discussion
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Fig. 10 & 11 respectively. The output voltage during
both buck and boost operation is sensed and compare
with reference voltage, the error is applied to a PI
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speed and torque of the motor corresponding to the input
voltage for both the operating modes are shown in Fig.
10 (d), (e) and Fig. 11(d), (e) respectively. The main and
auxiliary switches M1, M2, Ma1and Ma2 are turned ON
and OFF at zero crossing for both the modes of
operation are shown in Fig. 10 (b), (c) and Fig. 11(b), (c)
respectively, from the corresponding waveforms it can
be seen that soft switching is achieved for all the
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Gallay, Hybrid power source with batteries and
supercapacitor for vehicle applications.

5. Conclusion
In this paper closed loop PI controlled
bidirectional soft switching converter is proposed and its
responses were analyzed and described with
corresponding waveforms. ZCT and ZVT techniques are
applied to achieve soft switching for main and auxiliary
switches, in order to increase the converter voltage
conversion efficiency, but the settling time of the
waveforms after error correction is little more and this
can be reduced by fine tuning of PI controller. The
performance of proposed circuit may be analyzed with
other Artificial Intelligence controllers and compared for
better performance in the future.


International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) - Volume-2, Issue-1, January 2016
ISSN: 2395-3470

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then Ph.D. in Power Electronics from Annamalai

University, Chidambaram in 2009. He is currently Dean
(PG studies) in Department of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, Arunai College of Engineering,
Tiruvannamalai, India. His research papers (35) have
been presented at IEEE / International Conferences in
Hong Kong, India, Singapore, SriLanka, Malaysia and
Korea. He has two and ten publications in National and
International journals. He is a life member of Institution
of Engineers (India), Indian Society for Technical
Education and IEEE member.

Author Information

B. Stalin obtained his Bachelors degree in

Electrical and Electronics Engineering from University
of Madras in 2002. Then he obtained his Masters degree
in Power Electronics and Industrial Drives from
Sathyabama University, Chennai, and Tamilnadu in
2010. Now he is doing his research in Electrical
Engineering from Anna University Chennai. Currently
he is working as an Associate Professor in the
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at
Gopal Ramalingam Memorial Engineering College,
Chennai. He is Graduate Student Member of IEEE for 5
T.S.Sivakumaran was born in Panruti, India,
on December 18, 1969. He has obtained B.E
(Electrical and Electronics) and M.Tech
(Power Electronics) in 1998 and 2002 respectively from
Annamalai University and VIT University, Vellore and


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