Part-A: Guess Paper Class - X Subject - Computer Applications
Part-A: Guess Paper Class - X Subject - Computer Applications
Part-A: Guess Paper Class - X Subject - Computer Applications
Guess Paper
Class – X
Subject – Computer Applications
F.M-100 Time- 2 Hrs
(Part A contains 40 marks and part B contains 60 marks. You have to answer any 4 questions from
the total given Questions in PART- B)
1 a)? : is called ternary Operator- Explain with example. (2 * 5=10)
b) Convert float value to Integer value using Wrapper Class.
c) Employee e=new Employee (40); State how many constructors are there in the “Employee”
class and how they are working in the class.
d) What is the use of “finally” block in exception handling in java program?
e) Explain polymorphism with example.
b) What is the difference and similarity between overloading and over-riding [2]
c) What is the use of trim () function of String class. [2 +2]
Part-B (4 *15=60)
(Answer any 4 questions)
5. Write a menu- driven program to find:
i) Check whether a number is Armstrong Number or not.
ii) 1+1+3/6+4/24+……. n terms.
iii) Check a number is Palindrome or not.
The choice is given by the user.
9. Write a program to find the calculate the number of vowels, number of spaces, number of lines
and the numbers of characters in a given string.( the number of lines should be greater than 1)
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