Animated Window Lighting System Readme

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Animated Window Lighting System

Version 5.5.4 - 06/13/2011

by XMarksTheSpot, Brumbek & Ismelda

Welcome to the most comprehensive and compatible window lighting system ever devised for TES:IV.

AWLS is an illuminated window system that has three goals:

1) Add illuminated windows to all vanilla building meshes in such a way that also allows all mods
using vanilla buildings to also have illuminated windows without the need of patches.
2) Allow the player to choose to have the lights on 24/7, at night only, or also during rainy
weather. The player can pick what option is best for him or her by using one or none of the
three included plugins (medium and advanced plugins require OBSE v14 or higher).
3) Add smoke effects to all chimneys if desired.


Before AWLS: Install Mods AWLS Patches.........................................................................................3
Before AWLS: Installing the Unofficial Patches..................................................................................3
Installing AWLS with OBMM..............................................................................................................3
Installing AWLS with BAIN.................................................................................................................3
Extra Information about the Structure of the AWLS Archive.............................................................4
Manual Install for Those who Clearly Don't Know How to Install Mods Properly..............................4
Mods that AWLS Patches..................................................................................................................7
Blood & Mud by Ryan........................................................................................................................7
Qarl's Texture Pack III by Qarl............................................................................................................8
Qarl's Texture Pack for Blood & Mud by Qarl....................................................................................8
Really Almost Everything Visible When Distant by Arthmoor............................................................8
Bomret's Texture Pack for Shivering Isles by Bomret.........................................................................8
Kvatch Rebuilt by Elessar_VPR and Team..........................................................................................8
Elsweyr Desert of Anequina..............................................................................................................9
Better Cities.......................................................................................................................................9
Plugin File Details.............................................................................................................................9
Basic No Smoking..............................................................................................................................9
Basic with Chimney Smoke................................................................................................................9
Medium No Smoking.........................................................................................................................9
Medium with Chimney Smoke...........................................................................................................9
Advanced No Smoking.......................................................................................................................9
Advanced with Chimney Smoke......................................................................................................10
Recommended Mods.....................................................................................................................10
Using AWLS + Illumination Within Revived (IWR)...........................................................................10
How to Use IWR..............................................................................................................................11
Compatibility Issues with IWR.........................................................................................................11
Load Order Recommendations.......................................................................................................11
Technical Details.............................................................................................................................11
Version History...............................................................................................................................12
Frequently Asked Questions...........................................................................................................17
What is the performance impact of AWLS?.....................................................................................17
How do I install this manually?........................................................................................................18
How do I make my mod I created support AWLS?...........................................................................18
Can I use Illumination Within with AWLS?.......................................................................................18
Legal Information...........................................................................................................................18
Texian's Original Readme................................................................................................................18

AWLS can be considered an evolution from Texian's original Window Lighting System. AWLS uses a very
similar method but takes advantage of newer and better methods for illumination.

A little history on illumination mods: Illumination Within by Slap & ModMan was the first mod that
attempted to illuminate building windows at night. It did this by making the window textures appear
illuminated and then added actual light sources hovering in front of each window. This created a
realistic and very pretty illumination. However, the downside was twofold: first, a significant
performance hit since light sources are very demanding; second, no mod added buildings would have
illuminated windows unless a patch was made.

So Texian made his mod solve both issues, and AWLS goes even further with more features. It should
be noted that Illumination Within is still considered to be the most attractive window illumination
method. With that in mind, it is possible to use both AWLS and Illumination Within together. Read the
Using AWLS + Illumination Within section.

AWLS is a very complicated mod with over 200 install options and folders! Therefore, it is mandatory
that you use a mod manager program. Either use the easiest and simplest option, Oblivion Mod
Manager (OBMM), or use Wrye Bash's BAIN to install this mod. Do not try to install it manually,

Before AWLS: Install Mods AWLS Patches

For both install methods, if you use any of the mods AWLS patches, make sure you install these mods
BEFORE INSTALLING AWLS! You can read more about these mods in the "Mods that AWLS Patches"
section. These mods are:

Blood & Mud

Qarl's Texture Pack III
Qarl's Texture Pack for Blood & Mud
Really Almost Everything Visible When Distant
Bomret's Texture Pack for Shivering Isles
Kvatch Rebuilt
Elsweyr Desert of Anequina
Better Cities

Note: ALWS will conflict with many files from the above mods by design. Let AWLS overwrite all files!

Before AWLS: Installing the Unofficial Patches

Every Oblivion player should use the Unofficial Patches (UOP, USIP, UOMP) plus the Unofficial Patches
Supplementals. Install these BEFORE AWLS since AWLS will conflict with several files, but do not worry
because AWLS incorporates all fixes of these patches up to the latest 3.3.4. In fact, AWLS has several
fixes not included anywhere else, including extensive exterior window UV Texture Mapping fixes.

Installing AWLS with OBMM

Run OBMM, click "Create" then "Add archive" and select the AWLS 7zip file you downloaded. Click
"Yes" for the warning about .esps in sub-folders that pops up, then click "Yes" again about importing
the omod script. Then click "Create omod." After it finishes, double-click on the mod package in the
right hand window. Now follow the very detailed install script. After you pick all your options, if you get
warnings about files already existing, pick "Yes" while holding down the "Ctrl" key to let all files

Installing AWLS with BAIN

BAIN is more complex so it's assumed you are comfortable with Wrye Bash and BAIN. If not, please
read the Wrye Bash readme and read through alt3rn1ty’s Pictorial Guide.

With that said, run Wrye Bash, click on the Installers tab, add the AWLS 7zip file to your BAIN archives
by either dragging and dropping as of Wrye Bash 291 or by manually moving the archive to your "Bash
Installers" folder. Select the AWLS archive in the list of packages and right-click and pick "Wizard." Now
follow the very detailed install script. After installing you can check to make sure no other mod is
overwriting AWLS's files by clicking on the "Conflicts" tab and making sure no files are listed as

Extra Information about the Structure of the AWLS Archive

The key to know is that any set of folders with the same starting number should only have ONE of
those folders installed since they directly conflict with each other. Folders with their own unique
number should be installed if you need or want what the folder installs.

Folders generally are numbered in groups and options that require previous options are usually placed
right after the requires options. For instance, the "040" series is the Shivering Isles options, and the
"RAEVWD" folders follow each different window type series (042 SI Settlements has three options and
then the three corresponding 043 RAEVWD SI Settlements options follow).

Only install folders with specific mod names if you have that mod installed. For example, a folder that
has "QTP3" in the name should only be installed if you use QTP3. A folder with "B&M" in the name
should only be installed if you use Blood&Mud.

The above also applies to specific parts of AWLS. For instance, a folder with "Chimneys" in the name
should only be installed if you picked one of the Chimney-enabled .esp files.

Manual Install for Those who Clearly Don't Know How to Install Mods Properly

First, make sure you've read the prior section about the AWLS file structure. Now unpack the archive to
a temporary folder. Create another temporary folder where you will be copying and pasting (or
dragging) files to as you create your preferred AWLS options. Note that when this guide talks about
using an option, installing files, or picking an option, it means you should copy the files in that folder to
your temporary folder. Now follow this guide to decide which folders to install:

-- Screenshots: This contains images used in the install script. You can look at these to decide which
options to use.

000 Core: You MUST ALWAYS install this.

001 Plugin Folders: Pick ONE of the six options if you want to use an .esp. You must use Oblivion Script
Extender version 14 or higher to use the Medium and Advanced .esps. If you prefer the lights to be on
24/7, do not use an .esp.

001 AdvancedESP No Smoking: Detection of Night and Day with OBSE. Windows are lit during
the night until 1am and off until 5am. They are lit from 5am until the sunrise and will
also be lit during rainy weather. Cathedrals are lit all night long. No smoke from the
001 AdvancedESP Smoking Chimneys: Detection of Night and Day with OBSE. Windows are lit
during the night until 1am and off until 5am. They are lit from 5am until the sunrise
and will also be lit during rainy weather. Cathedrals are lit all night long. The smoke
from the chimneys depends on the altitude, season, and weather conditions.
001 BasicESP No Smoking: Windows are lit from 8pm to 6am and unlit otherwise. No smoke
from the chimneys.
001 BasicESP Smoking Chimneys: Windows are lit from 8pm to 6am and unlit otherwise.
Smoke from the chimneys is heavy at night and light by day.
001 MediumESP No Smoking: Detection of Night and Day with OBSE. Windows are lit during
the night and off during the day. Windows will be lit during rainy weather. No smoke
from the chimneys.
001 MediumESP Smoking Chimneys: Detection of Night and Day with OBSE. Windows are lit
during the night and off during the day. Windows will be lit during rainy weather. The
smoke from chimneys is heavier at night and during rain.

002 Chimneys Smoke Textures: Install this if you picked one of the three above "Smoking Chimneys"

003 QTP3: Install this if you use Qarl's Texture Pack III. Be sure to install QTP3 before copying the AWLS
files to your Oblivion\Data folder.

004 RAEVWD Support: Install this if you use Really Almost Everything Visible When Distant. Be sure to
install RAEVWD before copying the AWLS files to your Oblivion\Data folder.

030 Mages Guild Window Color Folders: Pick ONE of the five options. This alters the Mages Guild
circular "magic" windows each Mages Guild exterior building has.

031 Mages Guild Window Orange or Red Options: If you picked either the "Orange" or "Red" options,
you must now install the correct compatibility folder:

031 Mages Guild Window Orange or Red Chimneys: Use this if you installed a "Chimneys" .esp
but don't use QTP3 or Blood & Mud.
031 Mages Guild Window Orange or Red Chimneys QTP3: Use this if you installed a
"Chimneys" .esp and use QTP3 but not Blood & Mud.
031 Mages Guild Window Orange or Red QTP3: Use this if you did NOT install a "Chimneys"
.esp and use QTP3 but not Blood & Mud.

032 Mages Guild Window Orange or Red B&M Options: If you use B&M and you picked either the
"Orange" or "Red" options, you must now install the correct compatibility folder in addition to
installing one of the "031" folders:

032 Mages Guild Window Orange or Red B&M: Use this if you did NOT install a "Chimneys"
.esp and use Blood & Mud but not QTP3.
032 Mages Guild Window Orange or Red B&M QTP3: Use this if you did NOT install a
"Chimneys" .esp and use Blood & Mud and QTP3.
032 Mages Guild Window Orange or Red Chimneys B&M: Use this if you installed a
"Chimneys" .esp and use Blood & Mud but not QTP3.
032 Mages Guild Window Orange or Red Chimneys B&M QTP3: Use this if you installed a
"Chimneys" .esp and use Blood & Mud and QTP3.

033 RAEVWD Mages Guild Window Color Folders: If you use RAEVWD, pick ONE of the five options
based on which color you previously picked from the "030" numbered folders.
040 Shivering Isles Support: If you use Shivering Isles and want AWLS to cover SI windows, use this

041 RAEVWD Shivering Isles Support: If you picked to use SI support just prior, install this if you also

042 Shivering Isles Settlements Colors: Pick ONE of the three options.

043 RAEVWD SI Settlements Colors: If you use RAEVWD, pick the option that matches which "042"
folder you picked.

044 Shivering Isles Palace Colors: Pick ONE of the five options.

045 RAEVWD SI Palace Colors: If you use RAEVWD, pick the option that matches which "044" folder
you picked.

046 Shivering Isles Dementia Colors: Pick ONE of the seven options.

047 RAEVWD SI Dementia Colors: If you use RAEVWD, pick the option that matches which "046" folder
you picked.

048 Shivering Isles Mania Colors: Pick ONE of the four options.

049 RAEVWD SI Mania Colors: If you use RAEVWD, pick the option that matches which "048" folder
you picked.

050 Bomrets Texture Pack for Shivering Isles Support: Install this if you installed the SI options and use
Bomret's Texture Pack for Shivering Isles. Be sure to install Bomret's before copying the AWLS
files to your Oblivion\Data folder.

051 Bomrets Texture Pack Dementia Blue-ish, Blue-Purple, Teal: If you picked the Dementia Blue-ish,
Blue-Purple, or Teal options, also install this if you're using Bomret's.

080 Kvatch Rebuilt: Install this if you use Kvatch Rebuilt. Be sure to install Kvatch Rebuilt before copying
the AWLS files to your Oblivion\Data folder.

081 Elsweyr Desert of Anequina: Install this if you use Elsweyr. Be sure to install Elsweyr before copying
the AWLS files to your Oblivion\Data folder.

082 Better Cities: Install this if you use Better Cities. Be sure to install Better Cities before copying the
AWLS files to your Oblivion\Data folder.

100 Anvil Options: Pick which option you want. View the screenshots to compare.

105 RAEVWD Anvil Options: If you use RAEVWD, pick the option that matches which "100 Anvil" folder
you picked.
Note: If you use Blood & Mud, do NOT use any of the 120, 125, or 126 series folders! These are for
vanilla Bravil ONLY. So if you use Blood & Mud, skip to folder 130.

120 Bravil: Pick which option you want. View the screenshots to compare.

125 RAEVWD Bravil Meshes: If you use RAEVWD and vanilla Bravil install this.

126 RAEVWD Bravil: If you use RAEVWD, pick the option that matches which "120 Bravil" folder you

Note: Only use folders 130, 132, 135, and 136 if you use Blood & Mud. Use the directly prior folders if
you use vanilla Bravil.

130 B&M Textures: If you use Blood & Mud you MUST install this.

131 B&M Meshes or 131 B&M Meshes QTP3: If you use Blood & Mud you MUST install ONE of these
two options. Only install the "QTP3" option if you use QTP3 for Blood & Mud (a separate
download from QTP3).

132 B&M Options: Pick ONE of the seven options if you use Blood & Mud.

135 RAEVWD B&M Meshes and Textures: If you use RAEVWD and Blood & Mud you MUST install this.

136 RAEVWD B&M: If you use RAEVWD, pick the option that matches which "132 B&M" folder you

Note: Folders 150 through 655 relate to various locations in the game. They all follow exactly the same
format. You pick which option you want then you install the RAEVWD version if you use RAEVWD. By
now you should understand how this works. Therefore, no specifics will be given for the rest.

150-655 Options: Pick which option you want. View the screenshots to compare. Then install the
RAEVWD version if you use RAEVWD.

Phew, now bundle up your temporary folder and make it into an archive using WinRAR, WinZip, or 7Zip
so you have a backup. Now unpack the archive to Oblivion\Data and let all files overwrite. If you install
additional mods, don't let them overwrite any AWLS files (good luck with that).

Mods that AWLS Patches

Below is a listing of all the mods AWLS directly includes support for. This is here to provide you with
information regarding whether you might want to use each mod. Note that AWLS is a very compatible
mod which won't cause problems with other mods; it's just that some mods that add totally new
features or use new buildings won't get all the AWLS benefits, although such mods will function

Blood & Mud by Ryan

Blood & Mud is a large town expansion/quest mod that recreates Bravil to make it much more dark and
gritty. It also adds new NPCs and several quests.

"Blood&Mud includes the translation in English of the German mod-series B&M I-III and a whole
rebuild of the finest town of the Niben. Over 800 unique-dialogs, a massive amount of usable items,
more than twenty new characters and three major-quests, not beatable with a fine spell or a decent

AWLS edits several textures and meshes from B&M to combine AWLS's glowing windows and B&M's
darker building textures.

Qarl's Texture Pack III by Qarl

QTP3 is a massive texture replacer mod that replaces nearly every texture in Oblivion (nothing for
Shivering Isles) with very high-resolution textures. It's sort of the definitive "HD" texture overhaul for
Oblivion. Most people love it but some prefer the look of vanilla Oblivion textures.

Qarl says: "The purpose of this package is to make TES IV: Oblivion look even better than when you
bought it. To do this I've created new textures, normal maps, specular and parallax maps to replace a
large number of those in the game with ones which are higher resolution and more photo realistic,
while at the same time still very close to the original feel of Bethesda's intentions."

AWLS edits many meshes from Qarl's pack to combine AWLS's glowing windows and with Qarl's
parallax shading changes.

Qarl's Texture Pack for Blood & Mud by Qarl

Qarl made this addition pack to cover the new textures for Blood & Mud. B&M takes the Bravil textures
and makes them much darker. Qarl took those and made them fit the style of his existing texture pack.
AWLS edits several meshes from Qarl's pack to combine AWLS's glowing windows and with Qarl's
parallax shading changes.

Really Almost Everything Visible When Distant by Arthmoor

Visible When Distant objects are all the buildings and meshes you see off in the distance. By default,
Oblivion only includes the most well-known and large structures as VWD objects like the Imperial City
and Cloudruler Temple. Arthmoor has created the most definitive VWD mod by combining several
other good VWD mods and optimizing most of the meshes. AWLS provides edited textures and meshes
for RAEVWD so that from a distance you can see the same color windows that you'll see up close.

Bomret's Texture Pack for Shivering Isles by Bomret

Qarl never made a Shivering Isles texture pack, so Bomret took it upon himself to make a big texture
overhaul in the spirit of Qarl's. It upscales and filters the textures by adding noise and other filters
much like Qarl's pack does. AWLS edits all the SI building meshes with windows from Bomret's pack to
combine AWLS's glowing windows and with Bomret's parallax shading changes.
Kvatch Rebuilt by Elessar_VPR and Team

Kvatch Rebuilt is a fantastic Kvatch rebuilding mod that allows the player to over time rebuild Kvatch
and become a person of importance in the city. The mod description says: "This mod will rebuild the
city of Kvatch through several phases. Included are new armours, an arena to fight in and spectate,
[and] the opportunity to become Count(ess) of Kvatch."

Kvatch Rebuilt uses retextures Skingrad building meshes, and therefore AWLS had to edit the meshes to
add window lighting to them using the Illumination Animation tool.

Elsweyr Desert of Anequina

Elsweyr is a massive new lands mod that seamlessly integrates the Elsweyr province into the existing
Tamriel continent. It adds several new cities and plenty of new sights. Elsweyr uses many new assets,
and as a result AWLS had to edit all the new building meshes that had windows to add window lighting.
AWLS also adds new illuminated window textures.

Better Cities

Better Cities rebuilds/upgrades every city in Oblivion to make each one more robust and alive. AWLS
edits a few meshes to make them work with AWLS.

If you used OBMM or BAIN, simply deactivate the archive. BAIN is the best for uninstalling because it
will automatically reinstall all the files from other mods that AWLS had overwritten.

Plugin File Details

The six different plugins each offer different lighting and chimney smoke options as follows:

Basic No Smoking

Windows are lit from 8pm to 6am and unlit otherwise. No smoke from the chimneys.

Basic with Chimney Smoke

Windows are lit from 8pm to 6am and unlit otherwise. Smoke from the chimneys is heavy at night and
light by day.

Medium No Smoking

Detection of Night and Day with OBSE. Windows light up one hour before sunset and turn off one hour
before sunrise. Windows will be lit at 75% brightness during rainy weather. No smoke from the
Medium with Chimney Smoke

Detection of Night and Day with OBSE. Windows light up one hour before sunset and turn off one hour
before sunrise. Windows will be lit at 75% brightness during rainy weather. The smoke from chimneys is
heavier at night and during rain.

Advanced No Smoking

Detection of Night and Day with OBSE. Windows light up one hour before sunset and turn off at 1am.
They are lit from 5am until the sunrise and will also be lit at 75% brightness during rainy weather.
Cathedrals, inns, and taverns are lit all night long. No smoke from the chimneys.

Every time you cross a game cell border, the script checks if windows should be lit or unlit, and if they
should be lit there’s a 75% chance they will turn on.

Advanced with Chimney Smoke

Detection of Night and Day with OBSE. Windows light up one hour before sunset and turn off at 1am.
They are lit from 5am until the sunrise and will also be lit at 75% brightness during rainy weather.
Cathedrals, inns, and taverns are lit all night long. The smoke from the chimneys depends on the
altitude, season, and weather conditions.

Specifically, during the 6 cold months of the year smoke is heavy during the night and light during the
day. During the 6 warmer months of the year smoke is light during the night and zero during the day
except when raining. However, even in warmer months smoke is still heavy in the northern part of
Tamriel and in the mountains.

A small random factor (25%) allows having different types of smoke (a large effect among smaller ones
or a small effect when no other chimney is smoking).

Every time you cross a game cell border, the script checks if windows should be lit or unlit, and if they
should be lit there’s a 75% chance they will turn on.

Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) version 14 or higher is required to use the plugins. Nothing else is

Recommended Mods
It's highly recommended you also use the All Natural weather mod since it's been developed alongside
AWLS to match the interior and exterior windows as much as possible. Plus as noted in the next
paragraph, you can use Immersive Interiors to get more benefit from AWLS. All Natural isn't required at
all, but it definitely provides the most seamless and immersive experience. Also All Natural allows for
easily changing the darkness of nights, which makes AWLS window lights more visible at night.
Immersive Interiors is also highly recommended, which requires All Natural. Immersive Interiors allows
you to see outside interior windows and actually see the AWLS-lit windows at night from inside a
building! See this amazing picture to see the mod in action!

Using AWLS + Illumination Within Revived (IWR)

AWLS is a great mod for sure. However, using actual light sources arguably looks more realistic.
Therefore, if you want the best visual quality and you don't mind the performance hit and the
inconsistency of having mod-added buildings not have light sources, then you can load both AWLS and
Illumination Within Revived.

Here's a Chorrol screenshot without IWR. Here's a Chorrol screenshot using IWR.
Here's a Cathedral screenshot without IWR. Here's a Cathedral screenshot using IWR.
Here's a Imperial City screenshot without IWR. Here's a Imperial City screenshot using IWR.

Compare the above shots and decide if you want IWR in addition to AWLS.

How to Use IWR

To use IWR, download Illumination Within Revived Optimised and enable just the IWR-Lights.esp.

Note: Do not download the original "Illumination Within" or the original "Illumination Within Revived"
and do NOT install any of the meshes and textures assets from IWR. Only load the Lights.esp. Do NOT
EVER use the Windows or Shutters .esps!

Rather than using IWR Optimised, you could use Illumination Within Revived Retrofitted and enable
just IWRRetroFittedLights.esp and PONLights.esp (if you use Knights of the Nine). It will do the same
thing as above basically.

Compatibility Issues with IWR

It should be noted that if you use mods that move or add buildings, such as Blood & Mud or Better
Cities, you will get floating light sources from IWR where the vanilla buildings used to be. Therefore, it's
recommended to use IWR only if you don’t use major city overhaul mods. Although understand using
IWR with these types of mods won't cause any major issues apart from some visually strange lighting.

Note that ImpeREAL City by SilentResident works fine with IWR, however, none of the new upper levels
of buildings that his mod adds will have actual light sources, but all the lower level, vanilla windows
will. However, the performance impact between IWR and ImpeREAL City can be quite high.

Also know that the IWR lights are colored mostly orangish-yellow. This will not look that great if you use
the more darker, blue color options in AWLS. For instance, do not use the Imperial City Blue window
option with IWR. The best looking options are the "Brumbek Yellow" but all the orange and yellow
options including all curtain options look just fine.

Note: IWR does NOT cover Shivering Isles at all. Therefore, you can pick whatever color choices for SI
without concern for IWR's lights.
It should also be noted that there are some differences in window time schedules between IWR and
AWLS. This means the light sources won't always go off at the same time AWLS windows go off. Ideally,
AWLS would create its own version to unify the scripts. Maybe someday.

Load Order Recommendations

The single WindowLightingSystem.esp can go anywhere since it doesn't conflict with any mods. If you
use a IWR Lights .esp it can also go anywhere since it won't directly overwrite any other mods.

Technical Details
The inspiration for AWLS came from Ismelda as she worked on Better Cities. It became annoying that
there wasn't a proper way to have lights on the windows due to the fact that the Illumination Within
mods were dependent on the location of the buildings. So Texian's Window Lighting System was
attractive but it was a bit old and didn't use the latest meshes from the Unofficial Oblivion Patch nor
the new structures introduced or re-textured by Blood & Mud.

So AWLS was created to use the same principle of Texian's Window Lighting System but expanded to
make it as close to Illumination Within as possible. This was done by giving the meshes two animation
states: Lit and Unlit. Once this was done, a quest was used to allow a day and night cycle to toggle the
windows on and off. As a replacer of all the meshes, this mod allows all the windows around Cyrodiil to
react to day and night without having to place anything in the world. It is then absolutely compatible
with everything and offers roughly the same services as Illumination Within (except for the shutters).

This technique was applied to UOP meshes, QTP3, Blood & Mud (and its QTP3 Patch), and Kvatch
Rebuilt meshes in order to support some of the most popular mesh mods. More textures options have
been developed including curtains textures to bring back some of Illumination Within's charm.

The last technical feature added was the addition of smoke to the meshes of every house with a
chimney. There is no tool for this part as it has been done manually on every mesh. The chimneys are
also scripted and controlled by script like the windows or just permanently on if you don't use any

Other new building meshes can have the Lit and Unlit state added by using the IllumAnimation.exe tool
provided on the Tesnexus page.

Version History
AWLS 5.5.4 - June 13, 2011
 Updated BAIN install script to support version 292’s new comma requirement. Thanks to alt3rn1ty for
the updated script.
 Fixed one incorrectly name texture under “500 Leyawiin Yellow Ismelda” option. Now the lowerclass
windows will light up properly for users of Ismelda’s Yellow in Leyawiin.
AWLS 5.5.3 - March 30, 2011
 Fixed missing lit arch windows from many Anvil buildings when using the certain curtains options.
 Added a note for install scripts indicating your choice of Chorrol windows also affects many Skingrad
AWLS 5.5.2 - March 22, 2011
 Fixed missing lit Mages Guild windows for people who used Red Curtains or Red Dark Curtains Chorrol
option. Note the missing windows do not have curtains on them by design. Also added the appropriate
RAEVWD versions.
 Updated install scripts to ask user if they want chimney smoke even if they don't use an .esp. Thanks
Corepc for making the suggestion.
AWLS 5.5.1 - February 17, 2011
 Fixed install scripts errors like Advanced .esp No Smoking description. Renamed BaseESP folders to
BasicESP to match the install script.
 Fixed missing architecture folder for 050 Bomrets folder for meshes, thanks UndWDoG.
 Fixed install script error regarding Cheydinhal RAEVWD Yellow options, thanks KarmaPowered.
AWLS 5.5.0 - February 15, 2011
 Merged mesh pack and texture pack to create one unified AWLS install file. This required massive
restructuring of package and scripts. Many folders have been renamed or changed.
 Renamed .esp folders to have them all use the same number (01) to signify a user should use only one of
the six options.
 Changed both Advanced plugins to fix the Game Month && bug, which has been present for a long time.
Now && has been replaced with || in order to allow the script to properly detect the month.
 Advanced scripts "IsRaining" checks changed to "IsRaining > 0" to fix issues reported by a user a while
 Renamed "Gray" folders and script install options to "Yellow" to match actual color in-game to make
more sense for end-user.
 Included all Unofficial Patch Supplement changes including all the Shivering Isles Palace fixes. Also fixed
collision errors on exterior SI Palace that the USIP Supplement didn't fix. Also includes additional
Leyawiin Mages Guild exterior building fixes not in UOP Supplement (UV errors, crack around Mages
Guild Circle Window).
 Added compatibility option for Bomret's Textures for Shivering Isles. This will preserve all the parallax
shading on the meshes AWLS edits and also allow you to use whatever install options you want and still
get full compatibility.
 Fixed window clipping error in SkHouseMiddle04.nif mesh; fixed regular, QTP3, and Kvatch Rebuilt
versions of mesh. (This was a vanilla issue.)
 Changed all Farmhouse meshes to use the Farmhouse window style for all windows instead of using the
Chorrol window style. This also matches upcoming All Natural changes.
 Changed Weynon House windows to use all Weynon House style windows instead of partially using
Chorrol windows as in vanilla. This change now matches how the interior looks in the mod "All Natural".
 Added a few new window install options (like Cathedral Orange Sterile, Imperial City Blue) and redid
screenshots so that every single option has a preview image.
 Add new options for cities that previously were forced to use Chorrol window textures, such as Leyawiin
and Bravil. Now you can use greenish colored curtains for Leyawiin or Blood Red windows and curtains
for Bravil.
 All meshes optimized with PyFFI 2.1.8.
 New single combined readme with nicer format.
 A bunch of other minor tweaks and changes, wow, a lot of work.
AWLS Mesh Pack 5.4.0
 Added complete support for RAEVWD. Now your choices will automatically install the appropriate
RAEVWD versions if you pick that you use that mod in the install script. Also fixed a few random issues
here and there with a few textures.
AWLS Brumbek Texture Pack 5.4.0
 Added complete support for RAEVWD. Now your choices will automatically install the appropriate
RAEVWD versions if you pick that you use that mod in the install script. Also fixed a few random issues
here and there with a few textures.
AWLS Mesh Pack 5.3.6
 Fixed the windows of the Fighters Guild of Leyawiin.
AWLS Mesh Pack 5.3.5
 Fixed AWLS error where many Elsweyr windows weren’t lit.
 Consolidated all lit window states into one NiNode, when possible.
 Totally reworked all window textures to fix countless issues.
 Redirected all window textures to use custom Elsweyr windows instead of Chorrol windows.
 Created custom-shaped textures to fit all non-square windows (looks so much nicer).
 Properly aligned all window textures, both interior and exterior buildings.
 Fix countless alignment errors and other mesh errors the default Elsweyr meshes had.
 Changed emissive color of exterior unlit windows to gray instead of black for better look.
 Changed Corinthe interior emissive color of windows to white to avoid strange green glow.
 Changed Dune Upper Class interior windows to not be as bright.
 Added new windows to Dune Palace exterior, that should have been there originally.
 Fixed errors in several non-AWLS meshes just because the errors were so egregious.
 Fixed corrupted normal map for the tentmain texture used on some windows (no more weird black).
 Made all interior burlap windows have proper alpha transparency as originally intended (can see holes).
 Added slight glow that can be seen through exterior burlap window covers (Dune LC, Orcrest) at night.
 All meshes optimized with PyFFI.
AWLS Mesh Pack 5.3.4
 Fixed the Akatosh ruined cathedral so that the fallen top won't have any lit windows.
AWLS Mesh Pack 5.3.3
 Fixed one final error in the omod script.
 Added the wizard.txt file for scripted BAIN installation.
AWLS Mesh Pack 5.3.2
 Fixed some meshes which weren't lighting properly.
AWLS Mesh Pack 5.3.1
 Fixed the folders so that (hopefully) BAIN will consider properly the Smoking/No Smoking options.
 Fixed the omod script to properly install the Kvatch meshes.
AWLS Mesh Pack 5.3.0
 Fixed the omod script to properly install the textures when using the Elsweyr Desert of Anequina.
 Removed the chimneys only meshes for an easier installation and added new plugins options to not have
the smoke on the chimneys if wanted.
AWLS Brumbek Texture Pack 5.3.0
 Skipped internal version.
AWLS Mesh Pack 5.2.1
 Fixed the location of the textures for Elsweyr Desert of Anequina windows texture.
AWLS Brumbek Texture Pack 5.2.1
 Updated the ruined cathedral mesh (Kvatch Cathedral) so the broken part does not light up.
 Added a BAIN wizard file for easier installation. Thanks to Metallicow for the script. Also fixed a mistake
in omod script that would make Cathedral Fire option not to install properly, thanks again Metallicow!
AWLS Mesh Pack 5.2.0
 Addition of support for Elsweyr Desert of Anequina.
AWLS Brumbek Texture Pack 5.2.0
 Added exterior day Cathedral windows to match my new fancy night stained-glass windows. This applies
only to the recommended Brumbek Cathedrals option.
 Reworked Illumination Within cathedral textures and added one more. Now you have a choice of Green
or Fire styles.
 Fixed a number of issues with the Ismelda Gray Cathedral option.
 Fixed some texture corruption issues with the Blood & Mud red and green windows.
AWLS Mesh Pack 5.1.9
 Fixed the probable flickering of the windows while standing in the rain (Advanced Plugin).
 Reduced the chances of the change of status of the windows (Advanced Plugin).
AWLS Mesh Pack 5.1.8
 Fixed the Bravil Hernanstir House mesh in the Blood & Mud QTP3 Windows & Chimneys version.
AWLS Mesh Pack 5.1.7
 Fixed the Fighter's Guild mesh in the Blood & Mud QTP3 Windows & Chimneys version as it was using
the UOP version of the Fighter's Guild which is cut down and thus make this house floating in some
AWLS Mesh Pack 5.1.6
 Addition of the Settlement Door mesh for SI.
AWLS Mesh Pack 5.1.5
 Fixed the LeyawiinUpperHouse04 and LeyawiinMagesGuild UVMap to properly display the curtains if you
use them.
AWLS Mesh Pack 5.1.4
 Fixed a script issue which was making the chimneys to not properly animate depending on the conditions
 Renamed the "Chimney Only" folders to "Windows & Chimney" for less confusion.
AWLS Mesh Pack 5.1.3
 Fixed a script issue which was making the door windows to be lit all the time.
AWLS Brumbek Texture Pack 5.1.3
 Finally finished Shivering Isles support. Three Palace options, two settlement options, three Dementia
options, two Mania options. Let me know if you would like to see another color/appearance option for
any windows.
 All meshes PyFFI'd with latest version.
AWLS Mesh Pack 5.1.2
 Addition of the Cathedral of Mara to for QTP3, QTP3 for B&M and Vanilla version. The mesh was deleted
by error during the packaging for v5.1.0.
AWLS Brumbek Texture Pack 5.1.2
 Updated Cathedral stained glass windows to match the new really cool All Natural textures. They’re
better now, trust me. I also added a Green Imperial City option since a few people wanted it. I also added
a vanilla mages guild symbol window option, which is the default.
 Also added first Shivering Isles textures…only the settlements are done now.
AWLS Mesh Pack 5.1.1
 Fixed BravilFairDeal.NIF for QTP3, QTP3 for B&M and Vanilla version as it was causing Crash to Desktop
while entering Bravil World.
AWLS Mesh Pack 5.1.0a
 Fixed some omod script issues.
AWLS Mesh Pack 5.1.0
 Control of the smoke animation through scripting again with basic, medium and advanced features.
 Addition of Bravil B&M QTP3 patched meshes for the Chimneys.
 Re-upload of the main Meshes Package with all the options (Chimneys or Windows only) + Kvatch Rebuilt
AWLS Brumbek Texture Pack 5.1.0
 Made BAIN compatible for the masochists out there. Added Chimney support for my edited Mages Guild
meshes. Finally figured out a way to remove the extra “do you use QTP3” question. Those are the only
changes. Shivering Isles support is coming soon…
AWLS Mesh Pack 5.0.1
 Addition of the Chimney Smoke to all other houses meshes.
AWLS Mesh Pack 5.0.0
 Addition of the Chimney Smoke to Anvil meshes.
AWLS Brumbek Texture Pack 4.7.0
 I’ve included several new B&M red textures that were missed before and now needed in the AWLS 4.2.0
mesh pack. I’ve optimized all my included meshes using PyFFI.
AWLS Brumbek Texture Pack 4.6.0
 I’ve incorporated my window alignment fixes for the mages guild meshes included in this pack, for
vanilla, B&M, QTP3, and B&M QTP3.
 I’ve also included four new options for B&M windows, two red curtain versions and two green curtain
 Apart from any problems coming up, this may really be the final release. I’ve done just about everything
I’ve wanted to for this mod in order to make it the best and most complete window lighting package for
AWLS Brumbek Texture Pack 4.5a
 I fixed an OMOD script error that prevented my gray cathedral option from installing. Thanks to
belphegor for pointing it out.
 Version 4.6 is coming soon which will add a curtain version for Bravil and incorporate the new correctly
rotated window textures for the mages guild meshes in my pack.
AWLS Brumbek Texture Pack 4.5
 I've added a darker curtain version by request.
AWLS Brumbek Texture Pack 4.4
 I’ve added a curtained window option like IWR originally had. See pics during the OMOD install to see if
you like it. Also, I’ve added a IWR original cathedral textures option. Lastly, I’ve now customized the mod
so you can pick on a per-city basis which textures you want to use. This allows you to vary each city to
your tastes so that each city has a unique feel. This may be the final release unless there’s something
wrong or something unexpected comes up.
 Note: if you use the curtain version some curtains will be upside down! This is a problem with the
meshes, not with my textures. We have Bethesda to blame I’m afraid…I’ve considered fixing this
problem, but fixing it would require a LOT of work…
AWLS Brumbek Texture Pack 4.3
 Added Ismelda’s Gray pack as an OMOD install option. Totally redid OMOD script. Now you have so many
choices with previews! So much freedom!
 A lot of changes to most of the cities. I’ve improved the looks of too many textures to list. Just get this
and trust me, this version is better than the previous.
 I added two new Anvil Window options based on the “Anvil Texture Replacer Final” mod by kalikut.
 Due to an oversight, the previous versions didn’t include the proper interior Cathedral textures to match
the new and improved exterior windows. This version includes all those missing files. Now the interior
cathedral will match the exterior.
 Also, I’ve made a number of improvements to the gods stained glass windows. I’ve made them more
colorful and better…
 Moreover, I’ve added a lot of optional stuff and included the Priory mesh that returns the window glow
to the yellow/orange rather than the hot pink that AWLS uses. Similarly, all the Cathedral meshes have
been included to fix inconsistent colors in AWLS.
 You’ll notice the other changes as you install and check out all the cool preview images!
AWLS Mesh Pack 4.2.0
 Fix of wrong Leyawiin mesh.
 Fix one Leyawiin mesh that still had flipped windows and improved a couple others.
 Fix of B&M BravilTowerTop01.NIF mesh to include animation.
 Fix of all cities window’s texture misalignment by Brumbek (Vanilla/UOP, and QTP3).
 Changed B&M Mages Guild to use Chorrol mages guild window.
 Added B&M red windows for two B&M buildings.
 Re-Optimized all meshes with PyFFI for greater performance and less stuttering.
AWLS Brumbek Texture Pack 4.2.0
 OMOD script tweaked, thanks to ThreeD spurring me on to change it.
AWLS Mesh Pack 4.1.0
 Fix of the Leyawiin window's texture misalignment by Brumbek (Vanilla/UOP and QTP3).
 Fix of the omod script which wasn't installing properly the Bravil meshes for Vanilla/UOP.
AWLS Brumbek Texture Pack 4.1.0
 Made a very small change to the Leyawiin Mages Guild door to add a glow map to the top middle circle
colors. Very minor update.
AWLS Mesh Pack 4.0.3
 Fix the ship cabin meshes to actually animate. Use this for QTP3 or Vanilla meshes.
AWLS Mesh Pack 4.0.2
 Fix of the script to not light on the windows during rain at night but only during the day.
AWLS Mesh Pack 4.0.1
 Fix of the Mage Guild Windows Symbol for Blood & Mud (and QTP3 for Blood & Mud).
 Made the color of the 3rd state (used during rainy days) a bit less pale.
AWLS Mesh Pack 4.0.0
 Modification of the IllumAnimation Tool to offer a new animation state.
 Modification of all the meshes to get a 3rd Animation state.
 Modification of the Medium and Advanced plugin to trigger the 3rd animation state when it is raining by
 Integration of the Skingrad Meshes with better aligned windows by Brumbek for Vanilla/UOP and
 Addition of a new texture pack with grey windows.
 Addition of a new window mesh for the Leyawiin Mages Guild door and of the UpperDoor Mesh of
Leyawiin forgotten earlier.
AWLS Brumbek Texture Pack 4.0.0
 Made compatible with the AWLS v4.0 release. Added Anvil haunted house windows & Leyawiin Mages
Guild doors. Updated OMOD script to give options for install. Removed all the cathedral interior window
textures that aren’t used and therefore just take extra space. Added gray version if you don’t like the
current harsh orange color. The gray version is more like Texian’s original yellow, but not quite as yellow…
AWLS Mesh Pack 3.2.4
 Fix of the Advanced plugin to not debug to console for less stuttering.
 Separation of the textures pack for lighter download. Choose your texture pack from Texian, IW and
Brumbek packs.
AWLS Mesh Pack 3.2.3
 Fix for the Bravil Tower Top which wasn't using the correct window texture.
AWLS Mesh Pack 3.2.2
 Addition of the Bravil Castle Tower Top for B&M, B&M QTP3, QTP3 and Vanilla.
 Removing of the AnvilDoorUC02.NIF which is for interiors only.
AWLS Mesh Pack 3.2.1
 Fix of the Bravil Mage Guild in Bravil for B&M and QTP3 B&M which were using the Mage Window
Symbol material for the ropes and ended blue...
AWLS Mesh Pack 3.2
 Fix of the Advanced Plugin to actually keep the Inns lit all night long.
 Fix of the Cathedral meshes to stay lit all night along with the Inns.
AWLS Mesh Pack 3.1.2
 Fix of the omod installation script.
AWLS Mesh Pack 3.1.1
 Patch to add a glow map for Blood & Mud Mage Guild Symbol windows.
AWLS Mesh Pack 3.1.0
 Fix of the Folder Structure (QTP3 Bravil was not in Bravil Folder).
 Improvement in the scripts for all plugins.
 Addition of randomness in the lighting of the windows in the Advanced plugin.
 Removing of the Better Cities Meshes (they are included in Better Cities now).
 Optimized all the meshes through PyFFI.
AWLS Mesh Pack 3.0.1
 Fix of the MageGuildWindow
 Addition of one missing Glow Map to one of the Weynon Priory Windows.
AWLS Mesh Pack 3.0.0
 New batch of files with Unlit state with vanilla windows textures and Lit state with special bright textures
of your choice (Texian or Illumination Within).
 Improved omod installation script.
 Fix of a lit building in Skingrad.
 Addition of the Ships Windows.
 Addition of the IllumAnimation tool to make your own animated construction.
AWLS Brumbek Texture Pack 1.4
 I’ve reduced most of the glow maps by about 40% brightness. This provides a more subtle effect. Check
the screens.
AWLS Brumbek Texture Pack 1.3
 Slightly toned down the brightness for some of the non-stained glass windows on the cathedrals. Redid
the glow maps for the Cathedral, and I redid the glow maps for Anvil, Bravil, Cheydinhal, Chorrol, and a
few others as well in order to bring out the base textures’ nuances.
AWLS Brumbek Texture Pack 1.2
 Fixed all the compression errors (stupid DDS plugin!). Fixed the mages guild stained glass window
texture-it now appears the right color and brightness 24/7 on all mages guilds.
AWLS Brumbek Texture Pack 1.1
 Reduced glow map size by using different compression, removed glow from frames, fixed some inverted
normal maps.
AWLS Brumbek Texture Pack 1.0
 Initial release.
AWLS Mesh Pack 2.0.2
 Fix of the Meshes from the IC Market and Talos blocks.
AWLS Mesh Pack 2.0.1
 Fix of errors in the Illumination Within textures.
AWLS Mesh Pack 2.0.0
 Animated meshes and esps to toggle them properly in game.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the performance impact of AWLS?

Answer: Basically zero impact.

How do I install this manually?

Answer: We do not support manual installs. AWLS is very, very complicated to install manually. There is
no reason to not use either Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) or Wrye Bash's BAIN feature. The time it
would take to read how to manually install this mod is longer than it would take to download and use
OBMM. That being said, there is an install guide for manual installations provided.

How do I make my mod I created support AWLS?

Answer: If you are using vanilla buildings, AWLS is will work already. If you've altered a vanilla mesh and
created a new static ID for your building, then you can use the IllumAnimation.exe tool provided as an
optional download on the page. Please read the readme included with the tool.

Can I use Illumination Within with AWLS?

Answer: Yes, you can and this will provide you with the best visuals. See the AWLS + Illumination Within
section for details.

Legal Information
Feel free to use the textures and meshes as you wish in your projects. Grant back credits to the people
mentioned in the credits here.

Ismelda: Orginal concept of the Texian's Window Lighting System enhancement.
Brumbek: For the Mixed Textures packs and the work on the windows UVmaps and meshes.
Dev_Akm: For Qarl Textures Pack III for Blood & Mud.
Dev_Akm and Kivan: QTP3 UOP32 Compatibility Patch.
Quarn and Kivan: for their job at fixing meshes.
Ryan: For Blood & Mud.
Arthmoor: For RAEVWD.
Qarl: For QTP3.
Slap & ModMan: Textures from Illumination Within.
Texian: For the creation of the Window Lighting System.
XMarksTheSpot: For the animated meshes, the program to animate buildings, and the basic script to make the
animation usable.
Vargr: For fixing some errors in the BAIN Wizard script!
KarmaPowered: Pointing out install script errors.
UndWDoG: Pointing out install script errors.
MadCat221: For reporting the glow map issues and proper DDS compression.
ThreeD: For motivation to create a better OMOD script.
Belphegor: For finding an OMOD scripting error.
Metallicow: For the initial BAIN Wizard script.
alt3rn1ty: For pointing out install script errors and providing fixed scripts on the forums for users.
Kalikut: For the Anvil wood window frames.

Texian's Original Readme

Texian's Window Lighting System
Version 1.00

TWLS is an alternative to Illumination Within. It provides similar visual enhancement (lighted windows) but
without the performance overhead as there are no new meshes or scripts running.

Since the technology we are using must be balanced for both day and night window lighting, the night lights are
much softer and more subtle than the lights in IW. It is no secret that what we did is adjust the material Emissive
Color property (Self illumination in Max) to produce the night glow. In addition, we brightened; added contrast;
adjusted the color balance and added glow maps to the original Bethesda textures. What you will be seeing is an
enhanced rendering of Bethesda's default textures using the same techniques they used on the interior windows,

Regarding the ambience: it is our feeling that the softer lighting more accurately depicts the dim candle and
fireplace lighting within the interiors. Windows in some of the towns were intended to emit a softer glow. The
windows in Cheydinhal, for example, are thick and heavily frosted and emit dimmer light both in the interiors and,
consequently, the exteriors. I brightened the night glow as much as I thought was reasonable to match the type of
window they have there.

The Cathedral windows in daylight were intentionally made brighter and prettier. We felt it would be nice to see
those beautiful stained glass windows in a variety of different lighting situations.

When its daylight outside and the windows are in shadow, they will have the night glow. This is the result of how
the material properties render in dim light and not an error on our part.

All of our windows in the Imperial City have a warmish yellow hue and not the blue color you see with IW. I failed
to find any blue candlelight or fireplaces when visiting the interiors, so felt it more consistent to make all those
windows emit the warmer color.

Even though TWLS windows do not turn on or off, as you move through a city and change your viewing angle of
the lights, they will change to a different hue.

Due to the huge number of windows on many of the houses in Leyawiin, we've intentionally dimmed those lights
so that the player is not overwhelmed by the effects.

The initial download will be the replacement meshes and textures for Bethesda's default meshes. This will
provide the window lighting but will not include any light bulbs for spot lighting enhancement (which will come
later with the optional ESP file).

While I cannot guarantee this mod will be 100% free of any overlaps with another mod, I am 100% certain it will
not conflict with any of the major mods most people are using. TWLS replaces only the house meshes and
window textures and does not overlap with any quests; NPC's; AI packages; creatures; X Markers or scripts. TWLS
can be run together with IW, but you can be the judge of whether or not you like the effects of running the two

And, yes, it provides lighting in our Open Cities mod.

I trust that TWLS will enhance your enjoyment of the game at the lowest possible overhead cost - zero negative
effect on performance and a noticeable boost in performance if you use it instead of other lighting mods.

TWLS lights every window in the game including those in the countryside. Player made houses will be lighted if
they use the default house meshes.

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