G.R. No. 177007

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G.R. No. 177007, July 14, 2009


The RTC of Manila, Branch 50, promulgated its Decision,

affirming in toto the Decision of the MeTC of Manila, Branch 25.
The RTC declared that there is no requirement that the summons
should only be served in the place stated in the summons. What is
required is that a summons must be served by handing a copy
thereof to the defendant in person, or, if he refuses to receive and
sign for it, by tendering it to him. Under the circumstances of the
case, the service of the copy of the summons and the complaint
inside the courtroom of the MeTC of Manila, Branch 24 was the
most practicable act. The process server need not wait for the
respondent spouses Mogol to reach with their given address before
he could serve on the latter with summons and the copy of the
complaint. The refusal of respondent spouses Mogol to receive the
summons without valid cause was, thus, equivalent to a valid
service of summons that vested jurisdiction in the MeTC of Manila,
Branch 25.

Respondent spouses Mogol sought a reconsideration of the

aforesaid Decision, but the RTC of Manila, Branch 50, denied the
same in an Order dated 4 October 2004, finding no cogent reason
to disturb its earlier judgment. Thereafter, respondent spouses
Mogol no longer filed any appeal on the above Decision of the RTC
of Manila.


Whether or not the service of summons was validly served to

the defendant under the circumstances mentioned in the case.


Sections 6 and 7 of Rule 14 of the Rules of Court cannot be

construed to apply simultaneously. Said provisions do not provide
for alternative modes of service of summons, which can either be
resorted to on the mere basis of convenience to the parties. Under
our procedural rules, service of summons in the persons of the
defendants is generally preferred over substituted service.
Substituted service derogates the regular method of personal

It is an extraordinary method, since it seeks to bind the

respondent or the defendant to the consequences of a suit, even
though notice of such action is served not upon him but upon
another whom the law could only presume would notify him of the
pending proceedings. For substituted service to be justified, the
following circumstances must be clearly established: (a) personal
service of summons within a reasonable time was impossible; (b)
efforts were exerted to locate the party; and (c) the summons was
served upon a person of sufficient age and discretion residing at
the party’s residence or upon a competent person in charge of the
party’s office or place of business.

In fine, we rule that jurisdiction over the persons of the

respondent spouses Mogol was validly acquired by the MeTC,
Branch 25 in this case. For their failure to file any responsive
pleading to the Complaint filed against them, in violation of the
order of the said court as stated in the summons, respondent
spouses Mogol were correctly declared in default.

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