Planters Development Bank, Petitioner, VS. Julie Chandumal, Respondent. G.R. No. 195619, September 5, 2012 Ponente: Bienvenido L. Reyes

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G.R. No. 195619, September 5, 2012


A contract to sell a parcel of land at Las Pinas City was executed

between BF Homes, Inc. and herein respondent Julie Chandumal. In
1993, BF Homes sold to PDB all its rights, participations and interests
over the contract.

Chandumal paid her monthly amortizations from December 1990

until May 1994. PDB gave a Notice of Delinquency and Rescission of
Contract upon her default with Demand to Vacate dated July 14, 1998,
within thirty days from receipt to settle her installment.

In 1999, an action for judicial confirmation of notarial rescission

and delivery of possession was filed by PDB against Chandumal. PDB
alleged that despite demand, Chandumal failed and/or refused to pay the
amortizations as they fell due.

Consequently, summons was issued and served by deputy sheriff

Roberto T. Galing. According to his return, he attempted to personally
serve the summons on several dates but it was unavailing as she was
always out of the house. Hence, the sheriff caused substituted service of
summons by serving the same through Chandumal’s mother who
acknowledged receipt thereof.


1. Whether there was a valid substituted service of summons

2. Whether Chandumal voluntarily submitted to the jurisdiction of the
trial court.


There was no valid substituted service of summons. The CA

correctly ruled that the sheriff’s return failed to justify a resort to
substituted service of summons. According to the CA, the Return of
Summons does not specifically show or indicate in detail the actual
exertion of efforts or any positive step taken by the officer or process
server in attempting to serve the summons personally to the defendant.
Indeed, the sheriff’s return shows a mere perfunctory attempt to cause
personal service of the summons. He does not exert diligent efforts and
clearly do not suffice to justify substituted service, thus his failure to
comply with the requisites renders such service ineffective.

Respondent voluntarily submitted to the jurisdiction of the trial

court. Despite that there was no valid substituted service of summons.
When Chandumal filed an Urgent Motion to Set Aside Order of Default
and to Admit Attached Answer, she effectively submitted her person to
the jurisdiction of the trial court as the filing of a pleading where one
seeks an affirmative relief is equivalent to service of summons and vests
the trial court with jurisdiction over the defendant’s person. Thus, it was
ruled that the filing of motions to admit answer, for additional time to file
answer, for reconsideration of a default judgment, and to lift order of
default with motion for reconsideration is considered voluntary
submission to the trial court’s jurisdiction. In addition, Chandumal even
appealed the RTC decision to the CA, an act which demonstrates her
recognition of the trial court’s jurisdiction to render said judgment.

Wherefore, the petition is denied. The Decision of the CA, as well

as its Resolution denying the Motion for Reconsideration are affirmed in
so far as there was no valid service of summons.

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