09me 6266 Solar Engineering Assignment 1
09me 6266 Solar Engineering Assignment 1
Assignment 1
1. From the diameter and effective surface temperature of the sun, estimate the rate at which it
emits energy. What fraction of this emitted energy is intercepted by the earth? Estimate the
solar constant, given the mean earth-sun distance.
2. Calculate the angle of incidence of the beam solar radiation at 14.00 (2 PM ) solar time on
February 10 at latitude 23.45o on surfaces of the following orientations:
a) Horizontal
b) Sloped to south at 60o
c) Slope of 60o, facing 40o west of south
d) Vertical, facing south
e) Vertical, facing west
3. Determine the sunset hour angle and day length for Mumbai and for Delhi for the following
dates: a January 1, b March 22, c July 1, d mean day of February.