Sculpture and Philippine Crafts Hand-Out

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Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions

Activity Sheet #5
Part II – Three-Dimensional Media: Sculpture
Philippine Crafts: Textile Art, Mat Weaving, Metal Crafts and Jewelry

Name: ____________________________________________ Teacher’s Signature: _________________

Grade & Section: ____________________________________ Date: ____________________

Note: Fill in the missing word/s or write the description to make the
statements complete.

Techniques Used in Sculpture f) ______________________________________

a) ______________________________________ - hammer comes in three weights and made of soft iron
- sculptors cut away or remove pieces or parts of the material (1 pound, 1.5 pounds,, and 2 pounds)
- tools include chisels, hammers, torches, saws, grinders, and g) ______________________________________
polishers to do this technique - are electrical tools with an air compressor with a choice of the points,
rakes, and straight chisel
b) ______________________________________
- also known as modelling; manipulation usually involves the use of a Food Art
pliable medium such as clay, wax, or plaster The media can also be edible. Melons, watermelons, apples, pineapples,
- classified as a direct method of creating the form of the image cucumber, carrots, oranges, and pumpkins are only some of the locally
favorite items for fruit and vegetable carving.
c) ______________________________________
- involves putting together materials through the use of welding Important tips for fruit carving
torches, soldering guns, staplers, bolts, screws, nails, rivets, glue,
and rope or string (assembling or assemblage) In the selection of fruit, choose the one with a firm, _____________
___________________. There should be no ________________ and
d) ______________________________________ oddly shaped curves and no soft spots.
- known as casting; involves the reproduction of an original 3D image
in a new material by using a mold The use of _________________________________is preferred. The
- this can be done through the processes like sand casting, plaster knives should be sharpened regularly for them to be effective and safe.
casting, or lost-wax casting The following should serve as a guide:
- Place the ______________ of the dominant hand on the knife
*sand casting – metal casting process characterized by handle right next to the __________________
using sand as the mold material - Put the ___________________ finger on the dull upper edge
*plaster casting – similar to sand casting except that the of the blade
material used is plaster - The __________________ finger should be lowered to the
*lost-wax casting – involves pouring molten metal into the side of the blade opposite the thumb
mold that is made of wax (also known as - The fourth and fifth fingers are then ______________ around
investment casting) the handle, _____________________ the handle comfortably.
- Before any cut is made, decide as to what _____________ or
Tools for Wood Carving _____________ is to be carved on the fruit
a) ______________________________________ - Drawing a pattern on the fruit using a _______________
- a tool with a curve cutting edge used in variety of forms and sizes permanent marker or using a ___________________ to trace
for carving hollows, rounds, and sweeping curve the pattern may be done
b) ______________________________________
- is a small saw that is used to cut off chunks of wood at once PHILIPPINE CRAFTS
c) ______________________________________
- may be large or small, whose straight, cutting edge is used for lines Textile Art
and cleaning up flat surfaces A kind of craft in which ___________ are used to make functional and/or
d) ______________________________________ decorative works of art. Fibers are thin threadlike structures that can
- with a small spoon-like dip used for quick deep cuts come from ________________, _________________ or synthetic
e) ______________________________________ materials. Weaving is accomplished by interlacing horizontal and vertical
- for making long deep cuts threads. The vertical threads are called _________ and the horizontal
f) ______________________________________ threads are called _________ or weft.
- has a diagonal cutting edge
g) ______________________________________ Types of Weaves
- is a furrowing tool with a “v” cutting edge 1) ________________ the strongest and simplest; woof
h) ______________________________________ threads alternately pass above and below the warp
- is a tool that flares out on the left and right tips like a tail of a fish 2) ________________ is delicate; woof threads pass
above and below several warp threads
Tools for Stone Carving 3) ________________ characterized by the woof and warp
a) ______________________________________ forming broken diagonal patterns
- removes the primary bulk material; all taper down to four sided 4) ________________ found in making carpets; knots are
points and the thickness or the size of the point will be determined tied and the fabric is trimmed to achieve a uniform length
by its weight; the smaller the size the finer or lighter the point of the threads
b) ______________________________________ 5) ________________ is a local style of weaving that uses
- used for second stage removal; a flat, straight chisel with a slightly a resist dyeing process on either the warp or the woof
bevelled teeth; has four widths- the smallest has four teeth, the next before the threads are woven to create a pattern or
with five teeth, six teeth, and the largest has ten teeth design
c) ______________________________________
- a finishing tool used before the final abrasive finishing, rasping, and Mat Weaving
sanding; it has a straight edge with a slight bevel of 30 degrees ____________________________________________________
d) ______________________________________ _______________________________________________________
- diamond-shaped point is used for parting ferrules
e) ______________________________________ Metalwork and Jewelry
- is a rounded curve tool used for concave carving, cutting edge is a _______________________________________________________
round bevel _______________________________________________________

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