Leaves: Form & Function

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• Function
• External Anatomy
• Internal Anatomy
• Specialized Leaves
The Plant Body: Leaves
– Leaves are the solar
energy and CO2 collectors
of plants.
– In some plants, leaves
have become adapted for
specialized functions.
• Leaves possess a blade or lamina, an edge
called the margin of the leaf, the veins (vascular
bundles), a petiole, and two appendages at the
base of the petiole called the stipules.
Phyllotaxy - Arrangement of leaves on a stem
Leaf types - Simple, compound, peltate and perfoliate

• Simple leaf = undivided blade with a single

axillary bud at the base of its petiole.
• Compound leaf = blade divided into leaflets,
leaflets lack an axillary bud but each
compound leaf has a single bud at the base
of its petiole
– pinnately-compound leaves: leaflets in pairs
and attached along a central rachis;
examples include ash, walnut, pecan, and
– palmately-compound leaves: leaflets attached
at the same point at the end of the petiole;
examples of plants with this leaf type include
buckeye, horse chestnut, hemp or marijuana,
and shamrock.
• Peltate leaves = petioles that are attached
to the middle of the blade; examples include
• Perfoliate leaves = sessile leaves that
surround and are pierced by stems;
examples include yellow-wort and
Leaf types – Pinnately & Palmately Compound Leaves
Peltate & Perfoliate Leaves

Yellow Wort
Venation = arrangement of veins in a leaf
• Netted-venation = one or a few prominent midveins from
which smaller minor veins branch into a meshed network;
common to dicots and some nonflowering plants.
– Pinnately-veined leaves = main vein called midrib with secondary
veins branching from it (e.g., elm).
– Palmately-veined leaves = veins radiate out of base of blade (e.g.,
• Parallel venation = characteristics of many monocots (e.g.,
grasses, cereal grains); veins are parallel to one another.
• Dichotomous venation = no midrib or large veins; rather
individual veins have a tendency to fork evenly from the
base of the the blade to the opposite margin, creating a fan-
shaped leaf (e.g., Gingko).  
Venation Types

Netted or Reticulate
LEAF – Internal Anatomy
Leaf – Internal Anatomy
Internal and External Views
Deciduous Leaves & Leaf Abscission
Specialized or Modified Leaves
• Cotyledons: embryonic or "seed" leaves. First leaves produced by a germinating seed, often
contain a store of food (obtained from the endosperm) to help the seedling become established.
• Tendrils - blade of leaves or leaflets are reduced in size, allows plant to cling to other objects
(e.g., sweet pea and garden peas.
• Shade leaves = thinner, fewer hairs, larger to compensate for less light; often found in plants
living in shaded areas.
• Drought-resistant leaves = thick, sunken stomata, often reduced in size
– In American cacti and African euphorbs, leaves are often reduced such that they serve as spine to
discourage herbivory and reduce water loss; stems serve as the primary organ of photosynthesis.
– In pine trees, the leaves are adapted to living in a dry environment too. Water is locked up as ice during
significant portions of the year and therefore not available to the plant; pine leaves possess sunken
stomata, thick cuticles, needle-like leaves, and a hypodermis, which is an extra cells just underneath the
epidermis - refer to Figure 9.18 on page 216 in the textbook.
• Prickles and thorns: epidermal outgrowths on stems and leaves (e.g., holly, rose, and
raspberries; Hypodermic trichomes on stinging nettles.
• Storage leaves succulent leaves retain water in large vacuoles.
• Reproductive leaves, (e.g., Kalanchöe plantlets arise on margins of leaves.
• Insect-trapping leaves: For example: pitcher plants, sundews venus flytraps, and bladderworts
have modified leaves for capturing insects; All these plants live under nutrient-poor conditions
and digest insect bodies to obtain nitrogen and other essential nutrients.
• Bracts:  petal-like leaves.
• Window Leaves:  plant is buried in soil with transparent part exposed to light.  Being buried
reduces loss of war in arid environments.
• Flower pot leaves:  Structure to catch water and debris for nutrient collection - fairy-elephant's
Cotyledons or “seed leaves”

Garden Pea
Leaves as Needles and Spines
Leaves as Colorful Bracts

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