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Using FRP-bars in Concrete Beams: A General Review: June 2009

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Using FRP-bars in Concrete Beams: A General Review

Article · June 2009


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Mohsen Kobraei
University of Victoria


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Using FRP-bars in Concrete Beams:
A General Review
Mohsen Kobraei Mohd. Zamin Jumaat
Dept. of Civill Engineering Dept. of Civill Engineering
University of Malaya University of Malaya
Lembah Pantai, 50603 Kuala Lumpur. Lembah Pantai, 50603 Kuala Lumpur.

Abstract use of near-surface mounted (NSM) fiber reinforced

The use of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcements in polymer (FRP) reinforcement.
concrete structures has increased quickly in the last 10 years In the NSM technique, the reinforcement is fixed in grooves
because of their excellent corrosion resistance, high tensile cut onto the surface of the member to be strengthened and
strength, and good non-magnetization properties. However, the filled with an appropriate binding agent such as epoxy paste
low modulus of elasticity of the FRP materials and their non- or cement grout. Only a few studies have been conducted to
yielding characteristics results in large deflection and wide cracks date on the use of NSM FRP reinforcement for shear
in FRP reinforced concrete members. Different applications of strengthening of RC beams.
using fiber reinforced polymer composites (FRPCs) for external
and internal strengthening in concrete beams are reviewed in this 2.1. A.K.M. Anwarul Islam’s model
paper. The main structural behaviors of beams have been reviewed
and discussed briefly. Finally, general concluding remarks are A.K.M. Anwarul Islam [8] investigated on four beams with
made along with possible future directions of research. similar dimensions also they were loaded under four-point
Key words: FRP; Concrete; RC beam; Flexural; Shear; Near surface mounted NSM
bending until collapse, they are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. All
1. Introduction four beams were made with concrete with an average
compressive strength of 49.75 MPa plus 4 No. 19 (#6) steel
Reinforcing steel bars in concrete structures are sensitive to bars at the bottom and 2 No. 19 (#6) steel bars at the top as
corrosion that severely affects the serviceability and the flexural reinforcement.
safety of the structure. The corrosion effect is more obvious
Steel Stirrups@152mm o.c. (Control Beam) Strain Gage
in harsh marine environments [1]. Fiber reinforced polymer
(FRP) reinforcing bars recommend a potentially attractive NSM CFRP bars @variable spacing P P
alternative to steel reinforcing bars. The former are non- (Test Beams)

corrosive and generally of a higher strength than their steel

counterparts. Fiber reinforced polymer bars have most
commonly been used in aggressive environments such as
coastal environments and water treatments plants instead of
steel. Such structures may include dry-docks, sea walls,
wharfs, box-culverts, reinforced piles, floating piers, tanks, 152 610 610 610 152
facades, and retaining walls [2].
The commercially available FRPs include aramid (AFRP), 1829
carbon (CFRP) and glass (GFRP) matrix. All of the FRPs 2134
exhibit a higher tensile strength, higher Young's modulus (All dimensions in mm)
and lower ductility, non magnetic characteristics, and
relatively low relaxation. These properties results in large
Fig.1. Beam dimensions and loading configurations.
deflection and wide cracks.
The main objectives of the paper are to classify the available NSM CFRP Bars Steel Stirrups

literature (analytical/experimental) and to discuss the effects

of various parameters such as fiber type, diameters, concrete
strength, etc. Discussion is kept on a descriptive level and
305 305
reader is advised to refer to the cited references for details of
parameters. Strain Gage

2. Shear strengthening of RC concrete beams by using Flexural Steel Bars

FRP on NSM method 254

Shear failure is a usual problem in concrete beams. Natural

disasters, such as hurricanes and earthquakes, may also Fig.2. Plan and cross section of model beam.
cause shear failure of structures before full flexural capacity
is achieved [3]. A recent and promising method for shear A.K.M. Anwarul Islam modified the method of calculating
strengthening of reinforced concrete (RC) members is the the ultimate shear capacity of strengthened beams. The
nominal shear capacity (𝑉𝑛) of a RC member strengthened an acceptable range and accuracy of 2%_9% of the
in shear with NSM FRP composites can be given by Eq. (1). experimental values.

𝑉𝑛 = 𝑉𝑐 + 𝑉𝑠 + 𝑉𝑓 (1) 2.1.1. Load-strain and load-concrete strain relationship

Where: Fig.4. Shows the load versus CFRP strain relationship for
the three model beams.The maximum failure loads for
𝑉𝑐 = Stands for the nominal shear strength provided by concrete Beam 2, 3, and 4 were recorded as 454, 427 and 436 kN,
𝑉𝑓 = Stand for the nominal shear strength provided by FRP bars with a corresponding maximum strain of 5474, 5891, and
𝑉𝑠 = Stand for the nominal shear strength provided by steel 5103 micro-strain, respectively.

𝑓′ 𝑐
𝑉𝑐 = 𝑏𝑤 𝑑 (2)

𝐴𝑣 𝑓𝑦 𝑑
𝑉𝑠 = (3)

𝐴𝑓 𝐸𝑓 𝜀 𝑒𝑓 𝑑
𝑉𝑓 = (4)


𝑓 ′ 𝑐 =Specified compressive strength of concrete(𝑀𝑃𝑎) Fig.4. Load versus vertical strain in CFRP bars in model beams [8].
𝑏𝑤 =Beam web width (𝑚𝑚)
𝑑 =Distance from extreme compression fiber to centered of longitudinal Fig.5. Shows the strain in concrete under compression
tension reinforcement (𝑚𝑚) increases almost linearly with the increase in load, which is
𝐴𝑣 =D area of shear steel (𝑚𝑚2 ) an accepted practice. The maximum strains for the four
𝑓𝑦 = Tensile yield strength of shear steel (𝑀𝑃𝑎) beams were recorded as 1293, 1923, 1517, and 1582 micro-
𝑆 = Spacing of shear reinforcement (𝑚𝑚) strain for Beam 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively.
𝐴𝑣 = Area of FRP bars in shear on both sides of beam (𝑚𝑚2 )
𝐸𝑓 = Tension modulus of elasticity of FRP bars(𝑀𝑃𝑎)
𝜀𝑒𝑓 =Effective strain in FRP bars

A.K.M. Anwarul Islam said that as a result of attaching

CFRP bars using the NSM technique, the increase in shear
strengths of the model beams compared to the control beam
were calculated as 24.4%, 17.0% and 19.5% for Beam 2, 3
and 4, respectively. The average gain in shear strength is
more than 20%. Therefore, the NSM technique is expected
to perform well in enhancing the shear strength of shear-
deficient concrete members. The ratio of effective strain to
ultimate strain of CFRP bars in Beams 2, 3 and 4 are 32.8%,
35.3% and 30.6%, respectively. On average at failure,
Fig.5. Load versus concrete strain [8].
almost one-third of the ultimate strain becomes effective in
the CFRP bars attached with the concrete beams following 2.2. A.Rizzo and De Lorenzis’s model
the NSM technique. Therefore, the following formula in Eq.
(5) is being proposed to calculate, 𝑉𝑓 , the nominal shear A.Rizzo [9] and De Lorenzis [9] studied on nine beams.
strength provided by NSM CFRP bars used in shear Dimensions were 2.0 m long RC beams with a rectangular
strengthening of concrete members. 200mm × 210mm cross-section (Fig. 6). All beams had
internal steel flexural and shear reinforcement. The steel
1 𝐴𝑓 𝑓 𝑦𝑓 𝑑
𝑉𝑓 = (5) tension and compression reinforcement consisted
3 𝑆
respectively of four and two steel deformed bars with 22mm
Where: nominal diameter. Material characterization was carried out
𝑓𝑦𝑓 = Tensile yield strength of FRP bars on concrete, steel reinforcements, CFRP round bars and
strips, and groove-filling epoxies. The concrete had an
average compressive strength of 29.3 MPa (with a
Comparison of shear strengths calculated by Eq. (4) and the
coefficient of variation [COV] of 13.5%) determined on
proposed formula in Eq. (5). The proposed formula
seven standard (150mm diameter · 300 mm length) concrete
calculates the shear strength provided by the NSM CFRP
cylinders. The average splitting tensile strength determined
bars used in shear strengthening of concrete members within
on six standard cylinders was equal to 2.0 MPa (COV
14.6%). Six standard specimens were tested for each type of evaluation of the NSM and externally bonded techniques,
steel reinforcement. The steel rebars with 22mm diameter one beam was strengthened with one ply of externally
bonded laminate, using the U-wrap configuration.

ii) Type of NSM reinforcement, i.e. round bars and strips

Previous investigations on flexural strengthening of RC
beams with NSM reinforcement have indicated a better
performance of NSM strips compared with NSM round bars
of equivalent cross-sectional area, due to a better bond
behavior of NSM strips and hence to a delayed occurrence
of debonding failures in beams strengthened with NSM
strips [5]. Equivalent data on shear strengthening is not
available yet.

iii) Type of groove-filling epoxy

Two commercially available epoxies were selected for their
significantly different values of tensile strength and modulus
of elasticity. The current knowledge indicates these two
properties of the groove filler as the main ones affecting the
bond behavior [6]. Bond tests on NSM reinforcement
embedded with these two types of epoxy had shown a
significant influence of the type of epoxy on the bond
Fig.6. Geometrical details of the RC beam [9]. behavior and capacity [7], hence it was of interest to verify
whether this different bond behavior would correspond to a
used as flexural tension and compression reinforcement had different behavior and capacity of shear-strengthened
a yield strength of 544.5 MPa (COV 2.2%) and a modulus beams.
of elasticity of 211.3 GPa (COV 5.7%). From these two
values, the strain at yielding can be calculated as 0.26%. iv) Inclination of the NSM reinforcement with respect to
The steel rebars with 6-mm diameter used as stirrups within the axis of the beam
the test side of the beams had a yield strength of 665.3 MPa Two different inclinations were selected, namely 90
(COV 6.3%) and a modulus of elasticity of 251.5 GPa (vertical reinforcement) and 45 .
(COV 18.1%). From these two values, the strain at yielding
can be calculated as 0.26%. v) Spacing of the NSM reinforcement
The material properties for the FRP round bars and strips to For each inclination of NSM reinforcement, two different
be used as NSM reinforcement were determined according spacings were selected, namely: 45 mm and 73 mm for
to the ACI 440.3R-04 guidelines [4]. vertical reinforcement, and 73 mm and 146 mm for 45_
One beam was unstrengthened, to serve as the control beam. reinforcement. All these spacings are measured along the
The other eight beams were all strengthened in shear with beam axis.
FRP systems within the test side. The test variables were The main test results are reported in Table 1. In the table,
the last column reports for each beam the FRP contribution
i) Type of FRP strengthening system to the shear capacity, VFRP, computed as the difference
between the ultimate shear force of the shear-strengthened
As the main focus of this investigation is on shear beam and that of the control beam.
strengthening with the NSM method, seven beams were
strengthened with NSM reinforcement. For a comparative

Table 1. Test results

Ultimate load Ultimate shear force Increase in ultimate shear force Increase in ultimate shear VFRP
(kN) (kN) Over the control beam (%) Force over beam UW90 (%) (kN)
C 244.3 122.2 - - -
UW90 283.0 141.5 15.8 - 19.3
NB90-73-a 352.8 176.4 44.4 24.7 54.2
NB90-73-b 297.1 148.6 21.6 5.0 26.4
NB90-45-b 301.5 150.8 23.4 6.5 28.6
NB45-146-a 322.6 161.3 32.1 14.0 39.1
NB45-73-a 300.3 150.2 22.9 6.1 28.0
NS90-73-a 345.3 172.7 41.3 22.0 50.5
NS45-146-a 309.7 154.9 26.8 9.4 32.7
3. Investigation of flexural behavior in concrete
beams with FRP bars

The flexural strength of a reinforced concrete (RC) beam

can be increased by using fiber reinforced polymers (FRPs)
to the tension face. These part discuses on flexural behavior
of FRP bars as a reinforced in concrete beams.

Loding term deflection

3.1. M. Arockiasamy’s model

M. Arockiasamy [1] came up with the idea of four
rectangular concrete beams reinforced with CFRP bars were
designed in two sets. The first set of beams (B1 and B2) and
the second set of beams (B3 and B4) were of size 152 mm ×
203 mm × 2438 mm (6 in. ×8 in. ×8 ft.) and 152 mm × 152
mm × 2438 mm (6 in. ×8 in. × 8 ft.) respectively. Each
beam is reinforced with two 7.5 mm diameter longitudinal
CFRP bars and two 7.5 mm diameter hanger CFRP bars
(Figs. 7). The spacing of the #3 steel stirrups is 76.2 mm (3
in.) at both ends and the spacing gradually increases to 152
mm (6 in.) at the mid span. Concrete blocks of sizes 305
mm × 305 mm × 610 mm (1 ft × 1 ft × 2 ft) and 305 mm ×
152 mm × 610 mm (1 ft × 6 in. ×2 ft) were cast at the same Loading Period (Days)
time, which were used to simulate the sustained distributed
Fig.8. Variation of long-term deflection with time [1].

Fig. 9 shows the total time-dependent compressive strains

7.5 mm dia.
observed at the top concrete surface for beams B1, B2, B3
CFRP hanger bars and B4. Beam B1 was uncracked and subjected to load
intensity less than beam B2 and hence it exhibits a small
compressive strain. The compressive strain at the top
203 mm
152 mm

102 mm

9.53 mm #3 surface of the beam B4 is only marginally higher than that

steel strrups
in beam B3, since the load intensity in beam B4 is more
than that in beam B3. The increase in the strains over the
instantaneous values for a period of 470 days is 101, 151,
7.5 mm dia.
209 and 245% for beams B1, B2, B3 and B4, respectively.
102 mm CFRP bars 102 mm
152 mm 152 mm

Beams B1 and B2 Beams B3 and B4

Compressive strain at the top surface ( Microstrain )

Fig.7. Reinforcing details of the beams.

Fig. 8 shows the long-term defections at the midspan for the

beams B1, B2, B3 and B4. The long-term defections are
obtained by subtracting the instantaneous defection from the
total defection. It shows that the defection at the midspan
increases with the time. The beams B1, B2, B3 and B4 are
loaded to 77, 120, 110 and 123% of their cracking moment,
respectively. The load intensity in beam B3 is smaller than
that in beam B4 and hence beam B3 exhibits smaller long-
term defections than those of beam B4. Beam B1 remained
uncracked and exhibited a very small increase in long term
defection. The increase in defections over the instantaneous
values for a period of 470 days is 15, 115, 65 and 71% for
beams B1, B2, B3 and B4, respectively. Beams B1 and B2
showed an increase in defection of 28 and 125% after a
period of 610 days. Loading Period (Days)

Fig.9. Strain observed at the top surface of the beams [1].

3.2. B. Saikia’s model

B. Saikia [10] made ten cross sectional beams. Their

dimensions were 180 mm width and overall height 250 mm.
They tested under four-point bending. All the beams were
tested over a clear span of 1340 mm. The shear span was
maintained constant (420 mm) as shown in Fig. 10. The
cross sectional details and loading arrangement of the test
beams have also been presented in Fig. 10. All the beams
were designed as singly reinforced sections based on the
limit state principles.
In the first phase of the experimental program, five beams
were cast with moderately high strength concrete (65 MPa)
and tested. Out of the five beams, one had conventional steel
reinforcement and the remaining four had GFRP rebar as
longitudinal reinforcement. In the second phase of the test
program, five beams were cast with normal strength
concrete (35 MPa). Out of these five beams, two had
conventional steel reinforcement and other three had GFRP
rebar as longitudinal reinforcement. Fig.11. Crack pattern in test beams at ultimate stage [10].

4. Conclusion

Based on the results of this review, the following

conclusion can be made.

 Researches show that using FRP bars in high

strength concrete will give us better cracks, as we
know, FRP bars have low modules of elasticity
and this, can considered as the main reason.
 It is recommended that in reinforced concrete with
FRP, the proportion of height to width is

supposed to be just a little greater than 2 : ≥ 2
 One of the researches presents the information on
the important role of span ratio ( ) in the effect of
CFRP bars in shear strengthening.
Fig.10. Details of test beam [10].  The results illustrate that the creep and the number
of cracks, and cracks width compare to steel
In the initial stages of loading, for all the beams, cracks first samples is more significant.
appeared in the constant moment zone. As the load  Using high strength concrete instead of normal
increased, additional cracks developed in the mid span and resistance concrete, increases the first load of
new vertical cracks formed in the shear span. With further cracks, therefore it will creates more cracks with
increase in load in steel reinforced beams (FS1SOC, less width.
FS2SOC and FS2GFC), one of the flexural crack in the  I have got the point regarding the excellent
constant moment zone extended deep into the compression resistance to corrosion of FRP and especially
zone, reducing the area of concrete in compression leading CFRP. It is mentionable that the other merits of
to crushing of concrete. Hence, crushing of concrete was Carbon FRP are derived from its (i) light weight,
observed in beams reinforced with steel rebar at the ultimate (ii) non magnetic characteristics, (iii) relativity
stage of loading. The cracks developed in the test beams at low relaxation, and (iv) elastic brittle stress-strain
the ultimate stage are given in Fig. 11. In the case of GFRP relationship.
reinforced concrete beams, one of the vertical cracks in the  The results of several experimental investigations
shear span became critical and extended towards the loading have shown that FRP systems can be effective in
point at the ultimate stage. These beams failed at a load increasing the shear strength of concrete members.
lower than the design load and the failure was observed to  The results show that the ACI Committee 440
be mainly due to the slip of the rebar from the surrounding equation is very conservative for estimating the
concrete. The slipping of rebar in GFRP reinforced beams shear capacity of FRP-reinforced concrete beams
was indicated by splitting of concrete at the level parallel to and design of FRP-reinforced concrete members.
the reinforcements shown in Fig. 11.
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