Sumário: Mude Sua Vida!

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Questões sobre a aula ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Gabarito ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
Questões Comentadas..................................................................................................................................... 12




Mr. Day was a teacher at a school in a big city in the north of England. He usually went to
France or Germany for a few weeks during his summer holidays, and he spoke French and
German quite well.

But one year Mr. Day said to one of his friends, “I’m going to have a holiday in Athens.
But I don’t speak Greek, so I’ll go to evening classes and have Greek lessons for a month
before I go.”
He studied very hard for a month, and then ___10___holidays began and he went to
When he came back a few weeks later, his friend said to him, “Did you have any trouble
with your Greek when you were in Athens, Dick?”
“No, I didn’t have any trouble with it,” answered Mr. Day. “But the Greeks did!”
(L. A. Hill. Elementary Stories for Reproduction, 1977.)

1. A palavra que completa corretamente a lacuna numerada no texto é

a) its.
b) his.
c) their.
d) your.
e) her.

2. The underlined words DO NOT function as determinants in:

a) an accessible and multiethnic nation.
b) an eightminute pitch.
c) ready to reengage with the world.
d) the most compelling message.
e) a stunning visual backdrop.

3. Qual a alternativa que possui a sequência correta dos adjetivos?

a) A leather light brown new suitcase.
b) Two long stainless steel practical zips.
c) A small Egyptian copper jar.
d) A square silk French red scarf.
e) A plastic small red doll.

Mount Roraima, a Mystified Hiking Experience

Hiking here is not hard and you can also get help from the indigenous population, as they
organize tour guides in exchange for a small sum of money. If you are on your own however,
try to reserve at least four days for this fantastic journey, as there are plenty of things to see
and enjoy up there. Mount Roraima is said to have some of _____________________ hiking trails in
the world.

You should not leave after 2 p.m. from the village as trekkers are no longer allowed after this
hour. At the beginning of your climb, your baggages will be strictly checked and you can not
take more than 15 kilos with you. So careful how you organize things. Being given that this
is a national park , you are not permitted to take rocks or plants along the way.



The top of the mountain measures 2772m, it offers amazing landscapes and establishing a
tent around here is possible. However, you should know the weather changes suddenly in
this area so be prepared.

hikingexperience. html Acesso em 01/09/2015)

4. Which alternative below contains an adjective in the superlative form that best complete
the gap in the text?
a) the coldest;
b) the most difficult;
c) the toughest;
d) the least difficult.
e) the most fascinating;

5. The lecture we’ve attended was not good. It was quite __________, and the audience was
a) amusing – amused
b) bored – boring
c) amused – amusing
d) boring – bored
e) interesting – interested

6. Choose the item which best completes the sentence bellow:

“The _____ practical way to cement the memories of your dreams is _____ write them down
as soon as you can.”
a) good; for
b) but; or
c) most; to
d) more; from
e) mainly; near

7. ‘In London there are lots of streets with the same name and it’s very __________ if you are
a tourist. Another problem is that it’s a huge place. We walked everywhere on our last
trip and we were __________ at the end of each day. But it’s an __________ city, with so much
to do.’
a) confused – exhaust – excited
b) confusing – exhausted – exciting
c) confuse – exhausting – exciting
d) confusing – exhaust – excited
e) confused – exhausted – excited

8. Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence: The flight lasted two
hours. It was _______________.
a) a flight's two-hours's



b) a two-hours-flight
c) a two'-hours's flight
d) a two-hours
e) a two-hour flight

9. Dark Deeds by Anne Marie Becker. Book 4, Mindhunters.

Walking away from sexy Detective Diego Sandoval ______ one of ______ things security
specialist Becca Haney ever had to do, but when he’s assigned to help keep her safe from
a human trafficking ring and an admirer ______ only as “the Fan,”, he’s determined to stay
by her side and learn about the woman behind the passion – scars and all.

a) was/the toughest/known
b) were/toughest/known
c) were/the toughest/knew
d) was/tougher/know
e) are/tougher/knowa

10. Check the alternative that adequately fills the gaps:

She is Fernanda Montenegro, but ____ real name is Arlete Torres.

You are Grande Otelo, but ______ real name is Sebastião Prata.
He is Ringo Star, but ______ real name is Richard Stakney.
You are Gal, but _____ real name is Maria da Graça.
We are Pelé and Zico, but ____ real names are Edson and Artur.

a) her – your – his – our – your

b) her – your – his – your – our.
c) your – your – his – your – their
d) her – his – his – your – their
e) her – your – his – your – their

11. Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence: They finally decided
to buy a __________.
a) four-doors car
b) four doors car
c) four-door car
d) four-door-car
e) four-car

12. The ___________ we study, the __________ we know.

a) most – best
b) more – best
c) less – worst
d) more – more
e) least – best

13. Assinale a opção correta com os adjetivos correspondentes ao substantivo em destaque:



a) She has CHARM. She is a charming girl.

b) He has PATIENCE. He is a patianting boy.
c) There is NO HOPE. It's hopeness.
d) There is NO SUN. Ii’s cloudness.
e) He has intelligence. He is intelligenting.

14. Peter is not from Italy. He is from Denmark. He is ________

a) Irish
b) Swedish
c) Danish
d) Dutch
e) Thai

15. The alternative that contains only adjectives is:

a) opportunities / new / better / around
b) excellent / nearby / atmosphere / great
c) search / stay / river / affordable
d) snowy / business / housing / growing
e) genuine / strong / historical / rural

16. Choose the alternative which contains only adjectives.

a) online, worthwhile, hometown
b) young, portrayal, known
c) performance, according, soul
d) features, literate, influential
e) heartbreaking, interesting, remarkable

17. Was the game exciting?

Oh, yes. It was ______________________.
a) alarming
b) moving
c) tiring
d) thrilling
e) boring

18. As palavras "independence" e "independent" são, respectivamente, um substantivo e um

adjetivo. O mesmo ocorre, respectivamente, em
a) reconciles - reconciliation .
b) united - unity.
c) suggestion - suggested.
d) freedom – free.
e) practical - practically.

19. Her ________ eyes showed the happiness of that cheerful day.
a) bright
b) brightly
c) brighten
d) brightens
e) brightness



20. Grandma always says that health ______ wealth.

a) is good than
b) is better than
c) isn't so good
d) more good
e) “a” and “c” are correct

21. The sun __________ rises in the west.

a) sometimes
b) always
c) usually
d) never
e) often

22. As an American Express Card member, you will enjoy a relationship with us that goes
beyond the ordinary. You will be treated as a MEMBER, not a number. And you will
receive the respect and recognition ‘seldom’ found today.

O termo seldom, entre aspas no trecho adiante, poderia ser substituído por:
a) often.
b) usually.
c) always.
d) rarely.
e) occasionally.

23. After 20 years of scientific advances, ‘nearly’ three out of four infertile couples seeking
medical assistance to have a child still go home to an empty crib.

In the text bellow, the word nearly means:

a) hardly.
b) far.
c) almost.
d) close.
e) over.

24. Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentence.

"Mr. Myers told me he will leave ________."
a) by train ; for Paris ; at 8 o'clock ; next week.
b) for Paris ; at 8 o'clock ; next week ; by train.
c) next week ; at 8 o'clock ; by train ; for Paris.
d) at 8 o'clock ; next week ; for Paris ; by train.
e) for Paris; by train ; at 8 o'clock ; next week.

25. This is a ________ good course for you to take.



a) enough
b) only
c) nearly
d) much
e) very

26. The suffix-LY in words like UNCONTROVERSIALLY , SIMPLY , RELIABLY , and TIGHTLY
a) manner.
b) frequency.
c) emphasis.
d) comparison.
e) quality.

27. A palavra "readily" poderia ser substituída sem alteração do sentido por
a) hardly.
b) promptly.
c) mostly.
d) practically.
e) wildly.

28. I noticed the student speak English _______________.

a) very fluent
b) fluent
c) more fluent
d) fluently
e) fluency

29. In the sentence "He was fast asleep..." (last sentence in the text) a synonym for the word
FAST is...
a) quick.
b) rapidly.
c) gradually.
d) completely.
e) permanently.

30. In the the text, the word SUDDENLY means

a) bravely.
b) slowly.
c) unexpectedly.
d) calmly.
e) timely.

31. They ran very _______ in the race but at the end they could ______ breathe.
a) fast, harder
b) fast, hardly



c) fast, hard
d) faster, hardly
e) fastly, hard

32. Complete o diálogo, usando os advérbios corretos:

– Hasn’t anyone caught the thief ____________?
– No, he hasn’t been caught ______. He will be caught ______
a) already; still; just now
b) yet; yet; soon
c) now; already; tomorrow
d) still; yet; immediately
e) yet; already; at the moment

33. Brazilian people ____________ drink beer, mainly on weekends.

a) rarely
b) never
c) sometimes
d) seldom
e) usually

34. I ___________ go jogging. I need to lose weight, because I'm a bit fat.
a) never
b) rarely
c) seldom
d) always
e) sometimes

35. You are a gentleman, and as ______ you must be polite to women.
a) yet
b) thus
c) so
d) sure
e) such

36. You won't convince me of your good intentions __________ hard you try.
a) whenever
b) whatever
c) whoever
d) wherever
e) however

37. Nora's husband is ___________ mean ___________ he never gives anything to anybody.
a) enough / that
b) hardly / so
c) perhaps / that



d) so / that
e) that / so

38. They haven’t _____ thought of it________.

a) whether /yet
b) even / yet
c) then / also
d) ever / always
e) even / only

39. We believe she's got talent ___________ to win this prize.

a) ever
b) hardly
c) enough
d) possibly
e) however

40. - Hasn't he corrected the exercises ____________?

- No, not ___________.
a) yet / yet
b) yet / ready
c) already / never
d) already / ever
e) ever / yet

41. The test was _______ no one passed.

a) very hard that
b) too hard for that
c) too hard, so
d) so hard so that
e) even / only

42. - Hi, Geraldo! How do you feel ___________?

a) never
b) often
c) once
d) yet
e) today

43. This machine is to be operated very carefully. Operated ____________ may damage it
a) often / serious
b) never / serious
c) otherwise / seriously



d) well / still
e) otherwise / yet

44. The same as 'Mr. Burton hardly talked to me.' is:

a) Hardly did Mr. Burton talked to me.
b) Hardly Mr. Burton talked to me.
c) Hardly did Mr. Burton talk to me.
d) Did Mr. Burton hardly talk to me.
e) Mr. Burton talked to me hardly.

45. A sentença "MAL SABIA ELE QUE ELA ERA CASADA", em inglês, seria:
a) He didn't little know that she married.
b) Did he little know that she was married.
c) Badly knew he that she married.
d) Little did he know that she was married.
e) Little knew he that she was married.

46. Mark the sentence which contains an emphatic element.

a) "The sky's the limit."
b) "This too shall pass."
c) "It can even be comforting."
d) "First, sky watching gives you a break."
e) "Sky watching reminds you that you're part of a much larger picture."

47. Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence.
"Seldom __________ such an intelligent man."
a) talked I to
b) have I talked to
c) did I talked to
d) I have talked to
e) had I talk to

48. Assinale a alternativa correta:

a) He played the piano bad extremely.
b) He played the piano extreme bad.
c) He played the piano extreme badly.
d) He played extremely the piano bad.
e) He played the piano extremely badly.

49. Common gestures mean __________ different things in different cultures.

a) surprisingly
b) very surprise
c) often surprise
d) fast surprisingly
e) soon surprise

50. The plane landed very ___________, as if it were very light.



a) seldom
b) slowly
c) only
d) lately
e) always

1. B
2. C
3. C
4. E
5. D
6. C
7. B
8. E
9. A
10. B
11. C
12. D
13. A
14. C
15. E
16. E
17. B
18. D
19. A
20. B
21. D
22. D
23. D
24. B
25. E
26. A
27. B
28. D
29. D
30. C
31. B
32. B
33. E
34. D
35. E
36. E
37. D
38. B
39. C
40. A



41. C
42. E
43. C
44. C
45. D
46. C
47. B
48. E
49. A
50. B


Mr. Day was a teacher at a school in a big city in the north of England. He usually went to
France or Germany for a few weeks during his summer holidays, and he spoke French and
German quite well.

But one year Mr. Day said to one of his friends, “I’m going to have a holiday in Athens.
But I don’t speak Greek, so I’ll go to evening classes and have Greek lessons for a month
before I go.”
He studied very hard for a month, and then ___10___holidays began and he went to
When he came back a few weeks later, his friend said to him, “Did you have any trouble
with your Greek when you were in Athens, Dick?”
“No, I didn’t have any trouble with it,” answered Mr. Day. “But the Greeks did!”
(L. A. Hill. Elementary Stories for Reproduction, 1977.)

1. A palavra que completa corretamente a lacuna numerada no texto é

a) its.
b) his.
c) their.
d) your.
e) her.


Analisando a sentença onde existe a lacuna para ser preenchida,

percebemos que o pronome sujeito é “He” (ele), desta forma o adjetivo possessivo
que faz relação com o pronome de terceira pessoa é “his”, dele.

Resposta correta: B

2. The underlined words DO NOT function as determinants in:

a) an accessible and multiethnic nation.



b) an eightminute pitch.
c) ready to reengage with the world.
d) the most compelling message.
e) a stunning visual backdrop.


Determinantes são palavras que geralmente precedem o nome e

ajudam à construção do seu valor referencial. Dão indicações sobre aquilo que o
nome expressa, limitando ou concretizando o seu significado. Concordam, em género
e número, com o substantivo. Das opções apresentadas a única que não apresenta
estas características é a opção C.
Resposta correta: C

3. Qual a alternativa que possui a sequência correta dos adjetivos?

a) A leather light brown new suitcase.
b) Two long stainless steel practical zips.
c) A small Egyptian copper jar.
d) A square silk French red scarf.
e) A plastic small red doll.


Em inglês a ordem dos adjetivos se dar de forma diferente em relação

a língua portuguesa, desta forma temos a seguinte ordem sequencial...


Observando a frase, “A small Egyptian copper jar”, (Small= pequeno

Egyptian= Egípcio e Copper= cobre), temos: SIZE – ORIGIN – MATERIAL.

Resposta correta: C

Mount Roraima, a Mystified Hiking Experience

Hiking here is not hard and you can also get help from the indigenous population, as they
organize tour guides in exchange for a small sum of money. If you are on your own however,
try to reserve at least four days for this fantastic journey, as there are plenty of things to see
and enjoy up there. Mount Roraima is said to have some of _____________________ hiking trails in
the world.



You should not leave after 2 p.m. from the village as trekkers are no longer allowed after this
hour. At the beginning of your climb, your baggages will be strictly checked and you can not
take more than 15 kilos with you. So careful how you organize things. Being given that this
is a national park , you are not permitted to take rocks or plants along the way.

The top of the mountain measures 2772m, it offers amazing landscapes and establishing a
tent around here is possible. However, you should know the weather changes suddenly in
this area so be prepared.

hikingexperience. html Acesso em 01/09/2015)

4. Which alternative below contains an adjective in the superlative form that best complete
the gap in the text?
a) the coldest;
b) the most difficult;
c) the toughest;
d) the least difficult.
e) the most fascinating;


Levando em conta que todas as alternativas trazem a forma correta

dos adjetivos no superlativo, devemos considerar a mensagem do texto.
Na primeira linha temos “Hiking here is not hard and...” também na primeira
linha do terceiro parágrafo o autor afirma: “The top of the mountain measures
2772m, it offers amazing landscapes....”Ou seja além de não haver dificuldade em
fazer caminhada, o topo da montanha oferece fascinante paisagens.

Resposta correta: E

5. The lecture we’ve attended was not good. It was quite __________, and the audience was
a) amusing – amused
b) bored – boring
c) amused – amusing
d) boring – bored
e) interesting – interested


Para a referida questão é necessário conhecer um poco do uso gramatical

dos adjetivos, bem como ter conhecimento de vocabulário básico da língua inglesa.
Em afirmar, “The lecture was not good” ou seja, que a palestra não foi boa,



descartamos os adjetivos (amusing e Interesting) cujo significado é divertido e

interessante. Adjetivos com terminação ING, geralmente faz referência a situações
permanente, e terminados em ED, a situações temporárias.

Resposta correta: D

6. Choose the item which best completes the sentence bellow:

“The _____ practical way to cement the memories of your dreams is _____ write them down
as soon as you can.”
a) good; for
b) but; or
c) most; to
d) more; from
e) mainly; near


Analisando a frase, temos uma mensagem no grau superlativo, a qual

afirma que a forma mais pratica para cimentar as memorias de seus sonhos é
escrevê-las o quanto antes. Desta maneira a estrutura aceita para o uso do
superlativo é [THE MOST+ADJETIVO].

Resposta correta: C

7. ‘In London there are lots of streets with the same name and it’s very __________ if you are
a tourist. Another problem is that it’s a huge place. We walked everywhere on our last
trip and we were __________ at the end of each day. But it’s an __________ city, with so much
to do.’
a) confused – exhaust – excited
b) confusing – exhausted – exciting
c) confuse – exhausting – exciting
d) confusing – exhaust – excited
e) confused – exhausted – excited


Quando falamos de qualidades de uma pessoa, coisa ou situação,

podemos usar os adjetivos terminados em -ing para indicar aquelas qualidades que
são fixas, e as terminamos todas com -ed, para indicar as que são temporários.

Resposta correta: B



8. Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence: The flight lasted two
hours. It was _______________.
a) a flight's two-hours's
b) a two-hours-flight
c) a two'-hours's flight
d) a two-hours
e) a two-hour flight


Em inglês os adjetivos não possuem número nem gênero, desta forma,

o adjetivo correto para caracterizar o tempo de voo, não terá sua forma pluralizada.

Resposta correta: E

9. Dark Deeds by Anne Marie Becker. Book 4, Mindhunters.

Walking away from sexy Detective Diego Sandoval ______ one of ______ things security
specialist Becca Haney ever had to do, but when he’s assigned to help keep her safe from
a human trafficking ring and an admirer ______ only as “the Fan,”, he’s determined to stay
by her side and learn about the woman behind the passion – scars and all.

a) was/the toughest/known
b) were/toughest/known
c) were/the toughest/knew
d) was/tougher/know
e) are/tougher/knowa


Observando a primeira linha, temos um sujeito chamada Diego

Sandoval, desta forma devemos usar o verbo TO BE no singular. Levando em conta
que uma das coisas mais difíceis que a especialista em segurança Becca Haney já
teve que fazer...... temos uma sentença no superlativo e tempo passado.

Resposta correta: A

10. Check the alternative that adequately fills the gaps:



She is Fernanda Montenegro, but ____ real name is Arlete Torres.

You are Grande Otelo, but ______ real name is Sebastião Prata.
He is Ringo Star, but ______ real name is Richard Stakney.
You are Gal, but _____ real name is Maria da Graça.
We are Pelé and Zico, but ____ real names are Edson and Artur.

a) her – your – his – our – your

b) her – your – his – your – our.
c) your – your – his – your – their
d) her – his – his – your – their
e) her – your – his – your – their


A questão requer conhecimento dos adjetivos possessivos da língua

inglesa. Cada possessivo faz referência a um pronome sujeito, desta forma temos:

Resposta correta: B

11. Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence: They finally decided
to buy a __________.
a) four-doors car
b) four doors car
c) four-door car
d) four-door-car
e) four-car


Em inglês os adjetivos não possuem número nem gênero, desta forma,

a opção correta para qualificar o carro de quatro portas (four-door car), não terá sua
forma pluralizada, nem se juntará ao substantivo CAR por hífen, visto que esta classe
gramatical não exige.

Resposta correta: C



12. The ___________ we study, the __________ we know.

a) most – best
b) more – best
c) less – worst
d) more – more
e) least – best


Nesta questão temos uma relação de causa e efeito, ou seja, o resultado está
ligado a execução, isso ocorre dentro da mesma proporção. Assim sendo, quanto
mais estudamos, mais sabemos.

Resposta correta: D

13. Assinale a opção correta com os adjetivos correspondentes ao substantivo em destaque:

a) She has CHARM. She is a charming girl.
b) He has PATIENCE. He is a patianting boy.
c) There is NO HOPE. It's hopeness.
d) There is NO SUN. Ii’s cloudness.
e) He has intelligence. He is intelligenting.


A questão exige conhecimento da formação de adjetivos a partir de

substantivos. Alguns adjetivos em inglês são terminados em ING, o que não pode
ser confundido com verbo no gerúndio. Por outro lado, não é regra geral o acréscimo
do sufixo ING ao substantivo, afim de convertê-lo em adjetivo. Vejamos:
Substantivos Adjetivos
Charm Charming
Patience Patient
No hope Hopeless
No Sun Not sunny
Intelligence Inteligente

Resposta correta: A

14. Peter is not from Italy. He is from Denmark. He is ________

a) Irish
b) Swedish
c) Danish



d) Dutch
e) Thai


A questão exige conhecimento de vocabulário relacionado a adjetivos

gentílicos, ou pátrios. Nascidos na Dinamarca “Denmark” terão como nacionalidade
“Danish”, ou seja, Dinamarqueses.

Resposta correta: C

15. The alternative that contains only adjectives is:

a) opportunities / new / better / around
b) excellent / nearby / atmosphere / great
c) search / stay / river / affordable
d) snowy / business / housing / growing
e) genuine / strong / historical / rural


Adjetivo é uma classe gramatical que indica uma característica do

sujeito. Observando as palavras de cada alternativa, podemos ver pelo menos um
substantivo em meio delas, por exemplo: opportunity, atmosphere, river, business.
Desta forma a única que traz uma sequencia de palavras que são todos adjetivos é
a opção E.

Resposta correta: E

16. Choose the alternative which contains only adjectives.

a) online, worthwhile, hometown
b) young, portrayal, known
c) performance, according, soul
d) features, literate, influential
e) heartbreaking, interesting, remarkable


Das alternativas a única que apresenta uma sequencia de apenas adjetivos é..

Heartbreaking – comovente
Interesting: Interessante
Remarkable: notável



Resposta correta: E

17. Was the game exciting?

Oh, yes. It was ______________________.
a) alarming
b) moving
c) tiring
d) thrilling
e) boring


Ao questionar se o jogo foi empolgante “exciting”, vemos que a resposta foi

positiva, desta forma a única palavra que traz o mesmo sentido é “moving”, ou seja,
comovente, emocionante.

Resposta correta: B

18. As palavras "independence" e "independent" são, respectivamente, um substantivo e um

adjetivo. O mesmo ocorre, respectivamente, em
a) reconciles - reconciliation .
b) united - unity.
c) suggestion - suggested.
d) freedom – free.
e) practical - practically.


Das alternativas apresentadas, temos respectivamente um

substantivo e um adjetivo nas palavras, “freedom” e “free” as quais significam:
liberdade e livre; característica de quem tem liberdade.

Resposta correta: D

19. Her ________ eyes showed the happiness of that cheerful day.
a) bright
b) brightly
c) brighten
d) brightens
e) brightness




A questão exige a forma correta do adjetivo que indique brilho nos olhos, em
referência a felicidade daquele dia alegre. Desta forma o termo bright completa a
sentença de forma correta.
Resposta correta: A

20. Grandma always says that health ______ wealth.

a) is good than
b) is better than
c) isn't so good
d) more good
e) “a” and “c” are correct

Nesta questão temos uma comparação de superioridade entre os termos health
(saúde) e wealth (riqueza), no caso a avó considera a saúde melhor que riqueza
“better than wealth”

Resposta correta: B

21. The sun __________ rises in the west.

a) sometimes
b) always
c) usually
d) never
e) often

Questão que explora conhecimento dos advérbios de frequência (adverbs of
frequency) na língua inglesa, bem como conhecimento geográfico e de vocabulário
nível básico. Conforme a afirmação da questão, o sol nasce no Oeste, (West),
sabemos que geograficamente isso nunca acontece, visto que seu nascimento acorre
na verdade no Leste (East).

Resposta correta: D

22. As an American Express Card member, you will enjoy a relationship with us that goes
beyond the ordinary. You will be treated as a MEMBER, not a number. And you will
receive the respect and recognition ‘seldom’ found today.

O termo seldom, entre aspas no trecho adiante, poderia ser substituído por:
a) often.
b) usually.
c) always.
d) rarely.



e) occasionally.


O texto cita que os clientes serão tratados como membro e não número, e,
portanto, receberão respeito e reconhecimento, algo encontrado raramente hoje. O
termo que pode substituir o adverbio de frequência “seldom” sem mudança de
sentido é “rarely”.

Resposta correta: D

23. After 20 years of scientific advances, ‘nearly’ three out of four infertile couples seeking
medical assistance to have a child still go home to an empty crib.

In the text bellow, the word nearly means:

a) hardly.
b) far.
c) almost.
d) close.
e) over.


O texto usa o termo “nearly” pra indicar aproximação numérica referente a

quantidade de casais inférteis que buscam tratamento. Neste sentido, a palavra
sinônimo é “close”, que traz uma ideia de Estar próximo a/de; ação ou efeito de

Resposta correta: D

24. Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentence.

"Mr. Myers told me he will leave ________."
a) by train ; for Paris ; at 8 o'clock ; next week.
b) for Paris ; at 8 o'clock ; next week ; by train.
c) next week ; at 8 o'clock ; by train ; for Paris.
d) at 8 o'clock ; next week ; for Paris ; by train.
e) for Paris; by train ; at 8 o'clock ; next week.


Ao citar um plano futuro de viagem, sequencialmente citamos o lugar, hora, o

tempo especifico e o meio de transporte que utilizaremos.

Resposta correta: B



25. This is a ________ good course for you to take.

a) enough
b) only
c) nearly
d) much
e) very


Das opções apresentadas de advérbios de intensidade, o que aceita o artigo

indefinito “a” é o termo “very”, cuja função é intensificar a qualidade de algo ou

Resposta correta: E

26. The suffix-LY in words like UNCONTROVERSIALLY , SIMPLY , RELIABLY , and TIGHTLY
a) manner.
b) frequency.
c) emphasis.
d) comparison.
e) quality.


De forma bem resumida, -ly é um sufixo que colocamos no fim de algumas

palavras (geralmente adjetivos) para formar os Adverbs of Manner (Advérbios de

Resposta correta: A

27. A palavra "readily" poderia ser substituída sem alteração do sentido por
a) hardly.
b) promptly.
c) mostly.
d) practically.
e) wildly.


O termo em destaque “readily” tem por tradução, prontamente. Sendo assim

a única opção que pode substituir sem alteração de sentido é “promptly” cujo
significado é imediatamente.



Resposta correta: B

28. I noticed the student speak English _______________.

a) very fluent
b) fluent
c) more fluent
d) fluently
e) fluency


Das alternativas, a que completa a frase de forma a designar o modo fluente

da fala do aluno é a opção com a terminação LY, sufixo para definir a forma modo
adverbial do adjetivo.

Resposta correta: D

29. In the sentence "He was fast asleep..." (last sentence in the text) a synonym for the word
FAST is...
a) quick.
b) rapidly.
c) gradually.
d) completely.
e) permanently.


A expressão “fast asleep” é utilizada para se referir a um estado de sono

profundo, outra forma de transmitirmos a mesma ideia é afirmar que alguém está
completamente adormecido “completely asleep” ou dormindo profundamente.

Resposta correta: D

30. In the the text, the word SUDDENLY means

a) bravely.
b) slowly.
c) unexpectedly.
d) calmly.
e) timely.


O termo suddenly em inglês, é classificado gramaticalmente por advérbio de

tempo, cujo significado é subitamente ou inesperadamente.



Resposta correta: C

31. They ran very _______ in the race but at the end they could ______ breathe.
a) fast, harder
b) fast, hardly
c) fast, hard
d) faster, hardly
e) fastly, hard


Questão que mensura o grau de conhecimento sobre os “adverbs” na língua

inglesa. Em inglês a maioria dos advérbios de modo, são formados a partir da adição
do sufixo LY ao adjetivo, contudo os que são considerados irregulares não seguem o
mesmo padrão. Neste caso, temos FAST para indicar a forma que correram na
competição e HARDLY para mencionar o modo que se sentiram ao finalizar a corrida.

Resposta correta: B

32. Complete o diálogo, usando os advérbios corretos:

– Hasn’t anyone caught the thief ____________?
– No, he hasn’t been caught ______. He will be caught ______
a) already; still; just now
b) yet; yet; soon
c) now; already; tomorrow
d) still; yet; immediately
e) yet; already; at the moment


Yet: usado para perguntar se algo já aconteceu ou para dizer que algo ainda
não aconteceu.
Still: usado para falarmos sobre situações que continuam até o presente.
Already: usado quando falamos de uma ação que aconteceu antes do esperado.
Soon: indica brevidade no quesito tempo.

Resposta correta: B

33. Brazilian people ____________ drink beer, mainly on weekends.

a) rarely



b) never
c) sometimes
d) seldom
e) usually


Pela afirmação, referente a frequência na qual os brasileiros bebem cerveja nos

finais de semana, o adverbio de frequência que completa a frase levando em conta
seu contexto e costume social, é o que significa geralmente.

Resposta correta: E

34. I ___________ go jogging. I need to lose weight, because I'm a bit fat.
a) never
b) rarely
c) seldom
d) always
e) sometimes


Pela afirmação apresentada em que a pessoa menciona a necessidade e razão

de perder peso, o adverbio de frequência que completa a frase levando em conta seu
contexto, é o que transmite intensidade de rotina.

Resposta correta: D

35. You are a gentleman, and as ______ you must be polite to women.
a) yet
b) thus
c) so
d) sure
e) such


Analisando a afirmação mencionada, em que o homem é um cavalheiro e como

tal, deve ser educado com as mulheres, temos AS SUCH, uma expressão equivalente
a COMO TAL em língua inglesa para indicar a mesma ideia.

Resposta correta: E



36. You won't convince me of your good intentions __________ hard you try.
a) whenever
b) whatever
c) whoever
d) wherever
e) however


A expressão necessária para completar a frase, é a que transmita a ideia de

falta de êxito em insistir em algo, nesta afirmação é dito que a pessoa não se
convencerá das boas intenções de outrem, por mais que a outra tente.

Resposta correta: E

37. Nora's husband is ___________ mean ___________ he never gives anything to anybody.
a) enough / that
b) hardly / so
c) perhaps / that
d) so / that
e) that / so


Observando a citação em que é dito que o marido de Nora é tão mesquinho que
ele nunca dar nada a ninguém, temos um termo que intensifica a característica do
marido, (tão) o qual em inglês assume a forma de “so” e o pronome relativo (que) o
qual tem por equivalência em inglês “that”.

Resposta correta: D

38. They haven’t _____ thought of it________.

a) whether /yet
b) even / yet
c) then / also
d) ever / always
e) even / only




Even (como algo que dá Ênfase ao que está sendo dito) pode ser interpretado
como nem.
Yet: usado para dizer que algo ainda não aconteceu.

No caso da frase a citação é que eles nem sequer pensaram ainda.

Resposta correta: B

39. We believe she's got talent ___________ to win this prize.

a) ever
b) hardly
c) enough
d) possibly
e) however


Observando a citação e levando em conta o uso e sentido dos advérbios, há

uma crença expressa no talento de alguém o que torna o suficiente para ganhar o

Resposta correta: C

40. - Hasn't he corrected the exercises ____________?

- No, not ___________.
a) yet / yet
b) yet / ready
c) already / never
d) already / ever
e) ever / yet


Yet: usado para perguntar se algo já aconteceu ou para dizer que algo ainda
não aconteceu.

Traduzindo a pergunta e resposta teríamos algo do tipo:

-Ele já corrigiu os exercícios?
-Não, ainda não.

Resposta correta: A



41. The test was _______ no one passed.

a) very hard that
b) too hard for that
c) too hard, so
d) so hard so that
e) even / only


Os advérbios (too e very) no Inglês significam “muito”, em quase todos os

contextos. A diferença é que uma dessas palavras dá um tom negativo a suas frases.
Então vejamos a diferença. O Too tem uma conotação negativa e expressa a ideia de
mais do que é necessário, mais do que é adequado ou mais do que o suficiente, por
outro lado so (tão) indica algo de menor intensidade que very e too.

Resposta correta: C

42. - Hi, Geraldo! How do you feel ___________?

a) never
b) often
c) once
d) yet
e) today


A questão requer o conhecimento dos advérbios de tempo “Adverbs of

time”. Levando em conta o tempo verbal da pergunta mencionada, a qual se encontra
no presente simples, isso se observa pelo uso do auxiliar DO, devemos escolher um
adverbio referente ao mesmo tempo verbal, ou seja, hoje.

Resposta correta: E

43. This machine is to be operated very carefully. Operated ____________ may damage it
a) often / serious
b) never / serious
c) otherwise / seriously
d) well / still
e) otherwise / yet




A questão traz um conselho quanto a operação de uma máquina, e uma

advertência quanto o mau manuseio da mesma, reforçando que pode gerar dano ao
produto. Devemos, portanto, eleger um termo que descreva consequências ou que
implique em condições contrárias.

Resposta correta: C

44. The same as 'Mr. Burton hardly talked to me.' is:

a) Hardly did Mr. Burton talked to me.
b) Hardly Mr. Burton talked to me.
c) Hardly did Mr. Burton talk to me.
d) Did Mr. Burton hardly talk to me.
e) Mr. Burton talked to me hardly.


Se pesquisarmos em um dicionário inglês-português, vamos ler que o

significado de HARDLY mais comum é “quase não” ou “mal”. No caso em questão, a
opção que traz o mesmo sentido da frase mencionada é “hardly did Mr. Burton talk
to me”, implicando que o senhor Burton mal ou quase nunca falava comigo.

Resposta correta: C

45. A sentença "MAL SABIA ELE QUE ELA ERA CASADA", em inglês, seria:
a) He didn't little know that she married.
b) Did he little know that she was married.
c) Badly knew he that she married.
d) Little did he know that she was married.
e) Little knew he that she was married.


A questão pede a tradução da frase mencionada, o que se deve levar em conta

de fato é a expressão equivalente a “MAL SABIA”. Isso porque para dizer “mal sabia”,
em inglês é bem diferente, pois troca-se a palavra “mal” pela palavra “pouco”. ...
“Mal sabia ele” em inglês se diz little did he know.

Resposta correta: D

46. Mark the sentence which contains an emphatic element.

a) "The sky's the limit."
b) "This too shall pass."
c) "It can even be comforting."



d) "First, sky watching gives you a break."

e) "Sky watching reminds you that you're part of a much larger picture."


A questão solicita a alternativa a qual apresente um elemento enfático, desta

forma temos, "Even", que significa "até", "até mesmo" em frases afirmativas. Em
frases negativas, "even" tem o sentido de "nem", "nem mesmo".

Ex: It is easy. Even I know it. [É fácil. Até (mesmo) eu sei.]

Resposta correta: C

47. Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence.
"Seldom __________ such an intelligent man."
a) talked I to
b) have I talked to
c) did I talked to
d) I have talked to
e) had I talk to


A questão solicita o tempo verbal que indique um relato de experiencia, neste

caso o “present perfect” cuja estrutura é [have/has + participle], levando em conta
a frase em português temos: "Raramente conversei com um homem tão inteligente."

Resposta correta: B

48. Assinale a alternativa correta:

a) He played the piano bad extremely.
b) He played the piano extreme bad.
c) He played the piano extreme badly.
d) He played extremely the piano bad.
e) He played the piano extremely badly.


A questão requer o uso e escrita correta de advérbios de modo, a partir dos

adjetivos “extreme” e “bad”, para afirmar que ele tocou piano extremamente mal.
Neste caso, teremos como conversão dos termos apresentados para advérbios
“extremely” e “badly”.

Resposta correta: E



49. Common gestures mean __________ different things in different cultures.

a) surprisingly
b) very surprise
c) often surprise
d) fast surprisingly
e) soon surprise


Para completar a lacuna da afirmação de que gestos comuns significam coisas

surpreendentemente diferentes em diferentes culturas, devemos escolher o termo
que traga equivalência com a palavra surpreendentemente, desta forma, um
adverbio de modo (geralmente formado pelo sufixo LY) em inglês”.

Resposta Correta: A

50. The plane landed very ___________, as if it were very light.

a) seldom
b) slowly
c) only
d) lately
e) always


Analisando os diferentes advérbios presentes nas alternativas, e levando em

conta o contexto da frase, o adverbio adequado para a citação é “slowly”
(lentamente), visto que menciona a forma que o avião aterrissou.

Resposta correta: B



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