ĐỀ SỐ 10

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ĐỀ SỐ 10


(1-3). Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from that of
the others.

1.  a. chopstick b. challenge c. champagne d. charity

2. a. seat b. head c. meat d. feed

3. a. watches b. washes c.  rises d. lives
(4-5). Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the

4. a. climate b. campus c. control d. capture

5. a. exhibition b. precaution c. position d. selection


(6-25). Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or d) that best fits the blank space in each

6. Thanks______ our English teacher, we have learned many English songs.

a. to b. for c. on d. Ø

7. The floor was covered_____ a litter______ newspapers, clothes and empty cups.

a. with – of b. of – with c. on – of d. in – of

8. I am fed_____ hanging around here with nothing to do.

a. up on b. out of c. up with d.  by

9. Remember to go _______ your test paper to check the grammar and spelling mistakes.

a. on b. over c.  off d. into

10. I hope the weather improves._________ , we’ll have to cancel the picnic.

a. However b. Otherwise c. Consequently d. Whereas

11. I’ll never forget_____ this piece of music for the first time.

a. hear b. hearing c. to hear d. heard

12. He’s never been to England,_________ ?

a. is he b. isn’t he c. has he d. hasn’t  he

13. Peter asked me______.

a. what time does the film start b. what time the film starts

c. what time the film started d. what time did the film start
14. What benefits does TV bring about to people life?

a. programmes b. conveniences c. advantages d.  experiences

15. _____ where the theater was, she asked for direction at the hotel reception.

a. Not known b. Not knowing c. Have not known d. Having not known

16. He managed to repair the car_________ .

a. on himself b. by himself c. by his own d.  his own self

17. I get angry and upset, I try to take ten deep breaths.

a. Until b. Whenever c. Whereas d. For

18. This room is too dark. It needs__________ .

a. to repaint b.  repainting c. being repainted d. to be repainted it

19.  _____ your age, I’d do things differently.

a. If I am b. I was c. Was I d.  Were I

20. That color doesn’t really suit you, if you don’t mind________

a. I say b. saying c. my saying d. me to say

21. John wants to visit the place_____ President Ho Chi Minh left Viet Nam in 1911.
a. that b. which c. where d. what
22. My brother______ much contact with my family since he __ to New York.

a. didn’t have – moved b. hasn’t had – moved

c. didn’t have – has moved d. hasn’t had – has moved

 23. I wish I______ so I would feel safe in a boat.

a. can swim b. would swim c. could swim d. swam

24. Mike is very helpful. He finds__________ in helping people.

a. confidence b. relaxation c. convenience d. satisfaction

25. ‘Let’s go for a drink.’ ‘______ ’

a. Yes, please b. You’re welcome c. It’s all right. d. That’s a good idea.

(26-30). Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting.

26. If I find (A) some money on the (B) street, I’d take it (C) to the (D) police station.

27. We reached (A) the nearest (B) village after walk (C) for (D) five hours.

28. He had his sister to help (A) him with (B) his homework and asked her to
write (C) the essay for (D) him.

29. Mai’s brother is studied (A) law at one of (B) the most well-known (C) universities in
the USA (D).

30. I don’t think (A) my son is not (B) good enough (C) to (D) find the answer to the


(31-35). Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence.

31. The label tells the consumers how much energy________ each model has. (efficient)

32. You’d better learn how to protect your property from earthquakes, floods and

other natural_________ . (disastrous)

33. Three hundred people were made_________ by the earthquake, (home)

34. The new building looks most__________with its huge tower, (impress)

35. You should have basic___________on using the Internet, (instruct)


(36-45). Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or d) that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.  

When I was a boy, children always objected to (36)_________ school uniform

but teachers were (37)_____ on it because they said all of us looked alike.
Otherwise, they said, children would compete with (38)_______ , and the poor children
would be unhappy because people would see straight away (39)__________ poor they
were. In recent years, however, many schools have give up the idea of making
children wear uniform, but, fairly enough, now that children can wear (40)________ they
like, they have adopted a uniform of their own. When some journalists visited a
London school they found that all the boys and girls were dressed (41)___________
jeans. One girl said she would rather die than wear a coat instead of a jersey because
(42)________ wants to look different from the other children in the class. Parents may
not be as happy about this as children, but they (43)_______ to be, because this new kind
of uniform is one that children like, not something they have been (44)_____________
to wear, and it is also (45)______ cheaper than school uniforms used to be.

36. a. taking b. dressing c. wearing d. putting

37. a. carried b. keen c. gone d. keep

38. a. together b. another c. others d. each other

39. a. how b. which c. what d. however

40. a. like b. such as c. as d. as if

41. a. on b. in c. by d. with
42. a. everyone b. anyone c. someone d. no one

43. a. ought b. should c. must d. might

44. a. taken b. employed c. forced d. pushed
45. a. much b. more c. too d. very
(46-50). Read the passage below carefully and choose the correct answer a, b, c or d.

In most animals, dental decay is a rare problem. In man, and especially in the rich West,
the disease has reached epidemic proportions.

The cause of tooth decay in human beings is a bacterium that feeds on the sugar in our
food. It digests the sugar more easily by converting it into an acid. The acid then
dissolves the enamel, the outer coating of the teeth, and finally attacks the living nerve
within. The result is the extreme pain we know as toothache.

– epidemic proportions (n) nạn dịch

– digest  (v)   tiêu hóa

– convert (sth into sth) (v) chuyển hoá (… thành …)

46. According to the passage, animals_____________ .

a. never suffer from tooth decay

b. seldom suffer from tooth decay

c. suffer from tooth decay as much as people do

d. suffer from tooth decay more commonly than people do

47. The problem of tooth decay in the rich Western countries_________ .

a. is decreasing each year

b. has already been controlled

c. has been increasing slowly

d. is now almost out of control

48. Human teeth decay when they are attacked by a kind of____________ .

a. sugar                       b. acid                      c.  nerve                  d. food

49. Decay cannot begin until the bacterium produces :

a. food from sugar

b. sugar from food   

c. acid from sugar               

d. sugar from acid

50. The term ‘tooth decay’ refers to the____________ .

a. digestion of the food

b. conversion of the sugar

c. production of the acid

d. dissolution of the enamel


(51-55). Choose the sentence (a, b, c or d) that is almost the same in meaning as the
sentence given.

51. I really didn’t want to make him sad so I didn’t say anything.

a. Not really wanting to make him sad, I didn’t say anything.

b. Not really wanting to sadden him so I said nothing.

c. In order to make him sad, I said nothing.

d. Although I really didn’t want to make him sad, I didn’t say anything.

52. He likes jazz music and she is also interested in jazz music.
a. He likes jazz music and she is too.

b. He likes jazz music and so is she.

c. He likes jazz music and so she does.

d. He likes jazz music and she does

53. The coffee was not strong, so it didn’t keep us awake

a. The coffee was very strong, but it couldn’t keep us awake.

b. The coffee was so strong that it kept us awake.

c. The coffee was not strong enough to keep us awake.

d. We were kept awake because the coffee was so strong.

54. The heavy rain made it impossible for us to have our picnic.

a. In spite of the heavy rain, we were able to have our picnic.

b. We were prevented from having our picnic because of the heavy rain.

c. We could have our picnic because it rained heavily.

d. The heavy rain didn’t prevent us from having our picnic.

55. ‘Why don’t you go to the library to study, Nam? It’s quite quiet there.’

a. Tan advised Nam to study in the library.

b. Tan suggested that Nam should study in the library.

c. Tan asked why Nam didn’t study in the library.

d. Tan invited Nam to go to the library with him.

(56-60). Rewrite the sentences so that they are nearest in meaning to the sentence
printed before them.

56. Taking photographs is one of Susan’s interests.

Susan is________________________________________________________

57. ‘I’m sorry. I cannot help you with your thesis,’ Mark said to me.

Mark refused____________________________________________________

58. They used to make these vases by hand.

These vases____________________________________________________

59. Order the porter to carry my luggage to the tạxi,


60. Mai hasn’t seen her parents since she left for the USA.

Mai last________________________________________________________

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