Quality Assurance Checklist For EmOC Services - UHC DH - 1

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Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

Health Economics Unit

Quality Improvement Secretariat

Quality Assurance Checklist for EmOC Services

1. General Information
Date of visit:
Name of facility visited:
Name of monitor with
designation: 1.

2. Human resources for EmONC services

Human Resources No. Comments
1. Consultant Obs & Gynae
2. Medical Officer (MO) trained in Obs & Gyne
3. Consultant anesthesia
4. MO trained in anesthesia
5. Consultant, pediatrics
6. MO, trained in pediatrics
7. MO trained in safe blood transfusion
8. Nurses trained in EOC/Midwifery
9. Lab technologist trained in safe blood transfusion
10. Cleaner/sweeper
11. Aya

3. Availability of EmOC services (services provided during last 3 months)

Services Yes No Comments
1. Use injectable antibiotics
2. Use injectable anticonvulsants (e.g., magnesium
sulphate, diazepam)
3. Use injectable oxytocics (e.g., Oxytocin or
4. Conduct manual removal of placenta
5. Perform manual vacuum aspiration and/or DE&C
6. Conduct assisted vaginal delivery (ventose or
7. Perform caesarian section
8. Provide safe blood transfusion
9. Provide neonatal resuscitation with bag and mask
10. Normal delivery
11. ANC
12. PNC
QA checklist for SMPP
Services Yes No Comments
13. Manage neonates in SCANU
14. KMC

4. EmOC status of the facility

1. Comprehensive EmONC 2. Basic EmOC 3. No EmOC
(1-9 functions done) (1-6 functions done) (Otherwise)
Reasons for not providing comprehensive or Basic EmOC services:

5. EmONC service statistics (statistician/SSN)

No. performed
Services Comments
Last month Last 3 months
1. ANC
2. PNC
3. Obstetric admissions
4. Normal delivery
5. Manual removal of placenta
6. Manual vacuum aspiration and/or
7. Assisted vaginal delivery
(ventose or forceps)
8. Caesarian section
9. Safe blood transfusion
10. Obstetric complications treated
11. Obstructed labour
12. Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia
14. Complications of abortions
15. Puerperal sepsis
16. Neonates admitted in SCANU
17. Neonates treated in KMC corner
18. Maternal deaths
19. Still births
20. Neonatal deaths
21. Referred in: Mothers
22. Referred out: Mothers
23. Referred in: Neonates
24. Referred out: neonates

6. General management (RMO)
Yes No Comments
1. QIC formed
2. WITs formed
3. Facility action plan developed
4. WITs action plan developed
5. Conduct QIC meeting regularly (monthly or
bimonthly) [check the minutes]
6. Conducts maternal death review
7. Conducts neonatal death review
8. EmONC information board present with updated
9. Monthly EmONC report sent regularly
Total score: % achieved:

7. Out-patient department (RMO)

Present Absent Comments
1. Service information board
2. Clients’ charter of rights
3. Providers’ charter of rights
4. Drug list
5. Seating arrangements for OPD patients
6. Provide regular health education at OPD (check
the register)
Total score: % achieved:

8. ANC/PNC room/corner (ANC/PNC in-charge – nurse or doctor)

Present Absent Comments
1. BP machine
2. Stethoscope
3. Foetoscope
4. Weighing scale (adult)
5. Measuring tape
6. Examination bed with bedside screen
7. Does the provider check: Cross check with 2 clients
 Blood pressure
 Body weight
 Abdomen examination
 Hb checked
 Urine tested
 Iron-folic acid tab given
8. Maintains privacy
9. Health education materials (poster, flip chart
10. Counsel mother on birth planning, nutrition and
exclusive breast feeding
Present Absent Comments
11. Maintains register
Total score: % achieved:

9. Emergency room (emergency room in-charge: EMO/SSN)

Present Absent Comments
1. Running (functioning) ambulance
2. Hand washing facility with running water
3. Trolley/wheel chair/stretcher
4. Person to transfer patient
5. Examination table
6. IV stand
7. IV fluid (normal saline, DNS etc.)
8. BP machine
9. Stethoscope
10. Thermometer
11. Filled Oxygen cylinder
12. Emergency drug tray
13. Decontaminates equipment with 0.5% chlorine
14. Maintains privacy
15. Duty roaster
Total score: % achieved:

10. Operation theatre (OT in-charge/MO AN) [Omit this section if it is basic EmOC centre]
Equipments in functioning state Present/ Absent/ Comments
Yes No
1. Anesthesia machine
2. Laryngoscope
3. Endotracheal tube
4. OT light
5. OT table
6. At least 3 C-section sets
7. At least one C-section set ready for use (sterile)
8. One DE&C set or manual vacuum aspirator
ready for use (sterile)
9. Filled Oxygen cylinder
10. Filled Nitrous oxide cylinder
11. Spinal needle
12. Sucker machine
13. Diathermy machine
14. Autoclave
15. Sterilizer (electrical or burner type)
16. BP machine
17. Stethoscope

18. Ambu bag (adult)
19. Ambu bag (baby)
20. Baby weighing scale
21. Sterile gloves
22. Sterile gown
23. Air conditioner
24. Emergency light (generator or charger)
25. Spinal anesthetic
26. General anesthetic
27. Emergency drug list
28. Decontaminate equipment with 0.5% chlorine
29. Equipment sterilized with autoclave
30. Hand washing facility with running water and
elbow tap
31. Maintains privacy
32. OT cleaned (mopped) daily
33. OT table and instrument trolleys
decontaminated (with 0.5% chlorine solution)
34. Use safe surgery checklist
35. OT register maintained properly (check)
Total score: % achieved:

11. Delivery room (labor room in-charge):

Functioning equipment and logistics Present/ Absent/ Comments
Yes No
1. Delivery table
2. Spot light
3. Sucker machine
4. Sterilizer (electrical)
5. Baby weighing scale
6. Filled oxygen cylinder
7. Ambu bag (adult)
8. Ambu bag (child)
9. At least 5 normal delivery sets
10. Three episiotomy sets
11. At least 2 delivery sets ready for use (sterile)
12. At least one episiotomy set ready for use
13. Vacuum extractor (ventose)
14. Sterile obstetric forceps
15. Instrument trolley
16. Baby tray
17. Mucous sucker for neonates
18. BP machine
19. Stethoscope

Functioning equipment and logistics Present/ Absent/ Comments
Yes No
20. Measuring tape
21. IV stand
22. Colored waste bins including sharp disposal
23. Emergency light
24. Sterile gloves
25. Catheter
26. Gown, musk and cap
27. Emergency drug list available
28. Allows choice of position for delivery
29. Restricts use of episiotomy
30. Uses partograph (check)
31. Decontaminates equipment with 0.5% chlorine
32. Sterilize equipment with autoclave
33. Cleans (mopped) delivery room daily
34. Decontaminates delivery table and instrument
trolley with 0.5% chlorine solution
35. Practices active management of 3rd stage of
labour (give oxytocin within 1 min. of delivery)
36. Practices delayed cord cutting
37. Baby dried and wrapped immediately after
38. Provide skin-to-skin care immediately after
39. Baby put onto the breast within 30 minutes
40. Neonatal resuscitation done with bag and mask
(if necessary)
41. Maintains privacy
42. Hand washing facility with running water
43. Takes birth weight
44. Provides post-partum vitamin A
supplementation to mother
45. Closely observe mother for at least 2 hours
46. Maintains delivery register (check if all the
columns are filled up)
47. Duty roster
Total score: % achieved:

12. SCANU (SCANU in-charge: MO or SSN)

13. KMC corner (SSN in-charge)

14. Female/obstetric ward (ward in-charge)

Functioning equipment and logistics Present/ Absent/ Comments

Yes No
1. Beds ready for receiving patients
2. Bed side locker
3. BP machine
4. Stethoscope
5. Thermometer
6. IV stand
7. Filled oxygen cylinder
8. Ambu bag (adult)
9. Ambu bag (baby)
10. Colored waste bins (appropriately placed)
11. Indoor register maintained properly (Check if
all columns are filled up)
12. EOC reporting forms
13. Cleanliness
14. Patients’ clinical history writing satisfactory
(presenting complaint, history in brief, physical
examination, diagnosis)
15. PTR (pulse, temperature and respiration) chart
hanged from the bed
16. Uses magnesium sulphate for treatment of
17. Provide antenatal corticosteroid to mothers
with premature labor
18. Health education material
19. Provides health education at IPD
Total score: % achieved:

15. Laboratory/blood supply room (medical technologist) [Omit this section if it is basic EmOC
Present Absent Comments
1. Blood grouping reagents (ABO and RH)
2. All five screening kits/reagents (hepatitis B&C,
syphilis, HIV and malaria)
3. Blood collection bag with set
4. Disposable syringe
5. BP machine
6. Stethoscope
7. Refrigerator (functioning)
8. Medical technologist is on call
9. Maintains register (check)
Total score: % achieved:

16. Overall achievements

Overall total score: XXX for comprehensive and XXX Score obtained:
for basic EmOC facility
Overall achievement: = %

[(score obtained ÷ overall total score) × 100]

17. Prepare case study (2 to 3) to assess the knowledge and skills of MO trained in OG and anesthesia
and nurses based on standard protocol. Comments on case study:

18. Actions taken by the monitor:

19. Recommendations:

Note: Please provide a copy of this report to concerned UHFPO, Civil Surgeon (Norsingdi) and Program
Manager, Reproductive Health Program, DGHS

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