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Strength and durability properties of concrete with partial replacement of cement

with metakaolin & marble dust.

Concrete is that the most typically utilized material for development. The worldwide generation
of cement has generously gathered on record that 1990.Production of cement results in a lot of
ecological contamination since it incorporates the emanation of CO2 gas. Beneficial
cementitious materials like silicon oxide vapor, fly fiery debris, slag, Rice Husk Ash and
Metakaolin are used as of late as cement elective material for developing HSC with advanced
workability, vitality and durability with diminished permeability. Metakaolin is a dehydroxylated
aluminum silicate from the ongoing examination works misuse Metakaolin, it's glaring that it is a
totally successful pozzolanic material and it accurately supplements the power parameters of

In this examination two trails are investigated trail I as halfway replacement of cement has been
done in five distinct sorts of cases i.e. 0 %, 10 % 15 % with MK(Metakaolin) independently as
case 1 and 0%, 10 %, 15 % independently as case2 MDP (Marble Dust Powder).with distinctive
blends. Compressive and additionally tensile strength of concrete made with MK-MD has been
contrasted and customary concrete of review M40. Result demonstrates that there is a gain of
strength with the expansion of MK and MD.

In trail II the normal sand was supplanted by the Robo sand with the five distinct sorts of
percents i.e. 0 %, 20%,30%, 40 %,50% the outcomes are contrasted and the tradition concrete
and the review of concrete is M30. The advanced strength estimation of concrete was
accomplished for both compressive and also split tensile strengths at wanted mix proportions.
Durability is additionally tried and results are examined to analyze the loss of compressive
strength. Furthermore, loss of weight for the both the two trails.


Concrete is a standout amongst the most broadly utilized man-made development material on the
planet. Metakaolin is a cementitious material utilized as an admixture to deliver high strength
concrete. Ideal amount of Metakaolin for M40 review concrete has been worked out, which can
supplant the cement with the end goal to improve strength and durability. And furthermore ID of
the dry shrinkage and permeability qualities of mixed cement has been finished. Jiping Bai
examined that when Metakaolin is utilized as a fractional replacement for Portland cement, will
in general enhance both the mechanical properties and the durability of concrete. Ministers and
Cabrera researched the connection between the pore estimate circulation and level of hydration
of Metakaolin based cement glues. They announced that Metakaolin demonstrated the best
enhancement for the mechanical properties of concrete. Palomo explored the synthetic security
of Metakaolin based cement composites.

The call for Portland cement is developing significantly in developing nations. Portland cement
fabricating is one of the primary explanations behind carbonic corrosive gas discharges into
environment. It is because of the utilization of petroleum derivatives, and also the energizes
needed to get control at some phase in cement creating strategy. The use of pozzolana for
developing concrete is mulled over spending well disposed, in light of the fact that it lets in the
decrease of the cement consumption while developing the strength and durability places of the
concrete. Metakaolin once utilized as a halfway replacement substance for cement in concrete, it
responds with Ca(OH)2 one in the majority of the with the guide of results of association
response of cement and prompts encourage C-S-H gel which closes in amassed power.
Metakaolin is gained by warm actuation of porcelain earth. This actuation can rationale a decent
estimated loss of water in its constitution causing an interpretation of its structure. To get buddy
degree adequate warm actuation, the temperature change should be snared between 600 to
750ºC. Metakaolin is procured in legitimately cementing to upgrade the compressive and flexural
strength of the solidified cement. Metakaolin also decreases the solidified cement porousness to
beverages and gases. Thereupon by method for part substitution Portland cement with
Metakaolin never again thoroughly lessens dioxide emanations anyway moreover will blast the
bearer life of structures
Concrete is the most generally utilized man-made development material on the planet. The
utilization of all sort of aggregates has been expanding as of late. Artificially fabricated
aggregates are more costly to deliver and the other factor to be considered is the ceaseless
extraction of normal aggregates which causes

Concrete may be the most fundamentally utilized development material inside the world. It is
best ensuing to water on the grounds that the most intensely devoured substance and concerning
six billion tones being made when a year. This is a result of accessibility of enormous measure of
uncooked materials convenient for cement make. Be that as it may, earthy people issue each in
expressions of mischief due to the extraction of staple and carbon dioxide emanation all through
cement fabricate have presented weights on analysts for the markdown of cement utilization with
the guide of incomplete option of cement by utilizing strengthening substances. These materials
could likewise be blessing, business squanders or by stock that need nearly less power to make.
The opposite inconveniences helpful for those weights zone unit the episodes with respect to
serious crumbling of concrete structures.

In tending to these issues and option ecological inconveniences concerning the transfer of waste
industrial by means of items as an outcome of monetary favorable circumstances, mixtures of
Portland cement and pozzolana area unit at present phenomenally ordinarily connected in
concrete generation.

Initially the term pozzolana transformed into identified with normally molded volcanic fiery
remains and calcined earths that respond with lime at close temperatures inside the nearness of
water. The admixtures inside the kind of siliceous aluminous substances that, in finely
partitioned sort and inside the nearness of water, can respond with synthetic mixes with hydrated
oxide Ca (OH)2 to make aggravates that have developing material living arrangements. This
summed up definition covers squander items like Fly slag (FA), Rice husk fiery debris and silica
rage (SF).

Portland cement, if really hydrous, produces calcium hydrate (CH) that does not develop an
extensive commitment to control and may be hurtful to concrete durability. The entire end (or)
halfway decrease of (CH) with the response of pozzolana at long last winds up in more grounded
and solid concrete. Owing to those specialized advantages over the past couple of decades, there
has been expanding and sizeable usage of sulfa syllable, SF and natural water conditioner in
concrete. The measure of business by method for items with pozzolanic properties, made
universal surpasses their current usage and its broad trusted that their use can development with
developing consideration of the ecological edges identified with such utilize. This may massively
encourage inside the insurance of condition and results in property development.

There region unit thus contender intentions, later on, to development the act of segment change
cement with waste results and prepared substances owning pozzolanic properties. One
practical/to be had convey for a pozzolana is calcined mud. Characteristic pozzolana inside the
kind of calcined earths joined with lime are acclimated produce building fabric materials for
bunches of years.

The utilization of calcined mud inside the kind of Metakaolin (MK) as a pozzolanic expansion
for mortar and urban has acquired drawn out leisure activity in most recent years. Heaps of this
intrigue has been fixated on disposal of the CH, this is made through the connection of cement
and that is identified with negative solidness. Decrease of CH makes the concrete and mortars a
lot of resistive to salt assault and lessens the consequence of soluble base - oxide response. This
gives broadened strength that springs from the additional building texture stages created through
the reaction of CH with MK.

MK is handled from high - immaculateness dirt by method for oxidization at slight temperature
(6500C-8000C). The oxide and corundum in the MK responds proficiently with the CH. The
significant purposes behind the use of dirt basically based pozzolana in mortar and concrete are
on account of accommodation of substances and durability improving. Moreover, it depends at
the calcining temperature and mud sort. It's conjointly conceivable to get improving in strength,
extensively amid the intensity of common process. The frightfully early strength improving is
because of a mixture of the filler result and increasing speed of cement affiliation. Subsequently,
those impacts area unit progressed with the guide of the pozzolanic reaction among MK and
furthermore the CH made all through the alliance of cement.

In this manner MK could be a horrendously ground-breaking pozzolana and winds up in

enhanced early power and not utilizing a harm to the long-run control. MK alters the pore shape
in cement glue, mortar and urban and makes the mixes heaps of resistive to the dispersion of
destructive particles and infiltration of water that achieve corruption of the framework. Directly
Metakaolin is dearer than Portland cement, as is oxide Fume, regardless of the way that
respectably low temperatures region unit required for its procedure and its fundamental charge is
obviously anyway that of Portland cement.

Figure 1: Metakaolin

Chemical system of Metakaolin is Al2O3.2SiO2.2H2O

The following desk suggests the chemical composition of Metakaolin and is just like Portland

Table 1: Chemical Composition of Metakaolin

Calcium hydroxide is one of the via-products of hydration response of cement. When cement is
partially changed with Metakaolin, it reacts with calcium hydroxide and outcomes in more C-S-
H gel. C-S-H gel is the sole motive for strength improvement in cement and cement based totally
concrete. The chemical reaction is given underneath

Cement + Water = C-S-H gel + Ca (OH)2

Ca (OH) 2 + Metakaolin = C-S-H gel


The following are some general physical properties of Metakaolin

1. Physical form is powder form

2. Fineness of Metakaolin is 700 to 900m2/kg.
3. Color of Metakaolin is white or Grey
4. Specific gravity is 2.50.
5. Specific surface is 8 to 15m2/g.


The following are some benefits of Metakaolin

Accelerated compressive and flexural strengths.

Reduced permeability (which includes chloride permeability)
Increased resistance to chemical attack
Increased durability
Decreased capacity for blooming, which happens when calcium is transported by water to the
surface where it consolidates with carbon dioxide from the surroundings to make calcium
carbonate, which accelerates at the floor as a white buildup.
Reduced consequences of alkali-silica reactivity (ASR)
Enhanced workability and completing of concrete
Decreased shrinkage, due to "molecule pressing" making concrete denser
Enhanced shading by method for helping the shade of concrete making it suitable to tint
lighter basic hue.


The following are a few makes use of Metakaolin

High performance, excessive power, and light-weight concrete

Precast and poured-mold concrete
Fiber cement and Ferro cement products
Glass fiber bolstered concrete
Countertops, artwork sculptures (see as an instance the unfastened-standing sculptures of
Albert Varna)
Mortar and stucco


1.8 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MDP (marble dust powder)

It has been evaluated that few million tons of MDP (marble dust powder) are delivered amid
quarrying around the world. Subsequently usage of marble powder has turned into an imperative
elective materials towards the proficient use in concrete for enhanced solidify properties of
concrete. Marble is a metamorphic shake coming about because of the change of an
unadulterated limestone. The immaculateness of the marble is in charge of its shading and
appearance it is white if the limestone is made exclusively out of calcite (100% CaCO3). Marble
is utilized for development and beautification; marble is sturdy, has a respectable appearance,
and is subsequently in incredible interest. Synthetically, marbles are crystalline rocks made
overwhelmingly out of calcite, dolomite or serpentine minerals. The other mineral constituents
shift from inception to source. The principle polluting influences in crude limestone (for cement)
which can influence the properties of completed cement are magnesia, phosphate, leads, zinc,
alkalis and sulfides. A substantial amount of MDP is produced amid the cutting procedure. The
outcome is that the mass of marble squander which is 20% of aggregate marble quarried has
come to as high as a large number of tons. Leaving these waste materials to nature specifically
can cause ecological issue. Additionally, there is a farthest point on the accessibility of normal
total and minerals utilized for making cement, and it is important to decrease vitality utilization
and discharge of carbon dioxide coming about because of development forms, answer for this
issue are looked for through use of MDP as incomplete replacement of Portland slag cement. In
India, MDP is settled by sedimentation and afterward dumped away which results a natural
contamination, notwithstanding shaping dust in summer and undermining both farming and
general wellbeing. Accordingly, usage of the MDP in different industrial parts particularly the
development, farming, glass and paper industries would secure the earth. Waste can be utilized
to create new items or can be utilized as admixtures with the goal that regular assets are utilized
all the more productively and nature is shielded from waste stores.

Properties Test results

Specific Gravity 2.65

Colour White

Form Powder

Odour Odourless

Moisture Content (%) 0.65

Sieve 0.90mm

Hardness 4 on Mohr’s scale

Water absorption 0.95%

1.9 CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF MDP (marble dust powder)
Chemical compound Test value of MDP in % Standard of Natural cement
Content (%)
Calcium oxide (CaO) 55.09 31-57
Silica dioxide (SiO2) 0.48 22-29
Magnesium oxide (MgO) 0.40 1.5-2.2
Iron oxide (Fe2O3) 0.12 1.5-3.2
Aluminum dioxide (Al2O3) 0.17 5.2-8.8
Sodium oxide (Na2O) 0.20 -
Potassium oxide (K2O) 0.06 -
Sulfur trioxide (SO3) 0.06 -
Lost on ignition in % 43.48 -
Total amount 100 -

To test the outcomes got Marble Dust powder substance of Calcium Oxide (CaO) was 55 % for
the marble is in Conformity with the measures as normal concrete that is 31-57%. Be that as it
may, for the substance of different components, for example, Silicon Dioxide (SiO2), Aluminum
dioxide (Al2O3), Iron Oxide (Fe2O3), Magnesium Oxide (MgO) don't fit into standard regular
bond. This implies its described as normal concrete yet not completely working as characteristic


The artificial/robo sand delivered by appropriate machines can be a superior substitute to
waterway sand.Robo sand is a filtered type of quarry dust with is discharged from assembling of
coarse total. Which for the most part as chips. These child chips are smashed to the
predetermined size of 0-4.75mm as required. Actually both characteristic sand and robo sand
seem to be comparative. They don't contrast in numerous properties like water absorption.
However, now there they begun producing separate for sand.
Figure 2: Typical layout of manufacturing the Artificial/Robo Sand.

Figure 3: ROBO SAND


COMPATIBITY WITH CEMENT Use with any type of the portland cement and
blended cement for various mix designs

Setting time Normal setting time as river sand

Yield Rich mix

Workability Good


In this project our main objective is to study two different types of trails I, II. In trail I, The
influence of partial replacement of cement with MK and MDP. The compressive strength, tensile
strength & flexural strength of ordinary M40 grade of concrete are obtained. Similarly
compressive strength, tensile strength & flexural strength were obtained for 0%, 10%, 15 %
replacement of cement with MDP and MK by weight. The water cement ratio (0.45) kept
constant throughout the investigation of this project work.

In trail II the Robo sand was replaced by the natural river sand with different percentages as 0%,
20%. 30%, 40 %,50 % by weight of the fine aggregates. The compressive strength, tensile
strength & flexural strength of ordinary M30 grade of concrete are obtained. The durability of
the both the trail I, II is also will find the loss of compressive strength, and loss of the weight.
The water cement ratio 0.40 kept constant throughout the investigation of this project work.

The waste created from the industries cause environmental issues. Subsequently the reuse of this
waste material can be underscored. Marble Dust Powder (MDP) is a creating composite material
that will enable the concrete industry to streamline materiel utilize, produce financial advantages
and construct structures that will solid, strong and delicate to environment. MDP is side-effect
acquired amid the quarrying procedure from the parent marble shake; which contains high
calcium oxide substance of over half. The potential utilization of MDP can be a perfect decision
for substituting in a cementitious fastener as the reactivity effectiveness increments because of
the nearness of lime. In this exploration work, the waste MDP going through 90 microns and
Metakaolin has utilized for examining of solidified concrete properties. Moreover, the impact of
various rate replacement of MK and MDP on the compressive strength, part rigidity (Indirect
elasticity) and flexural strength has been watched. In this test ponder, the impact of MK and
MDP in concrete on strength is introduced.

Robo sand is a standout amongst the most utilized among such materials to supplant waterway
sand, which can be utilized as a choice to fine total in concrete. In the present examination
workability and strength of concrete was assessed by replacement of characteristic sand by Robo
sand in extents of 0%, 20 % 30%,40 % , half is considered for M30 review concrete solid shapes,
barrels and crystals. Slump cone strategy is taken for discovering workability. For strength
parameters for each review of concrete Cubes, Cylinders and Prisms were threw and tried at 7
years old and 28 days. In this present exploratory examination on concrete having evaluations of
M30 are set up by supplanting common sand by Robo sand. Concrete examples were tried for
assessment of compressive strength and water ingestion.

Abdullah Anwar,. (2014)

In this paper the creators spoken to that Marble Dust Powder has supplanted the (OPC and PPC)
cement of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% 20%, and 25% by weight and M-20 review concrete was utilized.
Concrete is M30. mixtures were produced, tried and contrasted as far as compressive strength
with the traditional concrete. The reason for the examination is to dissect the conduct of concrete
while supplanting the Marble Dust Powder with Different extents in concrete. The outcome got
for 28-day compressive strength affirms that the ideal rate for replacement of cement with
marble dust powder is about 10% for (PPC) and (OPC). This will post less on the generation of
carbon dioxide and unraveling the ecological contamination by cement creation there by
improves the urban environment

Sanjay N. Patil et,al,.(2014)

The paper manages the utilization of Metakaolin which is having great pozzolanic action and is a
decent material for the generation of high strength concrete. Utilization of MK is getting
prominence on account of its constructive outcome on different properties of concrete. Writing
Review demonstrates that ideal execution is accomplished by supplanting 7% to 15% of the
cement with Metakaolin and when utilization of MK is under 10% , then the advantages are not
completely acknowledged so at any rate 10% Metakaolin ought to be utilized. Estimations of
compressive strength of concrete with Metakaolin following 28 days can be higher by 20%.
Measurements of 15% of Metakaolin causes abatement of workability. So expanding measure of
perceptual extent of Metakaolin in concrete mix appears to require higher dose of super
plasticizer to guarantee longer time of workability

J.M. Khatib,.(2012)

In the paper creator considered the compressive strength, thickness and ultrasonic heartbeat
speed of mortar containing high volume of Metakaolin (MK) as incomplete substitution of
cement. In this paper up to half of MK was utilized to supplant cement in addition of 10. After
De-forming, examples were relieved in water at 20°C for an aggregate time of 28 days. The
thickness appears to decrease with the expansion of MK content particularly at MK content
above 30%.The strength increments as the MK content increments up to about 40% MK with a
greatest strength happening at 20% where the strength is 47% higher. At half the strength begin
lessening, 10% and the 30% MK mixes show an expansion in strength of around 37%.

Nabil M. Al-Akhras et al (2005)

This watch executed an exploration by method for changing cement with Metakaolin to discover
the durability of concrete towards sulfate attack. Three replacements of cement with Metakaolin
(5, 10 and 15% by method for weight ) have been finished with water cement proportion of 0.5
and 0.6. After the predetermined days, the examples were inundated in 5% sodium sulfate
respond in due order regarding year and a half. The effect of metakaolin expansion turned out to
be helpful in enhancing the resistance of concrete to sulfate assault. Metakaolin with water
cement proportion of 0.Five displayed higher results in sulfate resistance than zero.6. Autoclaved
restored examples would be advised to resistance contrary to sulfate than moist relieved

Abid Nadeem et al (2008)

He made an exploration at the chloride permeability of high vitality concrete and mortar
examples containing fluctuating extents of Metakaolin (MK) and Fly cinder at expanded
temperatures. A general of 7 concrete and three mortar mixes were analyzed subsequent to
presenting each mix to 200, 400, six hundred and 800°C. In concrete, the dose degrees of MK
had been five, 10 and 20% and for Fly fiery remains the measurements levels were 20, 40 and
60%. In mortar, the dose phase of Metakaolin and Fly fiery remains was 20%. Every single
concrete example researched on this look at had a base compressive strength of 85 MPa. At
regular temperatures, concrete and mortar examples had low chloride particle Penetrability. At
customary temperature, metakaolin mixes had bring down chloride permeability than Fly fiery
remains and Portland cement mixes. At common temperatures, mortar examples have been more
prominent chloride porous than concrete examples. At 200°C and 400°C, mortar turned out to be
all things considered more chloride penetrable than concrete anyway the proportion of mortar to
concrete chloride permeability turned out to be substantially less than that at customary

Hisham M. Khater et al (2010)

This investigate made a trial think about and decided the resistance of mortar examples
consolidating 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% metakaolin to the magnesium chloride
reply. Results demonstrated that examples with high replacement level of metakaolin affirmed
better resistance to magnesium reply. Because of the discount of calcium hydroxide and the
expansion of auxiliary C– S– H in the cement grid, Metakaolin offer a fabulous resistive operator
to forceful chloride answer by means of ingesting freed lime thus keep the development of
Friedel's salt. The most extreme enhancement of compressive vitality was accomplished for the
examples created from Ordinary Portland cement-Metakaolin mixed cement mortars containing a
Metakaolin content material of 25% by weight. Mass densities of all Metakaolin mortar
examples had been between 1.4-2 gm/cm3.

Pacheco Torgal.F et al (2011)

This inspect chose the effect of Metakaolin and Fly fiery remains on strength and solidness of
concrete. The strength was resolved with the guide of 3 methodologies particularly water
absorption, oxygen permeability and urban resistivity. They expressed that fractional option of
Portland cement through 30% fly fiery debris closes in genuine lessening in early age
compressive vitality than the reference mix made with 100% Portland cement. The utilization of
half and half of them at 15% Fly fiery debris and 15% Metakaolin based absolutely combos
finished in minor power misfortune at early ranges anyway affirmed incredible enhancement in

Erhan Guneyisi et al (2012)

Examination to choose the adequacy of Metakaolin (MK) and silica rage (SF) on the mechanical
living arrangements, shrinkage, and permeability related solidness of elite concrete. Mechanical
houses have been assessed by compressive and splitting tensile vitality. Water absorption and gas
permeability evaluations were completed to discover the penetration characteristics of the
concrete with Metakaolin and Silica rage. The exploratory impacts affirmed a broad
development in the compressive power places of joined concrete than the control mix for
exceptional water cement proportions.

Vikas Srivastava et al (2012)

The appropriateness of silica smoke and Metakaolin blend in assembling of concrete. The most
useful mixed dosages of silica smoke and Metakaolin have been discovered out as 6% and 15%
(by weight) separately. The examples in which manufactured and inspected on seventh,
fourteenth and 28 days. The twenty eighth day compressive power of concrete regularly
quickened with the Metakaolin content for at all the Silica smolder substance. The seventh day
compressive strength of concrete was found to diminish with the expansion in Metakaolin
content for the majority of the Silica smolder substance.


3.1.1 CEMENT:

Cement is a substance utilized in progress that units and sets and can integrate distinctive
materials. The best vital sorts of cement are used as an issue inside the making of mortar in stone
work, and of concrete-that is a sum of cement and a mix to outline a solid building material.

Figure 4: Ordinary Portland cement 53 grade

The normal Portland cement of 53 grades is used in accordance with IS: 12269-1987.

Properties of this cement-

1. Fineness of cement = five%

2. Specific gravity if cement = 3.02

3. Standard Consistency of cement = 33%

4. Initial placing time = 50mins

5. Final putting time = not greater than 10 hours.



• Specific gravity = 2.98

• Fineness modulus = 7.5

Figure 5: Coarse Aggregates

• Specific gravity = 2.3

• Fineness modulus = 3.06

Figure 6 : Fine Aggregates


Marble powder was gathered from the dressing and preparing unit in. It was at first in wet shape
(i.e. slurry); after that it is dried by uncovering in the sun lastly sieved by IS-90 micron strainer
before mixing in concrete.

3.1.4 WATER:
For the most part potable water should be utilized. This is to ensure that the water is modest
detached from such pollutions as suspended solids, natural depend and broken up salts, which
may furthermore unfavorably influence the living arrangements of the concrete, particularly the
setting, solidifying, vitality, strength, pit expense, and numerous others.

Figure 8: Adding water to cement mix

Robo Sand is a fine total that is delivered by smashing stone, rock, or slag. Utilized for total
material under 4.75 mm that is handled from smashed shake or rock and expected for
development utilize. Robo sand is a material of high caliber, in logical inconsistency to non-

refined surplus from coarse total gen eration.

Figure 9: ROBO SAND

In this chapter the collection of materials which are required are required for this thesis, are
discussed the materials like cement , aggregates and water and special replacement as Robo sand
was were discussed . And different properties are discussed and summarized.

4.1 CASE I
In the trail I the following set of cubes is taken for the M40 grade of concrete as partial
replacement of Metakaolin and marble dust power.

For particular batch 3 cubes, 3.00 cylinder and 3.0 prisms were casted. Totally 90 cubes, 45
cylinders and 45 prisms were casted during entire experimentation.


Figure 10: Cube 150mmX150mmX150mm

Figure 11: Cylinder 150mm Diameter and 300mm Height

Figure 12: Prism of 150mmX150mmX700mm

Shape and Dimensions of the Blocks

The shape and dimensions specified for the blocks for different tests are given below table

Table 2: Shape and Dimensions of Blocks

Type of test Shape of Length(m) Breadth(m) Height(m) Diameter(m) Volume of

block block (m3)

Compressive Cube 0.15 0.15 0.15 -- 0.00375


Split tensile Cylinder -- -- 0.30 0.15 0.00530

Flexural Square 0.1 0.1 0.7 -- 0.00700
strength prism


As we decide to go for a concrete mix design, collect the following data before hand as few
design stipulation on the basis of these data.


3.5 Mix Design for M 40 Grade Concrete:

(a) Characteristic compressive strength required in the field at 28 days grade designation - M 40
(b) Type of Cement : OPC 53 Grade confirming to IS 12269.00
(b) Maximum Nominal size of aggregate : 20 mm
(c) Shape of CA — Angular
(d) Workability required at site — 100-130 mm(slump)
(e) Type of exposure will be subjected to (as defined in IS: 456) — Moderate
(h) Method of concrete placing: pump able concrete

(ii) Test data of material

(a) Cement Used : OPC 53 Grade Confirming to IS 12269

(b) Specific Gravity of Cement : 3.15

(c) Chemical admixture : Super plasticizer confirming to IS 9103

(d) Specific gravity

Specific gravity of Fine Aggregate (sand) : 2.70

Specific gravity of Coarse Aggregate : 2.80

(e) Water Absorption

Coarse Aggregate : 0.4%

Fine Aggregate : 1.0%

(f) Free (surface) moisture

Coarse Aggregate : Nil

Fine Aggregate : Nil

(g) Sieve Analysis

Fine aggregates : Confirming to Zone I of Table 4 IS – 383

Mix Design of M40 Grade Concrete

Step 1: Target strength:-

Fck = fck + 1.65 x S


Fck = compressive strength at 28 days

S = standard deviation in N/mm2 = 5 (as per table -1 of IS 10262)

= 40 + 1.65 x 5.0 = 48.25 N/mm2


Step 2 Selection of water-cement ratio:-

From Table 5 of IS 456, max., water-cement proportion = 0.45

Note: Do not start with w/c ratio above 0.45, even though the other desired results like Strength,
workability could be achieved.


Step 3 Selection of Water Content

W.C for 20 mm agg = 186.00 Kgs


We are targeting a slump of 100mm, we need to increase water content by 3% for every 25mm
above 50 mm i.e. increase 6% for 100mm slump

I.e. Estimated water content for 100 Slump = 186+ (6/100) X 186 = 197litres

Water content = 197 liters

STEP 4 – Calculation of Cement Content

Water-Cement Ratio = 0.45

Water content from Step – 3 i.e. 197 liters

Cement Content = Water content / “w-c ratio” = (197/0.45) = 438 kgs

From Table 5 of IS 456,

Least cement Content for moderate condition = 300.00 kg/m3

438 kg/m3 > 300 kg/m3, hence, OK.

As per clause of IS: 456

Max., cement content = 450.00 kg/m3, hence ok too.

STEP 5: Extent of Volume of Coarse Aggregate and Fine total Content

From Table 3 of Is.10262, Vol. of coarse agg relating to 20 mm size and fine agg (Zone I) = 0.6


Note 1: In the present case water-cement ratio is 0.45.So there will be no change in coarse
aggregate volume i.e. 0.60.

STEP 6: Estimation of Concrete Mix Calculations

The mix calculations per unit volume of concrete shall be as follows:

Volume of concrete = 1 m3
Volume of cement = (Mass of cement / Specific gravity of cement) x (1/1000)
= (438/3.15) x (1/1000) = 0.139 m3
Vol. of water =
= (197/1) x (1/1000) = 0.197 m3
Total Volume of Aggregates = 1- (b+c) =1- (0.139+0.197) = 0.664 m3
Mass of coarse aggregates = d X Vol. of Coarse Agg X S.g of Coarse Agg X 1000
= 0.664 X 0.60 X 2.80 X 1000
= 1115 kgs/m3
Mass of fine aggregates
= d X Vol. of Fine Agg. X sp.gof Coarse Agg X 1000
= 0.664 X 0.40 X 2.70 X 1000 = 717.12 kgs/m3
STEP-7: Concrete Mix proportions for Trial Number 1
Cement = 438 kg/m3
Water = 197 kg/m3
Fine aggregates = 717.12 kg/m3
Coarse aggregate = 1115 kg/m3
Water-cement ratio = 0.45

Final trial mix for M40 grade concrete is 1:1.63:2.54 at w/c of 0.45

Density 438 kg/m3 717.12 kg/m3 1115 kg/m3 197 kg/m3

Proportions 1 1.63 2.54 0.45

Calculation of quantity of materials required:

Volume of 1 cube of 0.15x0.15x0.15=0.003375m3

Now cement = (2400/5.62)x0.003375

= 1.441 kg (approximately 1.5kg)

Now FA = 1.63X1.5

= 2.445 kg

Now CA = 2.54X1.5

= 3.81 kg

Now water = 1.5x0.45 = 0.675 liters

Volume of 1 cylinder =3.1415x0.075x0.075x0.30

= 0.0053m3

Quantity of cement = (2400/5.62)x0.0053

= 2.263 kg

Now FA = 1.63X2.263= 3.68 kg

Now CA = 2.54X2.263 = 5.748 kg

Now water = 0.45x2.263 = 1.018 liters

Volume of 1 prism = 0.007m3

Quantity of cement = (2400/5.62)X0.007

= 2.9893 kg

FA = 1.63X2.9893kg = 4.872 kgs

CA = 2.54X2.9893 =7.5928 kg

Water = 0.45X2.9893 = 1.34518 liters.

Volume of 1 cylinder =3.1415x0.075x0.075x0.30

= 0.0053m3

Quantity of cement = (2400/5.62)x0.0053

= 2.263 kg

Now FA = 1.63X2.263= 3.688 kg

Now CA = 2.54X2.263 = 5.748 kg

Now water = 0.45x2.263 = 1.018 liters

Volume of 1 prism = 0.007m3

Quantity of cement = (2400/5.62)X0.007

= 2.989 kg

FA = 1.63X2.989 kg = 4.872 kgs

CA = 2.54X2.989 =7.592 kg

Water = 0.45X2.989 = 1.34505 liters

For 90 cubes

Cement = 90x1.5 = 135 kgs

FA = 90 X2.445 = 220.05 kg

CA = 90 X3.81 = 342.9 kg

Water = 90x0.675 = 60.75 liters

For 45 cylinders

Cement = 45X2.263 = 101.835 kg

FA = 45X3.68 = 165.6 kg

CA = 45X5.748 = 258.66 kg

Water = 45X1.018 = 45.81 liters

For 45 prisms

Cement = 45X2.989 =134.505 kg

FA = 45X4.872 =219.24 kg

CA = 45X7.592 =341.64 kg

Water = 45X1.34505= 60.52725 liters


Total cement = 135+101.835+134.505= 371.34 approximately 372 kgs

Total FA =220.05+165.60+219.24 = 604.89approximately 605 kgs

Total CA = 342.9+258.66+341.64= 943.20 approximately 944 kgs

Water = 60.75+45.81+60.52725=167.08725 liters approximately 168 liters

For 0% Metakaolin ----------------> 0 kgs

For 10% Metakaolin = (1.5𝑋18 + 2.263𝑋9 + 2.9893𝑋9)--> 7.4268kg approximately 7.5

For 15% Metakaolin --------------> 11.1402 kg

Total Metakaolin =0+ 7.5+11.1402 =18.6402kgs

For 0% Marble dust powder ----------------> 0 kgs

For 10% Marble dust powder = (1.5𝑋18 + 2.263𝑋9 + 2.9893𝑋9)-- > 7.5 kgs

For 15% Marble dust powder = 11.1402 kgs

Total Marble dust powder =0+ 7.5+11.1402 =18.6402kgs

So, final cement = total Metakaolin –marble dust powder cement

CONCRE C53) (kg/m3) lin POWDE ATES
TES (kg/m3) (Liters/m
TE R (kg/m3)

M 40 334.72 kgs 18.6402 18.6402 605 kgs 944kg/m3 168

of extra 368.192 kgs 20.50422 665.5 kgs 1038.4 184.8

In trail II the following set of the cubes is taken for the M30 grade of concrete as partial
replacement of Robo sand with replacement of fine aggregate.

In each batch 3 cubes, 3 cylinders and 3 prisms were casted. Totally 90 cubes, 45 cylinders and
45 prisms were casted during entire experimentation.


concrete mix configuration is a method of choosing the appropriate elements of concrete and
their relative extents with a target to get ready concrete of certain base strength, wanted
workability and durability as financially (esteem built) as could reasonably be expected.
As we choose to go for a concrete mix configuration, gather the accompanying information
before hand as few structure stipulation are freezed on the basis of these information.

Priliminary Data Required for Mix Design:

Absolutely represented on the nearby conditions, were the concrete should be connected

Exposure Condition: Exposure Conditions of the structure: The general condition, to which the
concrete will be uncovered amid its administration life, is arranged into five classes to
seriousness, according to IS 456


3.5 Mix Design for M30 Grade Concrete:

(a) Characteristic compressive strength required in the field at 28 days grade designation -

M 30

(b) Type of Cement : OPC 53 Grade confirming to IS 12269

(b) Maximum Nominal size of aggregate — 20 mm

(c) Shape of CA — Angular

(d) Workability required at site — 100 mm (slump)

(e) Type of exposure ., — Moderate

(h) Method of concrete placing: pump able concrete

(ii) Test data of material

(a) Cement Used : OPC 53 Grade Confirming to IS 12269

(b) Specific Gravity of Cement : 3.15
(c) Chemical admixture : Super plasticizer confirming to IS 9103
(d) Specific gravity
Specific gravity of Fine Aggregate (sand) : 2.70
Specific gravity of Coarse Aggregate : 2.80
(e) Water Absorption
Coarse Aggregate : 0.4%
Fine Aggregate : 1.0%
(f) Free (surface) moisture
Coarse Aggregate : Nil
Fine Aggregate : Nil
(g) Sieve Analysis
Fine aggregates : Confirming to Zone I of Table 4 IS – 383

Mix Design of M30 Grade Concrete

Step 1: Determining the Target Strength for Mix Proportioning

Fck = fck + 1.65 x S


Fck = Characteristic comp strength at 28.0 days

S = Assumed standard deviation in N/mm2 = 5 (as per table -1 of IS 10262)
= 30 + 1.65 x 5.0 = 38.25 N/mm2


Step 2 Selection of water-cement ratio:-

From Table 5 of IS 456, Maximum water-cement ratio = 0.50

Note: Do not start with w/c ratio above 0.50, even though the other desired results like Strength,
workability could be achieved.


Step 3 Selection of Water Content

Max W.C for 20 mm agg = 186.00 Kg (for 25 to 50 slump)


We take a slump of 100mm, we need to increase water content by 3.00% for every 25mm above
50 mm i.e. increase 6% for 100mm slump

I.e. Estimated water content for 100 Slump = 186+ (6/100) X 186 = 197litres
Water content = 197 liters

STEP 4 – Calculation of Cement Content

Water-Cement Ratio = 0.50

Water content from Step – 3 i.e. 197 liters

Cement Content = Water content / “w-c ratio” = (197/0.50) = 394.00 kgs

From Table 5 of IS 456,

Least cement Content for mod. exposure = 300.00 kg/m3

394 kg/m3 > 300 kg/m3, hence, OK.

As per clause of IS: 456

Max cement content = 450.00 kg/m3, hence ok too.

STEP 5: Extentof Volume of Coarse Agg and Fine agg. Content

From Table 3 of IS 10262, Volume of coarse agg relating to 20 mm size and fine agg.(Zone I) =


Note 1: In the present case water-cement ratio is 0.5.So there will be no change in coarse
aggregate volume i.e. 0.60.

STEP 6: Estimation of Concrete Mix Calculations

The mix calculations per unit volume of concrete shall be as follows:

Volume of concrete = 1 m3
Vol. of cement = (Mass of cement / of cement) x (1/1000)
= (39/3.15) x (1/1000) = 0.125 m3
Volume of water =
= (197/1) x (1/1000) = 0.197 m3
Total Volume of Aggregates = 1- (b+c) =1- (0.125+0.197) = 0.678 m3
Mass of coarse aggregates = d X Volume of Coars agg X Sp.g of Coarse Agg X 1000
= 0.678 X 0.60 X 2.80 X 1000
= 1139 kgs/m3
Mass of fine aggregates
= d X Vol. of Fine Agg X Sp.g of Coarse Agg. X 1000
= 0.678 X 0.40 X 2.70 X 1000 = 732 kgs/m3

STEP-7: Concrete Mix proportions for Trial Number 1

Cement = 394 kg/m3

Water = 197 kg/m3

Fine aggregates = 732 kg/m3

Coarse aggregate = 1139 kg/m3

Water-cement ratio = 0.50

Final trial mix for M30 grade concrete is 1:1.86:2.89 at w/c of 0.50




Density 394 kg/m3 732 kg/m3 1139 kg/m3 197 kg/m3

Proportions 1 1.86 2.89 0.50

Calculation of quantity of materials required:

Volume of 1 cube of 0.15x0.15x0.15=0.003375m3

Now cement = (2400/5.136)x0.003375

= 1.577 kg (approximately 1.6kg)

Now FA = 1.861X1.6

= 2.98 kg
Now CA = 2.275x1.6

= 3.64 kg

Now water = 1.6x0.31 = 0.4976 liters

Volume of 1 cylinder =3.1415x0.075x0.075x0.30

= 0.0053m3

Quantity of cement = (2400/5.136)x0.0053

= 2.477 kg

Now FA = 1.861X2.47 7= 4.60 kg

Now CA = 2.275X2.477 = 5.635 kg

Now water = 0.31x2.477 = 0.76787 liters

Volume of 1 prism = 0.007m3

Quantity of cement = (2400/5.136)X0.007

= 3.2710 kg

FA = 1.861X3.2710kg = 5.97381kgs

CA = 2.275X3.2710 =7.4415 kg

Water = 0.31X3.2710 = 1.01401 liters.

For 90 cubes

Cement = 90X 1.6 = 144.00 Kgs

F.A =90X2.98 = 268.2 Kgs

C.A =90X3.64 =327.6 Kgs

WATER =90X0.4976 =44.784 Kg

For 45 cylinders

Cement = 45X2.447 =110.447 Kgs

F.A. = 45X4.60 = 207 Kgs

C.A. = 45X5.635 = 253.575 Kgs

Water = 45X0.76787 = 34.55415 Kgs

For 45 Prisms

Cement = 45 X3.2710 = 147.195 Kgs

F.A. = 45 X5.9738 = 268.821 Kgs

C.A. = 45X7.4415 = 334.8675 Kgs

WATER = 45X1.01401 = 45.63045 Kgs

Total Cement content = 144+110.447+147.195 = 401.642 Kgs

Total Fine aggregate = 268.20+207+268.821 = 744.021 Kgs

Total Coarse aggregate = 327.60+253.575+334.8675 = 916.0425 Kgs

Total Water = 44.784+34.55415+45.63045 = 124.9686 Kgs

Total ROBO sand

20 % of Robo sand = 𝑋 (18𝑋2.98 + 9𝑋4.60 + 9𝑋5.9738)→ 29.76084 approx 30 Kgs

30 % of Robo sand =--------------------------------------------------→44.64126 approx 45 Kgs

40 % of Robo sand =--------------------------------------------------→ 59.52168 approx 60 Kgs

Total Robo sand = 30+45+60=-----------------------------------→ 135 Kgs

Final quantity of materials


CONCRETE (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (Liters/m)

M 30 402 135 609.021 917 125

Addition of
extra 10% 442.2 148.5 669.9231 1008.7 137.5
4.1.1 CEMENT:
To decide the precise gravity of cement using Le-chatelier Flask or Specific gravity bottle


i. Le chatelier flask or Specific gravity bottle – 100ml potential.

ii. Balance capable of weighing correctly up to zero.1gm.


1. Gauge a perfect and dry Le Chatelier Flask or Specific Gravity Bottle with its plug (W1)
2. Place a pattern of cement as much as half of the flask (about 50 gm) and weight with its
stopper (W2).
3. Add kerosene (polar liquid) to cement in flask until it's far approximately half of
4. Mix thoroughly with glass rod to remove entrapped air. Continue stirring and upload
more kerosene till it is flush with the graduated mark.
5. Dry the outdoor and weigh (W3).
6. Entrapped air can be removed by way of vacuum pump, if to be had.
7. Empty the flask, smooth it refills with smooth kerosene flush with the graduated mark
wipe dry the outside and weigh (W4).

Specific gravity = (W2−W1)− (W3−W4)X 0.79

Where W1 = weight of empty flask

W2 = weight of flask + cement

W3 = wt. of flask + cement + kerosene

W4 = weight of flask + kerosene

Specific gravity of kerosene = 0.79


The setting time is determined by using the penetration of needle into cement paste of general
consistence until it reaches a designated value.

The laboratory shall be maintained at a temperature of 20 ± 2 °C and a relative humidity of now

not much less than 65%.


Cement paste of standard consistence has a designated resistance to penetration through a

preferred plunger. The water required for such a paste is decided via trial penetrations of pastes
with distinctive water contents. Content of water is expressed as percent by way of mass of the

Vicat apparatus with the plunger is used for the test. The plunger shall be of non-corrodible steel
within the form of a proper cylinder of 50 ± 1mm powerful length and of 10.00 ± 0.05 mm
diameter. The overall mass of transferring elements will be 300 ± 1 g. Part of the Vicat
equipment is the mold from tough rubber (of truncated conical form) at the glass base-plate.


1. Calibrate the Vicat apparatus by decreasing the plunger to relaxation on the base-plate for
use and adjusting the pointer to read 0 on the scale. Raise the plunger to the stand-by way
of function.
2. Weight 500 g of cement (to the closest 1g). Weight an amount of water (distilled), e.g.
125g, within the mixer bowl or measure the water from the graduated cylinder into the
mixer bowl.
3. Add the cement cautiously to the water in order to avoid loss of water or cement. The
time of addition will be now not less than 5s or more than 10s. Note the time finishing
touch of the addition as zero time, from which later measurements of time shall be made.
4. Start the mixer straight away and run at low velocity. Stop the system after 90s for 15s at
some point of which dispose of with a appropriate scraper any paste adhering to the bowl
out of doors the mixing quarter and return it to the combination. Restart the system and
run at low speed for similarly 90s. The total mixer jogging time will be three min.
5. Transfer the paste immediately to the mould and fill it to extra. Remove the extra lightly
and make a smooth top floor
6. Immediately after leveling the paste, transfer the mould and base-plate to the Vicat
equipment and role is centrally below the plunger. Lower the plunger gently until it's far
in contact with the paste. Pause in that role for among 1s and 2s. Than release the moving
part fast and permit the plunger to penetrate vertically into the centre of the paste. The
release of the plunger shall arise four min after zero time. Read the size while penetration
has ceased or 30 s after the discharge of the plunger, whichever is the sooner.
7. Record the dimension studying, which shows the distance among the lowest face of the
plunger and the bottom plate. Clean the plunger right away after every penetration.
8. Repeat the check with pastes containing exceptional water contents till one is observed to
produce a distance between plunger and base-plate of 6 ± 1 mm. Record the water
content of that paste to the closest 0.5% because the water for preferred consistence.

Cement paste of standard consistence is used for this take test. Vicat equipment is used, however
the plunger is replaced through the steel needle in the form of a proper cylinder of powerful
length 50 ± 1 mm and diameter 1, 13 ± 0.05 mm. The total mass of transferring part is 300±1 g.


1. Calibration of Vicat equipment with the needle is the same as for the apparatus with the
2. Mould, filled with the aid of paste of fashionable consistence and base plate switch to the
Vicat equipment.
3. Procedure of penetration is similar to by way of using plunger.
4. Repeat the penetration take a look at the equal specimen at with ease spaced function, no
longer much less than 10 mm from the rim of the mold or from each other, at without
problems spaced intervals of time, e.g. At 10 min durations.
5. Clean the Vicat needle after every penetration
6. Initial placing time is time measured from 0 at which distance among the needle and the
bottom-plate is four ± 1 mm. Record it to the nearest 5 min.
7. Final placing time is time measured from 0 at which the needle first penetrates simplest
0,5 mm into the specimen
Automatic setting time machines are commercially available and can be used furnished that they
may be proven to present the equal test consequences as the required apparatus and system.


To determine the fineness of cement by way of dry sieving


1. Standard stability with one hundred gm weighing potential.

2. IS: 90 micron sieve confirming to IS: 460 – 1962 and a brush.


1. Break down any air-set lumps within the cement sample with fingers.
2. Weigh appropriately 100 gm of the cement and lace it on a well known 90 microns IS
3. Continuously sieve the pattern for 15 minutes.
4. Weigh the residue left after 15mins of sieving. This completes the test.


Sieving will be performed holding the sieve in each palms and mild wrist movement. This will
contain no danger of spilling the cement, which shall be stored well unfold out on the display.
More or much less continuous rotation of the sieve will be carried out throughout sieving.

Washers, pictures and slugs shall no longer be used at the sieve. The underside of the sieve will
be slightly brushed with a 25 or 40 mm bristle brush after each 5 mins of sieving.

Mechanical sieving gadgets can be used, but the cement shall not be rejected if it meets the
fineness requirement while tested by the hand approach. ([11] IS 2386-three (1963))



To observe the behavior of sand grains beneath various percent of moisture content.([13] IS 383

1. 250 ml measuring cylinder

2. Weighing stability and so forth.


1. Take 500gm (W1) of the fine aggregate.

2. Keep the example in a broiler in a plate at a temperature of 100°C-110.0° C for 24.0 ± 0.5
3. Cool the sand in an air tight field and weight it (W2)
4. Water content of the pattern = (W1-W2)x 100/W1
5. Keep out about 250.00gm sand and place it into a pan.
6. Add 2% (by means of weight) of water and mix well.
7. Pour the sand sample into a 250 ml measuring cylinder and consolidate via shaking.
8. Level the surface and examine the quantity in ml (Y1).
9. Take out the entire quantity of sand and continue the experiment by means of adding 2%
water more whenever and word the corresponding quantity of sand (Y2,Y3…..) until the sell
off sand extent begins decreasing.
10. Beyond this point, upload 4% extra water on every occasion till the sample come to be fully
11. To the usual pattern within the measuring cylinder, upload approximately 50 ml water ore
and stir the sample nicely.
12. Note down the floor degree of inundated sand (Y ml).

Bulking = X100


The bulk density, measured in kilograms consistent with liter is stricken by numerous elements,
including the amount of moisture present and the quantity of attempt introduced in filling the
degree. This is laboratory check intended for evaluating residences of different aggregates. It is
not generally appropriate to be used as a basis for quoting mix design conversion factors.

1. The check is done on dry cloth whilst figuring out the voids, but while bulking checks are
required material with a given percent of moisture may be used.
2. The measure is filled with very well blended combination to about 1/3 and tamped with 25
strokes of the rounded give up of the tamping rod.
3. A similarly comparable quantity of aggregate is introduced with a further tamping of 25
instances and the surplus mixture is struck off, using the tamping rod as a immediately facet.
4. The net weight of the combination within the measure is determined and the majority density
is calculated.
5. The measure is then crammed to overflowing by means of a shovel or scoop, the mixture
being discharged from a peak now not exceeding 50 mm above the top of the measure.
6. The floor of the mixture is then leveled with a straight edge. The internet weight of the
combination within the measure is determined and the majority density is calculated.

The percent of voids is calculated as follows:

Gs − γ
Percentage of voids = Gs

Where Gs = precise gravity of the aggregate

γ = bulk density in kg/liter


To determine the specific gravity of given sample of first-class aggregates


1. A stability of capacity not much less than 3kg , readable and accurate to zero. 5gm and of this
type of type as to permit the weighing of the vessel containing the combination and water.
2. A well ventilated oven to keep a temperature of 100ºC to 110ºC
3. Pycnometer of about 1 liter capacity having a metal conical screw top with a 6mm hole at its
apex. The screw pinnacle will be water tight.

4. A method providing a current heat air.

5. A tray of area no longer less than 32cm².

6. An air tight field large sufficient to take the sample.

7. Filter papers and funnel.

Figure 13 : Pycnometer


1. Take about 500g of sample and place it in the pycnometer.

2. Pour distilled water into it until it is complete.
3. Eliminate the entrapped air by means of rotating the pycnometer on its side ,the hole within
the apex of the cone being covered with a finger.
4. Remove out the outer surface, weigh it (W)
5. Transfer the contents of the pycnometer right into a tray, care being taken to make sure that
all the combination is transferred.
6. Refill the pycnometer with distilled water to the equal stage.
7. Find out the burden (W1)
8. Drink water from the sample thru a filter out paper.
9. Place the sample in oven in a tray at a temperature of 100ºC to 110º C for twenty-
four±zero.Five hours, at some stage in which era, it's far stirred occasionally to facilitate
10. Cool the sample and weigh it (W2)


Apparent sp., gravity = (wt., of dry sampe/wt of equal vol.water)

= W2/(W2- (W-W2))



Test Sieves conforming to IS : 460-1962 Specification of 4.75 mm, 2.36 mm, 1.18 mm, 600
micron, 300 micron, 150 micron, Balance, Gauging Trowel, Stop Watch, etc.


1. The sample will be introduced to an air-dry situation before weighing and sieving. The air-dry
pattern shall be weighed and sieved successively on the suitable sieves starting with the largest.
Care shall be taken to make sure that the sieves are clean before use.

2. The shaking shall be performed with a numerous motion, backward sand forwards, left to
proper, round clockwise and anti-clockwise, and with frequent jarring, in order that the cloth is
saved moving over the sieve surface in frequently changing guidelines.

3. Material shall not be pressured thru the sieve by using hand stress. Lumps of great cloth, if
present, can be damaged with the aid of gentle pressure with hands towards the aspect of the

4. Light brushing with a best camel hair brush can be used on the 150-micron and seventy five-
micron IS Sieves to prevent aggregation of powder and blinding of apertures.

5. On crowning glory of sieving, the fabric retained on every sieve, together with any fabric
wiped clean from the mesh, shall be weighed.

Figure 14 : Set of Sieves 4.75mm to Pan


Fineness modulus is an empirical issue received by including the cumulative chances of

combination retained on each of the usual sieves starting from 4.75mm to 150 micron and
dividing this sum through an arbitrary number 100.

Fineness modulus (FM) = (cumulative chances of combination retained %/100)



1. 1. A equalization or size of capacity no longer significantly less than three kg, decipherable
and precise to 0.5 g and of this sort of kind and shape as to allow the container containing the
example to be suspended from the shaft and the said something water.
2. A properly ventilated oven thermostatically controlled to keep a temperature of 1000C to
1100 C.
3. A twine basket of no longer more than 6.3mm mesh or a perforated container of handy
4. A stout water tight field of convenient size.
5. Two dry soft absorbent cloths each no longer much less than seventy five×45 cm
6. A shallow tray of region no much less than 650cm2
7. An air tight box of potential much likes that of the basket.


1. Take 2 kg of mixture. Sample larger than 10mm

2. Wash the sample thoroughly to eliminate finer particle and dust.
3. Place the pattern in a cord basket and immerse it in distilled water at a temperature between
220C and 320C with a cover of at the least 5 cm of water above the top of the basket.
4. Remove the entrapped air by way of lifting the basket containing the pattern 25 mm above
the base of the tank and permitting it to dropper 2d, care being taken to peer that the pattern
is completely immersed in water during the operation.
5. With the sample in water at a temper of 220 C-320 C (W).
6. Remove the basket and combination from water and permit draining for a couple of minutes.
7. Empty the combination from the basket to a shallow tray.
8. Immerse the empty basket in water jolt 25 instances after which the load in water (w2).
9. Place the aggregates in oven at a temperature of 100oC to 110oC for twenty-four+- zero.5
10. Remove it from the oven and cool it and locate the weight. (w2)

Apparent Sp., Gravity = (Wt of a substance/ wt of an same vol. Of water)

= W3/ (W3- (w1-w2))


This check enables to determine the aggregate crushing cost of coarse aggregates as in step with
IS: 2386 (Part IV) – 1963.

The apparatus used is cylindrical degree and plunger, Compression testing system, IS Sieves of
sizes – 12.5mm, 10mm and a pair of.36mm


1. The aggregates passing via 12.5mm and retained on 10mm IS Sieve are oven-dried at a
temperature of one hundred to 110oC for 3 to 4hrs.
2. The cylinder of the equipment is filled in three layers, each layer tamped with 25 strokes of a
tamping rod.
3. The weight of aggregates is measured (Weight ‘A’).
4. The surface of the aggregates is then leveled and the plunger inserted. The apparatus is then
placed within the compression checking out system and loaded at a uniform price for you to
achieve 40t load in 10 minutes. After this, the burden is released.
5. The sample is then sieved through a 2.36mm IS Sieve and the fraction passing through the
sieve is weighed (Weight ‘B’).
6. Two tests must be performed.

Aggregate crushing value = 𝐀 𝐗𝟏𝟎𝟎


This test is completed to decide the mixture impact of coarse aggregates as in keeping with IS:
2386 (Part IV) – 1963.

The equipment used for figuring out aggregate effect value of coarse aggregates is Impact
checking out machine conforming to IS: 2386 (Part IV)- 1963,IS Sieves of sizes – 12.5mm,
10mm and a pair of.36mm, A cylindrical metallic measure of 75mm dia. And 50mm intensity, A
tamping rod of 10mm round move segment and 230mm period, rounded at one cease and Oven

1. The check pattern need to conform to the subsequent grading:

– Passing through 12.5mm IS Sieve – 100%

– Retention on 10mm IS Sieve – 100%

2. The sample has to be oven-dried for 4hrs. At a temperature of 1000C to 1100C and cooled.
3. The degree has to be about 1/3 complete with the organized aggregates and tamped with 25
strokes of the tamping rod.
4. An in addition comparable quantity of aggregates have to be added and a further tamping of
25 strokes given. The measure should subsequently be crammed to overflow, tamped 25
times and the surplus aggregates struck off, the usage of a tamping rod as a directly part. The
internet weight of the aggregates within the measure must be decided to the closest gram
(Weight ‘A’).


1. The cup of the impact checking out machine must be fixed firmly in function on the base of
the machine and the whole of the test pattern placed in it and compacted by using 25 strokes
of the tamping rod.
2. The hammer need to be raised to 380mm above the top surface of the aggregates in the cup
and allowed to fall freely onto the aggregates. The test pattern must be subjected to a
complete of 15 such blows, every being added at an c program language period of not less
than one second.
3. The sample has to be removed and sieved through a 2.36mm IS Sieve. The fraction passing
via have to be weighed (Weight ‘B’). The fraction retained at the sieve ought to also be
weighed (Weight ‘C’) and if the entire weight (B+C) is much less than the initial weight (A)
by way of a couple of gram, the result have to be discarded and a sparkling check completed.
4. The ratio of the weight of the fines fashioned to the full sample weight must be expressed as
a percent.

Aggregate impact value = (B/A) x100%


The concrete slump take a look at is used for the measurement of a assets of sparkling concrete.
The check is an empirical test that measures the workability of fresh concrete. More particularly,
it measures consistency among batches. The test is popular due to the simplicity of kit used and
simple manner.


The droop test result is a measure of the conduct of a compacted inverted cone of concrete
beneath the movement of gravity. It measures the consistency or the wetness of concrete.


1. Slump cone,
2. Scale for size,
3. Temping rod (metallic)


1. The mold for the droop check is a frustum of a cone, 300 mm (12 in) of peak. The base is
200 mm (8in) in diameter and it has a smaller opening at the top of 100 mm (4 in).
2. The base is positioned on a smooth surface and the container is full of concrete in 3 layers,
whose workability is to be tested.
3. Each layer is temped 25 instances with a popular sixteen mm (5/8 in) diameter steel rod,
rounded on the cease.
4. When the mould is absolutely packed with concrete, the pinnacle floor is struck off (leveled
with mildew top beginning) by means of screening and rolling motion of the temping rod.
5. The mold need to be firmly held in opposition to its base during the complete operation in
order that it could not pass because of the pouring of concrete and this could be finished with
the aid of handles or foot - rests brazed to the mold.
6. Immediately after filling is finished and the concrete is leveled, the cone is slowly and
thoroughly lifted vertically, an unsupported concrete will now droop.
7. The lower within the height of the center of the slumped concrete is known as hunch. The
droop is measured with the aid of setting the cone simply besides the stoop concrete and the
temping rod is positioned over the cone so that it need to also come over the vicinity of
slumped concrete.
8. The lower in top of concrete to that of mold is stated with scale. (Usually measured to the
closest 5mm (1/4 in).

Figure 15 : Slump cone test


In order to lessen the have an impact on droop of the variation in the floor friction, the inside of
the mildew and its base must be moistened at the start of each check, and prior to lifting of the
mould the region without delay across the base of the cone must be wiped clean from concrete
which may have dropped accidentally.


Apparatus: It includes conical hoppers installed above a cylindrical mildew.


1. The sample of concrete is placed gently in the top hopper, using trowel.
2. The hopper is crammed stage with its brim and the entice-door is opened in order that the
concrete falls into the lower hopper.
3. Immediately after the concrete has come to rest , the lure-door of the lower hopper is opened,
and the concrete is allowed to fall in to the cylinder.
4. The extra of concrete ultimate above the level of the top of the cylinder is then cut off by
means of a trowel and the out of doors of the cylinder is then wiped clean.
5. The weight of the concrete within the cylinder is then determined to the closest 10g. That is
known as the load of the partly compacted concrete.
6. The Cylinder is refilled with concrete from the identical pattern in layers and closely rammed
so as to acquire full compaction.
7. The top surface of the absolutely compacted concrete will be cautiously struck off stage with
the top of the cylinder. The outdoor of the cylinder shall then be wiped easy.

Figure 16 : Compaction factor apparatus


The compaction thing is decided because the ratio of the burden of in part compacted
concrete to the load of fully compacted concrete and is stated to the closest second decimal point


Casting of cubes and cylinders as achieved for M80 grade concrete, the mixture proportion is for
which we're casting 50 cubes for ordinary concrete, with the partial alternative of concrete with
metakaolin of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%.

After the sample has been remixed, immediately fill the cube moulds and compact the concrete,
either by way of hand or by vibration. Any air trapped inside the concrete will lessen the power
of the cube. Hence, the cubes must be fully compacted. However, care must also be taken now
not to over compact the concrete as this will reason segregation of the aggregates and cement
paste inside the mix. This may additionally lessen the final compressive strength.
Figure 17 : Filling the mould (for 150 mm cube 3 equal layers)

150 mm moulds must be crammed in 3 about equal layers (50 mm deep). A compacting bar is
supplied for compacting the concrete. It is a 380 mm lengthy metal bar, weighs 1.Eight kg and
has a 25 mm rectangular give up for ramming. During the compaction of every layer with the
compacting bar, the strokes need to be dispensed in a uniform way over the floor of the concrete
and each layer ought to be compacted to its complete depth. During the compaction of the
primary layer, the compacting bar has to not forcibly strike the lowest of the mould. For
subsequent layers, the compacting bar have to skip into the layer right away beneath. The
minimal quantity of strokes in step with layer required to produce complete compaction will
depend upon the workability of the concrete, but as a minimum 35 strokes may be important
besides within the case of very excessive workability concrete. After the pinnacle layer has been
compacted, a trowel ought to be used to complete off the floor degree with the top of the mold,
and the outdoor of the mildew should be wiped easy.
Figure 18 : Compacting the concrete in the cube mould (For 150 mm cube at least 35 tamps per
Figure 19 : Finishin

Figure 20 : cylindrical moulds

Figure 21 : Curing of cubes and cylinders



• 7 days specimens age

• 14 days specimens age
• 28 days specimens age
• 56 days specimens age
• 90 days specimens age


• 28 days specimens age

• 56 days specimens age
• 90 days specimens age


• 28 days specimens age

• 56 days specimens age

• 90 days specimens age


• 90 days specimens age


This take a look at changed into conducted as consistent with ([9] IS516-1959). The cubes of
popular size 150x150x150mm and cylinder of 150mm diameter 300mm height and prism of
150mmX150mmX700mm had been used to discover the compressive strength of concrete.
Specimens had been located at the bearing surface of CTM, of capability 200T without
eccentricity and a uniform fee of loading applied till the failure of the cube. The maximum load
became mentioned and the compressive electricity ([21] AS Alnuaimi,) turned into calculated.
Figure 22 : Casting of cubes

Compressive Energy Trying Out Method From Is516-1959:

Placing the Specimen in the Testing Machine:

The bearing floor of the trying out system shall be wiped smooth and any unfastened sand are
different fabric eliminated from the surface the specimen which might be to keep up a
correspondence with the compression platens. In the case of cubes, the specimens will be placed
inside the gadget in such a way that the load shall carried out two contrary sides of the cube as
solid, that isn't always to the top and backside. The axis of the specimen shall be carefully
aligned with of thrust of the spherically seated platen. No packing shall be used among the faces
of the test specimen and the steel platen of the checking out device. As the spherically seated
block is introduced endure at the specimen, the movable component will be circled lightly via
hand in order that uniform seating can be obtained.

The load shall implemented without shock and accelerated continuously at a rate of
approximately 140kg/cm2/min until the resistance of the specimen to be growing load breaks
down and no extra load may be sustained. The maximum load applied to the specimen shall then
be recorded and look of the concrete and any unusual capabilities within the type of failure will
be cited.


The measured compressive energy of specimen shall be calculated by means of dividing the most
load carried out to the specimen during the check move sectional place, calculated from the
suggest dimensions of the section and shall be expressed to the closest kg/cm2. Average of three
values taken because the consultant of the batch furnished the person version is not greater than
± 15 percent of average. Otherwise repeat check will be made.
The compressive strength of cube = (P/A) N/mm2


P is load at failure in N,

A is location of cube/contact in mm2.


This test was conducted as per IS516-1959. The cylinders of standard size 150mmx300mm were
used find the strength of concrete. Specimens are placed on the bearing surface of CTM, of
capacity 200T without eccentricity and a uniform rate of loading is applied till the failure of
cylinder. The maximum load was noted and the strength was calculated. Split tensile strength
testing Procedure from IS5816-1999: Placing of the specimen the Testing Machine:
The bearing surface of the testing machine and of the loading strips shall be wiped clean.
Positioning: The test specimen shall be placed in the centering with packing strip and/or
loading pieces carefully positioning along the top and top and bottom of the plane
of the loading specimen.

The specimen shall be placed in the machine so that specimen is located centrally. In the case of
cubic specimen, the load shall be applied on the molded faces in such a way that a fracture plan
will cross the trowel led surface. For cylindrical specimen it shall be ensure that the upper platen
is parallel with lower platen.


The load shall be applied without shock and increased continuously at a nominal rate within in
the range 1.2 N/mm/min to 2.4N/mm/min. ([14] IS 5816 (1999)) maintain the rate, once
adjusted, until failure one manually controlled machines as failure is approached the loading rate
will decrease; at this stage the controls shall be operated to maintain as per as possible the
specified loading rate. The maximum load applied shall then be recorded. The appearance of
concrete and any unusual features in the type failure shall be noted.
Figure 23 : Split Tensile Strength Testing

The split tensile strength is calculated as loading condition such that the load is applied on top
and bottom of the cylinder on its lateral surface, to the area equal to the lateral surface area of the

The split tensile strength = (2P/πdl) N/mm2


P= average load in N,

d=diameter of cylinder in mm,

l=length of cylinder in mm.

4.6.3Flexural strength test:

Flexural strength testing procedure from IS516-1959:

Placing the specimen in testing machine:

Figure 24: Testing Square prism for flexural strength

Theurfaces of the supportng and loading rollers wped clean, and any loose sand or other material
removed from surface of the specimen where they are to may contact with the rollers. The
example will then be put in the machine in such a way, to the point that the heap will be
connected to the highest surface as cast in the shape, , along two line spaced 13.3cm apart the
axis of the specimen shall be carefully aligned with the axis of loading devices. No packing shall
be used between bearing surface of the specimen and rollers. The load shall be applied without
shock and increasing continuously at a rate such that extreme fiber stress increases
approximately 7kg/cm2 that is at the rate of loading of 400kg/min for the 15cm specimens and
the rate of 180kg/min for 10cm specimen. The load shall be increased until specimen fails, and
the maximum load to the specimen during the test shall be recorded.

The flexural strength of specimen shall be expressed as the Modulus of rupture fb, which, if ‘a’
equals the distance between the line fracture and the nearer support, measured on the centre line
of the tensile side of the specimen in cm, shall be calculated to the nearest 0.5kg/cm2 as follows:

fb= (Pl/bd2) N/mm2


b= measured width in cm of specimen,

d= measured depth in cm of specimen at a point of failure,

l= length in cms

P= maximum load in kg applied to specimen



1. The concrete cube specimens of various concrete combos of size 150 mm had been forged
and after 28 days of water curing, the specimens were eliminated from the curing tank and
allowed to dry for sooner or later.
2. The weights of concrete cube specimen had been taken as W1.
3. The acid attack test on concrete dice turned into performed through immersing the cubes in
the acid water for ninety days after 28 days of curing. Hydrochloric acid (HCL) with pH of
about 2 at 10% weight of water became added to water in which the concrete cubes have
been stored.
4. The pH turned into maintained all through the duration of ninety days. After 90 days of
immersion, the concrete cubes were taken out of acid water. Then, the specimens have been
tested for compressive power.
5. The resistance of concrete to acid assault becomes discovered by means of the % lack of
weight of specimen and the % loss of compressive strength on immersing concrete cubes in
acid water.



1. To decide the resistance of numerous concrete combos to alkaline assault, the residual
compressive strength of concrete combos of cubes immersed in alkaline water having 10% of
sodium hydroxide (NaOH) through weight of water turned into discovered.
2. The concrete cubes which had been cured in water for 28 days have been eliminated from the
curing tank and allowed to dry for sooner or later. The weights of concrete dice specimen had
been taken.
3. Then the cubes have been immersed in alkaline water continuously for ninety days. The
alkalinity of water was maintained same throughout the check period.
4. After 90 days of immersion, the concrete cubes have been taken out of alkaline water. Then,
the specimens have been tested for compressive electricity.
5. The resistance of concrete to alkaline assault was located by way of the % lack of weight of
specimen and the % lack of compressive energy on immersion of concrete cubes in alkaline


1. The resistance of concrete to sulphate assaults turned into studied with the aid of figuring out
the loss of compressive electricity or version in compressive strength of concrete cubes
immersed in sulphate water having five% of sodium sulphate (Na2SO4) and 5% of
magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) by way of weight of water and people which aren't immersed
in sulphate water.
2. The concrete cubes of 150mm size after 28days of water curing and dried for in the future
have been immersed in 5% Na2SO4 and 5% MgSO4 delivered water for 90days.
3. The awareness of sulphate water changed into maintained at some point of the period.
90days imm., the concrete cubes had been eliminated from the sulphate waters and after
wiping out the water and girt from the surface of cubes tested for compressive energy
following the procedure prescribed in IS: 516- 1959.
4. This type of elevated check of finding out the loss of compressive electricity for assessing
sulphate resistance of concrete Mehta and Burrows (2001).

Table 13 : Test results on the cement Test Results IS code used Acceptable limit

1 Specific gravity of cement 3.160 IS:2386:1963 3 to 3.2
2 Standard consistency of 6mm at 34% w/c w/c ratio 28%-
cement IS:4031:1996 35%
3 45 mins and 10 Minimum 30mins
Initial and final setting time hours and should not
IS:4031:1988 more than 10
4 Fineness of cement 3.00% IS:4031:1988 <10%


Table 14 : Test results on coarse aggregates Test Results Is code used Acceptable limit

1 Fineness modulus 6.5 IS:2386:1963 6.0 to 8.0mm
2 Specific gravity 2.90 IS:2386:1963 2 to 3.1mm
3 Porosity 46.83% IS:2386:1963 Not greater than 100%
4 Voids ratio 0.8855 IS:2386:1963 Any value
5 Bulk density 1.50g/cc IS:2386:1963 -
6 Aggregate impact value 37.5 IS:2386:1963 Less than 45%
7 Aggregate crushing value 26.6% IS:2386:1963 Less than 45%

Table 15 : Test results on the fine aggregates Test Result Is code used Acceptable limits

1 Fineness modulus 4.305 IS:2386:1963 Not more than 3.2 mm

2 Specific gravity 2.43 IS:2386:1963 2.0 to 3.1

3 Porosity 36.6% IS:2386:1963 Not greater than 100%

4 Voids ratio 0.577 IS:2386:1963 Any value

5 Bulk density 1.5424 IS:2386:1963 -

6 Bulking of sand 3.0% IS:2386:1963 Less than 10%



M40 Grade of concrete

SLUMP CONE TEST: %Replacement of cement Slump in mm
1 0.00% 90
2 10% (MK) 92
3 10% (MDP) 95
4 10%(MK)+15 % (MDP) 96
5 15%(MK)+15 (MDP) 98
16 : Slump Cone Test

Slump in mm
88 Slump in mm

Graph 1 : Slump Cone Test

COMPACTION FACTOR TEST %Replacement of metakaolin Compaction factor
1 0.00% 0.98
2 10% (MK) 0.96
3 10% (MDP) 0.98
4 10%(MK)+15 % (MDP) 0.92
5 15%(MK)+15 (MDP) 0.88

Table 17 : Compaction Factor Test Results

0.00% 10% (MK) 10% (MDP) 10%(MK)+15 % 15%(MK)+15

Graph 2 : Compaction Factor Test


1. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: % Replacement Compressive strength of concrete
of cement
7days 14days 28days 56days 90days
1 0.00% 30.4 40.5 46.5 52.1 54.5
2 10% (MK) 31.42 42.5 41.25 53.5 56.5
3 10% (MDP) 32.43 39.3 40.36 51.25 53.26
4 30.46 41.25 42.6 49.25 52.4
10%(MK)+15 %
5 15%(MK)+1 31.46 39.5 40.36 51.25 54.5
Table 18 : Compressive Strength of Concrete

30 10% (MK)
20 10% (MDP)
10 10%(MK)+15 % (MDP)
7days 14days 28days 56days 90days 15%(MK)+1 0(MDP)

Compressive strength of concrete

Graph 3 : Compressive Strength of Concrete


% Replacement Of `Split Tensile Strength Of Concrete
28days 56days 90days
1 0.00% 12.82 14.2 16.38
2 10% (MK) 13.21 15.62 16.76
3 10% (MDP) 13.53 15.12 16.84

4 10%(MK)+15 % (MDP) 13.23 14.82 15.62

5 15%(MK)+1 0(MDP) 12.68 14.27 14.96

Table 19 : Split Tensile Strength of Concrete

10 `Split Tensile Strength Of
6 Concrete 28days
2 `Split Tensile Strength Of
0 Concrete 56days
`Split Tensile Strength Of
Concrete 90days
Graph 4 : Split Tensile Strength of Concrete
3. FLEXURAL STRENGTH: % Replacement Of `Flexural Strength Of Concrete
28days 56days 90days
1 0.00% 7.23 8.47 8.5
2 10% (MK) 7.35 8.8 8.6
3 10% (MDP) 7 8.21 8.1
4 6.5 8.35 8.2
10%(MK)+15 % (MDP)
5 15%(MK)+1 0(MDP) 7.5 8.4 8.26

Table 20 : Flexural Strength of Concrete

3 28days
0 56days

Graph 5 : Flexural Strength of Concrete

Table 21 : Acid Attack % replacement Initial Final weight % loss of Compressiv Compr % loss

weight of of cubes after weight due e strength essive of
cube after 90days curing to acid of cube strengt compre
28days in grams attack after h of ssive
curing in 28days cubes strengt
grams curing after h due
90days to acid
curing attack
1 92.94 6.64
0.00% 2261 2242 0.82 99.55
2 2340 2318 0.94 92.78 7.40
5.00% 100.19
3 2351 2323 1.20 94.06 7.80
10.00% 102.016
4 2234 2202 1.44 92.03 8.40
15.00% 100.47
5 2394 2356 1.60 90.65 9.20
20.00% 99.84

% loss of weight due to acid attack

0.2 % loss of weight due to acid

Graph 6 : Percentage Loss weight due to acid attack

% loss of compressive strength due to

acid attack
2 % loss of compressive
0 strength due to acid attack

Graph 7 : Percentage Loss of Compressive strength due to acid attack

M30 grade of concrete


SLUMP CONE TEST: % replacement of normal sand SLUMP(CM)
1 0.00% 95
2 20.00% 96
3 30.00% 97
3 40.00% 98
4 50.00% 99

0.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00%

COMPACTION FACTOR TEST %Replacement of metakaolin Compaction factor

1 0.00% 0.98
2 10% (MK) 0.96
3 10% (MDP) 0.98
4 0.92

10%(MK)+15 % (MDP)
5 0.88
15%(MK)+15 (MDP)
Compaction factor test



Compaction factor test


0.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00%


% of replacement of compressive strength N/mm2
fine aggregate
7 days 28 days 56 days 90 days
1 22.35 28.3 31.25 33.45
2 23.5 29.8 32.5 34.8
3 24.5 30.52 31.55 35.6
4 23.2 27.5 29.5 32.5
5 22.5 26.8 27.5 32.8

25 7 days

20 28 days

15 56 days

10 90 days
0.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00%
% of replacement of fine aggregate flexural strength N/mm2
28 days 56 days
1 5.62 5.9
2 5.81 6.2
3 5.92 6.8
4 5.83 6.65
5 5.75 6.5

5 flexural strength N/mm2 28
4 days
3 flexural strength N/mm2 56
0.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00%


% of replacement of fine flexural strength kN/m2

aggregate 28 days 56 days
1 0.00% 7.2 7.8
2 20.00% 7.8 7.92
3 30.00% 7.95 8.25
4 40.00% 7.89 7.6
5 50.00% 7.88 7.59



7.6 flexural strength kN/m2

28 days
flexural strength kN/m2
7.2 56 days


0.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00%

% loss of weight due to acid attack

% Loss of weight due to acid attack

% loss of weight due to
0.8 acid attack
0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00%

1. DURABILITY TEST % replacement Initial Final weight of % loss of Compressive Compres % loss of
weight of cubes after weight due strength of sive compress
cube after 90days curing in to acid cube after strength ive
28days grams attack 28days curing of cubes strength
curing in after due to
grams 90days acid
curing attack
1 0% 92.94 6.64
2261 2242 0.82 99.55
2 10 % (5% 2340 2318 0.94 92.78 7.40
BA+5%FS) 100.19
3 20%(10%BA+10% 2351 2323 1.20 94.06 7.80
FS) 102.016
4 30%(15% 2234 2202 1.44 92.03 8.40
BA+15%FS) 100.47
5 40%(20%BA+20% 2394 2356 1.60 90.65 9.20
FS) 99.84

% loss of weight due to acid attack

% Loss of weight due to acid attack

% loss of weight due to
0.8 acid attack
0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00%

% loss of compressive strength due to

acid attack
Loss of compressive strength

% loss of compressive
strength due to acid

0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00%
From the above test program the accompanying ends were made
1. The material properties of the cement, fine aggregates and coarse aggregates are inside as far
as possible according to IS code suggestions so we will utilize the materials for research.
2. Slump cone an incentive for the metakaolin concrete increments with expanding in the level
of metakaolin so the concrete was not serviceable.
3. Compaction factor estimation of metakaolin concrete reductions with increment in the level
of metakaolin and the most extreme estimations of compaction factor was seen at 10% of
4. The compressive strength of concrete is most extreme at 10% of metakaolin and is the ideal
incentive for 7days relieving, 28days restoring, 56days restoring, 90days restoring.
5. Split tensile strength for the cylindrical specimens is maximum at 10% of metakaolin for
28days curing, 56days curing, 90days curing.
6. The flexural strength of copper slag concrete is also maximum at 10% of metakaolin for
28days curing, 56days curing, 90days curing.
7. The % loss of weight & %loss of compressive strength is elevated with in rise in the % in all
cases in durability studies in metakaolin concrete. So, the metakaolin concrete is durable upto
10% replacement.
So the replacement of 10% of metakaolin is generally useful for better strength values in M40
grade of concrete.

➢ The workability of robo sand concrete decreased on use of in partial replacement of fine
aggregate in concrete.
➢ When micro silica was added to robo sand concrete workability again decreases.
➢ Compressive strength reduced marginally on the inclusion of robo sand in concrete.
➢ Splitting tensile strength of concrete improved on use of robo sand as fine aggregate in
partial replacement of sand and also when micro silica was added to the optimum mix.
➢ The flexural strength of concrete almost linearly decreased as the replacement level of
robo sand was increased.
➢ The modulus of elasticity of concrete decreased approximately linearly with the increase
in replacement levels of fine aggregate with robo sand.

[1] IS code for RC Structure IS 456-2000

[2] IS code for Mix design & proportions IS 10262
[3] Sabir B.B, Wild S, Bai J, “Metakaolin and calcined clay as pozzolans for concrete :a review”
Cement and concrete composite 23 ,(2001),pp.441-454.
[4] Jian-Tong Ding and Zongjin Li “Effects of Metakaolin and Silica Fume on Properties of
Concrete” ACI Materials Journal/July-August 2002,pp.393-398. [6] Hemant Chauhan “Effect of
Activated Flyash in Metakaolin based cement” National Conference on Recent Trends in
Engineering & Technology 13-14 May 2011, BVM Engineering College, Gujarat, India .
[7] Muthupya P,Subramanin K, Vishnam B.G, “Investigation on behavior of high performnce
reinforced concrete colums with metakaolin and fly ash as admixtre” International Journal of
Adanced Engineering Technology.

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