Angel Chasing!: The Title Is Intentional

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Angel Chasing!

Rohan Goyal
June 19, 2021

today’s session on chasing angels


Remark. There are close to 50 problems in the handout so it would be fairly unreasonable
for you to be able to do all of them and not all may even appeal to your tastes. I have tried
to ensure that the problems are nice but you should make the call on what you like and try
problems accordingly. The aim should not be to solve all the problems but learn as much
from each problem as you can.
I hope you enjoy them! And please don’t worry too much if you are unable to solve and just
try to learn as much as you can. If you’re comfortable with most problems, maybe look at
the problem set or the last few problems of any given section. If you’ve done all of them
and want yet more problems, feel free to mail me at [email protected]

§1 Introductory
Note. As this section is only meant as an introductory section to new students, I’ve
not really tried to make the sources more random and I hope being able to solve IMO
problems can motivate everyone to try harder problems as well!

Problem 1.1 (ISL 2019 G1). Let ABC be a triangle. Circle Γ passes through A, meets
segments AB and AC again at points D and E respectively, and intersects segment BC
at F and G such that F lies between B and G. The tangent to circle BDF at F and the
tangent to circle CEG at G meet at point T . Suppose that points A and T are distinct.
Prove that line AT is parallel to BC.

Problem 1.2 (IMO 2020/1). Consider the convex quadrilateral ABCD. The point P
is in the interior of ABCD. The following ratio equalities hold:

∠P AD : ∠P BA : ∠DP A = 1 : 2 : 3 = ∠CBP : ∠BAP : ∠BP C

Prove that the following three lines meet in a point: the internal bisectors of angles
∠ADP and ∠P CB and the perpendicular bisector of segment AB.

Problem 1.3 (INMO 2021/5). In a convex quadrilateral ABCD, ∠ABD = 30◦ ,

∠BCA = 75◦ , ∠ACD = 25◦ and CD = CB. Extend CB to meet the circumcircle
of triangle DAC at E. Prove that CE = BD.

The title is intentional.

Rohan Goyal (June 19, 2021) Angel Chasing!1

Problem 1.4 (USAMO 2021/1). Rectangles BCC1 B2 , CAA1 C2 , and ABB1 A2 are
erected outside an acute triangle ABC. Suppose that

∠BC1 C + ∠CA1 A + ∠AB1 B = 180◦ .

Prove that lines B1 C2 , C1 A2 , and A1 B2 are concurrent.

Problem 1.5 (IMO 2018/1). Let Γ be the circumcircle of acute triangle ABC. Points D
and E are on segments AB and AC respectively such that AD = AE. The perpendicular
bisectors of BD and CE intersect minor arcs AB and AC of Γ at points F and G
respectively. Prove that lines DE and F G are either parallel or they are the same line.

Problem 1.6 (INMO 2020/1). Let Γ1 and Γ2 be two circles of unequal radii, with centres
O1 and O2 respectively, intersecting in two distinct points A and B. Assume that the
centre of each circle is outside the other circle. The tangent to Γ1 at B intersects Γ2 again
in C, different from B; the tangent to Γ2 at B intersects Γ1 again at D, different from B.
The bisectors of ∠DAB and ∠CAB meet Γ1 and Γ2 again in X and Y , respectively. Let
P and Q be the circumcentres of triangles ACD and XAY , respectively. Prove that P Q
is the perpendicular bisector of the line segment O1 O2 .

Problem 1.7 (IMO 2017/4). Let R and S be different points on a circle Ω such that
RS is not a diameter. Let ` be the tangent line to Ω at R. Point T is such that S is
the midpoint of the line segment RT . Point J is chosen on the shorter arc RS of Ω so
that the circumcircle Γ of triangle JST intersects ` at two distinct points. Let A be the
common point of Γ and ` that is closer to R. Line AJ meets Ω again at K. Prove that
the line KT is tangent to Γ.

Problem 1.8 (ISL 2011/G1). Let ABC be an acute triangle. Let ω be a circle whose
centre L lies on the side BC. Suppose that ω is tangent to AB at B 0 and AC at C 0 .
Suppose also that the circumcentre O of triangle ABC lies on the shorter arc B 0 C 0 of ω.
Prove that the circumcircle of ABC and ω meet at two points.

Problem 1.9 (EGMO 2021/4). Let ABC be a triangle with incenter I and let D be an
arbitrary point on the side BC. Let the line through D perpendicular to BI intersect
CI at E. Let the line through D perpendicular to CI intersect BI at F . Prove that the
reflection of A across the line EF lies on the line BC.

Problem 1.10 (IMO 2019/2). In triangle ABC, point A1 lies on side BC and point
B1 lies on side AC. Let P and Q be points on segments AA1 and BB1 , respectively,
such that P Q is parallel to AB. Let P1 be a point on line P B1 , such that B1 lies strictly
between P and P1 , and ∠P P1 C = ∠BAC. Similarly, let Q1 be the point on line QA1 ,
such that A1 lies strictly between Q and Q1 , and ∠CQ1 Q = ∠CBA.

Prove that points P, Q, P1 , and Q1 are concyclic.

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§2 Radical Axis and Power of Point

Handout to refer if you have not heard the terms before: Yufei Zhao’s PoP

Lemma 2.1 (Euler’s relation)

Let ABC be a triangle with circumcenter O and incenter I and R circumradius and
r in radius. Prove that OI 2 = R(R − 2r).

Problem 2.2 (APMO 2020/1). Let Γ be the circumcircle of 4ABC. Let D be a point
on the side BC. The tangent to Γ at A intersects the parallel line to BA through D at
point E. The segment CE intersects Γ again at F . Suppose B, D, F , E are concyclic.
Prove that AC, BF , DE are concurrent.

Problem 2.3 (IMO 1995/1). Let A, B, C, D be four distinct points on a line, in that
order. The circles with diameters AC and BD intersect at X and Y . The line XY meets
BC at Z. Let P be a point on the line XY other than Z. The line CP intersects the
circle with diameter AC at C and M , and the line BP intersects the circle with diameter
BD at B and N . Prove that the lines AM, DN, XY are concurrent.

Problem 2.4 (IMO 2008/1). Let H be the orthocenter of an acute-angled triangle ABC.
The circle ΓA centered at the midpoint of BC and passing through H intersects the
sideline BC at points A1 and A2 . Similarly, define the points B1 , B2 , C1 and C2 .

Prove that the six points A1 , A2 , B1 , B2 , C1 and C2 are concyclic.

Problem 2.5 (IMO 2000/1). Two circles G1 and G2 intersect at two points M and N .
Let AB be the line tangent to these circles at A and B, respectively, so that M lies closer
to AB than N . Let CD be the line parallel to AB and passing through the point M ,
with C on G1 and D on G2 . Lines AC and BD meet at E; lines AN and CD meet at
P ; lines BN and CD meet at Q. Show that EP = EQ.

Problem 2.6 (USAMO 1998/2). Let C1 and C2 be concentric circles, with C2 in the
interior of C1 . From a point A on C1 one draws the tangent AB to C2 (B ∈ C2 ). Let C
be the second point of intersection of AB and C1 , and let D be the midpoint of AB. A
line passing through A intersects C2 at E and F in such a way that the perpendicular
bisectors of DE and CF intersect at a point M on AB. Find, with proof, the ratio

Problem 2.7 (ISL 2011 G2). Let A1 A2 A3 A4 be a non-cyclic quadrilateral. Let O1 and
r1 be the circumcentre and the circumradius of the triangle A2 A3 A4 . Define O2 , O3 , O4
and r2 , r3 , r4 in a similar way. Prove that
1 1 1 1
+ + + = 0.
O1 A21 − r12 O2 A22 − r22 O3 A23 − r32 O4 A24 − r42

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§3 Simson Line and Steiner Point

Lemma 3.1 (Simson Line)

Let ABCD be a quadrilateral. Let DA , DB , DC be feet of perpendicular from D to
BC, AC, AB. Prove that DA , DB , DC are collinear iff ABCD is cyclic.

Lemma 3.2 (Simson Line Bisection)

Let ABCD be cyclic and H be orthocenter of ABC. The simson line formed by feet
of perpendiculars of D bisects line DH.

Corollary 3.3 (Steiner Point/Steiner Line)

Let ABC be a triangle with orthocenter H and ` be a line passing through H.
Reflect l over BC, AC, AB to get `A , `B , `C then `A , `B , `C concur on (ABC).

Problem 3.4 (Unknown). Let ω1 , ω2 be two circles with centers O1 , O2 . Let S be the
set of lines which cut equal length chords in both circles. Let l1 , l2 , l3 ∈ S. Prove that
midpoint of O1 , O2 lies on the circumcircle of the triangle formed by l1 , l2 , l3 .

Problem 3.5 (ISL 2018 G4). A point T is chosen inside a triangle ABC. Let A1 ,
B1 , and C1 be the reflections of T in BC, CA, and AB, respectively. Let Ω be the
circumcircle of the triangle A1 B1 C1 . The lines A1 T , B1 T , and C1 T meet Ω again at A2 ,
B2 , and C2 , respectively. Prove that the lines AA2 , BB2 , and CC2 are concurrent on Ω.

Problem 3.6 (IMO 2007/2). Consider five points A, B, C, D and E such that ABCD
is a parallelogram and BCED is a cyclic quadrilateral. Let ` be a line passing through
A. Suppose that ` intersects the interior of the segment DC at F and intersects line BC
at G. Suppose also that EF = EG = EC. Prove that ` is the bisector of angle DAB.

Problem 3.7 (CAMO 2020/4). Let ABC be a triangle and Q a point on its circumcircle.
Let E and F be the reflections of Q over AB and AC, respectively. Select points X and
Y on line EF such that BX k AC and CY k AB, and let M and N be the reflections of
X and Y over B and C respectively. Prove that M , Q, N are collinear.

Problem 3.8 (USATSTST 2018/5). Let ABC be an acute triangle with circumcircle ω,
and let H be the foot of the altitude from A to BC. Let P and Q be the points on ω
with P A = P H and QA = QH. The tangent to ω at P intersects lines AC and AB at
E1 and F1 respectively; the tangent to ω at Q intersects lines AC and AB at E2 and F2
respectively. Show that the circumcircles of 4AE1 F1 and 4AE2 F2 are congruent, and
the line through their centers is parallel to the tangent to ω at A.

Problem 3.9 (IMO 2011/6). Let ABC be an acute triangle with circumcircle Γ. Let `
be a tangent line to Γ, and let `a , `b and `c be the lines obtained by reflecting ` in the lines
BC, CA and AB, respectively. Show that the circumcircle of the triangle determined by
the lines `a , `b and `c is tangent to the circle Γ.

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§4 Problem Set
Note. The problem quality in this section is fairly high but I’ve been careful not to put
in any absolutely ridiculous problem and all of the problems here will be very solvable.
Problem 4.1 (Classic). The orthocenter, circumcenter, incenter and one vertex of an
acute scalene triangle are concylic. Prove that one of the angles of the triangle is π3 .
Problem 4.2 (Iran 2020/3/G/2). Triangle ABC with it’s circumcircle Γ is given. Points
D and E are chosen on segment BC such that ∠BAD = ∠CAE. The circle ω is tangent
to AD at A with it’s circumcenter lies on Γ. Reflection of A through BC is A0 . If the
line A0 E meet ω at L and K. Then prove either BL and CK or BK and CL meet on Γ.
Problem 4.3 (Poland 2019). Let X be a point lying in the interior of the acute triangle
ABC such that
∠BAX = 2∠XBA ∠XAC = 2∠XCA
Denote by M the midpoint of the arc BAC. Prove that XM = XA.
Problem 4.4 (Canada Buffet Contest 2021 G4). In 4ABC, let D, E, F be the feet of
altitudes from A, B, C respectively. Let K be the orthocenter of 4DEF . Let U ,V ,W
be the projections of points F , D, E, on BC, CA, AB respectively. Assume that
the circumcircles of 4ABC and 4U V W intersect at two points M and N , prove that
KM = KN .
Problem 4.5 (Iran TST 2019/4). Consider triangle ABC with orthocenter H. Let
points M and N be the midpoints of segments BC and AH. Point D lies on line M H so
that AD k BC and point K lies on line AH so that DN M K is cyclic. Points E and F
lie on lines AC and AB such that ∠EHM = ∠C and ∠F HM = ∠B. Prove that points
D, E, F and K lie on a circle.
Problem 4.6 (ISL 2011 G4). Let ABC be an acute triangle with circumcircle Ω. Let
B0 be the midpoint of AC and let C0 be the midpoint of AB. Let D be the foot of the
altitude from A and let G be the centroid of the triangle ABC. Let ω be a circle through
B0 and C0 that is tangent to the circle Ω at a point X 6= A. Prove that the points D, G
and X are collinear.
Problem 4.7 (Iran TST 2010/5). Circles W1 , W2 intersect at P, K. XY is common
tangent of two circles which is nearer to P and X is on W1 and Y is on W2 . XP intersects
W2 for the second time in C and Y P intersects W1 in B. Let A be intersection point of
BX and CY . Prove that if Q is the second intersection point of circumcircles of ABC
and AXY
Problem 4.8 (IGO 2018/5). ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral. A circle passing through
A, B is tangent to segment CD at point E. Another circle passing through C, D is tangent
to AB at point F . Point G is the intersection point of AE, DF , and point H is the inter-
section point of BE, CF . Prove that the incenters of triangles AGF, BHF, CHE, DGE
lie on a circle.
Problem 4.9 (RMMSL 2016/G1). Two circles, ω1 and ω2 , centred at O1 and O2,
respectively, meet at points A and B. A line through B meets ω1 again at C, and ω2
again at D. The tangents to ω1 and ω2 at C and D, respectively, meet at E, and the
line AE meets the circle ω through A, O1 , O2 again at F . Prove that the length of the
segment EF is equal to the diameter of ω.

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Problem 4.10 (EGMO 2021/3). Let ABC be a triangle with an obtuse angle at A. Let
E and F be the intersections of the external bisector of angle A with the altitudes of
ABC through B and C respectively. Let M and N be the points on the segments EC
and F B respectively such that ∠EM A = ∠BCA and ∠AN F = ∠ABC. Prove that the
points E, F, N, M lie on a circle.

Problem 4.11 (Iran TST 2017/18). In triangle ABC let O and H be the circumcenter
and the orthocenter. The point P is the reflection of A with respect to OH. Assume
that P is not on the same side of BC as A. Points E, F lie on AB, AC respectively such
that BE = P C , CF = P B. Let K be the intersection point of AP, OH. Prove that
∠EKF = 90◦ .

Problem 4.12 (ISL 2011 G6). Let ABC be a triangle with AB = AC and let D be the
midpoint of AC. The angle bisector of ∠BAC intersects the circle through D, B and C
at the point E inside the triangle ABC. The line BD intersects the circle through A, E
and B in two points B and F . The lines AF and BE meet at a point I, and the lines
CI and BD meet at a point K. Show that I is the incentre of triangle KAB.

Problem 4.13 (USATST 2016/2). Let ABC be a scalene triangle with circumcircle Ω,
and suppose the incircle of ABC touches BC at D. The angle bisector of ∠A meets BC
and Ω at E and F . The circumcircle of 4DEF intersects the A-excircle at S1 , S2 , and
Ω at T 6= F . Prove that line AT passes through either S1 or S2 .

Problem 4.14 (Taiwan TST Round 3 2021). Let ABC be a triangle with AB < AC,
and let Ia be its A-excenter. Let D be the projection of Ia to BC. Let X be the
intersection of AIa and BC, and let Y, Z be the points on AC, AB, respectively, such
that X, Y, Z are on a line perpendicular to AIa . Let the circumcircle of AY Z intersect
AIa again at U . Suppose that the tangent of the circumcircle of ABC at A intersects
BC at T , and the segment T U intersects the circumcircle of ABC at V . Show that
∠BAV = ∠DAC.

Problem 4.15 (IMEO 2019/6). Let ABC be a scalene triangle with incenter I and
circumcircle ω. The internal and external bisectors of angle ∠BAC intersect BC at
D and E, respectively. Let M be the point on segment AC such that M C = M B.
The tangent to ω at B meets M D at S. The circumcircles of triangles ADE and BIC
intersect each other at P and Q. If AS meets ω at a point K other than A, prove that
K lies on P Q.

Problem 4.16 (RMMSL 2018/G1). Let ABC be a triangle and let H be the orthogonal
projection of A on the line BC. Let K be a point on the segment AH such that
AH = 3KH. Let O be the circumcenter of triangle ABC and let M and N be the
midpoints of sides AC and AB respectively. The lines KO and M N meet at a point Z
and the perpendicular at Z to OK meets lines AB, AC at X and Y respectively. Show
that ∠XKY = ∠CKB.

Problem 4.17 (Taiwan TST Round 2 2021). Let ABC be a scalene triangle, and points
O and H be its circumcenter and orthocenter, respectively. Point P lies inside triangle
AHO and satisfies ∠AHP = ∠P OA. Let M be the midpoint of segment OP . Suppose
that BM and CM intersect with the circumcircle of triangle ABC again at X and Y ,

Prove that line XY passes through the circumcenter of triangle AP O.

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Problem 4.18 (Infinity Dots MO 2017/3). Let 4ABC be an acute triangle with
circumcenter O and orthocenter H. The line through O parallel to BC intersect AB at
D and AC at E. X is the midpoint of AH. Prove that the circumcircles of 4BDX and
4CEX intersect again at a point on line AO.

Problem 4.19 (CAMO 2020/3). Let ABC be a triangle with incircle ω, and let ω touch
BC, CA, AB at D, E, F , respectively. Point M is the midpoint of EF , and T is the
point on ω such that DT is a diameter. Line M T meets the line through A parallel to
BC at P and ω again at Q. Lines DF and DE intersect line AP at X and Y respectively.
Prove that the circumcircles of 4AP Q and 4DXY are tangent.

Problem 4.20 (ISL 2017 G7). A convex quadrilateral ABCD has an inscribed circle
with center I. Let Ia , Ib , Ic and Id be the incenters of the triangles DAB, ABC, BCD
and CDA, respectively. Suppose that the common external tangents of the circles AIb Id
and CIb Id meet at X, and the common external tangents of the circles BIa Ic and DIa Ic
meet at Y . Prove that ∠XIY = 90◦ .

Problem 4.21 (Taiwan TST 2021 Round 1). Let ABC be a triangle with incenter I
and circumcircle Ω. A point X on Ω which is different from A satisfies AI = XI. The
incircle touches AC and AB at E, F , respectively. Let Ma , Mb , Mc be the midpoints of
sides BC, CA, AB, respectively. Let T be the intersection of the lines Mb F and Mc E.
Suppose that AT intersects Ω again at a point S.

Prove that X, Ma , S, T are concyclic.

Problem 4.22 (LMAO 2021/4). Let P, Q be chosen inside triangle ABC such that
∠P BC = ∠ABQ and ∠P CB = ∠ACQ. The tangent to (BP C) at P and the tangent
to (BQC) at Q intersect at R. Prove that circles (P QR) and (ABC), and line AR share
a common point.

Problem 4.23 (Iran TST 2011/6). The circle ω with center O has given. From an
arbitrary point T outside of ω draw tangents T B and T C to it. K and H are on T B
and T C respectively.

a) B 0 and C 0 are the second intersection point of OB and OC with ω respectively. K 0

and H 0 are on angle bisectors of ∠BCO and ∠CBO respectively such that KK 0 ⊥BC
and HH 0 ⊥BC. Prove that K, H 0 , B 0 are collinear if and only if H, K 0 , C 0 are collinear.

b) Consider there exist two circle in T BC such that they are tangent two each other at
J and both of them are tangent to ω.and one of them is tangent to T B at K and other
one is tangent to T C at H. Prove that two quadrilateral BKJI and CHJI are cyclic (I
is incenter of triangle OBC).

Problem 4.24 (IGO 2019/4). Given an acute non-isosceles triangle ABC with circum-
circle Γ. M is the midpoint of segment BC and N is the midpoint of arc BC of Γ (the
one that doesn’t contain A). X and Y are points on Γ such that BX k CY k AM .
Assume there exists point Z on segment BC such that circumcircle of triangle XY Z
is tangent to BC. Let ω be the circumcircle of triangle ZM N . Line AM meets ω for
the second time at P . Let K be a point on ω such that KN k AM , ωb be a circle that
passes through B, X and tangents to BC and ωc be a circle that passes through C, Y
and tangents to BC. Prove that circle with center K and radius KP is tangent to 3
circles ωb , ωc and Γ.

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Problem 4.25 (Russia 2021/11.4). In triangle ABC angle bisectors AA1 and CC1
intersect at I. Line through B parallel to AC intersects rays AA1 and CC1 at points A2
and C2 respectively. Let Oa and Oc be the circumcenters of triangles AC1 C2 and CA1 A2
respectively. Prove that ∠Oa BOc = ∠AIC

Problem 4.26 (IMO 2018/6). A convex quadrilateral ABCD satisfies AB · CD =

BC · DA. Point X lies inside ABCD so that

∠XAB = ∠XCD and ∠XBC = ∠XDA.

Prove that ∠BXA + ∠DXC = 180◦ .

Problem 4.27 (Vietnam TST 2021/3). Let ABC be a triangle and N be a point that
differs from A, B, C. Let Ab be the reflection of A through N B, and Ba be the reflection
of B through N A. Similarly, we define Bc , Cb , Ac , Ca . Let ma be the line through N and
perpendicular to Bc Cb . Define similarly mb , mc .

a) Assume that N is the orthocenter of 4ABC, show that the respective reflection of
ma , mb , mc through the bisector of angles ∠BN C, ∠CN A, ∠AN B are the same line.
b) Assume that N is the nine-point center of 4ABC, show that the respective reflection
of ma , mb , mc through BC, CA, AB concur.

Problem 4.28 (IMO 2019/6). Let I be the incentre of acute triangle ABC with
AB =6 AC. The incircle ω of ABC is tangent to sides BC, CA, and AB at D, E, and F ,
respectively. The line through D perpendicular to EF meets ω at R. Line AR meets ω
again at P . The circumcircles of triangle P CE and P BF meet again at Q.

Prove that lines DI and P Q meet on the line through A perpendicular to AI.

Problem 4.29 (ISL 2018 G7). Let O be the circumcentre, and Ω be the circumcircle
of an acute-angled triangle ABC. Let P be an arbitrary point on Ω, distinct from A,
B, C, and their antipodes in Ω. Denote the circumcentres of the triangles AOP , BOP ,
and COP by OA , OB , and OC , respectively. The lines `A , `B , `C perpendicular to BC,
CA, and AB pass through OA , OB , and OC , respectively. Prove that the circumcircle of
triangle formed by `A , `B , and `C is tangent to the line OP .

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§5 Other Nice Handouts

I will add a few nice places to refer to for good geometry problems and handouts in

1. Yufei Zhao’s handouts

2. Canada IMO training camp

3. Euclidian Geometry in Maths Olympiad by Evan Chen

4. Handouts by Evan Chen

5. A Beautiful Journey Through Olympiad Geometry

6. Eric Shen’s handouts

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