InTax Quiz 1

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4/17/2021 ACCO20013 UNIT 1 QUIZ


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Which of the following entities, in some circumstances, may exercise the power
eminent domain? I. Electric cooperatives II.Lending cooperatives Ⅲ. Water
cooperatives IV. Telecommunication companies *

I and Il only

I, II and ll only

I, Ill and IV only

All of the above

Debt as distinguished from tax *

Based on law

May be paid in kind

Does not draw interest except when delinquent

Generally not subject to set-off or compensation… 1/8
4/17/2021 ACCO20013 UNIT 1 QUIZ

Which of the following statements is correct? *

Indirect double taxation violates the Constitutional provision of uniformity and


There is direct double taxation in taxing the income of the corporation and again
subject the portion of that income declared as dividend to final tax

Indirect double taxation is legal as long as there is no violation of equal protection

and uniformity clauses of the Constitution

all of the above

Finding out means of improvement in production so as savings would

compensate for taxes paid by manufacturers or producers *




Tax Dodging

A fundamental rule in taxation is that"the property of one country may not be

taxed byanother country This is known as *

International law


International comity

International inhibition… 2/8
4/17/2021 ACCO20013 UNIT 1 QUIZ

The power to regulate liberty and property to promote the general welfare *

Power of taxation

Power of eminent domain

Police power

Power of recall

The principal purpose of taxation is *

To encourage the growth of home industries through the proper use of tax

To implement the police power of the State

To reduce excessive inequalities of wealth

To raise revenue for governmental needs

Which of the following statements is correct? I. Taxes are pecuniary in nature II. It
co-exist with the existence of the State III. Imposed on persons and property
beyond the territorial jurisdiction of the State *

I only

II only

I and II only

I, II and III… 3/8
4/17/2021 ACCO20013 UNIT 1 QUIZ

Which statement is wrong? *

The power of taxation may be exercised by the government, its political subdivisions
and public utilities

Generally, there is no limit on the amount of tax that may be imposed

The money contributed as tax becomes part of public funds

The power to tax is subject to inherent and constitutional limitations

Which of the following statements is true? *

The power of taxation and eminent domain are both exercisable only by the
government and its political subdivision

In police power, the property taken is preserved for public use

The power of eminent domain is created by the constitution

The exercise of the power of eminent domain and police power can be expressly
delegated to the local government units by the law making body

Statement 1: The Constitution can take away the inherent powers of the State
and prescribe its limitations Statement 2: No laws are necessary to confer the
inherent powers of the State upon any government exercising sovereignty *

Only statement 1 is correct

Only statement 2 is correct

Both statements are correct

Both statements are incorrect… 4/8
4/17/2021 ACCO20013 UNIT 1 QUIZ

"Equality in taxation"means: I. Progressive system of taxation shall be applied II.

The tax laws and their application must be fair, just, reasonable and
proportionate to one's ability to pay III. The tax laws shall give emphasis on direct
rather than indirect taxes or on theability-to-pay principle of taxation *

I only

II only

III only

I, II and III

The official action of an officer authorized by law in ascertaining the amount of

tax due under the law from a taxpayer is *





They exist independent of the constitution being fundamental power of the

state, except *

Power of taxation

Power of eminent domain

Police power

Power of recall… 5/8
4/17/2021 ACCO20013 UNIT 1 QUIZ

No person shall be imprisoned for non-payment of this *

Property tax

Poll tax

Excise tax

Income tax

Which of the following requires public improvement? I. Taxation II. Police Power
III. Eminent domain *

l only

I and Ill only

Ill only

Il and Ill only

Which of the inherent powers maybe exercised even by public utility companies?


Police Power

Eminent domain

Taxation and Eminent Domain… 6/8
4/17/2021 ACCO20013 UNIT 1 QUIZ

Fixing the tax rate to be imposed is best described as a (an) *

Tax administration aspect

Tax legislative function

Aspect of taxation which could be delegated

Function that could be exercised by the executive branch

The strongest of all inherent powers of the government is *

Power of taxation

Police power

Power of eminent domain

Power of recall

Statement 1: Taxation and Police Power may be exercised simultaneously.

Statement 2: In the exercise of taxation, the State can tax anything at anytime
and at any amount *

Only statement 1 is correct

Only statement 2 is correct

Both statements are correct

Both statements are incorrect

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