AICRP On Honeybees and Pollinators, OUAT, Bhubaneswar

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AICRP on Honeybees and Pollinators, OUAT, Bhubaneswar

TSP Awareness-cum- training programme on Scientific beekeeping-2015-16

AICRP on Honeybees and Pollinators, OUAT, Bhubaneswar

1 Geographical area- 8303.00
2 Forest area- 3097.00 sq. km (37.30 %)
3 Total population- 1801733
4 Male- 906487 (50.31%) & Female- 895246 (49.69%)
5 SC- 209357 (11.62%), ST- 818878 (45.45%)
6 Total Literate - 78.61%
7 Block-13, Tahsil-13, GP- 286, Villages- 2132
8 Major tribes- Santal, Bathudi, Sounti, Shabar, Lodha, Munda.
The Keonjhar district lies between 210 1' N to 220 10' N latitude and 850 11' E to 860 22' E longitude. The
district is bounded by Mayurbhanj district and Bhadrak district to the east, Jajpur district to the south,
Dhenkanal district and Sundargarh district to the west and West Singhbhum district of Jharkhand State to
the north. Around 80% of the rural workforce earns their livelihood through a combination of practices,
traditional agriculture, selling of wood for fuel, collection of non-timber forest products and wage earning.

The district level awareness - cum - training programme under Tribal Sub plan (TSP) was organized by
the AICRP on Honeybees and Pollinators in collaboration with the RRTTS, Keonjhar and Krishi Vigyan Kendra,
Keonjhar on 04.11.2015 in the RRTTS, Judia farm Campus. The programme was sponsored by ICAR with cent
per cent financial support from the TSP provision of the Council. The training programme was formally
inaugurated by lightening the lamp by Sj. Biranchi Narayan Mohanty, PD, DRDA, Keonjhar-cum-Chief Guest of
the occasion and other dignitaries. Prof. Dr. P.N. Jagadev, Dean of Research, OUAT, Bhubaneswar chaired the
session. Dr. Hrushikesh Patra, ADR, RRTTS, Keonjhar as Chief speaker and Sj. Santanu Kumar Nayak, Deputy
Director of Horticulture; Sj. Rabindra Kumar Panda, Deputy Director of Agriculture and Dr. Sunil Kumar
Mohapatra, Programme Coordinator, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Keonjhar attended the programme as Guest of
Honour. Besides, other district level officials of the line department, team of Scientists of Research Station
and Krishi Vigyan Kendra also joined the programme. More importantly about 100 farmers of the district most
of them the tribal also participated in the programme.
The invited dignities, first inaugurated the exhibition arranged to educate the trainees.

TSP Awareness-cum- training programme on Scientific beekeeping-2015-16

At the outset Prof. C.R. Satapathy, Principal Investigator, AICRP on Honey Bees and Pollinators (ICAR),
Department of Entomology, OUAT, Bhubaneswar welcomed all the dignitaries, invited guests, honey bee farmer
participants, press and printing media to the awareness cum training programme on Scientific bee keeping.
He appraised the participants about objective and guideline of the TSP programme (inner cover page) very
briefly and also acknowledges the Council for financial support for conducting the programme for socio-
economic upliftment of the tribal community.
The Guest of Honour, Sj. Santanu Kumar Nayak, DDH, Keonjhar briefly focused on the scenario of
horticultural fruit, vegetables and ornamental crops of the district and enlightened the participants regarding
scope of bee keeping in the district and the role of bees in enhancing the horticultural production. He informed
the house that a bee nursery under RKVY has been established in Kuanra horticultural farm and mentioned
that the farm can supply the colony for starting of bee keeping or establishment of bee nursery. He also
highlighted the support provided by MIDH (Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture) for promotion
of bee keeping.
Sj. Rabindra Kumar Panda, DDA, Keonjhar also explained the importance of honey as food, medicine
and product of ritual value and impressed upon tribal farmers to take up bee keeping for improving their
livelihood. He explained the participant about the beekeeping as a poor man's enterprise.
Dr. Sunil Kumar Mohapatra, Programme Coordinator,KVK, Keonjhar stated that though beekeeping with
Apis cerana indica was practiced in the district by the tribal over three decades back ,still the enterprise was
far behind the expected progress because of the lack of technical knowhow and many other constraints .The
KVK had taken steps and he informed the role played by the KVK Scientists for promotion of beekeeping in
the district. FLD on honey bees were also taken up by the KVK for popularizing the enterprise. Few master
trainers were also developed by the KVK to assist the farmers to practice beekeeping.
Dr. Hrushikesh Patra, ADR, RRTTS, Keonjhar explained the tribal farmers about the beauty of this non
land based enterprise and how it works as a farmers friendly enterprise. He stated that this enterprise does
not require much land, labouer, time, money etc and more importantly does not compete with other agricultural
crops and practices. It can be taken as a sole enterprise or as a source of subsidiary income.

AICRP on Honeybees and Pollinators, OUAT, Bhubaneswar

Sj. Biranchi Narayan Mohanty, PD, DRDA, Keonjhar cum Chief Guest of the occasion highlighted the
scope of bee keeping in the district and also expressed his willingness to provide all sort of financial support
for promotion of beekeeping in the district. However, beneficiaries should not come individually rather they
should come in group through different organization.
A booklet on "Simple method of scientific bee keeping" was released by Chairman Dr. P.N. Jagadev in
presence of other dignitaries on the dias and dedicated to the farming community of the district. Chairman
Prof. Jagadev in his address first shared his own work experience in the district. He highlighted about occurrence
of floral diversity of the district and the potentiality of the district for beekeeping. He also mentioned that the
ST represented 45.45 per cent of the district population for which many tribal development programmes
were operating in the district. Bee keeping, lac cultivation and sericulture for tribal development were taken
up during eighties under the aegis of a research project i.e. Tribal Area Research (TAR), operating under OUAT.
He emphatically narrated the scope of bee keeping in the district by the tribal farmers to increase their socio-
economic conditions.
The inaugural session ended with a warm vote of thanks to one and all who participated in the programme
by Dr. R.N. Mohapatra, Associate professor-cum Scientist of the AICRP on Honey bees and Pollinators. A special
thanks was extended to the ICAR and the Project coordinator, AICRP on Honeybee and Pollinators for the
financial support.
Technical session
Then the technical session on Scientific beekeeping was started with deliberation by Dr. C.R. Satapathy,
Principal Investigator, AICRP on Honey Bees and Pollinators.
The total contents with facts on Scientific beekeeping was systematically organized and splitted in to 8
steps of which six steps were narrated in detailed through power point presentation. In the first step importance
and essentiality of training with scientific justification was explained to the participants. Dr. Satapathy
empatically impressed upon the participants that the first step for starting Scientific bee keeping is getting
skilled training and this TRAINING is a most. 2) Suitability of sites 3) important equipments required for
beekeeping, their uses, availability and production at bee keepers level for earning livelihood 4) method of
capturing natural & swarm colonies, tips on procuring quality colony through colony division for initiating bee
keeping 5) seasonal management of Apis cerana indica (Summer, Kharif and Winter management) including
colony division, colony union, management of laying workers, artificial feeding etc., and 6) method of honey
and bee wax extraction, economics of beekeeping and tips for successful bee keeping were explained to the
Dr. R.N. Mohapatra, through power point presentation explained the beneficiaries on two aspects i.e.
1) aquitance with different species of bees, their caste system, division of labour and role on enhancing the
production of various agricultural and horticultural crops and 2) different species of natural enemies of honey
bees with method of their management.
Then the farmers and scientists interaction was organized. The different queries of farmers were
appropriately solved by the scientists.
Both the Apiculturists demonstrated the farmers practically the technique and skills involved in handling
of the bee colonies established in the KVK campus. Farmers were also shown various bee keeping equipments.

TSP Awareness-cum- training programme on Scientific beekeeping-2015-16

1 Geographical area- 8807.00
2 Forest area- 1879.53 (21.34 %)
3 Total population- 1379647
4 Male- 678809 (49.20%) & Female- 700838 (50.80%)
5 SC- 196540 (14.25%), ST- 697583 (50.56%)
6 Total Literate - 49.21%
7 Block-14, Tahsil-14, GP- 226, Villages-2028
8 Major tribes- Kandha, Paraja, Gonda, Gadaba.
Koraput district was established on 1st April, 1936, decorated immensly by forests, waterfalls, terraced
valleys and darting springs. The district draws attention of the nature loving people. The Koraput district
lies at 1704’ degree to 2007’ degree North latitude and 81024’ degree to 8402’ degree east longitude. The
district is bounded by Rayagada in the east, Bastar district of Chhatisgarh in the west and Nabarangpur
district in the south. Agriculture is the mainstay of economy of the people of Koraput district because
around 83 % of the population depends on it.

The second district level awareness - cum - training programme in the series under Tribal Sub Plan (TSP)
was organized by the AICRP on Honeybees and Pollinators in collaboration with the Sarvodaya Samiti,
Gandhinagar, Koraput on 29.01.2016 in the premises of Sarvodaya Samiti. The programme was sponsored by
ICAR with cent per cent financial support from the TSP provision of the Council. The programme was commenced
by offering the flower bouquet to the dignitaries and formally inaugurated by lightening the holy lamp by
Dr. R.K. Thakur, Project Co-ordinators, AICRP on Honey bees and Pollinators, ICAR, New Delhi cum Chief Guest
of the occasion and other dignitaries. Sj. Pradip Kumar Mohanty, Secreatary, Sarvodaya Samiti, Koraput and
member NBB chaired the session. Mr. S.R. Swain, POPME, OTLEP as Chief speaker participated in the function.
About 100 tribal farmers and few progressive beekeepers of the district also participated in the programme.
Prior to occupying the dias the dignitaries visited the exhibition.

AICRP on Honeybees and Pollinators, OUAT, Bhubaneswar

At the outset Prof. C.R. Satapathy, Principal Investigator, AICRP on Honey Bees and Pollinators (ICAR),
Department of Entomology, OUAT, Bhubaneswar welcomed all the dignitaries, invited guests, honey bee farmer
participants, press and printing media to the awareness-cum-training programme on Scientific bee keeping.
He appraised the participants briefly about the objective and guideline of the TSP programme and also
acknowledges the council for financial support for conducting the programme for socio-economic upliftment
of the tribal community.
Sj. Saumya Ranjan Swain, Programme Officer, Orissa Tribal Empowerment and Livelihood Programme
(OTELP), Koraput briefly explained the objective of OTELP. He also mentioned that this OTELP is a programme
fully sponsored by the State Government to improve the socio-economic conditions of the poor people of the
community, backward classes and especially the Scheduled Tribes & Schedules Castes. The major objective of
this programme is to empower the tribal people providing them some livelihood supports and food security.
The programme also aims to increase their incomes and improve their overall quality of life through efficient
implementation of agricultural practices, off farm or non-farm enterprise development through capacity
building. Scientific beekeeping is a very good non-land based enterprise befitting to the objective of the OTELP.
Under this, number of activities including bee keeping was undertaken in the district. Sri. Swain informed to
the trainees that the TSP programme is also a programme similar to the OTELP. He inspired the beneficiaries
to take up beekeeping for improving their livelihood.
Sj. U.N. Burma a reputed Coffee farmer of the district grace the occasion as Guest of Honour. He shared
his vast experience of working in the district. During his deliberation he impressed upon the beneficiaries that
the district is very good for bee keeping as the district is endowed with wide diversity of flowering plants. He
also drew the attention of the guests on the dias about the limitation with respect to availability of beekeeping
equipments, lack interest among the trials to undergo capacity building and the need of repeated intervention
for upliftment of the situation. He also wishes to know the possibility of using bee colonies for pollination of
Coffee crops as the flowering period of Coffee crop is very short.
Dr. R.K. Thakur, Project Co-ordinators, AICRP on Honey bees and Pollinators, ICAR, New Delhi attended
the Awareness programme as the Chief Guest. He narrated the scope of beekeeping for the tribal people and
also informed the participants about the situation of beekeeping in different parts of the country from his vast
field exposure. He stated the attractive feature of bee keeping which provides multiple sources of income to

TSP Awareness-cum- training programme on Scientific beekeeping-2015-16

the beekeeper. He emphasized on production of quality honey and the role of beekeeping in increasing
productivity of different crops. Dr. Thakur also shared his experience of visit to the field of two bee keepers,
Sri Nityananda Dalei and Sri Janardan Talab at Semiliguda, Koraput who were practicing bee keeping with Apis
mellifera and also practicing migratory bee keeping. He educated to the beneficiaries about the superiority of
Apis mellifera over Apis cerana indica. However, he informed the participants that be keeping with the former
species is bit expensive, need special care and migration. He expressed his happiness over the participation of
the tribal in the function and their interest and assured to provide logistic support to the beneficiaries through
the AICRP operating in Bhubaneswar, Odisha who desires to practice bee keeping either with Apis mellifera or
Apis cerana indica.
The booklet on "Simple method of scientific bee keeping" was released by Dr. Thakur and other dignitaries
and dedicated to the farmers of the district.
Sj. Pradip Kumar Mohanty, Secreatary Sarvodaya Samiti, Koraput, an active member of NBB explained
various activities of the Sarvodaya Samiti with special reference to bee keeping. He mentioned that the Samiti
is actively involved since long for promotion of bee keeping in the district. The Society not only provides bee
keeping equipments but also provide market support for sell of honey after processing, grading and giving
AGMARK certification. The Samiti also possess the processing unit of their own. He also intimated the
participants about the vast scope of bee keeping in the district.
The inaugural session ended with a warm vote of thanks to one and all who participated in the programme
by Dr. R.N. Mohapatra, Associate professor-cum Scientist of the AICRP on Honey bees and Pollinators. A special
thanks was extended to the ICAR and the Project coordinator, AICRP on Honeybee and Pollinators not only for
financial support but also for his physical presence in the function and encouragement to all.
Soon after the inaugural session the technical session on scientific bee keeping continue in which
Dr. C.R. Satapathy, Principal Investigator and Dr. R.N. Mohapatra, Scientist of the project described in detail
about simple method of the Scientific Bee keeping. (Ref. Page-3 )
In an interactive session lot of queries made by the participants were addressed by Dr. Thakur and his
project associates Dr. Satapathy and Dr. Mohapatra.
After the technical session Dr. Thakur and Scientists of the AICRP demonstrated the skill in handling the
bee colonies and explained the farmers on exhibits.

This 16 pages booklet in local language (Odia)
containing all the details of Scientific Beekeeping is
distributed to all the participants including the
officials in all the four TSP programme conducted
during 2015-16

AICRP on Honeybees and Pollinators, OUAT, Bhubaneswar

1 Geographical area- 723.00
2 Forest area- (21.34 %)
3 Total population- 129360
4 Male- 64713 (50.03%) & Female- 64647 (49.97%)
5 SC- 196,540 (14.25%), ST- 61902 (56.16%)
6 Total Literate -55.00%
7 GP- 25, Villages-159
8 Major tribes- Santal, Munda, Kolha, Matya, Kandha, Gauda.
Nilagiri is a block located in rural part of Balasore district in Odisha. It is located at 21.46°N 86.77°E. It has
an average elevation of 23 m (75 ft) above MSL. It is one among the 12 blocks of Balasore district. The
most part of Mayurbhanj district covers the northen part, some part of the Keonjhar district in the North
- west, Oupada block of Balasore in the southernmost and Remuna block of Balasore covers the south-
east part of Nilagiri block respectively. Agriculture is the mainstay of the economy of people of this block.

The block level awareness - cum - training programme on scientific bee keeping under Tribal Sub Plan
(TSP) was organized by the AICRP on Honeybees and Pollinators. It was organized at Nilagiri, a tribal dominated
block of Balasore district on 26.02.2016. The programme was conducted in the training hall of the ITDA,
located at Nilagiri block headquarters. The programme was sponsored by ICAR with cent per cent financial
support from the TSP provision of the Council. The programme was chaired by Dr. S.S. Mohapatra, Associate
Director of Research, RRTTS, Ranital. Sj.Dillip Kumar Parida Sr.OAS, Project Administrator, ITDA graced the
occasion as Chief Guest, Sj. Om Prakash Rath, Deputy Director of Horticulture, Balasore as Chief speaker,
Sj. P. P. Rao, General Manager, DIC, Balasore and Mrs. Amita Patra, Scientist of KVK, Balasore graced the
occasion as Guest of Honour. Scientists of KVK, Balasore and RRTTS, Ranital, Officials of the ITDA, Officials
from Department of Agriculture and Horticulture also attended the function. Over 100 tribal farmers from
different villages of the block, many of them having some experience of beekeeping and practicing beekeeping
at present also attended the function.
The invited dignities, first inaugurated the exhibition arranged to educate the participants.

TSP Awareness-cum- training programme on Scientific beekeeping-2015-16

The function was inaugurated by lighting of the auspicious lamp by

the Chief Guest, Sj. Parida and other dignitaries in the dias.
Prof. C.R Satapathy, OIC, AICRP on Pollinators and Honey Bee, OUAT,
Bhubaneswar in his inaugural address, welcomed all the participants and
highlighted the objectives of TSP programme in improving the livelihoods
of tribal farmers through knowledge enrichment and capacity building. He
briefly narrated the importance of honey and honeybee in Indian culture
and their immense contribution to human civilization. According to him
beekeeping can be an important livelihood option for the smallholder and
landless tribal population as it requires minimum initial investment and low
manpower involvement. Besides, it neither competes with other enterprise
nor requires any additional resource base. He sincerely acknowledged the
interest of PA, ITDA in promoting beekeeping in Nilagiri area, regularly
sending the beekeepers to OUAT for getting hands on training programme
and extending cooperation in organizing this programme at block level. A
technical bulletin on Scientific Beekeeping was released by the Chief Guest
and distributed to the participants.
Mrs Amita Patra, Scientist (Home Science), KVK, Baliapal discussed on
the scope of beekeeping in Balasore district and briefly highlighted the role of
KVK in the promotion of beekeeping in the district. According to her, area
expansion of mustard and sunflower in the district has expanded the
opportunity of beekeeping in some non-traditional areas. She emphasized on
the development of a beekeepers network in the district to increase the
beekeepers access to Govt. schemes, technology, credit and market. She
requested the organizers to organize more awareness programme to motivate
the farmers to adopt this avocation for increasing their crop productivity,
improving their family nutrition and raising their economic condition.
Mr. P.P Rao, General Manager, DIC, Balasore in his address mentioned
that Nilagiri is the most suitable place for beekeeping in Balasore district
due to the year round availability of diverse bee foraging plants in the forest
and agricultural land. He cited that beekeeping can be adopted as an
additional vocation for supplementing the family income of resource poor
farmers, besides their main livelihood option. He also discussed on the
various schemes of DIC for the promotion of beekeeping and on the
processing, value addition and marketing of honey and other bee products.
He advised the participating farmers to take maximum benefit from ITDA,
KVK, Horticulture department for knowledge enrichment and skill up
gradation and if required DIC also can send them to KVIC and OUAT for
updating their knowledge on scientific beekeeping. He concluded his
deliberation by saying that the success of beekeeping solely depend on the
positive attitude and motivation of the farmers.

AICRP on Honeybees and Pollinators, OUAT, Bhubaneswar

Mr. D.K Parida, PA, ITDA and the chief guest of the programme, in his
speech thanked Prof. C.R Satpathy and his team for their deep involvement,
interest and commitment in spreading scientific beekeeping in Nilagiri area
and constantly motivating the tribal to adopt this enterprise for their
livelihood security. He discussed with the participants in an interactive
manner and advised them to develop interest and positive mindset towards
beekeeping. He assured all type of support from ITDA including input,
technology and marketing and encouraged them to work hard to make Nilagiri
a famous block for beekeeping in Odisha.
The Chief Speaker, Mr. Om Prakash Rath, the Deputy Director of
Horticulture, Balasore, highlighted the complementary and supplementary
relationship between farming and beekeeping. Honey bees can contribute
towards higher productivity in agricultural crops through pollination as
majority of the crops are cross pollinated and simultaneously provide honey
and other products to the farmers. He advised the participating farmers to
protect the bee foraging plants in their locality and also maintain diversity of
nectar and pollen producing plants in their backyard and home garden. He encouraged the farmers to avail
the benefit of a scheme of horticulture department under MIDH through which the farmers can get bee box
and honey bee colony at 40 % subsidy. He also requested the special officer of ITDA to support the matching
grant of 60 % so that more farmers can be interested to adopt beekeeping. He hoped that this type of training
and awareness programme can not only motivate the farmers to adopt beekeeping but also improve the
honey productivity through the knowledge on scientific beekeeping.
The Associate Director of Research, RRTTS, Ranital in his presidential
address thanked all the participants for their interest in beekeeping and
requested them to maintain this interest and involvement in future which is
critically essential for the sustainability of the enterprise. He cited that honey
bee is the only animal in the earth that is so beneficial to human civilization
as it offers a wide range of valuable ecosystem services like food and nutrition
security, crop pollination and biodiversity conservation. According to him, in addition to the rich nutritional
value of honey, it has unique medicinal properties and has been playing a significant role in the Indian system
of traditional medicine. He expressed his pleasure on the output of the programme and hoped that such type
of progarmme will definitely has better outcome and impact in long run. He expressed his heartfelt thanks to
all the participants, dignitaries and the organizers for their sincere effort to make this programme a successful
The inaugural session of the programme ended with a formal vote of thanks to one and all by
Dr. R.N. Mahapatra, Scientist, AICRP on HoneyBees and Pollinators. A Special thanks was extended to ICAR and
the Project Coordinator, AICRP on HoneyBees and Pollinators, ICAR New Delhi
for all kinds including financial support.
Soon after the inaugural session the technical session on scientific bee
keeping continue in which Dr. C.R. Satapathy, Principal Investigator and
Dr. R.N. Mohapatra, Scientist of the project described in detail about simple
method of the Scientific Bee keeping. (Ref. Page-3 )

TSP Awareness-cum- training programme on Scientific beekeeping-2015-16

1 Geographical area- 5294.00
2 Forest area- 1583.40 (29.91 %)
3 Total population- 1220946
4 Male- 604812 (49.54%) & Female-616134 (50.46%)
5 SC- 177384 (14.53%), ST- 681173 (55.80%)
6 Total Literate - 48.2%
7 Block-10, Tahsil-10, GP- 169, Villages-885
8 Major tribes- Koia, Paraja, Bhumja, Dharua..
Nabarangpur district is positioned in the southwest corner of Odisha and it is situated at 19014' latitude
and 82032' longitude at an average elevation of 1,876 feet (572 m). Its boundary stretches in the north to
Kalahandi district, west to Jagdalpur district in Chhattisgarh, east to Kalahandi and Rayagada district and
south to Koraput district. Predominantly, it is an agricultural district, Nabarangpur has more than 90 per
cent of its inhabitants depending on farming for their livelihood. The farming community largely depends
on rains due to lack of irrigation facility. Most of its population is tribal. The city of Nabarangpur is the
district headquarters.

The district level awareness - cum - training programme under Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) was organized by
the AICRP on Honeybees and Pollinators in CDPO training hall at Papadahandi, Nabarangapur on 18.03.2016.
The programme was sponsored by ICAR with cent per cent financial support from the TSP provision of the
council. Sj. Narayan Murmu, OAS, PA, ITDA, Nabarangpur graced the occasion as Chief Guest and
Sj. Padmalochan Das, Deputy Director Horticulture, Nabarangapur as Chief speaker. Mr. K.L. Nayak, DPD, ATMA,
Nabarangapur, Mr. Pradip Kumar Naik, DDA, Papadahandi, Mr. Gobinda Chandra Sahoo, PC, KVK, Umarkote,
Smt. Gitarani Sahoo, CDPO, Papadahandi were among the other dignitaries attended the function as Guest of
Honour. Scientists of KVK, Nabarangapur, officials from the line department also participated in the programme.
Over 100 tribal farmers from different villages of the block, many of them having some experience of beekeeping
and practicing beekeeping at present also attended the function.

AICRP on Honeybees and Pollinators, OUAT, Bhubaneswar

At the outset Prof. C.R. Satapathy, Principal Investigator, AICRP on

Honey Bees and Pollinators (ICAR), Department of Entomology, OUAT,
Bhubaneswar welcomed all the dignitaries, invited guests, honey bee
farmer participants, press and printing media to the awareness cum
training programme on scientific bee keeping. He appraised the
participants about objective and guideline of the TSP programme very
briefly and also acknowledges the council for financial support for
conducting the programme for socio-economic upliftment of the tribal
Sj. Padmalochan Das, DDH, Nabarangapur highlighted the
importance of bee keeping so far the pollinator service rendered by the
honey bees. He narrated the yield increase in various horticultural crops
due to bee pollination and use of honeybees in enhancing the seed
production in Onion. In addition he also emphasized the different
schemes operating in the Department of Horticulture for promotion of
bee keeping in the district by rural youth, SHG, and tribal etc.. Financial
support is also extended to the beneficiaries under MIDH.
Mr. Pradip Kumar Naik, DDA, Papadahandi in his deliberation
highlighted the agricultural scenario of the district and the cropping
patterns generally followed in the district. Besides he also mentioned
that Arher, Mung, Biri, Sesamum, Sunflower, Castor, Nizer, Mesta,
Sunnhemp are the bee friendly crops grown in the district of which
many crops support honeybees for meeting their dietary requirement
i.e nectar and pollen. He also informed to the beneficiaries the
importance of honey which they can harness by practicing bee keeping.
Mr. Kamala Lochan Nayak, DPD, ATMA, Nabarangapur highlighted
the role of ATMA in agricultural development and particularly in
development of watersheds in the district. He mentioned that out of
544 number of Micro Watershed identified in the district, about 60 Micro
Watershed Projects are under execution through different organization
including NWDPRA, IWDP, ATMA etc. He educated the trainees regarding
involvement of farmers in watershed programme to improve their
livelihood and highlighted that beekeeping is a very good livelihood
option in watershed area that not only improves the family income of
the beekeeper directly through hive product like honey and wax but
also enhances the yield of different fruit and vegetable crops cultivated
by them. He mentioned that the farmers group or SHGs can also be
trained on beekeeping through financial support of ATMA.
Mr. Gobinda Chandra Sahoo, Programme Coordinator, KVK,
Umarkote, (OUAT) briefly explained the role of KVK in general for
development of agriculture in allied sector. The scientists of KVK engaged

TSP Awareness-cum- training programme on Scientific beekeeping-2015-16

in Transfer of Technology (TOT) through on farm testing (OFT), Frontline demonstration (FLD) and through
various capacity building programmes. Farmers were educated on soil testing, Pisciculture, Laculture, Poultry,
Mushroom cultivation, farm mechanization etc. by the KVK scientists in addition to bee keeping. He mentioned
that the district is high potential for scientific beekeeping.
Smt. Gitarani Sahoo, CDPO, Papadahandi explained that the
women can take up bee keeping for their income generation and
narrated about the importance of honey from rituals, medicinal
and nutritional point of views and for the infants. She also informed
the ladies about the existence of a honey processing centre near
by their office wherein they can deliver their products for
processing and marketing to earn their income.
Sj. Narayan Murmu, PA, ITDA, the Chief Guest of the
programme dedicated a booklet on scientific bee keeping to the
farming community of the district. He sensitized the participants
through his eloquent deliberation and impressed upon the
beneficiaries for their involvement to derive the benefit of any
activity executed by them. Simply attending the meeting and going
that will not fulfill the purpose. They should come up and take up
any programme as a challenge to improve their own economic
status. He mentioned that, there is ample of opportunities, ways
and means and fund and also assured to provide support to the
tribal for their socioeconomic development through various
programmes launch by the government time to time. He expressed
his happiness and also extended his complement to the scientists
of AICRP for their endeavour.
The inaugural session of the programme ended with the
formal vote of thanks to one and all by Dr. R.N. Mahapatra, Scientist,
AICRP on HoneyBees and Pollinators. A special thanks was extended
to ICAR and the Project Coordinator, AICRP on HoneyBees and
Pollinators, ICAR, New Delhi for all kinds including financial support.
Soon after the inaugural session the technical session on
scientific bee keeping continue in which Dr. C.R. Satapathy, Principal
Investigator and Dr. R.N. Mohapatra, Scientist of the project
described in detail about simple method of the Scientific Bee
keeping. (Ref. Page-3 )
An exhibition organized on the occasion was visited by the
Financial Information
Budget provision - Rs. 2.0 lakh
Budget utilization - Rs. 1.82716

AICRP on Honeybees and Pollinators, OUAT, Bhubaneswar
TSP Awareness-cum- training programme on Scientific beekeeping-2015-16

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