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“rural agricultural work experience”
agro-industrial attachment

department of agriculture
session :2020-2024

submitted by: submitted to:

debangshu ghosal dr. rbp Singh
B.Sc. Agriculture [7th sem] department of
roll no – 20204102037 agriculture


The socio economic survey is to provide accurate
statistical data that helps in curbing the effects of
industrialisation. The survey is a study for analysing
the social and economic consequences of n the
pollutants released during
industrial activities .
In socio economic we prepare demographic details,
house hold category wise, population report,
education status , land holding and cropping pattern,
livestock details of the village. The survey tells us
about the economic condition that what types of
economic activities are coming out by them and it tell
us about social condition of people in an area .
Name of study village Rajawala

Ward no. 3,4,5

Panchayat Podwala

 Total family covered : 130

Tehsil Sahaspur
 Total adult : 959= No. of male : 484, No. of female :475
Block Sahaspur
 Total old age people : 697
 Total children : 224= No. of male : 126, No. of female : 98 Pradhan Rajender Singh
 Cast = General : 1007, OBC : 716, SC/ST : 145
District Dehradun
 Economic status = BPL : 269, APL : 134
 Occupation = Service : 4, Farming : 5, Business : 1 Pincode 23220
 Animal husbandry = Cow : 5, Buffaloe : 7
 Educational status = Illitrate : 847, literate : 1103
Student-farmer attachment
problems and pr0spects of farmers
 Most of them are doing farming for their domestic  Less productive milch animals.
purpose rather than selling approx. 70% are involved
in farming. This shows that the people have low
income .
 Unavailability of basic technologies such as electric
pump , threshers, oil engines, etc.
 The source of irrigation in a given area is restricted
only to borewell, canals . By use of continuous
borewell water for irrigation which has high minerals
content that contaminates the water and causes soil
nutrient disturbances.
 Lack of awareness about the government schemes
and programs such kisan credit card , pm kisan
yojana , JRY (Jawahar Rozgar yojana), TRYSEM
( training of rural youth for self employment),etc.
 Unemployment is major problem in the village .
Recommendation & suggestion given by students

Provide awareness to the villagers about several There are several methods used for the
govt schemes like PMMY(Pradhan Mantri treatment and disposal of animals waste such as
mudra yojana) and schemes for unemployed composting, manure pits, biogas plant, etc.
women .
Other sources of water can be used such as
Pond irrigation , canal irrigation, river irrigation in
addition to tubewell.
To reduce contamination in borewell water use
a unique technique to harvest rain water and
feed it to the water table via an existing borewell
that the farmers already dug.
Protect the field from animal attacks by using
agricultural fences like ware fences , barbet
fences , plastic fences , etc.
Unit – ii
apiculture technology
Apiculture is the scientific rearing of honey bees
for commercial production of honey, wax, pollen,
bee venom, royal jelly. It is also called
1. Kingdom -Animalia
2. Class - Insecta
3. Family- Apidae
Apart from honey, honeybee are the greatest
pollinating agents which helps in cross
pollination in field of agriculture.
Honeybee are also excellent at foraging the
most abundant source of sweetest nectar near
the colony.
Caste of honeybee
QUEEN - the biggest and only one in a
colony, fertile female (lay eggs).
DRONES – fertile male bees who are
capable of reproduction in honey bees
(fertilise new queen).
Workers – sterile female bees (take care of
larvae , clean and build nest , forage).
One bee hive consist of about 80,000 bees .
In a hive there is only one queen , about
400 drones and rest are worker bees.
Equipment required for beekeeping

• Bee hive
• comb foundation
• Smoker
• Hand gloves
• Scrapper
• Nets
• Honey extractor
Unit – iii
mushroom technology
o Mushrooms are considered as a delicacy
with high nutritional and functional value,
and they are also accepted as nutritional
foods .
o Mushroom is a edible fungus.
o Two type of mushroom :
a) Edible
b) Non- edible
o Nutrient value such as rich in protein ,
essential amino acids , fibres , poor fat but
with excellent fatty acid content .
Oyster mushroom
Oysters mushrooms the common name for the species Pleurotus spp. Is one
of the most common types of cultivated mushroom in the world.
These type of mushroom Is very suitable in Indian temperature to cultivate.
steps of cultivation :
a) Substrate selection
b) Husk treatment
c) Mixing spawns
d) Bag fillings
e) Condition of growing room.
Button mushroom
S.N – Agaricus bisporus
In India , button mushrooms are grown seasonally and in environment controlled cropping
houses .
White button mushroom requires 20-28 C for vegetative growth.
The growers can take on average 3-4 crops of white button mushrooms in a year.
Steps are :
a) Spawn production
b) Compost preparation
c) Spawning
d) Casing
e) fruiting
unit –iv
educational tour
B. Central soil salinity research
institute (CSSRI), karnal, Haryana
• AIM – to aid structures to acquire basic knowledge of .
functioning of the related industries and to enhance
&broaden the on campus learning experience by
visiting area .
• OBJECTIVE – to provide oppourtunits for criticals
and thoughtful develop appropriate
attitude and necessary skills .
• Places of visit -
A. national bureau of animal genetic
resources (Nbagr) , Karnal,
Haryana .
Thank you

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