Potential Energy Surface

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Energy Surface

• Atoms in a molecule are held together by chemical bonds. When the atom is
distorted, the bonds are stretched or compressed, in which increases the
potential energy of its system.

• As the new geometry is formed, the molecule stays stationary. Therefore, the
energy of the system is not caused by the kinetic energy, but depending on the
position of the atoms (potential).

• Energy of a molecule is a function of the position of the nuclei. When nuclei

moves, electron readjusts quickly. The relationship between this molecular
energy and molecular geometry (position) is mapped out with potential energy
Potential Energy Surface

A potential energy surface (PES) represents the relationship between the energy of a
molecule and its geometry.

The y-axis is energy of the molecule,

which relates how stable two molecules
or two conformations of the same
molecule are in relation to one
another. The more negative a
molecule's energy, or the lower on the y-
axis, the more stable it is.
Potential Energy Surface

• Does not change if it translated or rotated in space

• Depends on a molecule’s internal coordinates

Potential Energy Surface

• Fully specifying the location of a diatomic molecule, AB, would require specifying six
numbers, the x, y, and z coordinates of each of its atoms.

• Potential energy (PE) of the molecule as a function of the distance between the two
atoms dAB.

Conformations are different arrangements of atoms that are interconverted by

rotation about single bonds. A particular conformation is called a conformer.
Staggered & Eclipsed Conformations of Ethane

• In the eclipsed conformation, the C—H bonds on one carbon are directly aligned with the
C—H bonds on the adjacent carbon.

• In the staggered conformation, the C—H bonds on one carbon bisect the H—C—H bond
angle on the adjacent carbon.

Eclipsed conformation Staggered conformation

This PES shows the energy differences between the two conformations of ethane. The
eclipsed conformation with the hydrogen atoms overlapping one another is about 2.6
kcal/mol higher in energy than the staggered conformation.
12 kJ/mol

0° 60° 120° 180° 240° 300° 360°

Conformations of Butane

• An energy minimum and maximum occur every 600 as the conformation

changes from staggered to eclipsed. Conformations that are neither
staggered nor eclipsed are intermediate in energy.
Molecular structure and variable







Variable(s) in PES

3N-6 (Nonlinear molecules)

Freedom degree =
3N-5 (Linear molecules)

N=2, potential energy curve

Potential energy surfaces
N≧3, potential energy hypersurface

U(q1, q2) q1, q2, …∈ {Rn, qn} or {xn, yn, zn}
U(q1, q2, q3)
U(q1, q2, q3, … …qn)
More ”Realistic” PES

PES for proteins
Characterizing Potential Energy Surface

The most interesting points on PES’s are the stationary points, where the gradients
with respect to all internal coordinates are zero.

1. Minima: correspond to stable or quasi-stable species; i.e., reactants, products,


2. Transition states: saddle points which are minima in all dimensions but one; a
maximum in that dimension.

3. Higher-order saddle points: a minimum in all dimensions but n, where n > 1;

maximum in the other n dimensions.
Characterizing Potential Energy Surface

At the minima and saddle point, the slope of the

function is zero

At the minima, the second derivatives are positive

At the saddle point, the second derivatives are negative

Potential Energy Surface
• The reactant and the product are both minima on the PES. This indicates that they
are conformations that the molecule can exist in.
• The peak in between is the transition state that leads from the reactant to the product.
• As the transition state is NOT a minima, the molecule can never exist in that
conformation, it is not a stable conformation.
Reaction progress
Reaction dynamics

Local minimum


Intermediate I

Reaction coordination

Global minimum
Reactants For a minimum Stationary point

∂2U/∂q2 > 0 ∂U/∂q = 0

For a transition state
∂2U/∂q2 > 0 ∂U/∂q = 0
Saddle point
Transition state
∂2U/∂q2 < 0

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