MCQ Unit 3 Equilibrium

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MCQ Unit 3 Equilibrium

Que. Question A B C D ans ma

No. wer rk
1 According to Lami’s Theorem, the three Must be equal Must be at Must be both May not be d 1
forces 120° to each of above any of the
other two
2 The Lami’s Theorem is applicable only for Coplaner forces Concurrent Coplaner and Any type of a 1
forces concurrent forces
3 If a body is in equilibrium. We may No force is The The moments Both (b) and d 1
conclude that acting on the resultant of of the forces (c)
body all the forces about any
acting on it point is zero
is zero
4 If the sum of all the forces acting on a Concurrent Parallel Like parallel Unlike 1
body is zero, then the body may be in parallel
provided the forces are
5 A body is said to be in equilibrium, if it TRUE FALSE b 1
has no linear motion.
6 Lami’s Theorem can not be applied in Agree Disagree b 1
case of concurrent forces
7 the necessary COE of a coplaner horizontal and momet of horizontal none of a 1
concurrent force sysytem is that the vertical forces force and vertical these
algebraic sum of ……….must be zero forces and
8 A system of forces that possesses the direction of opposite to perpendicula none of a 1
resultant force moves the object in……. line action of the direction r to the these
resultant of line of direction of
action of line of action
resultant of resultant
9 for smooth spherical surface reaction horizontal to inclined to perpendicula none of c 1
acts the plane of the plane of r to the plane these
contact contact of contact
10 A straight rod forces applied only at end 0 1 2 multi c 1
points and in equlibrium is …..force
11 a particle in equilibrium has constant zero increasing none of b 1
…….acceleartion these
12 The number of equations for equilibrium 1 2 3 none of 1
of particle under action of coplaner force these
system is…….
13 If three coplaner concurrent forces are in magnitude of magnitude angle sine of angle d 1
equilibrium ,the magnitude of any force other force of resultant between between
is proportional to force other two other two
forces forces
14 forces in cable are always tensile compressive zero none of a 1
15 a particle in equilibrium cannot linear motion curvilinear zero constant b 1
have……… with constant motion with acceleration velocity
speed constant
16 If two of the three concurrent forces in 2Psinα 2Pcosα 2Pcosα/2 Pcosα c 1
equilibrium have equal magnitude P and
angle α between them the magnitude of
third force is……..
17 The number of equations for equilibrium 1 2 3 4 c 1
of coplaner noncurrent force system is
18 If a particle is in equlibrium …………. No force is no couple both a and b resultant of d 1
acting on the acts on it all forces is
body zero
19 Forces shown in free body diagram all forces all forces all the all the b 1
are……. exerted by the acting on the internal above
body body forces
20 The number of reaction components at a 1 2 3 4 a 1
simple support is/are
21 The number of reaction components at a 1 2 3 4 a 1
roller support is/are
22 The number of reaction components at a 1 2 3 4 b 1
hinge support is/are
23 The number of reaction components at a 1 2 3 4 c 1
fixed support is/are
24 The number of reaction components for 1 2 3 4 a 1
a collar free to move on a rod is/are
25 The reaction line at roller support with oblique obtuse perpendicula parallel c 1
respect to plane of contact is ……. r
26 Support reactions for statically conditions of lami varignons none of a 1
determinate beams can be determined statics theorem theorem these
by applying equilibrium
27 U.D.L. stands for uniform dead uniformaly uniform door all the b 1
load distrbuted load above
28 When load acts at a constant rate over point load U.D.L. U.V.L. none of b 1
given length of beam it is called ……. these
29 When rate of loading increases or point load U.D.L. U.V.L. none of c 1
decreases at a constant rate over given these
length of beam it is called …….
30 The number of equations available for 1 2 3 4 b 1
solving a beam supported by rollers at
both ends is …….
31 a beam extending beyond its supports is propped contiunous overhanging cantilever c 1
known as …..beam
32 A fixed support opposes ……….. translation in translation translation in translation d 1
horizontal in vertical any direction in any
direction direction in the plane direction in
the plane
about an
ar to the
33 The horizontal force P required to keep a mg tanθ mg cosθ mg sinθ mg a 2
block of mass m in equilibrium on a
frictionless surface inclined at angle θ is…
34 In tug of war two opposing teams are 0 1000N 2000N none of 2
pulling the rope with equal and opposite these
forces of 1000N at each end.The tension
in the rope is……..
35 A simply supported beam AB of length 4 KN,6 KN 6 KN,4 KN 5 KN,5 KN 10 KN,0 a 2
5m is acted upon by a point load of 10KN
at a distance of 2m from A.The reaction
at A and B respectively are ………
36 A simply supported beam AB of length 4 KN,6 KN 6 KN,4 KN 5 KN,5 KN 10 KN,0 c 2
5m is acted upon by a uniformly
distributed load of 2KN.The reaction at A
and B respectively are ………
37 A simply supported beam AB of length 20 KN,10 KN 10 KN,20 KN 15 KN,15 KN 20 KN,20 KN b 2
6m is acted upon by a uniformly variying
load with intensity 0 at A and 10KN/m at
B.The reaction at A and B respectively
are ………
38 A simply supported beam AB of length 40 KN,50 KN 50 KN,40 KN 50 KN,70 KN 70 KN,50 KN a 2
6m is acted upon by a uniformly variying
load with intensity 10KN/m of A and
20KN/m at B.The reaction at A and B
respectively are ………
39 A beam AB of length 5m is subjected to a 50 N,50 N 20 KN,20 KN 100 N,100 N 75 N,75 N b 2
clockwise couple moment of 100Nm at
its centre.The end A is hinged and B is
supported roller.The magnitude of
reaction at A and B are…….
40 A cylinder of weigth W is supported W cosθ W sinθ W cosecθ W secθ d 2
between a smooth vertical wall and
smooth plane inclined at angle θ with
horizontal.The reaction on cylinder from
the inclined plane is ……..
41 A cylinder of weigth W is supported W/2 cosθ W cosθ/2 W/2 sinθ Wsinθ/2 a 2
between a two smooth inclined planes
each inclined at angle θ with
horizontal.The reaction from each
inclined plane on cylinder is.. ……..
42 Three forces of magitude 30 45 60 90 c 2
F1=100N,F2=100N and F3=100√3 N act
on a particle in a plane.The particle will
remain in equilibrium only if the angle
between F1 and F2 is…..
43 A rigid ball of weight 100 N is suspended 30 50 58 48 c 2
with the help of a string. The ball is
pulled by a horizontal force F such that
the string makes an angle of 30∘ with the
vertical. The magnitude of force F (in N)
is __________
44 433 N and 250 N and 353.5 N and 250 N and a 2
A weight of 500 N is supported by two metallic
N as shown 433
in the
N 250 N 353.5 N
figure. The values of tensions T1 and T2 are respectively

45 Internal forces are not shown on a free- equal to zero

equal and negligibly not b 2
body diagram because the internal forces opposite and small important
are_____. they do not
affect the
46 fixed, free fixed, hinged none of the a 2
Cantilever beam has one end _________ and
other end
free _______. above

47 Indeterminate structures have number of equal to less than more than none of the c 2
unknown quantities _________ available above
conditions of equilibrium.
48 If two forces each equal to P in 2P P/2 1.42P P/1.42 c 2
magnitude act at right angles, their effect
may be neutralised by a third force acting
along their bisector in opposite direction
whose magnitude is equal to
49 In a simply supported beam carrying True FALSE b 2
triangular load, the reactions can not be
50 An overchanging beam with downward can can not a 2
loads............have one of its reaction
upward and the other downward.
51 The reaction at the roller supported end vertical horizontal none of the c 2
of a beam is always above
52 If the reaction of a beam, at one of its simply roller hinged end none of the c 2
supports is the resultant of horizontal supported end supported above
and vertical forces, then it is a end
53 A couple acting at the mid-point of a Agree Disagree. b 2
simply supported beam has some
horizontal and vertical components.
54 23.6N 55N 89N none of the a 2
Find the tension in the cable AC. above

55 When the net effect of given forces static motion non- dynamic a 2
acting on a particle at rest is zero, the equilibrium equilibrium equilibrium
particle is said to be in
56 The particle acted upon by two forces same direction opposite same opposite b 2
will be in equilibrium if two forces have & collinear direction but direction & direction
equal magnitude and are having collinear collinear but non-
57 If the resultant of forces acting on a in motion at rest in circular General b 2
particle originally at rest is in equilibrium motion plane
then it will remain motion
58 One component of resultant of forces First Quadrant second Third Fourth b 2
acting on a particle is along positive side Quadrant Quadrant Quadrant
of x-axis and another along negative side
of y-axis ,then the equilibrant will lie in
59 The force which when applied on a Resultant Inertia Force Equilibrant Gravity c 2
particle subjected to various forces Force
makes the resultant force zero is known
60 The force triangle of the forces acting on Open Triangle Closed Straight Line Closed d 2
a particle in equilibrium, when drawn in Rectangle Triangle
tip to tail fashion, shall form
61 For the particle in equilibrium, the ∑ Fx = ∑ Fy ∑ Fx = 0, ∑ ∑ Fx = 0, ∑ Fy ∑ Mx = 0, ∑ b 2
conditions of equilibrium for coplanar Fy = 0 = 0, ∑ M= 0 My = 0
concurrent forces are
62 The pendulum having mass of the bob T = m kg T= mg N ( T= mg N T= mg N c 2
‘m’ kg is at rest in vertical position. The downward) (upwards)
tension ‘T’ in the string acting on the bob
then must be
63 The free body diagram of coplanar and Internal Forces External Internal and Internal and d 2
concurrent forces shows Forces External external
Forces forces with

64 The free body diagram of a particle particle and particle and particle and None of c 2
subjected to forces represents magnitudes of direction of magnitude these
forces forces with
direction of
65 The Principle of Transmissibility states Same same Same same d 2
that the condition of equilibrium of a magnitude only direction magnitude magnitude,
rigid body will remain unchanged if a only and direction direction
force ‘F’ is replaced by equivalent force and same
‘P’ acting at other point if they have line of
66 For the Equilibrant of co-planer non Equal Equal Equal Equal d 2
concurrent force system, the necessary magnitude & magnitude magnitude & magnitude
and sufficient conditions are same direction and opposite same and
of Resultant direction of direction and opposite
Resultant same point of direction
application of and same
resultant point of
of resultant
67 The conditions of equilibrium for ∑ Fx = ∑ Fy ∑ Fx = 0, ∑ ∑ Fx = 0, ∑ Fy ∑ Mx = 0, ∑ c 2
coplanar but non concurrent forces are Fy = 0 = 0, ∑ M= 0 My = 0
68 The reaction exerted by fixed support on a force with a force of a force and a none of c 2
two dimensional structures is known line of unknown moment these
action direction
69 The reaction exerted by hinged support a force with a force of a force and a none of b 2
on two dimensional structure is known line of unknown moment these
action direction
70 The reaction exerted by Roller support a force with a force and a a force of none of a 2
on two dimensional structures is known line of moment unknown these
action direction and
71 The reaction exerted by rough surface on a force with a force and a none of these a force of d 2
two dimensional structures is known line of moment unknown
action direction
72 The reaction exerted by smooth surface a force with a force and a a force of none of a 2
on two dimensional structures is known line of moment unknown these
action direction and
73 The reaction exerted by short cable on a force with a force and a a force of none of a 2
two dimensional structures is known line of moment unknown these
action direction and
74 The reaction at an end supported by a a force with a force and a a force of none of a 2
link for two dimensional structures is known line of moment unknown these
action direction and
75 If a rigid body in 2D system, subjected to Parallel Forces Concurrent Concurrent Non- c 2
three forces, is in equilibrium, then the Forces or Parallel Concurrent
forces must be Forces Forces
76 A simply supported beam is subjected to vertical vertical horizontal to horizontal b 2
a clockwise moment at center of the upwards downwards the left to the right
span then the reaction at left support is
directed –
77 A simply supported beam is subjected to vertical vertical horizontal to horizontal a 2
a anticlockwise moment at center of the upwards downwards the left to the right
span then the reaction at left support is
directed –
78 A simply supported beam is subjected to vertical vertical horizontal to horizontal a 2
a clockwise moment at center of the upwards downwards the left to the right
span then the reaction at right support is
79 A simply supported beam is subjected to vertical vertical horizontal to horizontal b 2
an anti-clockwise moment at center of upwards downwards the left to the right
the span then the reaction at right
support is directed
80 A simply supported beam is subjected to vertical vertical horizontal to horizontal b 2
an anti-clockwise moment at L/3 from upwards downwards the left to the right
left end of the span then the reaction at
right support is directed
81 A flag pole can be considered as a one end fixed one end both ends one end a 2
member with – another free hinged fixed fixed
another free another
82 A body in rotation in clockwise direction a clockwise anticlockwis a clockwise anticlockwis b 2
due to application of a couple of forces moment of e moment of moment of e moment
can be brought in static equilibrium couple of equal couple of couple of of couple of
position by applying – magnitude equal unequal unequal
magnitude magnitude magnitude
83 A roller support can exert a reaction – parallel to in horizontal in vertical perpendicul d 2
plane of rollers direction direction ar to plane
of rollers
84 The reacting moment at a hinged support zero equal to equal and none of a 2
is – applied opposite to these
moment applied
85 The reaction offered by a smooth surface parallel to the perpendicula horizontal vertical b 2
is – surface r to the
86 A ladder is resting at its ends against the coplanar coplanar non coplanar non a 2
smooth surfaces. The equilibrium of the concurrent non concurrent coplanar
ladder is possible if and only if the forces concurrent non
acting on ladder are – concurrent
87 A beam AB of span ‘L’ m, hinged at ‘A’ (wL/2) N ( (wL) N ( (wL/6) N (2wL/3) N c 2
and simply supported at ‘B’ is loaded upwards) upwards) (upwards) (upwards)
with u.v.l. of zero intensity at end ‘A’ and
‘w ‘N/m at end ‘B’. The reaction at end
‘A’ are
88 The weight of block resting on inclined perpendicular parallel to verticaly verticaly d 2
plane will act- to plane plane upwards downwards
89 The weight of 100 N is hung with a spring 5 mm 15 mm 20 mm 10 mm a 2
constant 20 N/mm. The static deflection
of the spring is –
90 If the cantilever beam of span L is loaded (w L) N (wL/2 ) N wxL N (wL/2) N d 2
with u.d.l. of w N/m intensity for half of (upwards) (downwards (downwards) (upwords)
the span from free end ,then the vertical )
reaction at fixed end will be –
91 If the cantilever beam of span L is loaded w x L² /2 Nm w x L² /4 w x L² /8 Nm 3w x L² /8 d 2
with u.d.l. of w N/m intensity for half of Nm Nm
the span from free end ,then the reacting
moment at fixed end will be –
92 If the self weight of the member of span wN wL N 2w/L N wL/2 N b 2
‘L’, hinged at one end and the other free,
is ‘w’ N/m then the minimum vertical
force required at other end to keep the
member horizontal will be –
93 If a cantilever beam is subjected to a P P.sin(a) P cos(a) P/2 c 2
force ‘P’ inclined at an angle ‘a’ to axis of
the beam then the horizontal component
of the reaction at fixed end will be –
94 Select the correct relation between both Ra = Rb Ra is not Ra>Rb Ra<Rb a 2
reactions of simply supported beam AB equal to Rb
subjected to point load at the center
95 Select the correct relation between both Ra = Rb Ra is not Ra>Rb Ra<Rb a 2
reactions of simply supported beam AB equal to Rb
subjected to uniformly distributed load
of intensity ‘w’ N/m -
96 Select the correct relation between both Ra = Rb Ra<Rb Ra>Rb None of b 2
reactions of simply supported beam these
subjected to uniformly varying load with
intensity at end ‘A’ zero and ‘w’ N/m at
end ‘B’
97 Select the correct relation between both Ra = Rb Ra is not Ra>Rb Ra<Rb a 2
reactions of simply supported beam equal to Rb
subjected to uniformly varying load with
intensity zero at both ends and ‘w’ N/m
at the center of the beam
98 Select the correct relation between both Ra = Rb Ra<Rb Ra>Rb None of c 2
reactions of simply supported beam these
subjected to uniformly varying load with
intensity at end ‘B’ zero and ‘w’ N/m at
end ‘A’
99 For a simply supported beam loaded with 2W W/2 W None of c 2
two equal point loads ‘W’ N at quarter these
span, the reactions at both ends will be -

100 For a simply supported beam loaded with 2W W/2 W W/3 b 2

a point load ‘W’ N at center of span, the
reactions at both ends will be -
101 Which of the following can be considered Rollers with End End allowed End a 2
as simple support – plane of rollers embedded to rotate but supported
horizontal in the wall not to by a rope.
102 A concentrated clockwise moment is of same of same of same of different c 2
acting at the center of simply supported magnitudes directions magnitudes magnitudes
beam. The reactions at both ends will be and same but different but opposite and
– directions magnitudes directions opposite
103 A concentrated clockwise moment of 5N 10 N 5N (upwards) 10 N a 2
magnitude 10 N-m is acting at the center (downwards) (downwards (upwards)
of simply supported beam of span 2m.. )
The reactions at left end will be –
104 A concentrated clockwise moment of 5N 10 N 5N (upwards) 10 N c 2
magnitude 10 N-m is acting at the center (downwards) (downwards (upwards)
of simply supported beam of span 2m.. )
The reactions at right end will be –
105 The point of application of Equilibrant Principle of Newton’s Varignon’s Resolution c 2
force for equilibrium of non concurrent Transmissibility Third Law Principle of forces
forces acting on body is obtained by
106 The connection between two beams to simple support fixed internal hinged c 2
form a continuous beam is known as – support hinge support
107 The resultant of the coplanar concurrent F= Fx i + Fy j F= -Fx i - Fy j F= - Fx i + Fy j F= Fy i + Fx j b 2
force system is lying in XY- plane defined
by positive X & Y axes and acting away
from origin. The equilibrant that brings
the force system in equilibrium will be
expressed as –
108 The resultant of the coplanar concurrent Fx i + Fy j Fx i + Fz k Fz k + Fy j -Fx i + Fy j d 2
force system is lying in XY- plane defined
by positive X & negative Y axes and
acting away from origin. The equilibrant
that brings the force system in
equilibrium will be expressed as –
109 The resultant of the coplanar concurrent Fx i - Fy j Fx i + Fy j - Fx i - Fy j -Fx i + Fy j a 2
force system is lying in XY- plane defined
by positive X & negative Y axes and
acting towards the origin. The equilibrant
that brings the force system in
equilibrium will be expressed as –
110 The resultant of the coplanar concurrent Fx i - Fy j Fx i + Fy j - Fx i - Fy j -Fx i + Fy j d 2
force system is lying in XY- plane defined
by negative X & positive Y axes and
acting towards the origin. The equilibrant
that brings the force system in
equilibrium will be expressed as –
111 The resultant of the coplanar concurrent Fx i - Fy j Fx i + Fy j - Fx i - Fy j -Fx i + Fy j a 2
force system is lying in XY- plane defined
by negative X & positive Y axes and
acting away from the origin. The
equilibrant that brings the force system
in equilibrium will be expressed as –
112 The resultant of the coplanar concurrent Fy j + Fz k -Fy j + Fz k Fy j - Fz k - Fy j - Fz k d 2
force system is lying in YZ-plane defined
by positive Y & Z axes and acting away
from origin. The equilibrant that brings
the force system in equilibrium will be
expressed as –
113 The resultant of the coplanar concurrent Fy j + Fz k -Fy j + Fz k Fy j - Fz k - Fy j - Fz k a 2
force system is lying in YZ-plane defined
by positive Y & Z axes and acting towards
the origin. The equilibrant that brings the
force system in equilibrium will be
expressed as –
114 The resultant of the coplanar concurrent Fy j + Fz k (-Fx i + Fz k) Fy j - Fz k - Fy j - Fz k c 2
force system is lying in YZ-plane defined
by positive Y & negative Z axes and acting
towards the origin. The equilibrant that
brings the force system in equilibrium
will be expressed as –
115 The resultant of the coplanar concurrent Fy j + Fz k -Fy j + Fz k Fy j - Fz k - Fy j - Fz k b 2
force system is lying in YZ-plane defined
by positive Y & negative Z axes and acting
away from the origin. The equilibrant
that brings the force system in
equilibrium will be expressed as –
116 The resultant of the coplanar concurrent Fy j + Fz k -Fy j + Fz k Fy j - Fz k - Fy j - Fz k d 2
force system is lying in YZ-plane defined
by negative Y & negative Z axes and
acting towards the origin. The equilibrant
that brings the force system in
equilibrium will be expressed as –
117 The resultant of the coplanar concurrent Fy j + Fz k -Fy j + Fz k Fy j - Fz k - Fy j - Fz k a 2
force system is lying in YZ-plane defined
by negative Y & negative Z axes and
acting away from the origin. The
equilibrant that brings the force system
in equilibrium will be expressed as –
118 The resultant of the coplanar concurrent Fy j + Fz k -Fy j + Fz k Fy j - Fz k - Fy j - Fz k a 2
force system is lying in YZ-plane defined
by positive Y & Z axes and acting towards
origin. The equilibrant that brings the
force system in equilibrium will be
expressed as –
119 The resultant of the coplanar concurrent Fx i + Fz k Fz k-Fx i Fx i - Fz k - Fx i - Fz k a 2
force system is lying in XZ-plane defined
by positive X & Z axes and acting towards
origin. The equilibrant that brings the
force system in equilibrium will be
expressed as –
120 The resultant of the coplanar concurrent Fx i + Fz k (-Fx i + Fz k) Fx i - Fz k - Fx i - Fz k d 2
force system is lying in XZ-plane defined
by positive X & Z axes and acting away
from origin. The equilibrant that brings
the force system in equilibrium will be
expressed as –
121 The resultant of the coplanar concurrent Fx i + Fz k (-Fx i + Fz k) Fx i - Fz k - Fx i - Fz k a 2
force system is lying in XZ-plane defined
by negative X & Z axes and acting away
from origin. The equilibrant that brings
the force system in equilibrium will be
expressed as –
122 The resultant of the coplanar concurrent Fx i + Fz k (-Fx i + Fz k) Fx i - Fz k - Fx i - Fz k d 2
force system is lying in XZ-plane defined
by negative X & Z axes and acting
towards the origin. The equilibrant that
brings the force system in equilibrium
will be expressed as –
123 If the rod of weight ‘W’ N resting against coplanar-non coplanar- non non b 2
horizontal and vertical smooth surfaces is concurrent concurrent coplanar-non coplanar-
in equilibrium, then the forces are - concurrent concurrent

124 The three forces, 120N at 60 ° with +ve x- 120cos60+100c 120cos60- 120cos60+10 120cos60- b 2
axis acting away from origin, 100 N at 45° os45+Pcosα=0 100cos45- 0cos45- 100cos45+P
with negative Y- axis acting away from Pcosα=0 Pcosα=0 cosα=0
origin and ‘P’ N at 'α' with –ve x-axis
acting away from origin are in
equilibrium. Select the correct equation
of equilibrium in X-direction.-
125 The three forces, 120N at 60 ° with +ve x- 120sin60+100si 120sin60- 120sin60+10 120sin60- d 2
axis in 1st quadrant acting away from n45+Psinα=0 100sin45- 0sin45- 100sin45+Ps
origin, 100 N at 45° with negative Y- axis Psinα=0 Psinα=0 inα=0
acting in 3rd quadrant away from origin
and ‘P’ N at 'α' with –ve x-axis acting in
2nd quadrant away from origin are in
equilibrium. Select the correct equation
of equilibrium in Y-direction.-
126 Two cables AB and AC inclined at α with Fab.cosβ - Fac Fab.cos α- Fab.cos α- Fab.cos α- b 2
+ve x-axis (lying in 1st quadrant) and β cosα=0 Fac cosβ=0 Fac cosβ+ W Fac cosβ - W
with -ve x-axis (lying in 2nd quadrant) =0 =0
are supporting a weight ‘W’ N.Select the
correct equation of equilibrium in X-
127 Two cables AB and AC inclined at α with Fab.sinβ - Fac Fab.cos α- Fab.cos α- Fab.cos α + d 2
+ve x-axis (lying in 1st quadrant) and β cosα=0 Fac cosβ=0 Fac cosβ+ W Fac cosβ - W
with -ve x-axis (lying in 2nd quadrant) =0 =0
are supporting a weight ‘W’ N.Select the
correct equation of equilibrium in Y-
128 A rod AB inclined at α with +ve x-axis Fab.cosβ - Fac Fab.cos α- (-Fab.cos α- (Fab.cos α- c 2
(lying in 1st quadrant) and another rod cosα=0 Fac cosβ=0 Fac cosβ+ P) Fac cosβ - P)
AC inclined at β with -ve y-axis ( lying in =0 =0
4th quadrant ) are connected at point
‘A’ and supporting a force ‘P’ N acting
horizontally rightward at joint ‘A’. Select
the correct equation of equilibrium in X-
129 A rod AB inclined at α with +ve x-axis Fab.cosβ - Fac Fab.cos α- (-Fab.cos α- (Fab.cos α- b 2
(lying in 1st quadrant) and another rod cosα=0 Fac cosβ=0 Fac cosβ+ P) Fac cosβ - P)
AC inclined at β with -ve y-axis ( lying in =0 =0
4th quadrant ) are connected at point
‘A’ and supporting a force ‘P’ N acting
horizontally rightward at joint ‘A’. Select
the correct equation of equilibrium in Y -
130 The force ‘F’ acting on a rigid body at rest Newton’s First Varignon’s Principle of Newton’s c 2
at point A if now applied at point B on its Law of motion Principle Transmissibili Third Law of
line of action, the body will continue its ty motion
state of equilibrium as per -
131 The force ‘F’ acting at a point ‘A’ on a change the maintain the change the none of b 2
block in equilibrium, if when applied at position of equilibrium magnitude of these
point ‘C’ on theblock on its line of action block frictional
will - resistance
132 The forces acting at a joint are, 100 N 100-P cos45 + F 100 + P Q – P sin45 - -Q + P b 2
along +ve X-direction acting away from cos45 = 0 cos45 – F F cos45 = 0 cos45+Fcos
origin, ‘Q’ N along +ve Y-direction acting cos45=0 45=0
away from origin, ‘P’ N making 45° with
x-axis acting away from origin in fourth
quadrant and ‘F’ N making 45° with x-
axis acting away from origin in third
quadrant. Select the correct equation of
equilibrium of forces in X-direction-
133 The forces acting at a joint are, 100 N 100-P cos45 + F 100 + P Q – P sin45 - -Q + P c 2
along +ve X-direction acting away from cos45 = 0 cos45 – F F sin45 = 0 cos45+Fcos
origin, ‘Q’ N along +ve Y-direction acting cos45=0 45=0
away from origin, ‘P’ N making 45° with
x-axis acting away from origin in fourth
quadrant and ‘F’ N making 45° with x-
axis acting away from origin in third
quadrant. Select the correct equation of
equilibrium of forces in Y-direction-
134 If three forces acting at a point are 10 N (-10+Pcos30) 10-Pcos30 F - Psin30 -F+Psin30 a 2
along +ve x-axis acting away from origin,
‘F’ N along +ve y-axis acting away from
origin and ‘P’ N at 210° with x-axis
acting away from origin in 3rd quadrant .
Select the correct equation for
component of equilibrant of forces in X-
135 If three forces acting at a point are 10 N (-10+Pcos30) 10-Pcos30 F - Psin30 -F+Psin30 d 2
along +ve x-axis acting away from origin,
‘F’ N along +ve y-axis acting away from
origin and ‘P’ N at 210° with x-axis
acting away from origin in 3rd quadrant .
Select the correct equation for
component of equilibrant of forces in Y-

136 If three forces acting at a point are 10 N (-10-Pcos30) (-10-Pcos30) F - Psin30 ( -F - Psin30) a 2
along +ve x-axis acting away from origin,
‘F’ N along +ve y-axis acting away from
origin and ‘P’ N at 210° with x-axis
acting towards origin in 3rd quadrant .
Select the correct equation for
component of equilibrant of forces in X-
137 If three forces acting at a point are 10 N (-10-Pcos30) 10-Pcos30 F - Psin30 (- F - d 2
along +ve x-axis acting away from origin, Psin30)
‘F’ N along +ve y-axis acting away from
origin and ‘P’ N at 210° with x-axis
acting towards origin in 3rd quadrant.
Select the correct equation for
component of equilibrant of forces in Y-
138 If a block of weight ‘W’ placed on (W.cosθ) N (W. sinθ) N (W.cosθ) N (-W. sinθ) N b 2
frictionless surface inclined at an angle'θ'
in anticlockwisedirection with +ve x-axis
and is held with a string parallel to
inclined surface, then assuming up the
plane forces positive, the tension in the
string holding the block is –
139 A concrete pipe of weight ‘W’ is resting W N( W/2 N ( W N( Zero d 2
against horizontal and vertical smooth upwards) rightwards) leftwards)
surfaces. The reaction offered by vertical
surface on the pipe is -
140 A concrete pipe of weight ‘W’ is resting W N( W/2 N ( W N( Zero a 2
against horizontal and vertical smooth upwards) rightwards) downwards)
surfaces. The reaction offered by
horizontal surface on the pipe is -
141 If a rod of weight ‘W’ is resting against coplanar-non coplanar- non non b 2
the walls of V shaped trough, then the concurrent concurrent coplanar-non coplanar-
forces acting on the rod should be concurrent concurrent
142 If a rod of weight ‘W’ is resting against 4 2 1 3 d 2
the walls of V shaped trough, then the
number of forces acting on the rod are-

143 “ If the three non parallel forces are in Lami’s Three Force Varignon’s None of the b 2
equilibrium then they must be Theorem Principle Theorem above.
concurrent “ is known as
144 Number of conditions of equilibrium for 4 2 3 1 b 2
coplanar concurrent force system is –
145 Number of conditions of equilibrium for 4 2 1 3 d 2
coplanar non- concurrent force system is

146 Number of conditions of equilibrium for 3 1 2 4 a 2
non-coplanar but concurrent force
system is –
147 Number of conditions of equilibrium for 6 2 4 3 a 2
non coplanar and non concurrent force
system is –
148 A two force member AB is a straight a force ‘F’ a force ‘- F’ a force ‘F/2’ a force ‘- b 2
member and subjected to an axial F/2’
compressive force ‘F’ If the member is
cut in between at point ‘C’ then the
internal force at the cut for the
equilibrium is equivalent to –
149 A simply supported beam is subjected to both vertical both vertical both one vertical d 2
a cncentrated moment applied at center upwards downwards horizontal upward and
of the span then the reactions at both another
supports are directed – vertical
150 A beam AB of span 1 m, hinged at ‘A’ and 6.66 N 8.33 N 10 N 20 N a 2
simply supported at ‘B’ is loaded with (upwards) (upwards) (upwards) (upwards)
u.v.l. of 10 N/m intensity at end ‘A’ and
20 N/m at end ‘B’. The reaction at end ‘A’
are –
151 A beam AB of span 1 m, hinged at ‘A’ and 6.66 N 8.33 N 10 N 20 N b 2
simply supported at ‘B’ is loaded with (upwards) (upwards) (upwards) (upwards)
u.v.l. of 10 N/m intensity at end ‘A’ and
20 N/m at end ‘B’. The reaction at end ‘B’
are –
152 A beam AB of span ‘L’ m, hinged at ‘A’ (wL/2) N ( (wL) N ( (wL/3) N (2wL/3) N c 2
and simply supported at ‘B’ is loaded upwards) upwards) (upwards) (upwards)
with u.v.l. of zero intensity at end ‘A’ and
‘w ‘N/m at end ‘B’. The reaction at end
‘B’ are –
153 If the cantilever beam of span L is loaded (wL²/2) N-m (3 wL²/4) N- (wL²/8) N-m (3wL²/8) N- d 2
with u.d.l. of w N/m intensity for half of m m
the span from free end ,then the reacting
moment at fixed end will be –
154 If the cantilever beams of span 1 m is 5 N-m 2.5 N-m 1.25 N-m 3.75 N-m d 2
loaded with u.d.l. of 10 N/m intensity for
half of the span from free end then the
reacting moment at fixed end will be –
155 If the cantilever beam of span 1 m is 5 N-m 2.5 N-m 1.25 N-m 3.75 N-m c 2
loaded with u.d.l. of 10 N/m intensity for
half of the span from fixed end then the
reacting moment at fixed end will be –
156 A concentrated anticlockwise moment of M/L 2M/L MxL M/L d 2
magnitude ‘M’ N-m is acting at 1/3rd of (downwards) (downwards (upwards) (upwards)
span from left end support of simply )
supported beam of span ‘L’ m. The
reaction at left end will be –
157 A concentrated anticlockwise moment of M/L 2M/L MxL M/L a 2
magnitude ‘M’ N-m is acting at 1/3rd of (downwards) (downwards (upwards) (upwards)
span from left end support of simply )
supported beam of span ‘L’ m. The
reaction at right end will be –
158 If a block of weight ‘W’ placed on W.cosθ (-W cos θ ) W sin θ (-W sin θ) a 2
frictionless surface inclined at an angle θ
in anticlockwise direction with +ve x-axis
and is at rest, then assuming up the
plane forces positive, the reaction
offered by surface on the block is –
159 If a block of weight ‘W=100 N ’ placed on 86.6 N – 86.6 N 50 N - 50 N c 2
rough surface inclined at an angle θ= 60°
in anticlockwise direction with +ve x-axis
and is at rest, then assuming up the
plane forces positive, the reaction
offered by surface on the block is –
160 The force acting away from origin and Fx i +Fy j + Fz k Fx i -Fy j + Fz Fx i +Fy j - Fz -Fx i -Fy j - a 2
lying in space defined by positive X axis, k k Fz k
positive Y axis & positive Z axis can be
expressed as –
161 The force acting away from origin and Fx i +Fy j + Fz k Fx i -Fy j + Fz Fx i +Fy j - Fz -Fx i -Fy j - c 2
lying in space defined by positive X axis, k k Fz k
positive Y axis & negative Z axis can be
expressed as –
162 The force acting away from origin and Fx i +Fy j + Fz k Fx i -Fy j + Fz Fx i +Fy j - Fz -Fx i -Fy j - b 2
lying in space defined by positive X axis, k k Fz k
negative Y axis & positive Z axis can be
expressed as –
163 The force acting away from origin and ( Fx i +Fy j + Fz (Fx i -Fy j + (Fx i +Fy j - Fz (-Fx i -Fy j - d 2
lying in space defined by negative X axis, k) Fz k) k) Fz k)
negative Y axis & negative Z axis can be
expressed as –
164 The force acting away from origin and ( - Fx i +Fy j - Fz (Fx i -Fy j + (Fx i +Fy j - Fz (-Fx i -Fy j - a 2
lying in space defined by negative X axis, k) Fz k) k) Fz k)
positive Y axis & negative Z axis can be
expressed as –
165 The force acting away from origin and ( - Fx i +Fy j - Fz (Fx i -Fy j + (Fx i +Fy j - Fz (-Fx i -Fy j + d 2
lying in space defined by negative X axis, k) Fz k) k) Fz k)
negative Y axis & positive Z axis can be
expressed as –
166 If the space force acting at origin has 5N 2N 3N 7N d 2
components Fx= 2N, Fy = - 3N, Fz= 6N,
then the magnitude of force is –
167 If the space force acting at origin has 5N 2N 7N 3N c 2
components Fx= -2N, Fy = - 3N, Fz= -6N,
then the magnitude of force is –
168 If the space force F of total magnitude 7N 3N (-6N) 2N 5N a 2
is acting in the space defined by positive
X axis, positive Y axis and positive Z axis is
having components Fx= 2N, Fy = 3N ,
then component Fz =?
169 If the space force F of total magnitude 7N 6N (-3N) 3N 2N b 2
is acting in the space defined by positive
X axis, positive Y axis and negative Z axis,
is having components Fx= 2N, Fz = -6N ,
then component Fy =?
170 If the space force F of total magnitude 7N 2N (-2 N) 6N 3N a 2
is acting in the space defined by positive
X axis, positive Y axis and positive Z axis is
having components Fy= 3N, Fz = 6N ,
then component Fx =?
171 If the space force of total magnitude 7N 2N (-6N) 5N 3N b 2
is acting in the space defined by positive
X axis, positive Y axis and negative Z axis
is having components Fx= 2N, Fy = 3N ,
then component Fz =?
172 If the space force of total magnitude 7N 6N (-2 N) 3N 5N b 2
is acting in the space defined by negative
X axis, positive Y axis and positive Z axis is
having components Fy= 3N, Fz = 6N ,
then component Fx =?

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