Unit 3: Engineering Mechanics

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Sr.No Questions Option A Option B Option C Option D Ans

Equal in
Equal in Opposite in magnitude,Op None of the
1 Two forces can be in equlibrium only if they are C
magnitude direction posite in above
When a body is in equlibrium under 3 Non None of
2 concurrent collinear B
nonparallel forces they must be concurrent these
A resultant
A Simplest resultant of a spatial parallel force A resultant A resultant force & a
3 A wrench A
system Is always couple force resultant
For the general case of a space force system,
4 the number of independent conditions of 2 3 4 6 D
equlibrium are
A 3m long beam is supported by a roller (at
left) and a hinge (at right). The beam supports a
uniformly distributed load of 3kN/m for the 154 kN and 100 kN and 152 kN and 152 kN and
5 A
first 2 m length and a concentrated load of 300 152 kN 206 kN 154 kN 152 kN
kN at its mid-span. The reactions at left and
right supports are ______________
algebraic sum
sum of algebraic sum
of vertical
horizontal of moment of
The necessary condition of equilibrium of a components all a), b) and
6 components all the forces D
body, is ______________ of all the c)
of all the about a point
forces must
forces must must be zero
be zero
be zero
A uniform rod 9 m long weighing 40 N is
pivoted at a point 2 m from left end where a
weight of 120 N is suspended. The required
7 forces acting at the end in a direction 40 N 60 N 10 N 100 N D
perpendicular to rod to keep it equilibrium at
an inclination 60º with horizontal is
A force acts at the origin of a coordinate system
8 in a direction defined by angles θx = 43.20 and 42.5 136 132.5 46 C
θz = 83.80. The angle θy is
If a body in equilibrium condition is acted by
always always concurrent or none of the
9 three forces at three points, then the line of C
concurrent parallel parallel above
action of these forces should be _____
Cantilever beam has one end _________ and always always concurrent or none of the
10 C
other end _______. concurrent parallel parallel above
The magnitude of the force F = (65 N)I - (80 N)j
11 220 N 225 N 235 N 250 N B
– (200 N)k
If a force F is acting on a body makes angle of
cos2 θx + cos2 θx + Sin2 θx + Sin2 Sin2 θx +
θx with X axis, θy with Y axis and θz with Z axis,
12 cos2 θy + cos2 θy + θy + Sin2 θz = Sin2 θy + B
then the equation between the angles is given
cos2 θz = 0 cos2 θz = 1 0 Sin2 θz = 1



Sr.No Questions Option A Option B Option C Option D Ans

The couple moment and the force is divided to
13 get the distance of the axis from the point of TRUE FALSE A
action of the force in free body diagrams
Just like the collinear force system for free
14 body diagrams there is a system of the parallel TRUE FALSE A
What is not the condition for the equilibrium in
15 ∑Fx=0 ∑Fx=0 ∑Fz=0 ∑F≠0 D
three dimensional system of axis?
If anybody is tied to three or more ropes, and The three
then is allowed to achieve its equilibrium. Then The ropes The weight
16 axis of the The ground B
the equilibrium achieved is achieved w.r.t direction direction
what? body
In coplanar non- concurrent force system, if
None of the
17 Summation Fx= 0 and summation Fy= 0 then Force Moment Zero B
the resultant can be___________
A simply supported beam AB ,of length 6m is
18 acted upon by UDL of 3 KN/m. The reaction at A 9 KN, 6 KN 6 KN, 6 KN 9 KN, 9 KN 9 KN, 27 KN C
and B are
A concentrated clockwise moment of
magnitude 20 Nm is acting at the centre of a 20 N 5N 20 N
19 5 N (Upward) D
simply supported beam of span 4m. The (Upward) (Downward) (Downward)
reaction at right end will be __________
A 50N force acts from point A(0,0,0) to point B
20 50 50 (i+ j+ k) 50/ √3 (i+j+k) 50 N C
(1,1,1) then force represented as,

sum of
Two resolved parts
all of them resolved
A number of forces acting at a point will in any two Their total
21 are inclined part at right C
be in equilibrium if per-pendicular sum is zero
equally angle are
directions are
both zero

Rotational Translational rotational and
22 Moment have .......on body. No effect A
effect effect translational

20N 20N vertically
70N vertically vertically
Rod AB of 3m lenth is subjected to 10Nm vertically downword
upword force downword
anticlockwise couple at centre and 20N upword force force and
23 and 20Nm force and B
vertically upword force at B .The equivalent and 70Nm 70Nm
clockwise 20Nm
force couple system at point A contain..... clockwise anticlockwise
couple at A anticlockwise
couple at A couple at A
couple at A

One Two Three Four

24 Concurrent force system offers condition of conditions of conditions of conditions of B
equilibrium equilibrium equilibrium equilibrium


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