Annotation 5

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Java Annotations

By Bhaskar Swaminathan

Annotations were introduced in Java since the JDK 5 release. Annotations are meta-data tags that can
be attached to various Java code elements such as, class declarations, interface declarations, field
declarations, constructor definitions, method definitions, etc and can later be accessed either at
compile-time or at run-time. Annotations provide additional information about code elements, which
can be used by tools and/or frameworks for further processing in interesting ways, such as, controlling
the behavior of the compiler, configuring the application at run-time, or profiling an application at run-
time, etc.

Consider the following simple Java program:

* Name: Bhaskar S
* Date: 03/22/2009

package com.polarsparc.annotations.samples;

import java.util.*;

public class Suppress {

public static void main(String[] args) {
Map map = new HashMap();
for (String s : args) {
map.put(s, s);

The above program will compile just fine in pre-Java 5 compiler. What about the Java 6 compiler ?
Give it a try and you will see an output similar to what is shown below:

$ javac com/polarsparc/annotations/samples/
Note: com/polarsparc/annotations/samples/ uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.

Interesting behavior in Java 6 !!! Neither the above Java program is incorrect nor is the behavior of
Java 6 compiler. Java 6 has a much stronger type checking and as a result generates the above warning.

Let us modify the simple Java program by adding one of the Standard Java annotations as shown

* Name: Bhaskar S
* Date: 03/22/2009

package com.polarsparc.annotations.samples;

import java.util.*;
public class Suppress {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Map map = new HashMap();
for (String s : args) {
map.put(s, s);

The @SuppressWarnings(“unchecked”) annotation provides information to the compiler to suppress

warnings related to type checking. It does not alter the behavior or logic of the code; its just an
additional information to the compiler to change certain behavior.

In addition to @SuppressWarnings, the current Java 6 language specification predefines two

additional standard annotations: @Override and @Deprecated.

The @Override annotation indicates to the compiler that the following method overrides the method
declared in the superclass.

The @Deprecated annotation indicates to the compiler that the following method may not be
supported in the future and hence should be avoided.

As we can see the standard annotations @SuppressWarnings, @Override, and @Deprecated provide
additional meta information about the source elements, which is used by the Java compiler.

Look at the extensive use of Annotations in EJB3. Annotations are used to configure EJB(s) at
deployment time without the need for any external XML Deployment Descriptor.

Similarly, we can define our own custom annotations, which we could use in our applications. Hang in
there and we will do just that !!!

To define a Custom Annotation, we need the following three ingredients:

Ingredient Description
Annotation Type Defines the type for the Custom Annotation. It is nothing more than a special
type of Java interface – the only difference being the use of the new
keyword @interface instead of the regular keyword interface
Annotation Member(s) Defines one or more field(s) for associating named content with the Custom
Annotation. They are defined as methods (similar to Java interface) which
can only return Java primitive types, have no method parameters and have
no throws keyword. Definition of the field also allows one to specify a
default value. It is done using the default keyword followed by the value
Meta-Annotation(s) Defines meta-data that can only be applied to Custom Annotations at the
time of definition. Think of these as Annotations for Annotations.

There are three flavors of Annotation Types – Marker Annotations, Single-value Annotations and
Multi-value Annotations.
A Marker Annotation Type only has an Annotation name. The following is an example of Marker
Annotation Type:

* Name: Bhaskar S
* Date: 03/22/2009

package com.polarsparc.annotations.samples;

public @interface MyMarkerType {


MyMarkerType is the name of the Marker Annotation Type.

The standard Java Annotations @Override and @Deprecated are examples of Marker Annotation

A Single-value Annotation Type has an Annotation name and one data field. The following is an
example of Single-value Annotation Type:

* Name: Bhaskar S
* Date: 03/22/2009

package com.polarsparc.annotations.samples;

public @interface MySingleValueType {

String value() default “abc”;

MySingleValueType is the name of the Single-value Annotation Type. Here value is the name of the
data field. Look at the way the data variable is defined – String value(). This is consistent with the way
methods are defined in an interface. Also, the data field has defined a default of “abc”. If no content is
associated with value, then it defaults to “abc”.

To use this annotation, we would type: @MySingleValueType(value=”xyz”) OR the short form

@MySingleValueType(”xyz”) since there is only one data variable. We can also use the Annotation
without specifying any data, such as @MySingleValueType. In this case the field value defaults to the
string “abc”.

The standard Java Annotation @SuppressWarnings is an example of Single-value Annotation Type.

A Multi-value Annotation Type has an Annotation name and more than one data fields. The following
is an example of Multi-value Annotation Type:

* Name: Bhaskar S
* Date: 03/22/2009

package com.polarsparc.annotations.samples;

public @interface MyMultiValueType {

int value1();
String value2();
String value3();

MyMultiValueType is the name of the Multi-value Annotation Type. Here value1, value2, and value3
are the names of the data fields.

To use this annotation, we would type: @MyMultiValueType(value1=7, value2=”abc”, value3=”xyz”).

Java defines 4 standard Meta-Annotations: @Target, @Retention, @Documented, and @Inherited.

The @Target Meta-Annotation specifies to which Java code element(s) the Custom Annotation
applies. The various Java code elements are defined in the enum java.lang.annotation.ElementType
which are as follows:

Element Type Description

ElementType.PACKAGE Applies to package
ElementType.TYPE Applies to class, interface, or enum
ElementType.FIELD Applies to the fields
ElementType.METHOD Applies to the methods
ElementType.PARAMETER Applies to the parameters of the method
ElementType.CONSTRUCTOR Applies to the constructors
ElementType.LOCAL_VARIABLE Applies to the local variables

The following is an example of Marker Annotation Type that can be applied at the class, field, or
method level:

* Name: Bhaskar S
* Date: 03/22/2009

package com.polarsparc.annotations.samples;

import java.lang.annotation.*;

public @interface MyMarkerType {

The @Retention Meta-Annotation indicates where the Custom Annotation details are retained. It can be
retained at the Java source level, or at the Java class level, or at the Java runtime level. The various
retention codes are defined in the enum java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy which are as follows:

Retention Type Description

RetentionPolicy.SOURCE Retained only in the Java source code and read by the Java
compiler but will be discarded from the Java class file
RetentionPolicy.CLASS Retained in the Java class file by the Java compiler and will be
not be accessible through reflection API at runtime. This is the
default retention policy
RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME Retained in the Java class file by the Java compiler and will be
accessible through reflection API at runtime

The following is an example of Single-value Annotation Type that is retained in the class and is
accessible through Java reflection API:

* Name: Bhaskar S
* Date: 03/22/2009

package com.polarsparc.annotations.samples;

import java.lang.annotation.*;

public @interface MySingleValueType {
String value();

The @Documented Meta-Annotation indicates that the Custom Annotation should be processed by the
javadoc tool and included in the generated documentation. By default, the javadoc tool does not
document Annotations.

The @Inherited Meta-Annotation makes the Custom Annotation applied to a super-class to be

inherited by a derived-class. By default Annotations are not inherited.

Now that we are familiar with the intricacies of Annotations, we will go ahead and build our own
custom Annotation. Many a times we specify a version number for our application. We usually achieve
this by initializing a static final String called VERSION as shown in the following:

* Name: Bhaskar S
* Date: 03/22/2009

package com.polarsparc.annotations.samples;

public class StaticVersion {

static final String VERSION = "V1.5R3";

public static void main(String[] args) {

System.out.println("Version: " + VERSION);
// Application logic starts here

We will define a custom Annotation for specifying a version number. The following Java code defines
the custom Annotation called Version:

* Name: Bhaskar S
* Date: 03/22/2009

package com.polarsparc.annotations.samples;

import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;

public @interface Version {
int major() default 1;
int minor() default 0;
String release() default "";

The Version Annotation can be targeted only at a class, interface, or enum level. Also, it is retained in
the Java class file and can be queried using Java reflection API.

The following Java class uses the @Version Annotation:

* Name: Bhaskar S
* Date: 03/22/2009

package com.polarsparc.annotations.samples;

public class VersionedClass {
// ---- class definition does here ---

We have only specified the fields minor and release and assigned it values 5 and “3289” respectively.
The field major is not specified and hence defaults to 1.

The following Java program accesses the @Version Annotation using the Java reflection API:

* Name: Bhaskar S
* Date: 03/22/2009
package com.polarsparc.annotations.samples;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;

public class VersionTest {

public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
Class<?> clazz =

Annotation[] array = clazz.getAnnotations();

for (Annotation an : array) {
if (an instanceof Version) {
Version v = (Version) an;

System.out.println("Version: V" + v.major() + "." + v.minor() +

"R" + v.release());
catch (Throwable t) {

When we execute this Java program, we will see the output: V1.5R3289

With this we conclude this tutorial on Java Annotations. You can try more interesting use-cases.

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