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Warlock Beholder V1.2

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The Beholder Dream Clone

Your patron is an everwatchful beholder, filled with malice By 14th level, you are so suffused with your patron's power
and an often insane drive to dominate all those it considers that you gain unheard of abilities...at a price. When you fall
beneath it. While it might share its power with you in an unconscious, you may choose to form a clone of yourself
attempt to further its own goals, it mistrusts you as much as within 15 feet of your original body. This clone is identical to
you do it. you in every way, including racial and class abilities, as well
as whatever unused spell slots you had upon losing
Beholder Features consciousness. It has none of your gear, has hit points equal
Warlock Level Feature to half its maximum, and cannot create a clone of itself.
Your psyche fractures and divides between the two
1st Baseless Paranoia versions of you. Roll initiatve for the clone, which you control.
6th Arcane Foil Your original body still takes damage and makes death saving
throws, however you can act through this clone.
10th Magical Misdirection Upon your original body regaining consciousness, your
14th Dream Clone fractured psyche snaps. Your clone and original body regard
each other has hostile, and will fight until one is destroyed.
Beholder Expanded Spells The surviving body is your new body, and you must roll a
Spell Level Spells d100 on the Permanent Madness table to determine the
trauma you have suffered.
1st ray of sickness, sleep Once you use this feature, you can't use it again for 1d6
2nd blindness/deafness, see invisibility days.
3rd clairvoyance, protection from energy
4th arcane eye, vitriolic sphere Eldritch Invocations
5th dominate person, mislead Alien Servant
Prerequisite: 7th level, Pact of the Chain
Baseless Paranoia You are granted the ability to summon a more powerful
Your patron's constant paranoia infects your psyche. At 1st alien being to your service. When you cast find familiar, you
level, you gain proficiency with Wisdom (Perception) checks. may choose to summon a Spectator. The Spectator is not a
If you are already proficient, you can double your proficiency celestial, fey, or fiend; it is a servant granted to you by your
bonus. You also have advantage on Dexterity saving throws patron. The Spectator levels with you, gaining 1d8 hit points
against effects that you can see. upon leveling up. It obeys all rules of the Pact of the Chain.
Once per day, you may meld your consciousness with the
Arcane Foil consciousness of the Spectator. For one hour, you may switch
At 6th level, a portion of your patron's ability to suppress between passive and active control of it. In passive control,
magic has been bestowed upon you. When you are targeted you gain +5 to your Wisdom (Perception) and Intelligence
by or in the area of magic, roll a d6. You may add that roll to (Investigation) scores, using the Spectator's extra senses to
your saving throw or deduct it from the caster's spell attack. enhance your own. In active control, you perceive through the
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until Spectator's senses, can choose which actions and reactions it
completing a short or long rest. takes (at the cost of your own) and can move either it or your
own body.
Magical Misdirection The Spectator is a one-time gift from your patron. If the
At 10th level, your ability to manipulate incoming magical Spectator dies, you may not summon a replacement.
attacks is such that you can turn them back on their casters.
When a creature targets you with a spell attack, you can use Nullifying Presence
your reaction to direct the attack back on another creature of Prerequisite: 17th level
your choice. Make an Intelligence (Arcana) check, DC = 10 + You can cast antimagic field once using a Warlock spell
the spell's level (minimum 1). On a success, you may choose a slot. You can't do so again until you finish a long rest.
new target for the spell. The range for the spell begins with
you, as if you were the caster. Keen Sight
You gain proficiency in the Perception and Investigation

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