A Comparative Study Achievement Motivation and Study Habits of School Going Students On Rajkot District Area

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The International Journal of Indian Psychology

ISSN 2348-5396 (e) | ISSN: 2349-3429 (p)

Volume 4, Issue 4, DIP: 18.01.125/20170404
DOI: 10.25215/0404.125
http://www.ijip.in | July-September, 2017
Original Research Paper

A Comparative Study Achievement Motivation and Study Habits

of School Going Students on Rajkot District Area

Dr. Vandana N Solanki 1*

The Present study main aim achievement motivation and study habit of school going
students. The random sample consisted of 240 boys and 240 girls of high and senior
secondary schools of Rajkot districts. In this study Investigator was used Achievement
Motivation Inventory developed by Jansari and Study Habits Inventory developed by M. N.
Palsane and S. Sharma for testing of the student’s achievement motivation and study habits.
The results reported that the main effect of urban and rural area, types of school and gender
on achievement motivation and study habits was very highly significant.

Keywords: Achievement Motivation, Study Habit, Students, Urban-Rural, Granted, Non-

Granted Reserved, Un-Reserved, Male- Female Students

Education is the process of developing the capacities and potentials of the individual so as to
prepare that individual to be successful in a specific society or culture. From this perspective,
education is serving primarily as an individual development function. Education begins at
birth and continues throughout life. It is constant and ongoing. Schooling generally begins
somewhere between the ages four and six when children are gathered together for the
purposes of specific guidance related to skills and competencies that society deems
important. In the past, once the formal primary and secondary schooling was completed the
process was finished. However, in today’s information age, adults are quite often learning in
informal setting throughout their working lives and even into retirement.

Education, in its broadest sense, may be defined as a process designed to inculcate the
knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to enable individuals to cope effectively with their
environment. Its primary purpose is to foster and promote the fullest individual self
realization for all people. Achieving this goal requires understanding of commitment to the
proposition that education is a primary instrument for social and economic advancement of
human welfare (Verma, 1990).

Ph.D., Department of Psychology, Saurashtra University, Rajkot, Gujarat, India
*Responding Author
Received: June 6, 2017; Revision Received: September 19, 2017; Accepted: September 25, 2017
© 2017 Solanki V N; licensee IJIP. This is an Open Access Research distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any Medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
A Comparative Study Achievement Motivation and Study Habits of School Going Students on
Rajkot District Area

School achievement may be affected by various factors like intelligence, study habits, and
attitudes of pupil towards school, different aspects of their personality, socio economic status,
etc. The desire of success is derived from individual’s concept of himself and in terms of the
meaning of various incentives as they spell success and failure in the eye of others. Thus a
child who sees himself as top ranking, as scholars, may set as his goal the attainment of the
highest grade in the class.

Definition Motivation
'Motivation is to find those approaches that will make the child eager for the kind of
learning the school endorses.’-Bernard
'Motivation is the influence of general pattern of activities indicating and directing the
behavior of the organism.’-Johnson

Definition Achievement Motivation

A behavior can be considered achievement motivated when it involves “competition
with a standard of excellence.”
“The achievement motivation is conceived as a latent disposition which is manifested
in over striving only when the individual perceives performance as instrument to a
sense of personal accomplishment”. Atkinson & Feather
“Achievement motivation is defined in terms of the way an individual orients himself
towards object of conditions that he does not process. If he values those objects and
condition and he feels that he ought to process them, he may be regarded as having
an Achievement motive.”
-Irving Sarnoff

Study habits
Many students do badly academically, due to factors other than low intellectual capacity. One
such factor is poor study habits, which often result in poor academic performance even
among the naturally bright students. Habits are true indicators of individuality in a person. So
study habits are the behavior of an individual related to studies. Which is adjudged from his
study habits? In the process of learning, learners’ habitual ways of exercising and practicing
their abilities for learning are considered as study habits of learners.

Study habits play a very important role in the life of students. Success or failure of each
student depends upon his own study habits. Of course, study is an art and as such it requires
practice. Some students study more but they fail to achieve more. Others study less but
achieve more. Success of each student definitely depends upon ability, intelligence and effort
of students. No doubt, regular study habits bring their own rewards in the sense of
achievement of success.

© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 42
A Comparative Study Achievement Motivation and Study Habits of School Going Students on
Rajkot District Area

Christian (1983) studied need achievement and study habits of the pupils of standard 10th in
relation to sex, study habits inventory of Patel (1976) and TAT test of Mehta were
administered on a sample of 79 girls and 68 boys. The analysis of variance revealed that girls
and boys had equally good study habits. The study suggested that study habits are one of the
important factors, which is helpful to achieve more in the promising field. Singh
(1987)investigated into the Study habits of scheduled caste adolescents in relation to their
intelligence and achievement motivation. The random sample consisted of 100 boys and 100
girls of 9th standard at high and senior secondary schools of Bilaspur, Kangra and Simla
districts of Himachal Pradesh in India. Study habits Inventory and general mental ability test
and TAT were used for the study. General mental ability test above the mean score were
considered as high group and below the mean scores as low group. The results reported that
the main effect of intelligence (F=9.03***) on study habits was very highly significant. High
intelligent group had better study habits than the low intelligent group. Sampath and
Selvarajgnanaguru (1997) studied the Study habits of higher secondary commerce students.
428 higher secondary second year commerce studying in Chidambaram taluk in Tamil Nadu
were selected by using cluster sampling technique. Study Habit Inventory of Mukopadhyay
and Sansanwal (1983) were used as a tool of the study. The ‘t’ test indicated that there was no
significant difference between study habits of boys and girls.

‘A Psychological Study Achievement Motivation and Study Habits of School Going Students
on Rajkot District Area’

Objectives of the Study

The following main objectives were formulated for the present study.
1. To study the effect of sex (boy-girl) on an achievement motivation.
2. To find out whether there is any significant difference in achievement
motivation of urban and rural students.
3. To check out whether there is any significant difference in achievement
motivation of private and government school’s students.
4. To examine the effects of achievement motivation reserved and non – reserved
5. To study the effect of sex (boy-girl) on a study habits.
6. To find out whether there is any significant difference in study habits of urban
and rural students.
7. To check out whether there is any significant difference in study habits of
private and government school’s students.
8. To examine the effects of study habits reserved and non – reserved students.

© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 43
A Comparative Study Achievement Motivation and Study Habits of School Going Students on
Rajkot District Area

The following research null hypotheses were tested in the present study.
1. There is no significant difference in achievement motivation between male and female
2. There is no significant difference in the achievement motivation between urban and
rural students.
3. There is no significant difference in the achievement motivation between private and
government school’s students.
4. There is no significant difference in the achievement motivation between reserved and
non – reserved students.
5. There is no significant difference in the study habits between male and female students.
6. There is no significant difference in the study habits between urban and rural students.
7. There is no significant difference in the study habits between private and government
school’s students.
8. There is no significant difference in the study habits between reserved and non –
reserved students.

Table 9, Nature and level of selected variables.
NO. Name of Nature of Number of Name of
Variable variable Level Level
1. Gender Independent 2 (1) Boy
Variable (2) Girl
2. Area of residence Independent 2 (1) Urban
Variable (2) Rural
3. Type of school Independent 2 (1) Granted
Variable (2) Non Granted
4. Category Independent 2 (1) Reserved
Variable (2) Non Reserved
5. Achievement Dependent 1 Level of
motivation Variable Achievement
6. Study habits Dependent 8 Type of
Variable Study Habits

According to the objectives of this study, the population of this research is students of all
secondary – higher secondary school of the Rajkot district, where standard – 9th to 12th has
been taught. In this research samples was selected randomly from all secondary schools in the
Bhavnagar district. Researcher was selected 240 boys and 240 girls’ students from different
school. So there were total 480 samples selected in this research.

© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 44
A Comparative Study Achievement Motivation and Study Habits of School Going Students on
Rajkot District Area

Following tools were used to collect the data from students.
(A) Achievement motivation inventory- Ashvin Jansari
In this study Investigator was used Achievement motivation inventory by Ashvin Jansari
for testing of the student’s Achievement motivation. It inventory published by Bhatri
Manomapan Cantre, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
The reliability of the AMI test was computed through two methods, that is, test-retest
method and the split method. In order to compute the test-retest reliability, the test was
administered twice on a sample of 120 pupils with 30 days gap. Subsequently, Pearson r was
computed between the two sets of scores. The obtained Coefficient of correlation was 0.6301.
For the split half reliability of the test, it was administered on a fresh sample of 120 students.
The resulting correlation coefficient was 0.7245.
The inventory, besides having high face validity, has the other validity coefficients
which are given below:

Table 10: Validity of Achievement motivation inventory

Sr. Validity coefficients
Name of tests N
1. TAT AND AMS 50 0.5411
2. AMT AND AMS 100 0.5683

2. Study Habits Inventory - M. N. Palsane and S. Sharma.

In this study Investigator was used Study Habits Inventory by M. N. Palsane and S. Sharma
for testing of the student’s study habits. It inventory published by national psychological
corporation, Agra, India. This is a three – point scale with 45 items. Every item has three-
point as like ‘always’, ‘sometimes’ and ‘never’. In this inventory the overall scores give a
measure of study habits.
The reliability of the inventory is determined by two methods.
1) The reliability coefficient was found to be 0.88 by test retest method (with an
interval of 4 weeks) on a sample of 200 male students of undergraduate classes.
2) The reliability coefficient was found to be 0.67 with an interval of 3 months on
samples of 60 girls studying in intermediate classes.
3) Using slip half techniques on 150 boys of intermediate and undergraduate classes,
the coefficient of correlation was found to be 0.56 between odd and even item.
The inventory, besides having high face validity, has the other validity coefficients
which are given below:

Table: 11, (a) With external criterion (similar type of study habit inventories)
Sr. Validity coefficients
Name of other tests N
3. Study habit inventory –Mukhopadhyaya and 80 0.69
© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 45
A Comparative Study Achievement Motivation and Study Habits of School Going Students on
Rajkot District Area

Sr. Validity coefficients

Name of other tests N
4. Test of study habits and attitudes – C.P. Mathur 80 0.67
5. Study habit inventory – B.V.Patel 80 0.74
6. Study involvement inventory – Asha Bhatnagar 80 0.83

Table 12: (b) With other variable measures

Sr. Validity coefficients
Name of other tests N
1. Verbal achievement motivation test – V.P. 50 0.46
2. Scholastic achievement (total marks in annual 50 0.42
3. Level of aspiration - Shah and Bhargava 50 0.58
4. Projective test of achievement motivation – P. Deo 50 0.53
5. Reading comprehension test – Ahuja & Ahuja 50 0.76

The above validity coefficients indicate that the inventory has sufficiently high validity with
other similar inventories and allied measures by other authors and have significant
relationship with other variables which influence the study habits and academic
performances. For research purposes, the inventory can be safely recommended for use with
the sample for which it has been prepared.

Research Method
This research was focus on achievement motivation and study habits of school going
students. So researcher was in the beginning take the list of secondary school of the rajkot
district. Then keeping in mind the objectives of this research, schools were selected from this
list by random method. After this processes students was selected as a sample from selected
school. Investigator was got permission of proper time and will take visit of the school and
give some instruction and tool for data collection. The inventory was administered
individually on the groups of students. The students were asked to read instructions carefully
and give their responses genuinely on all the items of score collecting tool. Totally 480
students data added in last sample. The analysis of the data was prepared by data – sheet. The
analysis of row data was prepared by necessary and proper statistical method.

Statistical Techniques
In this research the obtained data was tabulated and analyzed. ‘t’ test was employed study the
significant difference between the means of scores of gender boys and girls, area of residence
urban and rural, granted and non granted schools, reserved and non reserved category on
achievement motivation and study habits. Pearson’s rank correlation method was employed
to examine the relationship between achievement motivation and study habits.

© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 46
A Comparative Study Achievement Motivation and Study Habits of School Going Students on
Rajkot District Area


HO: 1 There is no significant difference in achievement motivation between male and female
Table: 1 Mean, SD, SED and‘t’ value of achievement motivation scores of male and female
‘t’ Value
Group N Mean SD SED
Tabulated Calculated
Male 240 39.73 5.91
0.55 2.58 3.89
Female 240 37.60 6.09

Figure 1, Comparative Analysis of the achievement motivation scores of male and female

Male Female

The graph shows the achievement motivation scores of male and female students. The
achievement motivation score of male students found to be higher as compared to the female
students. The t-test was applied to see the significance of difference between the mean scores
of the male and female students. It was found that the scores of male students on
Achievement motivation inventory (M = 39.73, SD = 5.91) was significantly higher than
female students (M = 37.60, SD = 6.09). The calculated value of t = 3.89 was found greater
than the tabulated value t = 2.58 at 0.01 level of significance.

HO2 There is no significant difference in the achievement motivation between urban and
rural students.
Table: 2 Mean, SD, SED and ‘t’ value of achievement motivation scores of urban and
rural students.
‘t’ Value
Group N Mean SD SED
Tabulated Calculated
Urban 240 40.56 4.95
0.53 2.58 5.28
Rural 240 36.77 6.52

© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 47
A Comparative Study Achievement Motivation and Study Habits of School Going Students on
Rajkot District Area

Figure 2 Comparative Analysis of the achievement motivation scores ofurban and rural

Urban Ruran

The graph shows the achievement motivation scores of urban and rural students. The
achievement motivation score of urban students found to be higher as compared to the rural
students. The t-test was applied to see the significance of difference between the mean scores
of the urban and rural students. It was found that the scores of urban students on
Achievement motivation inventory (M = 40.56, SD = 4.95) was significantly higher than
rural students (M = 36.77, SD = 6.52). The calculated value of t = 5.28 was found greater
than the tabulated value t = 2.58 at 0.01 level of significance.

HO3 There is no significant difference in the achievement motivation between private and
government school’s students.
Table: 3 Mean, SD, SED and ‘t’ value of achievement motivation scores of private and
government school’s students.
‘t’ Value
.Group N Mean SD SED
Tabulated Calculated
Non Granted 240 39.89 6.44
0.51 2.58 4.87
Granted 240 37.43 4.45

Figure 3 Comparative Analysis of the achievement motivation scores of private and

government school’s students.

Non-Granted Granted

© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 48
A Comparative Study Achievement Motivation and Study Habits of School Going Students on
Rajkot District Area

The graph shows the achievement motivation scores of private and government school’s
students. The achievement motivation score of private school’s students found to be higher as
compared to the government school’s students. The t-test was applied to see the significance
of difference between the mean scores of the private and government school’s students. It
was found that the scores of private school’s students on Achievement motivation inventory
(M = 39.89, SD = 6.44) was significantly higher than government school’s students (M =
37.43, SD = 4.45). The calculated value of t = 4.87 was found greater than the tabulated value
t = 2.58 at 0.01 level of significance.

HO4 There is no significant difference in the achievement motivation between reserved and
non – reserved students.
Table: 4 Mean, SD, SED and ‘t’ value of achievement motivation scores of reserved and
non – reserved students.
‘t’ Value
Group N Mean SD SED
Tabulated Calculated
Reserved 240 40.73 5.51
Non – 0.53 2.58 7.89
240 36.60 5.95

Figure 4 Comparative Analysis of the achievement motivation scores of reserved and non –
reserved students.

Researve Non-Researve

The graph shows the achievement motivation scores of reserved and non – reserved students.
The achievement motivation score of reserved students found to be higher as compared to the
non – reserved students. The t-test was applied to see the significance of difference between
the mean scores of the reserved and non – reserved student. It was found that the scores of
private school’s students on Achievement motivation inventory (M = 40.73, SD = 5.11) was
significantly higher than government school’s students (M = 36.60, SD = 5.95). The
calculated value of t = 7.89 was found greater than the tabulated value t = 2.58 at 0.01 level
of significance.

HO5 There is no significant difference in the study habits between male and female students.

© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 49
A Comparative Study Achievement Motivation and Study Habits of School Going Students on
Rajkot District Area

Table: 5 Mean, SD, SED and ‘t’ value of study habits scores of male and female students.
‘t’ Value
Group N Mean SD SED
Tabulated Calculated
Male 240 76.56 9.67
0.99 2.58 4.73
Female 240 71.90 11.80

Figure 5 Comparative Analysis of the study habits scores of male and female students.


The graph shows the study habits scores of male and female students. The study habits score
of male students found to be higher as compared to the female students. The t-test was
applied to see the significance of difference between the mean scores of the male and female
students. It was found that the scores of male students on Study Habits Inventory (M = 76.56,
SD = 9.67) was significantly higher than female students (M = 71.90, SD = 11.80). The
calculated value of t = 4.73 was found greater than the tabulated value t = 2.58 at 0.01 level
of significance.

HO: 6 There is no significant difference in the study habits between urban and rural students.
Table: 6 Mean, SD, SED and ‘t’ value of study habits scores of urban and rural students.
‘t’ Value
Group N Mean SD SED
Tabulated Calculated
Urban 240 77.63 11.31
1.00 2.58 6.77
Rural 240 70.83 10.69

Figure 6 Comparative Analysis of the study habits scores of urban and rural students.


© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 50
A Comparative Study Achievement Motivation and Study Habits of School Going Students on
Rajkot District Area

The graph shows the study habits scores of urban and rural students. The study habits score
of urban students found to be higher as compared to the rural students. The t-test was applied
to see the significance of difference between the mean scores of the urban and rural students.
It was found that the scores of urban students on study habits inventory (M = 77.63, SD =
11.31) was significantly higher than rural students (M = 70.83, SD = 10.69). The calculated
value of t = 6.77 was found greater than the tabulated value t = 2.58 at 0.01 level of

HO7 There is no significant difference in the study habits between private and government
school’s students.
Table: 7 Mean, SD, SED and ‘t’ value of study habits scores of private and government
school’s students.
‘t’ Value
Group N Mean SD SED
Tabulated Calculated
Non 240 72.42 11.11
Granted 0.99 2.58 3.64
Granted 240 76.04 10.66

Figure 7 Comparative Analysis of the study habits scores of private and government
school’s students.


The graph shows the study habits scores of private and government school’s students. The
study habits score of granted school’s students found to be higher as compared to the non
granted school’s students. The t-test was applied to see the significance of difference between
the mean scores of the private and government school’s students. It was found that the scores
of private school’s students on study habits inventory (M = 72.42, SD = 11.11) was
significantly higher than government school’s students (M = 76.04, SD =10.66). The
calculated value of t = 3.64 was found greater than the tabulated value t = 2.58 at 0.01 level
of significance.

HO8 There is no significant difference in the study habits between reserved and non –
reserved students.

© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 51
A Comparative Study Achievement Motivation and Study Habits of School Going Students on
Rajkot District Area

Table: 8 Mean, SD, SED and ‘t’ value of study habits scores of reserved and non –
reserved students.
‘t’ Value
Group N Mean SD SED
Tabulated Calculated
Reserved 240 77.40 10.73
Non – 0.97 2.58 6.57
240 71.06 10.41

Figure 8 Comparative Analysis of the study habits scores of reserved and non – reserved


The graph shows the study habits scores of reserved and non – reserved students. The study
habits score of reserved students found to be higher as compared to the non – reserved
students. The t-test was applied to see the significance of difference between the mean scores
of the reserved and non – reserved student. It was found that the scores of private school’s
students on study habits inventory (M = 77.40, SD = 10.73) was significantly higher than
government school’s students (M = 71.06, SD = 1.41). The calculated value of t = 6.57 was
found greater than the tabulated value t = 2.58 at 0.01 level of significance.

Following research null hypotheses were tested in the present study.
1. There is no significant difference in achievement motivation between male and female
2. There is no significant difference in the achievement motivation between urban and
rural students.
3. There is no significant difference in the achievement motivation between private and
government school’s students.
4. There is no significant difference in the achievement motivation between reserved and
non – reserved students.
5. There is no significant difference in the study habits between male and female students.
6. There is no significant difference in the study habits between urban and rural students.
7. There is no significant difference in the study habits between private and government
school’s students.
8. There is no significant difference in the study habits between reserved and non –
reserved students.
© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 52
A Comparative Study Achievement Motivation and Study Habits of School Going Students on
Rajkot District Area

Limitations of the study

The main limitations of the study are as follows:
1. In this research only 480 students are included.
2. In this research the tools which we used had also some limitations that limitations are
also implies to this research.
3. In this study researcher used‘t’ test but if LSD test is used than it gives more useful
4. In this study the information about the students which researcher got in Bhavnagar
district, the results from this information is limited for Bhavnagar district only.

Suggestions for Further Study

1. Problems and personality of the students can be studied.
2. Academic anxiety of Students of the joint family and separate family can be studied.
3. The I.Q. of students can be studied.
4. The study habits of students of the government school and private school can be
comparatively studied.
5. The education level of parents and problems of students can be comparatively studied.
6. The study habits of students of urban and rural area can be comparatively studied.

The author appreciates all those who participated in the study and helped to facilitate the
research process.

Conflict of Interests: The author declared no conflict of interests.

Christian, J., (1983), Study habits as a function of need achievements (n-ach). Asian J.
Psy.Edu. 11(1): 6-12.
Jansari A., Achievement motivation inventory, published by Bhartiya Manomapan Cantre,
Palsane M. Sharma S., Study Habits Inventory, published by national psychological
corporation, Agra, India.
Sampath, S. And Selvarajgnanaguru, A., (1997), Study Habits of Higher Secondary
Commerce Students. J. Edu. Res. Extn., Jan., 33(3): 145-151.
Singh, H., (1987), An investigation into the study habits of scheduled caste adolescents in
relation to their intelligence and achievement motivation. J. Inst. Edu. Res.,
Sept.,11(3): 25-29.

How to cite this article: Solanki V N (2017). A Comparative Study Achievement Motivation
and Study Habits of School Going Students on Rajkot District Area. International Journal of
Indian Psychology, Vol. 4, (4), DIP:18.01.125/20170404, DOI:10.25215/0404.125

© The International Journal of Indian Psychology, ISSN 2348-5396 (e)| ISSN: 2349-3429 (p) | 53

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