Question 1. Explain Emotional Intelligence and The Importance of This Characteristic at Work

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Tanveer Ahmed


Question 1. Explain emotional intelligence and the importance of this characteristic at


Emotional quotient has both the ‘capacity to be aware of, control and express one’s
emotions’, as well as to ‘handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically’.
In other words, it is the ability to be aware of your own and other people’s emotions and how
they affect those around you. It also means that you value others, listen to their wants and
needs, and are able to empathize or identify with them on many different levels. It makes it
easier to understand one’s personal and needs of people around. Self-awareness, Self-
regulation, motivation and social skills are also part of better understandings of emotional
intelligence. Businesses and leaders are now focusing on their employees emotional
intelligence for better outcomes and these skills develop a more effective and better
workplace for all the members.
However, its impact at work is undoubtable; as you will see, it is relevant in almost every
aspect of our day-to-day role, often in ways that we haven’t previously considered.

Question 2. Explain each of the five principles of emotional intelligence as defined by

Daniel Goleman.

Tanveer Ahmed

Self-awareness is the ability to accurately recognise your: emotions, strengths, limitations,
actions and understand how these affect others around you. It Increases the likelihood of you
handling and using constructive feedback effectively and also By knowing your strengths and
weaknesses you can improve your organisation's performance, for example, you may hire
individuals who perform well in areas you struggle with. Self-awareness can be improved by
observing the response others have to your behaviour.

Self-regulation allows you to wisely manage your emotions and impulses - you show or
restrain certain emotions depending on what is necessary and beneficial for the situation. For
example, rather than shouting at your employees when you're stressed you may decide which
tasks can be delegated. It Self-regulation helps earn the respect and trust of employees and
also it helps one’s to react rationally.

To be empathetic means you are able to identify and understand others' emotions i.e.
imagining yourself in someone else's position. As it provides you with an understanding of
how an individual feels and why they behave in a certain way. As a result, your compassion
and your ability to help someone increases because you respond genuinely to concerns. It
also very helpful when delivering constructive feedback. Employees will respect you more
and subsequently job performance will improve.

Being self-motivated consists of: enjoying what you do, working towards achieving your
goals and not being motivated by money or status. It Reduces your likelihood of
procrastinating. It increases self-confidence of all the employees as well personal confidence.
It also keeps you motivated even if you face setbacks

Social skills
Effective social skills consist of managing relationships in a way that benefits the

Tanveer Ahmed
Question 3. Explain the key principles of the emotional intelligence theory developed by
Caruso and Salovey (2004).

Perceiving Emotions
This involves the impression of feeling, including having the option to recognize feelings in
the facial and postural articulations of others. It reflects non-verbal observation and
passionate demeanour to impart by means of the face and voice.

Managing Emotions
This branch, passionate self-administration, incorporates a person's character with objectives,
self-information and social mindfulness forming the manner by which feelings are overseen.

Understanding Emotions
This branch speaks to the ability to get feeling, including having the option to break down
feelings and attention to the feasible patterns in feeling after some time, just as an energy
about the results from feelings. It additionally incorporates the ability to name and segregate
between emotions.

Facilitating Thought Using Emotions

Remembers the capacity to utilize feelings for request to help thinking.

Tanveer Ahmed

Question 4. Explain three strategies that can be used to build emotional intelligence.

Manage your negative emotions

When you’re able to manage and reduce your negative emotions, you’re less likely to get
overwhelmed. Easier said than done, right? Try this: If someone is upsetting you, don’t jump
to conclusions. Instead, allow yourself to look at the situation in a variety of ways. Try to
look at things objectively so you don’t get riled up as easily. Practice mindfulness at work
and notice how your perspective changes.

Sharpen your social skills

We are innately social animals. To state that the motivation behind human communication is
to associate, is putting it mildly. On the off chance that we can't generally abstain from being
around others, wouldn't it likewise follow that we should benefit as much as possible from
every single association? Work on tuning in, holding significant, drawing in discussions,
teaming up, arranging and in any event, executing basic civilities, at whatever point
conceivable. You may think about these things as presence of mind exercises, however
experience encourages that sound judgment is not really normal.

Exercise self-regulation
It's so natural to be uninhibited in our conduct, particularly when it's become a propensity a
serious diverse recommendation to intentionally control it. Be that as it may, when the
objective is to expand your EQ, self-assessment joined with self-guideline, is significant.
Rather than submitting to your standard practices and methods, why not graph another
course, educated by cantered conduct that fills a more significant need.

Question 5. Explain how a manager with high emotional intelligence can assist in achieve
business objectives. Provide an example to illustrate your answer.

To be successful leaders in the workplace, managers, supervisors, and other leaders must
function productively with employs under their supervision. A great leader can create the
environment where each employee feel welcome, relevant and motivated to succeed for one
goral. Leaders with high emotional intelligence can use their social skills to trust their
employees. They tend to view their team members as individuals with unique abilities,
backgrounds, and personalities, rather than as a uniform collective. Effective leaders seek to
understand and connect emotionally with their staff genuinely sharing in their joys as well as
their concerns. leaders work to inspire and motivate those around them, they focus on
collaboration between team members, which creates synergy and a better experience for
employees. Leaders and managers develop and support others, and they always celebrate the
successes of their employees and encourage them to learn more and develop their skills and
they always build relationships, which communicates that each team member is valued, and
that their concerns are important and will be addressed.

Tanveer Ahmed

Question 6. Explain the importance of recognizing cultural differences in emotional

intelligence. Provide two examples to illustrate your answer.

Cultural Intelligence predicts expatriate adjustment and performance, cultural problem-

solving, cross-border leadership effectiveness, global leadership emergence, performance in
multicultural groups, performance of multicultural teams, higher joint profits in intercultural
negotiations, the development of diverse networks, and the sharing of information and ideas
between culturally diverse individuals. Cultural intelligence is an individual’s capability to
detect, assimilate, reason, and act on cultural cues  in situations characterised by cultural
 Body language
 Irritating
 Calling/ shouting

Firstly, Even though a positive, outgoing attitude is great for communicating, using body
language also should be considered. Your body language is especially important when
interacting with different cultural groups. In the workplace, touching is simply off-limits.
Touching can easily be interpreted as sexual harassment, and it also makes some people
uncomfortable. Keep your hands to yourself in a professional setting - outside of the basic
handshake. Body language while speaking is great for making a point and expressing
emotion. Consider the audience first, however, to ensure that you are not overreacting or
misrepresenting the context of the conversation

Secondly, there are extraordinary triggers that are an aftereffect of how we've been
socialized. People from certain societies feel very irritated when individuals cut in line while
it doesn't bother others. Individuals from certain societies are bothered when individuals talk
noisily and others couldn't think less about that. A few societies fear the seas. Others search it
out. These differences stem basically from how we were raised. What's more, there are
different triggers, which are established in our one of a kind characters and encounters.

Question 7. Explain two ways of communicating effectively with a diverse workforce with
varying cultural expressions of emotions.

A productive workforce means creating an environment that supports diversity, while

balancing the pressures of management, time and cost. There are many resources that provide
communication tactics in a culturally diverse organization. However, I believe getting down
to the basics is the best way to understand and implement techniques. I came across an article
in AG Professional, “Multicultural Communication Tips for Today’s World,” that simplified
the best way to promote effective communication. Below are four simple tips to keep in mind
when interacting and communicating with others in your organization.

Tanveer Ahmed
 Keep an open mind
 Have at least some knowledge of people’s cultural backgrounds
 Practice active listening
 Watch your nonverbal communication
 Maintain a personal touch

It is important to understand the way people comprehend, communicate and make decisions
across different types of cross-cultural backgrounds. Although it may be difficult to interpret
certain statements and behaviours, there must be a significant emphasis placed on the concept
of acceptance and open mindedness.

Question 8. Explain two ways of using emotional intelligence to build effective workplace

Better conflict management skills

If you can effectively negotiate and resolve disagreements, your behaviour is less likely to
lead to damaging and lasting relationship breakdowns. The ability to step into someone else’s
shoes and empathise with their standpoint is an important aspect of emotional intelligence
and helps top leaders mediate in difficult situations.

Managing stress better

Emotional intelligence helps with stress management. This makes individuals less likely to
make rash decisions, snap judgments, and to lash out with throwaway remarks. The ability to
work calmly under pressure and to keep disruptive emotions and impulses in check helps
avoid potential damage to workplace relationships.

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