Chcc0m003 Questions Part 1

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Student Assessment
Task One: Questions
Assessment Cover Sheet
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will not be accepted for marking/review without a completed and signed Assessment Cover Sheet.

Qualification Title CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services

Unit Code CHCCOM003
Unit Title Develop Workplace Communication Strategies.
Student Name
Student ID
Student Email
Assessor Name Dr Saranbeer Kaur
Campus ☒ Melbourne ☐ Sydney ☐ Perth
Due Date Week 6
Submission Date .2020
Assessment Task Task One ‐ Questions

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• The work submitted is my own and does not contain another person’s material represented in my
• I understand that I must acknowledge in an appropriate manner all information and sources of
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• I have followed all submission, presentation and file name guidelines outlined in the submission
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Student Declaration:
I hereby declare that I have read the above statement and that all the material I submit for assessment is
entirely my own and meets all of the college’s assessment requirements.

Student Signature
Date 2020

CHCCOM003 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192501) 2

Assessment Task 1: Questions
Student Assessment Instructions
 This is a written assessment. All questions must be answered for this assessment.
 This written assessment will need to be completed again if it is incomplete or without satisfactory
performance, after further training support. This may be to focus on question areas not achieved in
the prior attempt at the assessment.
 The written assessment may be re‐attempted on two further occasions (maximum of three attempts).
 This is an open book assessment.
 Respond to all questions in the spaces provided.
 You must answer all questions correctly for this assessment to be completed satisfactorily. Ask your
assessor to clarify any aspect you are unsure about in this assessment task.

Required Resources
 You will need to have access to relevant legislation, standards and codes, industry practices.

 You must submit the completed assessment cover sheet and your answers to your assessor, either by
handing in written responses or by online submission within the allocated time.
 Ensure you keep a copy of your submitted work. Assessments submitted without a completed cover
sheet will not be accepted.

When and where will this assessment take place?

 Your assessor will provide you with the due date, which can be recorded in the assessment plan.
 Your assessor may also specify the length of time allowed and the expected word count, if applicable.

What if the assessment is not suitable?

 If you are unable to provide sufficient evidence with the written assessment method, your assessor
may be able to provide you with an alternative method. Discuss this with your assessor.

What happens if your answers are not satisfactory?

 If any of the assessment responses are not satisfactory, your assessor will provide you with feedback.
You may need to resubmit some or all the questions. Your assessor will explain the details for your
 In most cases, you will be allowed a maximum of three attempts.
 If you are not satisfied with your assessment result, you have the right to lodge an appeal. Ask your
assessor or contact the Course Coordinator for more information.

CHCCOM003 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192501) 3

Question 1 List two internal and two external stakeholders you would need to consider when
determining information needs for a community services setting.
Answer Internal: employees
team members

External: government agencies and people receiving services

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 2 Give one reason why it is important to identify who the organisation’s competitors are
when developing communication strategies.
Answer Because community services organisations are increasingly required to tender
competitively for funding opportunities. Identify who are the organisation’s
competitors can help organisation make clear communication strategies to promote

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 3 Describe two examples of special communication needs that may arise with personnel
or clients in community services settings.
Answer Example one: Language differences, such as English as a second language.

Example two: Communication disabilities, like hearing, vision, speech or memory


Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

CHCCOM003 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192501) 4

Question 4 For two types of digital media, provide one example of appropriate etiquette and one
example of inappropriate etiquette when using this type of media.
Answer Medium one: social media like Facebook or Twitter
Appropriate: monitor regularly and respond quickly to comments

Inappropriate: overshelm followers with posts

Medium two: Email
Appropriate: use professional language

Inappropriate: reply to emails not in a timely fashion

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 5 Political, economic, social and technological factors impact on the work of community
service organisations. Provide an example of each factor and briefly outline the impact
each example could have on the information needs of community service organisations.
Answer Political factor: a change in government
Impact: It’s need to make new contacts.
Economic factor: funding changes
Impact: It’s will impact the communication resources can purchase or use.
Social factor: cultures differences
Impact: People have different views about the same thing because of the cultures
differences. It’s will impact communication with stakeholders.
Technological factor: current technologies
Impact: It’s have to think about is that which technology use appropriate for the
stakeholders involved.
Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 6 Explain the meaning of communication channels. Outline two reasons why it is
important to identify effective communication channels when developing a
communication plan.
Answer The meaning of communication channels: communication channels are pathways
along which information, ideas, questions, problem‐solving, teamwork and creativity
can all flow.
Two reasons:
The first reason is communication channels can be synchronous and asynchronous.
It’s will important to decide which aspect of the communication channels available to
organisation will best convey the information in each situation.
The second reason is there has some special communication needs. For example,
language differences: English as a second language. It is important for the

CHCCOM003 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192501) 5

organisation to ensure all personnel can use appropriate channels to communicate

Aspire Training & Consulting. (2017). CHCCOM003 Develop workplace

communication strategies Release 2, version 1.2. Melbourne. Aspire Training &
Consulting. P13.

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 7 Identify one community service organisation’s and describe the communication
structure or hierarchy within it.
Answer Organisation: Kids Under Cover is a not‐for‐profit organisation dedicated to
preventing youth homelessness and provide studio accommodation in family
backyards and education scholarships.

Structure/Hierarchy: the board to treasurer to staff to service users

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 8 Explain the difference between an official communication channel and an unofficial
channel and provide an example of each.
Answer Official communication channel outline correct procedures for communication within
the organisation and to external stakeholders and unofficial channel is not.
Official channel: website.
Unofficial channel: grapevine.

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 9 Research a community service organisation of your choice. Conduct a SWOT analysis of
the organisation’s online communication strategies and develop a list of
recommendations to address issues identified as a result of the SWOT analysis.
Answer STRENGTHS studio program: provide safe WEAKNESSES limited studio
and secure accommodation. Face a dangerous gap in perception
There is no cost to the applicant of
OPPORTUNITIES: It’s the only not‐for‐ THREATS Uncertain Economic Factors
profit organisation in Australia.
Delivering the unique combination of
studio accommodation and education
Recommendations: a change in thinking could ease the challenges organisation face
in raising the funds they need to succeed.

CHCCOM003 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192501) 6

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 10 Identify two processes for adapting communication strategies to suit different contexts.

Answer Review the communication strategies your organisation has developed.

Consider whether the communication strategies you use meets the needs of
everyone on the team.

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 11 Describe two protocols that support effective written and oral communication.

Answer Modelling it for staff. Ensuring verbal and written communication follows the
organisation’s strategies and protocols by clear, accurate and meets the
organisation’s standards.
Mentoring and coaching. Mentoring and coaching are effective ways of encouraging
improved communication in organisation.

Aspire Training & Consulting. (2017). CHCCOM003 Develop workplace

communication strategies Release 2, version 1.2. Melbourne. Aspire Training &
Consulting. P60-61.
Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 12 Identify two key principles and two key practices of mentoring and coaching.

Answer Mentoring Coaching

Principle 1 both parties are willing to Principle 1 motivate the person to take
learn and grow action and to practise skills

Principle 2 clear purpose to the Principle 2 review and acknowledge

mentoring relationship improvements

Practice 1 critical incident responses. It’s Practice 1 individual client plan. It’s
should include key information should use clear, simple and accurate
language that can be read and
understood by workers.

Practice 2 residential aged care facility. Practice 2 verbal presentations to groups

It’s should include all required details to of carers. It’s should provide appropriate
meet organisational requirements. information.

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

CHCCOM003 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192501) 7

Question 13 Provide two reasons why it is important to evaluate communication practices at least
two steps you would follow when implementing a process to evaluate a communication
Answer Reason one: It’s will help you to understand what is working and what is working less

Reason two: It’s will assist in improving strategies and practice in the future.

Step one: Determine the objective or purpose of the evaluation‐what do you want to

Step two: Determine who needs to participate in the evaluation‐internal

stakeholders, external stakeholders or specific individuals?
Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 14 Explain what a conflicting interest is and provide one example.

Answer Conflict interest is a situation in which someone is in a position to derive personal

benefit from actions or decisions made as part of their work role.
For example, a staff member at an organisation has developed a communication
strategy that includes putting short video clips on the organisation’s website.
This staff member has a son who has a film‐making company and he is hired to make
the video clips‐thereby benefiting financially from the strategy.

Aspire Training & Consulting. (2017). CHCCOM003 Develop workplace

communication strategies Release 2, version 1.2. Melbourne. Aspire Training &
Consulting. P5.
Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 15 Why is it important to understand the organisation’s business or strategic plan when
considering communication strategies or plans?
Answer Because a communication strategy or plan reflect organisation’s overall strategic plan
and its vision and objectives.
Understand the organisation’s business or strategic plan can help consider how
effective communication practices will help to achieve these objectives.

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

CHCCOM003 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192501) 8

Question 16 Identify two possible communication barriers, restraints or difficulties that should be
considered in a communication plan and give an example for each.
Answer Linguistic barriers
It may be difficult to discuss and negotiate with someone who has limited English
because you will have trouble understanding each other.
Environmental barriers
The place you have chosen to discuss a conflict may have background noise,
distractions, other people in the area, flickering lights, excessive heating or cooling, or
be an inaccessible or uncomfortable location.

Aspire Training & Consulting. (2017). CHCCOM003 Develop workplace

communication strategies Release 2, version 1.2. Melbourne. Aspire Training &
Consulting. P20-21.
Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 17 Describe two elements that should be included in any consideration of financial
implications in a communication plan.
Answer First element: need to balance the benefits (or return on investment) of developing a
communications plan against the cost of developing it (the budget).
Second element: consider what return the organisation may expect for the financial
resources that are invested in the plan.

Aspire Training & Consulting. (2017). CHCCOM003 Develop workplace

communication strategies Release 2, version 1.2. Melbourne. Aspire Training &
Consulting. P22.
Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 18 Give two reasons for why an organisation’s crisis communication plan might be
Answer Reason one: a crisis communication plan is a plan to protect the organisation’s
reputation and to prevent any negative threats.
Reason two: a situation or event threatens the expectations of stakeholders and can
impact the organisation’s performance or may lead to negative outcomes.

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 19 Briefly explain why it is important to prepare information and resources to support the
implementation of communication protocols.

CHCCOM003 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192501) 9

Answer Because communication protocols are practical guidelines and, once developed and
documented, need to be implemented by your team or the whole organisation in
order to be useful. In order to share the communication protocols with staff in the
most effective manner. It’s important to prepare clear and concise information and
resources to support the implementation of communication protocols.

Aspire Training & Consulting. (2017). CHCCOM003 Develop workplace

communication strategies Release 2, version 1.2. Melbourne. Aspire Training &
Consulting. P45.
Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 20 Briefly explain why it is important to present information to staff regarding

communication strategies, protocols and organisation standards.
Answer Because all staff are clear on the communication strategies, protocols and standards
of the organisation will support clear and consistent messages and communication
both internally and with external stakeholders.

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 21 Briefly explain why it is important to maintain work‐related networks and relationships
to meet organisation objectives.
Answer Because they are an effective forum for sharing information between team members
and organisations. They can support organisation’s communication strategies by
helping to promote programs and services to a broad range of people in a short
period of time. They can assist organisations to learn what others are doing, about
best practice, or what is new in the sector. They also provide opportunities to
identify possible partnerships or projects that can be collaborated on.

Aspire Training & Consulting. (2017). CHCCOM003 Develop workplace

communication strategies Release 2, version 1.2. Melbourne. Aspire Training &
Consulting. P68.
Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Question 22 Briefly explain why it is important to develop a range of communication strategies to

meet an organisation’s needs and goals.
Answer Because develop a range of communication strategies that channel information
promptly and appropriately to the right people with contingency plans for
communication breakdowns. There is also a need for communication plans for when
a crisis occurs. Different strategies are required to work effectively with different
individuals and in different situations.

Aspire Training & Consulting. (2017). CHCCOM003 Develop workplace

CHCCOM003 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192501) 10

communication strategies Release 2, version 1.2. Melbourne. Aspire Training &
Consulting. P7.

Result Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory ☐

Assessor Name
Assessor Signature

Student Name
Student Signature

CHCCOM003 – Student Assessment – Task One: Questions (V.1 – 192501) 11

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