Obsessive-Compulsive: Personality
Obsessive-Compulsive: Personality
Obsessive-Compulsive: Personality
\s=b\ We assessed 96 patients with obsessive-compulsive disor- relatives regarding the patients' premorbid personalities. Ten
der for DSM-III personality disorder diagnoses with a standard- patients (32%) had "marked obsessional traits," and 4 (13%)
ized interview instrument (Structured Interview for the DSM-III had no obsessional traits. This study concluded that obsession¬
Personality Disorders). Fifty patients (52%) met criteria for at al personality and illness are intimately connected.8 It is likely
least one personality disorder, with mixed, dependent, and histri- that the number of patients without premorbid traits was
onic personality disorders most frequently diagnosed. Compul- underestimated because patients with an early onset of OCD
sive personality disorder was diagnosed in only 6 patients (6%), 5 were eliminated from analysis.
of whom had had onset of obsessive-compulsive symptoms Slade4 reviewed a number of psychometric studies of obses¬
before the age of 10 years, indicating that DSM-III compulsive sive patients and concluded otherwise: "The evidence pre¬
personality disorder is not invariably a premorbid condition for sented seems to support fairly strongly the distinction be¬
the development of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Schizotypal tween obsessional personality traits and obsessional
personality disorder, at 5%, was found to be less common than in neurosis."
past samples, reflecting differences in either assessment meth- A more recent review of the literature led to the conclusion
ods or sampling. that obsessive-compulsive symptoms can be statistically dif¬
(Aren Gen Psychiatry. 1990;47:826-830) ferentiated via factor analysis from obsessive-compulsive
symptoms as distinct phenomena, with obsessive-compulsive
symptoms positively related to measures of neuroticism while
obsessive-compulsive personality was not.5 Pollack6 concluded
years have seen renewed interest in the prevalence that although obsessive-compulsive personality has been re¬
Recentof various personality disorders in obsessive-compulsive
disorder (OCD). Among the reasons for this renewed interest
ported to occur premorbidly, it is neither a necessary nor a
sufficient factor for the development of OCD.
is the suggestion that certain severe personality disorders (eg, The studies reviewed above examined the obsessional per¬
schizotypal) may predict poor outcome to a variety of treat¬ sonality or anal-erotic character described by Freud.8 More
ments. 12 In addition, as interest in the mechanisms and epide¬ recent studies, however, have investigated the DSM-III entity
miology of OCD has grown, the widely held belief that OCD is of compulsive personality disorder, which has been suggested
invariably related to obsessional personality (obsessive-com¬ to be "a much more pathological entity than the classical
pulsive personality disorder in DSM-III-R3) has been ques¬ obsessive-compulsive character. "9
tioned." Schizotypal personality disorder, which, along with schizoid
In the traditional psychoanalytic explanation of obsessional and paranoid personality disorders, forms cluster A of DSM-
disorders, obsessional personality had been seen as a predis¬ III-R personality disorders, has been reported to be geneti¬
posing feature of obsessional neurosis, with the two conditions cally related to schizophrenia.10,n In a retrospective study of 43
existing side by side along a continuum.7 On this continuum consecutive patients with OCD, Jenike et al1 reported that a
(which is assumed to arise from conflicts over bowel training), subgroup of 14 treatment-resistant patients (33%) were found
individuals with obsessional personality (characterized by or¬ by chart review to meet DSM-III criteria for schizotypal
derliness, parsimoniousness, and obstinacy8) differ from those personality disorder, with negative implications for treatment
individuals with obsessive-compulsive symptoms (obsessions outcome.12 Many of these patients had been previously misdi-
and compulsions) only in that they are nonsymptomatic.8 agnosed as schizophrenic and had not benefited from neurolep¬
In an early report, Ingrani8 studied 31 inpatients with OCD tic treatment.12
by means of subjective descriptions by patients, clinicians, and With the availability of more objective criteria for diagnosis
of personality disorders,13 empiric explorations have begun
into the relationship between OCD and a variety of DSM-III
Accepted for publication August 7,1989. personality disorders. In a study of 44 outpatients with OCD,
From the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School,
Boston. Rasmussen and Tsuang14 reported that 29 (66%) manifested an
Reprint requests to WACC-717, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Axis II diagnosis, with 55% meeting criteria for compulsive,
MA 02114 (Dr Baer). 9% for histrionic, 7% for schizoid, 5% for dependent, and 0%
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Frequency, %
Frequency and percentage of diagnosis
of all DSM-III Table 3.—Results for 16 Simultaneous Reliability Interviews
personality disorders in a sample of 96 patients with obsessive-
compulsive disorder by Structured Interview for the DSM-III Diagnosis
Personality Disorders assessment. Clusters A, B, and C are Patient Rater 1 Rater 2
groupings of related personality disorders specified in DSM-III.
1-7 None None
8 Borderline, dependent, Borderline, dependent
schizoid, compulsive
9 Dependent Dependent
Table 1.—Personality Disorders Diagnosed in Six Patients 10 None Mixed
Meeting Criteria for Multiple Disorders 11 Mixed Mixed
Patient Diagnoses 12 Dependent Dependent
1 Avoidant, paranoid 13 Schizotypal, borderline, Schizotypal, borderline,
2 Borderline, dependent, schizotypal dependent dependent
3 Borderline, dependent 14 Avoidant Avoidant
4 Compulsive, histrionic, paranoid, schizoid 15 Avoidant Mixed
5 Dependent, histrionic
6 Avoidant, borderline, schizotypal 16 Histrionic Histrionic
Presence of a personality disorder was not sex related. Twenty-five of personality diagnoses and for mixed personality disorder. No sig¬
(54%) of the 46 men and 25 (50%) of the 50 women received an Axis II nificant relationship was found between duration of OCD and frequen¬
diagnosis ( 2[1] 0.2, not significant).
cy of either cluster A, B, or C diagnoses. There was, however, a highly
To determine whether patients assessed with and without infor¬ significant relationship between duration of OCD and frequency of
mant interview the
frequencies of personality disorders in
differed, diagnosis of mixed personality disorder; this diagnosis was present in
these two groups were also analyzed separately and compared via 2 2 patients (4%) with OCD of less than 20 years' duration and in 12
test. The two groups did not significantly differ on the presence or patients (30%) with OCD of greater than 20 years' duration
absence of any personality disorder ( 2[1] 0.13, not significant), the
(X2[l] 11.7, P=.001).
Table 1. All three patients diagnosed with borderline personality significantly related to presence of mixed personality disorder
disorder also met criteria for at least one other personality disorder. ( [1] 2.1, not significant).
Fifteen patients (15%) met criteria for mixed personality disorder. Among the six patients diagnosed with compulsive personality
The significant personality features in these patients are listed in disorder, five had onset of OCD symptoms before the age of 10 years,
Table 2, which indicates that avoidant (n 9), compulsive (n 8),= =
and the sixth had onset at 19 years.
dependent (n 6), and schizotypal (n 5) features were most
= =
The severity of OCD symptoms was not significantly related to the
common. presence of a personality disorder: patients with Yale-Brown Obses¬
sive Compulsive Scale scores below 20 did not have significantly more
personality disorder diagnoses than did those with scores of 20 or
Relation to Other Factors above ( 2[1] 0, not significant).
including the mixed personality disorder with compulsive cant). Thus, the difference in prevalence between the two
features), our sample prevalence increased to only 14%. versions oí DSM-III may be at least partly due to raising the
These conclusions are limited to the DSM-III diagnosis of number of criteria provided to make the diagnosis.
compulsive personality disorder, rather than the traditional An alternative explanation for the increased prevalence
psychodynamic concept of obsessional personality. As noted with DSM-III-R is that the three new criteria move the
below, changes in the diagnostic criteria in DSM-III-R3 have personality disorder somewhat closer to the traditional psy-
moved the diagnostic entity of obsessive compulsive person¬ chodynamic entity of obsessional character, by assessing the
ality disorder somewhat closer to the traditional concept.9 traits of orderliness and parsimony.9 As noted above, three
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