Technological Forecasting & Social Change: Global Shifts in Technological Power

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Technological Forecasting & Social Change 170 (2021) 120932

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Global Shifts in Technological Power

This special issue connects various fields of innovation studies and ■ Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
related theories with national and worldwide perspectives, which
include “National and Regional Innovation Systems,” “Economic STI policies are significant factors in the generation of economic and
Development,” and “Public Policies (particularly Science, Technology social change (UNCTAD, 2011, 2014) and can contribute to growth and
and Innovation [STI]).” Few research or scholarly works attempt to development (Kraemer-Mbula and Wamae, 2010). In the past, innova­
bring these streams of research together to better serve humanity. This tion policy fostered breakthroughs by building national and regional
issue seeks to synthesize the emerging knowledge and understanding in innovation systems (Su and Chen, 2015; Su and Wu, 2015). As tech­
these research areas and contribute to theory, policy and practice. The nology policy support for inclusive innovation remains weak across the
aim is to produce and disseminate new expertise in innovation and globe, this special issue brings together fresh insights that contribute to
development from varied perspectives. We ensured that the papers knowledge accumulation of the roles of technology policy in promoting
selected for the special issue focus on (1) the roles of technology policy and supporting innovation, thus fostering economic growth and devel­
in National and Regional Innovation Systems and development; (2) opment. We include the following three topics:
various types of public policy support (especially innovation and tech­
nology policy), and other initiatives needed to promote innovation and • Innovation, entrepreneurship, and innovation policy in United
innovative entrepreneurship as tools for economic development. States, Europe, and Western countries;
This special issue draws from the 16th International Conference on • Innovation, entrepreneurship and innovation policy in China;
Technology Policy and Innovation (ICTPI), held in Taipei from • Introduction of emerging technologies in global shifts.
September 27–29, 2017, and hosted by Yuan Ze University’s College of
Management, in cooperation with the IC2 Institute of the University of The first section, innovation and entrepreneurship in the United
Texas at Austin. The theme of the conference, “Innovation and Devel­ States and Europe, includes five papers and examines how the United
opment in the Asian Century – Global Shifts in Technological Power,” States and other European countries (e.g., France, Italy, United
included the following sub-themes, which were addressed in terms of Kingdom, and Sweden) remain the technological powers amid global
diverse national perspectives: shifts. Phillips (2018) suggests that today’s entrepreneurial scene suffers
from dysfunctional startups, a sick venture capital industry, a possibly
■ Asian socio-technical trends and their regional and worldwide misplaced adulation from the public, and other troubling developments
impacts. in the United States. He also argues that the Elon Musks of the world –
■ Innovation and Development. those who prepare for the long game while financing it with innovative
■ Science, Technology and Innovation Policy. products for today’s market – are so rare as to be anomalies. According
■ R&D, Innovation and High-tech Entrepreneurship. to Stephens et al. (2019), technology entrepreneurs “stick” to
■ Different types of Innovation (Radical, Disruptive, Imitative, Frugal, well-established entrepreneurial ecosystems in Silicon Valley, Austin,
Social, etc.) Boston, and New York City. The authors operationalize critical segments
■ Entrepreneurial University and Development; University and In­ of the Technopolis Wheel, including networks and connectedness, in­
dustry Relationships. vestment capital, and innovation and R&D. Landoni (2019) discusses the
■ Government-Industry-University and Research Institute convergence of innovation policies and the evolution of industrial
Collaborations. change in the aerospace industry in France, Italy, and United Kingdom in
■ Approaches to National Innovation Systems. the period 1960–2000. By studying the finance and telecommunications
■ Industrialization, Sustainable Solutions, and Urbanization. industries in Sweden, Eriksson et al. (2019) demonstrate that innovation
■ Financing Innovation – Public/Private Initiative, Venture Capital, policy can lead to the renewal of mature industries in Western econo­
and others. mies. Lastly, Grzegorczyk (2019) examines the impact of national cul­
■ Changing Role of Government in Innovation Systems. ture differences on the creation of social capital in technology transfer
■ Trade, Manufacturing, Logistics, Security, and International processes by investigating six American and nine Asian technology
Cooperation. transfer offices in the United States, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan.
■ Water, Food, Energy, Climate Change, and Clean Industries. The next section, which focuses on innovation and entrepreneurship
■ Internet, Cyber, Robots, Internet of Things (IOT), Automation, and in China, presents five papers that explore the impact of global shifts in
Smart Life. technological power on this country. Using the China Family Panel

Available online 15 June 2021

0040-1625/© 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Y.-S. Su and D. Gibson Technological Forecasting & Social Change 170 (2021) 120932

Studies survey, Barnett et al. (2019) show that the utilization of infor­ Chen, J., Su, Y.S., de Jong, J.P.J., von Hippel, E., 2020. Household sector innovation in
china: impacts of income and motivation. Res. Polic. 49 (4), 103931.
mation communication technology (ICT) positively impacts the proba­
Chen, L., Yang, W., 2019. R&D tax credits and firm innovation: evidence from china.
bility of transition to entrepreneurship in rural China. Mei et al. (2019) Technol. Forecast. Soc. Chang. 146, 233–241.
explore the effects of inter-firm linkages on Chinese SMEs’ open inno­ Eriksson, K., Ernkvist, M., Laurell, C., Moodysson, J., Nykvist, R., Sandström, C., 2019.
vation from an ecosystem perspective. Their results confirm a positive A revised perspective on innovation policy for renewal of mature economies – his­
torical evidence from finance and telecommunications in sweden 1980–1990.
relationship between the linkages with prominent organizations (LPO) Technol. Forecast. Soc. Chang. 147, 152–162.
or service intermediaries (LSI) and firm innovation performance. How­ Guo, Y., Zheng, G., 2019. How do firms upgrade capabilities for systemic catch-up in the
ever, their studies also reveal that absorptive capacity weakens the open innovation context? a multiple-case study of three leading home appliance
companies in china. Technol. Forecast. Soc. Chang. 144, 36–48.
positive effects of LPO (and LSI) on firm innovation performance. Chen Grzegorczyk, M., 2019. The role of culture-moderated social capital in technology
and Yang (2019) argue that an R&D tax credit is a vital policy instru­ transfer – insights from asia and america. Technol. Forecast. Soc. Chang. 143,
ment for the government to support a firm’s innovative inputs and 132–141.
Kraemer-Mbula, Erika, Wamae, Watu (Eds.), 2010. Innovation and the Development
outputs. They examine the allocative logic and innovative consequences Agenda. OECD/IDRC, Ottawa.
of R&D tax credit in China by using a panel data set of listed companies 10 Landoni, M., Ogilvie., DT, 2019. Convergence of Innovation Policies in the Euro­
in China from 2010 to 2012. They conclude that governments are more pean aerospace Industry (1960–2000), 147. Technological Forecasting and Social
Change, pp. 174–184.
likely to support specific industries such as manufacturing, information, Matthew, G., Nuttall, W., Mestel, B., Dooley, L., 2019. Low carbon futures: confronting
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evolution of China’s flat panel display industry between 2003 and 2016. Mei, L., Zhang, T., Chen, J., 2019. Exploring the effects of inter-firm linkages on smes’
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They identify three phases of technological capability by employing
manufacturing smes. Technol. Forecast. Soc. Chang. 144, 118–128.
business strategies and linking the institutional environment with Oh, D.S., Phillips, F., Park, S., Lee, E, 2016. Technovation. In: Technovation, 54, pp. 1–6.
technological change. Guo and Zheng (2019) study three leading com­ Phillips, F.Y., Chang, J., Su, Y., 2019. When do efficiency and flexibility determine a
panies, Haier, Midea, and Gree, to explore how firms upgrade capabil­ firm’s performance? a simulation study. J. Innov. Knowl. 4 (2), 88–96.
Phillips, F., 2018. The sad state of entrepreneurship in america: what educators can do
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The last section, introducing the emerging technologies in global Stephens, B., Butler, J., Garg, R., Gibson, D., 2019. Austin, boston, silicon valley, and new
shifts, includes the final five papers. Zhou et al. (2019) utilize a novel york: case studies in the location choices of entrepreneurs in maintaining the tech­
nopolis. Technol. Forecast. Soc. Chang. 146, 267–280.
visualized method to unfold the entire scientific knowledge convergence Singh, S., Chen, J., Giudice, M.D., El-Kassar, A., 2019. Environmental ethics, environ­
process and identify emerging technologies. They distinguish two stages mental performance, and competitive advantage: role of environmental training.
in the empirical analysis of the convergence process: the fast-changing Technol. Forecast. Soc. Chang. 146, 203–211.
Songthaveephol, V., Mohamad, M., 2020. Clash of titans: the challenges of socio-
incubation stage and the more stable development stage. Chang et al. technical transitions in the electrical vehicle technologies – the case study of thai
(2019) discuss the potential influence of blockchain technology from a automotive industry. Technol. Forecast. Soc. Chang. 153, 119772.
business process re-engineering perspective. They propose a Su, Y.S., Chen, J., 2015. Introduction to regional innovation systems in east asia.
Technol. Forecast. Soc. Chang. 100, 80–82.
blockchain-based framework and the use of an affiliated technology, Su, Y., Kajikawa, Y., Tsujimoto, M., Chen, J., 2018a. Innovation ecosystems: theory,
smart contracts, to determine the possible benefits of supply chain evidence, practice, and implications. Technol. Forecast. Soc. Chang. 136, 14–17.
process design. To conclude, they evaluate the potential influence of Su, Y., Oh, E., Liu, R.J., 2021. Establishing standardization and an innovation ecosystem
for the global bicycle industry – the case of taiwan. IEEE Transac. Eng. Manage.
blockchain technology on supply chain management. Matthew et al.
(2019) examine a low-carbon future for an electrically isolated power Su, Y., Vanhaverbeke, W., 2019. How do different types of interorganizational ties matter
system of the island of Sao Miguel in the Azores in the North Atlantic by in technological exploration? Manage. Decis. 57 (8), 2148–2176.
focusing on policy interventions and investment decisions supporting Su, Y.S., Wu, F.S., 2015. Regional Systems of biotechnology innovation: the case of
taiwan. Technol. Forecast. Soc. Chang. 100, 96–106.
low-carbon renewable generation. Songthaveephol and Mohamad Su, Y., Zheng, Z., Chen, J., 2018b. A multi-platform collaboration innovation ecosystem:
(2020) explore a paradigm shift as the automotive industry moves to­ the case of china. Manage. Decis. 56 (1), 125–142.
wards electric vehicles. Using a multi-level perspective, they combine UNCTAD, 2011. Pro-poor Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Policies.
the strength of the global value chain and national innovation system to UNCTAD, 2014. Innovation Policy Tools For Inclusive Development. UNCTAD.
create a new framework to explore the effects on the Thai automotive Yu, J., Liu, R., Chen, F., 2020. Linking institutional environment with technological
industry towards electric vehicles. Singh et al. (2019) suggest that firms change: the rise of china’s flat panel display industry. Technol. Forecast. Soc. Chang.
151, 119852.
adopt environmental ethics to achieve synergy among the needs of Zhou, Y., Dong, F., Kong, D., Liu, Y., 2019. Unfolding the convergence process of sci­
business, society, and the planet. They find that environmental ethics entific knowledge for the early identification of emerging technologies. Technol.
and environmental training have an impact on environmental perfor­ Forecast. Soc. Chang. 144, 205–220.
mance and competitive advantage.
Technological power has experienced global shifts but continues to Dr. Yu-Shan Su is a distinguished professor at National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei,
Taiwan. Her research interest is innovation management in the high-tech industry. She has
be a pivotal factor in establishing innovation ecosystems to win published in Research Policy, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, R&D Manage­
competitive advantage (Oh et al., 2016; Su et al., 2021, 2018a, 2018b). ment, Computers in Human Behaviour, Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, Journal of World
In an innovation ecosystem, endowments drive focal firms such as Business, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Technological Forecasting and Social Change,
Management Decision, International Journal of Technology Management, Journal of Organi­
suppliers, users, competitors, collaborators, universities, research in­ zational Change Management, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Manage­
stitutions, and governments to innovate and develop (e.g., Chen et al., ment, Tsinghua Business Review, Sun Yet-Sen Management Review. Her book “Routledge
2021, 2020; Su and Vanhaverbeke, 2019). In an innovation ecosystem, Companion to Technology Management: Next Steps” edited with T. Daim, M. Dabić is pub­
lished by Routledge Taylor & Francis Group in 2021. Her book “Innovation Management:
firms can perform better if they can execute flexibly as well as efficiently Winning the Competitive Advantage in the Globe” edited with J. Chen and G. Zheng was
(Phillips et al., 2019). published by Bestwise Publisher in Chinese in 2015.

References Dr. Gibson is Senior Research Scientist and Nadya Kozmetsky Scott Centennial Fellow at
the IC2 Institute. He is a consultant to businesses, academia, and governments worldwide.
His-most recent book is The Entrepreneurial University: Context and Institutional Change
Barnett, W, Hu, M., Wang, X, 2019. Does the utilization of information communication
(Eds.) L. Foss and D. Gibson, (Routledge 2015).
technology promote entrepreneurship: evidence from rural china. Technologi.
Forecast. Soci. Chang., Vol. 141, 12–21.
Chang, S.E., Chen, L., Lu., M.F, 2019. Supply chain re-engineering using blockchain Yu-Shan Sua,*, David Gibsonb
technology: a case of smart contract based tracking process. Technol. Forecast. Soc. a
National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan
Chang. 144, 1–11. b
Chen, J., Di Minin, A., Minshall, T., Su, Y.S., Xue, L., Zhou, Y., 2021. The new silk road: IC2 Institute, University of Texas, Austin, United States
r&d networks, knowledge diffusions, and open innovation. R&D Manage.

Y.-S. Su and D. Gibson Technological Forecasting & Social Change 170 (2021) 120932

Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (Y.-S. Su), [email protected]
(D. Gibson).

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