The Lottery Winner

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Before Reading
1. The title of the story is The Lottery Winner. Answer these questions.

1) Is there a lottery in your country?

2) Do you sometimes buy a lottery ticket?
3) Do you know a lottery winner?
4) Is a lottery winner usually a happy person?

2. Read the back cover of the book. How much do you know now about the story? Complete these sentences.
1. Emma Carter is…
a) A young woman.
b) An old woman
c) An old man.
2. Emma buys a lottery ticket…
a) Every week.
b) Every month.
c) Every day.
3. Emma has got…
a) No money.
b) Only a little money.
c) Lots of money.
4. Jason Williams…
a) Helps old women.
b) Kills old women.
c) Steals money from old women.

3. Read the story introduction on the first page of the book, then answer these questions. Tick one box for each sentence.

1. Jason has got a winning lottery ticket. X

2. Jason’s mother and father want his money. X
3. Jason is married. X
4. Emma is in trouble with the police. X
5. Emma is happy. X
6. Emma has got a lawyer. X

4. What is going to happen in the story? Can you guess? Tick one box for each sentence.

1. Jason is going to get five million pounds.
2. Emma is going to get five million pounds.
3. Jason is going to go to prison.
4. Emma is going to go to Australia.


While Reading
Read Chapters 1 and 2, then answer these questions.

1 . . . bought some new shoes?

Emma Carter.

2 . . . hit Emma and took her bag?

Jason Williams.

3 . . . looked at Emma’s head and back when she was in hospital?

A doctor.

4 . . . bought a lottery ticket with the numbers 5, 12, 23, 24, 38, 41?
Emma Carter.

5 . . . lived with his mother and father?

Jason Williams.

6 . . . had a lottery ticket with six winning numbers?

Jason Williams.

7 . . . lived in Australia?
Emma Carter’s son.

8 . . . brought Emma’s shoes and bag to the hospital?

A policeman.

9 . . . found Emma’s shoes and bag in the street?

A little girl.

Read Chapter 3, then answer these questions.

Where was Jason . . .

1 At ten o’clock on Monday night?

In a big room in a hotel.
2 On Tuesday morning?
In a small room at the police station.

3 On Tuesday afternoon?
In court.

4 On Tuesday night?
At home.

Read Chapter 4, then answer t h e s e questions.


1 . . . is Jason going to give his mother and father 30,000?

Because he wants them to lie about where he was on Saturday afternoon.

2 . . . can't Jason give his parents the money now?

Because the lottery cheque is at the court.

3 . . .did Jason's wife leave him?

Because he hit her and their baby son.

4 . . .did Jason's wife come to the police station?

Because she wanted some of his money.

5 . . .did Jason want to hit Sally Cash?

Because she didn´t believe his story.
Read Chapters 5 and 6. Here are some untrue sentences about them. Change them into true sentences.

1 Emma telephoned her son in Australia.

Emma´s son telephoned her from Australia.

2 Emma didn’t go to see a lawyer.

Emma went to see a lawyer.

3 Emma put her name on her lottery ticket.

Emma put a small cross on her lottery ticket.

4 The women in the charity shop believed Jason.

The women in the charity shop didn´t believe Jason.

5 Mr. Ray was happy when he heard Emma's story.

Mr. Ray was angry/unhappy when he heard Emma’s story.

6 Sally Cash told Jason to telephone 'Help the Children'.

Sally Cash told Jason to write to ‘Help the Children’.

Before you read Chapter 7, think a b o u t t h e chapter title, So who's going to win? Who is going to win? Can you guess?

Read C h a p t e r 7, then answer t h e s e questions.

1 How many lawyers are working on the lottery ticket case?

Five lawyers.

2 Why are they going to get a lot of money?

Because they are going to talk in court for a long time and they are expensive.

After Reading
1 Why did Emma always choose the same numbers for her lottery ticket? Why were they important to her?

5, 12, 23 She was born on the 5th of December (12th month) 1923.

24, 38 She lived at 24 Sandwich Road for 38 years.

41 Her son Simon is 41 years old.

2 What happens after the end of the story? You choose. Tick one box for each sentence. Then use some of the sentences to write a
paragraph. Join your sentences with and, but or so where possible.

1 Emma gets a lot of money.
2 Emma goes to Australia to see h e r son.
3 Emma g iv e s one million p o u n d s t o ‘Help the Children’.
4 J ason gets a lot of money.
5 Jason's wife gets half of his money.
6 Jason gives one million pounds to ‘Help the Children’.
7 Jason gives 30,000 each to his mother and father.
8 Jason goes to prison.
9 Sally and her husband buy a new car.

Emma gets a lot of money and goes to Australia to see her son. She gives one million pounds to 'Help the Children'.

3 Here is a new illustration for the story. Find the best place in the story to put the picture, a n d answer t h e s e questions.

The picture g o e s on page

1 Who is on television? Why?
2 Who is watching television?
3 What is she going to do next? Why?

Now w r i t e a caption for the illustration

Caption: _______________________________________
4. When Emma saw Jason on television, she telephoned the police. Write out the conversation in the correct order and put in
the speakers' names. Emma speaks first (5).

1 _________ ‘Are you sure it’s the same man?’

2 _________ ‘Because of the numbers. I always choose the same numbers.’
3 _________ ‘Can I help you, madam?’
4 _________ ‘Because he’s got this week’s winning lottery ticket.’
5 _________ ‘Hullo – police?’
6 _________ ‘How do you know that it’s your ticket?’
7 _________ ‘I see. Well, I’m going to send a policeman to talk to you, Mrs Carter.’
8 _________ ‘My name’s Mrs Emma Carter. A young man stole my handbag on Saturday. I can see him on television now.
9 _________ ‘Thank you very much.’
10 _________ ‘Why is he on television, madam?’
11 _________ ‘Yes, I’m sure. And he’s got my lottery ticket.’

5. Imagine that you are Jason. Use these words to complete his letter to 'Help the Children’. (Use each word once.)

children, going, is, lawyer, letter, lottery, one, pounds, to, won, write

Dear Sir/Madam

My name is Jason Williams. I won five million pounds in the lottery. I want to help poor children, so I am going to give you one million
pounds. My lawyer believes me, and she is going to write her name on this letter too.

Yours faithfully
Jason Williams
6 Put these words into two groups.
nice, kind, nasty, happy, unhappy, angry, wonderful
good: nice, kind, happy, wonderful
bad: nasty, unhappy, angry_____

Now write sentences like this about these characters.

Jason Williams is nasty because he stole Emma Carter's bag.

Jason Williams Sally Cash

Simon Carter Lily Williams
Fiona Williams Emma Carter

7 Imagine that you win five million pounds in the lottery. What are you going to do with it? Write five sentences, Use some of these

buy, give, go, stop, live

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