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Sr. No. Questions a b c d Answer

1 The emf generated is given by the formula __________ Bl v BIr Bvr Ivr a
2 The value of the supply voltage available for connection to various appliances is __________ Vavg Vmax Vvms Vdc c

3 Form factor of a sinusoidal waveform is __________ 1.21 1.38 1.11 3.14 c

4 Peak factor of a sinusoidal waveform is __________ 1.11 1.414 3.14 1.21 b
5 The relation between rms and maximum value is __________ Vrms = √2Vmax Vmax =√2Vrms Vrms = Vmax Vrms = 3 Vmax b
6 What is the resonance condition? When XL>XC When XL<XC When XL=XC c
7 The combination of resistance and reactance known as ___________ Susceptance Impedance Conductance Admittance b
mean value to rms maximum value average value to rms value to
8 Form factor is the ratio of __________ d
value to rms value maximum value average value
mean value to rms maximum value maximum value to maximum value
9 Peak factor is the ratio of __________ b
value to rms value average value to form factor
10 If the form factor of a waveform is 1.11 then the wave is __________ sinusoidal triangular square trapezoidal a
11 If the peak factor of a waveform is 1.414 then the wave is __________ triangular square trapezoidal sinusoidal d
12 A sinusoidal quantity can be represented by the expression __________ i = Im sin2 (wt) i = Irms sin (wt) i = Im sin (wt) i = Iavg sin (wt) c
13 In any circuit, power is consumed only by __________ inductance resistance capacitance all of them b
14 In a purely resistive circuit, the current __________ the voltage. lags leads in phase with none of these c
If in an alternating current circuit, resistance is 5 ohm, capacitive reactance is 12 ohm, what
15 5 ohm 10 ohm 12 ohm 13 ohm b
is the impedance?
16 Power consumed by pure inductance is __________ maximum zero minimum none of these b
17 Power consumed by a pure capacitance is __________ maximum minimum zero none of these c
In the wave diagram if the current waveform starts after the voltage waveform then the i = I²m sin²(ωt +
18 i = Im sin (wt) i = Im sin (wt –Φ) i = Im sin (wt + Φ) b
expression of the current waveform is __________ Φ)
In the wave diagram if the current waveform starts before the voltage waveform then the i = I²m sin²(ωt +
19 i = Im sin (wt) i = Im sin (wt –Φ) i = Im sin (wt + Φ) c
expression of the current waveform is __________ Φ)
20 Inductive reactance is given by the expression __________ XL = 2*∏*fL XL = 2*∏*f/L XL = L/2∏f XL = 1/2∏fL a
21 Capacitive reactance is given by the expression __________ XC = 2∏fC XC = 2∏f/C XC = 1/2∏fC XC = C/2∏f c
22 For a pure resistance, impedance in rectangular form is __________ R + jXL R – jXL R + j0 R + jXC c
23 For a pure capacitance, impedance in rectangular form is __________ 0 + jXC 0 – jXC R – jXC R + jXC b
24 For a pure inductance, impedance in rectangular form is __________ XL – j0 0 + jXL XL + j0 0 – jXL b
25 For a pure capacitance, impedance in polar form is __________ XC < 0° XC < –90° XC < +90° none of these b
26 For a pure inductance, impedance in polar form is __________ XL < 0° XL < –90° XL < +90° none of these c
square of r.m.s. square of
27 Heat produced by an electrical equipment like an iron is proportional to __________ r.m.s. current average current c
current average current
The expression for voltage and current of a circuit are given by v = 173.2 sin (50πt) and i = resistance and resistance and
28 resistance only inductance only a
10 sin (50πt + 60°) The series circuit contains __________ capacitance inductance
The expression of the voltage and the current of a circuit consisting of _____________ is resistance and resistance and
29 only inductance only capacitance b
given by e = 145 sin (60πt) and i = 15 sin (60πt – 30°) capacitance inductance
resistance and resistance and
30 The impedance Z = 10 + j5 has __________ and __________ in series. resistance only Cant say d
capacitance inductance
If the phase of the current flowing through a pure Inductor is – 40°, then the phase of the
31 – 50° + 50° +40° 120° b
voltage across it is __________
If the voltage of 50 Hz and rms value of 200 V are applied across 31 mF capacitor, then the
32 2.5 A 1.9468 A 3.33 A 5A b
current drawn is __________
33 The capacitive reactance XC __________ with __________ in frequency. increases, increase increases, decrease remains constant c
34 The impedance of a purely capacitive circuit is __________ Z = R + jXC Z = R – jXC Z = jXC Z = –jXC d
35 The instantaneous power in ac circuit is given by P = __________ Vrms Irms VI cos ø vi v i cos ø c
36 The __________ can never store energy. resistor inductor capacitor energy source a

A 200 W resistance is carrying a sinusoidal current given by 5 sin wt. Then the rms voltage
37 750 V 707.106 V 200.52 V 1000 V b
given across the resistor is __________

38 For a purely capacitive circuit, the __________ leads __________ by 90°. current, voltage voltage, current power, current power, voltage a
39 An alternating current is given by i = 14.14 sin 377t. Its time period is __________ 20 msec 16.67 msec 5.3 msec 2.65 msec b
40 An alternating voltage is given by v = 14.14 sin 377t. Its average value is __________ 14.14 V 377 V 9V 10 V c
41 A phasor rotates in the direction __________ clockwise anticlockwise both directions none of these b
We can represent two or more ac quantities on the same phasor diagram only if they have
42 amplitude frequencies phase angles none of these b
identical __________
A sinusoidal current has peak factor 1.4 and form factor 1.1. Its average value is 10 A. Then
43 5 A, 10 A 15.69 A, 11 A 11 A, 15.69 A 10 A, 5A c
its rms value is __________ and peak value is __________
A phasor is represented in its rectangular form as v = 4 + j3. Its equivalent polar form is
44 10 < 86.36° 5 < 36.86° 7 < 40° 14 < 35° b
A phasor is represented in its polar form as Z = 14.142 < – 45°. Its equivalent rectangular
45 10 – j10 5 – j5 25 + j5 2 + j6 a
form is __________
46 Time period 'T' is the time corresponding to __________ two cycles one cycle half cycle none of these b
47 1 cycle = __________ 180° 90° 2∏ radians ∏ radians c
48 The __________ value of a waveform is also called as its effective value. average peak RMS Max Value c
49 The ac voltmeter or ammeter indicates the __________ value. average peak RMS none of these c
The a.c voltages
a.c. motors are a.c. transmission is None of the
50 The main advantage of a.c. is _______ can be raised or b
expensive very costly above
any other
waveform can be
resolved into it produces
it is the only it is the only
series of distorted
51 The main advantage of purely sinusoidal waveform is __________ alternating standard c
sinusoidal waveforms when
waveform waveform
waveforms of applied
52 The waveforms in which magnitude changes but its direction remains same is called_______ pulsating d.c. alternating pure d.c. None of these a
The voltages can
transmission is A. C. can be easily
53 ___________ is the advantage of a.c. be raised or All of the above d
economical and converted to d.c.
54 The generation of a.c. is according to _________ Faraday's law Ohm's law kirchhoff's law a
55 Standard alternating e.m.f. achieves its positive maximum value at θ = ________ 45 ͦ 90 ͦ 180 ͦ 270 ͦ b
56 Standard alternating e.m.f. achieves its negative maximum value at θ = ________ 45 ͦ 90 ͦ 180 ͦ 270 ͦ d
57 The relation between f and ω is __________ f= 1∕ω ω = 2π∕f ω = 2πf ω=1∕f c
58 The time period of a sinusoidal waveform with 200 Hz frequency is _______ 0.05 s 0.005 s 0.0005 s 0.5 s b
59 The value of alternating quantity at a particular instant is called __________ value instantaneous peak peak to peak average a
The waveform which shows repetition of variations after a regular time interval Is nonperiodic sawtooth tringular
60 periodic waveform c
called____ waveform waveform waveform
61 In our nation, the standard frequency of alternating voltage is _______________ 60 cycles/sec 50 cycles/sec 100 cycles/sec 10 Hz b
The highest value attained by an alternating quantity during positive or negative half cycle is
62 maximum amplitude peak all of these d
63 One fourth cycle of 50 Hz waveform corresponds to____________ 10 msec 20 msec 1 msec 5msec d
A sinusoidal voltage varies from zero to maximum of 250 V.The voltage at the instant of 60 ͦ
64 150 V 216.5 V 125 V 108.25 V b
of the cycle will be _________
The equation of an alternating current is given by,i= 14.1421 sin 100 π t then the time taken
65 0.02 sec 0.06 sec 0.08 sec 0.01 sec b
by it to complete three cycles is _______
An instantaneous value of an alternating voltage having 50 Hz frequency and maximum
66 100 V 100 √2 V 100∕√2 V 0V d
value of 100 V at 0.01 sec is ______________
If in an alternating current circuit, impedance is 26 ohm, capacitive reactance is 24 ohm,
67 25 ohm 10 ohm 12 ohm 23 ohm b
what is the resistance?
If in an alternating current circuit, capacitance of 30 μF is connected to a supply of
68 1.38 A 1.30 A 1.58 A* 1.48 A* a
200V,50Hz. Find the current in the circuit.
If in an alternating current circuit, capacitance C is connected to a supply of 200V,50Hz.
69 30 μF 40 μF 20 μF 50 μF a
Current in the circuit is 1.89 A. Find the capacitance C.
70 What is impedance at resonance? maximum minimum zero infinite b
A resistance of 7 ohm is connected in series with an inductance of 31.8mH. The circuit is
71 52V 82V 65V 76V b
connected to a 100V 50Hz sinusoidal supply. Calculate the voltage across the inductor.
A resistance of 7 ohm is connected in series with an inductance of 31.8mH. The circuit is
72 47.4V 57.4V 37.4V 67.4V b
connected to a 100V 50Hz sinusoidal supply. Calculate the voltage across the resistor.
A circuit with a resistor, inductor and capacitor in series is resonant of fo Hz. If the all the
73 2fo fo fo/4 fo/2 d
component of values are now doubled the new resonant frequency is
Impedance, Resistance, Susceptance, Conductance,
74 Real part of admittance is.......... and the imaginary part is........ d
resistance impedance Inducance Susceptance
The reactance of a capacitor at 50 Hz is 5Ω . If the frequency is increased to 100 Hz, the
75 5Ω 2.5Ω 10Ω 25Ω b
new reactance,is,________________
76 For a d.c. supply, capacitive reactance is _____ zero infinite one negative b
77 A tungsten filament lamp is an example of ________ pure inductor pure capacitor pure resistor none of these c
At 50 Hz, capacitive reactance of a capacitor is 25 Ω. At___________ frequency it will
78 25 Hz 50 Hz 100 Hz 0 Hz a
become 50 Ω
79 If pure R and pure L are connected in series, the current will _______ the applied voltage lead in phase with lag none of these c
A current in rectangular form is 20 -j40 A is flowing through a pure inductor then the phase
80 -153.43 63.43 -26.57 26.57 d
of the applied voltage is__________________
A current in rectangular form is 20 -j40 A is flowing through a pure capacitor then the phase
81 -153.43 63.43 -26.57 26.57 a
of the applied voltage is ____________
An instantaneous value of an alternating current of 50 Hz frequency with maximum value of
82 10 7.071 10√2 0 d
10 A at 0.01 sec is ___________A
The value of capacitive reactance connected in 60 Hz circuit is 44.2097 Ω then the value of
83 6 nF 60 nF 60 µF 60 F c
capacitance is ________________
The value of inductive reactance connected in 100 Hz circuit is 12.5663 Ω then the value of
84 20 mH 40 mH 2 mH 4 mH a
an inductor is __________
lags the voltage by leads the voltage in phase with the
85 In a pure inductor, the current _________ none of these a
90 ͦ by 90 ͦ voltage
86 For a d.c. supply, inductive reactance is ______________ infinite 1 zero none of these c
sine of same
sine of double consine of double
87 The power curve for a pure inductor is ________ frequency as none of these a
frequency frequency
supply frequency
88 In a pure capacitor,the voltage_______ current by 90 ͦ leads in phase lags none of the above c
None of the
89 The average power consumption in a pure capacitor is,___________ zero infinite negative a
90 The relation between frequency and capacitive reactance is,__________ square direct inverse linear c
91 Z = 0 -j50 Ω represents_______________ circuit purely inductive purely capacitive purely resistive none of these b
92 Z = 0 + J25 Ω represents ____________ circuit purely inductive purely capacitive purely resistive none of these a
An alternating voltage has an instantaneous value of 300 V at 150 ͦ then its maximum value
93 150 600 300 200 b
is ________________ V
94 In the equation i(t) = Im sin(ωt), i(t) represents_________ peak value r.m.s. value average value b
95 A circuit component that oppose the change in the circuit voltage is Resistance Capacitance Inductance All of the above b
96 A circuit component that oppose the change in the circuit current is Resistance Capacitance Inductance All of the above c

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