ME 333 Final Exam

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Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and

Technology, Topi-23460.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

ME 333 – Heat Transfer Name:

Instructor: Dr. T. A. Cheema Reg. No:


14th May 2019 Final Exam Time: 2 hrs 30 mins

Spring 2019 Total: 40 marks

1 . This is a closed book and closed notes exam. To receive credit for a problem, you must show
all the working. Answers without working will be given ZERO credit.

2. The use of cell phones or any other sources of communication are strictly prohibited
during examinations. Doing so is considered cheating.
3. Write your name and Reg. no. clearly on the answer sheet.

Question Marks Obtained Total Marks

1 8

2 8

3 8

4 8

5 8

Total 40

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Q. 1 [Covers CLO_1, B.T Level C3, PLO1]: Write straight forward answers to the following
questions in the provided space. (08 Points)

i. Write three important functions of the presence of baffles in a shell and tube heat exchanger? (1 point)

ii. Obtain an expression for mean temperature at a position x in a pipe for constant surface temperature
conditions applying the expression; ̇
? (2 point)

iii. What is the impact of increase in pressure drop along with increase in heat transfer in a heat exchanger?
(1 point)

iv. Compute the maximum velocity at the diagonal axis of a staggered configuration of tube banks? (1 point)

v. What is the photon energy at the longest wavelength in the thermal band of electromagnetic radiation
spectrum? Where Plank’s constant is 6.62 10-34 J-s. (1 point)

i. Using the Planck’s law (given below) drive Wien’s displacement equation? Show every possible
calculation. Use back side of this page. (2 points)

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Q.2 [Covers CLO_2, B.T Level C4, PLO2]: A tube bank uses an in-line arrangement with SL = ST = 1.9 cm
and 6.33 mm diameter tubes. Six rows of tubes are employed with a stack 50 tubes high. The surface
temperature of the tubes is constant at 90◦C, and atmospheric air at 20◦C is forced across them at an inlet
velocity of 4.5 m/s before the flow enters the tube bank. Analyze the flow across bank of tubes to calculate the
total heat transfer per unit length of the tube bank? Assume the following properties of air at film temperature:
ρ=1.077 kg/m3, μ=2.034×10-5 Pa-s, k=0.0284 W/(m-K), Pr=0.707, Cp=1007J/(kg-K) (08 Points)

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Q. 3 [Covers CLO_2, B.T Level C4, PLO2]: An electronic circuit
board dissipating 50 W is sandwiched between two ducted, forced-air-
cooled heat sinks. The sinks are 150 mm in length and have 24
rectangular passages 6 mm by 25 mm. Atmospheric air at a volumetric
flow rate of 0.060 m3/s and 27°C is drawn through the sinks by a
blower. Analyze the internal flow heat transfer of the heat sink and
estimate the operating temperature of the board. The properties of air at
the bulk mean temperature are 1.128 kg/m3, Cp= 1008 J/kg-K,
k=0.0270 W/m-K, 10-6 m2/s, Pr= 0.706. (08 points)

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Q.4 [Covers CLO_3, B.T Level C5, PLO3]: A hot water stream of flowrate ̇ kg/s is to be cooled from
90 C to 60 C in a heat exchanger, by contacting with a larger stream of cold water, ̇
o o
kg/s. The inlet
temperature of the cold stream is 40oC. Analyze the heat exchanger by using both LMTD and e-NTU
methods, to determine the area A needed to accomplish this task in a counter-flow heat exchanger? The
overall heat transfer coefficient is U=1000 W/m2-K and specific heat of water is 4.19 kJ/kg-K. Also, state the
assumption without which the problem could not have been solved with any of the method? (03+03+02

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Q.5 [Covers CLO_2, B.T Level C4, PLO2]: A small surface of
area A1= 4 cm2 emits radiation as a blackbody at T1=800 K. Part
of the radiation emitted by A1 strikes another small surface of area
A2=4 cm2 oriented as shown in the figure. Analyze the radiation
configuration to determine the solid angle subtended by A2 when
viewed from A1, and the rate at which radiation emitted by A1 that
strikes A2 directly? What would your answer be if A2 were directly
above A1 at a distance of 80 cm? Assume Stephen Boltzmann
Constant as (2+2+2+2 points).

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