Chn-201 Tutorial 2 - Autumn 16-17-1

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Tutorial -2 Autumn-2016-17

Department of Chemical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
CHN-201: Heat Transfer
B.Tech & IDD, Chemical (Second year)
Topic: Conduction and Convection

1. Derive expressions for rate of heat transfer for the following configurations using electrical analogy:

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1

Also draw the thermal resistance network.

2. Consider a composite wall consisting of four different materials as shown in Figure I(c). Calculate the rate
of heat flow through the assembly per unit breadth. Assume one dimensional heat flow only. Also show the
thermal resistance diagram of the problem.
Following data are given:
LA = 0.1 m, LC = 0.2 m, LD = 0.12 m, H = 2.0 m, HB = 1.0 m, T1 = 120 0C, T2 = 50 0C.
kA = 20 W/m. C,
0 kB = 10 W/m. C,
0 kC = 7 W/m. C, kD = 25 W/m.0C

3. A 2 kg copper ball at 200 0C cools down in ambient air at 29 0C. If it requires an hour for the ball to cool
down to 35 0C, calculate the average value of the surface heat transfer coefficient. Assume that the
temperature in the ball remains uniform at any instant. For copper, density = 8950 kg/m 3, specific heat =
0.383 kJ/kg.0C.
4. A 0.35 m thick brick wall has one surface maintained at 500 K, and the other surface is in contact with air (k
=0.027W/m 0C) at bulk temperature of 308 K. the area of the wall is 7.2 m2. The rate of heat flow through
the wall at steady state is known to be 2.75 kW. If the thermal conductivity of the brick in the wall is 0.81
W/m 0C, calculate
(a) The skin temperature of the outer surface,
(b) The surface heat transfer coefficient, and
(c) the thickness of the air-film.
5. A 6 m3 polymerization reactor has an outer jacket for heating or cooling as necessary. In a particular batch,
5 m3 of monomer at 24 0C is charged into the reactor. The charge has to be heated to 80 0C before the
initiator is added to start the reaction. The liquid in the reactor is well-stirred and the liquid-side heat
transfer coefficient is 400 W/m2 0C. Hot oil flows through the jacket at a sufficiently high rate, and the
average oil temperature is 125 0C. The oil-side heat transfer coefficient is 300 W/m2 0C. If the available heat
transfer area is 10 m2, calculate the overall heat transfer coefficient and the time required for heating the

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Tutorial -2 Autumn-2016-17
charge to the desired temperature. The relevant properties of the monomer are: density= 870 kg/m 3;
specific heat =1.81 kJ/kg 0C, thermal conductivity=0.25 W/m 0C.
(a) Estimate the liquid film thickness on the monomer side.
(b) What would be the heat transfer coefficient for water corresponding to this liquid film thickness?
Neglect the thermal resistance of the wall.
6. The steady state radial temperature profile in a 10 cm diameter solid sphere is known to be T= 101.39 -
1.389×103 r2 (T in 0C and r in meter). Its thermal conductivity is 12 W/m 0C. the sphere is placed in an
ambient at 30 oC.
(a) What is the maximum temperature in the sphere?
(b) Do you think that there is heat generation in the sphere? If so, at what rate?
(c) Calculate the film coefficient at the outer surface.

7. A 3-m diameter spherical tank filled with liquid oxygen at 1 atm and -183 C is exposed to convection and
radiation with the surrounding air and surfaces. The rate of evaporation of liquid oxygen in the tank as a
result of the heat gain from the surroundings for the cases of no insulation, 5-cm thick fiberglass insulation,
and 2-cm thick superinsulation are to be determined. Properties: The heat of vaporization and density of
liquid oxygen at 1 atm are given to be 213 kJ/kg and 1140 kg/m3, respectively. The thermal conductivities
are given to be k = 0.035 W/m °C for fiberglass insulation and k = 0.00005 W/m °C for super insulation.

8. A hot surface at 100°C is to be cooled by attaching 3-cm-long, 0.25-cm-diameter

aluminum pin fins (k=237 W/m·°C) to it, with a center-to-center distance of 0.6
cm. The temperature of the surrounding medium is 30°C, and the heat transfer
coefficient on the surfaces is 35 W/m2·°C. Determine the rate of heat transfer
from the surface for a 1-m×1-m section of the plate. Also determine the overall
effectiveness of the fins.

9. Steel pipes used to transport pressurized water are bolted together by flanges of thickness t = 15 mm.
The inner and outer diameters of the pipes are Di = 120 mm and Do = 150 mm, respectively, and the
outer diameter of the flanges is Df = 250 mm. Under normal operating conditions, the inner surface of
the pipe is at a temperature of Ts,i = 300 oC, while the ambient air is at Tα = 20OC. If the convection
coefficient at the flange surface is h = 10 W/m2.K, what is the heat loss through the flanges? The
thermal conductivity of the pipe and flange is k = 40 W/m.K.

Home assignment:
Y.A. Cengel and A.J. Ghajar, “Heat and Mass Transfer”, 4th edition: Chapter 3
Problems: 3-24, 3-27, 3-29, 3-38, 3-59, 3-61

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