Commissioning Provider Roles and Responsibilities Checklist
Commissioning Provider Roles and Responsibilities Checklist
Commissioning Provider Roles and Responsibilities Checklist
Chapter 1
Project: ____________________________________________ Address: _________________________________
Owner: ____________________________________________ Email/Phone: ______________________________
Owner’s Project Manager: _____________________________ Email/Phone: ______________________________
Date Initiated: ______________________ Date Revised: ______________________
Step Activity Document Completed Notes
Chapter 2
1. Assist in the development of the OPR OPR
2. Develop the initial Cx Plan Cx Plan
3. Review the BoD BoD
4. Review and approve updates to above items
during design phase
5. Review and approve updates to above items
during construction phase
6. With Commissioning Team and contractors, Checklists
develop the construction checklists
7. Conduct the initial scoping meeting and other
Chapter 4
commissioning meetings
8. Develop and maintains the issues and resolution Issues and
log resolution log
9. Witness and manage equipment and system
testing with contractors
Chapter 5
10. Review Systems Manual Systems
11. Review training plan and witnesses operations Training plan
and maintenance training
12. Produce commissioning reports Cx report
Appendix A
Additional tasks may be required
The approval section that follows can be used if applicable to the planning process.
I have reviewed the required items and plans and verified that they meet the OPR:
Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Company Name: ______________________________________________________________________________
Appendix B
Signature: _____________________________________________ Date:_________________________________
Appendix B
Appendix B