Trecutul Simplu (Simple Past Tense) : Lectia 3 Trecutul Si Timpurile Perfecte

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Trecutul simplu - FORMA

Afirmativ: INFINITIV + ed (vb regulate) Forma a II-a a vb. (vb neregulate)
Negativ: did not + INFINITIV
Interogativ: did + subiect + INFINITIV

1. o actiune finalizata in trecut cand este mentionat momentul actiunii:
Tom arrived yesterday.
Columbus discovered America in 1492.
Adverbele sau expresiile de timp pot fi o marca a trecutului simplu: yesterday, last week,
two years ago, last summer, a month ago etc.

2. o actiune finalizata SIGUR in trecut chiar daca timpul NU este mentionat:

Brutus assassinated Julius Caesar.
Did you ever see Winston Churchill in person?

3. o obisnuinta din trecut:

She always woke up early on school days.
Sarah never ate pork as a child.
Este adesea insotit de adverbe de frecventa: sometimes, often, always, usually, rarely,
seldom etc.

4. o naratiune in trecut:
I stopped to buy a newspaper and then sat down on a bench to read it. The
news was quite depressing. So I got up and took a walk and tried to think
happy thoughts.


Trecutul continuu - FORMA

Forma de trecut a lui to be + ING

1. actiuni trecute cu o anumita durata, dar ale caror limite precise in timp nu sunt
It was raining and getting colder.
2. actiuni trecute care au inceput inainte si au continuat probabil dupa un anumit
moment dat:
At noon the sun was shining.
At 10 o’clock at night Jerry was studying.
Momentul dat poate fi exprimat si de o expresie de timp la trecutul simplu:
When Tom arrived, the sun was shining.

3. actiuni in curs de derulare in trecut (in descrieri):

The flowers were blooming, the birds were singing and the breeze was
blowing softly.

COMPARATI: diferenta de sens dintre cele doua timpuri:

When the bell rang, Sam was having breakfast. (Sam was in the middle of
breakfast when the bell started to ring.) – continuitate
When the door bell rang, Sam ran to open the door. (Sam ran to the door
as soon as the door bell rang.) – spontaneitate


1. Transformati intrebarile in propozitii afirmative:

1. Did John come at midnight?

2. Did the children understand the instructions?
3. Did Dr. Carter bring the antibiotics?
4. Did the cook freeze the strawberries?
5. Did his mother fly with KLM?
6. Did the Browns drive all the way to Arizona?
7. Did she feed the cat?
8. Did Elvis Presley sing in the 60’s?
9. Did the children fight again?
10. Did Joe pay for the chocolate?

2. Folositi trecutul simplu sau continuu:

1. Ted ..................... (wake) up because the children ........................ (make) noise.

2. The boys …………………… (row) in the middle of the lake when they
……………….. (hear) a loud thunder.
3. Grandfather ………………… (strike) a match and the wood ………………
(catch) fire immediately.
4. The maid …………………… (polish) the crystal glass when it suddenly
………………… (slip) and ……………….. (crash) to the ground.
5. Dr. Jones ........................... (write) a prescription when the phone .....................
6. You ………………….. (like) the play last night? Yes indeed, I …………………
(think) it was very well acted.
7. I always ………………… (carry) the front door key in my purse, but my husband
…………………… (convince) me not to.
8. Even though Mark ……………… still ……………….. (talk), Vanessa
…………………………. (fall asleep).
9. The plumber …………………… (leave), when the old lady finally
………………… (open) the door.
10. I’m sorry, I ………………….. (not pay) attention to what you
……………………… (say).


Perfectul prezent - FORMA

have + participiul trecut (forma a III-a vb regulate si neregulate)

Utilizare: Perfectul prezent are o legatura clara cu prezentul, chiar daca este un timp
trecut din punct de vedere gramatical.

1. actiuni care au inceput in trecut si s-au terminat cu putin inainte de momentul

I have done my homework. Can I go out now?

2. actiuni trecute recente cand timpul nu este mentionat:

I have lost my address book.
Have the children had their dinner?
The boss has read you report.

3. impreuna cu urmatoarele adverbe si expresii de timp (se foloseste pentru lega un

moment trecut nedefinit de prezent): just, already, since, for, recently, lately, yet,
so far, never … before, before now, ever, today, this week, this century, this
morning, this evening, in the last few days, in the past month, in recent weeks
Has the teacher corrected the tests yet?
They haven’t been able to do it so far.
There hasn’t been any rain in the past month.
What have you done today?
Medicine has made great progress this century.

NOTA: For indica durata de timp: Jim has studied karate for two months.
Since indica punctul de inceput in timp: Sally’s been ill since Monday.

Perfectul prezent continuu - FORMA

Perfectul prezent al lui to be (have been, has been) + ING

1. se foloseste pentru actiuni care au inceput in trecut si continua pana in momentul
I have been waiting for an hour and the museum has still not opened!
Harry can’t come right now: he has been cleaning the garage and needs a

COMPARATI: diferenta de sens intre cele doua timpuri:

Mary has polished the silver. (Mary has just finished.)
Mary has been polishing the silver. (Mary may still be polishing.)


1. Folositi trecutul simplu sau perfectul prezent.

1. …..................... you ever ........................ (read) Frank Herbert’s “Dune”?

2. Ladies and gentlemen, our speaker just …………………… (give) us some very
exciting news.
3. Yesterday you …………………… (make) this very same mistake: Why
…………… you ………………….. (repeat) it again today?
4. ………………… you ………………… (not get tired) of waiting yet?
5. When …………… the girls ………………… (see) their godfather last?
6. When the bell ………………… (ring), the students ………………….. (feel)
7. Lately I …………………… (not mind) giving him a hand with the accounts, but
last year I truly …………………… (hate) it.
8. I don’t know where he is. I …………………… (not see) him for ages.
9. When Diane finally ………………… (meet) her boss, she …………………
(feel) nervous.
10. ………………… you ever ………………… (be) to the Austrian Alps? Oh yes, I
…………………… (spend) a wonderful week there last August.

2. Folositi perfectul prezent sau perfectul prezent continuu.

1. We’re having a test on the History of Sociology next Friday. We

………………………… (study) it in the past few weeks.
2. They just …………………… (give) their new baby name. They
………………… (decide) to call him Orlando.
3. The people in this building are not very friendly. We …………………… (live)
here for five years and we still don’t know anybody.
4. Please ask the movers to be careful. The furniture …………………… (be) in
perfect condition for years.
5. This antique …………………… (belong) to my family for generations.
6. Alicia is beginning to look like a skeleton. She ………………………… (diet)
non-stop since last year.
7. It’s freezing in here. The air conditioning …………………… (work) for hours. I
wish you would turn it off.
8. They …………………… (appreciate) your last visits.
9. What on earth ………………… you …………………… (do)? You look an
absolute mess. Please go and get cleaned up before dinner.
10. Lately, I ……………………… (give up) eating meat.


Mai mult ca perfectul - FORMA

had + participiul trecut

Utilizare: Mai mult ca perfectul este trecutul perfectului prezent.

1. se foloseste la fel ca perfectul prezent in CORESPONDENTA TIMPURILOR.

Perfectul prezent: Larry’s wife is quite worried: she hasn’t heard from him for several
Mai mult ca perfectul: Larry’s wife was quite worried: she hadn’t heard from his for
several days.

2. pentru a sublinia ca o actiune trecuta a avut loc inaintea unei alte actiuni trecute:
After the illustrator had finished, the book was finally ready for
Seeing that their mother had fallen ill, the children grew depressed.

NOTA: Cand nu este necesara sublinierea succesiunii evenimentelor sau cand este clar ca
o actiune s-a petrecut inaintea celeilalte, se folosesc doua trecuturi simple.
Tony felt relieved when he passed the exam.
The executioner waited until the prisoner finished smoking his last



Mai mult ca perfectul continuu - FORMA

had been + ING

1. se foloseste la fel ca perfectul prezent continuu, numai ca sensul este mutat mai
demult in trecut (vezi CORESPONDENTA TIMPURILOR):
Perfectul prezent continuu: It is time to stop. Hillary has been working non-stop since
Mai mult ca perfectul continuu: It was time to stop. Hillary had been working non-stop
since breakfast!

2. poate exprima o actiune trecuta repatata, care a durat pana la un moment dat in
My father had been getting up at daybreak until his accident.
I had been calling her every evening until we quarreled.

1. Folositi perfectul prezent sau mai mult ca perfectul.

1. Olivia was surprised to meet Lou: she ................................ (not see) him since
high school.
2. The house was in complete disarray; it was evident that the burglars just
………………… (left).
3. It’s lovely outside. It never ………………… (be) this warm in March before.
4. Mr. and Mrs. West were well known members of the community. They
…………………… (live) in Arlington since their marriage.
5. They certainly looked surprised! They ever …………………… (not eat) frog legs
6. Today ………………… (be) a long day: I …………………… (clean) the house
from top to bottom. Now I can finally relax.

2. Folositi perfectul prezent, perfectul prezent continuu, mai mult ca perfectul sau
mai mult ca perfectul continuu.

1. When he finally took the foreign service exam, he ............................ (learn)

Japanese for ten years.
2. It seems difficult to believe that we ……………………… (not go out) for such a
long time.
3. The carpet is covered with torn up paper. Harry ………………………… (work)
on his book again.
4. The entire house was sparkling. The children ……………………… (clean) it
thoroughly to welcome their mother home from the hospital.
5. All the CDs were scattered about. It was obvious that Michael
…………………… (listen) to music instead of walking the dogs.
6. None of us knew for sure how much the boss …………………… (pay) Sam for
the extra work.

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