How To Make Wines at Home - Using Wild and Cultivated Fruit, Flowers and Vegetables (PDFDrive)

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First published in Great Britain in 1986 by Elliot Right Way This paperback edition published in 2014 by
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1 Introduction
2 Equipment
3 Fermentation
4 Balance
5 Types of Wine
6 The Palate
7 Use of Hydrometer
8 Racking, Processing and Maturing
9 Fining and Filtering
10 Wine Disorders and Treatment
11 Encouragement
12 Recipes


Noah was the first man to plant the vine

‘He drank of the wine and was drunk’ – Genesis
– the story goes that he lived to the age of 350 years.

There was a time in my life when I did not make wine – it was a long while ago,
but I can still remember it vaguely. Before I was married, my father ‘dabbled’ in
the hobby, but neither his efforts, nor the results, interested me greatly, and
although I have always been fond of good living, circumstances at that time only
allowed for the tasting of a commercial wine on very rare occasions. My attitude
to country wines was rather condescending – it was a substitute, and I was a
perfectionist. In any case, the hobby was not active enough for someone who
was fond of almost any form of physical exercise. However, time goes by, as it
is apt to do, and this, together with a rather serious illness, left me without a
hobby, and feeling very sorry for myself.
To the clergyman who introduced me to winemaking, I shall be forever
indebted, for he did much more than give me an absorbing hobby. He gave me a
renewed interest in life at a time when it was really needed, and apart from that
hobby, the introduction to a host of new friends through a winemaking club, and
a comradeship there that I have rarely found elsewhere. (See Chapter 11 for the
advantages to be gained from belonging to a winemaking club).
As a result of my experience, my main concern has always been to try to
help the beginner and in doing so to keep it simple. This is for two reasons:
firstly as our hobby can be simple if that is what we want of it; and secondly, due
to the fact that I am no chemist anyway. I may comment on many of the modern
sophisticated items now available to us, but my strong advice to those about to
take up this fascinating hobby is, do not initially buy a lot of expensive
equipment – learn your craft first, let your enthusiasm build up, and gradually
add those little extras as you feel the need for them.
Though I hope to cover most aspects of the craft during the course of the
book, the ‘Purists’ may well be disappointed, for it will contain my personal
experiences, some of which may not follow the accepted pattern. I do not
apologise for this, since my results have brought a fair amount of success over
the past few years, and in any case, I have found so many conflicting statements
in some of the books that are now available, that I am sure that I am not alone in
writing from my own experience.
Although this book is not intended to be a textbook for the experienced
winemaker, I feel that many of the recipes, and their layout, may be of interest to
all those who enjoy participation in the craft.
Winemaking has probably become one of the most popular craft hobbies and
has many attractions for those who appreciate the odd glass of wine, either with
a meal, or simply on a social occasion. In these days of high taxation, our own
wines are relatively cheap to make, and the hobby gives a feeling of achievement
in the same way as the ability to cook an excellent meal. But unlike cooking, it is
a hobby that can occupy the individual for two hours a month or twenty,
according to the time and space available, and the degree of enthusiasm that the
hobby has created. (Before we go any further, it must be pointed out that the law
in Great Britain allows us to make any amount of wine for our own
consumption, but we must not sell a drop, or allow it to be sold for profit, as no
duty has been paid. Neither are we allowed to distil).
The declared definition of wine is an alcoholic beverage made from the
fermented juice of the grape, fermented in the country of origin – all of which
may be quite acceptable to the countries whose climates permit the growing of
grapes in sufficient quantities to enable them to fulfil their needs, and possibly to
export, but it is hardly satisfactory for countries such as the U.K. Nowadays the
utilisation of other fruits etc. has become such an interesting craft that there are
thousands of ‘amateurs’ (and I use this word with trepidation, for many of them
know a great deal both about the ingredients used, and the commercial wines of
the world) who are quite capable of making an alcoholic drink which is at least
the equal of the middle range commercial product. Of course there are many
whose efforts leave much to be desired – producing alcoholic drinks, perhaps,
but for one reason or another, not up to the standard.
I hope that this book will enable anyone, even those who are new to the craft,
to reach an acceptable level. By this I do not mean that all wines should become
copies of the commercial product, but simply that we use them as a comparison
for quality, as obviously a commercial wine must have a market value, and this
becomes the best standard the amateur winemaker has to set against his or her
own efforts.
As you will see, our home-made wines can be produced from an infinite
variety of ingredients – flowers, fruit, grain, honey, leaves and vegetables – but
experience will probably show that the best results will usually be obtained from
a recipe that includes an element of fruit in it, otherwise there may be a tendency
for a lack of vinosity in the finished wine. By all means experiment with other
available ingredients later on, but it is better for the beginner to learn his or her
craft first, before going into the intricacies of blending ingredients without the
aid of a proven recipe.
Home-made wines have been made in this country for hundreds of years,
using fruits from the hedgerows, flowers, vegetables etc., with honey as the
sweetening agent. The first set-back to home winemaking came when the
Bordeaux area fell under British rule, and for many years imports of French
wines were enjoyed by the more prosperous, leaving the making of country
wines to the poorer classes. Later, when those territories were lost, wines were
imported from Portugal, with whom Britain had a trade treaty. In the eighteenth
century the quantity of sugar imported caused the price to fall within reach of the
working man, and from then onwards the use of honey declined, and gradually
malt beers began to take over. As a nation, the making of wines declined, and it
was indeed fortunate for us that our forebears kept, and handed down, many of
the old recipes, for they are still the basis of some of our country wines today.
Many of us have heard stories of how strong the home-made wines were ‘in
Grandma’s day’. Don’t believe a word of it. Present-day yeast strains and
expertise are infinitely superior. It was simply that in those days the cheapness of
spirits made it possible for home-made wines to be fortified with brandy. Those
days are gone, and if our wines are to be as strong, we must bring this about by
our own efforts, such as the control of sugar, and the use of the appropriate yeast
culture, in order to keep down costs.
These last forty years have seen significant advances in the craft. New strains
of yeast have become available, fining and filtering methods have been greatly
improved, and with these better facilities, and the knowledge of how the
alcoholic content can be controlled, we are now able to produce what we know
as ‘Purpose Wines’, i.e. aperitifs, table wines, dessert wines, sparkling wines,
and even liqueurs (or wines for before, during and after the meal) and I will go
into these in detail in Chapter 5.
Finally, never be afraid to ask advice from an experienced winemaker – I
have always found them to be most helpful.
Before going on to the equipment which will be needed, I would like to include a
little story of the very early days of winemaking; interesting, although I cannot
guarantee its accuracy. However, I would not quarrel with the description of the
wine, for taken in moderation, wine can be an aid to the digestion, is full of
vitamins, and in fact is one of God’s great gifts to mankind.
Jamshed, first king of the Persians, and according to legend a grandson of
Noah, became an old man and lost his teeth, but he so liked the grape that he
ordered his servants to press a large quantity so that he could enjoy the juice. As
he wished to have the juice throughout the winter months, the stock was to be
kept in great containers. After a few days, however, he noticed that the juice had
changed its appearance and tasted bitter. He was very sad, and thought that the
juice had gone bad and was poisonous. In order that no one should inadvertently
drink it, he ordered that it should be placed in the cellar, the door locked, and on
the cellar door, the word ‘Poisonous’ printed.
Soon afterwards a favourite slave had a terrible headache which caused her
many sleepless nights, and she felt that she wanted to die. Finally she thought of
the poisonous juice, and crept down to the cellar. After sampling the juice, she
began to feel quite happy and could no longer feel the pain. The more she drank,
the better she felt, until she finally fell asleep in the cellar. In the meantime her
absence had been noticed, and a search for her began. After a while she was
found, but she continued to sleep for two days and two nights – it is said mainly
from the exhaustion of those sleepless nights. She finally woke to find the king
present and very anxious about her. The headache was gone and she felt in the
best of health. The king was so overjoyed that he, too, decided to sample the
‘poison’. He also became happy and carefree, and gave the drink the name of the
‘Medicine of Kings’.


What do we need in the way of equipment? At the outset, keep it simple. Don’t
buy a lot of sophisticated equipment until you are sure that you really need it.
The following is a list of what is either essential, or at least advisable.

• A two-gallon (nine-litre) bucket, preferably of good quality, rigid, white, non-

toxic plastic. (Avoid the use of earthenware, which may be lead-based; enamel,
which if crazed may taint a wine by contact with metal; and also any brass or
copper containers).
• A cover for the bucket, either a plastic lid, or a sheet of plastic which can be
tied on to exclude air.
• A large sieve or piece of muslin.
• A large funnel, preferably large enough for the sieve to fit into it.
• A large wooden or plastic spoon.
• Glass jars or demijohns – the quantity will depend on the individual, but
always keep one empty jar for use in syphoning off the wine.
• Non-toxic plastic containers may be used for short-term purposes, but not for
storage, and do not use a plastic container which has previously been used for
• Airlocks, airlock bungs and either corks or rubber bungs for each jar – I prefer
the rubber ones as they are easier to sterilise.
• A length of rubber or plastic tubing for syphoning off the wine.
• A hydrometer and jar (more about this in Chapter 7).
• A corker for use when bottling.
• A supply of citric acid, tartaric acid and straight corks.
• A quantity of bottles, preferably punted (i.e. not flat-based).
FIG. 1
1. Corks (straight and competition-type)
2. Plastic funnel
3. Airlock and cork
4. Large plastic or wooden spoon
5. A corker or ‘flogger’
6. Rubber or plastic syphon tube
7. Punted bottles for red and white wines
8. Glass demijohn or fermentation jar
9. Two-gallon (nine-litre) plastic bucket
10. Sieve

• Labels.
• A bottle brush.
• A thermometer.


lt will be noticed that there is no mention of any agent for sterilising the
equipment in the above list. Cleanliness is possibly the most important aspect of
winemaking, and yet one which can so easily be overlooked. It is not only that
the equipment should appear to be clean, it should be chemically clean. Hot
water and a brush are all very well, but a quick swill will not necessarily kill all
bacteria. The use of either Campden tablets or a sodium metabisulphite solution
is essential if the ingredients are to be given the best possible start.
If Campden tablets are to be used, dissolve two, together with a saltspoonful
of citric acid, in one pint (½ litre) of water, and thoroughly cleanse all equipment
to be used. If made in larger quantities and kept in a tightly corked jar, this
solution may be used and re-used over a prolonged period before it begins to
lose its efficiency.
Campden tablets are in fact sodium metabisulphite, and whilst they are
convenient to handle, and obviously the quantity of the chemical is easy to
assess when in tablet form, it is cheaper to make up a sterilising solution using
sodium metabisulphite in powder form: 5 oz (140g) to the gallon (4.5 litres) or ½
oz (14g) to the pint (½ litre). One word of warning: do not breathe the sulphur
dioxide fumes given off when the sodium metabisulphate or Campden tablets are
mixed with water.
Having prepared the solution, place some in jars, bottles and funnel, using a
stiff brush to assist in cleaning off. The airlocks and syphoning tube should also
be soaked for a few minutes. Perhaps the most important of all is the plastic
bucket into which the must will be placed. Inevitably these buckets become
scratched in time, and thereby provide an ideal hiding place for bacteria. Leave
the solution in the bucket for a few minutes, and then rinse it out with hot water
before use. Once the bucket is as germ-free as possible, care must be taken to
ensure that bacteria is not re-introduced by the ingredients themselves – to be
entirely free is very difficult, but wash the fruit, particularly dried fruit which is
coated with a preservative when packed. When the ingredients and water are all
in the bucket, add one Campden tablet and leave overnight. After 24 hours the
yeast starter may be added, and should soon provide the protection of alcohol
which will kill off any remaining bacteria cells before any lasting damage can be
Beware of friends who insist that they never use more than hot water – they
may appear to be safe for some considerable time, but there could be a day of
reckoning, and down the drain goes a gallon of wine and a lot of effort.
Having given a list of equipment needed, perhaps I should explain a few of
the terms that are found in winemaking.
There are many types, in glass or in plastic, and although some types look
complicated and highly professional, the simplest little plastic airlock is quite
adequate. As the name suggests, the airlock protects the fermenting ingredients
by excluding the air, which could cause oxidation, and gives protection from the
vinegar or fruit fly, which is one of our greatest enemies, whilst still allowing the
carbon dioxide gas to escape into the atmosphere. The airlock should always be
kept half-filled with water.

The fullness of a wine – the best illustration is the comparison between a light
table wine and a heavy port. Table wines are generally light-to medium-bodied,
whereas ports and dessert wines are full-bodied.

This is the fermenting head of the liquor which contains quantities of the
ingredients raised to the surface by the action of the yeast.

A colourless, odourless gas, produced by the yeast during the fermentation
process, which must be allowed to escape into the atmosphere. If retained in the
jar or bottle, the gas will build up pressure which will ultimately burst the
container. Carbon dioxide is heavier than air, and will therefore form a
protective blanket over the fermenting must in the early stages.

A term given to a wine from which the sugar has fermented out completely.

These are organic catalysts produced by the living yeast cells. There are many
different types in our wines, each having one specific job to do. It should be
remembered that as wine is a living thing, changes will be taking place
throughout its life.


The first heavy or aerobic fermentation (see page 15).

A method of extracting particles of solids and dead yeast cells from a wine
which has not cleared naturally. Filtering should be used as a last resort, for it
does, on occasions, affect the flavour of a wine, particularly if it is a light,
delicate, table wine.

Preferable to filtering, but even so, do let Nature try to clear a wine first. There
are several types of fining agents, and sachets are often issued with many of the
kits now on the market – this is simply to allow the beginner to produce a
drinkable wine at an earlier date, but with a little patience any well-balanced
wine should clear by itself, and the slightly longer wait will be amply repaid by
the production of a better and more matured wine. I shall be going further into
this in later chapters.

Short for specific gravity, the measurement used to check the degree of
sweetness of a wine. If taken at the beginning of the ferment with the
hydrometer, and again at the end, a calculation can be made which will give the
alcoholic content of the finished wine. The method will be shown later when we
consider the use of the hydrometer in Chapter 7.

The yeast and solid deposit formed during fermentation.

The liquid containing sugar and other ingredients which will eventually become
wine when the yeast has completed its work.

The pulp or basic ingredients from which the wine is made.


A yeast food.

The effect caused in a wine by too much contact with the air. Though acceptable
in a sherry wine, it is objectionable in a light table wine. The only possible cure
for this is to make a further batch of the same wine, and when it is in full
ferment, add the oxidised wine, and continue the ferment in the usual way. It is
essential that the quantity of oxidised wine added does not exceed the second
batch in volume, and I would not even advise this cure if the original wine was
badly oxidised.

Wines that are made for the occasion of a meal. These consist of aperitifs (for
before the meal), table wines (drunk during the meal) and dessert wines
(sweeter, heavier wines which are consumed after the meal). This, of course,
means we must learn to control the alcoholic content far more accurately, and
this again brings us into contact with the hydrometer, a most useful instrument in
winemaking, which I will go into fully in Chapter 7.

Syphoning off the wine from the lees.

The condition of the wine when all fermentation has ceased, i.e. when all the
yeast cells have been inhibited by the alcohol produced.


Adding a crushed or soluble Campden tablet the day before the yeast is added,
ensuring freedom from bacteria.

Using the basic materials for a second time in order to produce a lighter table
wine. It is usually necessary to add acid and either raisins or sultanas in order to
ensure vinosity, and if undertaken, I would suggest a short fermentation on the

Using a starter bottle is the best method of starting a fermentation. A starter is
usually prepared at least 24 hours before preparation of the must, or 48 hours if
using a liquid yeast.

340ml (12 fl oz) water
3 tsp sugar
¼ tsp citric acid
Juice of an orange
Sachet of a suitable wine yeast or tsp of general purpose wine yeast Pinch of
nutrient salts
Boil the water and then allow it to cool to about 75°F(24°C). Place it in a small
bottle, add the sugar, citric acid and the juice of the orange. Mix in the wine
yeast and add the nutrient salts. Plug the bottle with cotton wool, and keep the
starter in a warm place. When the starter is well under way, stir it into the must.

This is a term used to identify the wine-like nature of an alcoholic drink.


Fermentation is in reality a complete series of processes, and is controlled by

enzymes which are produced by the yeast cells themselves. Simplified, and as
far as we are concerned, it is a process by which the yeast breaks down sugar
into its constituent parts of glucose and fructose and gradually converts them
into alcohol and carbon dioxide in almost equal proportions, together with
several smaller biproducts, of which glycerol (2%) and succinic acid (1% of the
alcoholic content) are the most important. (Glycerol adds body to a wine, and
succinic acid assists to promote ester production, which in turn, gives the vinous
character we need).
A sound fermentation of the must is of great importance to us, and it should
begin as soon as possible after the ingredients are in the bucket and the effect of
the Campden tablet has worn off. It is for this reason that I would always
advocate the use of a starter bottle (see page 12), as it minimises the ‘time-lag’
when the must is most vulnerable to the growth of bacteria; for in creating the
ideal temperature for the yeast to work, we have also produced the best
conditions for the growth of bacteria.
To do its work, the yeast must have the right environment – that is, a
temperature of 65–75°F (18–24°C) in a sweetened liquid with some acidity. The
starter will quickly produce a blanket of carbon dioxide over the fermenting
must, and this will help to protect it from bacteria as long as the bucket is
covered. The must should be stirred at least once a day, firstly to break up the
‘cap’ of solids forced to the surface by the yeast, secondly to obtain the best
possible extraction, and thirdly in order to introduce a little oxygen into the
must. For the best results, an even temperature of about 21°C (70°F) should be
maintained throughout the fermentation.
The first heavy ferment is known as the ‘aerobic’ ferment (or open to some
air), and this will continue for four or five days. As soon as it subsides, the must
should be strained by using a sieve or piece of muslin, and the liquor placed in a
demijohn under airlock, making sure that the jar is topped up to within 1½ in
(38mm) of the cork with water. The fermentation will then continue more slowly
in what is known as the ‘anaerobic’ fermentation.
The speed of a complete ferment will vary considerably from one wine to
another, and it is not always the fastest fermenting yeast that provides the best
wine. An early start and a steady ferment are the keys. A ferment will proceed
until the yeast has either used up all the sugar, in which case it is a dry wine, or
alternatively, until the amount of alcohol produced has inhibited the yeast cells,
which have died, leaving a sweet wine. This, then, gives us a most important
piece of knowledge – the amount of sugar controls the dryness of the finished
wine, remembering, of course, that some fruits have a greater amount of natural
sugar than others, and this natural sugar must be taken into account when
assessing the requirements for any particular wine.
You will know the fermentation is complete when the bubbles stop bubbling
through the airlock into the outside air, but make sure that fermentation has not
stopped for some other reason (see page 51 on stuck ferments). Those using a
hydrometer should refer to page 40 for the recognised finishing gravities.


In order to obtain the best possible fermentation, it is essential that the balance of
ingredients is right. The grape is the only fruit to have this balance, which is
acid, flavour, sugar, tannin, water and yeast. Therefore our recipes must contain
all these ingredients as nearly as possible in the same proportion if we are to
produce a quality wine (see Charts 1 and 2). As none of our fruits is complete in
itself, it is not unusual for more than one to be blended in order to obtain this
balance. Another way to achieve the right balance is to add grape concentrate,
but I suggest only a small quantity. This also improves the vinosity of the wine.

Because many of our fruits and other winemaking ingredients are short of acid to
a greater or lesser degree, some addition will probably be necessary. This acid
may be added in several ways – it may be by means of a lemon, or grapes, or just
a dry acid. I believe that the dry acid method is best, for it is the only simple way
to control the quantity.
After all, if the recipe calls for the addition of one lemon, is it a large one?
Small one? Extra dry? Or extra juicy? No one knows how much acid has really
been added, and even if the result gives a perfect balance, there is very little
chance of repeating it.
The acid found in the lemon is citric, and this is probably the most widely
used. However, it is not the only acid to be found in the ingredients suitable for
winemaking. Tartaric acid is found in grapes; malic acid in apples and most of
the stone fruits, and also to a lesser degree in grapes. It follows that all these
acids may also be used in powder form, and indeed, I believe that a mixture of
all three will produce the best results. 50% tartaric, 30% malic, and 20% citric
would seem to be an excellent blend, bearing in mind the acid content of the
fruits we are using. Chart 3 shows the different types of acid found in fruits and
flowers etc. (Remember, however, that where a fruit is shown to have more than
one acid, the number of parts shown on the chart is only a ratio, and does not
mean that because a fruit has ten parts it is more acid than one with less parts –
an example of this is the strawberry, which although low in acid has a nine to
one proportion of citric to malic).


Using the chart below you can compare the amounts of aroma, acid,
tannin and flavour contained in different fruits etc. with the ideal
amounts contained in black grapes.

* 100% juice; others: 1.8kg (4 Ib) per gallon.

When we come to tannin, we find that some of our ingredients are so bland that
its addition may also be advisable (see Charts 1 and 2). Tannin is the additive
that gives wine that ‘bite’ – without it a wine would appear to be flat and
uninteresting (winemakers call it bland). Most red wines have sufficient, the
tannin being in the skins of the fruit, but many white wines may need a little –
not more than a level saltspoonful of grape tannin powder to the gallon or
alternatively a few drops of a liquid tannin solution.
Apart from the fact that tannin helps to bring a wine to ‘life’, it is also useful
as an aid to clarification. In some wines, particularly those in which the
elderberry predominates, the tannin content may be unacceptably high, but if this
is the case, do not despair, time will result in much of the tannin dropping
through, and many a rough young wine has turned out to be first-class after a
more prolonged maturation period.

Yeasts are now available to us which greatly encourage the production of good
wines. For the beginners perhaps a general purpose yeast may be sufficient, but
for those who wish to make wines to type, we now have ranges of yeasts,
cultivated from the grapes grown and used in the production of most of the well-
known area wines. Given the right ingredients, there is no reason why we should
not produce fair copies of many commercial wines (see Charts 4(a) and 4(b)).
These special yeasts are available in liquid or granule form, but whichever is
chosen, a yeast starter will give the best results, as it will minimise the ‘lag
period’ before the yeast has been able to produce that blanket of carbon dioxide
necessary to minimise the possibility of bacterial infection.


Using the chart below you can compare the amounts of aroma, acid,
tannin and flavour contained in different fruits etc. with the ideal
amounts contained in white grapes.

* 100% juice; †1 quart of flowers to the gallon; others 1.8kg (4 Ib) per gallon.

Do not be misled into believing any recipe for a ‘no yeast’ wine. There is no
such thing – without yeast there can be no ferment. In these recipes, it simply
means that the wild yeasts to be found on the skins of the fruits have been
allowed to take over, and the result of this will be a wine that is low in alcohol,
and will in all probability be left with off flavours. All fruits should be
thoroughly washed before use, and when the wild yeasts have been cleared, then
the wine yeast may be added.
We have already touched on the sugar content. Never overdo the sugar in the
initial must. It can always be added during the ferment if necessary, but once in,
if the yeast is unable to cope, a sweet wine is bound to result. Even if making a
sweet dessert wine, it is of considerable advantage if the sugar is added in stages.
This enables the yeast to work much better and helps to produce a wine with a
stronger alcoholic content. Additional sugar may be added dry, though this does
create some problem in dissolving it, or it may be added as invert sugar. This can
be made up in batches and added to the fermenting wine as required. It is quite
simple to make, and the recipe is as follows:

indicates the presence of a particular acid.
* indicates that the fruit only contains trace elements of the acid. Where a fruit has more than
one acid the numbers show the proportion of each acid to the others e.g. apricots have a 3
to 1 proportion of citric to malic acid.

900g (2 lb) granulated sugar
½ litre (1 pint) cold water
½ tsp citric acid

Place the sugar, 285ml (1 pint) of the water and the citric acid into a saucepan.
Bring to the boil, stirring regularly, and simmer for 20 to 25 minutes until it
begins to turn to a light golden brown colour. Then add the rest of the water. stir
in and leave to cool. This will produce 1.2 litres (2 pints) of invert sugar. So the
addition of 150mls (¼ pint) of invert sugar is equal to the addition of 125g (4½
oz) of sugar.


In our balanced wines there remain two other constituent parts, and these must
be inter-related: the fruit (or other ingredient), and the water content. Quantity
and treatment of the solids depend entirely on the type used, and at first it might
be assumed that the water content should equal the volume of wine produced,
i.e. normally eight pints (four and a half litres). However, juices and grape
concentrate form part of the eight pints, and allowance for these should be made
out of the water to be added, otherwise there may be a tendency for the wine to
be thin.
To a certain extent the body of the wine may be helped by the length of time
that the solids are left in the fermenting must, but there is a danger that a long
aerobic fermentation may extract not only the flavours we want, but also some of
the ‘nasties’ caused by the deterioration of the ingredients or the autolisation of
the dead yeast cells. For this reason it is suggested that a period of five days’
fermentation on solids should be the maximum – in fact, many experienced
winemakers will give a maximum of three days for a table wine, or simply
liquidise the must, strain off and ferment solely on the juice. This will certainly
give a quicker fermentation, with reduced tannin content in the case of red
wines, but there must be a certain loss of body as well, or alternatively an
increase in the quantity of fruit used.


Two minor ingredients which will be found in the recipes in this book may
appear to be a little unusual to those about to start the hobby. Firstly, the
suggested inclusion of vitamin B1 tablets – not essential, but they do aid the
yeast, and thereby the fermentation process. Secondly, the addition of a small
quantity of Epsom salts (magnesium sulphate) – again by no means essential, but
where included, Epsom salts have been found to be beneficial in hardening the
water where the supply tends to be rather soft. In hard water areas there is no
need for their inclusion.




As everyone knows, this is a pleasant alcoholic drink made by fermenting honey
and water with yeast. Of all the crafts of our ancestors, mead-making must rank
amongst the oldest.
Cave paintings of Stone Age man show the collection of honey from bee
colonies, and as it was only necessary to add water to the honey to obtain a
ferment from wild yeasts, it seems inevitable that alcohol was discovered this
In early Greek civilisation Bacchus was the God of Mead long before
becoming the God of Wine. Mead was also offered to the goddess Aphrodite by
ladies of good breeding to ensure a plentiful supply of lovers. Well-matured
mead was kept for a twice-a-year celebration.
Later the Moors knew mead as a love stimulant, and in fact the deeper one
goes into the origins of mead, the more one is convinced not only that it is the
oldest drink (known in some form in every ancient civilisation) but also that it
always seemed to be connected with, or allegedly have powers in, the field of
‘amour’. It is common knowledge that the word ‘honeymoon’ was derived from
the practice of drinking honey-wine during the month-long celebrations which
followed better-class weddings.
Though mead, in its simplest form, consisted solely of honey, water and wild
yeast, in its more sophisticated form it had various additives, and was known
under a variety of lovely names: Melomel, Hippocras, Cyser, Pyment and
Metheglin, containing fruit juices, grape and herbs, apple juice, grape, and
various herbs respectively. It is from these old recipes that we have gradually
developed our country wines.
Although we are inclined to call any honey drink mead, apart from wine
mead, there was also a beer or ale mead. In fact the Anglo Saxon word for mead
was ‘alu’, which is close enough to ale to be thought to be a derivation of the
The British were never a wine-drinking nation to the same extent as the
French or Italians, and in the days when only honey was available as a
sweetening agent, beer and ale gradually became the staple drinks. In medieval
times, the brewer of bad ale might be put into the ‘cucking stool’. This was a
chair in which the culprit was made to sit, either at his own door, or in some
public place, where the population could see and mock to their hearts’ content.
Up to the eighteenth century the birth of a child was celebrated in the new
father’s house, with the fathers of twins sitting at the top table, the fathers of one
or more children at the second, and the childless and bachelors at the third (there
would be no table-cloth on the third table). This occasion was known as ‘sops
and ale’ and was a great occasion for toasting, eating and drinking. There was
certainly an ale-like drink up to the time of the Napoleonic Wars, since trouble
occurred in the British Army when the alcoholic strength of the mead supplied to
the troops was reduced from 6% to 4%. This was ale strength, and the mead was
in fact made with hops and brewers’ yeast.

The present-day definition would probably be a wine with plenty of flavour, too
strong in alcohol for a table wine, but not strong enough in either flavour or
alcohol for a dessert wine. These wines can be sweet or dry according to taste. In
fact, they are classic examples of some of the old country wines, which were
made from whatever fruits, vegetables, etc. were available at the time, providing
a wine that was suitable for drinking with friends in the evenings. There will be
several examples of these social wines in the recipes following, and indeed they
form a very useful introduction into winemaking for the beginner.

With this group of wines we are endeavouring to copy the type of wine, and not
necessarily a particular commercial wine belonging to the group. We must select
our ingredients with greater care with these wines, for it is no use trying to make
a dessert wine, for instance, with redcurrants. There is simply not the colour,
body or flavour for such a wine. The ingredients must be capable of producing
the type of wine we require, and it is hoped that the reader will find the notes
against each recipe a help in this respect.
The definition of these wines is that they should be suitable for drinking before a
meal, and should cleanse and waken the palate in preparation for the food to
They may be sweet or dry according to type, and although they do not have
to be fino sherries or sweet vermouths, this is an indication of what we need.
Suitable ingredients for a dry aperitif are parsnips or the citrus fruits, all of
which need the addition of sultanas or grape concentrate to give the necessary
vinosity. In alcoholic strength they should be at least 16% by volume, and in
many instances these wines are lightly fortified, either with vodka or Polish
spirit. Most wines of this type are medium to heavy in body, and unless the
winemaker is aiming at a sherry, they are often improved by the inclusion of a
very small quantity of herbs or quinine. The yeasts used should be capable of
working in a high alcoholic wine: Madeira or Tokay yeasts are suitable or
Gervin 4 wine yeast or sherry yeast if a dry or sweet sherry is the target.

Remember the purpose of these wines is to enhance food, not to dominate it,
therefore avoid strong flavours.

RED WINES – Usually light to medium in body, and mostly with a delicate but
good bouquet – this is very important. These table wines should be dry unless
rosé (which should come within the range of 998 to 1004 s.g. on the hydrometer
– see Chapter 7). Alcoholic content will rarely exceed 12% by volume,
representing a starting gravity of about 1078. Suitable yeasts for the red wines
are Beaujolais for the light-bodied wines; Gervin 2, Burgundy or Bordeaux for
the medium. Blackberries, elderberries, damsons and red grape concentrate are
all suitable ingredients, also blackcurrants in small quantities.

WHITE WINES – Mainly light-bodied, with the exception of white Burgundy

in the dry wines and Sauternes in the sweet. Alcoholic content is similar to the
red wines, except in the case of a Sauternes type, which should be both heavier
in body and in alcohol. Flower and leaf wines would fall into this category,
though it must be remembered that all these wines will need to have bananas,
sultanas or grape concentrate included in the recipe, otherwise they will be thin
and without character. Yeasts suitable for the group of table wines are for the
light-bodied, Graves, Hock, Chablis, Champagne, etc. and for the medium
wines, Gervin 1, Bordeaux, or Sauternes.

These wines are sweet and full-bodied, and should be fairly strong in flavour.
The alcoholic content should be at least 16% by volume, more if possible. In
most cases it will be necessary to include at least four pounds of fresh fruit per
gallon, and add bananas, raisins or sultanas for increased body. Acidity will be
higher than in the other groups, though this will be masked by the sweetness.


This group will include port types, Oloroso sherries, Madeira, etc. and must be
full-bodied and even stronger in flavour. They are heavy in alcohol, up to 18% if
possible, and are sweet and often fortified. Yeasts suitable are Madeira, Tokay,
Tarragona or Gervin 6.

Commercial liqueurs can be split into two types – liqueurs and eau de vie.
The first should be made basically from spirits and a flavouring matter such
as herbs, fruit, vegetables or flowers added prior to distillation, or alternatively
the herbs, fruits etc. are macerated in the spirit for a varying period according to
the strength of the additive. In either case the sugar is added later.
The second, eau de vie, are pure distillates made from fruit or vegetable
wines, and should not contain any additional flavouring, just sugar to sweeten –
examples of these are Framboise (raspberry), Kirsch (cherry), Calvados (apple).
The names of many of these liqueurs have been registered, and we are unable
to use them, but there are several firms who are marketing liqueur essences
which are very close to commercial types, and it is possible for us to make very
acceptable liqueurs with the minimum of effort.
In selecting the wine to be used as a base, do not use your best. The most
important thing to remember is that your wine must accept the flavour of the
essence, not fight it, and you should therefore look for a mild flavour, but one
strong in alcohol. Use a red wine for cherry brandy of course, but a golden wine
is suitable for most liqueurs.
For home consumption it is not necessary for you to make the liqueur up to
the strength of the commercial equivalent, but this is obviously a matter for the
individual. For those who do, I must say that there is one very important piece of
knowledge you must have, and that is the working of the ‘Pearson Square’. For
the purpose of this, let us say that we are endeavouring to make the equivalent of
a crême de menthe, and set out the details as follows:


The ratio is therefore 18 parts of wine to 24 parts of spirit

or 3 parts of wine to 4 parts of spirit.

The ingredients for a half bottle would therefore be:

128ml (4½ fl oz) wine

170ml (6 fl oz) spirit (vodka or Polish spirit)
Invert or caster sugar to taste (quantity dependent on the sweetness of the wine)
1½ tsp essence
Glycerol to thicken the liqueur

Mix thoroughly. This will be drinkable at once, but it does improve with
keeping, particularly as the glycerol does not blend easily.
It is not necessary, however, to copy a commercial liqueur. Why not blend
one from your own favourite fruit, herbs, etc.? There are endless possibilities in
our country wines – what about the richness of a loganberry or mulberry
liqueur? Pineapple? Mint? There is no need to make up a large quantity, just a
few fluid ounces to enable you to assess the value of the experiment.
The other method of making a liqueur is probably known to most people:
that of steeping fruit in a spirit, adding sugar, and letting Nature do the rest. Such
drinks as sloe gin, apricot gin, damson gin, are old favourites, but are certainly
not as cheap to make as those made by the first method, and cannot really be
considered a challenge to the winemaker.


So now we know what can be done, given the right ingredients and the correct
treatment. The majority of beginners will undoubtedly start by making country
wines, and their progress will depend largely on the interest the craft creates for
them. To make a real success of the hobby, however, there are two more aspects
which should be mastered, and these can only be attained with experience.

The first is palate training, and here a knowledge of commercial wines can be of
inestimable value. Why a commercial wine? Because it is at least a standard, in
fact the only standard we really have, for the fact that the wine is made for sale
means that it has a value, and to a certain extent its price gives an indication of
quality. Nowadays many of us are only able to easily sample wines from the
lower end of the market, but even so, do take any opportunity of tasting and
comparing commercial wines with those produced at home. At first you may feel
that your palate is not sufficiently developed to appreciate the finer points, but
time will bring about a vast improvement, and this can be speeded up if you
happen to be in contact with a group of fellow enthusiasts and can discuss the
merits and faults with them.
First of all, then, what is the palate? It consists of three parts – the tongue,
the throat and the nose. When we know the principles on which it works, we
begin to know which part to use in order to recognise different factors. The
golden rule is to try to ignore the obvious and look for the subtleties of flavour
and bouquet which will make or mar the wine to be tasted. Sweetness will do
much to mask a fault in a wine, but our palates will need to be able to detect the
fault if our winemaking is to improve. I always advise anyone to taste the must
just prior to the addition of the yeast starter. At first this may not mean very
much to the beginner, but gradually it will enable him or her to assess the right
acidity and potential flavour.
The tongue is able to detect the presence of bitterness, acid, sugar and salt –
B.A.S.S. The top surface of the tongue is covered by up to 9,000 taste buds, each
consisting of about 15 taste cells rather like the segments of an orange. Certain
areas of the tongue are more perceptive in picking out different flavours:

Front of tongue Sugar

Left and right outer edges Salt
Back and back half of sides Acid
Back of tongue Bitterness

The tongue, then, should give us a lot of information about the wine we are
tasting. But not only have we to recognise these different flavours, but also be
able to assess the degree of each.
To obtain the best results it is advisable to have a wine glass which is narrow
at the top in order to concentrate the bouquet. A sherry glass would do, but better
still a tulip glass or copita, which is the type used by wine judges. The glass
should be filled to its widest part, and a good mouthful of wine taken. Whilst the
wine is at the front of the mouth and tongue, the degree of sweetness will be
most noticeable. The wine should then be allowed to flow round the mouth (it is
called ‘chewing it’) and as it passes the sides of the tongue the acidity will
become more apparent. Salt is something which would hardly be found in a wine
anyway. As the wine reaches the back of the throat, any bitterness will become
apparent, though if this is only very slight, it may only be noticeable when a
little of the wine has been swallowed, and the bitterness then comes as a back
At the top of the nasal system is a region known as the olfactory region
which senses a smell and transmits a message direct to the brain. It is not yet
established how many types of smell the nose can identify, but obviously with
training it is able to tell us what is good in a wine and what is bad. For instance,
the ‘nose’ of a wine which has acetic acid in it and is turning to vinegar will be
known before the taste buds ever come into contact with it. When inhaling a
wine, take a deep breath, note the inviting (or otherwise) nature of the bouquet,
for this impression is a most important one. The nose will also give an indication
of the degree of sweetness, vinous quality and balance, though this can on
occasions be a little misleading, particularly if the wine is young and yeasty.
Constant practice will, however, soon enable you to concentrate on the less
obvious aspects of a wine, and give invaluable assistance towards the production
of quality wines.

Whilst this training of the palate is very important, I believe that the second
aspect is equally so; that is, for a winemaker at any level to train him or herself
to build up a ‘wine memory’. It would be useless to taste commercial wines in an
endeavour to copy them, or even to use them as a guide, if the lessons learned
from that tasting were not remembered and stored away in the memory. Again,
this is a long-term project, but once it is mastered it will be of the greatest
assistance in blending your own wines in order to bring about the best possible
results. Don’t worry if progress seems to be slow; a Master Winemaker or
National Judge was a beginner once, and possibly years have passed before they
have attained these accolades in the craft.


I realise that many of those about to take up the hobby have no intention of
going to the extra trouble of controlling the alcoholic content, but for those who
do, and would ultimately wish to emulate commercial types, the hydrometer and
jar become virtual necessities.
A hydrometer is very simple to use. Although it really measures the density
of a liquid, it does give us a reasonably accurate indication of the degree of
sweetness of a finished wine, and, if used at the beginning and end of the
fermentation, an indication of the alcoholic content of that wine. The hydrometer
has a bulbous weighted end, and is a tube which is graduated along its length,
normally from 990 at the top to 1170 at the bottom. These numbers refer to the
specific gravity, and if the hydrometer is placed in a tall, narrow, glass jar which
has been filled with water, it will float at a level that gives a reading of 1000. If
alcohol is added, a lower reading will result, as alcohol has a lower density than
water; but if sugar is added, the reading will be higher, as sugar is of greater
density, and the amount of sugar will be indicated. Therefore, if a reading is
taken from the must in the bucket just prior to fermentation, that reading will
give the total sugar content, i.e. the combination of the natural sugar from the
ingredients and the sugar that has been added.
To obtain an accurate reading, the reading should be taken when the
temperature of the liquid is at 15.5°C (60°F) and the hydrometer should be given
a spin as it is placed in the jar in order to throw off any air bubbles which may be
attached. Having taken the first reading, the same procedure should be adopted
at the end of the ferment. By taking the second figure from the first, the drop in
specific gravity is obtained. Divide this figure by 7.36 to find the percentage of
the alcohol by volume. Then, if you multiply this percentage of alcohol by
volume by 7 and divide by 4, your final answer will give you the proof spirit of
the wine. The following is an example of how it works:
FIG. 2
(floating in water it gives a reading of 1000)

First reading 1086 Specific gravity

Final reading 998 Specific gravity
Drop 88

88 + 7.36 = 11.96% alcohol by volume

11.96 x 7/4 = 20.93 proof spirit

This, then, is how we learn to assess the amount of alcohol in our wines, and we
are now in a position to make table wines, aperitifs, dessert wines, etc. as well as
to ensure that the wines finish with the correct amount of sugar content for their
The beginner will notice that the recipes in this book sometimes advise that
part only of the sugar content or sugar-containing ingredients should be added
during the fermentation. Obviously, in these cases the first reading will not give
the total sugar content. We get over this problem of assessing the gravity quite
simply by taking one hydrometer reading before the additional ingredient is
added, another immediately afterwards, and adding the increase to the original
gravity of the must.
Commercial wines do not always show the alcoholic content on the label.
Even when they do, it can vary quite a lot. An indication of the range of content
is as follows:

To show percentage of alcohol by volume and proof spirit from any

known drop in hydrometer readings.

Table wines – between 10% and 12.5% by volume, except in Sauternes, which may
be as high as 14%; German types and rosés are usually amongst the
lower percentages.

Aperitfs – between 12.5% and 16% according to type.

Dessert wines – 16% and above.

ln all instances, it is best if these wines are allowed to ferment to dryness, and be
left to mature in this state until required, for a dry wine always matures better
than a sweet one, particularly in bulk. Once the wine has matured, a stabilising
tablet (available from winemaking shops and online) could be added before
sweetening the wine. (The stabilising tablet should avoid the possibility of any
referment). After adding a stabilising tablet, leave the wine in the demijohn for a
few days before bottling.
The recognised finishing gravities are:

For dry wines – under 1000 s.g. (if possible down to 990 s.g.).

For medium wines – 1000 s.g. to 1008 s.g.

For sweet wines – above 1008 s.g., preferably above 1018 s.g. but if a
Sauternes type, this could be as high as 1030 s.g. (though at
this degree of sweetness, a little additional acid may well be
required, otherwise the wine may tend to cloy).


Racking is the term used to describe the drawing off of the wine from the
deposits of solids and yeast cells (known as the lees) which have accumulated at
the base of the fermentation jar. If left, these solids will decompose. When a
yeast cell is exhausted and dies, it sinks to the bottom of the jar, where a series
of chemical reactions takes place, known as autolysis or self-destruction.
Enzymes gradually turn the cell back to its basic constituents, which are released
into the bulk of the wine. Some of these constituent parts are then used by the
remaining yeast colony, but some are less desirable, and could impart an off
flavour in the new wine. It follows, therefore, that the timing of the first racking
is of primary importance, and will have a lasting effect on the quality of the
Unfortunately it is very difficult to give fixed periods of time for racking as
so much depends on the amount of debris that exists, and the speed of the
ferment. A very rough guide would be – first racking after four weeks (always
subject to the hydrometer reading indicating a dry wine, or at least a reading
down to the degree of sweetness required in the finished wine), second racking
after eight weeks, then as necessary at two monthly intervals until the wine is
star-bright. Racking does help to clear a wine, but it does also reduce the yeast
When drawing off the wine from the solids, place one end of the rubber tube
halfway down the demijohn, suck the other end sharply in order to start the
transfer of the wine and then place the tube at the bottom of the receiving
Finally a warning – when racking a wine that is not yet stable, do ensure that
it has minimum contact with the air. The syphoning tube should go deep into the
receiving jar, not allowing the wine to splash. The action of racking will
inevitably leave some oxygen in the wine, and an excess of oxygen is liable to
cause oxidation, something which although acceptable to a certain extent in a
sherry, would ruin a lighter table wine. At this first racking it is advisable to
place one crushed Campden tablet to the gallon (four and a half litres) in the
receiving demijohn as an insurance against possible oxidation. After subsequent
rackings, there will probably be sufficient alcohol to counteract the risk,
provided that the above racking instructions have been followed.


Once our wine has ceased to ferment and has become stable, this is not the end
of our endeavours. If winemaking consisted solely of placing set quantities of
ingredients in a bucket, and at given intervals, racking and bottling, then our
hobby would not retain our interest for long. Louis Pasteur once wrote, ‘There is
never alcoholic fermentation without the continued life of cells already formed’.
When we place the yeast in that bucket, we are helping to create a living thing,
for the wine we shall ultimately drink will be changing constantly throughout its
life. A complex series of chemical changes takes place, brought about firstly by
esters – these are fragrant substances (responsible for the scents and flavours of
plants and fruits) which are produced in wines by the action of organic acids on
alcohol. Secondly by enzymes, which are lifeless substances produced by the
living yeast cells.
Very few winemakers pay enough attention to the important subject of
processing and maturing. To make wine, bottle it in about four months, and
drink it very shortly afterwards, is all very well, and I do not doubt that your first
few gallons will be consumed eagerly, but do try to put away at least one bottle
from each batch and allow it to mature fully. As your palate becomes more
discerning, you will begin to realise how much better your wines can become by
allowing them to mature.
By processing I mean the attention given to the wine at each stage of
preparation, particularly in the case of white wines, which should be racked
regularly. With the addition of the one Campden tablet at the first racking, your
wines will be secure against oxidation and darkening of colour – this is
particularly necessary in the case of apples and pears. Always ensure that the
fermentation jar is topped up to within 1½ inches (38mm) of the cork after
racking, with water or if a light-bodied wine with another similar wine, that
airlocks are kept half full (this is usually done with water, but glycerin is even
better as it will not evaporate). Also make sure that all your equipment is
sterilised at all times.
Now for maturation. We are told that wines are best matured in barrels, but
this is a luxury that very few of us possess. What is the alternative? Try to
mature in bulk if at all possible, in glass jars, or even stoneware jars if you are
sure that the glazing is sound. Up to two years for a strong wine, such as a
dessert or port; less, probably, nine to twelve months, for table wines. If you are
fortunate enough to have a small barrel, keep it for red wines, for these will
benefit most from it, but do varnish the exterior first in order to minimise the
possibility of oxidation through the wood. If you are maturing in glass containers
make sure the corks and bungs fit tightly to exclude the air. It is advisable to
cover the jars in some way in order to exclude the light, which particularly with
red wines, does affect the colour. A piece of newspaper wrapped round and held
in place with a rubber band is quite adequate. Another way is to use brown-
coloured demijohns for wines in store, but my objection to this is the difficulty
in seeing through the glass in order to find out when a racking is necessary. In all
instances a wine will benefit during the maturation period if it can be kept at a
steady temperature of just under 60°F (15.5°C).
When bottling time comes round, syphon the wine from the demijohn.
Always use a straight cork in preference to one with sloping slides, for if
shrinkage does occur, the cork with the sloping sides is more likely to let in the
air than one which is touching the neck of the bottle throughout its length. A tip,
here, too: when forcing the cork into the neck of the bottle, have a piece of string
(about 8 inches/20cm long) partially inside the bottle, but hanging outside. As
soon as the cork is inserted, pull out the string, which will then release the air
which has been compressed in the neck of the bottle by the insertion of the cork
– failure to do this may result in the air pressure pushing the cork out again.
There are several types of corking machines available to make the task easy.
When the wine is bottled and corked, try to store the bottle at an angle – this will
keep the cork moist and thus avoid shrinkage which could let in air.
It is important too, that the finished product should be made as attractive as
possible to look at. Never bottle a wine before it is clear enough to drink, for
there is nothing worse than being offered a drink from a bottle which has a layer
of sediment on the bottom – it is unappetising to say the least, and think of the
possibility of off flavours developing from the dead yeast cells which have
accumulated in the bottle. Our bottles should be the correct ones for the type of
wine they contain; that is, white for a white wine or coloured for a red, though
this may be a little difficult at first until an adequate supply has been obtained.
The bottles should be thoroughly sterilised before use, the wine star-bright, the
cork well into the bottle, and the wine within half an inch (13mm) of the cork.
The labels should be attractive and neatly written, placed equidistant
between the seams of the bottle, and sufficiently low that they lie flat – this is
particularly important when using Burgundy-type sloping shoulder bottles. For
the few extra minutes it takes, it is useful to add identity details such as the date
of making, batch number, and whether sweet or dry. All this information will be
of considerable use to you if you are keeping wines for any length of time. Some
very decorative labels are available in shops selling winemaking equipment,
though these can be quite expensive. If you intend to continue to make wine over
a period of years, it is well worth considering the purchase of labels printed from
a design you have made yourself. In the long term this can result in quite a
substantial saving. The example shown gives the type of wine, batch number,
hydrometer reading, alcoholic content, and the date made. In this case, I have a
different colour label for each year, which enables me to see the age at a glance.
For those who wish to go even further, there are such things as coloured
cappings, and neck labels which indicate whether the wine is sweet or dry. All
this may seem to be a little unnecessary, but I believe that it is not enough to
know you are offering a good wine: it deserves to be seen to be at its best.


Unless they have a bacterial infection, most of our wines will clear to brilliance
naturally, but three things will help them to do so:

1. Regular racking.
2. Mild sulphiting.
3. The presence of tannin.

It may seem strange to say that racking is an aid to clarification, but by watching
closely, a further film of yeast and solid deposit will be found at the bottom of
the demijohn within two or three days of racking, however clear the wine may
seem to be.

It has been suggested that one Campden tablet should be added at the first
racking. This not only minimises the possibility of oxidation, in that it disperses
the oxygen which has entered the wine during the racking process, but again it is
an aid to clarification.


The lack of tannin is one of the biggest causes of our winemaking difficulties.
Adequate tannin not only gives a better ferment, and a better balance to the wine,
but it is also an aid to clarification.

If we have a persistent haze in a wine, and we have assured ourselves that it is
not a pectin or starch haze (see Chapter 10) we still have two methods of
attempting to clear it – the first of which is known as fining. However, neither
method is as good as Nature’s own way, and I would advise its use only if really
necessary. I know that many of the commercial kits now on the market provide a
fining agent with all their wines, but this is simply to allow the less patient
winemaker to obtain the finished product a few weeks earlier, and there is no
doubt that some quality is sacrificed in doing this. Among fining agents are the

Isinglass – this is a pure type of gelatine, and a one-ounce (28g) packet will fine
10 gallons (45 litres) of wine. Break down the fibres into a powder and dissolve
in a cupful of water with a pinch of tartaric acid. This will set in a jelly. Add it to
a jug full of wine, mix thoroughly, and add it to the bulk – it is no use adding the
isinglass direct to the demijohn as it will not mix easily.

Gelatine – This clearing agent has a positive charge, and should simply be
dissolved in hot water, and stirred into the wine. Follow the instructions on the

Albumen (egg white) – one egg will fine 10 gallons (45 litres). Whisk into part of
the wine and add to the bulk.

Milk – which contains casein, is another fining agent, and this also has the effect
of reducing the colour of the wine. For this purpose, prepare three small clear
bottles with about 100cc of wine in each. To the first add ½cc of milk, to the
second 1cc and to the third 1½cc. Shake them all thoroughly and leave for 36
hours. From the results you can select the colour you require. Then add the
necessary quantity of milk to the bulk of the wine in that ratio.

Because of the difficulties in assessing the quantities required for so small an

amount as one gallon (4½ litres), none of these methods is particularly popular
with winemakers. Far safer is the use of one of the new proprietary brands of
wine finings, the quantity to be used being shown on the containers.
It is most important in using any of these fining agents that the dosage is not
exceeded, for this in itself can stabilise the haze, making it impossible for the
wine to be cleared to brilliance.
There remains one other lining agent which has the advantage that its use
entails no risk of overfining. It is known as bentonite, and is a clay which comes
from America. One flat dessertspoonful in a cup of wine will be enough to fine a
gallon of wine, but it must be mixed very thoroughly before it is added to the
bulk. In liquid it tends to swell greatly, but if added to the wine in the correct
consistency, it is quick in action and does an excellent job.

If all else fails we can try filtering, but do use this method as a last resort, for it is
inclined to take more than just the solids in suspension out of a wine. Many
eminent winemakers insist that a wine so treated never recovers in full, and that
occasionally the wine will have a slight taste of the filter medium. However, the
last few years have seen great strides in the marketing of filtering aids. Up to that
time an open funnel and filter paper were all we possessed, and this left the wine
in constant contact with the air for lengthy periods with the obvious risk of
oxidation. Recently, manufacturers have given considerable thought to the
subject, and as a result we now have a number of filtering aids available to us.
Most of these exclude the air completely during the filtering process, and are
therefore relatively safe, though if using any of them it is advisable to allow the
wine to recover before drinking.


In this book I do not propose to go into details of all the wine disorders that can
arise, for many occur so rarely that the beginner would be extremely unfortunate
to come into contact with them, particularly if the basic instructions on
sterilisation have been strictly adhered to. However, there are one or two
problems which are fairly common and may be encountered from time to time,
and a little knowledge of these and the cure may be of assistance. There are two
kinds of hazes which can occur in certain types of wine, both of which can be
avoided at the outset if the winemaker has the knowledge.
A pectin haze is caused by a gelatinous substance in the fruit (what is good
for jam-making often causes problems in winemaking) and the way to avoid this
is to use a pectin-destroying enzyme in the must. The use of Pectinol, Pectolase,
etc. in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions should prevent a pectin
haze forming, but if the finished wine is still hazy, it can be tested for pectin by
taking 85ml (3 fl oz) of methylated spirits, 28ml (1 fl oz) of wine, and stirring
well. If, after a short while, jelly-like clots or strings begin to form, the haze is
caused by the presence of pectin.
The treatment is to add a teaspoonful of Pectolase to the wine, stir well, and
keep it in a warm place for a few days, then rack, or filter if the haze does not
The second is a starch haze, most noticeable in grain wines. To test for this,
place a few drops of the wine on a white plate or tile, and add a few drops of
iodine. If the mixture contains black spots or flecks, then starch is present. The
treatment is to take 14g (½ oz) of amylase and 85ml (3 fl oz) of water, place it in
a bottle and leave for two hours, stirring and shaking it occasionally. Heat the
wine to 76°C (170°F) and hold it at that level for twenty minutes. Cool to 38°C
(100°F) and stir in the diluted enzyme. In one hour the reaction should be
complete. Raise the temperature to 76°C (170°F) again, holding it at that
temperature for ten minutes. After cooling, the haze should settle out, and the
wine should be racked. All this is quite a lot of work, so to prevent a starch haze
forming in the first place, it is far better to add amylase to the must at the rate of
one teaspoonful to 4½ litres (1 gallon).
A third common fault found is flatness or insipidness in a wine. This is due
to the lack of tannin in most cases, and can often be overcome by the addition of
a few drops of a proprietary brand of liquid wine tannin solution (obtainable
from any winemaking shop) or a cup of cold strong tea to every 4½ litres (1
gallon). Either should be added when the wine is clear, but before maturing. The
liquid tannin is preferable as the quantity of tannin is more easily controlled, and
a cup of tea does weaken the alcoholic content to a certain extent.
Another of the problems which we sometimes have to face occurs during
fermentation. It is known as acetification, and with this disorder the wine will
gradually turn to vinegar. It is probably the most disastrous disorder, for
although it can be stopped if noticed in the very early days, it is often not
apparent until it has reached a level when nothing can be done. It can be caused
in several ways, by bad storage, the presence of air, the vinegar or fruit fly, or
even excessive heat. The last is not often considered, but it should be
remembered that the heat in the cap of a must is at least five Fahrenheit degrees
higher than the rest of the must. Excessive heat will kill the yeast, but still
encourage the growth of bacteria known as Mycaderma Aceti, which will cause
this acetification. Those with a keen sense of smell may notice if a wine has a
slight tendency towards vinegar. If so, act at once – add two Campden tablets to
the gallon (4½ litres) and leave for 24 hours. In the meantime, prepare a yeast
starter in a bottle with the same type of yeast used in the original, and when the
starter is fermenting, add a little of the wine (but never more than the amount in
the starter bottle). Similarly, when this is fully fermenting, add the same amount
of wine again, and continue to do this until the whole of the gallon is re-
fermenting. Don’t forget to sterilise the demijohn that held the infected wine
very thoroughly, and also the cork and airlock.
Last, but certainly not least, is the problem that winemakers call a ‘stuck
ferment’. This indicates that for some reason the yeast has failed to complete its
work, and left us with an over-sweet wine. Stuck ferments are probably one of
the more common faults, and may be caused by a number of things:

1 Acetification (which we have already looked into).

2 Excess sugar – this can suffocate the yeast. (But it is not a stuck ferment if the
yeast has produced its normal alcoholic content and is still over-sweet. This is
an error of judgment on our part in preparing the must).

3 Carbon dioxide in the solution – airlocks should help avoid this, but a good
shake up of the demijohn may be of assistance.

4 No yeast – usually caused by over-racking, either too early or too often.

5 Insufficient air – this may seem strange, but 1½ inches (38mm) should
always be left between the level of the wine and the cork.

6 Lack of acid – wine may develop an off flavour, but if noticed in time,
additional acid may help.
7 Presence of a preservative – this usually occurs when tinned or bottled fruit
has been used. Check that tins are marked ‘No preservatives’, and in the case
of dried fruit, ensure that it is thoroughly washed before use.

8 Temperature – either too high, in which case the yeast will have been killed,
or too low, in which case the yeast has become dormant. Even an intense
fluctuation of temperature can sometimes have the same effect.

9 Lack of nutrients – simply add a further half teaspoonful of nutrient salts.

I cannot close this chapter without giving the beginner some crumb of comfort:
don’t think that these problems make winemaking an extremely hazardous
business – it is not, and with normal luck and adherence to the basic rules. it will
only be on very rare occasions in times of trouble that there is any need to look
up this section.


Those who have just set out on this wonderful hobby of ours deserve all the
encouragement winemakers can give them, but apart from advice on a particular
problem by an individual, what can we do? What is the set-up throughout the
country? The craft of wine and beer making has made great strides in the past 40
years – monthly journals are available, in addition there are books on every
aspect, and from a very small beginning at Andover in 1953 has grown a
network of clubs, many of which are grouped into area federations. Over all this
we have the National Association of Amateur Wine and Beermakers.
Some beginners have taken the first step themselves by joining a wine club,
but many hold back under the impression that they will feel lost, out of their
depth, and amongst the ‘professionals’. How wrong they are. Every club has its
quota of beginners, and many hold Beginners’ Classes from time to time. I feel
sure that most people gain more pleasure in learning the craft in the convivial
atmosphere of a wine club, where problems can be discussed with those who
have already experienced them, and where there is a social life for the taking.
Many club members are content simply to make the occasional gallon in the
time-honoured way, and are unlikely to be influenced by competitions, or indeed
anything that I may say, but if the newcomer is keen enough, it is possible to
progress right up to the stage of becoming a National Judge. Most clubs will
hold regular competitions, including Novices’ Classes, and although they would
obviously like a high percentage of members to take part, it is an accepted fact
that many will not do so for one reason or another, and no one should feel bound
to enter.
Many clubs are affiliated to their area federations, and it is usual for a
federation to hold training classes for senior wine and beer makers, who, after
passing written and practical examinations, and proving their ability by suitable
competition results, may become Regional Judges. Some of the federations also
have their own Masters’ Guild, where experienced and qualified members meet
to discuss some of the more technical aspects of the craft, and to carry out
experimental work, the results of which can be taken back to the clubs. In
addition, a federation will hold its own Annual Festival, in which all member
clubs may compete, and this is usually followed by a social event in the evening.
Membership of the National Association is open to federations, clubs, and to
individual members. The Association exists to further the interests and
knowledge of the craft, and to hold an annual competition.
Finally, I must say a few words about that dedicated body, the National
Guild of Judges. Membership is by a very strict examination, of course, but
members of the Guild always seem available to judge at our festivals, to advise,
and to give talks etc. I sometimes wonder how they manage to find time to make
any wine or beers for themselves. Without the members of the Guild we would
be unable to run these competitions and indeed the standard of our wine and beer
making would soon deteriorate.
I have mentioned competitions, which of course exist at all levels, club,
federation and national, and although it must be admitted that only a small
percentage of members enter, there are many advantages to be gained by those
who do. From Novices’ Classes in a club competition onwards, there is the pride
of achievement, the challenge of beating the existing champion, or simply of
gaining points for one’s club. Also, practical help is obtained from the advice
willingly given by the judges, and by the comparison with other members’


All the recipes are for one gallon (4½ litres) unless otherwise stated. In the
recipes: tbsp = tablespoon; tsp = teaspoon; dsp = dessertspoon; pt = pint.
The indication of the type of wine against each recipe does not necessarily
mean that the yeast will leave the degree of residual sugar associated with that
type of wine when it has completed its work. It is simply that the author believes
that each recipe will produce the wine at its best if it does contain that amount of
sugar. This may well mean that sugar should be added once the wine is stable.
However, when sweetening a wine at the end of a ferment do make sure that
the wine is really stable, for any dormant yeast cells can easily restart a ferment
when sugar is added – the addition of one stabilising tablet (available from
winemaking shops) per gallon should avoid any difficulty. (Of course, if a
Campden tablet has been added at the first racking, no stabilising tablet would be
needed as the Campden tablet would have killed the yeast). Similarly, when
blending one wine with another a restart can occur, and there will almost
certainly be a fall-out of minute particles left in the wines, however clear they
may seem to be. It is advisable to leave a blended wine in the demijohn for a few
days before bottling.
Remember to prepare the yeast starter at least 24 hours before preparing the
Remember also that a fermenting wine is best kept at an even temperature,
preferably in the range of 65–75°F (18–24°C) – never above.
Do not bottle a wine until is is really clear – any sediment forming in a
bottle, either caused by the presence of solids, or dead yeast cells, would be
detrimental to the quality of the wine, and apart from this, would result in
cloudiness when pouring.
These wines will all improve with keeping beyond the times stated in the
‘Come eat of my bread and drink of the wine which I have mingled’
Proverbs 9, verse 5



Bordeaux or all-purpose yeast starter

3.6kg (8 lb) apples
Campden tablets as per instructions
900g (2 lb) granulated sugar
1 litre (2 pints) white grape juice
(N.B. containing no preservatives)
13mg vitamin B1 tablet
½ level tsp Epsom salts (optional)
1 level tsp nutrient salts
1 level tsp pectic enzyme

1 Obtain a mixture of eating and cooking apples, including, if possible, 450g (1

lb) crab apples. Wash and crush them, either slicing and then pulping them
with a block of wood, or better still, putting them through a juice extractor, in
which case the quantity could be reduced to 2.5kg (6 lb).

2 Place the crushed apples or juice immediately into a sterilised bucket with 2
litres (4 pints) of water and 1 Campden tablet. After 24 hours dissolve the
sugar in 1 litre (2 pints) of hot water, add this and the remaining ingredients,
making it up to 4.5 litres (8 pints) with cold water – remember this includes
the yeast starter.
3 Ferment in the bucket for 3 days, stirring daily, then strain off the fermenting
must into a demijohn under airlock, topping up if necessary.
4 Ferment to dryness in a warm place, and then rack into another jar with 1
Campden tablet.

5 Rack again after a further 14 days.

This wine is drinkable after 3–4 months, but a longer period of maturation will
repay, as the wine improves considerably up to 18 months. Sweeten to taste a
few days before bottling.



Champagne or all-purpose yeast starter

800g (13/4 lb) granulated sugar
Campden tablets as per instructions
1 995ml (35 fl oz) bottle of apple juice
(N.B. containing no preservatives)
2 tbsp elderflower florets
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet
1 level tsp citric acid
1 level tsp malice acid
1 level tsp nutrient salts
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
285ml (½ pint) white grape concentrate

1 Place the sugar in a sterilised bucket and pour over it 1 litre (2 pints) of hot

2 Stir until the sugar has dissolved, add 1 Campden tablet and 1.7 litres (3
pints) of cold water. Then add the apple juice, cover and leave for 24 hours.

3 Next day wash the elderflower florets, add them and the remaining
ingredients (except the grape concentrate) and make it up to 4.2 litres (7½
pints) including the yeast starter, with cold water.

4 Ferment in the bucket for 4 days, stirring daily, before straining and
transferring to a demijohn under airlock, adding the grape concentrate at this
stage, and topping up as necessary with cold water. Ferment to a finish in a
warm place.
5 Rack as soon as the wine is stable, adding 1 Campden tablet.

This wine is drinkable after 3–4 months. but a longer period of maturation will
repay, as the wine improves considerably up to 18 months. Sweeten to taste a
few days before bottling.


Sauternes or Tokay yeast starter

1.4kg (3 lb) fresh apricots
900g (2 lb) granulated sugar
285ml (½ pint) white grape concentrate
1 heaped tsp pectic enzyme
1 level tsp nutrient salts
1 level tsp Epsom salts (optional)
½ level tsp citric acid
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet

1 Wash and stone the apricots, mash them and place them in a sterilised bucket
in 2 litres (4 pints) of cold water. Add 1 Campden tablet, cover and leave

2 After 24 hours make it up to 4.2 litres (7½ pints) with warm water. Add the
sugar. and stir until it has all dissolved.

3 When the temperature is down to 21°C (70°F) add the remaining ingredients,
including the yeast starter.

4 Ferment on the pulp for 3 days, stirring daily, before straining the fermenting
must into a demijohn under airlock.

5 Continue the fermentation in a warm place, but watch carefully in case a pulp
sediment builds up, in which case rack, even though the fermentation is near

6 Rack again and add a Campden tablet immediately the wine is stable.

7 Store in bulk, if possible up to 12 months. racking as necessary during this

time. Sweeten to taste a few days before bottling.

Note: this wine may also be made from dried fruit – if so, use 340g (12 oz) of
dried apricots, washed and chopped into small pieces.



Beaujolais or all-purpose yeast starter

1.1kg (2½ lb) granulated sugar
1.8kg (4 lb) apples (including some crab apples)
Campden tablets as per instructions
1.4kg (3 lb) blackberries
1 heaped tsp citric acid
1 level tsp nutrient salts
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet

Note: taste the fruit beforehand, if it is slightly acid then reduce the amount of
citric acid to one level tsp.

1 Place the sugar in a sterilised bucket, and pour 1 litre (2 pints) of very hot
water over it. Stir until dissolved, and add 1 Campden tablet.
2 Wash the fruit thoroughly, chop the apples, cutting out all the bad parts. Put
the apples into the bucket, liquidise or mash the blackberries in some water
and add them also.

3 Cover and leave for 24 hours, and then make it up to 4.5 litres (1 gallon)
including 1 litre (2 pints) of hot water.
4 When the temperature is down to 21°C (70°F) add the acid, nutrient salts,
pectic enzyme, vitamin B1 tablet and the yeast starter. Stir these in and
ferment on the pulp for 5 days, stirring daily, before straining off the solids
and placing the liquor in a demijohn under airlock.

5 Top up to 38mm (1½ in) from the base of the cork if necessary with cold
6 Continue the fermentation to a finish in a warm place. Rack immediately on
completion adding 1 Campden tablet.
This wine should be ready for drinking within 4 months.


Port-type or all-purpose yeast starter

Campden tablets as per instructions
907g (32 oz) tin of black cherries
(N.B. containing no preservatives)
1.1kg (2½ lb) granulated sugar
227ml (8 fl oz) red grape concentrate
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet
1 heaped tsp citric acid
1 level tsp nutrient salts
1 level tsp pectic enzyme

1 Pour 1.7 litres (3 pints) of warm water in a sterilised bucket and add 1
Campden tablet.

2 Extract the stones from the cherries and place the cherries and their juice
straight into the bucket.

3 Stir in the sugar until it has all dissolved, cover, and leave overnight.

4 After 24 hours make it up to 4.2 litres (7½ pints) with warm water, and when
the temperature is down to 21°C (70°F) add the remaining ingredients,
including the yeast starter.

5 Ferment on the pulp for 4 days, stirring daily, before straining off the
fermenting must into a demijohn under airlock.
6 Continue the fermentation to a finish in a warm place, racking and adding 1
Campden tablet as soon as the wine is stable.

The wine should be ready for drinking between 3–4 months. though it will
improve with keeping.
Note: taste the fruit beforehand, if it is slightly acid then necessary to add a little
tartaric acid (a pinch at a time) when sweetening to taste before bottling.


Bordeaux or all-purpose yeast starter

900g (2 lb) blackcurrants
1.4kg (3 lb) granulated sugar
Campden tablets as per instructions
227ml (8 floz) red grape concentrate
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
1 level tsp nutrient salts

1 Wash the blackcurrants. Liquidise or mash them in a little water and place
them in a sterilised bucket, together with the sugar and 1.7 litres (3 pints) of
hot water.

2 Stir until the sugar has all dissolved, add 1 Campden tablet, cover and leave

3 After 24 hours, make it up to 4.5 litres (8 pints) with warm water, and when
the temperature is down to 21°C (70°F), add the remaining ingredients,
including the yeast starter.

4 Ferment on the pulp for 4 days, stirring daily, before straining the fermenting
must into a demijohn under airlock.

5 Rack as soon as the wine is stable, adding 1 Campden tablet, and rack a
second time after 4 weeks.
6 Sweeten to taste a few days before bottling.

This wine could be drunk after 4 months.

Note: this wine may be a little harsh when young, if so add 2 tsp of glycerin for
4.5 litres (1 gallon) and thoroughly mix before bottling.


Sherry or all-purpose yeast starter

1.8kg (4 lb) carrots
800g (1½ lb) granulated sugar (for dry) or
1.1kg (2½ lb) granulated sugar (for sweet)
1 level tsp citric acid
1 level tsp tartaric acid
½ level tsp grape tannin
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
1 level tsp nutrient salts
2 3mg vitamin B1 tablets
285ml (½ pint) white grape concentrate
Campden tablet as per instructions

1 Scrub the carrots, cut them into slices and cook them in 5 pints (2.8 litres) of
water until they are soft – do not allow them to mash.

2 Place the sugar, acids and tannin in a sterilised bucket, straining the liquor
from the carrots over them.

3 Stir until the sugar has dissolved and allow to cool.

4 When the temperature is down to 21°C (70°F) add the pectic enzyme and
leave covered overnight.
5 Next day, make it up to 4.2 litres (7½ pints) with warm water, add the
nutrient salts, vitamin B1 tablets and the yeast starter.

6 Ferment in the bucket for 4 days, stirring daily, before transferring to a

demijohn under airlock, adding the grape concentrate at this time.
7 Ferment to a finish in a warm place. Even with the higher amount of sugar,
the wine may well finish medium to dry, but may be sweetened to taste at the
first racking at which time 1 Campden tablet should be added.
This wine may be drunk young but it will benefit greatly from a maturation time
of up to a year.


Champagne yeast starter

20 lb (9kg) apples
Campden tablets as per instructions
Sugar (as necessary)
1 level tsp nutrient salts

Two things are of vital importance to us in the making of cider: first, the
availability of a juice extractor, otherwise the crushing of the apples in order to
extract the juice can be a long and messy business, and secondly the blend of
apples we use, the best being one third of a sharp cooking apple, one third of a
dessert apple, and one third crab apple.

1 Carefully wash the fruit, cutting out any damaged portions, then extract the
juice directly into a sterilised demijohn, into which a soluble Campden tablet
has been placed.

2 When 4.5 litres (1 gallon) of juice has been obtained, make the gravity up to
1060 s.g. by adding the sugar in 114g (4 oz) batches (see page 47) and stir
until the sugar is dissolved, and cover.

3 After 24 hours, add a champagne yeast starter and the nutrient salts, and
ferment until the gravity has dropped to 1045 s.g. then rack and continue the
ferment until the reading is down to 1030 s.g. A further racking at this stage
should result in the fermentation terminating at around 1020 s.g. – then add 2
Campden tablets and give the cider a final racking.

The cider may be drunk after 3–4 months.


Champagne or Chablis yeast starter

2 litres (4 pints) dandelion flower heads
Campden tablet as per instructions
800g (1¾ lb) granulated sugar
1 heaped tsp citric acid
1 level tsp tartaric acid
2 level tsp grape tannin
1 level tsp nutrient salts
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
285ml (½ pint) white grape concentrate

1 Take 4 ½ litre (one-pint) containers of dandelion flower heads loosely
packed, picked on a dry day when in full flower.

2 Remove all the stalks and as much ofthe green as possible, as this can cause
bitterness. Place the flowers in a large container in 2 litres (4 pints) of boiling

3 Add 1 Campden tablet and leave them to steep for 48 hours (not more). Then
boil the mixture for 10 minutes.

4 Place the sugar in a sterilised bucket, strain the liquor on to the sugar, and stir
until dissolved.
5 Make it up to 4.2 litres (7½ pints) with cold water and add the acids and

6 When the temperature is down to 21°C (70°F), add the nutrient salts, pectic
enzyme and yeast starter.

7 Stir well, cover, and ferment for 3 days, stirring daily, before transferring to a
demijohn under airlock.
8 As soon as the first heavy ferment is complete (about 5 days) stir in the
concentrate, and ferment to a finish in a warm place. Rack as soon as the
wine is stable.

This wine can be drunk after 3–4 months.


Madeira or all-purpose yeast starter

900g (2 lb) dates
450g (1 lb) bananas (mashed)
450g (1 lb) granulated sugar
Campden tablets as per instructions
2 level tsp citric acid
1 level tsp nutrient salts
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
227ml (8 fl oz) white grape concentrate
Invert sugar as required

1 Thoroughly wash the dates in a little water. Chop them up and place them in
a sterilised bucket together with the mashed bananas.

2 Add the sugar and 1.7 litres (3 pints) of boiling water, and stir until the sugar
has dissolved.

3 Add 1 Campden tablet, cover and leave overnight.

4 After 24 hours make it up to 4 litres (7 pints) with warm water, and when the
temperature is down to 21°C (70°F), add the acid, nutrient salts, vitamin B1
tablet, pectic enzyme and the yeast starter.
5 Ferment on the pulp for 5 days, stirring daily, before straining the must into a
demijohn under airlock, topping up with the grape concentrate and cold water
as necessary.

6 Continue the fermentation in a warm place, and as long as the yeast is

working add invert sugar in 142ml (¼ pint) lots each time the gravity drops
to 1006. Rack immediately on completion of the ferment, adding 1 Campden
This wine may be drunk after 4 months.



Sherry yeast starter

1.4kg (3 lb) dates
2 large lemons
2 oranges
450g (1 lb) granulated sugar
28g (1 oz) gypsum
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
1 level tsp nutrient salts
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet
285ml (½ pint) white grape concentrate
Invert sugar as required

1 Chop, and boil the dates in 3 pts/1.7 litres of water for 30 minutes, together
with the thinly pared rinds of the lemons and oranges, carefully avoiding any

2 Place the sugar in a bucket, measure and pour the liquid over it, and stir until
it has dissolved.

3 Add the juice of the fruit and the gypsum, make it up to 7½ pts/4.2 litres with
cold water, and when the temperature is 21°C/70°F add the pectic enzyme,
nutrient salts, vitamin tablet and the yeast starter.

4 Ferment for 4 days, stirring daily, before straining into a demijohn under
airlock, adding the grape concentrate. Note: the demijohn is not topped up.
5 Continue the ferment, but add invert sugar in 142ml/¼pt lots each time the
gravity drops to 1006. Rack when the fermentation has ceased. This is the
only time a sherry-type is racked. Do not top up the airspace. Replace the
airlock with a wad of cotton wool.

6 Taste from time to time to ensure the oxidation is not overdone. When ready,
replace the cotton wool with an airlock and store in bulk until required.
This wine may be drunk after 6 months.



Tokay or Madeira yeast starter

227g (½ lb) dates
900g (2 lb) sultanas
2 3mg vitamin B1 tablets
227g (½ lb) figs
114g (¼ lb) dried bananas
Campden tablets as per instructions
1 level tsp citric acid
1 level tsp nutrient salts
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
1 tin (700ml) white grape concentrate
Invert sugar as required

1 Liquidise in some water or chop the washed dates, sultanas and figs. Put in a

2 Chop the bananas and boil for 25 minutes in ½ litre/1 pt water.

3 Strain off the solids and add the liquor to the bucket, making it up to 1 litre/2
pts with warm water. Add 1 Campden tablet and cover.
4 After 24 hours make it up to 3.4 litres/6 pts with warm water. When the
temperature is at 21°C/70°F add the acid, nutrient salts, vitamin tablets,
pectic enzyme and yeast starter.
5 Ferment for 3 days, stirring twice daily.

6 Add the grape concentrate. Ferment and stir for 2 more days.

7 Strain into a demijohn under airlock. Top up with cold water.

8 Each time the s.g. drops to 1010 add 142ml/¼ pt invert sugar.

9 At the end of the ferment adjust the final s.g. to 1040 and add any extra
tartaric acid (a pinch at a time) that may be needed.

10 Rack when stable adding 1 Campden tablet. Rack again after a month.

This wine may be drunk after 6 months.


Tokay or all-purpose yeast starter

900g (2 lb) elderberries
900g (2 lb) blackberries
114g (4 oz) dates
450g (1 lb) damsons
Campden tablet as per instructions
227g (½ lb) granulated sugar
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet
10 fl oz (285ml) apple juice (N.B. containing no preservatives)
1 level tsp nutrient salts
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
1 pint (½ litre) red grape concentrate
Invert sugar as required

1 Wash the elderberries, blackberries, dates and damsons. Stone the damsons.

2 Place all the fruit with 2.8 litres/5 pts of warm water in a bucket, add 1
Campden tablet, cover and leave overnight.

3 Stir in the sugar, vitamin tablet, apple juice and nutrient salts.

4 Make it up to 7 pts/4 litres with hot water.

5 When the temperature is 21°C/70°F add the pectic enzyme and the yeast
6 Ferment for 3 days, stirring daily.

7 Add the grape concentrate.

8 Continue the ferment for 2 more days before straining the must into a
demijohn under airlock.

9 Each time the s.g. falls to 1010 add ¼pt/142ml invert sugar.
10 Once the wine is stable, rack and raise the gravity to 1030.

11 Store in bulk for a minimum of 6 months – a longer maturation period is

even better.

Note: largely dependent on the ripeness of the fruit used, it may be necessary to
add a little acid to the wine in order to balance the final sweetness.


Burgundy yeast starter

1½ lb (680g) granulated sugar
900g (2 lb) elderberries
2 oz (56g) dates
2 oz (56g) blackcurrants
Campden tablets as per instructions
227g (½ lb) fresh bananas
1 level tsp citric acid
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet
1 level tsp nutrient salts
285ml (½ pint) red grape concentrate

1 Place the sugar and 2 pts/l litre of hot water in a bucket; stir until dissolved.

2 Remove the stalks from the elderberries and wash them.

3 Wash the dates and blackcurrants.

4 Liquidise the elderberries, dates and blackcurrants in some water or mash

them. Add them to the bucket with 1 Campden tablet.
5 Discard the skins of the bananas, chop them into small pieces, and put them
in a saucepan in ½ litre/1 pt of water.
6 Boil, simmer for 20 minutes, then strain the liquid into the bucket.

7 Make it up to 2.8 litres/5 pts with cold water, cover and leave for 24 hours.

8 Add 1.4 litres/2½pts of warm water, and when the temperature is 21°C/70°F
add the acid, pectic enzyme, vitamin tablet, nutrient salts and the yeast

9 Ferment for 3 days in a warm place.

10 Strain off the solids, add the grape concentrate, and ferment in the bucket for
2 more days.

11 Transfer to a demijohn under airlock; top up with water if needed.

12 Ferment to a finish in a warm place. Rack when the wine is stable and add 1
Campden tablet. A second racking will probably be needed after a further 28

It may be drunk after 4–6 months.



Burgundy or Beaujolais yeast starter

570g (1¼ lb) blackerries
170g (6 oz) elderberries
1 large peeled banana
Campden tablets as per instructions
800g (13/4 lb) granulated sugar
1 level tsp nutrient salts
1 level tsp tartaric acid
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
227ml (8 fl oz) red grape concentrate

1 Wash the fruit. Liquidise it or mash it in 1 litre (2 pints) of cold water.

2 Place it in a sterilised bucket, add 1 Campden tablet, cover, and leave it for
24 hours.

3 Dissolve the sugar in 1.7 litres (3 pints) of hot water, and add it to the fruit,
together with the nutrient salts, acid and vitamin B1 tablet.

4 Make it up to 4.2 litres (7½ pints) with cold water and when the temperature
is down to 21°C (70°F) add the pectic enzyme and the yeast starter.

5 Ferment on the pulp for 3 days, stirring daily, then strain the fermenting must
into a demijohn under airlock, adding the grape concentrate, and topping up
as necessary with cold water.

6 Continue the ferment to a finish in a warm place. Rack as soon as the wine is
stable, adding 1 Campden tablet, and rack again after another 4 weeks.

The wine could be drunk after 3–4 months.


Madeira yeast starter

680g (1½ lb) dried figs
680g (1½ lb) sultanas
680g (1½ lb) granulated sugar
2 level tsp citric acid
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
Campden tablets as per instructions
1 level tsp nutrient salts

1 Wash the figs and sultanas thoroughly.

2 Liquidise them in a little water (or chop them) and place them in a sterilised
bucket with the sugar.

3 Pour on 1.7 litres (3 pints) of hot water, and stir until the sugar has dissolved.

4 When the temperature is down to 70°F (21°C) add the acid, vitamin B1
tablet, the pectic enzyme and 1 Campden tablet.

5 Cover and leave overnight. After 24 hours make it up to 4.5 litres (1 gallon)
with lukewarm water, add the nutrient salts and the yeast starter.

6 Ferment on the pulp for 4 days, stirring daily, before straining off into a
demijohn under airlock.
7 Ferment to a finish in a warm place. Rack as soon as the fermentation is
complete, adding 1 Campden tablet.

This wine should be sweetened to taste when ready for bottling and could be
drunk after 4 months.



Madeira or all-purpose yeast starter

900g (2 lb) bananas
900g (2 lb) dried figs
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
1.1 kg (2½ lb) granulated sugar
Campden tablets as per instructions
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet
½ level tsp grape tannin
1 heaped tsp tartaric acid
1 level tsp nutrient salts

1 Wash the bananas in their skins, then slice them (including their skins) and
boil for 30 minutes in 2 litres (4 pints) of water.

2 Wash the figs and liquidise them in a little water (or chop them). Place them
in a sterilised bucket with the sugar.

3 Strain the liquor from the bananas, measuring the quantity, and pour it over
the sugar and figs.

4 Stir until the sugar is dissolved, add 1 Campden tablet and allow to cool.

5 After 24 hours add the vitamin B1 tablet, tannin, acid, pectic enzyme,
nutrient salts and the yeast starter.
6 Make it up to 4.5 litres (1 gallon) with cold water and ferment on the pulp for
5 days, stirring daily.

7 Strain into a demijohn under airlock. and ferment to a finish in a warm place.
Rack as soon as the wine is stable, adding 1 Campden tablet.

Note that this wine will probably go dry, and when stable may be sweetened to
taste. It could be drunk after 4 months.



Tokay yeast starter

227g (½ lb) wheat
227g (½ lb) figs
1 ½ lb (680g) dates
1 Ib (450g) raisins
900g (2 lb) granulated sugar
Campden tablet as per instructions
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
1 heaped tsp citric acid
1 level tsp malic acid
1 level tsp nutrient salts
1 level tsp amylase
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet
Invert sugar as required

1 Wash the wheat and soak it overnight in one pt (½ litre) of water to soften it.

2 Next day, strain off and discard the liquid.

3 Thoroughly wash the figs, dates and raisins.

4 Liquidise them in some water or chop them with the wheat before placing
them in a bucket.
5 Add the sugar and 3 pts (1.7 litres) of hot water, and stir until the sugar has

6 Make it up to 6 pts (3.4 litres) with cold water and add 1 Campden tablet.

7 Cover and leave overnight.

8 Add a further 2 pts (1 litre) of hot water, and when the temperature is
21°C/70°F add the pectic enzyme, acids, nutrient salts, amylase, vitamin
tablet and the yeast starter.
9 Ferment for 5 days, stirring daily, then strain the liquor into a demijohn under

10 Ferment to a finish in a warm place. Rack as soon as the wine is stable.

This is a strong, full-bodied wine, and if it is fed with further quantities of invert
sugar at the rate of 142ml (¼ pt) each time the s.g. drops to 1006, it may well
become a golden dessert wine. It may be drunk after 6–9 months.


Champagne or all-purpose yeast starter

900g (2 lb) granulated sugar
½ litre (1 pint) canned orange juice
½ litre (1 pint) canned apple or pineapple juice
1 level tsp nutrient salts
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet
1 level tsp pectic enzyme

Note: make sure that the canned juices are free from preservatives.

1 Place the sugar in a sterilised bucket and add 1 litre (2 pints) of hot water.

2 Stir until the sugar has dissolved, and then add the fruit juices, together with
the nutrient salts and vitamin B1 tablet.

3 Make it up to 4.5 litres (8 pints) by adding cold water, and when the
temperature is down to 21°C (70°F) add the pectic enzyme and the yeast

4 Ferment for 4 days, stirring daily, before transferring to a demijohn under


5 Ferment to a finish in a warm place, racking as soon as possible after the

wine has become stable.

6 Sweeten to taste a few days before bottling.

This wine could be drunk after 3 months.


All-purpose yeast starter

227g (½ lb) raisins
1.1kg (2½ lb) granulated sugar
114g (4 oz) root ginger
2 oranges
2 lemons
1 level tsp nutrient salts
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
Campden tablet as per instructions

1 Wash the raisins and liquidise them in a little water or chop them.

2 Place them in a large saucepan with 3.4 litres (6 pints) of water.

3 Bring to the boil, add the sugar and the ginger (which should be well-
crushed), stir well and simmer for 30 minutes.
4 Pour this into a sterilised bucket, measuring the quantity of liquid left after

5 Make it up to 4.5 litres (8 pints) with cold water, and add the juice of the
oranges and lemons, and the thinly peeled rinds, carefully avoiding any of the
white pith.

6 Add the nutrient salts, and when the temperature is down to 21°C (70°F) add
the pectic enzyme and the yeast starter.

7 Ferment on the pulp for 5 days, stirring daily, before straining into a
demijohn under airlock.
8 Ferment to a finish in a warm place, racking as soon as the wine is stable.

9 Add 1 Campden tablet and sweeten to taste.

This wine may be drunk after 4 months.


Hock yeast starter

450g (1 lb) granulated sugar
900g (2 lb) green gooseberries
1 level tsp tartaric acid
227g (½ lb) sultanas
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet
Campden tablets as per instructions
1 level tsp nutrient salt
995ml/35 fl oz apple juice (N.B. containing no preservatives)
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
1 tbsp elderflowers
114g (4 oz) clear honey

1 Wash the fruit. Liquidise (or chop or mash) it in a little water.

2 Place it in a sterilised bucket with 1 Campden tablet.

3 Add the apple juice, a pint (½ litre) of water, and cover.

4 After 24 hours place the honey in a saucepan with ½ litre (1 pint) of water
and bring to the boil.
5 Add this, together with another pint (½ litre) of hot water, to the bucket.

6 Add the sugar, acid, vitamin B1 tablet, and stir until the sugar has dissolved.

7 Make it up to 4.5 litres (1 gallon) by adding cold water, and when the
temperature is down to 21°C (70°F) add the nutrient salts, pectic enzyme and
yeast starter.
8 Ferment on the pulp for 2 days, stirring twice a day, before straining into a
second sterilised bucket and adding the elderflowers.

9 After a further 2 days the liquor should be transferred to a demijohn under

airlock and the fermentation continued to completion in a warm place.

10 Carry out the first racking when the gravity is down to 1006. adding 1
Campden tablet, and rack again 28 days later.

This wine could be drunk after 3–4 months.


Very few of us have the opportunity of producing a wine solely from the fresh
grape, so this gives me the chance to introduce a wine which is really for the
beginner – in other words, from a commercially-produced tin of concentrated
grape juice. There are many brands on the market now, producing red, white,
sherry-type etc. wines and to endeavour to draw comparisons would be difficult.
I have selected this wine, made from a tin of light dry red concentrate, and
you should have no problem in obtaining this from any winemaking shop or
online. Normally full instructions are found on the reverse of the label, and the
making of the wine is simplicity itself. Fermentation is generally started in the
sterilised demijohn under airlock with about 2.8 litres (5 pints) of water and the
contents of the tin, with a few ounces of sugar added at 2 stages during the
ferment. After the first 4 or 5 days (or when the heavy ferment has subsided) the
demijohn is topped up with water.
Obviously racking is easy, as it is only the dead yeast cells which have to be
removed, and some brands of these concentrates even include wine finings,
which will clear the wine within a few days, thereby making it drinkable much
earlier. It must be pointed out, however, that it does not ‘mature’ quicker, and it
will still be greatly improved if nature is allowed to take her own time.
If a packet of yeast is not included, I would suggest a Burgundy or
Beaujolais yeast for this type of wine.



Hock or all-purpose yeast starter

340g (12 oz) clover honey
1 tin (700ml) white grape concentrate (medium or dry type)
2 3mg vitamin B1 tablets
½ level tsp citric acid
1 level tsp nutrient salts
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
Campden tablet as per instructions

1 Place the honey in a saucepan in 1 litre (2 pints) of water, bring to the boil,
and allow to cool.

2 Pour the white grape concentrate into a demijohn and add 1.7 litres (3 pints)
of warm water, swilling out the can to ensure that all the concentrate is used.

3 Add the boiled honey and make it up to 4.5 litres (1 gallon) with cold water.

4 Add the remaining ingredients including the yeast starter when the
temperature is down to 21°C (70°F).

5 Ferment for 5 days, shaking the jar daily, before topping up with cold water.

6 Ferment to a finish in a warm place, racking immediately the wine is stable,

and add 1 Campden tablet.
The wine should ferment to medium-dry, and may be sweetened to taste. It could
be drunk after 3–4 months.


Tokay yeast starter

9 small grapefruits
Campden tablets as per instructions
340g (12 oz) sultanas
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
1 level tsp nutrient salts
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet
1.1kg (2½ lb) sugar

1 Cut the grapefruits in half, extract the juice, and place it in a sterilised bucket
with 1 soluble Campden tablet.

2 After 24 hours wash the dried fruit thoroughly. Liquidise it in a little water or
chop it, and add it to the juice, together with the pectic enzyme, nutrient salts,
vitamin B1 tablet and 680g (1½ lb) of the sugar.

3 Make it up to 3.4 litres (6 pints) with tepid water, add the yeast starter, cover
and ferment on the pulp for 3 days, stirring daily.
4 Strain off the solids and place the liquor in a demijohn under airlock.

5 Agitate the jar twice daily for the next 2 days, then add the remaining 450g
(1 lb) of sugar. Again agitate the jar until the sugar has dissolved, and top up
with cold water.
6 Ferment to dryness in a warm place, racking immediately the wine is stable,
and adding 1 Campden tablet.

At its best this is a long-term wine, maturing for up to 18 months in bulk, but it
is quite pleasant as a younger wine if sweetened to taste a few days before



Bordeaux or all-purpose yeast starter

1.8kg (4 lb) greengages
900g (2 lb) sultanas
450g (1 lb) granulated sugar
Campden tablets as per instructions
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet
1 level tsp nutrient salts
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
285ml (½ pint) yellow rose petals (loosely packed)

1 Wash and stone the greengages. Discard the stones.

2 Wash the sultanas.

3 Liquidise the sultanas and greengages in a little water or chop them. Place
them in a sterilised bucket with the sugar.
4 Pour 2.8 litres (5 pints) of boiling water over them, add 1 Campden tablet,
and stir until all the sugar has dissolved. Cover and leave overnight.

5 After 24 hours make it up to 4.5 litres (8 pints) with warm water, and when
the temperature is down to 21°C (70°F) add the vitamin tablet, nutrient salts,
pectic enzyme and yeast starter.

6 Ferment on the pulp for 3 days, stirring daily, before straining off the solids
into a second bucket and adding the rose petals.

7 After a further 2 days strain the liquor into a demijohn under airlock, and
ferment to a finish in a warm place.
8 Rack as soon as the wine is stable, adding a Campden tablet, and rack a
second time within 4 weeks. Store in a cool place for the maturation period.
This wine could be drunk after 3–4 months.


Champagne or all-purpose yeast starter

1 litre (2 pints) lemon balm leaves
(with no stalks, loosely packed)
Campden tablet as per instructions
450g (1 lb) sultanas
738ml (1 26 fl oz) bottle of grape juice
(N.B. containing no preservatives)
1020g (2½ lb) granulated sugar
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet
½ level tsp citric acid
½ level tsp tartaric acid
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
1 level tsp nutrient salts

1 Wash the lemon balm leaves in running water. and place them in a sterilised
bucket. Pour 2 litres (4 pints) of boiling water over them, add 1 Campden
tablet, cover, and leave for 48 hours, stirring twice daily.

2 Wash the suitanas. Liquidise them in a little water or chop them. Add them,
the grape juice and the sugar to the bucket.
3 Make it up to 4.5 litres (1 gallon) with hot water, stir until the sugar has
dissolved, and when the temperature is down to 21°C (70°F) add the
remaining ingredients, including the yeast starter.
4 Cover and ferment on the pulp for 3 days, stirring daily, before straining off
and placing the liquor into a demijohn under airlock.
5 Continue the fermentation to completion in a warm place. Rack as soon as
the wine is stable, and a second time within 28 days.

This wine could be drunk after 3 months.


Cereal or all-purpose yeast starter

680g (1½ lb) maize (off the cob)
1.4kg (3 lb) granulated sugar
Campden tablets as per instructions
Juice of two oranges
1 level tsp amylase
2 3mg vitamin B1 tablets
½ level tsp grape tannin
1 level tsp citric acid
1 level tsp tartaric acid
1 level tsp nutrient salts
285ml (½ pint) white grape concentrate

1 Soak the maize in 2 pints (1 litre) of water overnight. Discard the liquid and
place the maize in a sterilised bucket with the sugar.

2 Add 2 pints (1 litre) of hot water and stir until the sugar has dissolved.

3 Make it up to 2.8 litres (5 pints) with cold water, add 1 Campden tablet, the
juice of the oranges and the amylase, and leave for 24 hours.
4 Add the vitamin B1 tablets, tannin, acids, nutrient salts, together with 1.4
litres (2½ pints) of warm water.
5 When the temperature is down to 21°C (70°F) add the yeast starter, and
ferment on the pulp for 4 days, stirring daily, before straining into a demijohn
under airlock.

6 At this stage add the grape concentrate, and if necessary top up with cold
water. Continue the fermentation to a finish in a warm place. If the ferment is
prolonged, rack once the specific gravity drops to 1020 and add a Campden
Note: as with all grain wines, a long maturation period of at least 12 months is
advisable, for a young wine tends to be harsh. The addition of 2 teaspoonsful of
glycerin helps to smooth a young grain wine.


Hock or Champagne yeast starter

1.4kg (3 lb) clover honey
Campden tablets as per instructions
738ml (1 26 fl oz) bottle of grape juice
(N.B. containing no preservatives)
1 heaped tsp nutrient salts
½ level tsp Epsom salts (optional)
2 3mg vitamin B1 tablets
½ level grape tannin
1 level tsp malic acid
1 heaped tsp tartaric acid

Note: if a sweeter wine is desired, add another 450g (1 lb) of honey to this

1 Place the honey in 1.7 litres (3 pints) of water in a saucepan, stir well, and
bring to the boil. Then place it in a sterilised bucket, make it up to 4 litres (7
pints) with cold water and add 1 Campden tablet.

2 Cover and leave for 24 hours, before adding all the remaining ingredients,
including the yeast starter.
3 Ferment in the bucket for 4 days, stirring daily, before transferring to a
demijohn under airlock.

4 Ferment to dryness in a warm place, then rack, add a Campden tablet and top
up with cold water.

5 Allow to mature in a cool place, giving the wine a second racking after about
3 months.

This is not a quick maturing wine, and will improve greatly with keeping. If it is
kept for a longer period, rack during maturation at four-monthly intervals.


Chablis or all-purpose yeast

852ml (1½ pints) mint leaves
(lightly bruised and loosely packed)
227g (½ lb) sultanas
1020g (2¼ lb) granulated sugar
Campden tablets as per instructions
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet
½ level tsp grape tannin
1 heaped tsp nutrient salts
1 level tsp pectic enzyme

1 Wash the mint leaves thoroughly and place them in a sterilised bucket.

2 Wash the sultanas. Liquidise them in a little water or chop them. Add them,
with the sugar, to the bucket, together with 2.8 litres (5 pints) of boiling

3 Add 1 Campden tablet, cover, and leave for 24 hours.

4 Add a further 1.7 litres (3 pints) of hot water, and when the temperature is
down to 21°C (70°F) add the remaining ingredients, including the yeast

5 Ferment on the pulp for 3 days, stirring thvice daily, and then strain the
liquor into a second sterilised bucket.
6 After a further 2 days, transfer to a demijohn under airlock, and ferment to a
finish in a warm place.
7 Rack as soon as possible once the wine is stable, adding a Campden tablet. A
second racking will probably be required within 28 days.

This wine could be drunk after 3–4 months.



Tokay or all-purpose yeast starter

450g (1 lb) wheat
450g (1 lb) sultanas
227g (½ lb) raisins
227g (½ lb) figs
900g (2 lb) granulated sugar
2 level tsp citric acid
1 level tsp nutrient salts
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet
Campden tablet as per instructions

1 Wash the wheat well and soak it overnight in ½ litre (1 pt) of water.

2 Strain and discard the liquid. Wash the dried fruit.

3 Liquidise it with the wheat in some water, or bruise the wheat and chop the
dried fruit.
4 Place the dried fruit, wheat, sugar and acid in a bucket.

5 Add 1 litre (2 pts) of boiling water. Stir until the sugar has dissolved. Make it
up to 4.5 litres (8 pts) with cold water.

6 When the temperature is 21°C/70°F add the nutrient salts, pectic enzyme,
vitamin tablet and the yeast starter.

7 Cover, and ferment for 5 days, stirring daily.

8 Strain into a demijohn under airlock. Ferment to a finish in a warm place.

Rack as soon as the wine is stable, adding 1 Campden tablet.

Note: this wine should be medium to dry at the end of the ferment. For a sweeter
wine, sweeten to taste a few days before bottling; if necessary also add tartaric
acid (a pinch at a time) to keep the wine in balance. If alcoholic strength is
important, 142ml/¼ pt invert sugar may be added when the s.g. drops to 1006;
remember the wine will become sweeter as the alcohol content rises.

It may be drunk after 4–6 months.


Chablis or all-purpose yeast starter

4.5 litres (1 gallon) young oak leaves
(loosely dropped into the container)
900g (2 lb) granulated sugar
227ml (8 fl oz) white grape concentrate
2 3mg vitamin B1 tablets
Juice of 1 orange
1 level tsp tartaric acid
1 level tsp citric acid
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
1 level tsp nutrient salts

1 Wash the oak leaves in cold water and place them in a sterilised bucket. Pour
2 litres (4 pints) of boiling water over them, cover, and leave for 24 hours.

2 Strain off the liquid into a second bucket, add the sugar and a further 1 litre
(2 pints) of hot water and stir until the sugar has dissolved.

3 Make it up to 4.5 litres (8 pints) with cold water, and when the temperature is
down to 21°C (70°F) add the remaining ingredients, including the yeast

4 Ferment for 4 days, stirring daily, before transferring to a demijohn under

5 Top up as necessary, and ferment to a finish in a warm place. Rack as soon
as the wine is stable, and mature in a cool place.

Note: the addition of 2 tsp of glycerin added to the demijohn before bottling, i.e.
during the maturation period, will improve this wine.

The wine could be drunk after 3–4 months.


Sauternes or all-purpose yeast starter

12 sweet medium-sized oranges
1.1kg (2½ lb) granulated sugar
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
1 level tsp nutrient salts
Campden tablet as per instructions

1 Wash the oranges and peel 6 of them thinly, carefully avoiding the white

2 Place the sugar in a sterilised bucket and pour in 1.7 litres (3 pints) of boiling
water. Stir until the sugar has dissolved, and then add the peel ofthe 6

3 Cover and leave overnight, and then add the juice from all 12 oranges.

4 Make it up to 4.5 litres (8 pints) with warm water, and when the temperature
is down to 21°C (70°F) add the remaining ingredients, including the yeast

5 Ferment for 5 days, stirring daily, before straining into a demijohn under

6 Ferment to completion in a warm place. Rack as soon as the wine is stable,

adding 1 Campden tablet, and rack a second time within 28 days.

7 Sweeten to taste a few days before bottling, but watch the acidity; it may be
necessary to add a little acid to balance the sugar.

This wine could be drunk after 4 months.


Champagne or all-purpose yeast starter

8 small Seville oranges
1.1kg (2½ lb) granulated sugar
Campden tablets as per instructions
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet
1 level tsp nutrient salts
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
227ml (8 fl oz) white grape concentrate

1 Wash the oranges and peel 4 of them very thinly, taking care not to include
any of the white pith.

2 Boil the peel for 20 minutes in a pint (½ litre) of water, cover, and leave it for
24 hours in order to extract the zest.

3 Peel the remaining 4 oranges.

4 Extract the juice from all the oranges. Place this juice, the thinly cut peel
from the 4 oranges, the juice and water (from the saucepan) and the sugar,
into a sterilised bucket.

5 Pour in 2 pints (1 litre) of boiling water and stir until the sugar has dissolved.
Add 1 Campden tablet, cover, and leave for 24 hours.

6 Make it up to 4.2 litres (7½ pints) with cold water, add the vitamin B1 tablet,
nutrient salts, pectic enzyme, and stir in the yeast starter.

7 Cover, and ferment for 4 days, stirring daily, before straining into a demijohn
under airlock, adding the grape concentrate and topping up with cold water
as necessary.
8 Ferment to a finish in a warm place. Rack as soon as the wine is stable and
add 1 Campden tablet.
Note: this wine will take some time to mature, for at first it will be inclined to be
bitter. Time will mellow this, and when it is finally ready (probably after 6
months) it can be sweetened to taste.


Chablis or all-purpose yeast starter

227g (8 oz) parsley heads
227g (8 oz) granulated sugar
1 tin (700ml/24½ fl oz) white grape concentrate (dry)
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
1 level tsp nutrient salts
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet
Campden tablet as per instructions

1 Wash the parsley and discard the stalks. Place the remainder in a saucepan
with 2 litres (4 pints) of water, bring to the boil, and simmer for 15 minutes.

2 Place the sugar in a sterilised bucket, and strain the water from the parsley
over it.

3 Stir until the sugar has dissolved, cover, and allow to cool – when the
temperature is down to 21°C (70°F) add the grape concentrate and remaining
ingredients, including the yeast starter.
4 Make it up to 4.5 litres (8 pints) by adding cold water, and ferment in the
bucket for 5 days before transferring to a demijohn under airlock, topping up
with cold water as necessary.

5 Ferment to a finish in a warm place, racking as soon as the wine is stable,

and adding 1 Campden tablet.

This wine could be drunk after 4 months.


Sauternes or all-purpose yeast starter

1.8kg (4 lb) parsnips
2 oranges
1.1kg (2½ lb) granulated sugar
227g (½ lb) sultanas
Campden tablets as per instructions
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet
1 heaped tsp citric acid
1 level tsp nutrient salts

This is best made towards the end of the winter months.

1 Scrub, slice the parsnips and place in a pan containing 6 pts (3.4 litres) of

2 Add the thinly peeled skins of the oranges, being careful to avoid any of the

3 Boil, and simmer for 10 minutes – never more, or the finished wine may
have a haze.

4 Strain off the liquid into a bucket containing the sugar, taking note of the
amount of liquid. Stir until the sugar has dissolved.
5 Wash the sultanas. Liquidise them in some water or chop them, and add
them, together with the juice of the oranges, again taking note of the amount.
6 Make it up to 4.5 litres (8 pts) with cold water, add 1 Campden tablet and

7 After 24 hours add the pectic enzyme and the remaining ingredients,
including the yeast starter.
8 Ferment for 4 days, stirring daily.

9 Strain into a demijohn under airlock. Continue the fermentation in a warm

place until the s.g. is down to 1006, then rack and add 1 Campden tablet.

10 Allow the ferment to continue to completion. Should the wine go down to

dryness, it may be sweetened a few days before bottling.

This wine may be drunk after 6 months.


Tokay or Sauternes yeast starter

1020g (2¼ lb) granulated sugar
425g (115 oz) tin peaches (N.B. containing no preservatives)
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet
½ level tsp grape tannin
2 level tsp pectic enzyme
1 heaped tsp citric acid
1 level tsp tartaric acid
1 level tsp nutrient salts
227ml (8 fl oz) white grape concentrate
Campden tablet as per instructions

1 Place the sugar in a sterilised bucket and pour on 1.7 litres (3 pints) of hot

2 Stir until the sugar has dissolved, then add the peaches, chopping them as
small as possible.

3 Make it up to 7½ pints (4.2 litres) with cold water, and when the temperature
is down to 21°C (70°F) add all the ingredients except the grape concentrate.
4 Ferment on the pulp for 4 days, stirring daily, then strain the fermenting must
into a demijohn under airlock, adding the concentrate and topping up as
5 Ferment to a finish in a warm place, racking as soon as the wine is stable and
adding 1 Campden tablet.

6 Rack again within 28 days.

This wine may well go down to dryness, and once it is stable, it should then be
sweetened to taste – probably to about 1024 s.g.
The wine could be drunk after 3–4 months.


Bordeaux or all-purpose yeast starter

2.3kg (5 lb) fresh pea-pods (not the peas)
1.4kg (3 lb) granulated sugar
227g (½ lb) sultanas
Campden tablets as per instructions
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet
2 tsp citric acid (1 heaped, 1 level)
½ level tsp grape tannin
1 level tsp nutrient salts

1 Wash the pods carefully, and boil them in 6 pints (3.4 litres) of water until
tender, then strain the liquor into a sterilised bucket.

2 Add the sugar, and stir until it has dissolved. Wash the sultanas. Liquidise
them in a little water or chop them, and place them in the bucket.

3 Add 1 Campden tablet, cover, and leave for 24 hours.

4 Add the remaining ingredients, and ferment on the pulp for 3 days, stirring
daily, before straining the fermenting must into a demijohn under airlock.

5 Make it up to 4.5 litres (8 pints) by adding cold water as soon as the heavy
ferment subsides.

6 Ferment to a finish in a warm place, adding a Campden tablet at the first and
second rackings.

This wine could be drunk after 3–4 months.


Champagne or all-purpose yeast starter

Campden tablets as per instructions
1.8kg (4 lb) pears
900g (2 lb) granulated sugar
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
1 level tsp nutrient salts
1 heaped tsp citric acid
227ml (8 fl oz) white grape concentrate

1 Put 1.7 litres (3 pints) of tepid water in a sterilised bucket and add 1
Campden tablet.

2 Wash the pears, chop, and place them immediately into the bucket. (This is
in order to avoid oxidation.) 3 Cover and leave overnight. After 24 hours,
make it up to 6 pints (3.4 litres) with warm water, add the sugar and stir until
it has dissolved.

4 When the temperature is down to 21°C (70°F) add the remaining ingredients
(including the yeast starter) with the exception of the grape concentrate, and
ferment on the pulp for 3 days, stirring daily.

5 Strain the fermenting must into a demijohn under airlock, and after a further
2 days, add the grape concentrate and make it up to 4.5 litres (1 gallon) with
cold water.
6 Ferment to a finish in a warm place, and rack as soon as the wine is stable,
adding 1 Campden tablet.
7 Rack a second time within 21 days.

The wine may be sweetened to taste a few days before bottling and it may be
necessary to adjust the acid level if the pears used were very ripe. The wine
could be drunk after 3–4 months.



Champagne yeast starter

435g (215 oz) tins pineapple in syrup, or pulp
(N.B. containing no preservatives)
2 pints (l litre) white grape juice
(N.B. containing no preservatives)
1020g (2½ lb) granulated sugar
1 heaped tsp citric acid
½ level tsp grape tannin
1 level tsp nutrient salts
1 level tsp pectic enzyme

1 Finely chop the pineapple and place it and its syrup in a sterilised bucket
together with the white grape juice and the sugar.

2 Pour in 1 litre (2 pints) of boiling water and stir until the sugar has dissolved.

3 Add 2 litres (4 pints) of cold water and when the temperature is down to 70°F
(21°C) add the remaining ingredients, including the yeast starter.
4 Cover, and ferment on the pulp for 3 days, stirring daily, before straining the
must into a demijohn under airlock, topping up with cold water if necessary.
5 Continue the fermentation in a warm place, racking as soon as the wine is
6 This wine will be drinkable in 3 months, but will improve if kept a little

Note: for a heavier wine, add another tin of pineapple and a further 450g (1 lb)
of sugar.


Sauternes or all-purpose yeast starter

Campden tablet as per instructions
1.8kg (4 lb) golden plums
1.1kg (2½ lb) granulated sugar
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet
1 heaped tsp pectic enzyme
1 level tsp nutrient salts
1 level tsp citric acid
227ml (8 fl oz) white grape concentrate

1 Put 1.7 litres (3 pints) of tepid water in a sterilised bucket and add 1
Campden tablet.

2 Wash, stone the plums and discard the stones. Place the plums immediately
into the bucket.

3 Cover and leave for 24 hours.

4 Add 1.7 litres (3 pints) of hot water and the sugar. Stir until the sugar has

5 Make it up to 3.4 litres (6 pints) by adding cold water and add the remaining
ingredients except the grape concentrate.

6 Ferment on the pulp for 4 days, stirring daily, before straining off the
fermenting must into a demijohn under airlock, and adding the grape

7 Top up with 4.5 litres (1 gallon) as soon as the first heavy ferment subsides,
and continue the fermentation in a warm place to dryness.
8 Rack as soon as the wine is stable, and again after a further 3 weeks, adding a
Campden tablet at each racking.
9 Mature for 6 months to obtain the best results, sweetening to taste a few days
before bottling, Note: by the substitution of damsons for the golden plums,
and red concentrate for white, a rich sweet red social wine can be made.


Port or Gervin 6 yeast starter

114g (4 oz) dried bananas
680g (1½ lb) granulated sugar
1.4kg (3 lb) elderberries, stripped
900g (2 lb) blackberries
4 oz (114g) raspberries
Campden tablets as per instructions
450g (1 lb) bilberries (bottled – no preservatives)
1 level tsp citric acid
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
1 level tsp nutrient salts
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet
285ml (½ pint) red grape concentrate
2 dsp port essence
Invert sugar as required

1 Cut the washed, dried bananas into small pieces, put in saucepan with 1.7
litres/3 pts water, boil, and simmer for 25 minutes.

2 Strain into bucket add sugar and stir till dissolved.

3 Wash the fresh fruit; liquidise or mash it. Add to bucket with 1 litre/2 pts
warm water and a Campden tablet; cover.
4 After 24 hours add liquidised/mashed bilberries. Make up to 4 litres/7 pts
with warm water.

5 When 21°C/70°F add acid, pectic enzyme, nutrient salts, vitamin tablet and
yeast starter.
6 Cover, ferment for 3 days, stirring twice daily.

7 Strain into a second bucket, discarding solids. Add grape concentrate.

8 Ferment for 2 days. Transfer to a demijohn under airlock.

9 Add port essence. Top up at end of heavy ferment. Each time s.g. drops to
1006 add 142ml/¼pt invert sugar.

10 At end of the ferment, rack, add 1 Campden tablet and sweeten to 1026.

11 Rack again after 28 days and again 2 months later.

To be at its best, keep for at least 12 months, adding a small amount of brandy to


Sauternes or all-purpose yeast starter

2.3kg (5 lb) old potatoes
1.6kg (3½ lb) granulated sugar
1 heaped tsp citric acid
3 3mg vitamin B1 tablets
1 level tsp tartaric acid
1 level tsp grape tannin
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
1 level tsp nutrient salts
227ml (8 fl oz) white grape concentrate
Campden tablet as per instructions

1 Peel and wash the potatoes well and cut them into pieces.

2 Boil in 2 litres (4 pints) of water until they are soft (but not mashed).

3 Place the sugar in a sterilised bucket and strain the potato water over it,
taking note of the quantity of water.
4 Stir until the sugar has dissolved, and make it up to 4.2 litres (7½ pints) with
cold water.
5 When the temperature is down to 21°C (70°F) add the remaining ingredients
except the grape concentrate, and ferment in the bucket for 4 days, stirring
6 Transfer to a demijohn under airlock, adding the grape concentrate and
topping up as necessary.
7 Ferment to a finish in a warm place, racking as soon as the wine is stable and
adding 1 Campden tablet.

This wine is slow-maturing so if possible leave in bulk for at least 12 months

before sweetening to taste and bottling.


Sherry or Madeira yeast starter

1.4kg (3 lb) raisins
450g (1 lb) granulated sugar
Campden tablets as per instructions
1 heaped tsp citric acid
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
1 level tsp nutrient salts

1 Wash the raisins thoroughly, chop or liquidise them in a little water. Place
them in a sterilised bucket with the sugar.

2 Pour 2 litres (4 pints) of hot water over them, stirring them until the sugar has

3 Make it up to 4.5 litres (8 pints) with cold water, add 1 Campden tablet and
leave overnight, covered.

4 After 24 hours add the remaining ingredients, including the yeast starter, and
ferment on the pulp for 5 days, stirring daily, before straining off the solids
into a demijohn under airlock, topping up with cold water as necessary.
5 Ferment to a finish in a warm place, adding additional sugar in 142ml (¼
pint) lots as the specific gravity drops to 1006.
6 Rack as soon as the wine is stable, adding 1 Campden tablet, and rack a
second time after a further 4 weeks.

7 Mature in a cool place in the demijohn as long as possible as this will greatly
improve the wine. It could be drunk after 4–6 months.


Champagne yeast starter

900g (2 lb) redcurrants
114g (4 oz) raspberries
Campden tablet as per instructions
1020g (2¼ lb) granulated sugar
227ml (8 fl oz) white grape concentrate
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
1 level tsp nutrient salts

1 Remove the stems from the redcurrants and raspberries and wash them well.

2 Liquidise the fruit in 1.7 litres (3 pints) of water or mash it.

3 Place it in a sterilised bucket. Add 1 Campden tablet, cover, and leave


4 The next day strain off the solids, dissolve the sugar in 1.7 litres (3 pints) of
hot water and add this to the bucket, together with the grape concentrate.

5 Make it up to 4.5 litres (8 pints) with cold water, and when the temperature is
down to 21°C (70°F) add the remaining ingredients, including the yeast

6 Cover, and ferment in the bucket for 5 days before transferring to a demijohn
under airlock.
7 Ferment to a finish in a warm place, racking as soon as the wine is stable.

This is a light wine and may be drunk young.


A golden wine
Reverendine essence
Caster sugar to taste
Vodka or Polish spirit
Tartaric acid

Note that the quantities of the ingredients are not shown – this is deliberate, for
so much depends on the wine selected. It should be as strong in alcohol as
possible (in order to keep down the cost of vodka) but should not have a strong

1 Take an empty sterilised bottle and pour in about 390ml (13 fl oz) of the

2 Add 2 tsp of Reverendine essence and shake until it is well blended. Taste to
ensure that the original wine flavour has been completely overcome and the
herb flavour is correct, if not add a further small quantity of the essence.

3 Add caster sugar (again the quantity depends entirely on the sweetness of the
wine base).
4 Shake thoroughly until all the sugar has dissolved – taste for sweetness.

5 Add about 1½ tsp of glycerin to add body, and finally the vodka or Polish
spirit to gain an alcoholic content of about 56 proof. Here you will need to
use the Pearson Square (see page 31) to assess the quantity.
6 Again taste, for it is likely that in blending and sweetening, the liqueur may
need the addition of a pinch or two of tartaric acid to balance it.
7 Shake the bottle well to assist in blending; it may be drunk at once, but
obviously improves greatly if allowed to blend and mature naturally.


Champagne yeast starter

1.8kg (4 lb) rhubarb
900g (2 lb) granulated sugar
2 pints (1 litre) grape juice
(N.B. containing no preservatives)
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet
½ level tsp grape tannin
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
1 level tsp nutrient salts

Probably as it is grown in many gardens, beginners’ first thoughts often turn to

rhubarb wine. This is perhaps unfortunate, for although rhubarb does make a fine
wine, it does have rather particular difficulties. It contains an unwanted acid
known as oxalic acid in globules in the sticks, which occasionally causes
destruction of the yeast. For this reason it has to have special treatment.

1 Wash the rhubarb well, slice it longways and then cut into 2 in (5cm) lengths.

2 Place it in a bucket, add 3.7 litres (6½ pts) of cold water (this avoids the
extraction of the oxalic acid), then add all the ingredients and the yeast
starter, cover, and keep in a warm place.
3 Ferment for 2 days, stirring daily, then strain into a second bucket.

4 Transfer to a demijohn under airlock as soon as this ferment is complete (4–5

5 Ferment to a finish in a warm place, rack as usual, but store in a jar under
airlock as this wine does sometimes have what is known as a ‘malolactic
ferment’. This, which is rather like a secondary ferment, occurs when
ingredients containing large amounts of malic acid (such as rhubarb) are
The wine may be drunk after 4 months.



All-purpose yeast starter

800g (13/4 lb) rice (short pudding rice)
450g (1 lb) raisins
1.1kg (2½ lb) granulated sugar
2 oranges
Campden tablets as per instructions
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet
2 level tsp citric acid
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
1 level tsp nutrient salts

1 Wash the rice and raisins. Chop the raisins and place them in a sterilised

2 Add the sugar, rice, juice and thinly peeled skins of the oranges, being
careful to avoid the pith.

3 Pour on 2 litres (4 pints) of boiling water, and stir until the sugar has
dissolved. Then add 1 Campden tablet, cover, and leave overnight.

4 After 24 hours make it up to 4.5 litres (8 pints) with warm water, and when
the temperature is down to 21°C (70°F) add the remaining ingredients,
including the yeast starter.
5 Ferment on the pulp for 6 days, stirring daily, before straining the fermenting
must into a demijohn under airlock.

6 Continue the fermentation to completion, and rack as soon as the wine is

stable and add a Campden tablet.

This wine may be drunk very young if fined or filtered, but if it is to be kept, add
1 Campden tablet and store for about 9 months.



Bordeaux or all-purpose yeast starter

1020g (2¼ lb) granulated sugar
340ml (12 tl oz) rose hip syrup
2 3mg vitamin B1 tablets
1 heaped tsp citric acid
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
1 level tsp nutrient salts
Campden tablet as per instructions

1 Place the sugar in a sterilised bucket, add 2 pints (1 litre) of hot water and stir
well until the sugar has dissolved.

2 Make it up to 4.2 litres (7½ pints) with cold water, and when the temperature
is down to 21°C (70°F) add the remaining ingredients, including the yeast

3 Cover, and ferment in the bucket for 4 days, stirring daily, before transferring
to a demijohn under airlock.
4 Ferment to a finish in a warm place, racking as soon as the wine is stable, at
which stage a Campden tablet should be added.

This wine is a general purpose wine, but a pleasant one, and very easy to make.
If it goes to dryness it may be sweetened to taste after the maturation period. It
could be drunk after 4 months.


Bordeaux or all-purpose yeast starter

2 litres (4 pints) rose petals (loosely packed)
900g (2 lb) granulated sugar
114g (4 oz) raspberries
114g (4 oz) redcurrants
Campden tablet as per instructions
285ml (½ pint) white grape concentrate
2 3mg vitamin B1 tablets
1 level tsp citric acid
1 level tsp tartaric acid
1 level tsp nutrient salts
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
1 level tsp grape tannin

1 Take the rose petals, which can be a blend of colours, though a few should be
dark red, rinse them lightly and place them in a sterilised bucket, together
with the sugar.

2 Add 2 litres (4 pints) of tepid water, and stir until the sugar has dissolved.

3 Wash the fruit and liquidise it in a little water (or mash it). Place it in the
bucket, together with 1 Campden tablet.

4 Cover, and leave for 24 hours.

5 Add the grape concentrate and the remaining ingredients, including the yeast
starter, and make it up to 4.5 litres (8 pints) by adding cold water.

6 Ferment on the pulp for 4 days, stirring daily, before straining off the solids
and putting the fermenting must into a demijohn under airlock.

7 Ferment to a finish in a warm place, racking as soon as the wine is stable.

This wine does not need a long maturation period, and may be drunk as a light,
fresh wine within 4 or 5 months.


Burgundy or all-purpose yeast starter

1.4kg (3 lb) sloes (with stalks removed)
227g (½ lb) sultanas
1.4kg (3 lb) granulated sugar
Campden tablets as per instructions
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
1 level tsp nutrient salts

1 Wash the sloes thoroughly. Cut or prick them and place them in a sterilised

2 Wash the sultanas. Liquidise them in a little water or chop them.

3 Add them to the bucket with the sugar. Pour in 2 litres (4 pints) of boiling
water. Stir until the sugar has dissolved, add 1 Campden tablet, cover, and
leave overnight.

4 After 24 hours, make it up to 4.5 litres (8 pints) with warm water, and when
the temperature is down to 21°C (70°F) add the remaining ingredients,
including the yeast starter.
5 Ferment on the pulp for 4 days, stirring daily, before straining the fermenting
must into a demijohn under airlock and topping up if necessary.
6 Continue the fermentation to completion in a warm place, racking as soon as
the wine is stable, and adding 1 Campden tablet.

This wine could be drunk after 6 months but will improve greatly with keeping.
Sweeten to taste a few days before bottling.


Hock or all-purpose yeast starter

900g (2 lb) bananas
900g (2 lb) granulated sugar
900g (2 lb) sultanas
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
Campden tablets as per instructions
2 level tsp citric acid
1 level tsp nutrient salts
2 3mg vitamin B1 tablets

1 Peel the bananas, discard their skins and chop them up.

2 Simmer them in 1.7 litres (3 pints) of water for 30 minutes. Strain, and place
the liquor and the sugar into a sterilised bucket, stirring until the sugar has

3 Thoroughly wash the sultanas. Liquidise them in a little water or chop them.

4 Add them to the bucket. Make it up to 3.4 litres (6 pints) with cold water, and
when the temperature is down to 21°C (70°F) add the pectic enzyme and a
Campden tablet, cover, and leave overnight.
5 After 24 hours make it up to 4.5 litres (8 pints) with warm water and add the
acid, nutrient salts, vitamin B1 tablets and the yeast starter.
6 Ferment on the pulp for 4 days, stirring daily, before straining the fermenting
must into a demijohn under airlock, topping up as necessary with cold water.

7 Ferment to a finish in a warm place, racking immediately the wine is stable,

and adding 1 Campden tablet. A second racking will be necessary within 4

This wine could be drunk after 4 months.



Sherry or all-purpose yeast starter

4 tbsp tea leaves
900g (2 lb) granulated sugar
900g (2 lb) raisins
1 heaped tsp citric acid
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
1 level tsp nutrient salts

1 Select a scented Indian or China tea, and tie it in a muslin bag.

2 Place the bag in a sterilised bucket and pour 2 litres (4 pints) of boiling water
over it.

3 Add the sugar and stir until it has all dissolved.

4 Wash the raisins thoroughly in warm water. Liquidise or mash them in 1.7
litres (3 pints) of warm water. Add this to the bucket.

5 Make it up to 4.5 litres (8 pints) with cold water, take out the bag of tea, and
when the temperature is down to 21°C (70°F) add the remaining ingredients,
including the yeast starter.
6 Ferment for 5 days before straining into a demijohn under airlock.

7 Ferment to a finish in a warm place, racking as soon as the wine is stable.

8 Sweeten to taste, adding one stabilising tablet.

The wine could be drunk after 3–4 months.


This is an adaptation of the Grapefruit Aperitif recipe (see page 102), and we
start with that finished wine. To this must be added the herbs, and the wine
should be fortified to 30 proof spirit. The quantity of spirit required will depend
on the strength of the grapefruit wine, and to measure this accurately we must
use the Pearson Square (see page 31). Assuming that the wine is 26 proof and
the spirit is 70 proof, then the ratio is 10 parts of wine to 1 part of spirit.

1 Buy a packet of Vermouth herbs suitable for a sweet aperitif, and make a
small cotton bag, into which the herbs can be placed. Use the quantity of
herbs recommended on the packet.

2 Tie a piece of cotton to the bag, and hang it in the demijohn (remembering to
leave the cotton end outside the container) for 7–10 days (or until sufficient
flavour has been extracted).

3 Move the bag about, and shake the container daily.

4 Remove the bag then add the spirit to the wine, shake well, and leave for a
few days to allow a complete blending.

5 Sweeten to taste a few days before bottling.

This aperitif may be drunk after 4–5 months.


Chablis or all-purpose yeast starter

2.3kg (5 lb) vine leaves and tendrils
Campden tablet as per instructions
1.4kg (3 lb) granulated sugar
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet
1 heaped tsp citric acid
1 level tsp nutrient salts

1 Place the leaves and tendrils in a sterilised bucket and pour in 7 pints (4
litres) of boiling water and add a Campden tablet.

2 Let is stand for 48 hours, closely covered, but turn the leaves occasionally so
that they are all submerged.

3 Strain the liquid into a second bucket containing the sugar.

4 Wash the leaves and tendrils in ½ litre (1 pint) of hot water, discard the
leaves and tendrils and add the water to the bucket containing the sugar, and
stir until the sugar has dissolved.

5 The remaining ingredients, including the yeast starter should then be added.

6 Ferment for 4 days before transferring to a demijohn under airlock, and

continue the fermentation to completion in a warm place, racking as soon as
the wine is stable. A second racking is advisable after a further 28 days.

The wine could be drunk after 4 months.



Sherry or all-purpose yeast starter

1 pint (½ litre) wheat
2 large potatoes
900g (2 lb) raisins
1.1kg (2½ lb) granulated sugar
2 level tsp citric acid
Campden tablets as per instructions
1 level tsp amylase
1 level tsp pectic enzyme
1 level tsp nutrient salts
1 3mg vitamin B1 tablet

1 Wash the wheat. Soak it overnight in ½ litre/1 pt of cold water to soften it.

2 Next day strain off and discard the liquid.

3 Wash (or peel if old) the potatoes and slice them.

4 Wash the raisins well in warm water. Liquidise them and the wheat in some
water or chop the raisins and bruise the wheat. Place them in a bucket.

5 Add the sugar, potatoes, and acid, and pour over 1.7 litres 3 pts of hot (not
boiling) water. Stir until the sugar has dissolved, and make it up to 4.5 litres8
pts with cold water.
6 Add 1 Campden tablet. Cover and leave for 24 hours.

7 Add the amylase, pectic enzyme, nutrient salts, vitamin tablet and the yeast
starter, stirring them in.
8 Ferment in a warrn place for 5 days, stirring at least once each day to break
up the cap of solids which forms at the top of the fermenting must.

9 Strain off the solids, placing the fermenting must in a demijohn under

10 Ferment to a finish in a warm place. Rack as soon as the wine is stable and
add 1 Campden tablet.

This wine may be drunk after 6–9 months but will improve greatly with keeping.

acetic acid 35
acetification 50–1
acid 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 29, 34, 47, 51
acetic 35
citric 6, 8, 13, 22
malic 16, 18, 21
oxalic 21
succinic 14, 21
tartaric 6, 16–17, 18, 21, 47, 67
aerobic fermentation 10, 15, 22
after dinner wines 30
air, insufficient 51
airlock bungs 6, 43, 51
airlocks 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 43, 51
albumen 47
alcohol 2–3, 4, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 36, 38, 42, 45, 50, 51
alcoholic content 4, 11, 12, 14, 20, 29, 36, 38, 45, 50, 51
ale 27
all-purpose yeast 24, 25
anaerobic fermentation 15
aperitifs 4, 12, 28, 38, 40, 102, 120, 160
Aphrodite 26
apple 16, 19, 21, 24, 26, 30, 43
& Blackberry wine 64–5
& Elderflower wine 60–1
wine 58–9
apricot 19, 21, 24
gin 32
wine 62–3
aroma 17, 19
autolysis 22, 41

Bacchus 26
bacteria 8, 9, 12, 14, 20, 46, 50
balance 16–25, 35, 46, 83
bananas 21, 24, 29, 90
barrels 43
Beaujolais yeast 29
beer 4, 27, 53, 54
Bentonite 48
Black Cherry wine 66–7
& Apple wine 64–5
& Elderberry wine 86–7
blackcurrant wine 68–9
blended wine 55
body 22, 23, 28, 29, 54
Bordeaux 3–4
yeast 24, 25, 29
bottle brush 8
bottling 6, 40, 42, 44, 55
bottles 6, 7, 8, 44, 45, 47
bouquet 29, 33–4, 35
bucket 6, 7, 8–9, 14, 36, 42
cover for 6
Burgundy 29
-type bottles 45
yeast 24, 25, 29

Calvados 30
Campden tablets 8, 9, 12, 14, 42, 43, 46, 51, 55
carbon dioxide 9, 10, 14, 20, 51
Carrot Whisky 70–1
casein 47
Chablis yeast 24, 25, 29
Champagne yeast 24, 25, 29
‘chewing’ the wine 34
Chianti-type wine 100
cider 72–3
citric acid 6, 8, 13, 22
commercial wines 1, 3, 20, 28, 33, 35, 38
copita glass 34
cork 6, 7, 15, 43, 44, 51, 65
corker 6, 7
corking machines 44
‘cucking stool’ 27
Cyser 26

damson gin 32
Dandelion wine 74–5
deterioration of the ingredients 2
dried fruit 9, 25, 52, 63, 114–15
dry wines 15, 29, 40, 41
& Grape Concentrate wine 78–9
Sultana & Fig wine 80–1
wine 76–7
demijohns 6, 7, 15, 40, 41, 42, 43–4, 46, 47, 51, 55
dessert wines 4, 9, 12, 20, 27, 28, 29, 38, 40, 43, 80, 82, 93, 136, 140

eau de vie 30
elderberry 18, 24
& Blackberry wine 86–7
(Dessert) wine 82–3
(Table) wine 84–5
encouragement 53–4
enzymes 10, 14, 41, 42, 49, 50
Epsom salts 23
equipment 6–13
esters 14, 42

on the juice 22–3
stuck 15, 51
to dryness 40
fermentation 14–15
aerobic 10, 15, 22
anaerobic 15
complete 15
lock 9, 10
of the must 14
on solids 22–3
the pulp 10, 12
& Banana wine 90–1
Date & Raisin wine 92–3
Date, Sultana & Fig wine 80–1
wine 88–9
filtering 4, 10, 48
fining 4, 10–11, 47–8
fino sherries 28
flavour 10, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22–3, 27, 28, 29, 30, 33–4, 35, 41, 42, 44, 51
‘flogger’ 7
flower wines 29
fortified wines 4, 28, 30
Framboise 30
French wines 3–4
Fructose 14
fruit fly 9, 50
funnel 6, 7, 8, 48

gelatin 47
German wines 40, 98
1 yeast 28
2 yeast 29
4 yeast 28
6 yeast 30, 136
ginger wine 96–7
glass jars 6, 36, 43
glucose 14
gluten 47
glycerin 43
glycerol 14, 31
gooseberry wine 98–9
grain wines 49, 109
grape 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
& Grape concentrate 78–9
& Honey wine 101
concentrate 16, 17, 19, 22, 28, 29
tannin powder 18
wine 100
grapefruit wine 102–3
graves yeast 29
gravity 18 39, 40
Greengage & Sultana wine 104–5

herbs 26–7, 30
Hippocras 26
hock yeast 24, 25, 29
honey 3, 4, 26, 27
hydrometer 6, 11, 12, 15, 29, 36–40, 41, 45

ingredients 12–13
invert sugar 20, 22
Isinglass 47
Italian-type wine 86–7

Jamshed 5
jar 6, 7, 8, 10, 15, 36, 37, 41, 42, 43

Kirsch 30

labels 8, 38, 44–5, 100

‘lag period’ 20
law in Great Britain 2
leaf wines 29
lees 11, 12, 41
lemon 16
Balm wine 106–7
liqueurs 4, 30–2, 144–5
liquid tannin solution 18, 50
liquor 10, 11, 15

Madeira 30
yeast 24, 25, 28
magnesium sulphate 23
maize wine 108–9
malic acid 16, 18, 21
malt beers 4
maturing 42–5
mead 26–7
wine 110–11
medium wines 9, 29, 40
Melomel 26
Metheglin 26
milk 47–8
Mint wine 112–13
Mixed Dried Fruit wine 114–15
muslin 6, 15
must 11, 12, 14–15, 20, 22–3, 36, 38, 49, 50, 51, 55
Mycaderma Aceti 50

Napoleonic Wars 27
National Association of Amateur
Wine and Beermakers 53
‘no yeast’ wine 20
nose 35
‘nose’ of a wine 35
nutrient 11, 52

palate 33–5, 43
training 33–5
parsley wine 122–3
parsnip wine 124–5
Pasteur, Louis 42
peach wine 126–7
pea-pod wine 128–9
pear wine 130–1
pears 43
Pearson square 31, 145, 160
pectin haze 47, 49
Pectinol 49
Pectolase 49
Pineapple & Grape wine 132–3
plum wine 134–5
Polish spirit 28, 31
Portugal 4
potato wine 138–9
preservatives 9, 52
processing 42–5
proof spirit 38
punted bottles 6, 7
purpose wines 4, 12, 13, 28, 29
Pyment 26
Quinine 28

racking 12, 41–2, 43, 44, 46, 51

first 41, 42, 43, 46, 55, 71, 99
second 41, 85, 111, 113, 129, 157, 161
raisin wine 140–1
raisins 12, 21, 25
red wines 17, 18, 23, 29, 30, 43
redcurrant wine 143–4
redcurrants 28
Reverendine (liqueur) 144–5
rhubarb wine 146–7
Rice & Raisin wine 148–9
Rose Hip Syrup wine 150–1
Rose Petal wine 152–3
rosé wine 29, 40
rubber bungs 6

Sauternes 29, 40
yeast 24, 25, 29
second run 12
sherry 11
fino 28
Oloroso 30
sherry-type wine 100
yeast 24, 24, 28
sieve 6, 7, 15
gin 32
wine 154–5
social wines 27–8
sodium metabisulphite solution 8
‘sops and ale’ 27
sparkling wines 4
specific gravity (s. g.) 11, 36, 38, 109, 141
spoon 6, 7
stabilising tablet 40, 55, 159
stable 12
starch haze 47, 49–50
starter bottle 12, 14, 51
sterilising equipment 8–13, 43, 44, 49, 51
stone fruits 16
stoneware jars 43
strawberry, 18
stuck ferment 15, 51
succinic acid 14, 21
sugar 4, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 20, 30, 31, 32, 34, 36, 38, 51, 55
invert 20, 22
sulphiting 46
the must 12
sulphur dioxide fumes 8
sultana wine 156–7
sultanas 12, 21, 28, 29
sweet vermouths 28
wines 160
syphon tube 7, 8, 42

table wines 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 22–3, 27, 29, 38, 40, 42, 43
tannin 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 46, 50
tarragona yeast 30
tartaric acid 6, 16–17, 18, 21, 47, 67
tea 50
& Raisin wine 158–9
temperature 14, 15, 36, 44, 50, 52, 55
thermometer 8
throat 33, 34
tokay yeast 24, 25, 28, 30
tongue 33, 34
types of wine 26–32

Vermouth aperitif 160

Vine Prunings wine 161
vinegar 6, 9, 35, 50, 51
vinosity 3, 12, 13, 16, 28
vitamin B1 tablets 23
vodka 28, 31

water 22–3, 26, 36, 43

Wheat & Raisin wine 162–3
white wines 7, 18, 19, 29, 43, 44
wine disorders 49–52
winemaking club 1

yeast 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14–15, 16, 20–2, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 34, 35, 41, 42, 44, 46, 50, 51, 52,
55, 56
all-purpose 24, 25
Beaujolais 29
Bordeaux 24, 25, 29
Burgundy 24, 25, 29
Chablis 24, 25, 29
Champagne 24, 25, 29
Gervin 1 28
Gervin 2 29
Gervin 4 28
Gervin 6 30, 136
Graves 29
Hock 24, 25, 29
Madeira 24, 25, 28
Port 24, 25
Sauternes 24, 25, 29
Sherry 31, 32, 39
starter 9, 20, 34, 51, 55
Tarragona 30
Tokay 24, 25, 28, 30

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