Whittingham, Jo - Garden Rescue - First Aid For Plants and Flowers-DK Pub (2013)

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First aid for plants and flowers

Senior Editor Chauney Dunford
Senior Art Editor Alison Shackleton How plants work 10
Illustrator Vanessa Hamilton Know your site and soil 12
Senior Jacket Creative Nicola Powling
Know your trees, shrubs, and climbers 14
Jacket Design Assistant Rosie Levine
Senior producer, Pre-production Tony Phipps Know your perennials and bulbs 16
Senior Producer Seyhan Esen Know your bedding and lawn 18
Picture Research Lucy Claxton and Romaine Werblow How to spot a sick plant 20
Managing Editor Penny Warren
How pests and diseases affect plants 22
Managing Art Editor Alison Donovan
Publisher Mary Ling Growing without chemicals 24
Art Director Jane Bull Garden friends and foes 28
What is a weed? 30
DK Publishing Don’t Panic! 32
North American Consultants
Lori Spencer and Kate Johnsen
Editor Rebecca Warren

First American Edition, 2013

Published in the United States by DK Publishing,

375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014

13 14 15 16 17 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means
(electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise),
without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner
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Jo Whittingham is a garden writer with a
Published in Great Britain by Dorling Kindersley Limited. postgraduate degree in horticulture from the
A catalog record for this book is available from the
University of Reading, and loves to grow her
Library of Congress. own crops in a plot bursting with produce.
Author of Grow Something to Eat Every Day,
ISBN 978-1-4654-0204-2 awarded the Garden Media Guild's Practical
DK books are available at special discounts when purchased in bulk Book of the Year 2011, she has also written two
for sales promotions, premiums, fund-raising, or educational use. For books in DK's RHS Simple Steps to Success
details, contact: DK Publishing Special Markets, 375 Hudson Street, series; Fruit and Vegetables in Pots and Vegetables
New York, New York 10014 or [email protected].
in a Small Garden. She also writes for Amateur
Printed and bound by South China Co. Ltd, China. Gardening magazine and The Scotsman.

Discover more at
Vegetable Rescue How to grow ornamentals 110
How to grow vegetables 38
Know your crop types 44 Tree, shrub, and climber rescue
Fruiting crop anatomy 46 Garden tree anatomy 120
What’s wrong with my fruiting crops? 48 What’s wrong with my garden tree? 122
Fruiting crop clinic 50 Garden tree clinic 124
Root crop anatomy 52 Pruning garden trees 128
What’s wrong with my root crops? 54 Garden shrub anatomy 130
Root crop clinic 56 What’s wrong with my garden shrub? 132
Leafy salad crop anatomy 58 Garden shrub clinic 134
What’s wrong with my leafy salad crops? 60 Pruning garden shrubs 138
Leafy salad crop clinic 62 Climbing plant anatomy 140
Garden greens anatomy 64 What’s wrong with my climber? 142
What’s wrong with my garden greens? 66 Climbing plant clinic 144
Garden greens clinic 68 Pruning climbing plants 146
Bulb and stem crop anatomy 70
What’s wrong with my bulbs and stems? 72 Perennials, bulbs, and bedding rescue
Bulb and stem crop clinic 74 Perennial plant anatomy 150
Pod crop anatomy 76 What’s wrong with my perennials? 152
What’s wrong with my pod crops? 78 Perennial plant clinic 154
Pod crop clinic 80 Patio and bedding plant anatomy 158
What’s wrong with my patio plant? 160
Fruit Rescue Patio and bedding plant clinic 162
How to grow fruit 84 Garden bulb anatomy 164
Fruit tree anatomy 90 What’s wrong with my garden bulbs? 166
What’s wrong with my fruit tree? 92 Garden bulb clinic 168
Fruit tree clinic 94
Pruning fruit trees 98 Lawn Rescue
Soft fruit anatomy 100 Garden lawn anatomy 172
What’s wrong with my soft fruit? 102 What’s wrong with my lawn? 174
Soft fruit clinic 104 Garden lawn clinic 176
Pruning fruit bushes 106
A–Z of common pests and diseases 180

Index/Acknowledgments 188

About this book

This book will take you through all the stages necessary to help you diagnose sickly
garden plants, including fruit and vegetable crops, and all types of ornamentals. The
first step to identifying a problem is to understand how plants grow and what they
need. If you know what is normal, it’s then far easier to tell when something is wrong.
Check your plants for symptoms and use this book to lead you to a solution.


The “Know your garden” section The quirks of some perennials and bulbs may lead you to think These icons are used
explains how plants work and what that there is something wrong when, in fact, what you see is totally
normal. The foliage of many bulbs, for example, quickly looks tatty long
throughout the book
they need to grow well. It includes before it can be removed, and is best concealed with surrounding plants. to help you find the
summaries of what to expect from all information you are
common plant types to help you tell looking for more
quickly. Utilize them
the difference between problems and
as a guide.
normal plant behavior. Panels (see
right) show common characteristics Dying back The leaves Brief display Blooms of Flowers but no leaves
of some spring-flowering many perennials and bulbs Some bulbs and perennials
that can be mistaken for problems. perennials can die back may only last a day, and produce their flowers and
or look tired by summer. displays just over a week. foliage at different times.
The section also identifies your
garden friends and foes, and explains
Don’t worry Some plants may
how to garden without chemicals. seem sick but are perfectly healthy
Normal Check here to see plant
characteristics not to worry about.


The “Edible garden” and “Ornamental Garden greens anatomy

All members of the cabbage family, garden greens are large plants, grown for their
garden” sections feature detailed leaves or tightly packed flower heads. Slow-growing, they require plenty of space and
moist, fertile soil to fuel development. Planting them together and moving their
growing advice to help you avoid bed each year helps protect crops from pests and soilborne diseases. Diagnosis Look here for plant
All crops will run to seed,
symptoms and signs of poor health.
plant problems. Anatomy guides LEAF CROPS
Winter cabbage, kale, and
Spring cabbage cultivars
are picked as loose
leaves, not full heads
so harvest them promptly
when they are ready

(see right) give an overview of the Brussels sprouts are all

hardy winter crops, and
kale and some cultivars of Protect leaves from
birds and egg-laying

main plant features common to the cabbage can be harvested

year-round. Grown from
butterflies by covering
plants with netting
seed or bought as small

many plant types, and show where plants, they are attractive
enough to look good in a
flower bed if you don’t
problems can occur. Use this have a vegetable patch.

information to help you understand Older, lower leaves naturally

yellow and fall. Don’t worry.
Just remove and compost them Clinic Learn more about plant
and care for your plants better. CLUB ROOT
Their shallow
roots make the
problems and how to treat them.
plants prone to
This disease causes falling over
swollen roots and
kills plants. To help
avoid it, rotate crops,
improve drainage, INSECT COLLARS
Info panels Learn more and add lime to
acidic soils. See p.69.
Use collars to prevent cabbage root
flies from laying their eggs at the base
about key plant health issues of young plants. See p.69.

Leafy greens look and
taste different from
each other. Harvest
cabbage heads
whole, and pick kale
Plant galleries These show leaves and Brussels
sprouts individually. Summer cabbage Winter cabbage Kale Brussels sprouts
Pruning See how to prune your
related plants and characteristics plants to solve or avoid problems.

SOLVING PROBLEMS Diagnosis charts Use these charts to narrow down the likely causes
for poor plant health, then refer to the following clinic pages to confirm a
As soon as you see signs of poor diagnosis. Look at the sick plant while reading, or take a sample indoors.
plant health, first refer to the
diagnostic chart (see right) that
relates to the plant or crop type. What’s wrong with my fruit tree?
These feature the most common The list of fruit tree ailments seems long, but if a watchful eye is kept
from the moment the blossoms open in the spring until the branches
symptoms, and by following the are bare late in the fall, then any pests and diseases can be dealt
with quickly, and a healthy, problem-free crop of fruit harvested.
arrows—red for no, green for yes
—they will lead to the most likely WHAT HAS BEEN EATING
From the outside? From the inside?
cause, whether a pest or disease,
or poor growing conditions.
Are the plants Many insects eat fruits from
Follow the page references given Probably wasps,
which can make
netted? the inside, either as maggots
or worms. See codling
large holes,
to see more about the problem, see p.97. Winter
moths also feed on
moth p.97; apple sawfly
p.97; pear midge p.96;
plum moth p.97; sawfly
and finally find out how best to fruitlets, see p.94. Birds are the likely culprits.
See p.97.
(plum) p.186.

treat it and avoid it in the future.

Yes Follow the page No Take the advice or
Notes Use these panels references given refer back to the chart
to learn more about plant
pests and diseases

Diagnostic chart
Symptoms Diagnosis

In late summer and fall Codling moth larvae are
Fruit tree clinic holes appear in the skin usually responsible for
Fruit trees seem beset by problems, but because they are large plants that bear of apples and pears, or damaging ripening fruit.
sometimes small, white They overwinter in the
heavy crops, small amounts of damage are often easily tolerated. However, there caterpillars can be found tree’s bark, and adult moths
are some serious issues to be aware of, in order to catch and treat them quickly feeding in the cores of ripe lay eggs between late spring
before crops, or the trees themselves, are badly damaged. fruit when sliced. and midsummer. See p.182.

Why don’t the
set after flowering
can be
Q Why are the fruit produced Q Why have many small fruit
Developing apple fruitlets
drop from the tree during
Apple sawfly lays its eggs
among the blossoms, where
Some time s there but this year so small? fallen from the tree? early and midsummer, and they hatch into white
plent y of blossoms have a small maggot hole maggots that tunnel into
little or no fruit
, which
d by bad
A Fruit need water to swell, and when
fruit trees experience drought, their
A Apple and pear trees naturally thin
their fruit while they are still small
in their skin. Mature fruit the growing fruit, initially
is usually cause
flowe ring. may be distorted with a just below the skin, then
weather durin g yields are drastically reduced. Small to remove any that are diseased,
ge the scar on their skin. into the core. See p.186.
Frost s can dama fruit fruit also result when the trees is damaged, or infertile, giving the rest
flowe rs, preve ntin carrying a very heavy crop; thinning space to develop. Known as “June
cold, wet
form ation , while insects the young fruitlets prevents this. drop,” it occurs in early summer.
weather can deter Tan-colored, roughened Apple capsid bugs are bright
from pollin ating no fruit.
flowe rs, mean ing or raised patches appear green, sap-sucking insects
on the skins of apples as that damage the fruit and
they ripen in late summer. leaves with their toxic saliva.
Questions such Leaves at the shoot tips
may also be peppered
Fortunately, damage is only
superficial and fruit can still
as “What has with small holes. be eaten. See p.181.

eaten the leaves

Ragged holes appear Wasps find ripe fruit
on my plant?” in the skins of ripe fruit, irresistible and will eat their
such as peaches, plums, own way into soft-skinned
are real issues and apples during summer, fruit or feed where birds have
and gradually increase in already damaged the tougher
PEST-FREE PEARS WELL-WATERED APPLES FALLEN FRUITLETS size as the sweet flesh skins of apples and pears.
beneath is eaten away. See p.187.

Q How do I know if my Q How can I tell if my

tree has winter moth? apples have bitter pit?
Small ripening fruit, Birds enjoy the taste of ripe
such as cherries, vanish fruit and will either eat them
The caterpillars of winter This fruit (right) is affected
moths eat holes in the by apple bitter pit, which altogether, or larger whole or peck through the
leaves of fruit trees as also causes dark mottling specimens, such as apples, skin with their beaks to take
they emerge during early of their flesh. Symptoms pears, and plums exhibit portions of juicy flesh. Larger
Answers These spring. Yellow-green, and
about 1in (2.5cm) long,
can appear on the tree or
while fruit is in storage. It
deep holes where the skin
had been pierced.
fruits will often be dislodged
from the tree. See p.180.
give expert advice, the caterpillars often hide
between leaves bound
is a symptom of calcium
deficiency, usually as a
explaining what to together with silk thread, result of dry conditions, Plums ripen prematurely, Plum moth caterpillars
and can also reduce yields which prevent the tree and when cut open, reveal hatch in early summer and
do now, or refer you by damaging blooms and from taking up the mineral a brown area around the burrow into developing fruit
young fruitlets. See p.187. from the soil. stone containing maggot to feed on their flesh. They
on for treatment excrement or sometimes then eat their way out and
the culprit; a 1 ⁄2 in- (1cm-) overwinter in the bark, ready
long, pale pink caterpillar. for next year. See p.185.

Plant clinics The clinic pages give more detail about plant problems to Common symptoms To help decide
help you determine what is wrong with your plant. How to treat the issue is between similar problems, many are grouped
then explained in the “A–Z of common pests and diseases,” pp.180–187. together to show the differences between them.
Know your garden
Taking time to learn about your plants and plot allows you to choose plants
that suit the garden’s climate and soil. Settled in the right spot, they will get off
to a healthy start, perform well, and shrug off any ailments, while specimens in
unsuitable conditions will struggle. This section includes all you need to help
understand your garden better, beginning with how plants grow. Use the
summary of different plant types—from trees to lawns—to familiarize yourself
with what is normal before learning to recognize signs of poor health. Using
garden chemicals is covered, along with details of organic methods. Finally,
galleries of garden friends and foes, weeds, and symptoms that need not induce
panic provide a quick reference to help identify common garden concerns.

How plants work

Each part of a plant has its own important role to perform to promote healthy
growth, and ultimately, reproduction. Understanding how plants work helps get the
best from edible and ornamental plants, and makes it easier to quickly recognize
and help specimens with an ailment or struggling in poor growing conditions.

Just like all other living things, plants
have basic needs. They require water,
food, light, air, and warmth to grow
well, which is where the gardener
can often help. Garden plants
originate from all over the world, and
while many grow in a wide range of
conditions, some will suffer in THE IMPORTANCE OF LEAVES
excessive cold or heat. It is therefore Plants use the green pigment in their leaves to harness
best to grow those naturally adapted the sun's energy and to power growth. Diseased,
to suit your local climate. damaged, and wilting leaves reduce plant vigor.
Plants produce energy for growth
using photosynthesis, a process that
occurs wherever the green pigment,
chlorophyll, is present, mainly in
leaves. Exposure to sunlight converts
carbon dioxide and water into sugar
to fuel cells. Water taken up by the
roots is released through pores in the
leaves, drawing it upward, and
keeping plant tissues healthy. Soil THE ROLE OF FLOWERS
nutrients, dissolved in the water Colorful and scented to attract insects, or adapted
absorbed by the roots, are channeled to scatter pollen in the wind, flowers need to be
along the stems to wherever needed. pollinated for fruit and seeds to form.


Flowering plants produce Firmly anchoring plants in
seed, but many create the soil, roots also take up
offspring in other ways, too. all the water and nutrients
Some send up shoots from required. Wilting foliage
long, shallow roots, while and stems are often the first
others cast stems across the indication of root damage
soil, allowing plantlets to caused by pests, diseases,
take root along their length. waterlogged soil, or digging.


Some shrubs bear male and female flowers on separate Some fruit bushes and trees are self-pollinating, while
plants, meaning both must be planted near each other others need a pollination partner. Animals feed on
for a good crop of berries on the female plant. the sweet fruit, then disperse the seeds they contain.

At the heart of the plant, the stems
provide support, and transport water
and food between roots and leaves.
The stem’s tough outer layer protects
against pests and diseases.

Herbaceous stems Unlike trees and shrubs that

form permanent growth, herbaceous perennials
die back each year. Their temporary stems are
usually softer, and taller plants may need support.

Know your site and soil

Every garden plot is unique. Neighboring sites, and even different parts of an
average-sized yard, can offer plants quite different growing conditions. This
depends on the direction each area faces, the shade and shelter created by
surrounding buildings and trees, and the soil type. Spending time getting to
know your site will enable you to choose plants that will adapt to the quirks of
every corner so they should flourish with minimal attention and few problems.

EXPOSURE Providing shelter can also cause rain shadows because

The first important thing to find out Exposure to strong winds can rainwater often doesn't reach the soil
about your garden is the direction damage plants and prevent in these areas. This results in very dry
that it faces, or its exposure. South- pollination of crops. Establish the conditions and means plants often
facing gardens are usually warm and direction of prevailing winds and need watering, in sun and shade.
bright, while those facing north tend diffuse their strength using hedges,
to be cool and shady. While some trees, and windbreak fabric. Solid Winter frost
plants crave full sun, others only thrive walls and buildings provide shelter Knowing when to expect the first
in shade, so figuring out the exposure at their base, but create turbulence and last frost is a useful guide for
of your borders, walls, and patios on their leeward side, which can be gardeners, since many plants cannot
allows them to be planted well. as destructive as the original gusts. tolerate freezing conditions. The
Take into account shade cast by tall The shelter produced by walls, frost-free growing season shortens
buildings, trees, and hedges. fences, buildings, hedges, and trees the further north and inland your plot.

(above) Choose plants that match the site.

Ferns, for example, prefer damp shade.

(left) In a sunny, sheltered location, tender

plants can be grown, but check for frost
pockets, where cold air gathers. This can
occur in dips or at the base of slopes.


Too often taken for granted, soil is the Find out the pH of your garden soil
lifeblood of the garden, providing the using one of the widely available test
vital moisture and nutrients needed kits. When mixed with a chemical
to produce strong, healthy plants. solution in a small test-tube, soil
Getting to know your soil is easy samples collected from around the
garden cause a color change
and not only allows you to work and according to the pH, which can then
improve it effectively, but having an be assessed using a simple color chart.
understanding also means that you
can choose plants that will naturally
grow strongly. As a result, they will Acidic or alkaline
be less likely to fall victim to pests Knowing if your soil is acidic or IMPROVE YOUR SOIL
and diseases. alkaline will affect the plants that you The best single way to improve the
quality of your soil, and the health
choose to grow. Specialized groups
Different types of soil of your plants, is to add plenty of
of plants thrive in alkaline soils and organic matter each year. Well-rotted
Ideal crumbly garden soil is called acidic soils, but most plants are quite compost or manure can either be
loam and does not get too sticky happy in the most common, slightly dug into new beds and vegetable
when wet, or dry out too quickly. In acidic, garden soils. The range of patches, or applied as a thick mulch
reality, most gsrdens have either light plants grown locally often gives a on the surface around established
or heavy soils. Light, sandy soil is easy good indication of soil pH, but simple plants, avoiding the stems.
to dig, but it drains so freely that it testing kits can quickly give a
dries out rapidly and nutrients are definitive answer (see above).
washed right through it. Heavy, clay
soils are much harder to work with, Well-drained or boggy
clumping together in big clods that Water pooling on the soil surface
become rock hard when dry. Clay is a sure sign of poor drainage. Many
drains slowly after rain, so should wonderful bog plants will thrive in
not be worked when wet to avoid such wet conditions, but most plants
compaction. Whatever soil type you need soil that drains more freely.
have, the annual addition of well- Break up compacted layers with a
rotted organic matter, such as garden garden fork and then work in plenty
compost, will improve it enormously. of grit and organic matter.

Discolored foliage can occur
when plants are deficient in
particular nutrients. Nitrogen
and magnesium are easily
washed from sandy soils but
can be supplemented using
fertilizers. Sometimes nutrients
are present, but plants are still
unable to absorb them, thanks
to dry or acidic conditions. Iron deficiency Magnesium deficiency Nitrogen deficiency

Know your trees, shrubs, and climbers

The backbone of your planting, trees and shrubs provide the garden with structure
and solidity, while climbers cover, soften, and screen. Their height and shape make
them ideal for sheltering the yard from wind and sun, or creating divisions within
it. Many also have colorful flowers and berries, attractive foliage, or striking bark.

Habit Trees produce a single trunk
supporting woody branches—some
may be multistemmed. So called
“fastigiate” trees are tall and slim,
while others have a weeping habit.

Grown for Planted for their varied

forms, foliage, flowers, fall colors,
berries, and bark. They can be used
as screens, hedges, and windbreaks.

Where to grow A variety of soils and

situations suit most trees, provided
they have enough space. Some are Long-term investmant Trees can live for decades, so it’s worth choosing one
you will enjoy for many years to come, and that suits your yard.
not fully hardy, or need specific soil
conditions to flourish.
Lifespan Trees can live for centuries, Grown for Often prized for showy
Pruning Young trees need pruning although many popular garden flowers and berries, shrubs can
to create the desired shape, but most types, such as flowering cherries and also have attractive foliage, colorful
mature trees only require the removal crabapples, last for just 50–80 years stems, and striking forms. Many
of dead or damaged wood. before gradually dying back. are ideal for hedging.

Size Dwarf trees may grow just as How sold Can be bought year-round Where to grow Originating from
tall as your height, while standard grown in containers, or ordered bare- diverse habitats, shrubs grow in a
trees can tower over 300ft (90m). root from specialty nurseries for fall wide range of conditions. Many
The rate at which they grow varies delivery and planting. thrive in fertile soil in full sun, but
tremendously also. some prefer shade, specific soil
conditions, or are not fully hardy.
Season of interest Deciduous
trees drop their leaves in fall, while Habit Shrubs are woody plants with Pruning Annual pruning is essential
evergreens keep their foliage year- numerous stems arising at soil level. to keep some shrubs in good shape
round. Spring blossoms, fall-leaf They may be tall or dwarf, bushy or and flowering well. Others only need
color, and berries, along with winter slender, evergreen or deciduous, and to have diseased or damaged wood
bark, are all additional features. many can be trained against a wall. removed in order to thrive.

Size Hugely variable, from low-

growing lavenders and heathers, to
treelike shrubs up to 20ft (6m) tall.
Their size can be controlled by
pruning and training.

Season of interest Deciduous and

evergreen, shrubs deliver a year-
round display. Flowers can be found
in every season, while berries and
bright bark light up the fall and
winter. Plant a variety for prolonged (above) Short-lived color Lavender often
dies off after less than five years.
interest in the garden.
(right) Aerial display Climbers bring color
Lifespan Large shrubs can last to eye level and can give a fine show.
decades, especially if well cared for.
Some short-lived and smaller shrubs Where to grow Grow up supports
lose vigor and are best renewed
CLIMBERS on walls, fences, or pergolas, through
every 5–10 years. Not all shrubs are Habit Climbers are vigorous, annual other plants, or even along the
full hardy and may die sooner, and perennial plants with long ground. Some require full sun, while
depending on conditions. herbaceous stems, or perennials with others prefer shade, but most like
a permanent woody framework. fertile, moist soil. A few are tender.
How sold Container-grown shrubs
are sold in garden centers and Grown for Climbers may have bold Pruning Annual pruning is needed
nurseries all year, while bare-root flowers, attractive foliage, and even to keep some flowering freely, while
specimens are available from fruit. Often grown to cover walls and most need pruning to keep them
nurseries during winter. fences, and to screen unsightly areas. neat and within bounds.

Size Varies from 6ft (2m) to 70ft

What is normal? (20m), depending on the climber.
Pruning limits size. Be diligent when
Understanding your plants helps you tell which symptoms to cutting back fast-growing plants.
worry about and which are normal. Evergreens shedding leaves in summer
may look bad, but it is a natural part of foliage renewal. Woody plants can Season of interest Most flower from
also take time to establish and flower, but it will be worth the wait. spring to early fall—some in winter
and early spring. Evergreen foliage
looks good all year; deciduous types
can have bold fall tints.

Lifespan A single year for annuals,

but decades for some woody
climbers, such as wisteria.
Water shoots Some shrubs Disappearing berries Non-stick climbers Even
produce vigorous stems Bright fruit often vanish self-clinging climbers need
How sold Most sold in pots,
that never flower. These once ripe because they a hand when first planted,
should be cut out. have been eaten. so provide support. although annuals, such as sweet
peas, are often grown from seed.

Know your perennials and bulbs

These two groups of plants are all about injecting color into the garden.
Traditional summer herbaceous borders and spring displays of bulbs make
wonderful showcases for perennials and bulbs. Both will mingle happily in
mixed plantings, however, and have representatives that flower in every
season, so use them to their full potential and don’t be afraid to experiment.

Habit Hardy perennials generally
produce new growth in spring,
flower in summer, then die back to
the base in fall. The roots and young
shoots overwinter, ready to resprout
again. Some, like many ferns, are
“wintergreen”—keeping their leaves
throughout the winter and replacing
them every spring.

Grown for Beautiful flowers, colorful

foliage, and striking shapes all make
perennials great garden plants. Some (above) Wintergreen perennials Bergenias
also bear seed heads and fruit, which send up welcome early spring flowers,
while the leaves supply year-round colour.
are often left to add fall and winter
interest. There is a huge range of sizes (left) Enduring colour Peony plants can
and shapes, adding year-round spark thrive for decades with a little care.
to mixed borders.
perennials benefit from being lifted weeks at a time. Plant a selection to
Where to grow There are perennials and divided every 3–5 years. Taller give prolonged interest. Many
to suit almost any soil and situation, plants may need staking. wintergreens have attractive foliage
but most are particular about their and flower from winter to spring.
growing conditions and will only Size Perennials vary greatly in size,
perform well when planted in the from low-growing groundcover Lifespan Well-maintained perennials
right place. Many do best in full sun to upright giants for the back of a can live for decades, although they
and moist, well-drained soil, although border. Most spread to form clumps may die out in a few seasons if left
some prefer shade or boggy ground. over several years, which can be undivided and uncared for. Peonies
Perennials are often fully hardy, but divided if they become too big. can live for more than 100 years.
give tender plants winter protection. A few can be invasive.
How sold Commonly sold in garden
Pruning Cut to the base once old Season of interest Most perennials centers and nurseries as pot-grown
growth has died back in the fall. No flower at different times from spring plants, perennials can also be bought
further pruning is required, but many to fall, some briefly and others for bare-root by mail order.


What is normal?
Habit Bulb- and tuber-forming plants
have underground storage organs The quirks of some perennials and bulbs may lead you to think
evolved from swollen stems, leaves, that there is something wrong when, in fact, what you see is totally
or roots. The plants grow, flower, normal. The foliage of many bulbs, for example, quickly looks old long
then die back, and remain dormant before it can be removed, and is best concealed with surrounding plants.
below ground for a period each year.

Grown for The bold flowers of bulbs

produce a dramatic, but short-lived
display, lasting from as little as a few
days to several weeks. They provide
seasonal color for borders and pots.
Dying back The leaves Brief display Blooms of Flowers but no leaves
of some spring-flowering many perennials and bulbs Some bulbs and perennials
Where to grow Most prefer a perennials can die back may only last a day, and produce their flowers and
well-drained site in full sun, but some or look tired by summer. displays just over a week. foliage at different times.
species like moist, shady conditions.
Many are fully hardy, but some are
best lifted or protected over winter. in stature to many perennials. Dwarf Lifespan Given the right conditions,
species and cultivars are well suited bulbs can flower and spread in the
Pruning Clear away all spent growth for growing in containers. garden for many years, sometimes
when bulbs die back. Allow leaves to decades. In poor circumstances, they
die back naturally, because removing Season of interest Spring is not may only flower for one year.
them too early weakens the bulb. the only season for bulbs, because
different types flower through How sold Dry bulbs are available
Size Bulbs range from small plants, summer, fall, and even into winter. from garden centers and by mail
suitable for the front of borders and The majority flower in spring and order. Some are also sold in growth
naturalizing in lawns, to large summer, but plant a selection for with bare roots “in the green,” or
clump-forming specimens, similar year-round color. growing in pots.

(above) Naked blooms Colchicum produce

flowers before their leaves appear.

(right) Dramatic heads Alliums flower in

summer – many have attractive seedheads.

Know your bedding and lawn

Fast-growing and vibrant, bedding plants add cheer to the garden and patio pots.
Widely available, they are usually treated as annuals, although many will thrive for
more than one year if given the correct care. At the heart of most yards, the lawn is
often mown then forgotten, but extra attention will be repaid with a greener lawn
that wears well and isn’t overrun with weeds.

Habit These annual, biennial, or
tender perennial plants are often
used for a single seasonal display.
Some are hardy, but those described
as half-hardy or tender should only
be planted outdoors when the risk
of frost has passed.

Grown for Bedding plants are

cultivated for their large or numerous
bright flowers, and lush, decorative
foliage. Fast growing, they quickly (above) Annual color Short-lived summer
create luxuriant seasonal displays. annuals give a vivid display for a few
months when watered and fed regularly.
Where to grow Ideal for borders, (left) Tender perennial Protect tender
containers, and hanging baskets, perennials during winter and you will
most bedding thrives in full sun, be able to enjoy them year after year.
although a few, such as impatiens,
prefer some shade. They all need The stems of those with a trailing for longer, but lose their compact
fertile, well-drained soil to flower for habit can reach 24in (60cm) in length, form and do not flower as profusely,
a prolonged period. creating dramatic hanging baskets. so are normally discarded. Some
tender perennials can look good for
Pruning No pruning is required, but Season of interest Bedding plants several years given winter protection.
deadhead frequently to encourage are usually split into summer and
more flowers to form. Tender winter/spring bedding. Summer How sold Garden centers, nurseries,
perennials overwintered under bedding flowers outdoors once and mail-order suppliers sell bedding
cover should be cut back in spring. nights are frost-free. Winter/spring plants at various stages of growth.
bedding takes its place in fall, The smallest are the tiny plug plants,
Size Generally bushy and compact, giving color in the colder months. which are best potted and grown on
most bedding plants don't often before planting out. Flats of small
grow more than 12in (30cm) tall, Lifespan Displays will not usually last plants are popular, along with larger
particularly in pots, although some in peak condition for more than six specimens in individual pots. Seeds
types, such as cosmos, are taller. months. Many of the plants will grow are also widely available.

What is normal? Pruning Ideally, lawns should be

mown weekly when the grass is
Bedding plants may not perform as you expect, and lawns can growing in spring and fall. Most
disappoint, but this isn’t necessarily due to pests or diseases. Even pristine lawns are best cut to a height
lawns look unkempt when their edges go untrimmed and grass creeps into of about 1in (2.5cm), but should be
borders, while the range of bedding available can easily reveal surprises. allowed to grow longer during hot,
dry weather to help the grass cope.
Avoid removing more than a third
of the leaf length with each cut.

Size Lawns can be tiny, or the size of

a football field. The bigger the lawn,
the longer it will take to maintain.
Unusual flowers Bedding Sticky leaves Some plants, Lawn weeds All but the
plants can be very unusual. such as petunias, have best tended lawns contain
some weeds. The key is to
Season of interest Turf should look
If a plant looks odd, check naturally sticky leaves.
the label for reassurance. They are perfectly healthy. control the most vigorous. good all year round and can be
enhanced by planting it with bulbs
or wildflowers.
Grown for A healthy green lawn
LAWNS to provide a neat foil for beds, or Lifespan Although the lifespan of
Habit A continuous carpet of turf, a practical place to sit or play. individual grass plants is relatively
made up of several different grass short, if well cared for, a lawn can
species, creates a lawn. The roots Where to grow Lawns do best in continue to look good for decades.
of the plants are shallow and the a sunny location, on fertile, well-
leaves are mown short. When cutting drained soil. Specially formulated How sold Different mixes of grass
the leaves, the central growing point mixtures of grass are available for seed are available, depending on the
at the base of each plant remains shady and hard-wearing lawns. conditions and wear that the lawn
intact, allowing each plant to Improve the soil and drainage will have to withstand. Rolls of sod
repeatedly regrow and spread. well before laying a new lawn. are also widely available.

(above) Wildflower lawns Meadow-style

lawns look attractive, and provide an oasis
for beneficial insects and wildlife.

(right) Manicured effects Achieving the

perfect lawn can be a labor of love, but
the results are often stunning.

How to spot a sick plant

Recognizing that there is a problem in the garden is
the first important step toward diagnosing the cause
and finding a remedy. The best way to spot when
something isn’t right is to become familiar with
healthy plants. Take in what surrounds you while
you regularly weed, deadhead, and water. Sickly
specimens will soon start to stand out clearly.


Leaves are the most obvious place
to look for trouble. Color changes,
wilting, distortion, marks, spots, and
holes are all signs that something is
wrong. Check both the upper and
lower leaf surfaces for small insects,
a sticky substance called “honeydew,”
or moldlike fungal growth.
Flower buds falling or failing to
open can indicate poor growing CHEWED LEAVES
conditions or pest problems, while Different pests eat holes, nibble notches,
blooming flowers, and consequently strip entire leaves, or munch them from
fruit set, can be spoiled by pests or within. Growth can be stunted and
bad weather. Check ripening fruit for young plants killed by heavy attacks.
marks, splits, holes, and rot.
Stem damage is a prime site for
infection and should be cut back
promptly. Watch for weak, floppy
herbaceous stems, dark, wet-looking
or weeping marks, and fungus
growing from woody plants. Root
problems are often betrayed by weak
growth and wilting foliage.
A general lack of vigor and poor
performance suggest a problem with
the growing conditions, perhaps soil WILTING STEMS
that is too dry or a site that is too Lack of water in the leaves and stems
shady. Plants in the wrong place are causes plants to wilt. This can, however,
A sickly specimen The yellowing, marked leaves are a
particularly susceptible to pests and be caused by waterlogging and root sure sign that this plant is sick. A quick glance suggests
diseases in their weakened state. problems as well as dry soil. it’s too big for its pot, leaving it dry and malnourished.

Some things are normal

Although many symptoms of poor plant health are obvious, a
number of quite normal characteristics can cause alarm, particularly for
new gardeners. Stepping back to take a look at the general condition of
the plant, or the rest of the garden, can help you decide what is normal
and what might be a cause for concern. Avoid assuming the worst.

Foliage that takes on shades of yellow,
brown, red, or purple in the growing
season shows a plant in distress. Take
it is an early warning sign and act.

Bold leaf colors Many garden plants Imperfect fruit Strangely shaped fruit can
have been bred with unusually colored, occur for no obvious reason. However,
variegated, and patterned foliage, which they still taste great, and are part of the
may be mistaken for a problem. fun of growing your own crops.

Dark patches, spots, fungal growth, and
rotting on any part of a plant are usually
the symptoms of disease. Old or weak
plants are most at risk of infection.
Bump on the trunk Many ornamental Older leaves yellowing Evergreen plants
and fruit trees are grafted onto rootstocks. naturally drop a portion of their older
A harmless bump sometimes forms low leaves during the growing season. Where
on the trunk where the graft took place. the plant is otherwise healthy, this is fine.

Poor growth and pale or yellowing Plantlets and bulbils Most plants Natural dieback The lower leaves
reproduce as seed, but some also produce of some plants, such as palms and some
foliage can indicate a lack of nutrients, offsets, plantlets, and bulbils, which can evergreens, die back as they grow,
unsuitable growing conditions, root appear at the roots, stems, or flowers. eventually leaving a bare stem.
problems, or pest infestation.

How pests and diseases affect plants

It is often easy to see that there is something wrong with a plant, but difficult, even
for experienced gardeners, to diagnose exactly what the problem is. A little knowledge
of how pests and diseases attack plants, and the symptoms they cause, can really help
to reveal what is wrong. Even if the exact culprit remains unknown, the diagnosis at
least allows some sensible remedial action to be taken.

affect plants and those subject are those that eat large holes in
SPOTTING SYMPTOMS to these stresses are vulnerable to leaves. The culprits may still be
Plants attacked by pests and diseases infection. Wounds and weakness present and patterns of damage
often exhibit wounds or points of created by attacks can also leave are distinctive. These pests spoil
infection, can grow less vigorously, plants open to further problems. the appearance of plants, can reduce
and perhaps produce fewer flowers vigor, and even kill seedlings.
or smaller yields of fruit than healthy Pinpointing pests Sap-feeding insects feed on leaves
specimens. Nutrient deficiencies and Pests affect plants in a variety of and stems, often causing distortion,
poor growing conditions similarly ways. Some of the easiest to identify discoloration, and stunting of young

(above top) Currant blister aphid causes

raised areas on currant leaves. See p.182.

(above) Peach leaf curl results in distorted

pink-red foliage on peach trees. See p.184.

(left) Virus on a blueberry bush produces

yellow and coral pink mottling on foliage.


Even dedicated organic gardeners may sometimes use permitted garden
chemicals to help control difficult pests and diseases. Although all garden
chemicals being sold have been tested to minimize risks to the user and
environment, they should only be used against their intended target
when really necessary, and exactly as directed on the label.

Garden greens are targeted by pigeons,

which rapidly strip foliage to the stems,
leaving sharp beak marks.

growth. Look under leaves and

on bark to find and name the pest.
It may be hard to tell what has
caused leaves to wilt and die unless
you can find the soil-dwelling pest
responsible for root damage. Pests Safety Wear rubber gloves and Insecticides Some work on
can ruin fruit by feeding on them avoid inhaling droplets or dust by contact with the insect and are
from the inside or outside, but rarely standing upwind of the treated sprayed all over leaves. Others are
affect the rest of the plant and are area. Only use recommended absorbed by plants to kill insects
often easy to identify. products on edible plants and that feed on them. Spray in the
store out of the reach of children. evening to avoid killing bees.
Distinguishing disease
Fungal infections are common and
usually create dusty markings or
spots on foliage, causing leaves to die
back in severe cases. Fungi can also
kill seedlings, rot fruit, and cause
root and stem decay, which can kill
even large plants. Toadstools or
bracket fungi can sometimes be
seen at the base or on branches
of infected woody plants.
There are many symptoms for
viruses, such as distorted and stunted Fungicides Most are available as Weed killers Contact sprays or
growth, yellow leaf patterns, or sprays with a systemic action and liquids painted onto leaves quickly
stripes of unwanted color on flowers. can treat infection in all areas once kill annual weeds; those with a
Bacterial infections are less common, absorbed by the plant. Others are systemic action are absorbed into
but spread rapidly resulting in available as powders to mix with the plant to kill the roots of
softening of tissue, oozing liquid, water for spraying or used as a dust. persistent perennials.
and an unpleasant smell.

Growing without chemicals

Whether or not you choose to use pesticides and inorganic fertilizers on your plot,
many valuable lessons can be learned from the principles of organic gardening.
The central idea is to create conditions that foster plants bursting with health.
Strong growth enables plants to more readily resist pests and diseases, although
plenty of options remain open to organic gardeners when problems do arise.

NATURAL GROWTH Organic gardening encourages mindset required for gardeners used
an understanding of local growing to reaching for the sprayer at the first
The promise of fresh, organically conditions and the way plants work. sign of trouble. Even in successful
produced fruit and vegetables is In turn, this helps prevent many organic plots a low level of damage
frequently the motivation for difficulties and is becoming has to be tolerated, and there will be
growing your own. Those gardeners increasingly valuable as the range occasions when pests and diseases
concerned about the effects of of pesticides available to amateur get the upper hand. There is,
chemicals on children, pets, wildlife, gardeners decreases. however, something deeply
and the wider environment, however, satisfying about learning from these
are often enthusiastic to grow Create a healthy balance incidents, and finding ways to keep
ornamental plants organically too. Successful organic gardening relies them from recurring in future.
on establishing a balance where
plants flourish in fertile soil improved Feed the soil not the plant
with lots of organic matter and pest Improving garden soil by adding
numbers are kept in check by substantial quantities of bulky
beneficial wildlife. Achieving this organic matter every year is the most
takes time, as can the change in effective way to boost the health of

Many insects help gardeners
by pollinating crops or feeding
on troublesome plant pests. To
help attract these allies, provide
them with nectar and pollen by
growing a range of plants that
flower throughout the year. Gaillardias Daisylike flowers are a
Trees and shrubs are especially favorite with insects because their
good food sources when they are flat surface is easy to land on. Their
in flower. Avoid plants that have many tiny central florets are filled
Mingling edible and ornamental plants
double blooms because they with sweet nectar, which gives
in containers and all around the garden can
create fabulous, colorful combinations, and often produce no nectar. insects a good feed from each flower.
help to distract pests from cropping plants.
your plants. Organic matter improves
the structure of the soil, helps retain
moisture, slowly releases valuable
nutrients, and feeds the underground
creatures that keep soil healthy.
Well-rotted garden compost and
barnyard manure are two of the best
materials for digging in to new beds
or laying as a thick mulch on the soil
around established plants. In fact,
some organic gardeners practice the
appealing “no-dig” method. Once a
mulch is applied, it is left for worms
to work it into the soil, almost entirely
removing the need for a spade.
No garden should be without a
compost heap to convert spent plant
material, grass clippings, most weeds,
and even kitchen waste into a source Gardens bursting with flowers all year are magnets for pollinating insects, vital
of free, top-quality soil improver. Turn for good fruit crops, and other insects, like the hoverfly, that prey on plant pests.
the heap with a fork, keep it covered
to exclude weed seeds, and crumbly birds, hedgehogs, ladybugs, and taking full advantage of the plentiful
compost is ready in a few months. frogs, will repay your kindness by food source, controlling the pests.
feeding on pests that are troubling Although good garden hygiene
Encourage beneficial wildlife your plants. Where they find is important to prevent disease, leave
Providing suitable food and shelter infestations to feast on, these fallen leaves, wood piles, and old
helps attract a variety of wildlife into beneficial creatures will often perennial growth in a few areas, as
the garden. Many visitors, such as return repeatedly or even breed, cover for wildlife during winter.

Foxgloves A long flowering season Poached egg plant The carpet Frothy flower heads Showy heads
makes this a valuable plant for of yellow-centered, white flowers with many flowers, particularly those
insects. Not all insects can access produced by easy-to-grow of umbellifers like sweet Cicely, are
nectar from the tubular flowers, but Limnanthes douglasii is a magnet attractive to insects because they
bumblebees disappear right inside for beneficial insects. They can can move from one tiny flower to
to feed with their long tongues. hop from one flower to the next. the next without much effort.

Even a small source of water will

attract frogs and toads as well
as birds and mammals. Bring insect
allies into the garden to pollinate
and prey on pests by planting
nectar-rich flowers year-round.

Preventing problems
Prevention is always better than cure,
and organic gardeners can adopt
many strategies to keep pests and
diseases at bay. Where they exist,
grow cultivars bred with resistance
to a particular problem. Disease-
resistant forms of edible crops are
common, but some ornamental Old plastic bottles can be put to good use. Cut them in half and place them over
plants also have this useful quality. young plants to protect against slugs and snails. They can also act as watering funnels.
Crop rotation has long been
practiced to help prevent pests and insect mesh, horticultural fabric, and can be distracted by mixing them
diseases from building up in the soil. various gauges of netting work well with other highly aromatic plants,
Related edible crops, such as root at keeping small insects, butterflies, such as French marigolds. This is
crops, are grown together and and birds away from crops. Low- known as “companion planting” and
moved to a new bed each year. This flying carrot rust flies will be thwarted has the added benefit of extra color,
means it is several years before a crop by a 24in- (60cm-) high barrier particularly in the vegetable plot.
returns to the same site, which is around beds of carrots, and cabbage
longer than most pests and diseases collars stop cabbage root flies from Combat pests and diseases
can survive in the soil. Apply the laying their eggs in the soil near If these methods fail to stop the
same principle in the ornamental young plants. Try to prevent slugs spread of pests and diseases, there
garden by not replacing plants that and snails from reaching vulnerable are other effective organic ways to
have experienced problems with plants. Barriers include eggshells, tackle them. Traps are useful for
anything closely related. copper tape, and pine needles. reducing the prevalence of insect
Barriers are an effective way to Pests are often attracted by the pests and can also provide an
keep pests and plants apart. Fine strong scent of their host plants and indication of their numbers. Beer

Though beneficial when
eating pests, birds can attack
crops. Every gardener has a
favorite bird-scaring method
to protect vulnerable plants.
The light reflected from rows
of CDs or shiny baubles,
suspended from a string, can
deter them. Decoy birds may
convince them that your
garden is already taken. CDs and DVDs Bird decoy Shiny baubles

A simple compost heap turns unwanted

garden waste into valuable soil improver.

traps sunk into the soil attract and

drown slugs and snails. Hung in the
branches of a tree, they trap wasps,
while sticky yellow sheets ensnare
greenhouse pests. Pheromone traps
can also be used to lure fruit tree
pests to a sticky end before mating.
Predatory mites, along with
parasitic wasps and nematode
worms, are available as biological
controls capable of reducing the
numbers of many common pests.
They are effective used in the correct
conditions, but it is important to
remember that the pest must already
be present for them to feed on, and
many only work well in warm
weather or in greenhouses.
Some natural chemicals can be
used as pesticides to kill insects and
treat fungal diseases in organic
gardens. You can control some insect
pests by using insecticidal soap and
plant extracts, such as pyrethrum.
These must be applied frequently
since they kill pests on contact, and
remember that they may harm Use a variety of organic techniques to keep away pests and diseases. Here, a scarecrow
beneficial insects too. and vibrant companion planting add color and a certain quirky style to this vegetable plot.

Garden friends and foes

Sometimes it may be hard to believe, but not every creature in the garden is out to
eat your plants for breakfast. Many come to feast on the pests themselves, stop by
to pollinate flowers, or move into the soil or compost heap to break down decaying
material. Learn to distinguish these allies from your gardening foes to keep them safe,
and to encourage more of them in to help.

STRIKE A BALANCE a home in your garden, remember Always consider their use carefully.
that one often cannot exist without Plants have their own defense
Gardens are hard work to create, the other being present. mechanisms, and can often easily
so when pests spoil a crop or prized Without a steady supply of pests sustain a certain level of attack,
plant, it is easy to take it personally to eat, the gardener’s friends will go without the need for intervention.
and reach for the nearest pesticide. elsewhere. There is clearly a balance
Like all visitors though, they’re just to be struck here, where beneficial Identify the enemy
looking for somewhere to eat or rest, creatures keep pests at a manageable Damage to plants is often more
and whichever friends and foes make level, which organic growers will tell noticeable than the pest itself. Take
you sometimes works better than a look at the casualties and you will
others. One thing guaranteed to often find that if adult insects or their
upset this balance however, is the larvae are responsible, they will still
use of pesticides in the garden. be present, feeding away. Slugs and
Often extremely effective, they snails will only be found during the
quickly wipe out their target, and day in wet weather, but you can
sometimes other insects too, leaving most likely catch them after dark
nothing for the pest predators to eat. if you use a flashlight.
Many insect larvae and slugs lurk
Good beetle bad beetle Many beetle underground, only to be seen when
species cause gardeners problems,
including the bright red lily beetle (left).
plants become sickly, root crops are
Identify pests carefully however, because lifted, or soil is turned. Birds and
numerous beetles play useful roles, too. mammals, such as rabbits and deer,


Most gardens have a few
common pests that recur
every year, which vary
depending on the range of
plants cultivated and the
location. You will quickly
come to recognize those that
inhabit your own plot, find
out which plants they favor,
and learn the best ways to
Slugs and snails Sawfly larvae Caterpillars
deal with them.


Beneficial creatures come in all shapes and sizes. Enticing as many into
the garden as possible helps keep pest numbers in check, improves
pollination, and provides you with a fascinating place to work and relax.

Fallen fruit and decaying plant material

can tempt pests into the garden. Keep it
neat, while leaving a few hiding places for
beneficial wildlife.
Bees Honeybees, bumblebees, Ladybugs The adults and their
may never be caught while feeding, and other species are crucial for fierce larvae prey on aphids in large
but can munch their way through pollinating flowers. Blooms rich numbers. Evergreen shrubs and dry
borders rapidly. Look for distinctive in nectar will help attract them. leaves make ideal winter homes.
beak and bite marks, along with
droppings and footprints, to help
identify the culprits.

Look out for your friends

Birds are the most obvious beneficial
creatures, and encouraging them
into the garden helps keep a lid on
insect pest, slug, and snail numbers.
Frogs, toads, newts, and bats are just Frogs and toads Two of the few Lacewings The delicate adults feed
some of the larger animals that visit creatures with an appetite for slugs, on pollen and nectar, while their
or take up residence to feed on many they often go unnoticed. Attract voracious larvae devour countless
of the commonest foes. them by digging a small pond. aphids and other small insects.
Insects are the gardener’s allies,
too. Ladybugs and lacewings are
renowned for their prodigious aphid
eating, but hoverfly larvae, ground
beetles, and centipedes are among
many more that view garden pests
as lunch. Pollinating insects, including
the much maligned wasp, visit
flowers and transfer pollen between
both edible and ornamental plants, Thrushes Beautiful garden birds, Centipedes Copper-colored,
ensuring viable seeds and juicy fruit. song thrushes use large, flat stones many-legged, and fast moving,
An array of worms, beetles, and to break snail shells, enabling them centipedes live in fallen leaves and
microscopic organisms also works to eat the creature inside. prey on small soil-dwelling pests.
hard to keep soil in good condition.

What is a weed?
A weed is simply a plant growing where it is not wanted. They can be wild species
that pop up from wind-blown seeds, or cultivated plants that have spread too rapidly
or self-seeded too successfully. Weeding is an inescapable part of gardening, but
understanding the plants you are dealing with and taking steps to control them can
greatly reduce the work involved.

CONTROLLING WEEDS well in a meadow or wildlife garden. and without help they will be
But, in most gardens, it is often not weakened and may die. Weeds can
The obvious question is “why bother practical simply to let them flourish. also harbor many of the pests and
weeding?” It is often said that an Most ornamental plants, fruit, and diseases that trouble garden plants,
untidy garden is best for beneficial vegetables, particularly when they so they are also best removed to
wildlife, so why can’t we just tolerate are young or newly planted, cannot reduce the risk of infection spreading.
weeds and save ourselves some cope with the competition from
work? The trouble with this approach fast-growing weeds for water, light, Weeding by hand
is that the most vigorous weed plants and nutrients. Their growth and Digging is what comes to mind when
quickly take over, which may work flowering will be adversely affected, most people think of weeding, but

When tackling weeds,
understanding the way they
spread is the key to success.
They fall into two groups: annuals
and perennials. Annuals can
Dandelion Spread by wind-blown Groundsel Each fast-growing annual
germinate and produce hundreds
seeds, remove all of the deep taproot plant can produce thousands of fluffy
of seeds in a matter of weeks,
or the dandelion will simply reshoot. seeds from yellow flower heads.
allowing them to spread like
wildfire. Luckily, as long as weeds
are hoed or lifted before they
scatter their seeds, they are easy
to control. Perennials have fleshy
roots that plunge deep into soil
or spread just below the surface.
Caught young, their removal is
simple, but the large roots of
established plants break easily Creeping thistle A clump-forming Nettles Small annual nettles spread
and must be dug out entirely perennial with spreading roots, by seed. Large clumps of perennial
to keep the plant from spreading. purple flowers, and airborne seeds. nettles grow from fleshy roots.
To keep weeding to a minimum, don’t
dig. Most soil is full of weed seeds,
which germinate in the surface layer.
Turning the soil just brings a fresh
batch of seeds to the surface, so use a
hoe instead. To prevent weed growth
use mulches, such as shredded bark
or porous landscape fabric.

this heavy work is only required to bare soil in vegetable plots. As for
bring rough ground into cultivation keeping a lawn weed-free, regular
or remove deep roots. mowing is the most effective method.
Hoeing is the quicker and easier
option, best done on a hot, dry day, Using weed killers
so severed weeds wilt and die rapidly, Weed killer sprays can be particularly
and you don’t have to worry about helpful for keeping paths neat and
Many weeds are attractive plants that
picking them up from the ground. treating lawns, but be careful to use
are really beneficial to wildlife. Make use
Groundcover plants suppress weeds the correct chemical for the job, and of the flowers of thistles and clover, which
in borders, while green manures fill don’t let the spray drift onto plants. feed pollinating insects.

Buttercups The creeping stems of Annual meadow grass Short tufts of Bindweed twines around other
this perennial spread rapidly, but its grass with feathery flower heads seed plant stems. Dig out its perennial
shallow roots make it easy to remove. and reroot rampantly if not removed. root system or it regenerates.

Bittercress Annual rosettes of lobed Docks Large leaves and tall flower Ragwort Uproot the feathery leaves
leaves and white flowers produce spikes are fed by a deep perennial and yellow, late-summer flowers—
seed pods that pop when touched. taproot, which is hard to remove. they are poisonous to livestock.

Don’t panic!
When you start to discover all of the things that can go
wrong in the garden, it’s easy to imagine that every spot,
mark, fallen leaf, misshapen growth, or creepy crawly is
sinister. Thankfully, this is not the case, and what you see
may be a natural part of the plant’s cycle of growth, a pest
or disease that is of little consequence to a healthy plant, or
Yellowing leaves Older leaves of
simply part of the fascinating diversity of life in the garden. evergreen shrubs fall during spring
and summer. Don't worry. It’s normal,
as long as new leaves are produced.
KEEP CALM What you have seen may have
It is important not to panic when arrived to feed on the sweet, sticky
you spot what might be a problem. honeydew excreted by sap-sucking
In order to keep a clear head, identify insects, or to prey on the pests
what has been seen and decide if themselves. Don't squash or spray
any action is required. A useful first insects at first sight; look further and
step is to take a look at the whole they may lead to the real problem.
plant to see if it shows any obvious
signs of trouble. If not, what you've The mark of good fruit
seen may be a harmless bug or Learning to tolerate nibbles and
normal leaf fall. However, if things marks of homegrown crops can be
don't look right, be careful where a challenge when only blemish-free, Rose leaf-rolling sawflies Roses
you lay the blame. store-bought produce has been your tolerate a few leaves being curled
experience. Surface spots rarely affect tightly and eaten from the inside by
Mistaken identity eating quality, and most damage these small caterpillars. Just ignore it.
The presence of pests often attracts can be easily sliced off. Rather than
other creatures onto plants, and it’s panicking about every blotch, enjoy
wise to remember that beneficial the satisfaction and fresh flavors of
creatures also share our gardens. your own homegrown produce.

All this talk of plants under attack
could stress a gardener out, but be
sure to unwind outside after all
your hard work. Lounging in a deck
chair, while tolerating low levels of
pest damage, gives beneficial
wildlife a free rein, and keeps you Ants Often seen collecting sticky
among your plants, ready to spot honeydew excreted by sap-sucking
any problems as they arise. insects, ants rarely harm plants and
are easily tolerated. Let them be.

Cuckoo spit Blobs of white foam Shield bugs Although these striking June drop Just as the crop on apple
in early summer hide small, sap- insects are relatively large and feed and pear trees looks promising in
sucking froghoppers. They cause on sap, they do not cause garden early summer, trees shed diseased
little damage and are easily tolerated. plants any serious problems. and excess fruit. This is normal.

Lichens Growing on branches and Fasciation Strange, flattened, or Pollen beetles These small beetles
stems, lichens are not parasitic and curled shoots and flowering stems feed on pollen from spring into
are totally harmless to plants. In fact, can occur if the young growing point summer. Harmless to the plants, they
lichens indicate clean air. is damaged. It’s odd but harmless. are only a nuisance in cut flowers.

Tomato ghost spot Fungal spores Ladybug larvae More vicious- Slow-release fertilizer granules
cause pale orange, circular marks on looking than most pests, ladybug These small pale brown beads, found
tomato skins. Marks are only skin- larvae are great allies. Leave them among roots of pot-grown plants, are
deep and fruits are perfectly edible. alone to feed on aphids. often mistaken for pest eggs.
The edible garden
Homegrown fruit and vegetables are one of the greatest rewards in the garden,
but delicious leaves, roots, pods, and fruit need good conditions to grow well
and, unfortunately, are just as tempting to pests and diseases as they are to us.
Bumper harvests are not produced by chance, and depend on thorough soil
preparation, good timing, and the right care. This section explains how to give
your crops the best start, with tips for avoiding problems as they grow. Similar
crops are grouped together, and useful anatomy guides illustrate their main
features and how they affect growing and harvesting. These are followed
by flowcharts and illustrated question-and-answer pages to help diagnose
common problems for each crop type and direct you to a practical solution.


Identifying what is chewing holes
in cabbage leaves, causing onion
bulbs to rot, or stopping runner
beans from setting is the first vital
step toward rescuing your crop.
Fruiting crops, roots, leafy salads,
garden greens, bulbs and stems,
and pods are covered separately
to help pinpoint pests and diseases
specific to each crop type, as well
as symptoms resulting from poor
growing conditions. Follow the
advice given promptly, and it will
often be possible to save your crop.

How to grow vegetables

Most vegetables are fast-growing annual plants that produce
tasty crops in a matter of months. Growing from seed is
satisfying and cheap, but knowing where, when, and how
to sow is vital. If time and space are limited, buy young
vegetable plants to grow on. Either way, a healthy start will
produce strong, vigorous plants that will taste delicious.

Choosing the right site compacted soil and working in grit

Vegetables produce their best crops can improve conditions considerably,
when given a good location, ideally or raised beds can be constructed.
in full sun, in rich, well-drained soil, Strong winds batter delicate plants
and sheltered from the wind. Trying and deter pollinating insects, so
to grow crops in the shade of hedges some shelter from the prevailing
and trees will never be a great wind is vital, particularly in exposed
success, not only since light is limited, spots. Barriers that filter the wind,
but also because hedges and trees such as hedges and windbreak fabric,
prevent rain from reaching the soil, are better than solid walls, which
and absorb moisture with their create damaging air turbulence
extensive roots. Buildings also create on their leeward side. since rain should keep the soil moist.
shade and rain shadows—consider However, bad weather can prevent
this before planting near the house. Sowing under cover or outside germination and damage seedlings,
Choose the best site you can for The simplest place to sow or plant which are also particularly vulnerable
cultivating vegetables. Avoid soil vegetables is directly into the soil, to pests and competition from
where water collects after rain, does where they can be left to put down weeds until more established.
not seep away rapidly, and is poorly roots and grow to maturity. This easy Seed can also be sown under cover
drained. This is unsuitable for crops. method works well for many crops, in a greenhouse, cold frame, or on
Drains can be installed where the such as root vegetables and salads, a sunny windowsill. This gives heat-
problem is serious, but digging and requires relatively little effort, loving crops, such as tomatoes and
peppers, the warmth they need in
order to germinate, and allows all
AVOIDING PROBLEMS crops a head start in early spring,
Don’t waste seed on recklessly early
ready to be planted out later.
sowings. They won’t germinate when it is Strong, indoor-raised young plants
cold outside, and those that do will often cope better with minor pest damage
disappoint by running to seed quickly.
than seedlings sown directly into the
Heat-loving vegetables, such as green
beans and zucchini, cannot tolerate frost soil. However, growing under cover
and won’t grow in cold weather, so are requires more equipment and time
often sown under cover. Avoid sowing than sowing directly outside, so the
these too early and running out of space
indoors for rapidly growing plants. advantages have to outweigh the
extra expense and effort involved.
(above) Growing bags If you have limited
space for growing crops, use growing bags,
positioned in the sun as temporary beds.
They are ideal for many types of crops.

(left) Raised beds If your soil is poor or

unsuitable for the crops you want to grow,
consider using raised beds to provide the
perfect growing conditions.

Preparing the soil If sowing small seeds, keep raking simple record of when crops were
Once your site is selected, allow time until the soil has a lightly crumbly sown, planted, and harvested each
to improve the soil for your crops. texture, known as a “fine tilth.” year can help you to work out the
Dig plenty of organic matter, such as best times to get vegetables started
garden compost or manure, into the When to sow and plant in future years.
soil in fall or spring to improve its Of course, the right time to sow and Some crops, such as broad beans
structure and fertility. It is always best plant varies among crops, but for and garlic, are hardy enough to be
to dig in manure well in advance of almost all vegetables that can be sown and planted in fall or late
planting, but do not add it to beds sown outdoors, wait until the soil winter, and will reward you by
where you plan to grow root crops, begins to warm in spring. When this growing through the cold months
because it causes the roots to fork. happens will depend on your local to mature in late spring and summer.
If you have acidic soil and plan climate and the weather conditions It is also possible to sow and plant
to grow salad greens, add lime to each year, but a good indication is other crops earlier outdoors by
the soil in fall to raise the pH and when the weeds begin to germinate warming the soil under cloches or
reduce the risk of clubroot disease rapidly. This is your cue to get into garden fabric for a week or two in
(see p.182). However, never add the garden and start sowing, early spring. This is also a helpful
lime at the same time as applying although it is always a good idea to way to dry out sodden soil that
fertilizers or manure. sow small quantities of seeds every would otherwise be too wet for
Before sowing or planting remove few weeks in case the fickle spring sowing, and to protect late summer
all weeds and any large stones. Use weather changes, causing some to sowings of many vegetables from
a rake to level the surface of the bed fail, and to prevent gluts if all your cooler fall nights as they mature
and break down any lumps of soil. sowings are successful. Keeping a and become ready to harvest.
Deciding what to grow and produce good harvests with thoroughly before sowing. Pour
There is such a huge range of little effort, while others, like garden seeds into your hand and carefully
vegetable seeds and young plants greens and carrots, are particularly sprinkle them thinly and evenly along
available that it can be difficult to prone to pests and diseases, and the trench. Larger seeds can simply
choose what to grow. For the best frequently need protection or be placed at the desired spacing.
harvest, consider what will grow well treatment. Stick with easy crops if you Some gardeners prefer to “station
in your climate and soil, as well as lack time to deal with problems, and sow” seeds, sowing several together
what you have space for and time choose disease-resistant varieties. in clusters and leaving good spaces
to look after. Importantly, don’t forget between them. This works well for
to grow the crops you enjoy eating. How to sow seeds large vegetables sown in their final
Heat-loving crops, such as peppers Whether sowing outdoors in the soil positions, such as broccoli and
and squashes, will only thrive and or under cover in containers, it is parsnips, which are then thinned
ripen outdoors in a warm, sunny important that the soil or potting mix to a single plant per station. After
summer, while many leafy crops, is moist, and that seeds are sown sowing, the furrow should be
such as lettuce, don’t perform well thinly and at the correct depth. The covered with soil and labeled.
in areas with hot, dry weather. most common method for sowing When sowing in pots, cell packs,
Cultivars are often bred with into a seedbed outside is to mark or seed flats, choose a good potting
characteristics that suit particular rows with a string line and create mix. Fill your containers, firm the mix
conditions, for example, dwarf runner narrow furrows using the tip of a gently, and water, either using a
beans for windy areas or fast-ripening trowel. The depth of the furrow watering can with a fine nozzle or
cherry tomatoes for cooler regions, depends on the type and size of seed by soaking in a shallow tray of water.
so choose those best for your garden. sown, but usually ranges from 1⁄2 –2in Sprinkle seeds thinly over the surface,
Some crops are almost trouble-free (1–5cm) deep. Water the furrow cover with about twice their depth of


Some plants, like peppers and tomatoes, are very productive, which means you don’t need many to enjoy a good harvest.
Rather than waste time and seed growing more plants than you need, decide how many plants you actually want, and
sow just a few seeds more for safe measure. Sow the seeds into individual pots to avoid the need to prick them out later.

1 Use small pots Fill small pots, measuring about

2in (5cm) across, with multi-purpose potting mix 2 Sow seed Make a small indent in the potting mix
with your finger and sow one or two seeds in each 3Grow on As the seeds germinate, thin the
seedlings to leave one per pot and grow them on.
or propagation mix. Water them well and leave them pot. Cover the seeds lightly with more mix and put the Repot the seedlings as they grow into larger pots until
to drain until the mix is just moist to touch. pots on a warm windowsill or in a propagator. they are big enough to plant in their final location.
sifted potting mix, and firm gently.
Large seed can be planted deeper
into individual holes—drop in the
seeds and cover with potting mix.
Water the sown seeds again if
necessary and place in a propagator,
or cover with a clear plastic bag to
prevent the surface from drying out.

Caring for seedlings

Once seeds have germinated, those
growing in the soil need little care
apart from regular weeding, which
can be done quickly by running a
Planting outside Seedlings raised under cover can be planted outside once they
hoe between rows on a sunny day. have been hardened off. If planting them in rows, use a string guide or a long
Seedlings will also need protection garden stake to ensure they are straight and spaced at a suitable distance apart.
from slugs and snails, but should only
need watering in hot, dry weather. Thinning out Seedlings growing Hardening off
Seedlings under cover definitely outdoors in rows, or under cover in Plants grown under cover become
need more attention. As soon as they cell packs, usually require thinning. used to their warm, still conditions
germinate, remove any coverings The aim here is to remove weaker and need the chance to toughen
over the flats or pots to allow air to plants and leave evenly spaced, up gradually before being planted
circulate, reduce the risk of damping strong plants to grow. Thinning to outside, where the weather can be
off, and avoid hindering their rapid the final spacing required for each wet and windy, and the nights cold.
growth. They need bright light but crop can be done in stages in case It is best to allow about two weeks
should be protected from damage some plants are lost to pests or
by direct sunlight in their early days disease. Seedlings in cell packs are
using shading. Turn seedlings on the usually thinned to a single plant. AVOIDING PROBLEMS
windowsill daily to avoid them Minimizing disturbance to the Pest Control Seedlings are vulnerable
leaning in one direction toward the remaining plants while thinning is to attack from pests, so take action
early to prevent it. Physical barriers to
light. Never let the mix dry out; water important, so work when the ground stop pests are often very effective and
gently from above using a fine nozzle is moist and pinch back the plants at help avoid reliancee on chemicals. Use
or allow it to soak up water from a soil level, rather than uprooting them. garden fabric or fine insect netting to
flat. Take care not to overwater. keep carrot rust flies and flea beetles
at bay, or cages covered with butterfly
Pricking out Seedlings growing netting to keep butterflies and birds
Thinning and pricking out together in pots or flats will need from reaching greens. Cover beds with
Wherever they are grown, seedlings pricking out into new containers to chicken wire where cats and foxes dig.
need space to spread their leaves and give them space to develop. Water
roots rapidly without competition. the seedlings and prepare seed flats
Those in rows or seed flats will or pots to receive them—as for
quickly begin to suffer without sowing. Tease each seedling from
prompt thinning or pricking out. the potting mix using a dibber or
These jobs are usually done when pencil, holding it by the leaves, never
plants are large enough to handle, the stem or roots. Make a small hole
or have developed their first “true” in the mix surface, lower the roots in,
leaves, like those of the mature plant. firm the seedling in, and water.

for this acclimatizing process. Begin How to plant out

by increasing the ventilation in the When the time comes to plant out, AVOIDING PROBLEMS
greenhouse or on the windowsill, make the effort to do things right Waiting for warmer weather
then move the plants outdoors into and improve the chances of your Heat-loving crops like zucchini and
a cold frame or sheltered location vegetable garden being healthy and tomatoes will be killed by frost and can
be damaged by cold, wet weather. In
for a short time each day. This time productive. Don’t delay—get plants bad conditions in late spring, these
outdoors can be extended until they out of their pots and into the soil plants can get stuck under cover,
are ready to stay out overnight, either as soon as they have a good root waiting for some suitable warmth
before planting out. If this happens,
covered in a cold frame or with fabric system that holds the potting mix don’t let plants become pot-bound and
over them. They are then ready to be together when they are gently stunt their growth. Pot them into
planted out into their final locations, knocked from their pot. progressively larger containers to keep
them healthy until conditions improve.
although some more tender crops Before planting, check the
may still need protection on cold recommended final spacing for each
nights. It is wise to harden off young crop to make sure that every plant
plants bought from the garden has room to grow to its full potential.
center or by mail order before Plants that are too close together
planting out too. Transfer them into compete with each other for water,
larger pots if required, give them food, and light; can be difficult to
a day or two under cover to settle, weed between; and are at greater
then begin the same process as for risk from pests and diseases. Planting
plants you have raised yourself. distances are usually printed on seed
packets. To make planting out easier
and more accurate, mark the required
distance on a stake to use as a guide.
Water plants thoroughly before
planting them out, ensuring they are has been wet, or you have recently
fully hardened off first. Prepare the watered. Wireworms (p.187) move
soil, then use a trowel to dig a hole through the soil, munching through
to the right depth, so that the soil will the stems of seedlings, leaving them
be level with the potting mix surface lying wilting on the surface. Tiny flea
—or slightly deeper for tomatoes beetles (p.183) nibble damaging little
and garden greens, which benefit round holes in the leaves of salad
from extra support. Carefully tip the greens and related crops, such as
plant from its pot, supporting the radishes and arugula, weakening
stem at the same time. Place the plants. Bean seed flies (p.180) cause
plant in the hole, ensuring it is distortion in bean seedlings, and
upright, and firm the soil around the mice love to feast on recently
roots. Carefully water the plant in well germinated peas and beans. Birds
using a watering can fitted with a (p.180) will quickly destroy rows
fine nozzle to avoid washing the soil of garden greens, peas, and beans.
from around the roots. Seedlings under cover are less
prone to pests, but are often not
Problems to watch out for out of reach of slugs and snails, or
Easy planting To help avoid disturbing
their roots when planting out, plants can Numerous in almost every garden, mice (p.183). Damping off (p.182)
be raised in biodegradable pots that break slugs and snails (p.186) will target any is a common fungal disease where
down naturally in the soil. crop, particularly when the weather the air is moist and ventilation poor.

There are plenty of steps that every
gardener can take to avoid potential
problems and keep the plants
growing in their vegetable plot
strong and healthy until they are
ready to harvest.

Watering How much to water

depends on rainfall, soil type, and
each individual crop. Never allow the
soil to dry out because wilting plants
are vulnerable to disease and will
eventually die of thirst. Recently
transplanted plants need the most
frequent watering, and in dry
conditions, crops with large leaves,
along with those that have swelling Best results Routine care is essential for keeping plants healthy and ensuring the best
fruits and roots, will need a steady crops. Even brief periods spent providing support, weeding, watering, and fertilizing
supply of moisture. Water plants in early in the season will be rewarded by stronger plants that are less prone to problems.
containers regularly, probably at least
once a day in summer, especially weeds, such as dandelions, while Vigilance Keep a close eye on your
those growing under cover. annual weeds can simply be cut vegetable plot so that if a problem
off at the base using a hoe. develops, you can tackle it early,
Fertilizing Plants growing in well- before plants are badly damaged and
prepared soil should be able to Supports Providing the right when you have the best chance of
obtain all the nutrients they require supports for plants keeps them neat success. Squash any aphids (p.180)
without the need for extra fertilizing. and easier to harvest. It also helps you see; remove any leaves, stems, or
Be sparing in the use of fertilizers, protect their stems in windy weather plants that show signs of disease; and
because the soft growth they and enables them to bear the weight put up sticky traps to alert you to
promote is appealing to pests and of heavy crops. Another advantage is insect pests in the greenhouse.
prone to cold damage. Overwintered that fruit and pod crops are kept off Check plants regularly and if you spot
crops often benefit from a general the ground, where they are prone to any unexpected changes, look more
fertilizer to boost spring growth. pests or fungal diseases. closely for pests or diseases.
Plants grown in containers will
need regular feeding—nutrients in
potting mix soon become depleted. AVOIDING PROBLEMS
Crop rotation Pests and diseases can
Weeding Remove and discard weeds build up in the soil over time if the same
as soon as possible because they not crops are always grown in the same place.
To help prevent this, grow closely related
only compete with your crops for crops together in the same bed and move
essential water, nutrients, light, and them to a new plot each year. Rotate root
space, but also harbor pests and crops, peas and beans, and garden greens
from the cabbage family in a simple
diseases. Ensure you remove the three-year cycle.
roots of perennial

Know your crop types

Edible plants can be divided into six main crop
types, according to the part of the plant that is
harvested. Categorizing them like this is useful
because many of the crops in each group are
related, thriving in similar conditions and
vulnerable to the same problems. Knowing your
crop types helps develop an understanding of
Real buried treasure, root crops
each group’s needs, making it the easy route include potatoes, carrots, and
to successful vegetable growing. beets, and are some of the most Healthy foliage is vital
to feed the roots
rewarding vegetables to grow
Cold damages leaves and
yourself. Crops will produce plenty
can kill the whole plant Pollination is usually of plump roots in free-draining soil
required to set fruit that is not too rocky.

Roots can be
harvested young
and sweet or left
to mature

Deep soil or
pots give the
best crops

Fertilize and water plants

regularly to fuel fruit growth

FRUITING CROPS Most crops are grown to harvest a specific part, whether
These heat-loving crops, including tomatoes, peppers, and it’s their roots, leaves, or fruit. However, some can also be
harvested in other ways, providing a second feast. Young pea
zucchini, produce fruit through summer into fall. Grown shoots are delicious, so are the baby leaves of beets, while
from seed each year, they need a warm sunny site male zucchini flowers are ideal for stuffing and frying.
or a greenhouse to grow rapidly and yield ripe fruit.

Freshly picked leaves are

packed with flavor Watch out for common
pests and diseases that
affect all garden greens

Grown for their delicious, fresh
foliage, salad greens, such as lettuce, GARDEN GREENS
arugula, and Swiss chard, are quick Garden greens flourish given a cool
to grow. Many can be harvested climate and fertile soil. Some, like
repeatedly by leaving the central cabbage and kale, are grown for their
growing point intact when picking. sturdy leaves, while others, such as
broccoli, produce delicious flower heads.

Only once pollinated,

the attractive flowers
develop into pods

Strong foliage keeps

growing bulbs and Bulbs and stems
stems well fed come in diverse
colors and shapes


This group produces aromatic Edible in their entirety or shelled Pod crops all enjoy
moist, well-drained soils
bulbs, like onions and garlic, for just their succulent seeds, pods
and fine-flavored stems, such are so superior freshly picked that
as asparagus and celery. They they deserve a place in every
taste wonderful straight from garden. Often tall or climbing
the soil, but some are easy to plants, peas and beans benefit
dry and store well. from supports.

Fruiting crop anatomy

Although commonly regarded as vegetables, the plants in this group are technically
fruit, since the seed-bearing part is what we eat. All are heat-loving and fast growing,
and need to be sown indoors in early spring to be ready to plant in a sunny spot
outside, once the risk of frost has passed.

TOMATO FAMILY Pinch back the High humidity and

sideshoots from
These plants come in all shapes cordon tomatoes
lots of insects aid
flower pollination FRUITING PLANTS
and sizes, so choose those that
Fruit are ready to pick
suit your growing space. While when they ripen to rich
cordon tomatoes can grow red, orange, or yellow,
very tall, eggplant and peppers or when eggplant have
are ideal for patio pots, and developed a glossy skin.
many chiles and cherry
tomatoes thrive on windowsills.

Foliage is often first to show

symptoms of poor plant health



Cordon tomatoes must be tied into
supports as they grow. Peppers, Chiles
chiles, and eggplant carrying heavy
yields may also need similar help.
Regularly apply
Good drainage is essential; tomato fertilizer
water indoor plants regularly when fruit appears



Such fun to grow, these large-leaved plants take the form A tall, elegant plant, sweet corn will
of ground-hugging bushes or trailing vines that can be not survive cold and is best sown
grown up supports. Cool weather at any stage stops in pots under cover to plant out in
these heat lovers in their tracks, and a constant supply early summer. Planting in blocks,
of water and nutrients is essential for their rapid growth. not rows, allows the pollen from the
plume of male flowers at the top of
each plant to fall onto the silky
tassels of the female flowers below,
creating cobs filled with kernels.

Yellow patterns on leaves may

indicate cucumber mosaic virus

Large leaves rock in

the wind, which may
damage the soft stems

Training cucumbers, trailing zucchini,
and small winter squashes up supports
saves space and keeps fruit off the soil.

Dab male flowers

(no fruitlets) into
the female ones
to pollinate them

The female flowers

are those with small
fruitlets present
behind the blooms

Zucchini and summer squashes swell Keep developing fruit
incredibly quickly, soon becoming overly off the soil to prevent
slug damage and rot
large and watery, so pick when young. Adding well-rotted compost
to soil encourages growth

The diverse colors
and shapes of these
fruit look good in
the garden. Leave
winter squashes to
ripen in the sun for
the best flavor. Cucumbers Zucchini Summer squashes Winter squashes
What’s wrong with my fruiting crops?
Cool spells can slow the growth of these summer crops, from
germination to fruiting, and maintaining the temperature, especially
at night, helps keep them healthy. Checking leaves and fruits for signs
of pests, diseases, and nutrient deficiencies nips problems in the bud.

LEAVES ARE STICKY TO TOUCH Do white insects fly up when

AND HAVE INSECTS ON THEM. the plants are disturbed?

Whiteflies are sap-sucking

Aphids are often found on the young insects that usually hide under
growth at the shoot tips. See p.180. the leaves. See p.187.


AREN’T GROWING, WHY? germinate?

These crops needs warmth to germinate. This is probably damping

See How to sow seeds p.40. off disease. See p.182.

These are heat-loving crops and won’t flower or

Has the weather been cold or wet? set fruit in cold conditions. Try growing them under
cover or hope the weather improves.

Have they been watered well? Fruit will not set if the plant is thirsty. See p.50.

Have you been feeding with

a high potassium tomato feed?

General fertilizers contain lots of nitrogen, which

promotes leafy growth. Use a tomato fertilizer This could be lack of pollination, which is essential
to promote flower and fruit formation. for fruit formation to occur. See p.50.

THE LEAVES HAVE CHANGED Have plants been protected Protect plants from cold and harden
COLOR AND DON’T LOOK RIGHT. from cold weather? them off fully before planting outside.
See p.51.

These crops need lots of water and nutrients.

Have plants been regularly
See Routine care p.43.
fertilized and watered?
Could be magnesium deficiency. See p.50.

Are plants exposed Leaves can be scorched by strong light,

to intense sunlight? especially under cover. See p.51.

Cucumber mosaic virus is the likely cause.

See p.51. Do leaves have a white This is powdery mildew, a common fungal
powdery growth on them? disease in late summer. See p.185.

Do zucchini, cucumbers, Have tomato leaves formed

Are the leaves of greenhouse
or squash leaves have angular brown patches and started
plants mottled and pale?
yellow markings? to curl inward?

This may be caused by spider mites Could be a nutrient deficiency, see p.184, This sounds like tomato blight,
sucking their sap. See p.50. or bacterial or fungal leaf spot, p.180; p.183. a fungal disease. See p.50.

THERE’S SOMETHING STRANGE Fruit often fail to ripen if plants are started
Are the fruit ripening?
HAPPENING TO THE FRUIT. late, or kept too cool or shaded.

Are there sunken dark

patches at the base of Do they appear to have been
tomatoes or peppers, or have eaten by something?
the skins of tomatoes split?

The dark patches are caused by blossom end Several pests commonly attack the fruit as
Tomato blight can also affect fruit, causing rot, which results from underwatering. Split they develop. See birds p.180; mice p.183;
it to turn brown and rot. See p.50 skins are caused by erratic watering. See p.51. slugs p.186; tomato moth p.186.

Fruiting crop clinic
Although fruiting crops are prolific when healthy, harvests can be badly affected
by pests, diseases, and poor growing conditions. Plants grown in greenhouses are
particularly vulnerable to insect pests and incorrect care. Recognizing these
common problems early often means they can be resolved quickly.

Why aren’t th e
producin g fr ui t? Q Are yellowing leaves caused Q How do I identify spider
Fl owers ne ed to t to by nutrient deficiency? mite damage on my plants?
pollinate d for fr we athe r
form . Du ri ng ba d
ct s m ay
A Fruiting crops grown in containers
A Tiny spider mites suck the sap of
pollinatin g in se are prone to magnesium deficiency many greenhouse plants during
sit th e
not be able to vi ions in summer. Older leaves turn yellow summer. They cause leaves to look
Dr y co nd it
flowe rs. at the edges and between the veins, dull and mottled, which then dry
nati on .
al so in hi bi t polli te re d then gradually darken to red, purple, up and fall off, severely weakening
ll wa
Ke ep pl an ts we or brown. See p.184. the plants. See p.186.
t flo we rs or we t
an d mis
nh ou se to
down th e gree se t.
ur ag e fr ui t to
en co


Q Is this caused by Q What’s eaten my

tomato blight? sweet corn cobs?

Tomato blight is a The sugary kernels of
fungal disease that ripening sweet corn are
most commonly irresistible to many pests,
affects outdoor crops and whole crops can be
in late summer, but can stripped very quickly.
occur under cover too. Birds pull the protective
Leaves develop brown leaves aside to access the
patches and curl up, cob, mice will nibble their
dark blotches form on way inside, and hungry
the stems, and fruit rodents may flatten the
turns sickly brown entire plant. See birds
and rots. See p.185. p.180 and mice p.183.

Diagnostic chart Q How can I stop zucchini

from becoming too large?
Symptoms Diagnosis
Plants recently moved Cold damage affects all A In warm weather zucchini and
summer squashes grow very
outdoors or exposed to fruiting crops because they
quickly. To enjoy them small and
cold show damage to are tender plants from warm
young growth. Leaves are climates and so they can’t
sweet, check plants and pick
pale and wilt, or where tolerate cold. They will small fruit daily—look for fruit
damage is serious, shoot suffer or even die if moved hiding among the large leaves.
tips turn brown and die. outdoors too early in spring.

Leaves develop patches Scorch by intense sunlight

of pale, bleached tissue causes this type of damage
following bright, sunny and can be worse where the
weather. These patches dry sun’s rays are magnified
out and do not recover, and when the plant is under cover
may becoming moldy in or by droplets of water lying
damp conditions. on the surface of the leaf.

ou gh
n g even th
an ts wil ti
Why are pl ered ever y da y?
th ey are w
tin g even
Sh oots wil
e soil is
wh en th
oi st a re a si gn
ss w ate r.
of ex ce
e is poor,
If drain ag
stem s
root s an d
a n d wate r
dec ay, th e
a ch
doe sn’t re r th e
s. W a te
le ave
of te n .

Q Do my plants have Q What’s wrong with my tomatoes?

cucumber mosaic virus?
Poor growing conditions cause a number of tomato problems. Dark, tough patches

Strange yellow patterns at the base of fruit are blossom end rot, a sign of calcium deficiency due to dry
on the leaves of cucumbers, conditions—water plants more. Split skins result from irregular watering—don’t let
zucchini, and squashes, plants dry out. Fruit fails to ripen when temperatures and light levels are low.
along with distorted fruit,
are an unmistakable sign
that they are infected with
cucumber mosaic virus. This
disease is spread by aphids
and can occur at any time
in summer on plants grown
under cover or outside.
See viruses p.187. Blossom end rot Splitting tomato skins Unripe fruit

Root crop anatomy

These hearty crops are the underground storage saved by plants to give them energy
to grow and flower the following year. Many can be picked young for sweet summer
salads or left to mature, and they keep well for winter, either in the ground or lifted
and stored under cover.

Flowers indicate
that potatoes are Leaves often show the
TUBERS ready to harvest first symptoms of disease,
nutrient deficiencies, and
Certain root crops produce cold damage
clusters of swollen roots,
known as tubers. Potatoes are
planted each year from special
“seed potatoes,” while
Jerusalem artichokes can be
grown and harvested as
a clump year after year. TUBER CROPS
Jerusalem artichokes and
potatoes are grown from
tubers. Sweet potatoes
are planted as small
cuttings and grown on.


Tubers may form well away from the
plant, so dig potatoes carefully to avoid Moist, well-drained soil
damage and ensure you find them all. allows tubers to grow
without rotting

GREEN POTATOES Sweet potatoes

Potato tubers turn
green if exposed to
light, making them
toxic and inedible.
Prevent this by
drawing soil around
the base of the
plants as they grow. Jerusalem artichokes

Single, vertical roots are known as taproots, and can
These versatile vegetables take up little space, can be
be long and tapering, cylindrical, or round. Plants are
picked quickly to enjoy as sweet, baby roots in salads,
grown from seed, produce plump roots, then and flourish when kept well watered in deep pots.
flower. Some mature in as little as six
weeks, others over many months.

Many root crops are best

grown under fabric or
netting to avoid pests

Tasty leaves As well as their Interim crop Sow fast-growing

roots, beets, turnips, and radishes root crops between slower crops
can be picked for their leaves. to make full use of your space.

If the top growth

flowers, the roots
will be tough


These crops can be harvested when young and
tender, or left to grow and reach maturity. Fully grown
roots have thicker skins, and many keep well
in the soil during fall and winter until needed.
Upright foliage
doesn’t cover the
soil, so regular
weeding is essential

HARVESTING Carrots Parsnips

Rounded roots can often be pulled up by
their leaves, but use a hand fork to loosen
soil around longer roots to avoid damage.
Long roots need
deep, rock-free,
well-drained soil

Rutabagas Turnips

Prepare soil carefully for carrot and parsnip
Breaking the root causes
crops; their roots may fork if they hit a rock, misshapen crops. Never Beets Radishes
or if manure was applied before sowing. transplant root crops
What’s wrong with my root crops?
The obvious trouble with roots is that they are underground, making
damage difficult to detect. Leaves can show telltale signs of problems
below the soil during spring and summer, or damage may just be limited
to the foliage. Either way, the roots are often still edible and delicious.



A lack of water is to blame. Water Root crops will rot in
your plants more frequently. wet soil. Try improving
drainage for next year.

Do potato plants have brown

Is foliage dull and wilting? marks on the leaves?

Has the weather been cold and Are the leaves peppered
are shoot tips damaged? with tiny holes?

This could be late

cold damage.
Protect plants
with garden
fabric at night.
Flea beetles attack radishes,
turnips, and rutabagas.
See p.183.

Expanding brown
patches around leaf
edges may be Beet leaf miners feed Are beet leaves Slugs and snails also
potato blight. on beet leaves. crisscrossed with eat root crop leaves.
See p.56. See p.56. pale tunnels? See p.186.

THE ROOTS ARE MARKED AND Do the skins This is common

Are your potatoes
AREN’T APPETIZING. WHY? have raised, rough, potato scab
the problem?
dark patches? See p.57.

Forked roots are caused by rocky Greening happens

or recently manured soil. See p.57. Are your root Are some tubers all
vegetables when tubers are
Roots with split skins are caused by or partially green? exposed to light.
erratic watering. Water more often. misshapen?
See p.52.

Have carrots and

Have tubers been
parsnips been
riddled with holes?

Minor damage can

cause tubers to rot,
This sounds like carrot rust fly Slugs often cause superficial Wireworms, see p.187, and slugs, see in wet soil and poor
damage, a common pest. See p.56. damage to root crops. p.186, will both eat their way into tubers. growing seasons.

Did they germinate?

Seeds may have been sown too early— A pest is probably responsible, most
they won’t grow in cold soil. likely slugs and snails.
See When to sow and plant p.39. See p.186.

WHY ARE THE ROOTS Did you plant or thin your Did you sow them early?
DISAPPOINTINGLY SMALL? crop to the correct spacing?

Cold conditions can cause

Very dry growing
plants to flower, or bolt,
conditions can also cause
before the roots are ready.
Plants need space to grow. See More watering may have helped roots to swell, plants to run to seed.
See When to sow
Thinning and pricking out p.41. plus some varieties naturally have smaller roots. See p.56.
and plant p.39.

Root crop clinic
With lush foliage above ground and swollen roots in the soil, these crops are doubly
attractive to pests and diseases. It is, however, easy to minimize damage
by preparing the soil correctly and using simple growing techniques, such as
crop rotation and pest barriers, which are very effective.

rsnip root s
Why are my pa
so badly sc ar re d?
on e to
Parsni ps are pr fu ngal
Q Why have my root crops Q Will beet leaf miners harm
ca nk er ,a suddenly bolted? my beet plants?
parsni p
uses rough,
di se ase th at ca s to
oran ge-brown ar
ea A Crops grown from seed may run
A Beet leaf miner fly larvae eat their
te n ar ou nd th e top to seed, or “bolt,” in unfavorable way through the internal tissues of
form, of m on in
t co m conditions, producing flowers rather the leaves during summer, leaving
of root s. Mos
ly dr ai ne d so ils, th e than roots. Early spring sowings may ugly brown trails. Light damage is
root s vi a
di se ase en te rs bolt after exposure to cold, but later harmless, but heavy infestations can
dam age caused dry conditions can also be to blame. cause leaves to die – pick them off.
va ti on or by carrot
cu lti e p.184.
rv ae . Se
ru st fly la


Q Are plants being eaten Q Are these symptoms

by carrot rust flies? of potato blight?

Thin, brown tunnels and Potato blight starts with
slim, cream maggots in brown patches on the
the roots of carrots and edges and tips of the
parsnips are a sure sign leaves, which quickly
of carrot rust flies. Several spread and cause whole
generations of flies lay stems to collapse and die.
eggs on the roots from Carried in the air and in
late spring to early fall. water droplets, this fungal
Their holes also allow disease is worst in warm,
fungal infections into the humid summers; water
roots causing them to rot. can carry spores down to
See p.181. infect tubers. See p.185.

Q Why are potato leaves Q Why have the potato tubers Q Why are my carrot roots
curled and yellowing? become green in the soil? misshaped or forked?

A Many viruses affect potatoes,

causing various leaf symptoms,
A Tubers turn green when exposed
to light, making them poisonous
A Long, straight carrots tend to fork
if they meet a rock or if grown in
including yellow patterning, and inedible. To prevent this, recently manured soil. Apply
brown spots, stiffening, and mound soil around the plants manure several months before
distortion. Aphids can spread as they grow, or grow them sowing, and grow your carrots
viruses. See Viruses, p.187. through black plastic. See p.52. in raised beds if the soil is rocky.

ts poppin g
otato pl an
Why are ph ere?
u p every w
tu bers
Eve n tin y
e soil m ay
left in th ll owin g
sprou t th e rr y th e
a n d ca
ye ar,
adin g
ri sk of spre ew
ea se s to n
dis th is
crops. Avoid fu l
by bein g ca tu ber
to lift ever tin g.

Q Should I worry about Q What’s wrong with my potato tubers?

flea beetles?
Dark, flaky patches on the skin are a sign of common potato scab, which causes

Small, shiny, black flea superficial damage. Narrow tunnels made by rusty brown wireworms can render
beetles eat many little tubers inedible by late summer. Some potato viruses cause light brown marks in
round holes in the upper the flesh, called “spraing”. See Common potato scab p.182; Wireworms p.187.
surfaces of radish, turnip;
and rutabaga leaves in late
spring and summer. They
are most noticeable
jumping from disturbed
leaves. A few holes will not
trouble plants, but serious
damage can kill seedlings
and reduce crops. See p.183. Potato scab Potato wireworm Potato spraing

Leafy salad crop anatomy

Their profusion of tender, flavor-packed leaves makes these fast and easy-to-grow
crops vulnerable to drought, and a favorite with pests as well as gardeners. Grown
as annuals from seed each year, many are highly productive for a short period, and
are best sown in small quantities every few weeks for a continuous supply.

HEARTING Some slug damage is easy

to see, but they also feed
Many lettuces, chicories, and endives form dense inside the heart
heads of leaves, known as hearts, as they mature.
After about 12 weeks the whole
plant is usually cut at the base for
a single, large crop of salad.

HEARTING SALADS Once heads of salad stretch upward
Hearting salads can to flower, they become bitter and
be beautiful as well as unpleasant to eat. See p.62.
productive. Grow a variety
of cultivars for a range of Fungal diseases can be
colors and flavors. particularly damaging among
densely packed hearts

Outer leaves are large

and spreading. Give Tightly packed
plants room to grow leaves enclose
Lettuce the plant’s central
growing point.
Excluded from
light, the young
inner leaves are
Lettuce has shallow roots, sweet tasting.
making it prone to wilting
in dry soil. Water it well



Often fast-growing and compact, this diverse range of These delicious garnishes are an easy crop to grow
crops is perfect for smaller gardens. Leaves can be picked on a windowsill or in a greenhouse. Try a whole range
as required over several weeks, either singly or by cutting of herbs and leafy salad crops for color and flavor.
above the base, leaving the plants to regrow. Their open
shape makes them less disease-prone than hearting crops.

Slugs, snails, leaf

miners, and flea Pick leaves small for salads and
beetles can all larger for stir-fries and steaming
damage leaves

Sow Fill a flat with propagation Harvest Cut with scissors as soon
mix, sow seed thinly, and cover as two weeks after sowing, when
lightly with mix. Water and stand the seedlings have their first true
the seeds in a warm, light place. leaves. Then sow a new batch.


Loose-leaf salad can be sown densely and cut as small
leaves, 1¼in (3cm) above the soil, then left to regrow.
They can also be spaced farther apart to provide
repeated crops of larger leaves over longer periods.

Remove any flower shoots

that appear from the center Lettuce Arugula
to keep plants yielding

Harvest leaves above

the growing point, and
new ones will sprout

Shallow roots are

generally best in rich,
well-drained soil Mizuna Swiss chard

Spinach Herbs
What’s wrong with my leafy salad crops?
Pests and diseases love the soft leaves of salad crops, and can wreak
destruction incredibly quickly. Control slugs and snails during wet
spring and summer conditions. Be alert for symptoms of fungal diseases
year-round; protected winter crops can be lost if ventilation is poor.

Seeds won’t grow

if the soil is not at the
SALAD SEEDLINGS? come up? correct temperature.
See When to sow
and plant p.39.

A pest is the
likely cause. Sounds like damping
Did the seedlings off disease, a common
See slugs and
snails, and collapse and die? fungal problem.
cutworms p.62. See p.182.

Has a white, powdery This is

growth developed on the
see p.185.

Are there patches of gray

fungal growth, and maybe
also slimy brown rotting?
This is gray mold, a fungal disease.
See p.63.

Leafy crops
Have yellow areas on older are prone to
leaves turned brown and fungal leaf
papery, with white fungal spots.
growth underneath? See p.183.

Sounds like lettuce downy mildew.

See p.63.


Are there large ragged holes This means it’s slugs and snails.
and slimy trails? See p.62.

Are there many tiny, round


Beet leaf miners tunnel through the leaves

This is most likely to be flea beetle
of Swiss chard and perpetual spinach.
damage. See p.63.
See p.62.

WHY ARE THE LEAVES WILTING? Have you kept the plants Salad crops need plenty of water
well watered and fertilized? and feeding to grow well.

Are plants growing in Even in moist soil some crops wilt in hot
Check the roots for sap-sucking lettuce
full summer sun? sun. Try growing summer salads in a
root aphid. See p.62.
shadier spot.

LEAVES ARE SMALL AND TASTE Are the plants becoming tall
BITTER. WHAT CAUSES THIS? and producing flowers?

Flowering is the
end of the plant’s
productive life for Lack of water can lead
leaves. Resow a new to slow growth, and This is common if the weather has
batch of seeds and tough and bitter leaves. been very wet or the soil has poor
grow a fresh crop. Water your plants drainage. Try improving the soil,
See p.62. more often. See p.63. to prepare it for next year.

Leafy salad crop clinic
Although quick and simple to grow, the succulent foliage of leafy salad crops is a
frustratingly soft target for pests and diseases. Preventive measures are necessary in
most gardens to keep slugs, snails, and fungal infections at bay, because by the time
a problem is spotted, much of the crop may be lost.

bein g
Are my pl an ts tworm s?
att acke d by cu Q How do I recognize the signs Q Are slugs and snails damaging
al pl an ts of lettuce root aphids? my growing crops?
Whe re in divi du an d
ps e,
su dden ly colla
dam ag e pr og re
se ve
s al on g
ral days, A Check around the roots and you are
likely to find a white, waxy substance
A Ragged holes in leafy salad crops,
along with decimated rows of
th e rows ov ill ars
te rp
large, brown ca ay be
along with clusters of pale cream seedlings, are the work of slugs and
cu tw or m s m
calle d liv e in lettuce root aphids. These insects snails. Slugs also often make their
Th ey
re spon sible. feed on the sap from roots during way into lettuce hearts. Problems
e so il, fe ed in g on root s,
se edlin gs. summer, reducing yields. See p.185. are worst in wet weather. See p.186.
wh ich can ki ll
il ne ar pl an ts
Ch eck th e so
re m ov e th e pe st s.
an d


Q Why are the plants Q Should I worry about

tall and flowering? beet leaf miners?

Known as bolting, all Perpetual spinach and
leafy plants flower when Swiss chard are related
mature, and the leaves to beetroot and can
become small, tough, and be attacked by beet leaf
bitter. Harvest leaves early, miner. The small, white
while still at their best. maggots feed inside
Keep all crops except leaves, creating pale
lettuce productive by brown trails. Growth of
cutting back the flowering young plants is particularly
stems. Dry conditions and vulnerable. Pick off and
sowing at the wrong time destroy affected leaves
promote bolting. as soon as possible.

Q Should I worry if plants

Diagnostic chart
wilt during summer?
Symptoms Diagnosis
A Soft salad leaves wilt quickly
in hot weather, sometimes even Yellow patches appear Downy mildew is a fungal
in moist soil, because the large and expand on older disease that thrives in wet
leaves first, quickly making and humid conditions, and
leaves lose water rapidly. Don’t
them unappealing. Look can affect seedlings as well
worry—water them well and try under the leaves to find as fully grown plants.
growing them in light shade. a bloom of white fungal Remove infected leaves from
growth on these patches. plants quickly. See p.182.

Lettuce leaves develop Gray mold is a fungal

fluffy, gray fungal growth, disease that can affect plants
and affected tissues turn at any stage. It is most
yellow-brown and slimy. prevalent in moist growing
This often happens around conditions and infects plants
the main stem, where rot through injuries or can be
sets in, killing the plant. carried on seeds. See p.183.

ste bitter
e le ave s ta
Why do th asan t?
an d un ple
su ch
Som e crops, ste
y, ta
as ch ic or
t oth ers
bitte r, bu ee tn ess
ei r sw
lose th
ri en ce
if th ey expe d th en
sp el ls a n
ol t. T h is
begin to b m ak e
s to
also te n d sm aller
th ei r le av es
to eat.

Q Do flea beetles do much Q What’s wrong with my herb plants?

damage to salad crops?
Mint rust is a fungal disease that causes distorted and yellowing leaves and stems

A Shiny, black flea beetles are

hard to see until foliage is
on mint plants. Herbs in pots, even drought-tolerant thyme, need regular watering
to prevent unsightly dieback. Pale mottling on leaves of sage and other herbs is
disturbed and they all jump caused by sap-sucking thrips. See Rust (mint) p.185; Dieback p.182; Thrips p.186.
to the ground. These small
beetles pepper the leaves
of arugula and pak choi
with tiny holes in summer.
Light damage can easily be
tolerated if plants are well
watered, but a serious
infestation can slow growth
and kill seedlings. See p.183. Signs of mint rust Dieback on thyme Thrips on sage

Garden greens anatomy

All members of the cabbage family, garden greens are large plants, grown for their
leaves or tightly packed flower heads. Slow-growing, they require plenty of space and
moist, fertile soil to fuel development. Planting them together and moving their
bed each year helps protect crops from pests and soilborne diseases.
All crops will run to seed,
Spring cabbage cultivars so harvest them promptly
LEAF CROPS are picked as loose when they are ready
leaves, not full heads
Winter cabbage, kale, and
Brussels sprouts are all
hardy winter crops, and
kale and some cultivars of Protect leaves from
birds and egg-laying
cabbage can be harvested butterflies by covering
year-round. Grown from plants with netting
seed or bought as small
plants, they are attractive
enough to look good in a
flower bed if you don’t
have a vegetable patch.

Older, lower leaves naturally

yellow and fall. Don’t worry.
Just remove and compost them

Their shallow
CLUB ROOT roots make the
plants prone to
This disease causes falling over
swollen roots and
kills plants. To help
avoid it, rotate crops,
improve drainage, INSECT COLLARS
and add lime to Use collars to prevent cabbage root
acidic soils. See p.69. flies from laying their eggs at the base
of young plants. See p.69.

Leafy greens look and
taste different from
each other. Harvest
cabbage heads
whole, and pick kale
leaves and Brussels
sprouts individually. Summer cabbage Winter cabbage Kale Brussels sprouts

Grown for their dense heads of unopened flower buds,
broccoli and cauliflower can be harvested year-round
if the right cultivars are planted. Broccoli is relatively
compact and ready to harvest in as little as four
months; larger, overwintering crops can be in the
ground for up to a year.
The tight flower
harvest them promptly Protect cauliflower heads from sunlight Cut the main head of broccoli while
Purple sprouting broccoli
bears flower heads down and cold by bending and tying the still compact. Leave the plants to bear
the length of the main stem leaves over to cover the flower head. smaller heads farther down the stem.

Check the underside

of leaves for aphids
and caterpillar eggs

Cauliflower needs good
growing conditions so
many gardeners begin
Space plants well apart to by growing more
allow air to flow between
the large leaves easygoing broccoli.

Purple sprouting broccoli

Plant into firm soil that

has not been broken up to Cauliflower
keep plants from falling over

What’s wrong with my garden greens?
Popular with pests, the cabbage family will need protection with netting
in many gardens to keep birds away in winter and spring, and butterflies
at bay during summer. They are also hungry plants, their large leaves
quickly showing root damage or a shortage of nutrients.

WHY AREN’T MY SEEDS GROWING? Did the seeds germinate?


WHY ARE MY PLANTS Did you give Many pests and
the seeds diseases can destroy
the correct the seedlings.
conditions? See damping off
See When p.182; flea beetles
to sow and p.183; birds p.68;
plant p.39. slugs and snails p.69.

Is foliage pale and pink-tinged,

Are whole leaves discolored?
and are the roots swollen?

Are the plants small This could be caused This is clubroot

but otherwise healthy? by nitrogen or iron disease.
deficiency. See p.184. See p.69.

Do leaves wilt quickly, and are there

maggots among the roots?
Have plants been
thinned to, or
planted at, wide
enough spacings?
See Thinning
Plants probably just This is most likely to and pricking
need more water. be caused by cabbage out p.41.
See Routine care root fly maggots.
p.43. See p.69.

WHICH PESTS ARE DAMAGING Are holes being eaten or are

THE LEAVES OF MY CROP? they being stripped bare?

Several pests have a taste for garden greens

and can cause significant damage to plants.
Are there yellow patches on See cabbage white caterpillars p.69;
the leaves, and is young flea beetles p.183; birds p.68;
growth distorted? slugs and snails p.69.

This could well be aphids, which often

Whiteflies suck sap from garden greens, hide on the underside of leaves.
weakening the plants. See p.68. See p.69.

THE LEAVES HAVE STRANGE Are there yellow blotches on the This is brassica downy mildew.
COLORED MARKS ON THEM. leaves with fungal growth beneath? See p.68.

Garden greens can also get fungal leaf

spot, see p.183, and plant viruses,
see p.187.


THEY MATURE FULLY. WHY? hot and dry lately?

Bolting can be
caused by dry
growing Mature garden greens give off a
conditions. distinctive aroma, especially during
Bolting can be caused by Water the plants winter. It’s not exactly pleasant but
low spring temperatures. more frequently. it’s nothing to worry about.
See When to sow and plant p.39. Removing fallen leaves may help.

Garden greens clinic
All garden greens belong to the cabbage family, sharing a need for fertile soil and
a susceptibility to the same pests and diseases. Giving them a good start is key, so
prepare the soil well, look after them when newly planted out, protect with bird
netting as they grow, and keep a close eye out for signs of problems.

What causes yele aves?
patche s on th e Q Why aren’t my cauliflower Q Are my greens under attack
mildew is
Brassic a down y plants forming heads? from cabbage whiteflies?
as e, spre ad
a fu ngal di se
in wa te r dr op
le ts,
llo w
an d
patche s A These demanding plants need well-
improved, nutrient-rich soil, and may
A Cabbage whiteflies suck sap from
under the leaves and only appear
causes pale th
, wi
on le af surfac es ff y
not initiate flower heads if the soil is when disturbed. Large infestations
ct iv e pa le, flu
di st in . Soft poor or there is insufficient moisture. weaken plants and encourage sooty
th be low
fu ngal grow ost at Cold conditions when planting out mold to develop. See Whiteflies
g gr ow th is m
youn can also prevent head formation. p.187; Sooty mold p.186.
in m oi st
ri sk , espe cially
av es fall of f.
condit ions. Le p.182 .
Do wn y m ild ew
Se e


Q Why are the lower Q Has my crop been

leaves turning yellow? attacked by birds?

Most garden greens tend All garden greens are a
to drop their lower, older favorite food of birds,
leaves as they mature, and which will quickly peck
as long as the plant is leaves of mature plants
healthy and growing well, down to the stalks and
this is not a problem. graze seedlings off at
Remove and compost ground level. Examination
any fallen, discolored, of damaged plants will
or yellowing leaves to often reveal some tearing
keep them from attracting and sharp beak marks that
or harboring pests and would not be caused by
diseases in the garden. caterpillars. See p.180.

Diagnostic chart Q Are slugs and snails a threat

to my garden greens?
Symptoms Diagnosis
Foliage becomes pale, Club root is a soil-borne A Leaves are a favorite of slugs and
snails. Some damage is easily
wilts readily, resulting in disease that affects all garden
tolerated on established plants,
a poor crop and plants that greens, the spores of which
collapse and die. When can remain viable in the soil
but seedlings and transplants
lifted from the soil, the for 20 years. Plants grown in can quickly be destroyed during
roots are drastically acidic and waterlogged soil damp weather. See p.186.
swollen and distorted. are most at risk. See p.182.

Growth slows and plants Cabbage root flies lay their

wilt on excessively sunny eggs at the base of plants.
days from mid-spring into The resulting maggots eat
early fall. Young plants the roots, until eventually
may wilt and die soon after plants cannot take up enough
being transplanted from a water, causing them to wilt
seed bed or planted out. and even die. See p.181.

sprou ts an ter?
y Bru sse ls in
Why do m fall over durin g w
k ale pl an ts
ee n s h ave
Garden gr
ro ot s, an d
sh all ow
ll er cr op s, su ch as
el s sp rou ts,
Bru ss rou tin g
d sp
k ale, an
n be
brocc oli ca in te r
d b y w
se rt
weath er. In ll for
k es in fa
or t.
extra su pp

Q What damage can Q How can I quickly recognize cabbage white caterpillars?
aphids do to my crop?
The caterpillars of cabbage white butterflies can seriously damage crops between

Aphids feed on garden early summer and early fall by eating holes in the leaves. Watch out for groups of
greens during spring and tiny yellow eggs underneath leaves from late spring, pick off any yellow and black
summer. Colonies can spotted caterpillars, and keep butterflies away from plants with netting. See p.181.
become large, and are
most often found under
the leaves or on stems,
where they can cause leaves
to pucker and even stunt
growth. Gray and waxy
mealy aphids are also
common during summer.
See p.180. Clusters of yellow eggs Feeding caterpillars Adult butterfly

Bulb and stem crop anatomy

This diverse group encompasses the onion family, along with a range of other plants
grown for delicious fat bulbs or tender stems. Most are grown each year as annuals,
but asparagus and rhubarb are both usually bought as young plants, and grown as
perennials that will be productive for many years.

Flowering can occur

THE ONION FAMILY after cold conditions
or if mature plants are
Allow onion and
These plants are grown either shallot leaves to die
not harvested
for their bulbs or their edible off before harvesting
Keep your onion-related
stems of densely packed leaves. crops healthy by growing
Often sown as seed, onions in well-drained soil
and shallots can be raised from without added manure,
small bulbs called “sets,” while and by rotating crops.
garlic is grown from cloves.

Wilting leaves may

be a symptom of
bulb or root disease

Onions and shallots

Keep well weeded, Green onions

because the long,
narrow leaves do little to
shade out competitors
Bulbs store food for
Split garlic cloves from the bulb, and the plant and take
plant flat-end downward in pots or time to develop
well-drained soil, in fall or late winter.

Plant leek seedlings
when 8in (20cm) tall.
For long, pale, sweet-
tasting stems, make
holes 6in (15cm)
deep, drop a plant
in each, and water in. Garlic


The bulbs formed by this collection of plants Although the pale pink stems of
are swollen roots, stems, or leaf bases, which forced rhubarb are a delicacy, it is easy
plants use as a way of storing food to fuel to grow your own. Cover dormant
flowering. Some are also grown for their plants with dry straw in late winter or
stems, which are best harvested young, early spring, and exclude light by
covering with a terra-cotta forcing
and can be blanched by excluding light
pot, or any tall pot. Cut the sweet
to keep them tender and sweet. stems about one month later.

Removing the outer leaves from

celeriac during the growing season
helps maximize bulb size BULBS AND STEMS
Plants shown here all have
delicious leaves that can
be eaten when the plant
is harvested, or picked
sparingly during growth.


Kohlrabi is related Slugs and snails

to cabbage and has can damage young
the same pests leaves, stems,
and bulbs

Flowering causes
bulb and stem crops
to become tough

Stem and bulb crops

can become woody
if grown too large
Root celery


When bulbs such as Florence fennel
are ready to eat, loosen the soil with a
The plants yield best
fork, then grasp their stems firmly and when grown in moist, Asparagus
ease the bulb from the soil. fertile soil
What’s wrong with my bulbs or stems?
This diverse group of crops needs vigilance during spring and summer,
the main growing season, when a range of crop-specific insect pests can
cause problems if not controlled. Watch for rapid, tall growth, which
indicates bolting, along with wilting, which can be a sign of root rots.

Most bulb and stem

WHY HAVEN’T MY SEEDS Has the weather
vegetables need
OR SETS COME UP YET? been cold? warmth to germinate.
See When to sow
and plant p.39.

Seeds and sets grow

Is your soil sticky best in soils that are
and lumpy? fine and crumbly.
See Preparing
Be patient. the soil p.39.
Some seeds can
take more than
two weeks to
germinate. Pulled by birds or
Have sets come pushed out by roots,
out of the soil? just pop them back in.

MY PLANTS ARE HEALTHY Has the soil Crops grow best

BUT VERY SMALL. WHY? in good soil that
been improved?
retains moisture and
nutrients well.
See Preparing
the soil p.39.

A good supply of water

Have plants been helps plants grow.
Plants grown watered? Water them more
too closely often, especially
together during dry spells.
compete for
water and
See Thinning Are you sure the Perhaps they were
and pricking plants are at the planted a little late.
out p.41. correct spacings? Try planting or sowing
earlier next year.

WHAT’S WRONG WITH Have the leaves of onions

THE LEAVES ON MY PLANTS? Check the base of bulbs and roots for
wilted and yellowed
signs of onion white rot. See p.74.
before maturity?

Do the leaves have spots

with fungal growth?

The leaves of onions, shallots, and garlic This could be one of a few diseases.
yellow and die down naturally when they See onion downy mildew p.75; leek
mature. It’s nothing to worry about. rust p.75; fungal leaf spot p.183.

YOUNG PLANTS HAVE BEEN Are there white maggots
DAMAGED OR DESTROYED. around the roots of onion,
leek, or garlic plants?

Other pests that attack young plants

include slugs and snails, see p.186, and These are onion fly larvae.
flea beetles, see p.183. See p.74.

Are you growing a “hardneck”

variety of garlic?

Cold conditions usually

Slugs and snails will damage all bulb and trigger bulb and stems to
stem crops. See p.186. Other pests are specific to certain flower early, or bolt.
crops only. See asparagus beetle p.75; leek moth p.74; Dry conditions can
onion fly p.74; onion thrips p.184. also contribute. These varieties always produce
See p.75. flowers—just cut them off.

Bulb and stem crop clinic
These varied crops are generally easy to grow, but there are a few significant
pests, diseases, and problems to watch out for. A number of these can be avoided
by growing related plants together and rotating them to a new bed each year, which
prevents pests and diseases from accumulating in the soil.

Why won’t my ?
split in to cl ov es Q My crop is wilting. Has it been Q How do I recognize the
have on e attacked by onion flies?
Th e re ason you symptoms of onion white rot?
ea d of
large bu lb in st
m an y in di vi
os t
clove s
vars A In early summer the white maggots
of onion flies eat the roots of young
A Thick white fungal growth at the
roots and base of the bulb indicates
is th at m
ire ex po su re to cool onions, shallots, garlic, and leeks, onion white rot. This fungus
re qu
low 50 ºF
te m pe rature s be 30 days causing plants to wilt and even die. produces spores that remain viable
le as t
(10 ºC) for at Later attacks are rarely fatal, but the in the soil and can reinfect onion
in it ia te sp lit tin g. Th is
to damage may start to rot. See p.184. crops for seven years. See p.184.
pl an te d
is why garli c is
d soil in
in we ll-draine
or la te wi nt er .


Q Is the damage caused Q How can I store a bumper harvest of garlic and onions?
by leek moths?
A Large garlic and onion crops can easily be stored for fall and winter use by lifting

A Leeks and onions can

be attacked by leek moth
them carefully and drying them. Simply lay them on wire racks in the sun or indoors
until the skins are crisp and totally dry. Try plaiting the dried stalks to hang in
caterpillars. During summer bunches indoors or store them in net bags. Keep them dry and well ventilated.
and early fall, pale patches
appear where they have
been feeding as leaf miners
on the internal tissue of the
leaf. Caterpillars can bore
into the center of leeks
where they eat the young
leaves and prevent new
growth. See p.183. Drying racks Plaited onions Stored garlic

Q Why has my celery bolted

Diagnostic chart
and started to flower?
Symptoms Diagnosis
A Young plants do not like the cold
and may run to seed, or bolt, if Pale yellow patches Downy mildew is a fungal
develop on the upper leaf disease that affects many
the temperature falls below 50ºF
surfaces and gradually turn plants, including rhubarb
(10ºC). Onions, shallots, leeks, brown. Fuzzy gray fungal (below), and is problematic
garlic, fennel, and kohlrabi also growth also appears at for young plants and onions.
bolt. Don’t sow or plant too early. the same points on the It often occurs in moist
underside of the leaf. conditions. See p.182.

Orange lumps develop on Leek rust is a fungal disease

the leaves of leeks, garlic, that is most common during
onions, and shallots, then wet or humid weather.
burst to produce many Although unsightly, it rarely
bright orange spores. has a serious impact on the
Infected leaves often turn growth of plants and doesn’t
yellow and can die back. require treatment.

ore a fter
e bu lbs I st
Why do th go rotte n ?
h arve st in g
e, alon g
A n y dam ag re in
st u
with m oi
e sk in , le ave s
sk of
bu lbs at ri store
dec ay. On ly ealthy
clean , dry th em
bu lbs. K ee pl ace
in a cool,
th em
an d ch eck rot.
rl y fo r

Q What has happened Q How can I identify

to my rhubarb plant? asparagus beetles?

A Orange-brown, tissuelike
patches on the upper A These beetles are easy to
spot, with their red body
surface of rhubarb leaves, and yellow-spotted back.
with gray-white fungal The ½in- (1cm-) long larvae
growth below, are typical strip the leaves and bark
signs of downy mildew from asparagus stems,
disease. It is most causing them to yellow
common after damp and dry. They overwinter
conditions in late spring in the soil and emerge in
and summer. Remove late spring, feeding and
infected leaves as soon laying eggs on plants
as possible. See p.182. until fall. See p.180.

Pod crop anatomy

Peas and beans come in a range of shapes and sizes, but are all legumes, meaning
they have bacteria-filled root nodules that absorb nitrogen from the atmosphere to
feed the plants. Grown annually from seed for their pods or the seeds inside, they
yield best in soil that retains moisture in summer.

Cover pea flowers with

PEAS fabric to keep off pea
moths. See p.80
A quick and easy crop to grow, as long
Shoot tips are
as seeds are not sown into cold soil or delicious picked
eaten by mice, peas are usually removed sparingly for salads

from their shells, but some cultivars have

tender pods that can be eaten whole.
Peas use
coiling tendrils
to grasp their
Traditional peas need to
be shelled before eating,
while snow peas and
sugar snap varieties are
eaten pod and all. Pick peas when young
and tender, while at
their sweetest

Shelling peas

Snow peas

Stretched between two posts, netting
makes an ideal support for peas and can
PEA STICKS be easier to obtain than twiggy sticks.
Tendrils wrap round twiggy sticks to
Sugar snaps support pea plants securely as they Supply plenty of moisture
climb. Any branched sticks work well. to the roots for good growth

BEANS Pinch back shoot tips when

they reach the top of supports
Dwarf and climbing, hardy and tender,
there is a bean to suit every garden
and season. Broad beans are hardy
and germinate at low temperatures,
so can be sown in fall or early spring.
Green and runner beans need mild
conditions, so don’t plant them outside
until the risk of cold has passed.
Keep flowering
plants well watered
for the best harvest PICK YOUNG
Slugs and snails damage pods,
especially on low-growing All beans are best picked when small
dwarf green beans and sweet to encourage further crops,
and to avoid old, stringy pods.

Climbing bean leaves can

be damaged by cold or
shredded by strong winds

Dwarf green and runner
beans, and shorter broad
beans, are the best for
smaller or windy gardens,
although yields are lower.

Runner beans
Carefully tie young stems to their
supports using soft twine, to start them
climbing and to prevent wind damage. Climbing beans twist
their stems around
supports as they grow


Beans dislike root
disturbance, so sow
them under cover
into deep pots or
toilet paper rolls.
Plant them outside
once the risk of cold
Broad beans
and frost has passed.
What’s wrong with my pod crops?
Generally resilient, peas and beans are most vulnerable as seeds and
seedlings, when green and runner beans need warmth to grow well.
Watch foliage for signs of fungal diseases during spring and summer,
and give plants sturdy supports from the start to prevent wind damage.

Overwatering or
WHY AREN’T THERE MANY Did the plants have
excess rain can
PODS ON MY PLANTS? many flowers? cause leaves to
grow at the expense
of flowers.
Runner beans
especially don’t
set pods well in Birds and wet
hot weather. Mist Was it very hot and weather can spoil
the flowers with dry during flowering? flowers, meaning
water and keep no pods.
the roots moist.

Broad beans are

Are leaf surfaces sticky and prone to black
are groups of small insects bean aphids in
clustered on young growth? early summer.
See p.80.

Green and runner Pod crop leaves are affected

Have leaves developed dark
bean leaves can be by several diseases.
spots, yellow markings, or See bean rust p.81;
damaged by strong
powdery white growth? chocolate spot p.81; halo
winds and late frost.
Watered well, they blight p.183; powdery
usually recover. mildew p.185; viruses p.187.

Partly empty pods

THE PODS ARE MISSHAPEN Are the pods full
are caused by poor
OR DAMAGED. WHY IS THIS? of peas or beans? pollination. Grow
flowering plants to
encourage insects.

Slugs and snails,

Do pea pods contain p.186, and mice,
p.80, damage pods.
tiny caterpillars?
Keeping pods off the
These are pea moth caterpillars. soil helps prevent
See p.80. problems.

SEEDLINGS ARE DAMAGED Growth will slow or stop in the cold,

AND NOT GROWING WELL. Have conditions been cold? leaving seedlings vulnerable to pests.
Better weather will help.

This damage is caused by bean Did seedlings emerge with

seed flies. See p.80. ragged leaves and stems?

Have the seedlings been Were seedlings that were raised under
This could be slugs and snails,
see p.186, or mice, p.80. damaged or destroyed since cover hardened off before planting out?
they germinated? See Hardening off p.41.

WHY HAVEN’T MY SEEDS Has the weather been
COME UP YET? cold and wet?

All peas and beans

will rot in soggy
soil, and all except
broad beans need
warmth to
germinate. Wait
longer, then Has the soil been improved recently?
Check if they’re still there. They may consider sowing
have been eaten by mice. more seeds.

LEAVES APPEAR TO BE CHEWED. Has it been windy?

Peas and beans like lots

of moisture and need
plenty of organic
matter added to the Most peas and beans need
soil before planting. support to grow well and
Pea and bean weevil, p.81, and slugs Climbing beans are prone to damage See Preparing produce a good crop.
and snails, p.186, eat holes in leaves. in windy weather. See p.81. the soil p.39. See p.80.

Pod crop clinic
Once established in good growing conditions, pod crops are resilient, and although
they are affected by a number of pests, will often grow on regardless and produce a
respectable crop. It is at the seedling stage that they really need protecting from cold,
wet weather, and a few voracious pests.

ke d
Have mice attacan s?
my pe as an d be Q Have my plants been attacked Q Are black bean aphids on
of f at by bean seed flies? broad beans a problem?
Sh oots ch ewed
d sm all
grou nd level an eds
hole s lef t wh er e se
e sure
A Seedlings of green and runner beans
A Black bean aphids infest the tips of
we re pl an te d ar mic e emerge looking brown and tatty, or broad beans in summer. They suck
signs th at hu ng may not germinate. The tiny white sap, weakening plants, and stop pods
en fe as tin g on th e
have be u sowe d
larvae of bean seed flies feed on from forming. Pinching back the
an s yo
pe as an d be them underground, causing plants young growth once the first pods
pl an te d ou t. Th ey love
or to grow slowly or die. See p.180. have set deters aphids. See p.180.
d sh oots,
th e fat se eds an ole
ro y wh
an d can de st e p.183.
ov er ni gh t. Se


Q How do I spot pea Q How can I stop my

moth caterpillars? peas from collapsing?

Small cream-colored Whether they are dwarf
caterpillars with black cultivars that grow to just
heads can often be found knee-high, or tall climbing
inside pea pods, feeding varieties, almost all peas
on the peas. These are the need supports to keep
young of the pea moth, them upright. Their
which lays its eggs on the clinging tendrils need
flowers in summer. Early plenty of places to attach,
and late sowings that do so choose twiggy sticks
not flower during this or netting pulled taut
period will escape this between posts, rather
pest. See p.184. than smooth stakes.

Diagnostic chart Q Bean leaves look tattered

and stems are broken
Symptoms Diagnosis
Round, brown spots Bean chocolate spot is A Wind can seriously damage the
leaves of climbing green and
on the leaves of broad a fungal disease that can
runner beans, and unsupported
beans. They may grow reduce yields or even kill
or join to form large plants and whole crops. It
peas and broad beans. Tie plants
patches. Stems, pods, is worst in moist conditions, in regularly and use temporary
and flowers can also where drainage is poor or the windbreaks in exposed areas.
show similar symptoms. weather is wet. See p.181.

Orange or brown pustules Rust is a common fungal

develop on the foliage of disease during warm, wet
broad, green, and runner summers, and often affects
beans, sometimes beans planted close together.
producing visible clusters Severe infection can cause
of spores. Stems and pods leaves to die and result in
may also be infected. poor harvests. See p.185.

an se e dlin
prote ct be e?
How can I on ce pl an te d ou tsid
from cold
To protect
ee n
te n der gr bean s
an d ru n n er
ak e
ou tdoors, m es
sim pl e cl oc ear
u sin g tall, es with
pl ast ic bot
s cu t of f.
th eir base caps to
ov e th e
R em
n ti lati on .

Q Have my plants been Q How can I ensure the flowers on my beans form pods?
attacked by weevils?
Birds can damage red runner bean flowers and stop pods from forming, but

Adult pea and bean weevils white-flowered cultivars are usually left alone. Hot, dry weather prevents runner
are responsible for the beans from setting pods, so water plants and mist flowers well to minimize
U-shaped notches, often problems. Empty pods are often due to patchy pollination caused by bad weather.
found nibbled into the
margins of peas and broad
beans. Although this
damage looks worrisome,
it rarely affects the health
of established plants. Young
plants can suffer after heavy
attack but should recover
if watered and fed well. White-flowered variety Water crops well Misting the flowers


Both tree and bush fruit can bear
heavy crops for many years, so it
is well worth making an effort with
their planting and care. Follow the
general advice given regarding site
preparation, planting, supports, and
pest protection for all new plants.
Refer to the separate tree fruit and
soft fruit sections for help identifying
and dealing with the cause of any
symptoms. Both also feature advice
on when and how to prune different
crops, a task essential to encourage
good plant health and plentiful fruit.

How to grow fruit

Most fruit trees and bushes are long-lived, and crop reliably
for years. Take time to choose the right cultivars, and pick
a good site to give them the best chance of success. Fruit
bushes and trees can grow large, so consider their final size
before planting. If space is limited, try training them against
a wall or fence, or growing in them in containers.

Choosing the right fruit most suitable. Some will only ripen
It is useful to buy fruit trees and their fruit fully given a good summer,
bushes from a specialty fruit nursery, while others bear their blossoms late,
not only because they offer a huge helping them to avoid damaging late
selection of healthy, well-pruned frost in cooler regions. Many cultivars
plants, but also because they can offer some resistance to common
provide you with reliable advice. diseases, which can help to keep
This can be particularly helpful when them productive longer.
faced with the enormous range of Most fruit trees are sold grafted
fruit tree cultivars available. onto rootstocks in order to limit their
Look for cultivars that have been eventual size and make them more When to plant
bred locally to cope well in your manageable trees for the garden. Fruit trees and bushes are sold
climate and choose those that are There are many rootstocks available growing in containers or “bare-root,”
that each influences tree growth in which simply means they have been
different ways—from very dwarfing field grown and dug out just before
AVOIDING PROBLEMS to vigorous—so it is vital to choose sale. This has a direct bearing on
Certified plants Many countries have the right one for the space available. when they should be planted.
regulations to inspect certain fruit Check if your chosen tree is “self- Bare-root plants are only sold
trees and bushes at nurseries for compatible,” meaning it can pollinate during the dormant season, between
disease, and to certif y those that are
healthy. In the US, for example, black its own flowers, or whether it needs late fall and early spring. This is the
currants are checked for a range of a partner tree that flowers at the best period to plant trees and shrubs,
problems. It makes good sense to buy same time, to aid pollination. providing the ground is not frozen,
certified plants where possible.
Soft fruit bushes are much simpler, because it gives their roots the
because they are self-compatible, so chance to gain a foothold before
can be planted singly, although they come into leaf in the spring.
blueberries set more fruit when Although container-grown fruit
cross-pollinated. Many modern is available year round, it should also
cultivars produce much larger fruit ideally be planted while dormant.
on more compact plants and offer Avoid planting in summer, when
good disease resistance, so are well hot, dry conditions can stress newly
worth seeking out. Plant a mix of planted trees and shrubs. Any that
early and late cultivars to extend are planted in summer should be
the yielding period. kept very well watered.

Avoid disappointment Cherries are very

tempting to grow but need the right
conditions to yield well. Check your site
before buying any fruit plants to determine
what will grow well there, and what won’t.

If there has been a pest or disease

problem before, don’t replant any
susceptible fruit in the same soil.
To avoid the buildup of viruses and
other diseases, which reduce yields,
move strawberries to a fresh site
every three or four years.

Preparing soil for planting

Soft fruit bushes can stay productive
for around ten years, and fruit trees
for decades more, so it’s well worth
spending time improving the soil
properly. This is best done in fall.
Weed the area well, ensuring all
perennial weeds are removed. For
each tree dig over an area about 3ft
Choosing the right site These restricted trees look very (1m) square, slightly less for each fruit
All fruit trees and bushes should be attractive and crop well. Planted bush, breaking up any compacted
planted in full sun, and will produce against south- or west-facing walls, layers that could impede drainage.
earlier, sweeter fruit as a result. they benefit from the extra warmth, Then dig in well-rotted organic
However, most fruit, especially soft which enables fruit to ripen in cooler matter to improve the soil structure.
fruit, will still set and ripen well in areas. Another advantage is that Most fruit prefers slightly acidic
partial shade. What is vital is that they training trees makes it easier for you soil, but blueberries must have soil
are not planted in a low-lying spot to protect the blossoms from frost with a low pH, between 4.0–5.5. Add
where frost lingers, known as by draping the tree with garden acidic potting mix before planting.
a “frost pocket.” Here, the early spring fabric. This particularly useful for If you don’t have acidic soil, grow
blossoms can be damaged by the peaches, which flower very early. blueberries in containers.
cold, and will then fail to set fruit.
It is also important to avoid
planting in poorly drained soil, where AVOIDING PROBLEMS
water pools after heavy rain. If soil
Plant a fruit patch Traditionally, fruit
drainage isn’t good, improve it before was planted in its own patch in the
planting by digging plenty of sharp garden, which still makes sense when
grit and potting mix into the soil, or growing soft fruit that needs to be
protected from hungry birds. When
by installing a drainage system. planting, consider enclosing all your fruit
Freestanding fruit trees can be too bushes under one large, netted fruit
large for many gardens, but most can cage. This is simpler and more effective
than trying to cover individual plants
be trained against walls in space- with nets. It also makes picking easier.
saving fans, cordons, and espaliers.

How to plant fruit crops from the edge of the root ball and fully, and that the canes are planted
Prepare the soil for planting well in position the trunk close to the stake. at the same depth as they were at
advance, so that your fruit trees and Ensure that any scar on the trunk the nursery. To encourage black
bushes can be planted as soon as where the tree was grafted onto the currants to produce plenty of strong
possible. Unwrap bare-root plants, rootstock is above soil level. Backfill stems from ground level, they are
trim any long or broken roots back the hole with soil, firming it in stages usually planted about 2in (5cm)
with pruners, and soak the plants with your foot as you do, and keep deeper than they were before.
in a bucket of water for an hour. the tree straight. Once this is done,
Cover the roots at all times when firm the soil again, tie the tree to the Strawberry plants Strawberries
they are exposed to the air. Plants stake, water well, and apply a thick thrive in fertile soil, improved with
in containers should also be watered mulch of well-rotted manure or well-rotted garden compost or
thoroughly, so the root ball is moist. compost, keeping it clear of the bark. manure before planting. Plants are
available in containers or bare-root.
Fruit trees When planting fruit trees, Fruit bushes Fruit bushes are planted Whichever you are planting, take care
first drive a stake into the ground in in the same way as trees, although to position the crown of the plant—
the chosen planting location, then their smaller root balls need the point from which the leaves
dig a hole large enough to take the correspondingly smaller holes, and sprout—level with the soil surface.
roots. Fruit trees are commonly they do not need a supporting stake. Too deep and the crown may rot,
bought container-grown, and it is Cane fruits, such as raspberries and while too shallow and the plant may
important they are planted so the blackberries, have shallow root dry out and die. Dig a hole for each
surface of the potting mix sets at soil systems, and are often sold bare-root, plant with a trowel, spread out the
level, (see How to plant a bare-root so ensure their planting holes are roots, gently firm the soil back
tree, below). Tease the roots gently wide enough to spread out the roots around the plant, and water in well.


Bare-root fruit trees are planted slightly differently from container-grown trees and should be planted as soon as possible
after purchase to prevent the roots from deteriorating. The same basic technique can also be used when planting
bare-root fruit bushes, as well as bare-root ornamental trees and shrubs. Planting should be done between fall and spring.

1 Correct level Mound soil at the base of the

planting hole and set the roots on top. The aim is
to ensure the tree is planted to the same depth it was
2 Backfill Carefully fill the hole with soil, taking care
not to leave air pockets between the roots. Ease the
soil between the roots with your fingers and firm it
3 Support Secure the tree to its stake using an
adjustable tree tie and water it in well. Bare-root
trees are prone to drying out, so keep them well
growing at the nursery. Add more soil if needed. down repeatedly using your foot as you fill the hole. watered throughout their first year.
(right) Supporting fruit Some fruit bushes
crop so heavily that their branches sag
under the weight. Providing extra support
prevents them from snapping.

(far right) Staking trees Most tree stakes

are used as a temporary measure to
support the tree while its roots establish
and the trunk develops. Check ties annually.

Staking trees
All fruit trees need additional support
when first planted to prevent them
from rocking in the wind or blowing
over while their roots become
established. Choose a sturdy,
pointed, wooden stake that has been Stone fruits, such as cherries and
pressure-treated with preservative plums, can be trained as fans, while AVOIDING PROBLEMS
to extend its useful life. The length apples and pears are most commonly Spacing Giving your fruit room to grow
of the stake depends on the length grown as cordons and espaliers. The will avoid competition between plants
of clear trunk the tree will have elegant shapes of these restricted and help them to grow into attractive
shapes. It also keeps air moving,
when mature, because it needs to forms of fruit trees are created by helping to prevent fungal diseases.
reach just below the lowest training them onto strong horizontal
branches to ensure it does not rub wires, securely attached to the wall or Planting distances for trees on
dwarfing or semi-vigorous rootstocks:
against them. Allow an extra 20in fence at regular intervals. Wires for
(50cm) to drive into the ground. cordons should be spaced about Plums 10–11ft (3–3.5m)
Attach the tree to the stake using 24in (60cm) apart, for espaliers about Apples and pears 10–13ft (3–4.5m)
Cherries 13ft (4.5m)
a tree tie with soft material to act as 16in (40cm) apart, and for fan-trained Peaches 13ft (4.5m)
a cushion between the trunk and trees about 6in (15cm) apart. Wires
stake, which prevents chafing. Large can be hard work to put up, but they Planting distances for fruit bushes
planted in rows:
trees benefit from the support of two allow the new growth to be tied into
stakes, driven in about 20in (50cm) the desired position easily. Wires will Strawberries 16in (40cm)
apart, with a crossbar attached just support the trees throughout their Raspberries 18in (45cm)
below their tops, to which the tree long life, so it is worth doing well. Red currants 5ft (1.5m)
Gooseberries 5ft (1.5m)
is tied. This method can also be Gooseberries, along with red and Blueberries 5ft (1.5m)
used where large root balls make white currants, can also be trained as Black currants 6ft (1.8m)
positioning a single stake awkward. cordons, and are a good choice for Blackberries 8ft (2.4m)
Trees grafted onto very dwarfing lower walls and fences—they don’t
rootstocks should always be staked, grow as tall as fruit trees. They only
all others should have their stakes require a single cane for support.
removed after four or five years. The growth of cane fruits, like
raspberries and blackberries, is
Support for fruit trees and bushes usually long and unwieldy, and is
Training fruit trees to cover walls and best trained onto supports to help
fences makes them easier to fit into keep plants tidy and aid fruit picking.
smaller gardens, and given a sunny Raspberries can simply be tied to
exposure, can help ripen the fruit. posts around 6ft (1.8m) tall, but the

canes are more often tied onto do so. Containers must have good
horizontal galvanized wires stretched drainage holes in their base. Where
between strong wooden posts. only one or two have been made,
This system suits the extremely long add a layer of broken clay pots or
canes of vigorous blackberries best. coarse gravel to the bottom of the
Wires attached to walls or fences can pot to ensure that the potting mix
also be used to train cane fruits doesn’t become waterlogged.
where space in the garden is limited.
Potting mix Growing in pots allows
Growing fruit in containers you to provide plants preferred soil
Most fruit grows well in containers conditions easily. Choose good-
and, since pot-grown plants never quality, soil-based mixes for fruit trees
reach the size of those in open soil, and bushes, which holds nutrients
this is the perfect way to include and moisture better than soil-less
them in a small garden. While their equivalents. They are also heavier,
smaller stature means that the which makes tall plants less likely to
harvests will never be huge, pot- blow over. Soil-based potting mix
grown plants are easier to cover or is a good option for fruit bushes,
move to protect them from frost and while trees will do best planted in
birds, or to position them in a heavier mix. Blueberries need acidic
favorable sunny spot, sheltered from soil to thrive and should be given an
the wind. Select compact, modern lime-free potting mix with a pH of
soft-fruit cultivars where available. 4.0–5.5. Strawberries will only be
Water well Crops in pots are especially
productive for a short time, so they sensitive to dry spells when they are in
Containers Your choice of container can simply be grown in any good flower or fruit. A lack of water at this stage
is important because trees and multi-purpose potting mix. can result in a very disappointing harvest.
bushes should only be planted in a
pot no more than 4in (10cm) wider Planting Make sure that pot-grown that allows the plant to set in the pot
than their root ball. Repot them into plants have been well watered, or at the same level as it was before. Fill
a slightly larger pot each year until bare-root plants soaked before around the roots with more mix,
the plant has reached its final size. planting. Add gravel to the bottom of firming well as you go, and fill the pot
If you want to invest in a beautiful, the pot to improve drainage, then to about 2in (5cm) below the rim to
expensive pot, this is the stage to cover with potting mix to a depth allow for easy watering. Place the pot
in its final spot and water well.
All fruit growing in containers will
AVOIDING PROBLEMS need watering regularly and feeding
with a high-potassium liquid tomato
Rootstocks for pots Although you might fertilizer every two weeks during the
expect the smallest trees to be best for
pots, this actually isn’t the case. Most growing season until the fruit is
very dwarfing rootstocks, such as G64 ripening. Regular repotting, or
for apples, need extremely good growing replacement of the top layer of old
conditions to flourish, which is difficult
to provide in containers. It is far better potting mix for mature plants, is
to choose a rootstock like G11 with more essential to keep plants healthy.
vigor that will cope well in a pot, while its Trees and shrubs will also require
overall size will be constrained by
the dimensions of your container. pruning, although less so than those
grown directly in the soil.

ROUTINE CARE allows air and light to penetrate

among their branches, and keeps
Fruit trees and bushes are easy to plants yielding heathily.
grow as long as their needs are met.
In gardens where many types of Barriers
fruit are grown, it is a good idea Protect soft fruit with netting before
to establish a maintenance routine. it starts to ripen to keep out hungry
birds. Cover fan-trained peaches with
Watering clear plastic, held away from the
Water newly planted trees and branches, from early winter until late
bushes whenever the weather is spring, to prevent peach leaf curl
dry during the growing season. infection (p.184). Fixing sticky grease
A really good soak, allowing water bands to tree trunks prevents winter
to permeate deeply into the soil, moths (p.187) from climbing into
helps roots establish. In dry areas, trees and laying their eggs. Pest traps
improve harvests with occasional hung in apple and plum trees during
heavy watering during summer. late spring and summer attract and
trap male codling moths (p.182) and
Feeding and mulching plum moths (p.185), preventing them
A balanced fertilizer can be applied, from reproducing.
at the recommended rate, around
trees and bushes of fruiting age in Moving strawberries
early spring. Young plants also Viruses and other diseases can build
What to watch out for benefit from a mulch of well-rotted up in the soil, and old strawberry
Once plants produce fruit, particularly manure or compost around their plants become less productive over
soft fruit, birds (p.180) are often a base in early spring, ensuring it time. Plants are best dug up and
major problem. Whole crops can be doesn’t touch the stem or trunk. replaced in a new part of the garden.
eaten unless they are netted before
they begin to ripen. Damage to tree Weeding and garden hygiene
fruit caused by birds also allows Controlling weeds reduces AVOIDING PROBLEMS
wasps (p.187) and brown rot (p.181) competition and removes sources Regular care Providing fruit crops with
to move in, so check fruit ripeness of pests and diseases. Keep regular care and attention, little and
regularly and pick quickly. surrounding soil clear of grass often, will help to keep them healthy
and better able to resist attacks by
Most fruit plants flower while there for the first four years while young pests and diseases. It is also a good
is still a risk of late frost, which will trees become established in lawns. opportunity to check your plants for
damage flowers and prevent fruit Raking up and disposing of fallen the first signs of problems.
from setting. Protect plants where fruit and leaves removes sources
possible with fabric. Wet weather of reinfection for the following year.
can also prevent pollination and Any unharvested fruit remaining
encourage gray mold (p.183). on the tree should also be removed.
All fruit are bothered to some
degree by problems but fungal and Pruning
bacterial diseases that infect fruit Correct pruning, carried out at the
trees are the main cause for concern. right time of year, using clean, sharp
See Fruit tree clinic pp.94–97; Soft tools, removes dead and diseased
fruit clinic pp.104–105. wood from fruit trees and bushes,

Fruit tree anatomy

Fruit trees may be large, but their shapely forms, spring blossoms, and colorful fruit
make them attractive as well as productive. Best planted in winter or early spring,
healthy trees crop heavily and can easily be incorporated into small yards by choosing
those on dwarf rootstocks, training them up walls, or growing in containers.

These fruit, with a hard central stone, have FRUIT WITH STONES
succulent, sweet flesh that requires plenty of These soft-skinned fruit
Blossoms can be ripen over a short period
sun to ripen fully, and do well trained as fans killed by late frosts Fruit is ripe when it and will only keep for a
on south-facing walls. Many self-pollinating comes away with a
few days. Preserve a
lift and gentle twist
cultivars are available, which heavy crop by canning
allow a lone tree to set or making tasty jam.
ample crops of fruit.

Soft-skinned fruit are

prone to pest damage,
so pick soon once ripe

For larger fruit,

thin out fruitlets
on plums, peaches,
and nectarines


Prune stone fruit

in summer to avoid silver Pests and diseases
leaf disease. See p.186 overwinter in fallen
leaves. Always rake
them up

An appropriate rootstock
The spring blossoms can be damaged will limit the growth of
by frost. Cover fan-trained peaches and these vigorous trees
nectarines with fabric on cold nights.



Apples and pears have pip-filled cores, and firm flesh Heat-loving figs are often trained as
with a protective outer skin. Most should be planted with fans against south-facing walls, and
a compatible cultivar that flowers at the same time to act may bear slow-ripening fruit in late
as a pollination partner. They are available grafted onto summer. To encourage fruiting,
various rootstocks that limit the final size of the tree. plant into large containers or line
the planting hole with slabs. Protect
tiny overwintering fruit with fabric
New growth can be prone or by moving potted plants indoors.
to aphid attack. See p.180

Many pests attack

the fruit at all stages
of development


There is a vast array of
cultivars to grow. Select
one suited to your local
climate to increase yields
and reduce problems.


Your chosen cultivar is

grafted onto a rootstock
that controls its size

The thicker skins of apples and pears allow
many cultivars to be stored for several
Very dwarfing rootstocks
months, simply by laying them in trays have weak roots, so need Pears
in a cool, frost-free place. good soil to thrive
What’s wrong with my fruit tree?
The list of fruit tree ailments seems long, but if a watchful eye is kept
from the moment the blossoms open in the spring until the branches
are bare late in the fall, then any pests and diseases can be dealt
with quickly, and a healthy, problem-free crop of fruit harvested.


From the outside? From the inside?

Are the plants Many insects eat fruits from

Probably wasps, netted? the inside, either as maggots
which can make
or worms. See codling
large holes.
moth p.97; apple sawfly
See p.97. Winter
p.97; pear midge p.96;
moths also feed on
Birds are the likely culprits. plum moth p.97; sawfly
fruitlets. See p.94.
(plum) p.186.
See p.97.

Has the weather Are they covered

been cold at with lots of small
night? insects?

Cold can damage See capsid bugs p.181; This is caused by

new growth in aphids feeding on
apple powdery
spring, causing the soft growth.
it to wither. mildew p.185.
See p.95.

The fruit can

Are there scabby wounds on develop marks for a
the bark of affected stems? number of reasons,
although they are
often still edible.
See apple and pear
scab p.96; apple
See blossom wilt This maybe due canker p.96; bitter
p.97; drought p.94; to apple or pit p.94; brown
fireblight p.97; honey bacterial canker. rot p.95.
fungus p.183. See p.97.

THE TREE DOESN’T FRUIT Have you planted It will need time to establish.
WELL, IF AT ALL. WHY? it recently? Check that you planted it correctly.
See How to plant fruit crops p.86.

Have you kept it well Keep it well watered while in flower.

watered and fed? Dry spells prevent fruit from forming.

Check the plant’s preferred

Are you sure it’s growing growing conditions.
in the right spot? See Choosing the right site p.85.

Check the tree for signs

of pests and diseases.
Are you sure you pruned See Fruit tree clinic pp.94–97.
it correctly?

Good pruning promotes healthy growth,

flowering, and fruiting.
See Pruning fruit trees pp.98–99.
Do you water and feed
your tree regularly?
Fertilizing and watering promotes
healthy growth and encourages the tree
to produce a better crop.

Are there pollinator varieties Check the tree for signs

growing nearby? of pests and diseases.
See Fruit tree clinic pp.94–97.

THE LEAVES ON MY PEACH ARE This could only be peach leaf curl, which only affects
DISCOLORED AND TWISTED. peaches and closely related fruit. See p.96.

Most fruit need sun in order to ripen properly,

THE FRUIT DON’T RIPEN FULLY, which can be delayed by poor weather or The flowers must be pollinated before
OR TAKE A LONG TIME. WHY? if planted in the wrong place. Ensure your tree they will bear fruit. Seek advice on
isn’t shaded, and keep it well watered. compatible varieties.

Fruit tree clinic
Fruit trees seem beset by problems, but because they are large plants that bear
heavy crops, small amounts of damage are often easily tolerated. However, there
are some serious issues to be aware of, in order to catch and treat them quickly
before crops, or the trees themselves, are badly damaged.

Why don’t th e ng?
se t after flo we ri Q Why are the fruit produced Q Why have many small fruit
e can be
Som et im es th er bu t this year so small? fallen from the tree?
pl en ty of bl osso
lit tle or no fr ui
ca us
t, wh ich
ed by bad A Fruit need water to swell, and when
fruit trees experience drought, their
A Apple and pear trees naturally thin
their fruit while they are still small
is usually we ring.
we athe r during th e
yields are drastically reduced. Small to remove any that are diseased,
ca n da m ag e
Frosts frui t fruit also result when the trees is damaged, or infertile, giving the rest
en tin g
flowe rs, prev carrying a very heavy crop; thinning space to develop. Known as “June
at io n, wh ile cold, we t
te r in se ct s the young fruitlets prevents this. drop,” it occurs in early summer.
we athe r can de
g th e
from pollinatin no frui t.
rs, m ea ni ng


Q How do I know if my Q How can I tell if my

tree has winter moth? apples have bitter pit?

The caterpillars of winter This fruit (right) is affected
moths eat holes in the by apple bitter pit, which
leaves of fruit trees as also causes dark mottling
they emerge during early of their flesh. Symptoms
spring. Yellow-green, and can appear on the tree or
about 1in (2.5cm) long, while fruit is in storage. It
the caterpillars often hide is a symptom of calcium
between leaves bound deficiency, usually as a
together with silk thread, result of dry conditions,
and can also reduce yields which prevent the tree
by damaging blooms and from taking up the mineral
young fruitlets. See p.187. from the soil.

Q Can aphids cause much Q What’s wrong with the leaves of my cherry tree?
damage to fruit trees?
Brown spots on the leaves that fall away to create small holes during spring
A Aphids suck sap from the new
growth, weakening the tree
and summer are due to a condition called shothole, caused by a number of
fungi and bacteria. Silver leaf disease gives leaves of plums and cherries a
and causing distorted leaves. silvery surface. It enters the tree via wounds or pruning cuts, most commonly
The pests also attract sooty in spring. Affected branches often die back, and whole trees can be killed if
mold. See Aphids, p.180; seriously infected. See Shothole, p.186; Silver leaf, p.186.
Sooty mold, p.186.

Shothole Silver leaf

e le ave s
a ti n g tu n n e ls in th
Wh at’s e e an d ch err y tre e s?
of my appl
min ers
A pple le af ee n
ll gr
are sm a th at
ca te rp il la rs
on th e ti ssu es
fe ed an d
in si de app s in
ry le a ve
ch er
er. T h ey
late su m m h ite
also weave age
on s. D a m
rf icial.

Q Is the fruit on my tree Q What are the orange spots Q Why does my fruit
affected by brown rot? on the bark of some stems? tree look so sickly?

Brown rot is an aptly named
fungal condition that causes
A These bright pustules are caused
by a fungal disease, coral spot, A
Key nutrients are easily
washed from the soil by
expanding squishy, brown which infects dead stems and heavy rain or watering, or
patches to develop on fruit. branches, and can spread into are sometimes difficult for
Infection is spread by water healthy growth. See p.182. plants to absorb because of
splash and usually occurs if drought or an unfavorable
the fruit skin is damaged, soil pH. Symptoms to watch
such as by insect or bird for include yellowing leaves,
attack. The rotten fruit will poor flowering, small fruit,
either drop from the tree and weak growth. Plants in
or shrivel up and remain pots are most affected. See
in place. See p.181. Nutrient deficiencies, p.184

Q Are my pears being Q How do I recognize apple Q What sort of canker

eaten by pear midge? and pear scab? has infected my tree?

In late spring and early
summer, pear fruitlets
A These fungal diseases cause dark
blotches to form on fruit, which
A Fungal apple and pear canker
causes distorted, sunken areas
infected with the maggots may be distorted or crack, and of bark on these trees. Cherries
of pear midge become allow in rot. Infected leaves also and plums with holey leaves
black at their base and fall develop similar dark patches and and weeping infected areas
from the tree. Large may fall early. See p.180. have bacterial canker. See p.180.
numbers of fruit can be
affected, even whole crops.
The tiny maggots live in
the center of the fruitlets,
feeding on the flesh, then
migrate into the soil when
the fruit fall to the ground,
ready to infect next year’s
crop. See p.184.


Q Are these symptoms Q Why do some apple

of peach leaf curl? leaves look white?

Leaves of peaches and In spring, new growth on
nectarines that have apple trees can appear
become twisted, blistered, white, thanks to a covering
and turned vivid shades of of powdery fungal growth.
red and purple have been This is caused by apple
infected with peach leaf powdery mildew, which
curl. This fungal disease also affects pear trees,
infects leaves in early although less seriously.
spring and will eventually Infected shoots often
cause them to drop grow weakly, can be
prematurely, weakening misshapen, and may
the plant. See p.184. die back early. See p.185.

Q How can I tell if blossom

Diagnostic chart
wilt has caused dieback?
Symptoms Diagnosis
A The blossom wilt fungus infects
apples, plums, cherries, pears, In late summer and fall Codling moth larvae are
and peaches, causing the holes appear in the skin usually responsible for
of apples and pears, or damaging ripening fruit.
blossoms to wither and nearby
sometimes small, white They overwinter in the
leaves to turn brown and die, but caterpillars can be found tree’s bark, and adult moths
persist on the tree. See p.181. feeding in the cores of ripe lay eggs between late spring
fruit when sliced. and midsummer. See p.182.

Developing apple fruitlets Apple sawfly lays its eggs

drop from the tree during among the blossoms, where
early and midsummer, and they hatch into white
have a small maggot hole maggots that tunnel into
in their skin. Mature fruit the growing fruit, initially
may be distorted with a just below the skin, then
scar on their skin. into the core. See p.186.

Tan-colored, roughened Apple capsid bugs are bright

or raised patches appear green, sap-sucking insects
on the skins of apples as that damage the fruit and
they ripen in late summer. leaves with their toxic saliva.
Leaves at the shoot tips Fortunately, damage is only
may also be peppered superficial and fruit can still
with small holes. be eaten. See p.181.

Ragged holes appear Wasps find ripe fruit

in the skins of ripe fruit, irresistible and will eat their
such as peaches, plums, own way into soft-skinned
and apples during summer, fruit or feed where birds have
and gradually increase in already damaged the tougher
SYMPTOMS OF FIREBLIGHT size as the sweet flesh skins of apples and pears.
beneath is eaten away. See p.187.

Q How do I identify if a fruit

Small ripening fruit, Birds enjoy the taste of ripe
tree has fireblight?
such as cherries, vanish fruit and will either eat them
altogether, or larger whole or peck through the
Apple and pear blossoms that
specimens, such as apples, skin with their beaks to take
have died, quickly followed by pears, and plums exhibit portions of juicy flesh. Larger
neighboring leaves and stems deep holes where the skin fruits will often be dislodged
during spring and early summer, had been pierced. from the tree. See p.180.
could be a symptom of the
bacterial disease, fireblight.
Similar to blossom wilt, fireblight Plums ripen prematurely, Plum moth caterpillars
causes areas of bark to sink, and when cut open, reveal hatch in early summer and
a brown area around the burrow into developing fruit
the wood underneath to turn
stone containing maggot to feed on their flesh. They
orange-red, and sometimes excrement or sometimes then eat their way out and
bacterial ooze may seep from the culprit; a 1 ⁄2 in- (1cm-) overwinter in the bark, ready
infected areas. See p.182. long, pale pink caterpillar. for next year. See p.185.

Pruning fruit trees Should I use wound paint

Don’t be intimidated by pruning established fruit trees. after pruning fruit trees?
It is more straightforward than you might think, and is For many years gardeners
vital to keep a tree healthy, cropping well, and in an protected pruning cuts with
a wound paint, which was
attractive shape. Choosing the right time of year to prune and using thought to act like a sticky
clean, sharp tools promotes quick healing and helps prevent infection. bandage. This is no longer
recommended, except when
Excessive pruning encourages leaves, not fruit, so don’t overdo it. pruning plums and cherries,
where wound paint helps
reduce the risk of silver leaf
disease. See p.186.

Good crop of fruit

borne on short spurs

Prune back any

side branches to
encourage spur

Even, well-balanced,
uncongested canopy Prune out any congested,
damaged, or unproductive
stems and branches


Both pears and apples should be pruned during winter, stems on stubby shoots called “spurs,” which form on
while their branches are bare. First remove any dead, wood that’s at least two years old. To encourage more
diseased, or damaged wood, and crossing or congested spurs to develop, prune long sideshoots back to four
branches that prevent air and light from getting into the buds, and the shoots at the tip of each branch by up
canopy. Most apples and pears flower and fruit from to a third of their new growth.

CHERRY TREES Aim for an open, In early fall, prune any

Shorten sideshoots healthy, and older, crossing shoots to
Vigorous sweet cherries are best fan-trained to promote fruiting productive crown new growth
against a wall, while sour types can be grown
as trees. Sour cherries fruit on last summer’s Tie in leading shoots
growth—to encourage new shoots, cut back and strong sideshoots
to extend the fan
some older stems to
healthy shoots in early
fall. To prune trained
sweet cherries, cut
the sideshoots to
six leaves in late
After fruiting, cut back a
summer, then to quarter of fruited shoots
Shorten vigorous
three in early fall. growth in spring
Fans should have Remove any diseased
evenly spaced branches Sweet cherry or damaged wood Sour cherry

Open the crown by cutting out

crossing and congested stems Cut any shoots damaged by
cold back to healthy wood
Leave tiny summer Prune out any
fruits to develop overcrowded
next year stems in spring

Plums fruit on Remove dead, diseased,

two-year-old or damaged wood
wood in summer

Cut back old,

bare branches
to one bud

Aim for an
open-centered crown
with spaced branches


Established plum trees need little pruning, which is done Remove shoots damaged by cold in spring, along with
in summer to prevent silver leaf disease, see p.186. Cut out any that are badly placed or overcrowded. Promote new
diseased or damaged branches, and remove crossing or growth by cutting older branches back to one bud. Pick
crowded growth to let light and air into the crown. off any unripe fruit that are larger than peas in the fall.

Soft fruit anatomy

Undemanding to grow and a delicious summer treat, most soft fruit are produced
year after year on woody plants that either take the form of clumps of tall stems, or
attractive, medium-sized bushes. The leafy, low-growing, perennial plants that bear
strawberries will only crop well for a few seasons
Fruit develops on
the current or last
year’s canes
Given good, moist soil
and shelter from wind,
raspberries, blackberries,
and related hybrids will Flowers need to
be pollinated by
flourish. Their long, often insects before
thorny stems, known as fruit will form
canes, emerge as suckers
each year from the base
of the plant.
New fall-fruiting
raspberries can crop in
Fruit should be picked their first season; other
when fully ripe, so check
your plants regularly
cane fruit will crop well
in their second year.


To stop tall canes from bowing under
the weight of fruit or breaking in
strong wind, regularly tie them onto Blackberries
supporting posts or wires as they grow.

Canes emerge at the base

of stems or from the roots

Hybrid berry


Currants, gooseberries, and blueberries all need fertile, These perennial plants will grow for a number of years, but
well-drained soil, some sunshine, and enough space to many growers prefer to renew their strawberry bed every
allow good airflow to prevent fungal diseases. Apart from three years to prevent pests and diseases from building up.
these simple requirements, they are easygoing, needing
only basic pruning to keep them neat and cropping well.

Runners Stems carrying baby plants Fruit Flowers need to be pollinated

grow during summer. You can use to set fruit, so ensure insects have easy
Many insect pests will
attack the foliage. these to create new healthy plants. access to plants grown under cover.
Check for symptoms

All soft fruit should be covered with BUSH FRUIT
netting before it ripens to stop birds Bush fruit are ideal for
from eating the berries before you. small gardens because
they are self-pollinating,
which means they don’t
need another nearby.
Plant fruit bushes away
from frost pockets to prevent
damage to their flowers


Different bush fruit crop

on different-aged stems.
Red and white currants
Check before pruning


Unless you have acidic soil, grow The roots may die
blueberries in large containers filled if the soil becomes Gooseberries
with lime-free, acidic potting mix. waterlogged
What’s wrong with my soft fruit?
Succulent and sweet, soft fruit are a favorite of birds, and without
a tough outer skin, they are also prone to rot as they ripen. Respond
quickly to marked, curling, and eaten leaves during the growing season,
and good yields of tasty fruit can still be had.


TURNING YELLOW THEN Do the stems look Has the weather
BROWN IN SUMMER? healthy? been dry?

Check for dark

spots and signs Could be a nutrient The plants
of their dying deficiency. See p.184. could be too
back. See cane Also check for insect dry. Water
spot p.104; pests. See pp.104–105. them well.
raspberry cane
blight p.185.

WHY ARE NEW LEAVES Has the weather Are they covered
DISTORTED, ESPECIALLY been cold at with lots of small
NEAR THE SHOOT TIPS? night? insects?

Cold can damage There are two likely This is caused by

new growth in causes. See capsid aphids feeding on
spring, causing bugs p.181; currant the soft growth.
it to wither. blister aphid p.182. See p.105.

Fruit bushes are prone

Do you keep the plants to several fungal
netted? diseases that cause
spots, often specific
to a particular crop.
See fungal leaf spot
p.183; rusts p.185;
Wasps and mice strawberry leaf
Birds are the
may take some spot p.105.
likely culprits.
fruit but also check
See p.105.
for sticky fingers.

WHY DOESN’T THE PLANT Have you planted It will need time to establish.
CROP WELL, IF AT ALL? it recently? Check that you planted it correctly.
See How to plant fruit crops p.86.

Have you kept it well

watered and fed?
Keep it well watered while in flower.
Flowers and fruitlets drop if too dry.

Are you sure it’s growing Check the plant’s preferred

growing conditions.
in the right location?
See Choosing the right site p.85.

Check the plant for signs

Are you sure you of pests and diseases.
pruned it correctly? See Soft fruit clinic pp.104–105.

Correct pruning is often essential

for strong flowering and fruiting.
See Pruning fruit bushes pp.106–107.
Do you water and feed regularly?

Feeding and watering promotes healthy

growth and encourages a good crop.

Is the plant getting old,

in need of replacing?
Check for signs of pests and diseases.
See Soft fruit clinic pp.104–105.

Are there plenty of bees

in your garden?

Most fruit need sun in order to ripen properly,

THE FRUIT DON’T RIPEN FULLY, and poor weather and shady growing conditions
can delay this. Ensure your plants aren’t shaded The flowers must be pollinated to set fruit.
and keep them well watered. Try growing flowering plants nearby to
attract more pollinating insects.

Soft fruit clinic
Soft fruit are simple to grow, but their enticing sweetness and delicate skins make
them easy pickings for pests, and vulnerable to fungal diseases just as you are ready
to pick the delicious harvest. Successful cultivation of these crops is all about being
one step ahead by spotting problems early and keeping pests at bay.

m arke d
Why is foliage erns?
with ye llow pa tt Q What damage do capsid Q Why are the fruits covered
n be
All soft frui t ca bugs do to fruit bushes? with mold?
r own
af fe cted by th ei t older
type s of vi ru se s, bu
ts are
A During summer, these small green
A Fluffy, gray fungal growth that starts
strawber ry pl an sap-sucking insects feed at the as brown patches on fruit is caused
part icul arly pron m arks shoot tips. Leaf cells die where the by gray mold. Spread in the air and
om s in clu de
Sym pt bugs have fed, forming tears as the in water droplets, this is a common
isshape n
on th e le aves; m d fr ui t; leaves grow. Young growth can also disease in wet summers and if fruit
es, flo we rs, an
le av become distorted. See p.181. touch damp surfaces. See p.183.
d poor
we ak growth; an ually
yi elds, wh ich gr s p.187.
worsen . Se e Viru


Q Do my raspberries Q What’s eating the

have cane spot? gooseberry’s leaves?

Raspberry cane spot Where the leaves of
is a fungal disease that gooseberries, red currants
also affects blackberries, and white currants have
causing pale-centred rapidly been stripped back
purple blotches on canes to the stems, the pale gray,
from early summer. Similar black-spotted larvae of
spots can then spread gooseberry sawfly can be
onto leaves and fruits, the found. Repeated attacks
bark may split where large occur from mid-spring to
spots have developed, midsummer, weakening
and canes may die. Simply the plants, although they
prune out infected stems. usually recover. See p.186.

Diagnostic chart Q What are the maggots

in my raspberries?
Symptoms Diagnosis
Clusters of green, Aphids attack all soft fruit, A Dry patches at the top of ripe
berries are a sign that there may
gray-green, or black damaging plant tissues
be a cream-colored raspberry
insects on young growth in while feeding. They cause
spring and summer. Shoot distortion, reduced growth,
beetle larva feeding inside. They
tips are curled and smaller and can also spread viral also feed on blackberries and
than normal; older leaves infections. See Aphids, other cane fruit. See p.185.
are covered in honeydew. p.180; Viruses, p.187.

In spring and early Currant blister aphids

summer, currants, overwinter on plants as eggs
particularly red currants, and hatch in spring to suck
develop blistered leaves at the sap of new leaves,
their tips, with a distinctive weakening the plant. Their
yellow and red coloration. pale yellow coloring makes
Insects are below the leaf. them easy to see. See p.182.

th e fruit,
tak in g all
Is it birds th at are n’t ripe?
eve n th ose ll
attack a
Birds will fr uit
so ft
ty pe s of
th ey ri pe n , an d
as u ck of f
th er pl
will ei ol e or
w h
th e fruit eak fu ls
sm a ll b
pe ck
otecte d
from u n pr of te n
pl an ts. T h bef ore
et fr u it
Se e p.180.

Q Why are gooseberries Q What’s wrong with my strawberries?

coated in white dust?
Deep red, pale-centered patches on the leaves are a sign of strawberry leaf spot, a

Gooseberry mildew, fungal infection that usually occurs during summer or, occasionally, spring. It does
a fungal disease, coats little harm. Puckered and distorted fruit are caused by poor pollination, often due
infected foliage, stems, to bad weather or few insects during flowering. See Fungal leaf spot, p.183.
and fruit in a layer of
powder that resembles
talcum powder. Young
growth can become
misshapen and die back
if badly affected, and
although edible, infected
fruit turns an unappetizing
brown. See p.183. Strawberry leaf spot Poor pollination

Pruning fruit bushes

Easy to master and quick to do, pruning your fruit bushes correctly helps form
them into an attractive shape and keep them a manageable size. A few well-
placed cuts also promote good health by removing any dead and diseased
shoots, and can increase harvests by encouraging plenty of strong, fruit-bearing wood.

Cut back any shoot tips damaged Tie in new stems as they grow during
by cold or wind in spring summer, to fruit the following year
What about the thorns?
Many soft fruit plants,
such as blackberries and
gooseberries, have sharp
thorns and spines along
their stems, so be sure
to wear thick gloves
when pruning or training
them. You also need to be
careful when picking the
fruit. If you have children,
consider planting thornless
varieties as a precaution.

Prune out fruited stems

Flowers and fruit grow and space out new canes Thin out weak and
on canes produced the to replace them congested growth
previous year

Remove any
diseased or
BLACKBERRIES damaged stems
The key is to cut canes to the base after fruiting in
their second year. This makes room for new, young
canes to be tied onto supporting horizontal wires
in late fall, ready to bear fruit the following year.

Pick individual fruit as

they ripen in midsummer

These are the easiest fruit bushes to look after,
Prune unproductive
since they need no routine pruning. During old shoots back to
winter, remove any dead or damaged stems the base
and cut any weak branches on mature bushes
back to the base to stimulate new growth.
Young wood is pale; older Cut out about a
The most fruit is wood is dark brown third of the oldest
borne on stems in stems in winter RASPBERRY CANES
their second year
Summer- and fall-fruiting raspberries are easy
to prune. Summer types produce berries on canes
in their second year, which should be cut out at the
base after fruiting, to be replaced with the new canes
that have grown during summer. Fall types flower and
fruit on the current season’s canes, which are cut
down in late winter, making space for new growth.

Summer berries are

borne on canes in their
second year
Remove diseased
Tie in new shoots
or weak shoots
once fruited canes
that don’t fruit
have been removed
Black currants fruit best on the previous year’s wood and
should be pruned once during their winter dormancy,
cutting a third of the oldest stems back to a healthy
young shoot near the base, to encourage new growth.
Fruit forms at the base In winter, cut new
of last year’s wood growth on leading Prune canes to the
shoots back by half base after fruiting

Young shoots will

Shorten sideshoots
fruit the following
in summer to help
deter aphids
Summer fruiting

Fruit are formed

on this year’s canes Cut all shoots to the
base in late winter
or early spring

Red and white currants Prune old, weak stems to New canes in Remove any
are pruned in the same make way for new growth spring will fruit weak or badly
way as gooseberries by the fall placed shoots


These bushes are all pruned twice a year to create an
open framework of branches. In midsummer, prune only
the sideshoots back to five leaves, then in winter cut the Fall fruiting
lead stems back by half and sideshoots to two buds only.
The ornamental garden
The diversity of plants in the ornamental garden adds rich layers of color and
texture, giving year-round appeal. From long-lived trees and shrubs to annual
bedding plants, from all-season lawns to ephemeral bulbs, the huge range
means there is something for every corner of every yard. It also means that
there are a lot of plants, with different needs and ailments to get a grip on, too.
This section is packed with information to give ornamental plants a healthy
start, and provides advice on keeping them trouble-free. Divided according to
plant type, anatomy guides explain how a plant’s structure influences growth,
maintenance, and problems. Charts and question-and-answer pages aid quick
diagnosis and point to the best ways to solve issues.

How to grow ornamentals

The incredible diversity of ornamental plants available,
which ranges from bulbs to climbers, and annuals to trees,
makes it really important to understand the needs of every
plant you choose, right from the start. That way you can
give it the best conditions possible, enabling it to grow
strongly and shrug off attacks by pests and diseases.

Right plant right place throughout the year. It is also

As obvious as this gardening mantra advisable to measure the pH of your
sounds, almost every gardener must soil, using one of the simple testing
be guilty of ignoring it at some point kits available from garden centers,
and planting a shade-lover in full sun, and finding out which plants it suits.
or a delicate specimen in the full Also watch for what are known as
force of the wind. While these poor “frost pockets” during cold spells,
plants often survive, they never where icy air gathers and frost takes
perform well, at best having their a long time to lift. These usually occur
flowers or new leaves spoiled by the in dips or at the bottom of slopes,
weather, or at worst succumbing and are somewhere that only the
to the many pests and diseases that hardiest plants should be grown. drainage is poor, create a lush bog
prey on weakened plants. Plants exist that can cope with all garden, or if the soil is acidic, plant
This disappointing fate is easily conditions, from large trees to grass beautiful rhododendrons and
avoided by taking a look at your mixes for lawns, so it is best to do camellias that other others will envy.
garden and working out the range some research. Plant what suits your If you’re not sure where to start,
of growing conditions it has to offer. yard, rather than trying to change the look at what grows well in nearby
Some, such as light and wind levels, conditions to suit the plants. Make gardens and plant the same in yours.
are fairly easy to gauge, while soil the most of what gives your site its Buy plants at a local nursery where
moisture may need to be checked character, for example where they are raised in similar weather
conditions to those in your yard, and
staff can also provide reliable advice.
AVOIDING PROBLEMS To test conditions, just buy and try a
Disease resistance Even if conditions single plant. If it fails, you’ve not lost
are perfect, replanting any plant related much, and if it does well, you can go
to one that has been removed due to back and buy more of the same,
disease is unlikely to succeed. Many
along with related plants that have
diseases live in the soil for years, waiting
to infect a new host plant, so grow the same requirements.
something else instead. Many modern
cultivars have been bred to be resistant Choosing healthy plants
to certain common diseases. Seek them
A quick check and some common
out and take advantage of these naturally
healthy plants, where they are available. sense are enough to ensure that
plants are in a good condition before
(above) Textural planting Underplanting
trees makes best use of the space and
allows you to create contrasting effects,
such as bare trunks with foamy flowers.

(left) Perfect partners Combine plants

that enjoy the same growing conditions.
Choose a mixture of plant types for the
longest, most varied show of color.

buying them. This is worthwhile, not are dormant and leafless. If this nurseries, often via mail order and
only because healthy plants will grow is the case, look for a good shape, at lower prices. Since they can only
better, but also because it’s best to undamaged bark and stems on be lifted when dormant, bare-root
avoid bringing pests and diseases woody plants, and evidence of plenty trees and shrubs are only available
into your garden. For this reason it’s of healthy buds on all. Bulbs are also from late fall to early spring—slightly
always best to tactfully examine any usually bought when dormant and longer for perennials. They can
gifts from friends’ gardens too. should feel firm, with no signs of therefore only be planted at this time
Look for plants that are a full, mold, and their outer skin intact. of year, and should always be put
attractive shape, with bright green into the ground as soon as possible.
leaves and no roots pushing out of Bare-root or container-grown?
the base or at the top of the pot. Be Everyone is familiar with the pot- Before planting ornamentals
wary of very weedy pots, especially grown plants found in garden Every plant has its own individual
with trees and shrubs, since this can centers, but trees, shrubs, and soil requirements, so it is advisable
indicate a pot-bound plant that has sometimes herbaceous perennials to check the label or a good book
been in its container for too long. are also available bare-root. All this first. However, it is always good
Watch out for pest damage on leaves, means is that they have been grown practice to remove all weeds from
since whatever caused it could still in a nursery field and lifted for sale, the planting area, particularly deep-
be on the plant or in the medium. so do not come in a pot. Pot-grown rooted perennials, which will be
Also look for any signs of rot or mold. plants offer the convenience of being difficult to extract once the new
Deciduous trees and shrubs, along available and plantable all year round, plant is growing and can resprout
with herbaceous perennials and but a wider range of plants is usually if even the tiniest section of root
climbers, can be bought when they available bare-root from specialty remains. The addition of a good

quantity of well-rotted manure

or garden compost also helps to
improve the soil structure and
fertility. Lime-free potting mix can
be worked into soil to improve its
structure where acid-loving plants
are to be planted, although this will
not make the soil itself acidic.
Good drainage is essential for
most plants. Where it is poor, dig
down to check for any compacted
layers, which should be thoroughly
broken up. Drainage can also be
improved by incorporating plenty
of grit and potting mix into heavy,
clay soils. Bulbs are particularly prone
to rotting in damp conditions, and
will benefit from a layer of grit at the
bottom of their planting holes. Plan before planting To avoid disturbing your plants later, decide
on their final positions in the bed before starting to plant them out.
The best time to plant
Try to be kind to your plants and to plunge roots (or a spade) into to plant climbers and perennials.
avoid extremes when introducing winter soil that is frozen or sopping Those that are less hardy do better
them to their new environment. wet. Equally, few plants will enjoy when started in spring, so they
Of course, different plants have their being thrust into dry summer soil, are well established before any
own needs, but common sense when they’re in full leaf and have cold weather.
suggests that it is never a good idea no established roots to draw in the The optimal time to plant bulbs
moisture needed during hot weather. depends on when they flower. Those
As a rule, the warm soil, mild that bloom in spring should be
AVOIDING PROBLEMS weather, and gentle rains of fall planted in fall. Summer-flowering
Planting clematis Always plant and spring provide the best planting types can also be planted in fall or
clematis 2in (5cm) deeper than they conditions and, because many plants early spring, while fall-flowering
were in their pots. This encourages buds are either losing their leaves or bulbs should be placed in position
to develop below soil level, which will coming into growth, their roots have by late summer. Bulbs that perform
shoot away if the plant is struck by
clematis wilt, see p.181.
chance to establish before heavy well planted when in leaf, such as
demands are made of them. snowdrops, should be carefully
Deciduous trees and shrubs can moved after flowering.
be a major investment in the garden. Displays of patio plants are often
To give them the greatest chance of created twice a year. Those that
success, plant them without leaves flower during winter and spring are
between late fall and early spring. ideally put into position during the
The warmth retained in fall soils early fall, while half-hardy summer
makes this the ideal time for most. bedding is usually planted out after
Evergreens are far better planted in the risk of frost has passed in late
spring, as they come into growth. spring or early summer. They can
Spring and fall are also the best times also be started off under cover.

How to plant that have the potential to become

Probably the single best way to get large and need room to develop
your plants off to a healthy start is to their attractive forms. Check plant
plant them correctly. One common labels and books, which usually give
mistake is to plant at the wrong the size after ten years of growth,
depth, which can lead to plants and plant accordingly. Fill any
drying out or toppling over if planted resulting large gaps with herbaceous
too shallowly, or to the risk of fungal perennials or patio plants that can
diseases if planted too deeply. As a easily be removed. Climbers are
general rule, trees, shrubs, climbers, commonly grown singly, but don’t
perennials, and patio plants should crowd them with other plants while
all be planted at the same level as they establish. Herbaceous perennials
they were in their pot. Use the soil and patio plants are normally spaced
mark on the stems of bare-root so the leaves of neighboring plants
trees and shrubs as a guide when will just touch when fully grown.
replanting. Planting depths for bulbs Ideally, most bulbs should be placed
vary, but most types are usually two or three times their width apart.
planted to a depth that is about Water all plants, except bulbs,
three times their height. well before planting. Dig a hole
Allowing plants enough space comfortably large enough for the
Better planting Taking time to plant
to grow is also an important roots, and work in potting mix or grit correctly will be rewarded by a better
consideration when planting. This is as required. Spread out the roots display that lasts longer. The plants will
particularly true for trees and shrubs of bare-root plants or tease out the also be less prone to problems.


If planted correctly, new plants will establish more quickly and have a good display sooner. The basic techniques involved
are simple enough, although it is easy to make simple mistakes that can affect how well the plants will perform. Most of
these can be avoided by taking your time when planting and not rushing—it will be time well spent.

Right way up When planting bulbs and bare-root Firm in properly Air pockets can easily be left Avoid rain shadows Soil next to walls and fences
perennials, make sure you know which way they beneath new plants unless they are firmed in well. can be very dry because it is sheltered from the rain.
should be planted. Bulbs can rot if planted facing These voids can cause roots to dry out and die, or When planting in these areas, position plants at least
down, while perennials may be slower to establish. can fill with water, causing the roots to rot. 12in (30cm) into the border, and water them well.

outer roots of those in pots, and but even those like ivy that can cling
position the plant in the hole. Ensure vertically to walls benefit from stakes AVOIDING PROBLEMS
it is at the right depth, fill soil back or netting until established. Preventing damage Mulches and
around the roots, firm gently with Perennials and bulbs with tall fertilizers are beneficial to plants when
your hands, and water well. Bulbs can flowers can be damaged during bad applied correctly, but unless you are
using a liquid foliar feed, they must
be planted singly in small holes, or in weather. Wire mesh or twiggy
only touch the soil and not the plant
groups in larger holes. Check that the supports, put in place as growth itself. Solid fertilizers can scorch any
bulb is the right way up at the base begins in spring, allow plants to grow stems, leaves, or flowers they come into
of the hole, and cover with soil. through and cover them, giving a contact with, while mulches laid right
up to the stems and crowns of plants
natural appearance, while the plants can allow fungal diseases to develop.
Providing support for plants are well supported. Flowering stems
Many ornamental plants need can also be staked individually.
additional supports, which can be
either permanent or temporary. Growing in containers
A stake, driven into the soil before All types of ornamental plants can be
planting, helps steady trees in windy successfully grown in containers, and
conditions while their roots establish. many glorious gardens are populated
After three or four years the roots entirely with plants in pots. Although
should anchor the tree sufficiently, plants in containers require a lot
and the stake can be removed. more attention than those in the soil,
The requirements of climbing planting in pots is popular because
plants vary depending on their it offers many opportunities to utilize
method of attaching to surfaces. extra space and manipulate growing Which potting mix Use a soil-based
Some need a substantial support conditions. Don’t be afraid to mix potting mix for long-term specimens,
system put in place before planting, plants from different groups to create such as trees, shrubs, climbers, and
exciting displays and provide a long some perennials. A lighter, multi-
season of interest. purpose mix usually suits patio
plants, particularly those in hanging
Choosing containers Once you baskets, and is often adequate for
have selected plants, the priority is bulbs, although specially formulated,
to find a suitable container for them. free-draining bulb medium will give
As always, good drainage holes in the best results. Use lime-free potting
the base are essential. Large, long- mix for acid-loving plants, such as
lived plants, such as trees and shrubs, rhododendrons and camellias.
need a pot that will comfortably Plant in containers as you would
accommodate their roots, but don’t in the ground, adding a layer of
like too much spare space, so only broken pots or coarse gravel to the
allow up to 4in (10cm) extra width. bottom of pots with few drainage
Climbers require deep pots that are holes. Firm mix carefully around
sturdy and stable enough to hold plants, especially where there are
their supports if necessary. Bulbs several in the pot, and water well.
need containers with excellent
drainage that allow them to be The right site The greatest
Clear view Providing support not only
protects plants from damage, it also planted at the right depth. Fast- advantage of pots is that they can be
improves their display in the yard by growing perennials and patio moved into the plant’s ideal growing
holding the flowers and stems well. plants are best given large pots. conditions whenever required.

Ornamentals prone to problems

All ornamental plants can be affected
by pests and diseases, but some are
particularly susceptible to problems.
Some gardeners choose to avoid
such plants altogether, but it is worth
looking for species and cultivars with
resistance to common diseases,
checking new plants for signs of
pests and diseases before planting
them in your garden, and watching
out for the early signs of ailments.
Ornamental cherry trees can be
damaged by aphids (p.180), bacterial
canker (p.180), blossom wilt (p.181),
shothole (p.186), and silver leaf (p.186).
Roses are troubled by aphids (p.180),
rose black spot (p.185), rust (p.185),
powdery mildew (p.185), and gray
Colorful containers Well-maintained containers can add color to all parts of mold (p.183). Some viburnums fall
the garden. The more containers you have, however, the more time you will need prey to aphids (p.180), scale insects
to spend watering and fertilizing them. Don’t plant more than you can look after. (p.186), viburnum beetles (p.187), and
whiteflies (p.187).
Many plants will flourish in a even weekly for hungry patio Clematis often suffer from clematis
sheltered spot in full sun, but some plants—using an appropriate liquid wilt (p.181), aphids (p.180), slug and
prefer shade, while others cope fertilizer or by mixing granules of snail damage (p.186), and powdery
admirably on exposed balconies slow-release fertilizer into the mildew (p.185). Hostas are a real
and roof terraces. Tender plants can potting mix during planting. favorite of slugs and snails (p.186), as
also be moved indoors for winter, Plants grown in pots for more are delphiniums, which also suffer
then back outside in spring. than one season should be repotted from numerous fungal diseases.
annually into larger pots until they Lilies are troubled by lily beetles
Watering and feeding The main reach the desired size. After that, (p.183) and vine weevils (p.187), and
drawback of container gardening is replace the top 2in (5cm) of potting narcissi bulbs can be infected by
that the plants rely on you to provide mix from the pot each spring, or viruses (p.187), fungal diseases,
their water and nutrients. All pots apply a mulch of garden compost. eelworm (p.182), and bulb flies (p.184).
should be checked regularly and
watered if necessary, which could be
twice daily during hot summer spells. AVOIDING PROBLEMS
To help reduce maintenance and the Watch out Several pests and diseases are
risk of plants becoming stressed particularly common among pot-grown
because of drought, incorporate plants. The cream, c-shaped grubs of vine
weevil (p.187) feast on roots, while aphids
water-absorbing polymers into the (p.180) suck sap from soft leaves. Gray
potting mix when planting, or even mold (p.183) and rots are quick to set
install an automatic irrigation system. in where drainage and air circulation are
poor. Powdery mildew (p.185) spoils foliage
Fertilizing during the growing when the potting medium is kept too dry.
season is best carried out regularly—

The range of ornamental plants is
huge and their problems are varied.
Many different plants are prone to
the same problems, which can often
be prevented with basic routine care.

Soil improved with organic matter
holds moisture well, reducing the
need for watering. However, many
newly planted specimens will still
need regular watering in their first
season. Plants need less watering Routine care Regular watering and feeding Keep tidy Clearing away plant and garden
once fully established, unless they will encourge strong, healthy growth and a debris is an effective and simple way to help
are planted in the dry soil at the better show of color. avoid many pests and diseases.
base of walls and fences.
Never water in the full heat of weed growth. A generous layer of Correct pruning
midday and always direct the water composted bark, garden compost, Always be sure to prune trees and
at the soil, not on the plants. Soak the or well-rotted manure are all highly shrubs at the right time of year. Badly
soil well so water penetrates deeply. beneficial to the soil. timed pruning can leave plants prone
to disease, cause stems to bleed sap
Mulching Fertilizing heavily, and prevent flowering. Also
Mulching in spring adds organic If the soil has been improved, newly make sure that cuts are made
matter to the soil, helps retain planted ornamentals shouldn’t need correctly, since poorly pruned wood
moisture and warmth, and controls feeding. However, fertilizer will help can die back and become infected.
established plants, particularly if
their leaves show signs of nutrient Check ties
AVOIDING PROBLEMS deficiency. Spring is the best time As trees, shrubs, and woody climbers
Prevent overcrowding Congested clumps to apply fertilizers, giving plants grow, tight ties can cut into their
of bulbs and herbaceous perennials a boost as they begin growing. expanding stems, causing significant
often look tired and don’t flower well. Well-rotted manure or organic damage that can provide an entry
Lifting and dividing them, usually
while they are dormant, allows you to
fertilizers, such as bone meal, release point for disease. Check ties on trees
replant vigorous, healthy plant material nutrients slowly. Liquid fertilizers at least every spring, and those on
that will flower prolifically. See p.155. and inorganic products are ideal other plants more often. Loosen,
for a quick pick-me-up. Use specially replace, or remove them as required.
formulated fertilizers that are suitable
for acid-lovers, when needed. Leave bulbs to grow
The leaves of bulbous plants help
Garden hygiene fatten the bulbs for next year’s
Weeds, fallen leaves, and other plant flowers, and should be left to die
debris helps spread pests and down naturally, without being tied
diseases. Always keep the soil around up or trimmed off. Where bulbs grow
your plants clear to maintain a in grass, leave the surrounding area
garden that looks tidy and is healthy. unmown until the leaves have faded.
Lawns may appear the same but
there are actually many different
mixes of grasses available to suit a
variety of growing conditions and
the purpose the lawn serves.
Choosing the right mix for your
yard will make maintaining healthy
green grass much simpler.
Lawns can be established by
sowing seed, which is cost effective,
or laying turf, for quick results. Spring
and fall are the best seasons for both
methods. Whichever way you
choose, good soil preparation is
essential. Clear the area of weeds,
expecially perennials, and improve
Main feature The lawn is usually one of the largest, most conspicuous features in a
sandy soil with potting mix. On garden, and often the most heavily used. An unkempt lawn can spoil an otherwise
heavy soil improve drainage by beautiful yard, although nearly all can be revived with time and effort—and maybe sod.
digging in sharp sand or installing a
drainage system if water pools often. into regular sections, using stakes, the prepared soil. Cut the edges to
Dig or rototill the soil, remove any and measure the correct amount of the desired shape once all sod is laid.
large stones, and rake the site level. seed per section into a cup. This can Tamp down sod with the back of a
To prevent hollows from appearing in then be sown evenly over the soil— rake, and water during dry weather
the lawn as the soil settles, firm the repeat until the whole area is sown. until the grass has rooted through.
soil by treading it evenly with your Rake lightly, water using a sprinkler if Avoid heavy use of new grass until
feet. Level any dips that form during there is no rain, and protect the seed established, which could be up to
treading, and rake the surface to a from birds with netting. three months for sod, or one year for
fine tilth, taking care to remove Sod should be laid onto moist soil seed. Cut new grass lightly when it
stones if sowing grass seed. very soon after purchase. Start at the reaches about 2in (5cm) tall.
Ideally sow seed in warm, moist edge of the lawn and lay the sod in
conditions, at the rate recommended. straight lines, standing on planks on Caring for lawns
To make this easier, mark the ground the sod already laid, rather than on The key to easy lawn care is to mow
little and often. Cutting one-third of
the leaf length each week in summer
AVOIDING PROBLEMS is less stressful for grass than letting
it grow longer and cutting less often.
Feed well for strong growth Healthy,
well-fed lawns look more attractive, Trim edges regularly and recut them
withstand wear and tear, and are less annually to keep grass from spreading.
likely to become overrun with weeds. Established lawns benefit from
Apply a spring/summer fertilizer in
early summer, and a specially formulated scarifying with a rake in the fall to
lower nitrogen feed at the start of fall. remove dead foliage and moss.
Always apply lawn fertilizers at the rate Lawns can also be aerated to help
recommended on the packet. Overfeeding
can scorch and damage new growth. loosen compacted soil by spiking
the area all over with a garden fork.


Trees, shrubs,
and climbers
Since they are frequently used
as specimen plants, prominently
positioned in the garden, it is
particularly important to keep trees,
shrubs, and climbers healthy and
looking at their best. A basic
understanding of their needs, found
in the anatomy guides that follow,
will make this easier. Diagnostic
charts and question-and-answer
pages also help pinpoint the cause of
symptoms. Take heed of the pruning
and training advice given, which can
spell the difference between flower-
covered glory and a tangled mess.

Garden tree anatomy

Avoid problems with trees by selecting specimens that suit the space, soil type,
and climate in your yard. Many trees only reach a modest size and have several
seasons of interest, making them ideal for smaller yards. Taking care to prepare
soil well will be rewarded with many years of healthy growth.


The backbone of any garden, then brown, rather than
drop, when conifers are Although a constant in
evergreen trees remain in leaf under stress the garden, conifers do
all year and come in the form have seasonal interest,
of needle-bearing conifers, or including new spring
sometimes broadleaved trees. growth, attractive cones,
Spring is the best time to plant and colorful berries.
evergreens, which will all
naturally drop some old
needles or leaves while in
growth during late spring
and summer.

Fragrant juniper berries

Honeydew and sooty mold on
foliage signal aphid or scale insect
infestations, which can cause dieback

Small, green, pea-sized

cones may be mistaken for
galls caused by insect pests

Colorful new growth

Bright but toxic yew berries

Susceptible to root
rot, plant conifers
in well-drained soil
All conifer hedges, except yew, will not
regrow if cut back past the green shoot
tips. To prevent unsightly brown Interesting pine flowers
patches, never clip them too severely.

Losing leaves in the fall has many advantages for deciduous SEASONAL INTEREST
trees. Bare branches are less prone to wind damage, and Deciduous trees can have
pests and diseases fall away with the foliage. Their annual year-long appeal, bearing
leaf fall, often in a vivid range of fall tints, can also expose flowers, fruit, berries, and
attractive bark and branch patterns. bark. Most are unaffected
by pests and diseases.
Birds are attracted to
Flowers can be damaged feed on colorful fall fruit
by cold or heavy rain

Summer rowan berries

Attractive bark

Dainty spring blossoms

Where rabbits and deer feed,

protect the trunks of young Yellow spring catkins
trees with pest-proof tubes

Disturbing roots may affect

growth or cause suckering GRAFT UNIONS
shoots to develop Many trees are grafted
onto rootstocks to make
them more suitable for
gardens. The join, or “graft
union,” is often visible as
a lump low on the trunk.
It should be above the soil.
What’s wrong with my garden tree?
Trees benefit from year-round scrutiny to keep them in good health.
In winter check bark for injury, and bare branches for signs of disease
and dead wood. When in leaf, look closely for symptoms visible on the
leaves and step back to assess the overall condition of the tree.


AND BROWN, AND DYING BACK? color all over?

Patchy discoloration can be caused by Conifers are sensitive to drought, see

a number of pests and diseases. p.126, and also waterlogging, which
See Garden tree clinic pp.124–127 causes the roots to die, see p.125.


AND APPEARS TO BE DYING. develop quickly?

This is possibly Most likely to be caused

just old age—
by drought or from root
trees do naturally
die. Also see damage, perhaps as a
honey fungus result of waterlogging.
p.126. See drought p.126

Has the weather

been dry?

Fungus attacks old,

weak, and unhealthy
growth that should
This could be pruned out.
The tree is too
be nutrient See Pruning garden
dry. Water it
deficiency, trees pp.128–129;
well until the
see p.184. coral spot p.127.
Also check for
insect pests.


If it hasn’t established
WELL, AND LOOKS SICKLY. WHY? it recently? well, check to ensure that
you planted it correctly.
See How to plant p.113.

Have you kept it well Watering and fertilizing are

essential to help new trees
watered and fertilized?
establish and grow.

Check the plant’s preferred

Is it growing in the right spot? growing conditions.
See Right plant right
place p.110.

Pruning encourages flowers, fruit,

Do you prune it regularly? and healthy growth.
See Pruning garden trees pp.128–129.
Check for pests and
diseases. See Garden tree
clinic pp.124–127.

Damaged branches often die

A LARGE BRANCH HAS STARTED TO Are there signs of physical but other stems are unaffected.
DIE BACK. WHAT HAS CAUSED THIS? damage to the stem or bark? It may caused by wind, or
damage by squirrels or deer.

Are there large cracks or

open sores in the bark?

Some serious fungal diseases

This could be caused cause branches to die.
by the disease See honey fungus p.126;
Many insect pests infest trees, but only bacterial canker. phytophthora root rot p.185;
young or weak trees need treatment. See p.180. verticillium wilt p.186;
See aphids p.180; scale insects p.186. fireblight p.182.

Garden tree clinic
Often large enough to allow minor problems to go unnoticed, it pays to keep an
eye on trees—both up close and from a distance—to prevent something serious
from developing. Check leaves and bark for signs of insect and disease damage, and
step back to look for signs of environmental stress, such as wind damage.

le aves
Why are youn g
pale an d cr is p? Q Why are the flowers dying off Q What is eating lots of holes
pe ar
Whe re le aves ap m e and turning brown on the tree? in the leaves?
bl each ed an d be turn in g
pape ry , so m et im es
ay be th e A Blossom wilt is a fungal disease that
A Yellow-green colored winter moth
brown, sc orch m causes spring flowers of ornamental caterpillars feed on the leaves of
proble m. Caused ight, crabapples and cherry trees to turn many deciduous trees as they unfurl
e or ho t su nl
in te ns brown, die, and remain in place. It is in spring. They also make nests by
ft, youn g
it can af fe ct so worse in damp weather and may pulling leaves together with silk.
es ne ar th e ti ps, an d
le av
to be wo rse wh ere affect nearby leaves. See p.181. Damage can be severe. See p.187.
is lik ely
th e foliage
rain drops on rays.
ni f y th e su n’s
m ag


Q What is growing out Q Is this bacterial canker

from the trunk? on a cherry blossom?

Semi-circular growths In damp springs and falls,
of bracket fungus appear bacterial canker produces
on the roots, trunk, or areas of sunken bark on
branches of trees, usually ornamental cherry trees.
after humid summer and These patches may exude
fall weather. The fungus a syrupy, amber substance.
gradually weakens the Growth is affected, with
tree by feeding on its small, yellow leaves, or
tissues, increasing the stem tips dying back. In
chance of limbs falling. spring, the leaves may
See Pruning garden develop brown spots and
trees, pp.128–129. tiny holes. See p.180.

Q How can I tell if my trees are affected by a soil nutrient deficiency? Q What are these red pimples
on my maple leaves?
Magnesium deficiency causes yellowing around leaf edges and between veins,
A particularly in older leaves, often because heavy rain has washed magnesium
from the soil. Acid-loving trees are prone to iron deficiency and lime-induced
A Acer gall mites feed on the
leaves of sycamores and maples,
chlorosis on alkaline soil, which also causes yellowing and brown patches triggering the formation of
between leaf veins. Trees can show symptoms for several years before gradually distinctive, upright, red growths
declining and dying back. See Nutrient deficiencies, p.184. on the leaves. Although dramatic
looking, it is harmless to the tree.

Magnesium deficiency Lime-induced chlorosis


Q What are the symptoms Q Why is it important to prune correctly?

of waterlogged soil?
Pruning trees in the right way helps them to heal quickly and prevents disease from

The signs of waterlogging entering through the wounds. Good cuts leave the branch collar, which promotes
closely resemble those of quick healing. Cutting flush with the trunk removes the collar and leaves a large
drought, as leaves often wound—long stumps encourage disease. See Pruning garden trees, pp.128–129.
yellow and fall early. This
is because poor drainage
can cause the roots to rot,
meaning that they can’t
supply the rest of the plant
with water. Dark roots that
break easily are a sure sign
that rot has set in. Try to
improve soil drainage. Cutting flush to the trunk Decaying pruning stump A healthy branch collar

Q Why is my conifer tree dying back? Q What is tunneling

through the leaves?
Several pests and diseases affect conifers, which can be slow to show symptoms.
Pestalotiopsis is a fungal disease that causes individual shoots to appear scorched
and brown. Where spruce needles turn yellow or brown and drop in late winter A Numerous trees, including
beech, holly, and laburnum,
and spring, green spruce aphid may be feeding on the sap. Adelgids are sap- can be attacked by leaf
sucking insects covered in a white, waxy coating that cause growth to turn yellow. miners, usually during
See Pestalotiopsis p.185; Aphids (green spruce) p.180; Adelgids p.180. spring and summer. The
larvae of various insects eat
through the internal tissues
of leaves, creating cream,
yellow, or brown trails,
where they can sometimes
be seen. Severe infestations
can be unsightly, especially
on evergreen trees, but
mined leaves rarely affect
Pestalotiopsis Green spruce aphid Adelgids overall tree health.


Q What are the tree Q Does my tree have

symptoms of drought? honey fungus?

Drought can cause leaves Infected trees may die
to turn yellow and fall gradually or in a single
early, poor growth, the season. Groups of tan-
dropping of flowers, and colored toadstools grow
poor fruit formation. around the trunk or roots
Whole branches may in late summer or fall, and
die back, and in severe creamy fungal growth
droughts, established develops beneath the bark
mature trees may die at the base of the trunk.
completely. Recently Black, shoelacelike fungal
planted trees are most at strands spread out into the
risk. See Watering p.116. surrounding soil. See p.183.

Diagnostic chart Q Are the orange bumps on

branches due to coral spot?
Symptoms Diagnosis
Unmistakable large, Acer tar spot is a common A Bright orange lumps on bark are
a sure sign that the branch is
slightly raised, shiny, black fungal disease that infects
dead and infected by coral spot.
spots appear on the leaves the foliage. Although it looks
of sycamores and other dramatic, the disease causes
This infection can spread into
maples in spring and little damage to the tree and healthy tissue and may cause
summer. The leaves may doesn’t require treatment. significant dieback. See p.182.
fall from the tree early. Rake up any fallen leaves.

A white, powdery coating Powdery mildew is a fungal

covers first the upper and disease that often commonly
sometimes later the lower infects plants under stress
surface of leaves, usually due to dry conditions, or
during summer. This can where the air surrounding
cause leaves to yellow and the leaves is stagnant and
become distorted. humid. See p.185.

growin g
e th e vi go rou s sh oots
Wh at ar base of th e
u p from th e
ts are
T h ese sh oo d can
a n
“su ck ers”
cu r n a tu rally or
root s are
if sh all ow
. T h ey
dam aged m oved
ld b e re
sh ou
th e
as cl ose to
sourc e as po th er
te a ri n g ra
g th em.

Q Why is wood torn Q Why is bark damaged

or broken? around the stake?

Trees can suffer physical
damage in many ways. A Trees will grow around
tight ties and stakes left
Passing vehicles, wind, in place, which also allows
heavy snow, and vandals disease in and may
can all break tree limbs, weaken the main trunk.
leaving an open wound It is vital to inspect tree
that increases the risk of ties and stakes regularly
infection. Cut broken to check that they are not
branches back with sharp rubbing against the tree
tools to help prevent when it moves, wearing
disease. See Pruning away the bark and leaving
garden trees, pp.128–129. it vulnerable to disease.

Pruning garden trees How do I prune correctly?

Trees with enough room to grow need little pruning
Accurate pruning cuts made
once they are mature. Keep them looking good by with clean, sharp tools allow
removing any dead or diseased wood, and retaining trees to heal quickly and
minimize the risk of
the tree’s natural form. Problems arise when trees outgrow their space. disease. Cut stems back
Lifting the canopy by removing lower branches helps allow in more just above a healthy bud.
Branches should be removed
light, and pollarding may provide a solution for certain trees. just beyond their “branch
collar”—the area where they
Young shoots often Pollarding produces join the trunk. See Why is
also have attractive, a dense head of large, it important to prune
colorful bark colorful leaves correctly? p.125.

Remove any dead,

Wait until leaves have diseased, or
fallen before pruning damaged stems

Cut back all stems

each winter for
the best results

Remove any new shoots

from the main trunk to Retaining a natural shape Prune low or
maintain a neat shape to the crown displays badly placed
flowers at their best branches


Pollarding—cutting branches back to the trunk—is used Keep pruning to a minimum where trees are grown for
to promote attractive new leaves on trees, such as willow flowers to retain a natural shape, and to avoid removing
and eucalyptus. The branches are cut back in this way shoots that will produce blossoms. Excessive pruning also
every year or two during winter, and then resprout. promotes leafy growth at the expense of the flowers.

CONIFERS New growth can be

bright, golden-yellow
Clipping limits growth
and enhances form
Trimming encourages
dense growth
Conifers generally have Take care not
beautiful natural outlines and to damage the
Carefully cut out leading shoot Prune out
are usually best left unpruned any dead foliage any shoots
unless they are damaged or spoiling the
attacked by disease. It is natural outline

particularly important not to

remove the top leading shoot
if you want to retain the natural
shape, and to cut out any other
vertical shoots that compete
with it as soon as they appear. Remove any untidy,
horizontal stems

A tall, columnar shape

is a feature of cypresses
Cypress Pine

Spring flowers can

Retaining a natural be reduced by
shape looks good Remove any excessive pruning Keep an open center to the
year-round crossing stems canopy to let in light and air

Prune weak or
diseased growth
in winter

Remove any diseased

or damaged wood
Removing the lower
Ornamental bark makes branches helps expose A well-balanced spread
a lovely winter feature more of the bark of branches gives trees
an attractive outline


These trees need to look attractive with bare branches, Careful pruning is needed to retain these trees’ year-
so good pruning is essential. Maintain the tree’s natural round appeal. Only prune to remove dead or damaged
form, thin lower branches and any overcrowded growth wood, or where growth blocks access or views. Prune
to help showcase the bark in winter light. during winter; flowering cherries are pruned in summer.

Garden shrub anatomy

Although incredibly varied, shrubs commonly have a framework of woody stems,
rather than a single trunk. Often—although not always—long-lived, they need the
right growing conditions, plenty of space, regular care, and attention to flourish. Stress
caused by lack of water, nutrients, or poor pruning can leave them prone to problems.

The structure of many gardens, evergreen TYPES OF EVERGREENS
Evergreens usually
shrubs retain their leaves or needles year Whether they are grown
only require light
for their attractive flowers,
round, although older leaves dropping in pruning to remove
compact shapes, or glossy
summer is no cause for concern. Even hardy spent flowers, and
foliage, evergreens have
evergreens are prone to damage by frost dead or diseased
many uses in the garden,
and cold winds, and prefer a sheltered site. wood. This is usually
and are ideal for screens.
done in spring or
after flowering.

Water spring-flowering Shoot tips can be

shrubs in summer when damaged by frost,
new buds are forming wind, intense sunlight,
and pests

Scented flowers

Compact shape

Attractive year-round leaves

Insect pests easily hide in

Drought and waterlogging are evergreens. Check leaves
common problems for shrubs for damage or symptoms

Permanent groundcover


Losing their leaves in fall has advantages for deciduous Certain shrubs grown for their novel
shrubs and their owners. A fiery fall display often appearance can be surprising when
precedes leaf drop, and many shrubs have attractive first seen, such as the twisted hazel,
bark in winter. They also drop any pests and diseases (Corylus avellana ‘Contorta’), with its
harbored in the foliage each fall. contorted stems. Vividly variegated
shrubs can also seem alarming, and
although unusual, this growth is
Sudden changes in leaf color and normal and perfectly healthy.
shape often indicate a problem

Flowers can be
lost if shrubs are In good health, deciduous
incorrectly pruned shrubs deliver everything
from bold winter color
and spring foliage to
scented summer flowers.

Colorful winter stems

Some shrubs can

be pruned to
produce colorful,
young stems

Winter is the easiest time

to check bark for damage, Scented winter flowers
pests, and diseases

Some shrubs produce

new shoots from the
base, and may spread

Bold foliage and flowers

As a rule, deciduous shrubs are pruned
Regular watering and
after flowering, or in early spring if new annual mulching helps Attractive summer flowers
growth bears flowers or colorful bark. keep shrubs healthy
What’s wrong with my garden shrub?
Although the foliage and flowers on shrubs can be spoiled by pests,
diseases, and unfavorable weather, the problems are rarely serious.
Leaves often show the first signs of trouble, but don’t overlook yellowing
foliage caused by nutrient deficiency when checking for bugs and mold.

WHY HAS A LARGE BRANCH Are there signs of physical damage

STARTED TO DIE BACK? to the stem or bark?

Damaged branches often Various serious fungal diseases

die but other stems are cause branches to die back.
unaffected. Branches can See honey fungus p.183;
be damaged by wind, phytophthora root rot p.185;
squirrels, or rabbits. verticillium wilt p.186.

Is it mainly the
Are the stems and
WHAT IS EATING MY SHRUB? leaves and soft
bark chewed?

Many pests feed on shrub leaves. Most likely caused

See capsid bug p.181; by larger pests.
caterpillars p.181; viburnum See deer,
beetle p.137; vine weevils squirrels, and
p.137; winter moth p.187. rabbits p.182.

Do they have a mottled or

streaked appearance?

Probably just cold damage.

The damage won’t spread.

Most probably
It could be
caused by spider This could be
a nutrient
mites, see p.186, dieback p.182;
or a virus, see Has the weather fireblight p.182;
See p.184.
p.187. been cold at night? scorch p.135.

MY SHRUB DOESN’T FLOWER Have you planted If it hasn’t established well, check
OR FRUIT. IT LOOKS SICK. it recently? that you planted it correctly.
See How to plant p.113.

Have you kept it well Watering and fertilizing are essential

watered and fertilized? to help new shrubs establish well.

Check the plant’s preferred

Are you sure it’s growing growing conditions.
in the right spot? See Right plant right place p.110.

Do you prune it regularly?

Pruning encourages
flowers, fruit, and
healthy growth. Check the shrub for signs
See Pruning garden of pests and diseases.
shrubs pp.138–139. See Garden shrub clinic pp.134–137.

WHY ARE THE LEAVES Can you see any insects This could be caused by gall insects,
DISTORTED AND UNSIGHTLY? on the affected growth? which are harmless or virus. See p.187.



A white coating will be powdery This is coral spot, a fungus that

attacks old, weak, or unhealthy Many insects affect leaves. See aphids
mildew, see p.185. If it’s black or p.137; scale insects p.137; bay sucker
brown, it’s sooty mold, see p.136. growth. See Pruning garden shrubs
pp.138–139. p.137; leaf miners p.137; thrips p.186.

Garden shrub clinic
Most garden shrubs are robust plants that, given good growing conditions, can easily
tolerate a little damage from common pests and diseases. To prevent these issues
from becoming serious and spoiling the plant’s appearance, it’s always wise to site
shrubs correctly, and be vigilant in order to catch problems early.

ru bs
Why don’t my sh
produce an y be rr ie s?
Q What causes the brown Q Why are the flowers turning
we rs se t patches on camellia leaves? brown and unsightly?
On ly fe m al e flo
ly wh en
be rrie s, an d on
pollina te d. M
y sh ru bs
both m al e A Camellia leaf blight is a fungal
disease that infects these shrubs in
A Heavy rain can damage delicate
petals, causing them to look bruised,
th at frui t
we rs, bu t
an d fem al e flo wet or humid conditions. Leaves turn brown, and sometimes to fall.
pr od uc e th em on
othe rs at ne ed
develop brown speckled patches Petals that remain often fade and
ts th
se parate pl an and drop off. Infection may spread, turn moldy, particularly in double
be pl an te d clo se ly for
cur. Badly causing stems to die. See p.181. blooms—remove damaged flowers.
pollinati on to oc
g ca n al so
tim ed prun in
en t a cr op of be rrie s.


Q Has my shrub been Q Why is my variegated

damaged by cold? shrub turning green?

Cold can damage a wide Variegated shrubs are
range of shrubs but most usually first propagated
commonly kills the soft from a parent plant with
young leaves of slightly plain green leaves that
tender plants in spring. produced a variegated
Leaves and stems, as well sport. Sometimes their
as buds and flowers, turn growth will revert to the
brown or black, and die plain green of the parent,
back, while the rest of the and, since these shoots are
plant appears healthy. Cut usually more vigorous,
back the damaged growth they should be cut out
when conditions improve. as soon as they are seen.

Q What’s eating my Q What’s wrong with my shrubs growing in containers?

lavender plant?
Shrubs in pots rely on regular watering and fertilizing to stay healthy. Dull,
A Metallic green-and-purple
striped insects are rosemary
wilting leaves are the first sign of underwatering, but they will soon yellow and
begin to drop if plants remain dry. Underwatering during summer can also
beetles, which feed on result in spring-flowering shrubs, such as rhododendrons, producing few
rosemary and lavender, as do flowers the following season. Plants in old soil mix that are not fertilized are a
their gray larvae, from summer sickly yellow, look sparse, and do not grow. See Growing in containers p.114.
to spring. Damage is minor.

Poorly watered shrub Malnourished shrub

my rose
e le ave s on
Why are the d u p in to tu be s?
pl an t curl
llin g
R ose le af ro u p
ro ll
sawflie s
rin g
le ave s in sp to
m m er
an d su
eir eg gs.
sh el te r th illars
T h eir cate
bes bu t
eat th e tu h arm.
cau se li tt le
es sh ou ld
R olle d le av f.
ed of

Q What causes brown Q How do I recognize

spots on leaves? scorch on my shrub?

Circular brown spots that Bright sunlight can scorch
sometimes enlarge and shrubs, with delicate
join together, and develop young leaves and petals
tiny black spots on their being particularly prone in
surface, are fungal leaf sunny conditions. Affected
spots. These are caused areas often become pale
by a range of fungi and and papery, sometimes
are usually more prevalent turning brown. Water
in damp conditions, droplets can increase the
particularly when plants problem by intensifying
are stressed or weakened sunlight. Pick off the
by other factors. See p.183. leaves that look worst.

Q What’s wrong with my roses? Q Why are my mahonia

leaves changing color?
Many pests and diseases are associated with roses. Rose black spot is a fungus
A that produces rough-edged, black spots on leaves during spring and summer, Foliage of mahonias that turns
causing them to yellow and fall early. Badly infected plants can lose all their A shades of bright yellow, orange,
leaves but usually recover later. Rose rust is also a fungal disease, resulting in and red, with bright orange
bright orange spots on the leaves from late spring into summer, which may specks on the upper leaf
also drop if badly affected. See Rose black spot p.185; Rusts (rose) p.185. surface, has been infected
with mahonia rust, and often
falls early. This fungal disease
overwinters on fallen leaves
and proliferates in humid
conditions, but rarely causes
lasting damage. Many other
shrubs also suffer with their
own forms of rust but the
damage is usually superficial,
Black spot Rust not serious. See Rusts, p.185.


Q Why did shrubs die Q How do I recognize

during winter? sooty mold?

Shrubs vary enormously Sooty mold forms dark
in their tolerance to cold, powdery fungal growth
making it vital to choose on leaves already coated
appropriate plants for your with honeydew, the sticky
local climate, taking into excretion from sap-
account exposure to wind sucking insects. It suggests
and rain too. A particularly the presence of aphids or
hard frost or cold spell can scale insects, which need
kill established shrubs, and to be treated. Wipe the
poor drainage will also leaves clean. See Sooty
finish off sun-lovers, such mold p.186; Aphids p.180;
as lavender and cistus. Scale insects p.186.

Q Why have the branches

Diagnostic chart
broken, and does it matter?
Symptoms Diagnosis
A Shrub stems can be damaged
by wind, snowfall, or accidental Leaves, particularly on Aphids are small sap-sucking
slips during pruning. Foliage will new growth, become insects that may be green,
deformed and often sticky yellow, black, pink, or brown
quickly die on broken branches,
with honeydew during and will feed on almost any
which should be pruned back spring and summer. shrub. They multiply rapidly
cleanly to prevent diseases. Clusters of insects can be and can badly damage young
seen on leaves and stems. leaves. See p.180.

In late spring and early Viburnum beetles

summer the foliage of overwinter on the bark as
viburnums is rapidly eaten, eggs and hatch in spring into
sometimes right down to grubs that eat the leaves. The
the veins, by yellow larvae dull brown adult beetles also
with black spots. Plants eat the foliage but are less
can be heavily defoliated. damaging. See p.187.

Notches are eaten into Adult vine weevils are

the leaf edges of many small, matte-black insects,
shrubs from spring to that feed on leaves at night.
fall—rhododendrons and Their brown-headed, cream,
hydrangeas are often badly c-shaped grubs eat bark from
affected. Plants may also the roots of shrubs, resulting
grow slowly. in poor growth. See p.187.

Small, brown or pale Scale insects feed on the sap

gray, waxy bumps can be of shrubs from the safety of
found underneath leaves their domed shells, and there
and on the stems of shrubs. are many species. They can
There may also be sticky be found on plants year-
AN AFFECTED BOXWOOD STEM honeydew and sooty mold round and lay eggs during
on upper leaf surfaces. summer. See p.186.

Q Why is the growth on my

The edges of bay leaves Bay sucker insects feed
boxwood shrub stunted?
thicken, turn yellow, and inside the protection of the
curl inward during deformed leaves, then
Where new shoots on boxwood
summer, then later turn emerge as adults covered in
bushes show slow growth in brown and dry. Often a white, fluffy wax. Damage
spring, and new leaves are close only one side of the leaf to the plant is not usually
together with a puckered look, shows any symptoms. serious enough to treat.
boxwood sucker is likely
to be the culprit. The tiny, pale
green nymphs of this insect suck The leaves of many Leaf miners feed within the
the sap from new growth, shrubs may be riddled leaf tissues during spring and
with winding trails made summer as larvae, creating
leaving white, waxy excrement in
up of damaged tissue that tunnels where they are
the curled leaves. Mature shrubs is usually pale cream or sometimes visible if held up
are rarely harmed, but new plants brown. Plant growth is to the light. Damage is minor
should be treated. See p.181. not usually affected. —treatment is not required.

Pruning garden shrubs

Shrub pruning can be confusing because its purpose
is often to encourage flowers, which no gardener wants to
Prune the stems to
inadvertently cut off. It is easy, however, to work out when outward-facing
and how to prune each shrub correctly, making the garden more colorful. buds

Remove faded flowers to

save energy for more blooms
What is the best way to
prune evergreen shrubs?
Most evergreens require
little pruning, except to
remove shoots that have Large flowers are
died due to disease or cold produced on new
damage. As a rule, the best growth each summer
time to prune to shape or
limit their size is right
after flowering, when shoots
should be cut back to a
healthy bud. Also remove
weak and wayward stems.

Use loppers to cut out

HYBRID TEA ROSE old stems at the base
These roses are pruned hard in early spring to
stimulate new flowering shoots. Remove weak Take out stems crossing
and unhealthy growth, then prune any crossing the center of the bush
stems. Cut those remaining back to 10in (25cm).

Cut out any weak, twiggy

growth in early spring
Small flowers cover the
whole plant in summer

If their flowering and shape
are good, these roses need
minimal pruning to remove
dead or crowded stems, and to
retain a compact form. If untidy,
prune in spring, cutting any Clipping over with shears
vigorous shoots back by half. helps retain a compact shape

SUMMER PRUNING Cut back flowered

stems to a healthy bud
Many shrubs that flower in
spring or early summer, such
as forsythia and Deutzia, should
be pruned in summer after
flowering. Cut back the shoots
that flowered, take out weak
and dead growth, and remove
up to a fifth of the oldest stems
each year to encourage strong,
new growth.

Flowers are produced

on last year’s wood;
encourage new growth Remove some of the
oldest stems close to
soil level each year

Summer flowers appear Prune all stems back to Annual pruning

at the tip of new stems within three buds of the also limits the size All stems are cut to a
framework in early spring of the shrub low framework of older
wood in early spring

Use loppers
to prune out
Only young shoots congested wood
Retain a framework of have the desired
older wood, 24–36in vibrant bark
(60–90cm) tall


Summer-flowering shrubs that bloom on the new year’s Some shrubs are grown for their colorful winter stems.
growth are best pruned in spring. The butterfly bush, Only the bark on young dogwood (Cornus) and willow
(Buddleja), is a good example, and can be pruned hard. (Salix) has these dramatic tones. For a vibrant display,
In early spring, cut all shoots back close to the old wood. cut back to a low framework annually in early spring.

Climbing plant anatomy

This diverse group of plants ranges from tender climbers, grown as annuals from seed
each year, to large, woody perennials that can cover entire buildings. Grown for their
attractive foliage, flowers, or berries, many climbers only run into difficulties when
growing conditions are poor, or supports and pruning are inappropriate.

Flowers attract many beneficial

SELFCLINGING CLIMBERS pollinating insects to the garden
Dense glossy leaves shelter
Tiny roots, sent out from the fast- insect pests and fungal
growing stems of these plants, grip diseases, but plants usually Cut back soft shoot tips
shake them off where climbers are
firmly onto their supporting surface, growing out of bounds
allowing them to climb unaided. Their
vigor means it is more often the plants
themselves that need to be kept in
check, rather than pests and diseases.
These plants can flourish
on shady walls, providing
year-round interest, such
as evergreen foliage, and
fall color.

Attractive summer flowers

Sound walls can cope with clinging Evergreen foliage
roots, but climbers work into gaps in Sturdy, woody stems need no Add plenty of compost
damaged masonry, enlarging them. extra supports, but are hard to to soil to help keep
Keep eaves and gutters free of climbers. remove when unwanted roots moist

Dazzling fall tints



Many climbing plants produce twisting tendrils at the Tendrils are not the only
shoot tips, which seek out supports to grasp and help method used to pull plants
the plant grow vertically. Tying them into a suitable skyward. Twining leaf stalks
supporting framework as they establish gives them a are used in a similar way by
clematis to grip, while
strong start. Their long, soft stems are easily damaged
morning glory (Ipomeae)
by bad weather and pests. twists its main stems around
supports as they grow.

Solid supports help plants climb Leafless tendrils reach

and protect fragile stems from out and coil around
weather damage whatever they find
Many tendril climbers
perform best in a sunny
spot. A number are not
hardy, but thrive grown
under cover or as annuals.

Hardy exotic climber

Hardy annuals

Tender annuals
Remember when planting on
fences and pillars that flowers
always face the light

Short tendrils need a lot of opportunities
to coil around thin supports, like wire,
Improve soil and water
netting, or twiggy branches. Trellis is regularly for healthy plants Tender perennial climber
ideal for tying in many other climbers. and a good display
What’s wrong with my climber?
Vigorous and vibrant when healthy, climbing plants can suffer problems
when planted in poor conditions or not given appropriate supports.
Check in spring and summer that new growth is healthy, pruned, and
tied in as required, and that pests are not hiding in the lush foliage.

WHY ARE THE LEAVES ON MY CLIMBER Are they covered with brown
BECOMING DISCOLORED? spots or a white powder?

Spider mites mean it’s fungal
cause mottled, leaf spot, p.183.
pale leaves. White powder
See p.186. is powdery
mildew, p.145.

Could be clematis wilt. See p.145. Also check

for aphids p.144 and scale insects p.186.

Are there any broken stems or

ones that appear chewed? Stems can be broken by strong wind, but snails
are often the cause of chewed stems. See p.144.


LOOK BATTERED AND UNSIGHTLY? Is it in a bright, open site?

Sounds like scorch caused by strong, dry winds.

Strong sun can also scorch the leaves. See p.145. Does the soil dry out?

Improve the soil

with lots of
organic matter
to retain moisture. Check for other symptoms.
See Climbing plant clinic pp.144–145.





IT’S SWALLOWING MY GARDEN WHOLE. Your plant needs pruning and training.
See Pruning climbing plants pp.146–147.

Have you planted Are you sure it’s growing Check the plant’s growing requirements.
it recently? in the right spot? See Right plant right place p.110.

Regular watering and feeding are essential

Have you kept it well watered?
for new climbers to establish well.

Check for other symptoms. See Is it planted against The soil at the base of walls and fences can be very
Climbing plant clinic pp.144–145. a wall or fence? dry, due to rain shadow. Water your plant well.

ESTABLISHED ROSES, CLEMATIS, Do you prune Do you fertilize the

AND WISTERIA FLOWER POORLY. them each year? plant each spring?

Pruning Be sure you are

Check for signs
encourages pruning at the right Try feeding
of pests and
flowers and time of year—it the plant
strong growth. makes a difference. regularly.
See Climbing
See Pruning See Pruning See Routine
plant clinic
climbing plants climbing plants care p.116.
pp.146–147. pp.146–147.

Climbing plant clinic
Often grown in poor soil at the base of walls, where the sheltered conditions favor
pests and diseases, it is no surprise that a few common complaints affect many
climbers. Given good care however, along with the right supports and regular
pruning, these plants overcome problems to create a glorious display.

erne d
Sh ou ld I be concct s?
abou t scale in se Q Why doesn’t my climbing plant Q How do I recognize aphids
rive on climb properly? on my climbing plant?
Scale in se ct s th own on
clim bing pl an ts d are
sh elt er ed wa lls, an
stem s an d
A All climbing plants, even self-
A Young growth is a magnet for
easy to spot on clinging types like ivy, need tying to aphids, which are usually green,
aves. Th ey
un dersides of le their supports to get them growing often with a yellow or brown tinge.
p, af fe ct in g growth,
su ck sa in the right direction. Select They quickly multiply, causing young
ag e so ot y m old,
an d en cour supports that suit the way your plant leaves to curl and can reduce overall
an d air
which stops light es. Se e grows to help it take off quickly. growth and display. See p.180.
ac hi ng le av
from re
86; Soot y
Scale in se ct s p.1
m old p.186 .


Q What is eating my Q Why doesn’t my

climbing plants? wisteria flower?

Snails often hide on walls, Wisterias can be shy to
trellises, and fences during flower, so help encourage
the day, only to come out plenty of cascading spring
at night to chew irregular blooms by cutting back
holes in the leaves and the long, vigorous, leafy
flowers. Their rasping shoots in late summer.
teeth are also capable This helps focus the plant’s
of eating through stems, energy on flower-bud
which can lead to large production. Training the
portions of the plant main stems horizontally,
dying back if damage is rather than vertically, also
near the base. See p.186. promotes flowering.

Diagnostic chart Q Will my plant recover from

clematis wilt?
Symptoms Diagnosis
Circular brown or Ivy leaf spot is a common A This is a fungal disease that
causes clematis to wilt suddenly.
gray-brown patches fungal disease, which may
Although it looks dramatic, most
appear on the leaves of ivy be found throughout the year.
plants, sometimes marked Although infected leaves look
plants usually reshoot from the
with rings of tiny, raised unsightly, the plant’s overall base. All dead growth should be
black spots. Infected leaves health is not affected and no pruned out. See p.181.
may have numerous spots. treatment is required.

Upper leaf surfaces Powdery mildew is a fungal

develop a powdery, white disease found frequently in
covering, which can spread climbers grown against
to flowers and stems, and walls, where the soil easily
cause leaves to fall early. dries out and the dense
It occurs from midsummer foliage is surrounded by
into early fall. humid air. See p.185.

g brown
aves turn in ?
Why are le th e si de s an d tips
an d cr ispy
th e fu ll
E xposed to win d on
th e
forc e of
fe n ce s,
wall s an d owers
s a n d fl
le ave
g pl an ts
on clim bin m aged.
are easi ly stem s,
d ea d
Pru n e
an d
wate r well, r to
id e sh el te
re cove r.
h elp th em

Q What is eating notches Q How can I prevent climbers

in the leaf edges? from becoming overgrown?

Adult vine weevils are usually Some climbers grow incredibly
responsible for this pattern of quickly during summer and can
foliage damage at any time swamp neighboring plants. They
between spring and fall. The may even find their way onto roofs
dull, matte-black beetles are and gutters, where they can cause
easiest to see when they emerge damage. The only way to prevent
to feed at night. They eat only this is to prune them at least once
leaf edges, so most climbers can a year in spring or after flowering.
withstand the damage. However, If a climber still proves too rampant,
this pest can severely harm other replace it with something slower
plants growing nearby and growing. See Pruning climbing
should be controlled. See p.187. plants pp.146–147.

Pruning climbing plants

The prospect of dealing with the vigorous growth of many climbing plants
can seem daunting, but when tamed by annual pruning and training, they
become easily manageable, flower more profusely, and never get anywhere
near gutters or roofs. Having good supports in place, knowing how to prune each climber
correctly, and getting the timing right are the recipe for success.
In winter, when flower buds may appear,
shorten sideshoots to three buds

Fragrant flowers make

When to prune climbers a spectacular display
Climbers can be broadly
split into two groups: those
that flower on the current
year’s growth and those that
bloom on older shoots. Early
spring is often the time to
prune those that flower
on soft, fresh shoots, while WISTERIAS
climbers that flower on These elegant climbers produce long, Cut back all long,
stiffer, brown wood are leafy growth in
pruned right after
thin shoots in summer, which should late summer
flowering has finished. either be trained horizontally to
extend the framework, or cut back
in late summer to about six leaves
Aim for a balanced
to encourage flowering. Cut these
framework of healthy shoots again in winter to three buds.
stems and flowers Train a good framework
of stems up solid supports

Remove spent flowers

to extend the flowering
Remove any weak
shoots at the base

In fall, cut back sideshoots by

about two-thirds to a strong bud

Tie in new shoots as close

to horizontal as possible,
to extend the framework

During their first two years, all dead and weak stems
Occasionally cut back should be pruned out, while their long stems are trained
A well pruned and old, unproductive
trained plant will stems to ground level horizontally to promote flowering. Once established,
flower all over prune all sideshoots back by two-thirds each fall.

CLEMATIS Prolific spring blooms,

once established
Shorten older stems
to keep the plant neat
Prune after
Pruning clematis is complicated flowering to keep
by the fact there are three plants in check
groups that need pruning in
different ways. Group 1 plants,
such as C. montana, don’t need
annual pruning, although can
be cut back after flowering in
spring if overgrown. Large,
early-summer flowering Group
2 plants, such as C. ‘Nelly Moser’,
bloom on last season’s growth,
so cut back lightly to healthy
buds in early spring. Late-
Old, woody stems can
flowering Group 3 clematis, be cut back to the base
such as C. tangutica, flower
on new growth; prune to their Removing tangled stems
lowest buds in early spring. tidies up congested plants
Group 1: Early flowering clematis

Leave strong, healthy

stems unpruned

Bold summer
flowers are
Cut back just above Tie new growth
the strong buds into supports
during early spring during spring
and summer

Weak, congested stems

can be thinned out In early spring,
Showy flowers are cut stems to strong
produced in early- buds near the base
and late-summer
flushes Cut old, woody growth
back to ground level
Thick, unproductive
shoots can
be removed

Group 2: Mid-season clematis Group 3: Late-flowering clematis



Perennials, bulbs
and bedding
Used to create seamless swathes
of color in our gardens, perennials,
bulbs, and bedding plants are
incredibly diverse, with plants
suitable for almost every situation.
The anatomy guides for each plant
group in this section illustrate some
of this variety and give advice on
planting and routine care. Common
pests, diseases, and cultural
problems are also easily diagnosed
using the flowcharts and question-
and-answer pages, with solutions
to help maintain a vibrant display.

Perennial plant anatomy

These tough, often long-lived plants, have soft growth that dies down each fall and
overwinters as roots and buds in the soil, ready to shoot up again the following spring.
As the plant dies down every year, pests and diseases are eliminated, meaning these
versatile plants are often trouble-free and easy to grow.

Many perennials SPREADING PLANTS
Rapid growth marks out this group of perennials, which start dying back
after flowering Robust and frequently
cover ground quickly by sending up shoots from shallow
evergreen, spreading
roots or underground stems, or rooting stems above perennials are ideal for
ground. They are easy to grow, encounter few filling spaces and growing
problems, and often thrive in difficult conditions. beneath larger shrubs.

Dense mats of
foliage can be prone
to powdery mildew Winter and spring color
in dry soils

Spreading perennials make excellent
groundcover plants, because their
quick growth and dense carpets of Leafy bamboo grasses
foliage make it difficult for weed
seedlings to establish.

Evergreen foliage

Fleshy underground stems and roots

spread quickly, but can become invasive Lift rooted sections and
transplant for easy propagation

Summer flowers

Many of the best-known colorful perennials form clumps CLUMPING BAMBOO
with a fibrous root system that produces new shoots each Bamboos are large evergreen
grasses with segmented
year. Others regrow annually from deep taproots, which
woody stems and delicate
make the plants more difficult to move and divide. Both divided leaves that grow in
are a quick and easy route to a vibrant garden. dense clumps. Many varieties
are vigorous and, once
Deadheading regularly will established, they can spread
prolong the display of flowers
over a large area.

Large leaves can wilt quickly in

hot weather, but recover with
an evening watering


A huge range of vibrant clump-forming perennials
exists, so there is almost guaranteed to be something
to suit every garden. Choose perennials to suit your
conditions for strong growth that resists attack.

Drought-tolerant plants Sun-loving perennials

Tender new shoots

are prone to cold or Late summer color Attractive seed heads
slug and snail damage

Damage to roots by vine

weevil grubs or rot Moisture-loving perennials Early-flowering plants
cause wilting foliage
What’s wrong with my perennials?
Protection from pests is key for perennials as their tender new growth
heads skyward in spring. Once in full leaf, plants usually cope well with
any attacks, but keep an eye on vulnerable shoot tips and flower buds,
which can be spoiled by insects and fungal infection.

THE STEMS FLOP OVER AND LOOK Is it growing at the back of

UNHEALTHY. WHAT CAN I DO? a border or in a shady spot?


WHY DOES THE PLANT KEEP Some perennials have Shade and competition
weaker stems and can encourage weak,
need additional leggy growth that is
support. Insert stakes prone to flop over.
and tie the stems to Consider moving the
them. See p.154. plant elsewhere.

Has the weather been Don’t worry. Many perennials often wilt when it’s hot
warm and dry lately? out. Water them well in the morning or evening.

Is your soil light and Plants dry out quickly in lighter soils, even during
free draining? brief dry spells. Water them regularly.

Are there insect pests or signs

of damage on the stems?

The roots may be damaged or eaten, limiting Feeding insects and partly chewed stems
their ability to absorb water. See wireworms p.187; can cause plants to wilt during the day.
phytophthora root rot p.185; vine weevil grubs See aphids p.154; spider mites p.186;
p.157; waterlogging p.154. slugs and snails p.156.


See capsid bugs p.181; caterpillars

p.181; leaf miners p.154; rabbits
It may need time to establish fully before it flowers
p.155; sawfly larvae p.155; slugs
well. Some, like daylillies, can take up to three years.
and snails p.156.

Have you planted Have you kept it well Watering and fertilizing are essential to help
it recently? watered and fertilized? newly planted perennials establish well.

Are you sure it’s growing Check the plant’s preferred growing conditions.
in the right location? See: Right plant right place p.110.

Check the plant for signs of pests and diseases.

See Perennial plant clinic pp.154–157.

If it’s a mature plant, have Lifting and dividing perennials encourages

you divided it recently? them to grow and flower better.
See p.155.

THE FLOWERS ARE DISTORTED Does the rest of the plant

OR MARKED. WHY IS THIS? look healthy?

See downy mildew p.182; cold

Several problems affect the flowers.
This could be due to poor damage p.154; fungal leaf spot
See aphids p.154; capsid bugs p.181;
growing conditions, see Right p.157; gray mold p.157; powdery
drought p.154; cold damage p.154;
plant right place p.110, or mildew p.157; rusts p.185;
spider mites p.186; thrips p.186;
perhaps a plant virus. See p.187. weed killer damage p.155.
gray mold p.157.

Perennial plant clinic
Perennials usually stay healthy thanks to the fact that their growth dies back in fall
and can be removed along with any lingering pests and diseases. Specific ailments
target some, and tender new growth may be attacked by common pests
and fungal diseases, but if well cared for, these plants grow and thrive.

e m uch
Can aphids causts?
dam age to pl an Q My perennials are wilting, Q What can I do to prevent cold
rge grou ps are they too dry or too wet? from damaging my plants?
Aphi ds form la
sa p from
an d su ck th e
are of te n
pe re nn ia ls,
ft ,
ne w stem s. A A lack of water reaching the leaves
results in wilting, either because the
A Brown leaves in spring, which wilt
and die, may be caused by cold.
foun d on can
io ns
He av y in fe stat , an d
soil is very dry, or because it is During mild spring weather, plants
pl an t gr ow th
re du ce youn g waterlogged and causing the roots start into growth but are then hit by
do ne to
th e dam age to to die. Check the soil then either cold spells. Protect them with fabric
le aves causes th re ad water the plant or improve drainage. or move them to a sheltered spot.
so sp
curl. Aphi ds al
Se e Aphi ds,
viral di se ases.
; Vi ru se s, p.187.


Q Why have my healthy Q Should I worry about

plants collapsed? leaf miners?

With large flowers and no Many perennials develop
woody stems to support pale, tunneled areas in
them, many perennials their leaves—the larvae
struggle to stay upright of various insects feed
in wet or breezy weather. inside them. Although
Keep them standing by this looks unattractive, the
installing supporting damage caused is rarely
twiggy sticks, poles and severe enough to affect
twine, or commercially a healthy, established
produced stakes in spring, plant. Simply pick off any
which plants will grow mined leaves to limit the
through and conceal. spread of the pests.

Q How do I know if it’s Q Why has my established perennial stopped flowering well?
rabbits eating my plant?
Many perennials spread quickly, forming congested clumps that are bare in the
A When established plants are
rapidly destroyed or badly
middle, and less free-flowering than before. This is easily remedied by lifting the
clump in late fall or early spring, and dividing it into several sections containing
damaged, especially in rural healthy young shoots and roots that can be replanted. Most plants can be teased
areas, rabbits are likely to be apart once lifted, and the woody central portion discarded. Take the opportunity
the culprits. Keep them out to remove weeds from the clump and improve the soil before replanting.
of the garden if you can.

Dig up the plant Split into sections Replant healthy pieces

bu ds
u se d th e le ave s an d e d?
Wh at’s ca twiste d an d def or m
to be com e
pl an ts
If aff ecte d are a
a n
are n ear
raye d
re ce n tly sp ille r,
w ee d k
th ey m ay it by
h ave bee n pl et s.
airborn e d pl an ts
Establi sh ed wate r
of te n re cove well.
iz e

Q Are sawflies a big Q Why have the leaf tips

problem on plants? turned dry and brown?

Small caterpillarlike sawfly The foliage of perennials
larvae can rapidly defoliate can be damaged or
Aquilegia, Solomon’s seal, scorched by the weather.
and Aruncus in late spring The most common
and summer. Plants can symptoms are crisp, brown
tolerate some damage patches at the leaf edges
but will be weakened after and shoot tips, and the
several seasons, especially browning of flowers. Dry
when attacks occur in late wind and bright sunlight
spring. Remove the larvae are usually to blame.
as soon as possible; check Provide shelter and keep
plants often. See p.186. plants well watered.

Q How can I keep spreading perennials under control? Q Should I worry about
slugs and snails?
Many spreading perennials create dense mats of foliage and flowers, making
A them great groundcover plants. However, this rapid growth can result in them
becoming invasive. Luckily most are simple to control because they spread via A Since they have no woody
growth and grow close to soil
stems just below the soil surface. To tame the plant, every piece of these fleshy level, many perennials are
stems must be unearthed with a fork, leaving a clump the desired size. Overly particularly vulnerable to
vigorous plants are best removed to prevent the problem from recurring. damage by slugs and snails.
New shoots, which can be
chewed off overnight during
wet spring weather, need to be
protected. Mature plants cope
well with holes in their leaves
during the growing season,
but as summer progresses,
hostas and other leafy plants
can be spoiled without
Euphorbia cyparissias Persicaria bistorta protection. See p.186.


Q Why are stems rotting Q What’s causing peony

off at the base? buds to turn brown?

A If parts of the plant are

collapsing due to decay A Peony wilt is a fungal
disease that causes the
at soil level, where the buds on infected plants
stems and roots meet, to wither and turn brown,
this is crown rot. Caused sometimes along with
by bacteria or fungi, it is stem bases, which causes
common where plants whole shoots to die. In wet
have been planted too weather, wilted areas can
deeply, or mulch has been develop fluffy, white
spread too close to the fungal growth. Remove
stems. Clear away soil or affected shoots to prevent
mulch to expose the base. its spread. See p.184.

Q Why aren’t my daylilies

Diagnostic chart
Symptoms Diagnosis
A Flower buds that don’t open and
turn brown are a symptom of Gray-brown patches Hellebore leaf blotch is
hemerocallis gall midge. The fly appear on the leaves a fungal disease that is
of hellebores, merging to particularly prevalent in
maggots feed on the flower bud,
create large areas of dead wet weather. Infected leaves
causing thickened and crimped tissue. Flower stems may should be removed promptly
petals. See p.183. also be infected, turning to prevent the infection from
brown and collapsing. spreading. See p.183.

The upper leaf surface Powdery mildew is a fungal

looks dull and becomes infection, common in mid-
covered in a fine, white, to late summer on many
fungal growth that looks perennials, such as Acanthus
like talcum powder. The and Aster. It it is encouraged
infection may also spread by dry soil and humid air
to the flowers and stems. around leaves. See p.185.

Leaves develop bright Hollyhock rust is a common

orange spots above, with fungal condition that usually
corresponding puffy appears during spring and
orange growths below, summer, but is worse in wet
which can merge, killing seasons. Remove all fallen
parts of the leaf and giving leaves to help prevent
it a ragged appearance. infection. See Rusts p.185.

Perennials develop Fungal leaf spots are caused

round, gray-brown by a range of different fungi,
patches on their leaves, all of which thrive in moist
which may join to form conditions. The spores linger
large dead patches, or kill among fallen leaves, unless
GALL MIDGE DAMAGE the leaf. Overall growth cleared, to reinfect plants the
is not usually affected. following year. See p.183.

Q Should I be worried about

Plant growth is distorted Viruses can infect perennial
vine weevils on my plants?
and stunted, and leaves plants, some of which cause
may develop vivid yellow clear symptoms, while others
A Adult vine weevils are matte-
black beetles, about ½in (1cm)
streaked, mottled, or are less obvious. They can be
mosaiclike markings. spread by insects, soil-living
long, that eat notches in the leaf Flowers may also fail or nematodes, and by tending
edges of many perennials from open with pale streaks. infected plants. See p.187.
spring to fall. Although leaves
look bad from their nibbling, it
is actually their cream, c-shaped Leaves and stems Gray mold is an extremely
grubs that cause real damage, develop areas of fuzzy, widespread fungus, easily
gray fungal growth, usually spread in the air and water
feeding on plants with fleshy
after insect or physical droplets. It usually infects
roots between fall and spring, damage has occurred. plants through an existing
causing slow growth, wilting, Growth above the infection injury, so cut back damaged
and eventually death. See p.187. often yellows and dies. growth cleanly. See p.183.

Patio and bedding plant anatomy

Highly popular for a quick burst of color or to fill gaps, these bold plants perform
spectacularly when well cared for. To produce strong, free-flowering plants with more
resistance to ailments, protect half-hardy summer bedding from cold, ensure plants
in pots have good drainage, and keep them well fed and watered all summer.

TENDER PERENNIALS Flowers and buds often rot in cold,

wet weather. Remove them promptly
These patio stalwarts cannot tolerate cold, so
do not plant out until early summer. Despite
often being discarded, they can be kept
somewhere bright and frost-free in winter,
or easily propagated by cuttings
to flower the following year.
Young leaves are
particularly susceptible to
TENDER PERENNIALS damage by cold and pests
Striking foliage and bold
flowers make tender
perennials perfect for
informal, colorful displays
in patio pots.

Hardy geraniums

Stems become woody at the base

and are best cut back in spring


Keep roots of overwintering plants

quite dry to prevent rotting. Water
well once spring growth starts

Pull away healthy sideshoots in late
summer, remove lower leaves, insert
Shasta daisies stem into a pot of propagation mix,
water, and cover with a clear plastic bag.

ANNUALS AND BIENNIALS Flowers can be spoiled by insect pests,

fungal diseases, and wet and cold weather
Quick and colorful, annuals flower from
seed in a single year. Some are hardy
enough to survive the winter outdoors, SHORTLIVED COLOR
while others cannot tolerate cold and Sow hardy annuals
should only be planted out once nights directly into warm spring
soil. Plant out half-hardy
are mild. Biennials are sown in early
annuals in early summer,
summer one year and planted into having sown them
borders in early fall, ready to flower the indoors in early spring.
next year. Many gardeners buy both
annuals and biennials as young plants.

Sunflowers (annual)

Feed and water plants

regularly for a lush,
DEADHEADING long-lasting display
Regularly removing faded flowers Lobelia (annual)
keeps seeds from forming, forcing
plants to put their energy into producing
more flowers. It can also help reduce
problems with fungal diseases.

Wallflowers (biennial)
Watch leaves for wilting,
yellowing, and damage,
which signal problems

Plant at the same depth

as before; too deep, it
will rot, too shallow
VINE WEEVILS and plants dry out
Marigolds (annual)
The succulent roots
of many annuals
and biennials are
a favorite food
source for vine
weevil larvae, which
can be particularly
damaging in pots. Alyssum (annual)
What’s wrong with my patio plant?
Often planted out while young and still tender, many of these colorful
plants frequently fall victim to late spring frost. Their soft growth is also
vulnerable to fungal diseases, particularly when plants are grown closely
together, and their pots are poorly drained or kept too dry.


Are the roots growing
out the base of the pot?

The plant is pot-bound and either

needs to be repotted or planted out.

Is it planted in Do you water it Does the water

a container? regularly, even daily drain freely from
in dry spells? the base?

Has the weather been The roots could

Try watering it more often.
be waterlogged.
hot and dry? See p.162.
Ensure there are
drainage holes.

The roots may be

damaged, causing the
Try Sap-sucking insects
plant to wilt.
watering pests may be the cause. Does the plant pull See root aphids p.185;
it more See aphids p.180; easily from the soil? phytophthora root rot
often. spider mites p.186;
p.185; vine weevil
See p.162. scale insects p.186.
grubs p.187.

Various pests target

patio plants.
See capsid bugs p.181;
WHAT’S EATING THE PLANTS? caterpillars p.181;
flea beetles p.183;
rabbits p.182;
slugs and snails p.186.

THE PLANT DOESN’T FLOWER Most patio plants need

VERY WELL. IT’S DISAPPOINTING. Is it planted in a sunny location? a warm, bright spot to
flower well. Consider
moving your plant.

Has the weather been cold, Poor weather commonly

causes a poor display. Hope
dull, and wet?
for better weather.

Regular watering and

Have you kept it well feeding are essential in
watered and fed? summer for patio plants
to have a good display.

Look closely at the plants. Can

you see small insects on them?

Do you regularly remove

the spent flowers?

A virus, p.187, can

See aphids p.180;
cause weak growth,
capsid bugs p.181;
as can poor
growing conditions. Check for pests and diseases. Removing faded flowers
mites p.186;
See Right plant right See Patio and bedding encourages the plant to
whiteflies p.187.
place p.110. clinic pp.162–163. produce more.

THE FLOWERS ARE DISTORTED Does the rest of the plant

OR MARKED. WHY IS THIS? look healthy?

This could be caused by Several things can cause this.

This could be due to poor
one of several problems. See drought p.162; cold damage
growing conditions,
See aphids p.180; capsid bugs p.181; p.162; fungal leaf spot p.183;
See Right plant right place
drought p.162; spider mites p.186; gray mold p.183; powdery mildew
p.110, or perhaps a virus.
thrips p.186; gray mold p.183. p.185; spider mites p.186;
See p.187.
rusts p.185.

Patio and bedding plant clinic
Unequaled for a burst of seasonal color, patio and bedding plants grow strongly
when given the right conditions. Poor drainage, along with inadequate fertilizing and
watering however, are the root of many problems for pot-grown plants. Insect pests
and fungal diseases also thrive on their soft growth and can spoil the show.

iz e
How can I re cogn rot?
th e si gn s of ro ot Q What has damaged the shoot Q What damage do vine weevils
pl an ts have and leaf tips overnight?
Man y be ddin g do to bedding plants?
at are pron e
soft stem s th
to fu ng al fo
us e
d root
m ature A Summer bedding plants cannot
tolerate cold and may be damaged
A The cream, c-shaped grubs feed
on the roots of bedding plants,
rots. Th es gs alik e
pl an ts an d se ed in g soft, by spring weather. Affected growth especially primulas, cyclamen, and
of te n sh ow
to wi lt, becomes limp, turns brown, and begonias. A real problem in pots
nd th e
dark ti ssue arou Af fe cted dies back. Cut back to healthy buds from early fall to spring, they sever
se of th e st em .
ba di e, an d and protect plants with fabric. roots, killing plants. See p.187.
llo w an d
pl an ts ye t. Se e
te n ro
th eir root s of rot p.185
op ht ho ra ro ot


Q What’s causing plants Q Should I worry about

to look dull and limp? fungal leaf spot?

Densely packed into pots Fungal leaf spot causes
and grown in full sun pale brown or gray circular
during summer, it’s no patches on leaves. These
wonder that bedding can spread and may join
plants often wilt due to a together, killing the whole
lack of water. During warm leaf, while the rest of the
spells, containers may plant remains healthy.
need watering thoroughly Although not usually a
twice a day. Never rely serious problem, the
on rainfall or allow potting disease occurs most often
mix to dry out—it can when growing conditions
be hard to rewet. are poor. See p.183.

Q Why is the display so short-lived? Q Why are plants crawling

with ants and aphids?
Flowering profusely is hard work for plants, and they need help to sustain a
A good display for a long period. Plants flower to produce seed, and will channel
their energy into seed heads at the expense of forming new flower buds. This
A Aphids suck sap from bedding
plants, weakening their display.
makes it vital to remove fading flowers from plants regularly, so that they Ants feed on the aphids’ sticky
never set seed and keep producing more blooms. Regular fertilizing, excretions and protect them
especially with tomato fertilizer, enables plants to flower and look their best. from predators, but are harmless
to plants. See Aphids p.180.

Remove spent flowers Feed plants regularly

m oldy
m y pl a n ts turn in g
Why are in g?
an d coll aps
y m old,
T h is is gra s pl an t
fe ct
wh ich in
ss u e, ca u sin g it
b ro wn an d
to turn
a y fu n gal
devel op gr
is worse
growth. It ion s,
co n d it
in wet
in age is
wh ere dra ts are
poor, or pl a p.183.

Q How can I identify Q What damage do

powdery mildew? thrips do to plants?

Powdery mildew is a Thrips are insects that feed
fungal disease that forms on the flowers and leaves
a fine, dusty white coating of bedding plants, causing
on the leaves of many silvery flecking on leaves,
bedding plants, especially but more noticeable white
pansies and begonias. splotches on petals. Large
Growth may be poor, and numbers of thrips can ruin
affected leaves can yellow flowers and prevent buds
and distort. Dry roots and from opening. Mainly a
damp air leave plants at summer pest, they can
risk of attack—keep them infest plants brought inside
well watered. See p.185. for winter. See p.186.

Garden bulb anatomy

All bulbous plants have a modified part of their anatomy that swells to store the
food made by their leaves, enabling them to survive a dormant period underground.
Despite being hidden, this fat storage organ is tempting to animal and insect pests,
and also prone to fungal diseases, especially in wet conditions.


Like onions, true bulbs are formed from
layers of fleshy leaves or leaf bases, known
Bold and bright, many
as scales. Corms, on the other hand, are bulbs and corms perform
more solid and made up of the swollen excellently when planted
bases of stems. Both have flat bases and in well-drained borders or
tapering tops, which mean there is no naturalized in grass.
excuse for planting them upside-down.

Watch leaves for any

yellowing and distortion
during growth, which
may signal trouble

Tulips (bulb)

Young leaves and

flowers nestle safely
in the center of bulbs
The papery outer skin
protects bulbs and
LEAVES FEED THE BULBS corms, and prevents Daffodils (bulb)
Food produced in the foliage is stored in the them from drying out
bulb for next season's growth. Allow leaves
to die down naturally before removing for
bigger bulbs and better flowers. Roots arise from the flat Fleshy scales or a
basal plate. Damage here corm store food to
can cause rotting, so check fuel growth, so the
before planting bigger the better
BABY BULBS Crocus (corm)
New bulbs, called
offsets, are produced
at the base of the
bulb. As they grow,
the bulbs become
overcrowded and
flower less, so should
be lifted and divided. Lilies (bulb)


Tubers are swollen, usually irregular or knobby, stems or With no protective skin,
roots, while rhizomes are fat stems that grow horizontally some tubers dry out when
at, or just below, the soil surface. Rhizomes often spread lifted and then won't grow
rapidly and a single plant can produce numerous tubers, well. Buy cyclamen and
making it easy to expand your stock. Erythronium tubers packed
in moist potting medium
or growing in pots.

Stake tall, showy flowers,

such as dahlias and lilies,
to keep them from
blowing over

Leave hardy tubers, such
as cyclamen, undisturbed,
but tender plants, like
dahlias, can be stored in a
frost-free place for winter.
Many tubers and
rhizomes produce
striking foliage,
unlike most other
bulbous plants

Dahlias (tuber)

Iris sibirica (rhizome)

Shoots appear from buds or
Tubers and rhizomes are
eyes. Ensure they are present
solid, like a potato, with
and planted pointing upward
no protective skin

Roots emerge directly from

FLOWERS tubers and rhizomes, which
Varieties of dahlia with large flowers can make planting them the
right way up difficult
may need supporting with stakes to Cyclamen (tuber)
prevent them from falling over.
What’s wrong with my garden bulbs?
Bulb health is easiest to gauge when plants come into leaf and flower,
when poor growth, marked leaves, and a lack of flowers can indicate
pests and diseases, or poor growing conditions. Stored and newly
bought bulbs should always be firm and mold-free before planting.

MY STORED BULBS HAVE ROTTED. Did you keep them dry, frost-free,
and well ventilated?

The bulbs may have been harboring

Bulbs need these conditions to store well.
disease when you lifted them.
Try again next year.
Buy fresh bulbs and try again.


Did you plant them recently?

Established bulbs should be

lifted and divided every few
years to encourage flowering.

Are you sure you planted them

at the correct depth?

Bulbs planted too shallowly

often don’t flower.
See How to plant p.113.

Various pests feed

on bulbs.
See slugs and snails
p.169; lily beetles
The bulbs may not have reached
flowering size yet, or they may be
too dry. See p.168.

Did you plant them at the Bulbs planted later than

correct time of year? normal often come up and
flower later as a result.
Wait a little longer.

Some bulbs, such as

Are you sure the bulbs begonias and freesias, are
were fully hardy? tender and can be killed
by low temperatures.

Is your soil heavy clay or Most bulbs like good

drainage and may rot
Many things may be responsible for this. poorly drained?
in heavy, wet soils.
See aphids p.180; lily disease p.183;
narcissus bulb fly p.184; rusts p.185;
slugs and snails p.186;
tulip fire p.186; viruses p.187.

The bulbs may have rotted away completely

or been taken by squirrels.
See squirrels p.169.

Dig down and look for the bulbs.

Can you see pieces left behind?
Bulbs are prone to pests and diseases that
cause them to decay in the soil.
See gladiolus corn rot p.183; narcissus basal rot
p.169; narcissus eelworms p.168; slugs p.169;
tulip gray bulb rot p.186; vine weevils p.187.

WHY DON’T MY BULBS FLOWER Have they flowered since

Have you split them lately?
AS WELL AS THEY DID BEFORE? you split them?

Over time, bulbs become

They may just need time to
congested and compete for Check for signs of pests and diseases,
reestablish themselves. Give them
nutrients and moisture, especially viruses. See Garden bulb
another season, and keep them well
producing few flowers as clinic, pp.168-169.
watered and fertilized.
a result. See p.168.

Garden bulb clinic
Bulbs planted in the perfect spot will often flower profusely without any problems
for years, but many can be affected by viruses, a range of fungal diseases, and a few
pests. Knowing common symptoms will help you spot problems quickly during the
bulbs’ rapid growth spell and prevent the issues from spreading.

Do my daffodilsorm s?
a viru s or ee lw Q How do I recognize tulip Q Why are canna lilies growing
stun te d gray bulb rot? poorly? Do they have a virus?
Di stor te d an d
rs can be
le aves an d flowe oble m,
caused by ei th er pr
bu lbs A This fungal disease affects many
A Canna lilies are prone to several
an d all af fe cted d bulbs, including alliums, crocuses, viruses that cause the leaves of
sh ou ld be de stro daffodils, snowdrops, and tulips. infected plants to develop pale
ly. To id en tif y
prom pt bu lb
Infected bulbs rot and develop thick, or yellow stripes, weak or distorted
sli ce a
th e cause, gray mold, or form weak, distorted growth, and poor flowers. There is
ha lf cr os sw ise . If brown
in leaves that quickly die. See p.186. no cure—destroy infected plants.
in th e
rings are vi sible s
lb wa
fle sh , th e bu
lworm s.
in fe sted wi th ee


Q Why haven’t my new Q Does overcrowding

bulbs flowered? harm bulbs?

Bulbs that fail to flower are Congested bulbs steadily
said to be blind. Newly produce fewer flowers,
planted bulbs may be too and may become weak
small to flower and should because of the intense
be left to grow. A lack of competition for water
care during the growing and nutrients. Pests and
season also impairs flower- diseases also spread easily
bud formation. Water your where bulbs are grown
bulbs well, give them densely packed together.
some high-potassium Lift and divide crowded
fertilizer, and remove their bulbs in fall—discard
leaves once faded. any that are unhealthy.

Diagnostic chart Q Would squirrels dig up

and eat garden bulbs?
Symptoms Diagnosis
Brown rot spreads from Narcissus basal rot is a A Gray squirrels are partial to
crocus and tulip bulbs, which are
the root end of the bulb, fungal disease, which is at
easy for them to unearth from
sometimes accompanied its worst during hot summer
by thick fungal growth weather. It is found in the
the soil or pots after planting in
where the roots originate. soil, where bulbs harboring the fall. Use chicken wire to
Stored bulbs dry out and mild infections can easily protect new bulb plantings.
those in the ground rot. go unnoticed. See p.184.

Bulbs lifted for storage Fungal diseases attack

or grown in pots develop bulbs damaged during lifting,
molds or rots, which stored in damp conditions, or
either damage an area of kept too moist while dormant
the bulb’s surface or cause in pots. Only store healthy,
the whole bulb to rot, often undamaged bulbs, and use
leaving just the outer skin. paper, not plastic, bags.

h e althy
th e fl ow er bu ds on?
Why are wn an d sh rive le d
pl an ts bro
se n si tive
Bu lbs are in g
gr ow
to th eir
n d it io n s durin g
rm a ti on of
th e fo an d
d s,
fl ower bu te r at
ck of w a
a la
al stage
th is crit ic se
can late r ca t
s to a b or
bu d
open .

Q Are slugs and snails Q How do I recognize lily beetles?

attacking my bulbs?
Foliage, flowers, and seed pods of lilies and fritillaries are eaten by adults and grubs,

The lush foliage and tender often badly damaging plants. The pudgy, orange-red grubs can be found during
flowers of many bulbs are a midsummer, covered in their black excrement. The easy-to-see adult beetles are
prime target for slugs and bright scarlet with a black head, and feed from spring into fall. See p.183.
snails. Early spring bulbs
often escape damage since
they come into leaf and
flower before the pests
become active, but late
spring-, summer-, and
fall-flowering bulbs can
all suffer, especially in
wet seasons. See p.186. Lily beetle grubs Adult beetle Typical damage


A healthy, well kept lawn provides
the perfect offset for beds and
borders, while patchy, weed-riddled
grass can make even a neat garden
look scruffy. The key to a lush, green
lawn is to first understand the way
grasses grow, and to keep them
strong and able to outcompete
weeds with regular mowing and
feeding. Quick diagnosis and
treatment makes all common
problems much easier to deal
with, and keeps grass handsome
and hard-wearing.

Garden lawn anatomy

Everyone knows that lawns are made of grass, but few realize that a mix of different
grass species goes into making good turf. This mix, plus the growing conditions,
determine how fine or hard-wearing a lawn will be. Regular maintenance is key,
with mowing, weeding, raking, and aeration essential to keep grass growing well.


Dense, green grass is made up of an As new grass blades appear, older
enormous number of individual grass ones naturally die off. This creates a
plants that spread and knit together. tangled layer of tan-colored dead
Grasses produce long, narrow leaves matter, known as thatch, which
should be raked from a lawn each
from growing points, or “crowns,”
year, either by hand or using a
that set close to soil level. When scarifyier. This will help to keep the
mown, leaves regrow from the grass thick, allow rain to reach the
crown, allowing the lawn to be roots, deter moss, and keep fungal
trimmed repeatedly without any ill diseases from developing.
effects. The way many grasses spread
also makes them ideal for producing GRADES OF SOD
a thick, green carpet. Popular turf Choose the right sod for
grasses often form dense clumps the appearance and durability
by sending out new shoots, called you require. High-quality sod
“tillers” from the base of the parent consists of fine grasses that
plant. More vigorous grasses, used create an even color and texture,
and can be mown closely. Utility
for hard-wearing lawns, send out grass is harder wearing with a
long stems that produce new plants coarser texture. It contains
along their length, and can easily ryegrass and will tolerate
spread into surrounding borders. heavy use.

Trim lawn edges regularly Weeds commonly grow in

and recut them every spring to between the grass plants
stop grass from spreading

Pests may feed on the

dense fibrous roots, causing
patches of grass to yellow

Shallow roots quickly

absorb surface water,
but can't reach
deeper reserves


Selective lawn weed killers are available, A surprising number of creeping and rosette-forming perennial weeds
which are capable of killing broadleaf lawn can flourish in lawns, despite regular mowing. Good lawn care promotes
weeds, while leaving grass blades unharmed. vigorous grass growth, which will help prevent weeds from establishing.
This is a useful way to rid large lawns of Remove all weeds that appear promptly to prevent them from spreading.
weeds, where grubbing them out by hand
would be impractical. Do not use weed killers
on new lawns that are less than six months
old. When using liquid weed killers, take care
that the spray or droplets don’t drift onto
garden plants, especially those in
surrounding borders.
Plantain Buttercup

Dandelion White clover


Weed killers are available as concentrated liquids that should be
diluted before use, and are applied using a watering can or hand
sprayer. Dry or granular weed killers can be spread by hand or by Slender speedwell Sheep’s sorrel
using a lawn spreader. Never exceed the recommended dose rate
given on the packet—doing so may damage or even kill the lawn.

Watch the lawn for areas of

discoloration, which can indicate
pests or disease on the foliage

Yarrow Oxalis

Dock Mind-your-own-business
What’s wrong with my lawn?
It is wise to keep a check on your lawn’s well-being year-round, not only
to watch for signs of disease, pests, and weeds, but also to look at the
growing conditions. Improving drainage, well-timed watering, and
mowing at the right height all help keep grass healthy.


If the patches appear
at random, the likely
cause is animal urine.
See p.179.
If the patches
develop in the same
spot, there may be
buried debris under
the grass. Dig down
a little and check.

Lawns struggle in these conditions, leading to

Is your lawn shaded
weak growth. Improve the soil and try to reduce
or regularly damp or dry?
the shade cast by nearby shrubs.

Leaving the grass to grow too long before mowing

Do you cut it at regular intervals? encourages bald patches to develop, as does
mowing too short. See Caring for lawns p.117.

Wear and tear can lead to patchy grass. Look

Is your lawn used heavily?
after it and give it chance to grow back. See p.177.

Do you feed your lawn regularly?

Regular fertilizing promotes growth, and if mown

Look for signs of leather jackets, which eat regularly, a thick, healthy lawn. Don’t exceed the
the roots during summer, causing areas dose when fertilizing because this may scorch
of grass to die. See p.177. the lawn, causing bald patches. See p.177.

WHY IS MY LAWN ALWAYS FULL Is your lawn shaded Shade weakens grass but
OF MOSS? IT ALWAYS GROWS BACK. for periods of the day? encourages moss to grow.
See p.176.

Poor drainage also


Does your lawn often feel damp encourages moss to grow

under foot, even in summer? at the expense of grass.
See p.176.

Lawns develop a buildup of

plant debris that reduces
Do you rake your lawn airflow and holds moisture,
periodically? encouraging moss. Rake
your lawn two or three
times during summer.

Is each pile about the size

of a quarter?

These are worm casts and mean

your lawn is healthy. Just brush Thoroughly weed and aerate your
them away when dry. See p.177. lawn, then resow the bald patches
with seed. See p.177.

Are the piles made These are ant hills and make the
of very fine soil? lawn uneven. See p.178.

Are they up to 12in (30cm) across

and appear overnight?
This could one of several things,
which are all harmless.
These are probably molehills.
See algae p.176; slime mold p.176.
See p.177.

Garden lawn clinic
A healthy lawn is a matter of pride for many gardeners, but even if you don’t covet
pristine turf, regular maintenance will keep growing conditions favorable and make
a green landscape easier to achieve. Ailments often indicate an underlying problem,
which it is best dealt with, as well as treating the pest or disease.

tche s
Are th e slimy pa
caused by al ga e?
Q What are the pale red patches Q My lawn has slime mold.
e grass
In patche s wh er e wi ll developing on the lawn? Should I be concerned?
al ga
growth is poor,
of te n deve lop on
ee n or
th e soil,
bl ack- A Patches of small, jellylike fungal
threads in shades of pink and pale
A Slime molds produce gray, yellow,
or orange bumpy growths along
formin g gr
ge d sli m y pa tche s. red are a sign of red thread. This blades of grass in summer and fall.
gae th rives
Un lik e grass, al eas an d disease is most common after heavy They are not parasitic and are
ad y ar
in m oi st, sh rain—infected areas are often killed thought harmless. Use a hose to
es wh er e th e soil is
pl ac and appear bleached. See p.185. wash them off or wait for heavy rain.
ed an d po orly
com pact
ring for
draine d. Se e Ca
lawn s p.117.


Q How can I control the Q Why is my lawn always

moss in my lawn? damp underfoot?

Moss flourishes in shade Bad drainage results in
and poorly drained soil, water pooling at the soil
so improve conditions and surface, which will kill
aerate the lawn by spiking grass and encourage the
annually with a fork, and growth of moss and algae.
increase light levels by Aerating the lawn in
cutting back overhanging early fall by pushing a
branches. Kill moss using garden fork into the soil at
lawn sand and remove it regular intervals reduces
when dark brown, using compaction and improves
a wire rake or a powered drainage. Very wet lawns
lawn scarifier. may need drains installed.

Q What can I do about Q How can I fix bare patches?

worm casts?
Most well-used lawns have areas that become worn and bare. If it’s possible
A Worm casts are made by active
earthworms during spring and
not to walk on them for a while, reseed bald patches in spring or fall by
raking the soil loose, adding a little potting soil, and scattering and raking
fall, which help aerate the soil. in grass seed. Alternatively, to prevent worn areas from developing, install
If they spoil the look of the slabs or stepping stones in heavily used areas. Place them level with the lawn
lawn, let the casts dry out and surface so they don’t come into contact with the lawn mower blades.
brush them into the borders.

Sowing seed on bald spots Preventing worn patches

e of ye ar
e be st tim
Wh e n is the a lawn ?
to fert iliz
ippin gs
A s grass cl , soil
ov ed
are re m
can ru n
n u trie n ts wn
pp ly la
low. A
in late
fe rt iliz er
a low
sprin g an d iliz er
n fe rt
n it roge
th e
in fall at
m m en ded rate,
re co
a te r it in .

Q Why are there Q What can I do about Q Is my lawn suffering

toadstools in the lawn? molehills on the lawn? from leatherjackets?

Various toadstools appear
in grass, from honey fungus
A The damage caused by a few
molehills can easily be repaired A
Small, yellow-brown
spots in the grass may
growing on roots to fairy and reseeded, but where many indicate the presence of
rings that grow from circles occur, deterrents may be needed. leatherjackets. These are the
of yellowing grass. Since large, soil-dwelling larvae of
toadstools are the fruiting crane flies, which sever the
bodies of fungal growth roots of grass, causing it to
beneath the soil, little can die back. Once damage is
be done to control them done, it is too late to act,
except to remove them but encouraging starlings
before they release their into the yard can help
spores to minimize spread. control their numbers.

Q Why do patches of Q There are small ant hills on Q Will my lawn survive during
grass die in winter? the lawn. Are they harmful? a drought?
Fusarium patch is a disease Ants frequently tunnel under Drought can result in patches
A that causes areas of grass to A lawns during summer to make A of grass, or even the entire lawn,
yellow and die during late nests, creating small hills with turning yellow or brown. It may
fall and winter, often after a the soil they remove during look alarming, but grass recovers
covering of snow. The digging. The soil rarely damages its green color quickly after rain
patches may merge grass and can be brushed away. or a thorough evening watering.
together, forming larger
areas of dead grass. In damp
conditions, tufts of grass
develop white fungal
growth and stick together.
It is most common on lawns
fed with a high-nitrogen
feed during fall, which
should be avoided.


Q Can lawn fertilizer Q Should I rake up

harm grass? fallen leaves?

Applying too much lawn One of the most important
fertilizer can scorch grass lawn maintenance tasks is
and may kill it, creating to rake up any leaves that
bare patches. Unevenly drop onto grass in fall.
applied fertilizer will also This is because leaves
cause the lawn to grow at create a dense covering,
different rates in different particularly when wet,
places, making it uneven. which excludes light from
For the best results, use a grass, turning it pale
calibrated lawn spreader yellow and weak. The
or evenly apply measured decaying mat can also
amounts by hand. encourage fungal diseases.

Q Does dog urine damage Q How can I get rid of the Q Can I use creeping herbs
the lawn? cracks in new sod? instead of grass for a lawn?
Dog urine, especially from New sod may shrink slightly Creeping herbs will form an
A female dogs, is very high A once laid, leaving ugly gaps. A attractive, fragrant lawn, but will
in nitrogen and will quickly These can be filled using not withstand much wear and
damage grass, leading to ugly good, fine garden soil, then tear. Herb lawns can also be
bare patches. Wash it away lightly sprinkled with grass short-lived, lasting just a few
using plenty of water. seed, and watered well. years, and high maintenance.


Q Why does grass thin close Q How can I restore a lawn that has been neglected?
to buildings and trees?
If the lawn is riddled with weeds, it may be easier to remove it and start again.
Large buildings, trees, and If not, dig out all large weeds, then mow, weed, and fertilize regularly. Grass is
shrubs all cast shade, which resilient, so you should be able to restore a lawn within a single season.
does not suit most turf grasses.
The shelter created also
prevents rain from reaching
the lawn, and the roots of trees
and shrubs will compete for
the little moisture available.
Reduce shade by cutting back
plants, water well during dry
spells, and use a grass mix
designed for shady lawns. Give the lawn a good mow Starting from scratch

A–Z of common pests and diseases

Once your plant’s problem is diagnosed, a quick response is important to control it
and, if possible, prevent it from recurring the following year or spreading to other
plants growing nearby. These pages suggest both chemical and non-chemical
techniques for treating pests and diseases where available, to allow you to select
the best course of action for your garden.

ADELGIDS APPLE AND PEAR CANKER sometimes oozing sticky resin. Affected
Symptoms In spring or early summer Symptoms Starting with patches of stems can die back and leaves are
sap-sucking insects can be seen on shoot sunken, cracked, flaky bark on branches, the peppered with shothole (p.186).
tips, often covered in a white, waxy affected area will often swell and can cause Plants affected Plums, cherries, peaches,
secretion. Foliage yellows and galls may the branch to die back. apricots, and ornamental Prunus.
form, but growth usually unaffected. Plants affected Apples, pears, hawthorns, Prevention Prune these trees in mid-
Plants affected Conifers, particularly poplars, and willows. to late summer.
pines and silver firs (Abies). Prevention Ensure good drainage, add Treatment Cut back to healthy wood and
Prevention None available. lime to acidic soils. Avoid susceptible paint cuts with wound paint. Use suitable
Treatment Often unnecessary—a suitable apple varieties. fungicides in late summer and fall.
insecticide can be used in late winter to Treatment Remove infected spurs and
prevent egg laying. branches by cutting back to healthy wood BACTERIAL LEAF SPOT
with clean, sharp tools. Treat with a suitable Symptoms Dark, dead patches, often with
APHIDS fungicide right after harvest, and again a surrounding yellow halo, on leaves.
Symptoms Distorted leaves, especially when some leaves have fallen. Plants affected Many plants.
at shoot tips, reduced growth, and sticky Prevention Avoid overhead watering.
honeydew on leaf surfaces that can APPLE AND PEAR SCAB Treatment Remove affected leaves quickly.
develop black sooty mold (p.186). Severe Symptoms Brown, scabby marks appear It can indicate a more serious ailment.
infestations can kill younger plants. on fruit and leaves. The skins of badly
Related types Black bean, green spruce, affected fruits can crack, and may rot. BEAN SEED FLY
mealy aphids. Plants affected Apples, pears, crabapples, Symptoms Seedlings grow slowly and
Plants affected Almost all garden plants. ash, Cotoneaster, Pyracantha. have damaged stems and ragged leaves,
Prevention Minimize or pinch back soft Prevention Rake up and remove fallen or fail to germinate at all.
young growth where possible. leaves to help stop the spread of infection. Plants affected Green and runner beans.
Treatment Squash between fingers, Treatment Grow resistant cultivars and Prevention Protect outdoor sowings with
encourage predatory insects, or use remove infected stems. Treat smaller trees fabric or sow seeds under cover in pots.
a suitable insecticide. with a suitable fungicide. Treatment Nothing can be done by the
time damage is visible.
Symptoms Apples develop small, brown, Symptoms In summer adult beetles and BIRDS
sunken spots on skin, pale brown flecks in larvae eat foliage and bark. Stems die back Symptoms Holes pecked in apples, plums,
flesh, and may have a nasty, bitter taste. above damage. and other large fruit, while currants and
This can happen on the tree or in storage. Plants affected Asparagus berries are eaten entirely. Tree blossoms
Plants affected Apples Prevention Burn old stems in late fall may also be damaged and spring bedding
Prevention Caused by calcium deficiency to kill beetles. plants may lose their flowers. Pigeons strip
in fruit, usually because of dry conditions. Treatment Pick off beetles and larvae the leaves of garden greens.
Keep plants well watered and mulched. by hand or spray with a suitable pesticide. Plants affected Tree fruit, soft fruit, and
Treatment Affected apples are often garden greens.
spoiled. Water well next year and apply BACTERIAL CANKER Prevention Cover crops with netting
a mulch in spring to retain soil moisture. Symptoms Areas of bark sink and die, before fruit ripens or seeds germinate.

Treatment Netting quickly after first Treatment Apply an appropriate biological Prevention None available.
damage is seen will allow garden greens control. No chemical controls are available. Treatment Squash any caterpillars found
to recover or save remaining fruit. between the leaves or use an appropriate
CAMELLIA GALL insecticide.
BLOSSOM WILT Symptoms Large, off-white growths
Symptoms Spring blossoms turn brown appear in place of leaves from early CARROT RUST FLIES
in spring and nearby shoots die back summer. The rest of the plant is unaffected. Symptoms Roots are eaten by small white
from early summer. Dead blossoms and Plants affected Camellias larvae, causing brown tunnels. This can kill
shoots lingers on the tree and develop Prevention Remove galls when first seen. seedlings, stunt growth, and spoil crops.
cream-colored spots in wet weather. Treatment None available. Plants affected Carrots, parsnips, parsley,
Plants affected Fruit trees, ornamental celery, celeriac, and Florence fennel.
cherries, and crabapples. CAMELLIA LEAF BLIGHT Prevention Practice crop rotation. Protect
Prevention Remove rotten fruit and Symptoms Brown patches form on leaves, crops with 2ft (60cm) high barriers or a
grow resistant cultivars where possible. which then develop tiny black spots. Leaves covering of fabric. Minimize thinning—it
Treatment Cut out and burn infected may fall and affected stems can die back. attracts adult flies. Grow resistant cultivars.
shoots. Use a suitable fungicide. Plants affected Camellias Treatment Use a suitable nematode
Prevention Dispose of all fallen leaves. biological control to reduce numbers of
BOXWOOD SUCKER Treatment Remove infected growth. larvae, or a suitable pesticide for adult flies.
Symptoms In spring, leaves on new No chemical controls are available.
growth remain bunched together CATERPILLARS
and become wrinkled. CANE SPOT Symptoms A lacelike pattern of damage
Plants affected Boxwood Symptoms From early summer, purple that appears rapidly on leaves is often
Prevention None available. spots with silvery centers appear on stems, caused by butterfly and moth caterpillars,
Treatment Clipping mature plants and sometimes leaves. Canes may be killed which come in variety of sizes and colors.
removes damage. Treat young plants using if the spots spread, splitting the bark. Related types Cabbage white, winter moth.
a suitable pesticide in spring. Plants affected Blackberries, raspberries, Plants affected Many plants.
and hybrid cane fruits. Prevention Use of fine netting
BROWN ROT Prevention Avoid susceptible cultivars. prevents butterflies from laying eggs
Symptoms Fruits soften and turn brown Treatment Prune out infected canes. on leafy vegetables.
around wounds where infection has Use a suitable fungicide. Treatment Remove eggs and caterpillars
occurred. Cream-colored spots form on the by hand, treat with a suitable biological
skins; infected fruit may remain on tree. CAPSID BUGS pest control or pesticide.
Plants affected Fruit trees, ornamental Symptoms Shoot tips become tattered
cherries, and crabapples. and full of holes, and flower buds may be CHOCOLATE SPOT
Prevention Remove all rotten fruit from deformed or fail to develop from late spring Symptoms Small, circular brown spots
tree and ground. Net trees if possible to to fall. Damage to young apples results in on leaves can enlarge and spread to stems,
prevent bird damage. tan-colored bumps on skins of mature fruit. pods, and flowers, reducing yields and, in
Treatment Use a suitable fungicide while Related types Apple capsid serious cases, killing plants.
the tree is flowering. Plants affected Many vegetables, Plants affected Broad beans
herbaceous plants, shrubs, and apple trees. Prevention Grow on well-drained soil and
CABBAGE ROOT FLIES Prevention None available. leave plenty of space between plants for
Symptoms Seedlings and recently Treatment Plants often cope well with good air circulation. Remove all infected
transplanted garden greens grow slowly, damage, but appropriate insecticides plant material and rotate crops.
wilt, and die. White maggots can be found can be used. Treatment Suitable fungicides may
eating their roots. provide protection if applied before
Plants affected The cabbage family, CARNATION TORTRIX MOTH infection, but none is effective once
including rutabagas and turnips. Symptoms Leaves joined together with symptoms are established.
Prevention Practice crop rotation and silky threads turn brown and dry, after the
prevent flies from laying eggs by placing caterpillar living inside has fed on them. CLEMATIS WILT
collars around transplants or protecting Plants affected A range of herbaceous Symptoms Leaves wilt, leaf stalks turn
with row cover. plants and shrubs. black, and whole stems quickly wilt and die.

Whole plants may sometimes be killed. Plants affected Many trees and shrubs. on bark. Symptoms may begin at the base,
Plants affected Clematis, especially Prevention Prune correctly, during dry shoot tip, or from a wound, spreading into
large-flowered hybrids. weather, without leaving long stubs that healthy tissue.
Prevention Provide good moist soil, water are prone to infection. Plants affected Many plants.
and feed regularly, and mulch annually. Treatment Cut out infected areas back to Prevention Avoid waterlogging and
Plant resistant types. healthy wood. No fungicides are available. drought. Prune correctly to minimize
Treatment Cut out wilted shoots to the chances of fungal infection.
base. No chemical controls available. CURRANT BLISTER APHID Treatment Cut out all affected stems.
Symptoms In spring and early summer,
CLUBROOT leaves at shoot tips develop red or yellow DOWNY MILDEW
Symptoms Drastically swollen roots lead to raised areas, with pale yellow insects Symptoms Patches of yellow or brown
weak growth, purple-tinged leaves, wilting, underneath. Growth and fruiting are discoloration on upper leaf surface, with
and sometimes, plant death. rarely affected. pale mold beneath. Badly affected leaves
Plants affected Garden greens, including Plants affected Red, white, and can die. It is worse in wet weather.
related root crops, such as rutabagas, and black currants. Related types Brassica, lettuce, onion,
related ornamental plants (e.g., wallflowers). Prevention Encourage beneficial insects. and pansy downy mildew.
Prevention Add lime to acidic soils, Treatment Not worthwhile once Plants affected A wide range.
improve drainage, keep soil weed-free, symptoms appear. Overwintering eggs Prevention Avoid overhead watering,
and grow resistant cultivars. can be killed with a suitable insecticidal leave space between plants, and keep
Treatment There is no treatment for wash midwinter, or apply an appropriate greenhouses well ventilated to reduce
infected plants. insecticide in early spring. humid air around plants. Grow resistant
vegetable cultivars.
CODLING MOTH DAMPING OFF Treatment Remove infected leaves.
Symptoms A hole appears in the skin of Symptoms Seedlings don’t come through No suitable fungicides are available.
ripe fruit, and flesh is spoiled by the tunnels the soil or quickly collapse and die.
and excrement of small caterpillars. Plants affected Seedlings EELWORMS
Plants affected Apples and pears. Prevention Use fresh potting mix, clean Symptoms Stunted, distorted growth,
Prevention Pheromone traps hung in trees pots, and tap water when sowing seeds to and swollen stems are common signs
in late spring show if the moths are present prevent infection. Sow thinly and provide of infection. Tiny, pale, hairlike worms
to help time pesticide application correctly. good ventilation. A suitable fungicide, can often be found living in bulbs, stems,
Treatment The nematode Steinernema watered onto seedlings, is effective. or near roots of infected plants.
carpocapsae kills overwintering caterpillars Treatment None available. Related types Narcissus, onion, phlox, and
when applied in fall. Use a suitable potato cyst eelworms.
pesticide from early to midsummer. DEER, RABBITS, AND SQUIRRELS Plants affected Many types of plants.
Symptoms Leaves, flowers, stems, and bark Prevention Destroy infested plants.
COMMON POTATO SCAB may be nibbled or destroyed. Stems can be Practice crop rotation and don’t replant
Symptoms Rough, bumpy, brown patches partially chewed, which then die back. related ornamentals in the same site.
appear on the surface of tubers and roots, Bulbs can be unearthed and eaten. Even Treatment None available.
but are usually superficial. large plants can be killed or damaged.
Plants affected Mainly potatoes, but also Plants affected Most plants. FIREBLIGHT
beets, radishes, rutabagas, and turnips. Prevention Fence the garden to keep deer Symptoms Blossoms wilt and die, as do
Prevention Add organic matter and water and rabbits out. Shield young trees with adjacent shoots. Brown leaves remain on
to keep soil moist while tubers develop. protective tubes, and cover vulnerable the plant. Infections seep white slime in
Do not lime soil before potato crop. Grow plants and bulbs with chicken wire. wet weather, and sunken areas of bark may
resistant cultivars. Treatment Cut back damage to healthy form. Infection spreads and can kill plants.
Treatment None available. growth where possible, and protect Plants affected Apples, pears, and related
the plant from further attack. plants, such as cotoneaster and pyracantha.
CORAL SPOT Prevention Clean pruning tools to avoid
Symptoms Small, salmon-pink pustules DIEBACK spreading infection.
appear on dead wood and can cause Symptoms Stems fade and die, with Treatment Cut out and burn any infected
further dieback. wilting leaves and sometimes dark patches wood immediately.

FLEA BEETLE GRAY MOLD Plants affected Many woody plants and
Symptoms Small, round holes in leaves Symptoms Leaves, flowers, and fruit show herbaceous perennials.
that may not go all the way through. a burst of fluffy gray fungal growth, which Prevention Choose plants more resistant
Seedlings are particularly susceptible. spreads rapidly in wet conditions. Affected to infection, such as bamboo, bay, and yew.
Beetles jump off leaves when disturbed. areas can die and fruit rots. Treatment Dig out and burn infected
Plants affected The cabbage family, Plants affected Fruit, vegetables, and plants, including the stump and roots.
including arugula, mizuna, and many ornamentals. Remove black fungal threads from the soil.
ornamentals, such as wallflowers. Prevention Clear away all dead plant
Prevention Cover germinating vegetables material, and ensure good ventilation LEEK MOTH
with fabric to keep beetles out. in greenhouses. Symptoms Pale patches on stems, where
Treatment Use a suitable insecticide. Treatment Remove any affected parts brown-headed caterpillars can sometimes
of the plant immediately. No suitable be seen feeding inside. Damage to stems
FUNGAL LEAF SPOT fungicides are available. can halt growth and cause rot to set in,
Symptoms Gray or brown spots on leaves, killing plants.
which may remain circular or join together HALO BLIGHT Plants affected Leeks, onions, shallots,
and kill whole leaves. Circles of tiny black Symptoms Wet-looking spots form on and garlic.
dots are sometimes visible. leaves, which turn dark with a yellow halo Prevention Cover crops with row cover.
Related types Celery, currant and surrounding them. Leaves then yellow and Treatment Pick silky cocoons from leaves.
gooseberry, ivy, and strawberry leaf spot. may die, reducing yields. No suitable pesticides are available.
Plants affected A wide range. Plants affected Green and runner beans.
Prevention Remove or rake up infected Prevention Only buy fresh seed from a LILY BEETLE
leaves. Ensure good growing conditions. reputable supplier. Symptoms Bright red beetles and their
Treatment Not always necessary. Suitable Treatment Destroy infected plants. larvae eat lily leaves and sometimes flowers.
fungicides can be used for some plants. Plants affected Lilies and fritillaries.
GLADIOLUS CORM ROT Symptoms Dark brown, dead areas appear Treatment Pick off beetles and larvae
Symptoms Foliage has yellow spattering on leaves. Stems may also be affected, when seen. Treat with a suitable pesticide
at tips, gradually developing downward causing them to collapse. in spring and summer.
into stripes. Leaves eventually die. Corms Plants affected Hellebores, particularly
form raised, brown markings and dry out Helleborus niger. LILY DISEASE
during storage. Prevention Remove infected leaves. Symptoms Brown oval spots spread over
Plants affected Gladioli, crocuses, and Cut back old leaves as new shoots emerge. leaves, which wilt and die. Flower buds can
bulb-forming irises. Treatment None available. be distorted, and infected stems collapse.
Prevention Check corms before planting Plants affected Lilies
and only plant healthy corms in a new, HEMEROCALLIS GALL MIDGE Prevention Remove all spent plant
disease-free site each year. Symptoms Flower buds look swollen and material in fall.
Treatment Destroy infected plants. don’t open. They are infested with small Treatment Destroy infected leaves.
white maggots. No suitable fungicide available.
GOOSEBERRY MILDEW Plants affected Daylilies (Hemerocallis)
Symptoms A powdery, pale gray coating Prevention Grow late-flowering cultivars, MICE
develops on leaves, stems, and fruit. which may escape damage. Symptoms Seeds and bulbs are dug
Fruit skins turn brown and shoots can Treatment Destroy affected buds quickly. up and eaten, sometimes leaving young
die back. shoots lying on the soil. Mature fruit and
Plants affected Gooseberries and HONEY FUNGUS vegetables can also be nibbled on the
black currants. Symptoms Plants die back over several plant or in storage.
Prevention Grow resistant cultivars and seasons, or quite suddenly. Leaves may Plants affected Bulbs, beans, peas, sweet
avoid high-nitrogen fertilizers that be small and take on fall colors early. Bark corn, and other vegetables and fruit.
encourage vulnerable soft growth. near ground level sometimes splits, with Prevention Sow crops in pots out of reach.
Treatment Cut out affected growth and white fungal growth between the bark and Firm soil well around newly planted bulbs.
prune to create an open bush that allows wood. Honey-colored toadstools may Treatment Set mouse traps, taking care to
air in. Use a suitable fungicide. emerge in fall. conceal them from birds, pets, and children.

NARCISSUS BASAL ROT ONION FLIES Plants affected Peas and broad beans.
Symptoms Pale pink fungus is visible on Symptoms In early summer foliage wilts Prevention None available.
stored bulbs, which rot from the root end. and young plants can die as their roots are Treatment Often unnecessary, but
Leaves turn yellow and plants don’t flower. eaten by maggots. In late summer maggots heavy infestations can be treated with
Plants affected Daffodils (Narcissus). tunnel into bulbs, encouraging rotting. a suitable insecticide.
Prevention Do not plant or store bulbs Plants affected Onions, shallots, leeks,
showing symptoms. Lift bulbs and plant and garlic. PEA MOTH
in a new site each year. Prevention Plants grown from sets are Symptoms Small, white caterpillars are
Treatment Destroy infected plants and less susceptible. Cover beds with fabric found feeding inside pea pods in summer.
bulbs. No suitable fungicide available. to prevent egg laying. Plants affected Peas
Treatment Lift and destroy affected plants. Prevention Early spring and late summer
NARCISSUS BULB FLIES Use a suitable biological control. sowings of fast-maturing peas should miss
Symptoms Large maggots feed on the the egg-laying period. Cover crops with
center of bulbs from midsummer, resulting ONION THRIPS row cover or insect mesh.
in spindly leaves and no flowers in spring. Symptoms White flecks develop on foliage Treatment Spray with a suitable insecticide
Plants affected Daffodils (Narcissus) and during summer, and pale yellow or black as the flowers fade.
snowdrops. insects can be seen on leaves.
Prevention Plant only firm bulbs from Plants affected Onions, shallots, and leeks. PEACH LEAF CURL
reliable suppliers. Adult flies lay eggs in late Prevention Cover with fabric in spring. Symptoms Leaves become distorted, with
spring and early summer, when plantings Treatment Often none required. Use a thickened patches that often turn bright
can be protected with row cover. suitable pesticide if necessary, or biological red and fall prematurely. Plant vigor and
Treatment Destroy infected bulbs. control during warm weather. crop is reduced as a result of leaf drop.
No suitable insecticide available. Plants affected Peaches, nectarines,
ONION WHITE ROT apricots, and almonds.
NUTRIENT DEFICIENCIES Symptoms Foliage yellows and wilts. Roots Prevention Grow cultivars with resistance.
Symptoms Foliage takes on yellow and red rot, and white fungal growth can be seen at Keeping shoots dry prevents infection, so
coloring, and growth and flowering are the base of bulbs. Black fungal bodies sheltering wall-trained trees with clear
poor. Plants may start to die back but there remain viable in soil for at least seven years. plastic from early winter until late spring is
are no signs of pests or diseases present. Plants affected Onions, shallots, leeks, worthwhile. Move pot-grown trees inside.
Related types Iron – leaves of acid-loving and garlic. Treatment Spray with a suitable fungicide
plants most commonly turn yellow Prevention Avoid introducing infected just before leaves fall and in late winter.
between veins and brown at edges. plants or soil into the garden. Practice
Magnesium – yellowing between leaf veins, crop rotation. PEAR MIDGE
sometimes tinged red. Treatment Destroy infected plants and Symptoms Fruitlets blacken from the
Nitrogen – yellow leaves and weak growth. remove the surrounding soil. No suitable flower end and drop off in early summer.
Potassium – plants flower and fruit poorly, fungicide available. Small maggots can be found inside.
with yellow and purple patches, and brown Plants affected Pears
edges on the foliage. PARSNIP CANKER Prevention Pick up infected fruitlets to
Plants affected All plants, particularly fruit Symptoms Orange-brown, roughened keep larvae from going into soil to pupate.
and vegetables; plants in containers; and areas are found around the top of roots. Treatment Use a suitable pesticide just
those grown on sandy, acidic, or alkaline Plants affected Parsnips before blossoms open.
soils. Acid-lovers are especially at risk of iron Prevention Sow resistant cultivars and
deficiency if planted in alkaline soil. improve soil drainage. Protect from PEONY WILT
Prevention Improve soil annually with carrot rust flies with row cover since Symptoms Foliage develops brown
well-rotted organic matter, such as garden damage allows infection. patches, buds wilt and fail to open, and
compost. Repot or replenish potting mix of Treatment None available. whole stems can collapse in early summer.
container-grown plants regularly. Fertilize Plants affected Peonies
and water plants routinely. Only grow PEA AND BEAN WEEVILS Prevention Clear away all plant debris.
plants suitable for your soil type. Symptoms Notches are eaten from leaf Treatment Remove infected stems quickly
Treatment Apply suitable fertilizers edges by gray-brown beetles. It is not and burn or compost. No suitable fungicide
containing the nutrients in short supply. usually harmful. is available.

PESTALOTIOPSIS fruiting and resistant cultivars, and hill up ROOT APHIDS

Symptoms Leaves yellow and brown from potatoes to protect the tubers. Symptoms Plants grow slowly and often
the shoot tip, and stems can die back. Can Treatment Cut down and destroy plants wilt in hot weather. Cream or blue-green
result in brown patches in conifer hedges. at the first sign of infection. insects can be found clustered around the
Plants affected Many conifers. stem base or roots.
Prevention Healthy plants are more POWDERY MILDEW Related types Lettuce and rose
resistant, so keep well watered and prune Symptoms Leaves, stems, flowers, and root aphids.
at the correct time of year. sometimes fruit are covered with white, Plants affected Many ornamental and
Treatment Prune out infected growth. powdery fungal growth. Infected areas may crop plants.
discolor and distort. Prevention Covering vegetables with
PHYTOPHTHORA ROOT ROT Related types Apple, pansy, pea, and rose fabric during summer may limit attacks.
Symptoms Wilting and yellowing foliage, powdery mildew. Practice crop rotation.
leading to branch dieback and eventually Plants affected Many plants. Treatment Young lettuce can be
death, as a result of the roots rotting. Prevention Keep plants well watered. Rake unearthed, the aphids washed off, and the
Plants affected Many trees and shrubs. up fallen leaves. Grow resistant cultivars. lettuce replanted. Pesticide treatment has
Prevention Ensure good soil drainage. Treatment Cut out affected growth. limited effect below ground.
Treatment Remove and destroy infected Use a suitable fungicide.
plants and replace the soil near their roots. ROSE BLACK SPOT
RASPBERRY BEETLE Symptoms Black blotches form on leaves,
PLUM MOTH Symptoms Fruits have dark, dried up which then yellow and drop prematurely.
Symptoms Pale pink caterpillars and their patches and may contain maggots. Plants affected Roses
dark excrement are found inside ripe fruit. Plants affected Raspberries, blackberries, Prevention Rake up and destroy fallen
Plants affected Plums and hybrid cane fruits. leaves in fall.
Prevention Use a pheromone plum moth Prevention None available. Treatment Use a suitable fungicide as soon
trap from late spring to midsummer to Treatment Use a suitable pesticide as fruit as symptoms appear.
catch male moths. begins to ripen.
Treatment Treat the tree with a suitable ROSE REPLANT DISEASE
insecticide when moths are found in trap. RASPBERRY CANE BLIGHT Symptoms New plants, positioned on the
Symptoms Leaves wilt and canes develop site of an old rose, put on little growth and
POTATO BLACKLEG dark brown patches at the base and die. sometimes die. Roots may be rotten.
Symptoms From early summer, foliage They snap easily where the bark has split. Plants affected Roses
appears weak and yellow, and stems turn Plants affected Raspberries Prevention Replace the soil in an area
black and rot at the base. Tubers often rot. Prevention Do not replant raspberries on larger than the established roots. Try
Plants affected Potatoes infected sites. Improve soil, and give plants applying high-nitrogen fertilizer and a
Prevention Rotate potato crops, grow space to grow well. Avoid damaging canes, mycorrhizal soil improver when planting.
resistant cultivars, and buy seed potatoes which may allow infection in. Choose a different site.
from a reputable source. Treatment Cut out infected canes to the Treatment None available. Transplant to
Treatment Dispose of infected plants base and disinfect pruners. a new location and the rose may recover.
quickly. No suitable fungicides available.
POTATO AND TOMATO BLIGHT Symptoms Brown patches on lawns with Symptoms Spots on the upper leaf surface
Symptoms Brown, watery patches spread slender red fungal growth, often during develop, with raised pustules beneath.
from the tips and edges of leaves, which late summer and fall. Usually orange, spots can also form on
quickly die. Similar spots on stems cause Plants affected Lawn grasses. stems too. Leaves fall early; plants lack vigor
them to collapse. Infected tubers rot, often Prevention Scarify lawn to improve and can even be killed.
in storage. Tomato foliage shows similar aeration, and fork to improve drainage. Related types Bean, hollyhock, leek, mint,
symptoms, and fruit turns brown and rots. Remove clippings and apply nitrogen raspberry, and rose rusts.
Plants may die back as a result. feed in spring and summer. Plants affected Many types.
Plants affected Potatoes and tomatoes, Treatment Apply nitrogen-rich fertilizer to Prevention Clear away debris in fall.
especially tomatoes grown outdoors. the area by the end of late summer, or treat Avoid using high-nitrogen fertilizer, which
Prevention Rotate crops, grow early- with a suitable fungicide. promotes soft growth that is easily infected.

Treatment Remove infected leaves. summer, using wound paint to seal cuts. THRIPS
Use a suitable fungicide. Treatment None available. Symptoms Small, narrow insects can be
seen feeding on leaf surfaces, and cause
SAWFLIES SLUGS AND SNAILS pale mottling on foliage.
Symptoms Caterpillarlike larvae rapidly Symptoms Holes eaten in leaves and Plants affected A wide range.
devour leaves, tunnel into tree fruit, or roll flowers, destroyed seedlings, damaged Prevention None available.
rose leaves into cigar shapes. stems, and chewed root crops. Plants Treatment Often none required. Use a
Related types Apple, gooseberry, plum, often have a slimy trail leading from them. suitable pesticide if necessary, or biological
rose leaf-rolling, and Solomon’s seal. Plants affected Many, but especially soft control in warm weather.
Plants affected A number of perennials growth of seedlings, bedding plants,
and fruit trees and bushes. perennials, and vegetables. TOMATO MOTH
Prevention Control numbers as larvae Prevention Encourage predators into the Symptoms Leaves show pale, papery
overwinter in soil to pupate and lay eggs garden. Create barriers using, for example, patches caused by young caterpillars. Later,
the following year. copper tape or slug repellents around large holes are eaten in the leaves and fruit.
Treatment Squash or pick off larvae plants. Catch them by flashlight or in The green-brown caterpillars hide during
in spring and summer. Treat with a sunken traps filled with beer. the day and are difficult to spot.
suitable insecticide. Treatment A nematode biological control Plants affected Tomatoes
applied from spring to fall will reduce slugs, Prevention None available.
SCALE INSECTS but is less effective on snails. Treatment Watch for damage and pick
Symptoms Sticky honeydew and sooty off caterpillars when seen, or spray with
mold on upper leaf surfaces is produced SOOTY MOLD a suitable insecticide.
by insects that live under brown or waxy Symptoms A black layer develops on
white, protective scales that can be found leaves covered with honeydew excreted TULIP FIRE
under leaves or on stems. by sap-sucking insects. Symptoms Tulip leaves become twisted
Plants affected Shrubs, trees, climbers, Plants affected Many plants. and covered in brown spots, which develop
and many greenhouse plants. Prevention Deal with the pest responsible. gray mold in wet weather.
Prevention None available. Treatment Wipe leaves clean. Plants affected Tulips
Treatment Pick off scales on small plants. Prevention Only plant healthy bulbs. Don’t
Use a suitable insecticide in early to SPIDER MITES plant tulips in diseased soil for three years.
midsummer. Treat greenhouse plants with Symptoms Pale mottling on foliage, with Treatment Remove infected plants
the biological control, Metaphycus helvolus. tiny yellow-green mites hiding underneath promptly and destroy.
leaves. Heavy infestations produce silk
SHOTHOLE webbing and cause leaves to fall early. TULIP GRAY BULB ROT
Symptoms Round brown spots form on Plants affected Many grown under cover Symptoms Leaves fail to grow, or emerge
leaves. Holes are left in the leaves when and those outdoors in summer. distorted and quickly die. Infected bulbs
the dead tissue falls away. Prevention None available. become gray and dry as they rot, and gray
Plants affected Trees and shrubs. Treatment Use biological control fungal growth can be seen on the outside
Prevention Water and mulch, where Phytoseiulus persimilis in warm conditions, and between scales.
necessary, to improve growing conditions. or a suitable insecticide. Plants affected Many bulbs including
Prune carefully and at the right time of year. alliums, crocuses, lilies, daffodils, and tulips.
Treatment Can be caused by range of TARSONEMID MITES Prevention Do not plant infected bulbs or
fungal and bacterial diseases, so look for Symptoms New foliage and flowers are replant tulips in diseased soil for five years.
other symptoms before taking action. small and distorted, and growth can stop Treatment Lift affected plants and the
completely. Shoot tips are infested with surrounding soil, and throw away.
SILVER LEAF tiny, pale brown mites.
Symptoms Leaves develop a silvery Plants affected Many bedding plants VERTICILLIUM WILT
appearance and branches die back. and perennials. Symptoms Wilting occurs over parts, or
Infected wood has a dark stain at its center. Prevention Don’t introduce plants with whole plants, and foliage yellows. Branches
Plants affected Plums, cherries, apricots, symptoms to the garden. die back on trees and shrubs. Dark tissue
and rhododendrons. Treatment Destroy affected plants. under the bark is visible if stems are cut.
Prevention Prune susceptible plants in No insecticides available. Plants affected A wide range.

Prevention The disease can be carried on Prevention Pick fruit as soon as they ripen grease band around the trunk in late fall
soil and by weeds, so avoid contamination and avoid leaving fallen fruit beneath trees. to prevent females from laying eggs.
and keep weed-free. Treatment Hang wasp traps in branches. Treatment Use a suitable insecticide as
Treatment Destroy infected plants. leaves unfurl in spring.
VIBURNUM BEETLE Symptoms Small white insects fly up from WIREWORMS
Symptoms Shrubs are defoliated by larvae plants when disturbed, and excrete Symptoms Rust-colored beetle larvae live
from late spring to early summer, and adult honeydew, which can cause sooty mold in soil. They kill seedlings by eating through
beetles from midsummer into fall. to form on leaves below. the stems and tunnel into root vegetables.
Plants affected Viburnums, including Plants affected Many greenhouse plants, Plants affected Seedlings and root
V. tinus and V. opulus. garden greens, and shrubs. vegetables.
Prevention None available. Prevention None available. Prevention Dig up root vegetables
Treatment Pick off larvae by hand or use Treatment Use suitable insecticides. promptly. Although wireworms are
a suitable insecticide in late spring. In greenhouses, hang up sticky yellow common on newly cultivated lawns,
sheets to catch the adults, or use the they usually decrease each year. Prepare
VINE WEEVIL biological control, Encarsia formosa. and work the soil well each year.
Symptoms Adult beetles eat notches in Treatment None available.
leaf edges in spring and summer, but root WINTER MOTH
damage caused by grubs during fall and Symptoms In spring, young leaves are
winter is more serious. Plants wilt and die woven together with silky threads and
as their roots are attacked. eaten by yellow-green caterpillars. These
Plants affected A wide range, especially holes expand as the leaves grow. Blossoms
those in containers. and young fruit can also be damaged,
Prevention Pick off adult beetles by hand affecting yields.
and encourage beneficial wildlife. Plants affected Fruit trees and other
Treatment Nematodes are available as deciduous trees and shrubs.
biological controls and work particularly Prevention Encourage birds into the
well applied to pots in late summer. garden to eat caterpillars, and place a sticky
Suitable pesticides can be used to treat
plants in pots, but not those in open soil.

Symptoms Patterned markings and
distortion on leaves, stems, and flowers,
along with a loss of vigor, although plants
are rarely killed.
Related types Cucumber mosaic virus,
daffodil virus, and potato viruses.
Plants affected Many plants.
Prevention Control weeds and aphids,
since they help spread some viruses. Grow
resistant cultivars where available. Don’t
propagate from diseased plants.
Treatment Destroy all infected plants.

Symptoms Holes nibbled in ripe soft-
skinned tree fruits, such as plums, and
damage caused to tougher-skinned fruit
by birds is enlarged. Natural allies By caring for your plants—watering and feeding them well—and
Plants affected Fruit trees. by encouraging wildlife into your garden, most plant problems can be avoided.

Index beneficial insects 24–5, 28–9, 31, 32

biennials 18, 19, 159–63
biological controls 27
camellia leaf blight 134, 181
cane fruit 84–9, 100, 102–5, 107
cane spot 102, 104, 181
A bird pests 26, 28–9, 181 canker
acer gall mites 125 bulb & stem crops 72 bacterial 92, 96, 115, 123, 124, 180
acer tar spot 127 fruit 92, 97, 101, 102, 105 parsnip 56, 184
acidic soils 13, 39, 64, 85, 88, 101 fruiting crops 49, 50 capsid bugs 181
adelgids 126, 180 garden greens 23, 42, 64, 66, 67, 68 fruit 92, 97, 102, 104
algae 175, 176 garden trees 121 ornamentals 132, 153, 160, 161
annuals 18, 19, 159–63 see also climbers pod crops 42, 78, 81 carnation tortrix moth 181
ants 32, 163, 175, 178 seedlings 41 carrot rust flies 26, 41, 55, 56, 181
aphids 43, 115, 180 birds, beneficial behavior 25, 26, 29 carrots 40, 44, 53–7
climbers 142, 144 bitter pit, apple 92, 94, 180 caterpillars 28, 132, 153, 160, 181 see also specific
fruit 91, 92, 95, 102, 105 bitterness, leafy salads 58, 61, 62, 63 types (e.g., cabbage white)
fruiting crops 48, 51 black bean aphids 78, 80, 180 cauliflower 65–9
garden bulbs 167 black currants 22, 84, 86, 87, 101–5, 107 celery 71–5
garden greens 65, 67, 69 black spot, rose 115, 136, 185 celery leaf spot 73, 183
garden shrubs 133, 136, 137 blackberries 86, 87–8, 100, 102–5 celery root 71–5
garden trees 120, 123, 126 blackberry leaf spot 102 centipedes 29
leafy greens 61, 62 blight see specific types (e.g., potato blight) chard 45, 59–63
patio & bedding plants 160, 161, 163 blind bulbs 168 chemical-free gardening 24–7
perennials 152, 153, 154 blister aphid/mite, currant 22, 105, 182 chemical sprays 23, 28, 31, 133, 153, 155, 173
pod crops 78, 80 blossom end rot 49, 51 cherries 85, 87, 90, 92–7, 98, 99
root crops 57 see also specific types blossom wilt 92, 97, 115, 124, 181 chicory 58, 60–3
(e.g., mealy aphids) blueberries 22, 84, 87, 88, 101–3, 106 chiles 40, 46, 48–51
apple capsid bugs 92, 97, 181 bolting/running to seed chocolate spot 78, 81, 181–2
apple leaf miners 95 bulb & stem crops 75 chlorosis, lime-induced 125
apple & pear canker 92, 96, 180 garden greens 64, 67 clematis 112, 115, 141, 146
apple & pear scab 92, 96 leafy greens 58, 61, 62, 63 clematis wilt 115, 142, 145, 182
apple powdery mildew 96, 185 root crops 55, 56 climbing plants 15, 111, 112, 113–14, 115, 116,
apple sawflies 92, 97, 186 boxwood suckers 137, 181 140–7
apples 33, 87, 88, 89, 91–8 bracket fungus 23, 122, 124 clubroot 39, 64, 66, 69, 182
arugula 42, 45, 59–63 brassica downy mildew 67, 68 clump-forming perennials 16, 116, 151–7
asparagus 71–5 brassicas see specific types (e.g., cabbage) codling moth 89, 92, 97, 182
asparagus beetle 73, 75, 180 broad beans 39, 77–81 cold damage 12
broccoli 40, 45, 65–9 frost pockets 12, 85, 110
brown rot 92, 95, 181 fruit 85, 90, 92, 94, 101, 102
B Brussels sprouts 64, 66–9 fruiting crops 42, 44, 51
bacterial infections 23 bulb flies, narcissus 115, 167, 184 garden shrubs 130, 132, 134, 136
bacterial canker 92, 96, 115, 123, 124, 180 bulbs patio & bedding plants 158, 159, 161, 162
bacterial leaf spot 180 bulb & stem crops 39, 45, 70–5 perennials 151, 153, 154
bamboos 151 ornamentals 17, 111, 112, 113–14, 116, 164, 166–9 pod crops 77, 78, 81
barriers 26, 121 bush fruit 84–9, 101–7 root crops 52, 54
bay sucker 137 seedlings 41
bean chocolate spot 78, 81, 181–2 C common potato scab 55, 57, 182
bean rust 78, 81, 186 cabbage 45, 64, 66–9 companion planting 24, 26, 27
bean seed flies 42, 79, 80, 180 cabbage collars 26, 64 compost
bean weevils, pea & 79, 81, 184 cabbage root flies 64, 66, 69, 181 compost heaps 25, 27
beans 38, 39, 40, 42, 45, 77–81 cabbage white caterpillars 67, 69, 181 soil improvement 13, 24–5, 112, 140, 141, 142
bedding plants 18, 19, 112, 158–63 cabbage whiteflies 67, 68 conifers 120, 122, 126, 129
beet leaf miners 54, 56, 61, 62 calcium deficiency 51, 94, 180 container growing
beets 44, 53–7 camellia gall 181 fertilizer granules 33

fruit 85, 88, 90, 91, 101 eggplant 46, 48–51 frogs & toads 25, 26, 29
ornamentals 114–15, 135, 160 endive 58, 60–3 fruit
pot-bound plants 20, 111, 160 fruit trees 27, 33, 84–9, 90–9
vegetables 39, 43, 50 F misshapen 21
container-grown plants, buying & planting 14, 15, fairy rings 177 soft fruit 84–9, 100–7
84, 86, 88, 111, 113–14 fasciation 33 fruit cages 85
coral spot 95, 122, 127, 133, 182 fennel, Florence 71–5 fruiting crops 38, 40, 42, 44, 46–51
corm rot, gladiolus 183 fertilizing fungal diseases 20, 23, 115, 169 see also specific
corms 17, 164, 166–9 containers 115, 135 diseases (e.g., chocolate spot)
crop rotation 26, 43, 44 fruit 88, 89 fungal leaf spot 183
crown rot 156 lawns 117, 174, 177, 178 fruit 102, 105, 183
cuckoo spit 33 ornamentals 114, 116, 143, 153, 159, 161, 163 ornamentals 135, 142, 145, 153, 157, 161, 162, 183
cucumber mosaic virus 47, 49, 51 vegetables 43, 46, 48 vegetables 60, 67, 73, 183
cucumbers & cucumber family 44, 47–51 figs 91, 99 fungicides 23, 27
cultivars, choosing 40, 84, 110–11, 115 fireblight 92, 97, 123, 132, 183 fungus see specific types (e.g., bracket fungus)
currant blister aphid/mite 22, 105, 182 flea beetles 183 fusarium patch 178
currant & gooseberry leaf spot 102, 183 bulb & stem crops 73
currants 22, 84, 86, 87, 101–5, 107 garden greens 66, 67 G
cutworms 60, 62, 152, 160 leafy greens 59, 61, 64 gall midge, hemerocallis 157, 183
patio & bedding plants 160 gall mites, acer 125
DE root crops 54, 57 galls 120
damping off disease 41, 42, 48, 60, 66, 182 seedlings 41, 42 camellia 181
deadheading 18, 151, 159, 161, 163 flies see by specific plant affected garden bulbs 17, 111, 112, 113–14, 116, 164–9
deer 28, 121, 123, 132, 182 (e.g., carrot rust flies) garden greens 23, 39, 40, 42, 43, 45, 64–9
dieback 21, 63, 97, 120, 132, 182 Florence fennel 71–5 garden hygiene 25, 29, 68, 89, 90, 115, 178
disease-resistant plants 40, 84, 110, 115 flowers 10, 11, 20 garden shrubs 14–15, 111, 112, 113–14, 116, 130,
diseases 20–3, 180–7 see also specific diseases beneficial insect attractants 24–5, 26, 31 132–9
(e.g., downy mildews) bulb & stem crops 70, 71, 73 garden trees 14, 111, 112, 113–14, 116, 120–9
division fruit trees 90, 94 garlic 39, 45, 70, 72–5
garden bulbs 164, 166, 167, 168 garden greens 45, 65–9 germination problems
perennials 16, 150, 153, 155 leafy greens 58, 59, 61, 62 bulb & stem crops 72
dog lichen 175 ornamental plants see specific types (e.g., fruiting crops 38, 48
dog urine 174, 179 garden shrubs) garden greens 66
downy mildew 60, 63, 67, 68, 73, 75, pod crops 76, 78, 81 leafy greens 60
153, 182 root crops 52, 53 see also pollination pod crops 38, 77, 79
drainage & waterlogging 13 foliage problems 20–3, 32 root crops 55
containers 88, 114 bulb & stem crops 73, 75 ghost spot, tomato 33
fruit trees & bushes 85, 101 climbers 142–5 gladiolus corm rot 167, 183
fruiting crops 46, 51 fruit trees 22, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96 gooseberries 87, 101–5, 107
garden bulbs 167 fruiting crops 46, 47, 49, 50, 51 gooseberry leaf spot, currant & 102, 183
garden trees & shrubs 120, 122, 125, 130 garden bulbs 164, 166, 167, 168 gooseberry mildew 105, 180
lawns 117, 175, 176 garden greens 66, 67, 68, 69 gooseberry sawflies 104, 186
leafy greens 61 garden shrubs 130–7 graft unions 21, 121
ornamentals 112 garden trees 120, 122–7 grass
patio & bedding plants 160, 163 leafy greens 60, 61, 62, 63 annual meadow grass 31
perennials 152, 154 leaves on lawns 178 lawns 19, 117, 172–9
pod crops 45 perennials 17, 150, 152–7 gray bulb rot, tulip 167, 168, 186–7
root crops 44, 52, 53, 54, 56 pod crops 78, 81 gray mold 183
vegetables 38 root crops 52, 54, 56, 57 fruit 104
drought see weather problems soft fruit 22, 101, 102, 104 leafy greens 60, 63
earthworms 175, 177 forking, root crops 39, 53, 55, 57 ornamentals 115, 153, 157, 161, 163
eelworms 115, 167, 168, 182 froghoppers 33 grease bands 89

green beans 38, 77–81 leeks 70, 72–5 O

green spruce aphids 126, 180 lettuce 40, 45, 58–63 onion downy mildew 73, 75
greening, potato tubers 52, 55, 57 lettuce downy mildew 60, 63 onion flies 73, 74, 184
ground beetles 29 lettuce gray mold 60, 63 onion thrips 73, 184
lettuce root aphids 61, 62, 185 onion white rot 73, 74, 184
H lichens 33, 175 onions & onion family 45, 70, 72–5
halo blight 78, 183 lily beetles 28, 115, 166, 169, 183 organic gardening 24–7
hardening off 41–2, 79 lily disease 167, 183 ornamentals, growing 110–16 see also specific
hardy perennials 16, 112, 113–14, 116, 150–7 lime-induced chlorosis 125 types (e.g., bedding plants)
hedgehogs 25, 29 liming soil 39, 64 overwintering 158, 165, 166, 169
hedges 120 loam 13
hellebore leaf blotch 157, 183 P
hemerocallis gall midge 157, 183 M parsnip canker 56, 184
herbaceous perennials 11, 16, 111, 112, 113–14, maggots parsnips 40, 53–7
116, 150–7 fruit crops 92, 96, 97, 105 patio plants 18, 19, 112, 113–14, 158–63
herbs 59, 63, 179 vegetable crops 56, 62, 66, 73 pea & bean weevils 79, 81, 184
hilling up 52, 57 magnesium deficiency 13, 49, 50, 125, 184 pea moth 76, 78, 80, 184
hollyhock rust 157, 186 mahonia rust 136 peach leaf curl 22, 89, 93, 96, 184
honey fungus 92, 122, 123, 126, 132, 177, 183 manuring 13, 25, 39, 57, 79, 112 peaches 22, 85, 87, 89, 90, 92–7
honeydew 20, 32, 120, 136, 137, 186 marrows 47, 51 pear canker, apple & 92, 96, 180
hoverflies 29 mealy aphids 69, 180 pear midge 92, 96, 184
hybrid berries 100, 102–5 mice 183 pear scab, apple & 92, 96, 180
soft fruit 102 pears 33, 87, 91–8
IJK vegetable crops 42, 49, 50, 76, 78, 79, 80 peas 42, 45, 76, 78–81
insect collars 26, 64 microgreens 59 peony wilt 156, 184
insecticides 23, 27 midges see specific types (e.g., pear midge) peppers 38, 40, 44, 46, 48–51
insects see specific groups (e.g., mildew see downy mildews; perennials 16, 17, 111, 112, 113–14, 116, 150–7
beneficial insects) powdery mildews see also climbers; tender perennials
& types (e.g., pea moth) mint rust 63, 186 pestalotiopsis 126, 185
iron deficiency 13, 66, 125, 184 mites see specific types (e.g., spider mites) pesticides 23, 27, 28
ivy 114, 140, 144 mizuna 59–63 pests 20, 22–9, 32–3, 180–7 see also plant types
ivy leaf spot 145, 183 moles & molehills 175, 177 affected (e.g., garden greens); specific pests
Jerusalem artichokes 52 moss 175, 176 (e.g., aphids)
June drop 33, 94 moths see specific types (e.g., codling moth) pH testing 13, 110
kale 45, 64, 66–9 mold see gray mold; sooty mold phytophthora root rot 123, 132, 185
kohlrabi 71–5 mulching 13, 25, 30, 89, 114, 116, 131 pigeons see bird pests
pip fruit 27, 33, 84–9, 91–8
L N plant reproduction 10, 11, 21, 134, 164
lacewings 29 narcissus basal rot 167, 169, 184 propagating perennials 150, 153, 155, 158
ladybugs & ladybug larvae 25, 29, 33 narcissus bulb flies 115, 167, 184 see also pollination; seeds & sowing
lawns 19, 117, 172–9 narcissus eelworm 167, 168 planting & spacing
leaf miners nectarines 90, 92–7 fruit 84, 86–8, 123
apple 95 nematodes 27 garden trees & shrubs 112, 120, 133
ornamentals 126, 137, 153, 154 netting pest prevention 26 ornamentals 112–13, 143, 159, 164–8
vegetables 54, 56, 59, 61, 62 fruit 85, 89, 92, 101, 102 replanting 110, 185
leaf spot seedlings 41 seedlings 41, 42
bacterial 180 vegetables 53, 56, 64, 66, 68, 69 vegetables 55, 64, 65, 66, 70, 72, 77
fungal see fungal leaf spot nitrogen deficiency 13, 66, 184 plum moth caterpillars 89, 92, 97, 181, 185
leafy salad crops 40, 45, 58–63 nutrient deficiencies 13, 22, 184 plum sawflies 92, 186
leatherjackets 174, 177 fruit 94, 95, 102, 180 plums 87, 89, 90, 92–7, 98, 99
leek moth 73, 74, 183 garden trees & shrubs 122, 125, 132 pod crops 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 45, 76–81
leek rust 73, 75, 186 vegetables 49, 50, 51, 66 pollarding 128

pollen beetles 33 root aphids 61, 62, 160, 185 site selection 12–13, 20, 38, 110, 114–15
pollination 11 root crops 38, 39, 40, 43, 44, 52–7 slime mold 175, 176
beneficial insects 24–5, 29, 31 root rot slugs & snails 26, 28, 29, 186
fruit trees 84, 90, 91, 93, 94 garden trees 120, 125 bulb & stem crops 71, 73
fruiting crops 44, 46, 47, 48, 50 patio & bedding plants 160, 162 climbers 142, 144
garden shrubs 134 perennials 151, 152 fruiting crops 49
pod crops 45, 78, 81 phytophthora 123, 132, 185 garden bulbs 166, 167, 169
soft fruit 84, 100, 101, 103, 105 roots 10, 20, 23, 140, 150, 151, 164, 165 garden greens 66, 67, 69
pot-bound plants 20, 111, 160 taproots 38, 39, 40, 44, 53–7, 151 leafy salads 58, 59, 60, 61, 62
potassium deficiency 184 rootstocks 21, 84, 87, 88, 90, 91, 121 ornamentals 115
potato blackleg 185 rose black spot 115, 136, 185 patio & bedding plants 160
potato blight 54, 56, 185 rose leaf-rolling sawflies 32, 135, 186 perennials 151, 152, 153, 156
potato scab, common 55, 57, 182 rose powdery mildew 185 pod crops 77, 78, 79
potato spraing 57 rose replant disease 185 root crops 54, 55
potato wireworm 55, 57 rose root aphids 185 seedlings 41, 42
potatoes 44, 52, 54–7 rose rust 115, 136, 186 soft fruit 27, 84–9, 100–7
potting mix roses 32, 115, 135, 136, 138, 146 soils 13
for containers 88, 114 runner beans 40, 77–81 acidic 13, 85, 88, 101
powdery mildews 185 running to seed see bolting improving 13, 24–5, 112, 140, 141, 142
climbers 115, 142, 145 rusts 153, 161, 167, 186 see also by specific plant liming 39, 64
fruit 96, 105, 180 affected (e.g., rose rust) manuring 13, 25, 39, 57, 79, 112
garden trees & shrubs 115, 127, 133 rutabagas 53–7 no-dig cultivation 25, 31
patio & bedding plants 161, 163 organic gardening 24–5
perennials 150, 153, 157 S pH testing 13, 110
vegetables 49, 60, 78 salad crops, leafy 45, 58–63 preparation 39, 85 see also nutrient deficiencies
propagating perennials 16, 150, 153, 155, 158 sawflies 28, 153, 155, 186 see also specific types Solomon’s seal sawflies 155, 186
pruning (e.g., plum sawflies) sooty mold 68, 95, 120, 133, 136, 186
climbers 15, 140, 143, 144, 145, 146–7 scab spacing see planting & spacing
fruit trees 88, 89, 90, 93, 95, 98–9 apple & pear 92, 96, 180 spider mites 49, 50, 132, 142, 152, 153, 160, 161, 185
garden shrubs 14, 116, 130, 131, 133, 134, common potato 55, 57, 182 spinach 59–63
137, 138–9 scale insects 186 spraing 57
garden trees 14, 116, 122, 123, 125, 128–9 climbers 142, 144 spreading perennials 16, 116, 150, 152–7
perennials 16 garden trees & shrubs 115, 120, 123, 133, 136, 137 sprouts, Brussels 64, 66–9
soft fruit 89, 101, 103, 106–7 patio & bedding plants 160 squashes 40, 47–51
training 85, 87–8, 90, 91, 99 scorch 51, 124, 132, 135, 142, 145, 155, 161 squirrels 123, 132, 167, 169, 182
seedlings, vegetable 41–2 staking
QR seeds & sowing 10, 11 fruit trees 86, 87
quince 91 annuals & biennials 159 ornamentals 114, 116, 127, 165
rabbits 28, 121, 132, 153, 155, 160, 182 microgreens 59 stem & bulb crops 39, 45, 70–5
radishes 42, 53–7 station sowing 40 stems 11, 20, 131, 139, 140, 141, 150, 158
rain shadows 12, 113, 143 successional sowing 39, 58, 61 stone fruit 84–9, 90, 92–7, 99
raised beds 39 vegetables 38–41 see also germination strawberries 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 101–5
raspberries 86, 87–8, 100, 102–5, 107 problems strawberry leaf spot 102, 105, 183
raspberry beetle 105, 185 shade problems structure, plant 10–11
raspberry cane blight 102, 185 lawns 19, 174, 175, 176, 179 suckering shoots 100, 121, 127, 131
raspberry cane spot 102, 104, 181 vegetable growing 38 supports
raspberry rust 102, 186 shallots 70, 72–5 climbers 15, 114, 116, 141, 144
red currants 87, 101–5, 107 shelter 12 fruit 86, 87, 100, 106, 107
red thread 176, 185 shield bugs 33 fruiting crops 43, 46, 47
repotting 42, 88, 115 shothole 95, 115, 186 garden greens 64, 65, 69
rhizomes 17, 165–9 shrubs 14–15, 111, 112, 113–14, 116, 130–9 ornamentals 114, 116, 127, 165
rhubarb 71–5 silver leaf 95, 99, 115, 186 perennials 11, 152, 154

pod crops 43, 45, 76, 77, 79, 80, 81 ornamentals 17, 165–9 weather problems 12, 38, 39
sweet corn 47, 50 tuber crops 44, 52, 54–7 bulb & stem crops 72, 73
sweet potatoes 52 tulip fire 167, 186 climbers 141, 142, 145
Swiss chard 45, 59–63 tulip gray bulb rot 167, 168, 186–7 fruit trees 85, 92, 93, 94
symptoms, disease 20–3, 180–7 see also specific turnips 53–7 fruiting crops 48, 49, 50, 51
diseases (e.g., downy mildews) garden bulbs 167
UV garden greens 67, 68, 69
T urine, animal 174, 179 garden shrubs 130, 132, 134–7
taproots 38, 39, 40, 44, 53–7, 151 variegated shrubs reverting 134 garden trees 122, 124, 126
tarsonemid mites 186 vegetable growing 26, 38–43 lawns 178
temperature requirements verticillium wilt 123, 132, 187 leafy greens 40, 61, 63
bulb & stem crops 39, 74, 75 viburnum beetle 115, 132, 137, 187 ornamentals 113
fruit trees & bushes 85, 93, 103 vine weevils 187 patio & bedding plants 158, 159, 160, 161, 162
fruiting crops 38, 40, 42, 44, 46–51 climbers 145 perennials 151, 153, 154, 155
patio & bedding plants 159, 161 garden bulbs 115, 167 pod crops 77, 78, 79, 81
pod crops 38, 39, 77, 78, 79, 81 garden shrubs 132, 137 root crops 54, 55, 56
tender perennials 18, 19, 158, 160–3 patio & bedding plants 159, 160, 162 soft fruit 85, 100, 102, 103
thatch 172, 175 perennials 151, 152, 157 see also cold damage; temperature
thinning viruses 23, 187 requirements
seedlings 41 garden bulbs 167, 168 weeds & weeding 30–1, 39, 43, 89, 111, 117, 173
tree fruit 90, 94 garden shrubs 132, 133 weed killers 23, 31, 133, 153, 155, 173
thrips 63, 73, 153, 161, 163, 184, 186 ornamentals 115 weevils see pea & bean weevils; vine weevils
toads & frogs 25, 26, 29 patio & bedding crops 161 white currants 87, 101–5, 107
toadstools 23, 126, 177 perennials 153, 154, 157 white rot, onion 73, 74
tomato blight 49, 50, 185 soft fruit 22, 85, 89, 104, 105 whiteflies 48, 67, 68, 115, 187
tomato ghost spot 33 vegetables 47, 49, 51, 57, 67, 78 wilting 10, 20, 51, 58, 61, 63
tomato moth 186 patio & bedding plants 159
tomatoes & tomato family 33, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46–51 WZ perennials 151, 152, 154
tortrix moth, carnation 181 wasps 27, 29, 92, 97, 102, 187 winter moth 89, 92, 94, 124, 132, 187
training, fruit trees & bushes 85, 87–8, 90, 91, 99 water shoots 15 wireworms 42, 55, 57, 187
traps 26–7 watering 10 wisteria 15, 144, 146
tree ties 86, 87, 116, 127 containers 43, 88, 115, 135 worm casts 175, 177
trees see fruit trees; garden trees seedlings 41, 42 see also specific plant types wound paint 98
tubers waterlogging see drainage & waterlogging zucchini 38, 42, 44, 47–51

Picture credits 78l, 80cl, cr, 81br, 82tl, ct, cb, 83tr, 84b, 86bl, bc, br, Proofreader Constance Novice
The publisher would like thank the following for 87tc, tr, 89b, 90bl, tr, cr, 91tr, cr, br, 92l, br, 93br, Index Susan Bosanko
kind permission to reproduce their photographs: 94c, bl, br, 95cl, cr, ct, 96tl, tr, c, cr, 97tr, tcr, cr, tl,
cbr, 100l, cr, 101br, 102l, c, br, 104cr, 105cl, 109c, Author’s acknowledgments
(key: b-below/bottom; c-center; l-left; r-right; 123br, 124cb, br, 135 tl. Lucy Claxton 9br, 17br, Many thanks are due to Chauney Dunford,
t-top) 25r, 29tc. Emma Firth 177cr. Barrie Watts Alison Shackleton, and the team at Dorling
Blackmore Nursery 90br, 96cl. DT Brown Seeds Collection 48br. Igor Zhorov (c) Alamy 10c. Kindersley for their contributions at every stage
64bcl. Dobies of Devon 100tr. Fothergill Seeds of this project. I’m enormously grateful to
67br. Sutton Seeds 53cb, cbr, 71tr. Victoriana Dorling Kindersley would like to thank: Malcolm Dodds for the loan of his camera and
Nursery 84–85 tc. Dorling Kindersley: Alan Jo Whittingham, Chauney Dunford, Alison tireless support. Thanks also to Judy and Paul
Buckingham 13cb, 20tl, 21c, cr, 22l, 30tr, bl, br, Shackleton, Caroline Reed, Collette Sadler, Esther Whittingham, Alma and John Dodds, and all
31tl, tc, tr, bl, br, 33tr, 35br, 46cr, 50bl, 53bc, 54l, Ripley, Elaine Hewson, Verne Crawford, and others who allowed me to poke around their
55l, 56l, 58tl, 59tl, cl. bl, cr, 64bl, cr, r, 65b, 70ctl, Veronica Peerless for additional photography. gardens to photograph their sickly plants. And
71b, 72l, 73bl, 74l, cr, br, 75cl, bl, 76tl, cl, bl, 77r, br, All other images copyright DK Images to Evan, thanks for eating what I grow with gusto!

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