Ethel Fenwick,: Gordon

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No. 2145. Vol. 95. APRIL, 1947. Price Sevenpence.

ETHEL GORDON FENWICK, S.R.N. lines. She was lavishly endowed with gifts of intellect,
strength of character, great and dogged courage and a
A SHORT OUTLINE OF HER LIFE AND WORK. spirit of passionate enterprise. She possessed great
HER .EARLY LIFE. beauty, a lovely and inspiring voice, and she w s ’ a n
On January 26th, 1857, a t Spynie House, Morayshire, excellent speaker. Even at an early age, she nursed
in glorious Scotland, a tiny baby girl first saw the light of secret (and at that time revdlutionary) ambitions.
day. She was the infant daughter of Dr. and Mrs. She decided quite definitely that she would be a nurse ;
Davidson Manson, and in due’course she was baptised get married, and found a family. She accomplished
and received the name of all three! And so it was
Ethel. Little did her unsus- throughout her whole life,
pecting parents realise the whatever she was determined
future prodigy which fate to do was done, no matter
had brought t o them; nor how great the obstacles,
could they guess that after ignoring all difficulties and
a strenuous life of high en- never counting the cost. Thus,
deavour, many and varied at an early age, she revealed
travels, and works of great the characteristics of a re-
public benefit, their daughter former and a leader, and in
would die at the ripe old age the course of time she came
of 90 years, still mentally forth from the secluded
active, with all her faculties countryside into the whirl of -
unimpaired, almost alone, the great cities, and she
but for one or two exceptions ; fulfilled her destiny.
away from her friends and the
environment of her activities. HOSPITAL NURSING.
Blissfully unaware of what In 1878, she definitely
fate had in store for her, little decided that the time had
Ethel grew up in a cultured come for her to commence
atmosphere, where wealth her training as a nurse, a
and refinement abounded, decision considered ‘I very
surrounded by beauty, and odd ” in those days, and
learning to love flowers, birds being too young to take her
and animals which flourished general training, she entered
on her father’s estate. Ethel the Children’s Hospital, Not-
was not quite one year old tingham, as a Paying Pro-
when her father died, and in bationer. From there, after
due course Mrs. Manson one year, she proceeded to
married again, her second Manchester Royal Infirmary ,
husband being Mr. George and on completion of her.
Storer, of Thoroton Hall, training she was appointed
Notts. (who was a Member of Sister 5 f Charlotte Ward a t
Parliament), and he was thus the London Hospital.
the father whom Ethel grew ETHEL, AT THE AGE OF EIGHT YEARS. She proved herself a very
t o love. able Sister and a areat
Her childhood passed sweetly and gently in the old disciplinarian. She later often spoke with affecti& of

Hall, set in lovely gardens and surrounded by beautiful her time spent at the London Hospital. She used to
wooded meadowlands in the glorious Belvoir Valley. recount to us that when the Committee, headed by its
Truly this was a perfect retreat and a peaceful prepara- Chairman, toured the wards, she was always compli-
tion for her future active life, for never again, after the mented on the apple-pie order of her cupboards, and
age of twenty-one years, when she first sallied forth on the freshness of the lovely flowers in her care. Her
into the world, did she ever again enjoy such tranquil patients were happy, well nursed and contented. At
and blessed peace. this time she was hugging her secret ambition t o become
Whilst growing to lovely womanhood, young Ethel’s’ Matron of a Training School, and the opportunity was
character developed along very determined and unique not long denied her.
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