Inrow Direct Expansion Air Conditioners: Acrd100, Acrd200, Acrd600, and Acrd600P Series

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InRow® Direct Expansion Air Conditioners

ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P

Technical Specifications
Up to 42kW


Release Date: 10/2019
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ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series

Table of Contents
Technical Data .............................................................................................5
Model Identification.....................................................................................5
Overview ...................................................................................................6
Capacities ............................................................................................6
Room Air Distribution ............................................................................6
Compliance Approval ............................................................................7
Working Conditions and Environmental Limits.........................................8
Scalable Solution for Critical Environments...................................................9
InRow Advantages................................................................................9
Scalable for High Density ......................................................................9
Standard Features and Options .................................................................10
Standard Features ..............................................................................10
Optional Features ...............................................................................13
Microprocessor Controller .........................................................................14
ACRD100 and ACRD200 Series ..........................................................14
ACRD600 and ACRD600P Series ........................................................15
Microprocessor Controller....................................................................15
Open Architecture...............................................................................15
Control Type.......................................................................................15
Functions ...........................................................................................16
Control ...............................................................................................16
Alarms ...............................................................................................16
Component Identification ..........................................................................19
External Components..........................................................................19
Internal Components...........................................................................21
Electrical Panels .................................................................................27
Performance Specifications.......................................................................33
Net Cooling Capacity ..........................................................................33
General Data ......................................................................................41
Altitude Correction Factors ..................................................................45
Electrical Data ....................................................................................46
Sound Data ........................................................................................47
Dimensions and Weights...........................................................................48
ACRD100 and ACRD200 Series ..........................................................48
ACRD600 and ACRD600P Series ........................................................49
Piping and Electrical Access Locations .................................................51
ACRD600 and ACRD600P Series..............................................................55
Water-Cooled Bottom Piping (ACRD200 Series) .........................................56
Glycol-Cooled Bottom Piping (ACRD200 Series).........................................57
Outdoor Heat Exchanger Data ...............................................................58
Mechanical Data.......................................................................................58
Air-Cooled Condensers (ACRD100 Series)...........................................58
Air-Cooled Condensers (ACRD600 Series)...........................................59
Fluid Coolers (ACRD200 Series)..........................................................60
Electrical Data ..........................................................................................61
Air-Cooled Condensers (ACRD100 Series)...........................................61
Air-Cooled Condensers (ACRD600 Series)...........................................61

990-5801C-001 3
ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series

Fluid Coolers (ACRD200 Series)..........................................................62

Dimensions ..............................................................................................62

4 990-5801C-001
Technical Data ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series

Technical Data
Model Identification
ACRD100 Series and ACRD200 Series—300 mm Units
The model number can be found on the outside of the shipping crate and on the
name plate located on the unit as shown. Use the table below to verify that the
equipment is the right type and voltage.


Model Range of Capacity Heat Rejection Voltage/Phase/ Humidifier/Reheat Air Pattern


ACRD100 Up to 10 kW Air-cooled 208-240/1~/60 Hz None Back to front

ACRD101 Up to 10 kW Air-cooled 220-240/1~/50 Hz None Back to front

ACRD200 Up to 10 kW Fluid-cooled 208-240/1~/60 Hz None Back to front

ACRD201 Up to 10 kW Fluid-cooled 220-240/1~/50 Hz None Back to front

ACRD600 and ACRD600P Series—600 mm Units

The model number can be found on the outside of the shipping crate and on the
nameplate located inside the equipment as shown. Use the table below to verify
NAMEPLATE that the equipment is the correct size and voltage.

SKU Range of Heat Rejection Voltage Frequency Reheat Humidifier Air Pattern

ACRD600 Up to 42 kW Air-cooled 200–240 50/60 Hz N/A N/A Rear to front

ACRD601 Up to 42 kW Air-cooled 460–480 60 Hz N/A N/A Rear to front

ACRD602 Up to 42 kW Air-cooled 380–415 50/60 Hz N/A N/A Rear to front

ACRD600P Up to 42 kW Air-cooled 200–240 50/60 Hz Electric Steam canister Rear to front


ACRD601P Up to 42 kW Air-cooled 460–480 60 Hz Electric Steam canister Rear to front


ACRD602P Up to 42 kW Air-cooled 380–415 50/60 Hz Electric Steam canister Rear to front


990-5801C-001 5
ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series Technical Data

This modular, row-based computer room cooling system offers efficient,
predictable, and economical cooling for a variety of spaces.
Critical environmental requirements now reach far beyond the confines of the
traditional data center or computer room to encompass a larger suite of
applications, referred to as technology rooms. Critical environment applications
include the following:
• Computer rooms
• Telecommunication facilities
• Clean rooms
• Power equipment
• Medical equipment rooms
• LAN/WAN environments
A worldwide network by Schneider Electric representatives is fully qualified to
provide engineering, sales, installation, and service for our products.

InRow® Direct Expansion (DX) units are available in two sizes (300 mm and 600
mm) with nominal capacities ranging from 2–10 kW (300 mm) and 8–42 kW (600

Room Air Distribution

Row-based systems are placed in line with rack enclosures. At least one system is
used per hot aisle. Air is drawn in through the rear of the system, cooled, and
discharged into the cold aisle, thereby neutralizing the sensible heating effects of
the data processing equipment. InRow DX products deliver high volumes of
airflow to eliminate hot spots in densely populated environments.
• Air-cooled
• Fluid-cooled

6 990-5801C-001
Technical Data ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series

Compliance Approval

Agency ACRD100 ACRD101 ACRD200 ACRD201 ACRD600

UL and cUL X X X X X

Agency ACRD600P ACRD601 ACRD601P ACRD602 ACRD602P

UL and cUL X X X X X

990-5801C-001 7
ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series Technical Data

Working Conditions and Environmental Limits

InRow DX units have a minimum heat load to ensure proper operation. Failure to
operate the unit with at least the minimum load will result in one or more of the
following conditions:
• Decreased operating efficiency
• Equipment on/off cycling
• Inadequate dehumidification
• Increased wear and tear caused by frequent on/off cycles
• Decreased group control effectiveness
• Potential increase in cost of ownership

Limit Working Conditions

Models ACRD600 ACRD601 ACRD602
200–240 V 460–480 V 380–415 V
Power Supply 3 Phase 3 Phase 3 Phase
50/60 Hz 60 Hz 50/60 Hz
Recommended 8 kW (27,296 BTU/hr)

8 990-5801C-001
Technical Data ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series

Scalable Solution for Critical Environments

InRow Advantages
The row-based solution improves energy efficiency and cooling ability in a number
of ways. First, the InRow DX unit draws air directly from the hot aisle, allowing the
InRow DX unit to take advantage of higher heat transfer efficiency due to higher
temperature differences. It can then discharge room-temperature air directly in
front of the servers it is cooling. Placing the unit in the row enables the unit to
operate at higher return and supply air temperatures, yielding 100% sensible
capacity. This significantly reduces the need for humidification.


Scalable for High Density

The predictable performance of the row-based architecture makes it well-suited
for high density applications. The focus on heat removal instead of cold-air
delivery is the key to making this approach scalable. The modular design of the
InRow DX unit allows it to be easily added in the row as the demand for cooling
The additional benefit of the row-based architecture is the ability to add hot-aisle
containment. Containing the hot aisle further reduces any chance of hot and cold
air streams mixing. This provides ultimate predictability and allows the cooling
capacity to be matched to the IT heat load.

990-5801C-001 9
ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series Technical Data

Standard Features and Options

Standard Features
• All series
◦ Variable-speed fans
◦ Standby input
◦ Common alarm output
◦ Internal condensate pump
◦ Top or bottom piping
◦ Network Management Card (NMC)
◦ Remote temperature sensors
◦ Microprocessor controller
◦ Insulated cabinet
• ACRD100 series and ACRD200 series only
◦ Washable filter
◦ Condensate management with dual floats
◦ Condensate pump
◦ Scroll compressor
◦ Hot gas bypass
◦ 2-way/3-way floating point valve (ACRD200 series only)
◦ Liquid line solenoid valve (ACRD100 series only)
◦ Isolation ball valves
• ACRD600 and ACRD600P series only
◦ Backward inclined impeller
◦ Pleated 100-mm (4-in.) filter
◦ Condensate management with a dual-position float
◦ Scroll compressor with VFD control
◦ Liquid line solenoid valve
◦ Pipe adapters
◦ Electric reheat (ACRD600P series only)
◦ Humidifier (ACRD600P series only)
• Accessories
◦ Cable leak detector
◦ Joining kit—InRow to NetShelter® VX rack
◦ NetShelter SX 42-U to 48-U height adapters
◦ NetShelter VX 42-U height adapters
◦ Bridge trough power cable shield
◦ Data cable bridge partition
◦ Fluid cooler
◦ Condenser
◦ Aisle/rack containment

The frame is constructed of 16-gauge formed steel for maximum strength. The
cabinet is serviceable from the front and rear. All exterior panels and corner posts
on the frame are powder coated for durability and an attractive finish. The front
and rear exterior panels are constructed of 18 gauge perforated steel with 80%

10 990-5801C-001
Technical Data ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series

open free area. All panels, which include a key latch for safety and security, allow
easy access and removal. Insulation (ACRD100 and ACRD200 series only) is
80.1 kg/m3 (5 lb/ft3) density and complies with ASTM E84 rating of 25/50.

Condensate Pump
• ACRD100 and ACRD200 series: A condensate pump is factory wired and
piped internally to the condensate drain pan. The pump is capable of pumping
34 l/h (9 g/hr) against head pressures of up to 50 ft (15.2 m) of total run. Of
that run, 16 ft (4.9 m) can be vertical lift as measured from floor level. Dual
floats are included with the unit. One float is used for condensate pump
control, and the other float generates a condensate pump failure alarm. The
InRow RD unit can be set to either continue running in an alarm condition or
shut down to prevent condensate pan overflow.
• ACRD600 and ACRD600P series: A condensate pump is factory wired and
piped internally to the condensate drain pan. Within the condensate pump,
there is a dual position float. The first position is used for condensate pump
control and the other float generates a condensate pump failure alarm to
prevent condensate pan overflow.

Counterflow Cooling Coil/Condensate Pan

Designed for high-sensible heat ratios, the coil is constructed with copper tubes,
raised-lance-type aluminum fins, and 18-gauge galvanized steel end plates. Coil
headers are equipped with anti-drip shields in the event of condensation. The
condensate pan is thermal formed non-ferrous material, and is sloped for positive
drainage to provide higher indoor air quality.

Electric Reheat (ACRD600P Series Only)

Electric reheat elements are low watt density, wired for three-phase and loaded
equally on all three phases, and electrically and thermally protected by both
automatic and manual reset thermal cut outs. Reheat elements are stainless steel,
fin tubular construction.

Filtration of conditioned air is extremely vital to maintaining the clean, particle-free
environment required by electrical equipment. Filters are easily replaceable from
the rear of the unit. The ACRD100 and 200 series systems use greater-than 20%
efficiency ASHRAE 52.1, 12.7 mm (1/2 in.) washable filters that meet HF-1
standards for electronics (MERV 1 per ASHRAE 52.2). The ACRD600 and
ACRD600P series system uses a 30% efficient, 102 mm (4 in.), deep loading,
pleated filter (MERV 8 per ASHRAE 52.2, EN779 G4).

990-5801C-001 11
ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series Technical Data

Humidifier (ACRD600P Series Only)

The humidifier is a self-contained, steam-generating type, factory piped and wired,
with a disposable cylinder and an automatic solid state control circuit. Humidifier
canisters are replaceable. The humidifier controller communicates directly to the
microprocessor controller and provides complete status and control at the
operator interface.

Joining Kit—InRow/NetShelter SX
Joining kits made of 16-gauge steel enable joining the InRow unit to NetShelter

Network Management Card

The Network Management Card (NMC) allows communication with the local area
network (LAN). In addition, the NMC permits multi-level access to monitoring,
control, and event notification features over the building network.

Pipe Adapters (ACRD600 and ACRD600P Series Only)

Standard pipe connections are 31.75 mm (1 1/4 in.) 12 UNF female threaded ring
seal (manufactured in accordance with ANSI B1.1). The adapter converts the
threaded ring seal to a sweat adapter.

Remote Temperature Sensors

To control the cooling unit based on rack inlet temperature, remote temperature
sensors are provided. The ACRD100 and ACRD200 series units come equipped
with one temperature sensor, and the ACRD600 and ACRD600P series units
come equipped with three. These sensors measure temperature at a point 4 m (13
ft) from the connection inside the InRow DX unit. These sensors are used for
remote placement in the field on an adjacent IT rack.

Shutdown Input/Alarm Output

The unit provides one field connection input for remote shutdown and one field
connection alarm output.

Selectable Top or Bottom Piping Connections

The cooling unit includes both top and bottom piping connections. All ACRD100,
ACRD600, and ACRD600P series connections use threaded ring seals for ease of
installation and service. The ACRD200 series uses union connectors.

Variable-Speed Fans
Each unit is equipped with variable speed fans to allow for varying heat loads. In
order to provide uniform airflow over the cooling coil, the fans provide a draw-
through air pattern. The ACRD100 and ACRD200 series units are equipped with
six direct-drive fan modules. These fans are easily replaceable while the unit is in
operation. The ACRD600 and ACRD600P series is equipped with two backward
inclined, direct drive fans.

12 990-5801C-001
Technical Data ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series

Optional Features

Aisle Containment
This containment solution isolates pods (two rows of InRow cooling units sharing a
common aisle) from the whole IT environment, increasing cooling efficiency at any

Cable Water Detector

A leak detection cable is placed on the floor or sub-floor around all possible leak
sources. If water or other conductive liquids contact the cable anywhere along its
length, the microprocessor controller announces the leak visually, audibly, and
across the network. The 6.1-m (20-ft) cable may be cascaded to make custom
lengths up to 24.4 m (80 ft).

Data Partition
Overhead cable distribution between adjacent NetShelter racks allows for removal
of the InRow DX units without disrupting overhead cabling.

Electrical equipment requires clean, particle-free air, thus making air filtration
extremely important. As an optional feature, higher efficiency filters can be
purchased for the InRow DX units. The

Height Adapters
To match height of the InRow DX cooling units to various rack heights, height
adapters are available for NetShelter 42-U VX and 48-U SX racks.

Network Cable
Various lengths of network cable are available to ship with your cooling system.
The network cable is used to interconnect multiple units in a redundant group, as
well as to connect the Network Management Card to your LAN.

Power Trough
Overhead power distribution between adjacent NetShelter racks allows for
removal of the InRow DX cooling units without disrupting overhead power cabling.

Rack Air Containment

This containment solution isolates the airflow of InRow cooling units from the
whole IT environment, increasing efficiency while allowing for high density

Seismic Latch
Users must obtain and install this latch kit for deployments that require seismic
certification (ACRD100 and ACRD200 series only).

990-5801C-001 13
ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series Technical Data

Microprocessor Controller
ACRD100 and ACRD200 Series

Display Interface



Item Description Function
Critical alarm LED When illuminated, a critical alarm condition
(red) exists that requires your immediate attention.
Warning alarm LED When illuminated, a warning alarm condition
(yellow) exists. Failure to correct this condition could
cause a critical alarm.
Check log LED When illuminated, at least one new event has
(yellow) been logged since the last time the log was
checked. Only events that pertain to the
operation of the cooling unit will activate this
Check log LED When illuminated, the cooling unit is receiving
(yellow) electrical power. When the LED is flashing, the
cooling unit is downloading firmware for the
controller. This may take a few minutes.
Liquid crystal display View alarms, status data, context-sensitive
(LCD) help, and modify configurable items.
Up and down arrow Select menu items and access information.
ESC key Return to previous screen or cancel current
Enter key Open menu items and input changes to the
cooling unit settings.
Help key Display context-sensitive help. Press the help
key for information about each option on the
screen and for instructions on performing the

14 990-5801C-001
Technical Data ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series

ACRD600 and ACRD600P Series

Display Interface

Reset 10/100



Item Description Function
LCD Display 4.3-inch touch-screen color display
Power LED The cooling unit is powered when the LED is
illuminated. Unit firmware is updating when
LED is blinking.
Check Log LED When this LED is illuminated, a new entry has
been made to the event log.
Alarm LED Displays current alarm condition of unit.
Status LED Displays current network management card
Display Reset button Resets the display microprocessor. This has
no effect on the air conditioner controller.
Link-RX/TX (10/100) Displays current network link status.
Micro SD card slot Memory card expansion slot.
Service port USB-B port used only by service personnel.
USB-A port Supports firmware upgrades.
Serial Configuration Connects the display to a local computer to
port configure initial network settings or access the
command line interface (CLI).

Microprocessor Controller
The microprocessor controller is standard on each system. The easy-to-use
display allows the operator to select options from the device menu-driven interface
to control and monitor the connected air conditioning system.

Open Architecture
The InRow Direct Expansion protocol is open for integration with all building
management systems. Communication interface on the system can be MODBUS
RS485 or Ethernet.

Control Type
The controller uses proportional/integral/derivative (PID), a time-proven precision
environmental control method. This allows for custom tuning of control variables to
achieve desired system response.

990-5801C-001 15
ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series Technical Data

• Supply and return air conditions
• Operational mode control
• Event logging
• Alarms
• Redundant group control
• Fan speed adjustment
• Input/Output module programming

The event log keeps a record of all alarms and events. Each event log contains a
time/date stamp. The controller also displays run time, in hours, for major
components (air filters, fans, and condensate pump, as well as humidifier, heater,
and compressor for the air-cooled unit).


ACRD100/ACRD200 Series
The back-lit, four-line by twenty-character display is password configurable.

ACRD600 and ACRD600P Series

The touch-screen LCD display interface is protected by a configurable password
and provides access to information and settings for the unit.
• Supply Temperature Setpoint: 15.0–30.2°C (59.0–86.4°F)
• Cool Setpoint: 18.0–32.2°C (64.4–90.0°F)
• Rack Inlet High Temperature Threshold: 10.0–65.6°C (50.0–150.1°F)
• Supply Air High Temperature Threshold: 10.0–65.6°C (50.0–150.1°F)
• Return Air High Temperature Threshold: 10.0–65.6°C (50.0–150.1°F)

The microprocessor controller shall activate a visible and audible alarm in the
following occurrences:

All Series
• Cool fail
• Air filter clogged
• Return air sensor fault
• Supply air sensor fault
• Rack temperature sensor fault
• High discharge pressure
• Low suction pressure
• Fan fault
• Water detected (if optional leak detector used)
• Check condensate management system
• Air filter run hours violation
• Group communication fault

16 990-5801C-001
Technical Data ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series

• Supply air high temperature violation

• Return air high temperature violation
• Filter DP sensor failure
• Suction pressure sensor failure
• Discharge pressure sensor failure
• Persistent high discharge pressure fault
• Rack inlet temperature high violation
• External communication fault
• Internal communication fault
• On standby input contact fault
• A-link isolation relay fault

ACRD100 Series and ACRD200 Series only

• Condensate pan full
• Upper fan power supply fault
• Lower fan power supply fault
• Suction temperature sensor failure
• Persistent low suction pressure fault
• Factory configuration not completed
• Liquid refrigerant sensor failure

ACRD200 Series Only

• Condenser fluid valve actuator fault
• Outdoor heat exchanger (OHE) fault

ACRD600 and ACRD600P Series Only

• Compressor drive communication fault
• Compressor drive fault
• Compressor run hours violation
• Condensate pump run hours violation
• Fan run hours violation
• Idle mode active
• High pressure switch active
• Compressor high pressure
• Supply humidity sensor fault
• High suction pressure
• Excessive compressor cycling
• VFD inverter overheat
• Compressor drive locked

ACRD600P Series Only

• Humidifier water conductivity high violation
• Humidifier fault tolerance exceeded
• Humidifier low water
• Humidifier excessive output reduction

990-5801C-001 17
ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series Technical Data

• Humidifier drain fault

• Humidifier cylinder full
• Humidifier RS485 communication fault
• Humidifier run hours violation
• Humidity high/low violation
• Return humidity sensor fault
• Heater fault
• Heater run hours exceeded

18 990-5801C-001
Technical Data ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series

Component Identification
External Components

ACRD100 and ACRD200 Series


Item Description
Removable rear door
Side panel latch
Removable side panel
Rear casters (non-swiveling)
Front casters (swiveling)
Adjustable leveling foot
Display interface
Removable front door
Door lock

990-5801C-001 19
ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series Technical Data

Front (ACRD60x and ACRD60xP)

Item Description
Removable rear doors
Side panel lock
Removable side panel
Adjustable leveling foot
Door handle and lock
Display interface
Removable front door

20 990-5801C-001
Technical Data ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series

Internal Components

Internal Components—Front


Item Description
Electrical control box 1
Electrical control box 2
Temperature sensor (7 total)
Condensate pan floats (2)
Condensate pan
Front air block panel
Evaporator fans (6)
Expansion valve
Evaporator coil

990-5801C-001 21
ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series Technical Data

Internal Components—Rear

Item Description
Filter drier
Pressure transducer (2) (located behind air block)
Filter differential pressure port
Air filter (2)
Condensate pump (2)
Electrical control box 2
Sight glass
Hot gas bypass valve
Liquid line shutoff solenoid
Electrical control box 1
Power supply unit #2
Power supply unit #1
Service junction box (top entry shown)

22 990-5801C-001
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Front (ACRD60x)

Item Description Item Description
Condensate drain pan Fan (2)
Electronic expansion valve Fan guard (2)
Compressor Electrical panel
Variable frequency drive for Communication and external device
compressor (VFD) connectors
Supply air temperature sensor Ground lug
Main circuit breaker Humidity sensor

990-5801C-001 23
ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series Technical Data

Rear (ACRD60x)


Item Description Item Description

Evaporator coil Condensate pump
Sight glass Air filters
Condensate drain pan Pipe chase
Filter drier Return air temperature sensor
Oil separator

24 990-5801C-001
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Front (ACRD60xP)

Item Description Item Description
Electric heater Main circuit breaker
Condensate drain pan Fan (2)
Electronic expansion valve Fan guard (2)
Humidifier Electrical panel
Compressor Communication and external device
Variable frequency drive for Ground lug
compressor (VFD)
Supply air temperature sensor Humidity sensor

990-5801C-001 25
ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series Technical Data

Rear (ACRD60xP)


Item Description Item Description

Evaporator coil Humidifier
Sight glass Air filters
Condensate drain pan Pipe chase
Filter drier Humidity sensor
Oil separator Return air temperature sensor
Condensate pump

26 990-5801C-001
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Electrical Panels

ACRD100 and ACRD200 Series


Item Description
Leak detector port
Remote temperature sensor port
A-Link ports
Reset button
Network port
Building management system (BMS) RS-485 port
Control RS-485 port
Form C and shutdown input
RS-232 console port
Outdoor heat exchanger (OHE) ports (optional)

990-5801C-001 27
ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series Technical Data

ACRD600, ACRD601, ACRD602

Item Description
Display interface connectors
Main controller board
Relay board
Ground lug
Main circuit breaker
Compressor fuse block (ACRD600, ACRD601)
Compressor circuit breaker (ACRD602)
Fan circuit breakers
Fuse not populated
Transformer A fuse
Transformer C/MB fuse

NOTE: For a top installation, control wiring is routed through the wire channel
located at the top-left corner, just above the user interface connectors.
For a bottom installation, the control wiring is routed to the access hole in the
bottom of the equipment through wire clamps from the interface connectors. Then,
the wiring is routed down along the electrical panel and secured with wire clamps

28 990-5801C-001
Technical Data ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series


Item Description
Display interface connectors
Main controller board
Relay board
Ground lug
Main circuit breaker
Compressor fuse block (ACRD600P, ACRD601P)
Compressor circuit breaker (ACRD602P)
Fan circuit breakers
Controller fuse
Heater circuit breaker
Humidifier circuit fuse
Heater contactors
Humidifier contactor

NOTE: For a top installation, control wiring is routed through the wire channel
located at the top-left corner, just above the user interface connectors.
For a bottom installation, the control wiring is routed to the access hole in the
bottom of the equipment through wire clamps from the interface connectors. Then,
the wiring is routed down along the electrical panel and secured with wire clamps

990-5801C-001 29
ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series Technical Data

Customer Interface Connections—ACRD100 and ACRD200





- 24V AC/DC





+12 V

12-30V AC/DC

D0 RS-485





10 = GREEN
100 = ORANGE




Item Description Item Description

A-Link ports: Pin 1 = High; pin 2 = Low; NO (normally open contact)
Pins 3,6 = Perf Power; Pins 4, 5 =
Reset button COM (common contact)
Network port NC (normally closed contact)
Shield/ground RS-232 console port
RTRX(-) OHE (outdoor heat exchanger) alarm
input - (not used)
RTRX(+) OHE alarm input + (not used)
Shutdown – OHE COM (optional*)
Shutdown + OHE NO port (optional*)
24 VDC (bias) Leak detector port (AP9325)
12 VDC (bias) Remote temperature sensor
Return (bias)
*To avoid unnecessary condenser operation when the ambient temperature exceeds 43°C (110°F), connect
these leads.

30 990-5801C-001
Technical Data ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series

Customer Interface Connections—ACRD600 and ACRD600P

NOTE: Wire all input and output connections as Class 2 circuits.
Depending on the configuration, additional customer interface connections may
be required for the A-Link remote communications through the Network
Management Card support or traditional equipment-monitoring software.
Item Description
Rack inlet temperature sensors 1, 2, 3
A-Link IN
A-Link OUT
Network port
Customer output, NC (normally closed)
Customer output, COM (common)
Customer output, NO (normally open)
Supply GND (Ground)
Supply 12 VDC (current limit: 20 mA)
Supply 24 VDC (current limit: 20 mA)
Customer input + (12–30 VAC/VDC, 24 VDC @ 11 mA)
Supply COM
Modbus GND
Supply air temperature sensor (front)
Supply air humidity sensor (front)

990-5801C-001 31
ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series Technical Data

Item Description
Rack inlet temperature sensors 1, 2, Three temperature sensors which must be installed on
3 the cold aisle side of the server racks. See
A-Link IN In and out connections for A-Link. The terminators
A-Link OUT supplied with the equipment must be plugged into the
first A-link port and the final A-Link port for the group.
Network port 10/100 Base-T Network port. Connects the equipment
to the network; Status and Link LEDs indicate network
• Status LED—blinks orange and green at startup;
indicates the status of the network connection
(solid green—IP address established; blinking
green— attempting to obtain an IP address).
• Link LED—blinks to indicate network traffic (green
— operating at at 10 mbps; orange—operating at
Customer output, NC (normally Customer-configurable output relay which can be
closed) activated for all types of alarms or critical alarms. The
Customer output, COM (common) relay can be connected to external equipment using
Customer output, NO (normally 30 VAC/VDC, 2 A.
Supply GND (Ground) Can be used for customer input and output interface.
Supply 12 VDC (current limit: 20 mA) Can be used for customer input and output interface.
Current limit is 20 mA.
Supply 24 VDC (current limit: 20 mA) Can be used for customer input and output interface.
Current limit is 20 mA.
Customer input + (12–30 VAC/VDC, Used for remote shutdown of an InRow DX unit.
24 VDC @ 11 mA) Voltage is applied from the internal power supply or by
using an external power supply.
Supply COM Ground connection point for remote shutdown supply
RTRX(-) Connections for Building Management System. Wire a
RTRX(+) 150-Ohm terminator resistor (supplied) into the final
Modbus GND InRow DX unit, between Modbus D0 and Modbus D1.
Supply air temperature sensor (front) Temperature sensor installed on the front of the
Supply air humidity sensor (front) Humidity sensor installed on the front of the

32 990-5801C-001
Technical Data ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series

Performance Specifications
Net Cooling Capacity

Air-Cooled and Glycol-Cooled Units

Cooling Performance at a Fixed Compressor Speed

Return Air Temperature Total Capacity – kW (BTU/ Sensible Capacity – kW

Model hr) (BTU/hr)

ACRD100 8.22 (28,000) 8.04 (27,000)

ACRD101 8.01 (27,000) 7.71 (26,000)

22.2°C DB, 15.5°C WB (72.0°F DB,
ACRD200 8.22 (28,000) 8.04 (27,000)
60.0°F WB)
ACRD201 8.01 (27,000) 7.71 (26,000)

ACRD600, ACRD600P 26.87 (92,000) 21.03 (72,000)

ACRD100 8.52 (29,000) 8.52 (29,000)

ACRD101 8.16 (28,000) 8.16 (28,000)

23.9°C DB, 16.2°C WB (75.0°F DB,
ACRD200 8.52 (29,000) 8.52 (29,000)
61.1°F WB)
ACRD201 8.16 (28,000) 8.16 (28,000)

ACRD600, ACRD600P 27.78 (95,000) 22.99 (79,000)

ACRD100 10.02 (34,000) 9.12 (31,000)

ACRD101 9.72 (33,000) 8.85 (30,000)

26.7°C DB, 19.4°C WB (80.0°F DB,
ACRD200 10.02 (34,000) 9.12 (31,000)
67.0°F WB)
ACRD201 9.72 (33,000) 8.85 (30,000)


ACRD100 9.36 (32,000) 9.36 (32,000)

ACRD101 8.97 (31,000) 8.97 (31,000)

26.7°C DB, 17.1°C WB (80.0°F DB,
ACRD200 10.02 (34,000) 9.12 (31,000)
62.8°F WB)
ACRD201 9.72 (33,000) 8.85 (30,000)

ACRD600, ACRD600P 28.94 (99,000) 26.55 (92,000)

ACRD100 9.90 (34,000) 9.90 (34,000)

ACRD101 9.69 (33,000) 9.69 (33,000)

29.4°C DB, 18.1°C WB (85.0°F DB,
ACRD200 9.90 (34,000) 9.90 (34,000)
64.6°F WB)
ACRD201 9.69 (33,000) 9.69 (33,000)

ACRD600, ACRD600P 30.19 (103,000) 29.72 (99,000)

1Airflow is reduced to 887 l/s (1880 SCFM) at this condition to maintain adequate evaporating temperature.
2Airflow is reduced to 717 l/s (1520 SCFM) at this condition to maintain adequate evaporating temperature.
3Airflow is reduced to 599 l/s (1270 SCFM) at this condition to maintain adequate evaporating temperature.
4Airflow is reduced to 510 l/s (1080 SCFM) at this condition to maintain adequate evaporating temperature.
5Airflow is reduced to 448 l/s (950 SCFM) at this condition to maintain adequate evaporating temperature.
*Airflow reduced to 3300 SCFM at this condition to maintain adequate return gas temperature.
** Airflow is reduced to 1353 l/s (2900 SCFM) at this condition to maintain adequate evaporating temperature. Airflow at full evaporating fan
speed: ACRD100/200 series—1081 l/s (2290 SCFM); ACRD600 and ACRD600P series—1900 l/s (4000 SCFM)
Minimum recommended loads: ACRD100/200 series—2 kW (6831 BTU); ACRD600 and ACRD600P series—8 kW (34,152 BTU)
NOTE: For ACRD100, ACRD600, and ACRD600P series, the outdoor air temperature is 35°C (95°F).
NOTE: For ACRD200 series, a 40% at 0.64 l/s (10 gpm) entering glycol mixture temperature is 40.6°C (105°F).

990-5801C-001 33
ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series Technical Data

Cooling Performance at a Fixed Compressor Speed

Return Air Temperature Total Capacity – kW (BTU/ Sensible Capacity – kW

Model hr) (BTU/hr)

ACRD1001 10.44 (36,000) 10.44 (36,000)

ACRD1011 10.29 (35,000) 10.29 (35,000)

32.2°C DB, 19.0°C WB (90.0°F DB,
ACRD2001 10.44 (36,000) 10.44 (36,000)
66.2°F WB)
ACRD2011 10.29 (35,000) 10.29 (35,000)

ACRD600, ACRD600P 31.96 (109,000) 31.96 (109,000)

ACRD1002 10.62 (36,000) 10.62 (36,000)

ACRD1012 10.50 (36,000) 10.50 (36,000)

35.0°C DB, 19.9°C WB (95.0°F DB,
ACRD2002 10.62 (36,000) 10.62 (36,000)
67.8°F WB)
ACRD2012 10.50 (36,000) 10.50 (36,000)

ACRD600, ACRD600P 33.97 (116,000) 33.97 (116,000)

ACRD1003 10.62 (36,000) 10.62 (36,000)

ACRD1013 10.50 (36,000) 10.50 (36,000)

37.8°C DB, 20.7°C WB (100.0°F DB,
ACRD2003 10.62 (36,000) 10.62 (36,000)
69.3°F WB)
ACRD2013 10.50 (36,000) 10.50 (36,000)

ACRD600, ACRD600P 35.91 (123,000) 35.91 (123,000)

ACRD1004 10.56 (36,000) 10.56 (36,000)

ACRD1014 10.5 (36,000) 10.5 (36,000)

40.6°C DB, 21.6°C WB) (105.0°F DB, ACRD2004 10.56 (36,000) 10.56 (36,000)
70.8°F WB
ACRD2014 10.5 (36,000) 10.5 (36,000)

ACRD600, ACRD600P* 35.55 (121,000) 35.55 (121,000)

ACRD1005 10.6 (36,000) 10.6 (36,000)

ACRD1015 10.5 (36,000) 10.5 (36,000)

43.3°C DB, 22.2°C WB) (110.0°F DB, ACRD2005 10.6 (36,000) 10.6 (36,000)
72.0°F WB
ACRD2015 10.5 (36,000) 10.5 (36,000)

ACRD600, ACRD600P** 35.57 (121,000) 35.57 (121,000)

1Airflow is reduced to 887 l/s (1880 SCFM) at this condition to maintain adequate evaporating temperature.
2Airflow is reduced to 717 l/s (1520 SCFM) at this condition to maintain adequate evaporating temperature.
3Airflow is reduced to 599 l/s (1270 SCFM) at this condition to maintain adequate evaporating temperature.
4Airflow is reduced to 510 l/s (1080 SCFM) at this condition to maintain adequate evaporating temperature.
5Airflow is reduced to 448 l/s (950 SCFM) at this condition to maintain adequate evaporating temperature.
*Airflow reduced to 3300 SCFM at this condition to maintain adequate return gas temperature.
** Airflow is reduced to 1353 l/s (2900 SCFM) at this condition to maintain adequate evaporating temperature. Airflow at full evaporating fan
speed: ACRD100/200 series—1081 l/s (2290 SCFM); ACRD600 and ACRD600P series—1900 l/s (4000 SCFM)
Minimum recommended loads: ACRD100/200 series—2 kW (6831 BTU); ACRD600 and ACRD600P series—8 kW (34,152 BTU)
NOTE: For ACRD100, ACRD600, and ACRD600P series, the outdoor air temperature is 35°C (95°F).
NOTE: For ACRD200 series, a 40% at 0.64 l/s (10 gpm) entering glycol mixture temperature is 40.6°C (105°F).

34 990-5801C-001
Technical Data ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series

Water-Cooled Units
Cooling Performance at a Fixed Compressor Speed

Return Air Temperature Total Capacity – kW (BTU/ Sensible Capacity – kW

Model hr) (BTU/hr)

ACRD200 9.72 (33,000) 8.94 (31000)

22.2°C DB, 15.5°C WB (72.0°F DB,
60.0°F WB)
ACRD201 9.57 (33,000) 8.79 (30,000)

ACRD200 8.43 (32,000) 8.43 (32,000)

23.9°C DB, 16.2°C WB (75.0°F DB,
61.1°F WB)
ACRD201 9.30 (32,000) 9.30 (32,000)

ACRD200 11.52 (39,000) 9.90 (34,000)

26.7°C DB, 19.4°C WB (80.0°F DB,
67.0°F WB)
ACRD201 11.64 (40,000) 9.99 (34,000)

ACRD200 10.38 (35,000) 10.38 (35,000)

26.7°C DB, 17.1°C WB (80.0°F DB,
62.8°F WB)
ACRD201 10.11 (35,000) 10.11 (35,000)

ACRD200 10.92 (37,000) 10.92 (37,000)

29.4°C DB, 18.1°C WB (85.0°F DB,
64.6°F WB)
ACRD201 10.98 (38,000) 10.98 (38,000)

Airflow is reduced to 887 l/s (1880 SCFM) at the condition below to maintain adequate evaporating temperature.

ACRD200 11.64 (40,000) 11.64 (40,000)

32.2°C DB, 19.0°C WB (90.0°F DB,
66.2°F WB)
ACRD201 11.76 (40,000) 11.76 (40,000)

Airflow is reduced to 717 l/s (1520 SCFM) at the condition below to maintain adequate evaporating temperature.

ACRD200 12.00 (41,000) 12.00 (41,000)

35.0°C DB, 19.9°C WB (95.0°F DB,
67.8°F WB)
ACRD201 12.00 (41,000) 12.00 (41,000)

Airflow is reduced to 599 l/s (1270 SCFM) at the condition below to maintain adequate evaporating temperature.

ACRD200 12.06 (41,000) 12.06 (41,000)

37.8°C DB, 20.7°C WB (100.0°F DB,
69.3°F WB)
ACRD201 12.00 (41,000) 12.00 (41,000)

Airflow is reduced to 510 l/s (1080 SCFM) at the condition below to maintain adequate evaporating temperature.

ACRD200 12.06 (41,000) 12.00 (41,000)

40.6°C DB, 21.6°C WB) (105.0°F DB,
70.8°F WB ACRD201 12.00 (41,000) 12.00 (41,000)

Airflow is reduced to 448 l/s (950 SCFM) at the condition below to maintain adequate evaporating temperature.

ACRD200 12.06 (41,000) 12.06 (41,000)

43.3°C DB, 22.2°C WB) (110.0°F DB,
72.0°F WB ACRD201 12.06 (41,000) 12.06 (41,000)

Airflow for the ACRD200 series is 1081 l/s (2290 SCFM) at full evaporating fan speed.
NOTE: Minimum recommended loads: ACRD200 series—2 kW (6831 BTU)
NOTE: For ACRD200 series, a 0.64 l/s (10 gpm) entering water temperature is 29.4°C (85°F).

990-5801C-001 35
ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series Technical Data

Performance at Percentage of Fan Speed

ACRD100 Series
Cooling Performance at a Target Supply Air Temperature of 20.8°C (69.5°F) when Possible

Net Sensible
Air Flow – L/S Unit Power – Condenser Fan Supply Air
Fan Speed – % Voltage/Ph/Hz Capacity – kW
(SCFM) kW Power – kW Temp – ° C (°F)

Return Air Temperature—29.4°C (85°F)

200-240/1/60 2.57 0.13 4.60 (15,710) 20.8 (69.5)

30 448 (950)
200-240/1/50 2.58 0.13 4.60 (15,710) 20.8 (69.5)

200-240/1/60 2.67 0.18 5.75 (19,637) 20.8 (69.5)

40 562 (1190)
200-240/1/50 2.70 0.20 5.75 (19,637) 20.8 (69.5)

200-240/1/60 2.76 0.23 6.65 (22,711) 20.8 (69.5)

50 947 (1370)
200-240/1/50 2.80 0.25 6.65 (22,711) 20.8 (69.5)

200-240/1/60 2.86 0.28 7.35 (25,102) 20.8 (69.5)

60 717 (1520)
200-240/1/50 2.90 0.29 7.35 (25,102) 20.8 (69.5)

200-240/1/60 2.92 0.32 8.00 (27,321) 20.8 (69.5)

70 779 (1650)
200-240/1/50 2.98 0.35 8.00 (27,321) 20.8 (69.5)

200-240/1/60 3.04 0.38 8.70 (29,712) 20.8 (69.5)

80 850 (1800)
200-240/1/50 3.08 0.40 8.70 (29,712) 20.8 (69.5)

200-240/1/60 3.19 0.47 9.70 (33,127) 20.8 (69.5)

90 944 (2000)
200-240/1/50 3.22 0.49 9.70 (33,127) 20.8 (69.5)

200-240/1/60 3.46 0.50 9.90 (33,810) 21.7 (71.1)

100 1081 (2290)
200-240/1/50 3.50 0.51 9.90 (33,810) 21.9 (71.5)

Return Air Temperature—35°C (95°F)

200-240/1/60 2.68 0.28 7.55 (25,785) 20.8 (69.5)

30 448 (950)
200-240/1/50 2.70 0.30 7.55 (25,785) 20.8 (69.5)

200-240/1/60 2.80 0.42 9.50 (32,444) 20.8 (69.5)

40 562 (1190)
200-240/1/50 2.81 0.44 9.50 (32,444) 20.8 (69.5)

200-240/1/60 2.89 0.48 10.20 (34,835) 21.8 (71.2)

50 947 (1370)
200-240/1/50 2.91 0.48 9.90 (33,810) 22.2 (71.9)

200-240/1/60 3.00 0.52 10.62 (36,269) 22.6 (72.6)

60 717 (1520)
200-240/1/50 3.01 0.50 10.29 (35,142) 23.1 (73.5)

200-240/1/60 N/A N/A N/A N/A

70 N/A
200-240/1/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A
200-240/1/60 N/A N/A N/A N/A
80 N/A
200-240/1/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A
200-240/1/60 N/A N/A N/A N/A
90 N/A
200-240/1/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A
200-240/1/60 N/A N/A N/A N/A
100 N/A
200-240/1/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A

36 990-5801C-001
Technical Data ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series

Cooling Performance at a Target Supply Air Temperature of 20.8°C (69.5°F) when Possible

Net Sensible
Air Flow – L/S Unit Power – Condenser Fan Supply Air
Fan Speed – % Voltage/Ph/Hz Capacity – kW
(SCFM) kW Power – kW Temp – ° C (°F)

Return Air Temperature—40.6°C (105°F)

200-240/1/60 2.78 0.47 10.20 (34,835) 21.3 (70.4)

30 448 (950)
200-240/1/50 2.78 0.48 10.00 (34,152) 21.6 (70.9)

200-240/1/60 2.85 0.51 10.56 (36,064) 24.8 (76.6)

40 562 (1190)
200-240/1/50 2.87 0.53 10.55 (36,030) 24.8 (76.6)

200-240/1/60 N/A N/A N/A N/A

50 N/A
200-240/1/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A
200-240/1/60 N/A N/A N/A N/A
60 N/A
200-240/1/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A
200-240/1/60 N/A N/A N/A N/A
70 N/A
200-240/1/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A
200-240/1/60 N/A N/A N/A N/A
80 N/A
200-240/1/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A
200-240/1/60 N/A N/A N/A N/A
90 N/A
200-240/1/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A
200-240/1/60 N/A N/A N/A N/A
100 N/A
200-240/1/50 N/A N/A N/A N/A

990-5801C-001 37
ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series Technical Data

ACRD200 Series
Cooling Performance at a Target Supply Air Temperature of 20.8°C (69.5°F) when Possible

Net Sensible
Air Flow – L/S Supply Air Temp –
Fan Speed – % Voltage/Ph/Hz Unit Power – kW Capacity – kW
(SCFM) °C (°F)

Return Air Temperature—29.4°C (85°F)

200-240/1/60 2.35 4.60 (15,710) 20.8 (69.5)

30 448 (950)
200-240/1/50 2.25 4.60 (15,710) 20.8 (69.5)

200-240/1/60 2.41 5.76 (19,671) 20.8 (69.5)

40 562 (1190)
200-240/1/50 2.31 5.76 (19,671) 20.8 (69.5)

200-240/1/60 2.47 6.63 (22,643) 20.8 (69.5)

50 947 (1370)
200-240/1/50 2.37 6.63 (22,643) 20.8 (69.5)

200-240/1/60 2.55 7.36 (25,136) 20.8 (69.5)

60 717 (1520)
200-240/1/50 2.45 7.36 (25,136) 20.8 (69.5)

200-240/1/60 2.60 8.00 (27,321) 20.8 (69.5)

70 779 (1650)
200-240/1/50 2.50 8.00 (27,321) 20.8 (69.5)

200-240/1/60 2.68 8.70 (29,712) 20.8 (69.5)

80 850 (1800)
200-240/1/50 2.58 8.70 (29,712) 20.8 (69.5)

200-240/1/60 2.80 9.70 (33,127) 20.8 (69.5)

90 944 (2000)
200-240/1/50 2.70 9.70 (33,127) 20.8 (69.5)

200-240/1/60 3.06 10.90 (37,225) 21.0 (69.8)

100 1081 (2290)
200-240/1/50 3.00 10.98 (37,499) 20.9 (69.7)

Return Air Temperature—35°C (95°F)

200-240/1/60 2.25 7.50 (25,614) 20.8 (69.5)

30 448 (950)
200-240/1/50 2.25 7.50 (25,614) 20.8 (69.5)

200-240/1/60 2.31 9.50 (32.444) 20.8 (69.5)

40 562 (1190)
200-240/1/50 2.31 9.50 (32.444) 20.8 (69.5)

200-240/1/60 2.37 10.50 (35,859) 21.2 (70.2)

50 947 (1370)
200-240/1/50 2.37 10.50 (35,859) 21.2 (70.2)

200-240/1/60 2.50 11.35 (38,762) 21.8 (71.3)

60 717 (1520)
200-240/1/50 2.45 11.35 (38,762) 21.8 (71.3)

200-240/1/60 2.61 11.75 (40,128) 22.4 (72.4)

70 779 (1650)
200-240/1/50 2.50 11.75 (40,128) 22.4 (72.4)

200-240/1/60 2.71 12.00 (40,982) 23.2 (73.7)

80 850 (1800)
200-240/1/50 2.58 12.00 (40,982) 23.2 (73.7)

200-240/1/60 N/A N/A N/A

90 N/A
200-240/1/50 N/A N/A N/A
200-240/1/60 N/A N/A N/A
100 N/A
200-240/1/50 N/A N/A N/A

38 990-5801C-001
Technical Data ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series

Cooling Performance at a Target Supply Air Temperature of 20.8°C (69.5°F) when Possible

Fan Speed – % Voltage/Ph/Hz Air Flow – L/S Unit Power – kW Net Sensible Supply Air Temp –
(SCFM) Capacity – kW °C (°F)

Return Air Temperature—40.6°C (105°F)

30 200-240/1/60 448 (950) 2.35 10.55 36,030) 20.8 (69.5)

200-240/1/50 2.25 10.55 36,030) 20.8 (69.5)

40 200-240/1/60 562 (1190) 2.40 11.70 (39,958) 22.8 (73.0)

200-240/1/50 2.31 11.70 (39,958) 22.8 (73.0)

50 200-240/1/60 947 (1370) 2.46 12.00 (40,982) 24.8 (76.7)

200-240/1/50 2.37 12.00 (40,982) 24.8 (76.7)

60 200-240/1/60 N/A N/A N/A N/A

200-240/1/50 N/A N/A N/A
70 200-240/1/60 N/A N/A N/A N/A
200-240/1/50 N/A N/A N/A
80 200-240/1/60 N/A N/A N/A N/A
200-240/1/50 N/A N/A N/A
90 200-240/1/60 N/A N/A N/A N/A
200-240/1/50 N/A N/A N/A
100 200-240/1/60 N/A N/A N/A N/A

200-240/1/50 N/A N/A N/A

990-5801C-001 39
ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series Technical Data

ACRD600 Series (No Humidification/No Reheat)

Cooling Performance at a Target Supply Air Temperature of 20.8°C (69.5°F) when Possible

Net Sensible
Air Flow – L/S Condenser Fan Supply Air Temp –
Fan Speed – % Unit Power – kW Capacity – kW
(SCFM) Power – kW °C (°F)

Return Air Temperature—29.4°C (85°F)

30 600 (1200) 2.89 0.96 11.3 (38,583) 12.9 (55.2)*

40 800 (1600) 2.93 0.98 13.1 (44,729) 15.0 (59.0)*

50 900 (2000) 2.98 1.00 13.9 (47,461) 17.2 (63.0)*

60 1100 (2400) 3.12 1.02 14.5 (49,509) 18.8 (65.8)*

70 1300 (2800) 3.86 1.05 17.1 (58,387) 18.7 (65.7)

80 1500 (3200) 4.11 1.05 17.4 (59,411) 19.9 (67.8)

90 1700 (3600) 5.01 1.05 19.72 (67,332) 19.8 (67.6)

100 1900 (4000) 5.78 1.05 19.9 (67,947) 20.8 (69.4)

Return Air Temperature—35°C (95°F)

30 600 (1200) 2.88 0.99 13.4 (45,753) 15.4 (59.7)*

40 800 (1600) 2.91 1.02 14.87 (50,773) 18.7 (65.7)*

50 900 (2000) 3.54 1.05 17.9 (61,118) 19.3 (66.7)

60 1100 (2400) 4.29 1.05 20.9 (71,361) 19.8 (67.6)

70 1300 (2800) 5.14 1.05 23.6 (80,580) 20.3 (68.5)

80 1500 (3200) 6.07 1.05 26.0 (88,775) 20.8 (69.4)

90 1700 (3600) 7.09 1.05 29.2 (99,701) 20.8 (69.4)

100 1900 (4000) 9.50 1.05 32.9 (112,260) 20.8 (69.4)

Return Air Temperature—40.6°C (105°F)

30 600 (1200) 2.86 1.02 14.9 (50,875) 18.8 (65.8)*

40 800 (1600) 4.08 1.05 20.4 (69,654) 18.3 (64.9)

50 900 (2000) 4.80 1.05 23.9 (81,605) 19.7 (67.5)

60 1100 (2400) 6.36 1.05 28.7 (97,994) 19.6 (67.3)

70 1300 (2800) 7.33 1.05 31.7 (108,165) 20.8 (69.4)

80 1500 (3200) 9.19 1.05 36.1 (123,178) 20.8 (69.4)

90 1700 (3600) 11.57 1.05 40.7 (138,874) 20.8 (69.4)

100 1900 (4000) 12.47 1.05 41.9 (142,969) 22.5 (72.5)

*In this case, the compressor will cycle because its speed is down to the minimum of 25 Hz.
The minimum fan speed for the InRow mode is 30%; the minimum fan speed for HACS and RACS mode is 40%.
NOTE: Outdoor temperature is 35°C (95°F).

40 990-5801C-001
Technical Data ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series

General Data

General Specifications—ACRD200 Series

Data Water Cooled Glycol Mixture Cooled

Nominal flow rate entering the unit – l/s 0.64 (10.0) 0.64 (10.0)
Design entering temperature – °C (°F) 29.4 (85.0) 40.6 (105.0)
Maximum heat rejection – kW (BTU/hr) 15.2 (52,000) 15.2 (52,000)
Maximum glycol percentage – % 0 40
Temperature range of fluid entering the 12.8–43.3 (55.0–110.0) 12.8–43.3 (55.0–110.0)
unit at a flow rate of 0.64 l/s (10 GPM) – °C
Unit pressure drop at 0.64 l/s (10 GPM) – 33.1 (4.8) 43.4 (6.3)
kPa (psi)

990-5801C-001 41
ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series Technical Data

Fluid-Cooled Unit Specifications

Model ACRD200 Series

Air System—Fan (Standard Filter Installed)
Size – mm (in.) 200 (7.9)
Air Volume – l/s (SCFM) 1080 (2290)
Fan Motor – W (HP) each 115 (0.15)
Number of Fans 6
Cooling Coil—Copper Tube/Aluminum Fin
Face Area – m2 (ft2) 0.37 (3.97)
Rows Deep 2
Filters—Washable (Standard)
Quantity 2
Size – mm (in.) 238 X 933 (9.375 X 36.75)
Depth – mm (in.) 13 (1/2)
Efficiency (%) <20% MERV 1
Filters—Pleated (Optional)
Quantity 2
Size – mm (in.) 238 X 933 (9.375 X 36.75)
Depth – mm (in.) 51 (2)
Efficiency (%) 30% MERV 8
Physical Data
Weight – kg (lb) 199.09 (438)
Height – mm (in.) 1991 (78.39)
Width – mm (in.) 300 (11.8)
Depth – mm (in.) 1070 (42.13)
Connection Sizes
In 7/8-in. ODF brazed
Return 7/8-in. ODF brazed
Condensate Drain
Drain Line 3/16-in. ID, 5/16-in. OD
Type R410A
Charge – kg (oz) 2.2 (78)

42 990-5801C-001
Technical Data ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series

Air-Cooled Unit Specifications

Data Model Value

Air System—Fan (Standard Filter Installed)

ACRD100 series 200 (7.9)

Size – mm (in.)
ACRD600, ACRD600P series 400 (15.8)

ACRD100 series 1080 (2290)

Air Volume – l/s (SCFM)
ACRD600, ACRD600P series 1900 (4000)

ACRD100 series 115 (0.15)

Fan Motor – W (HP) each
ACRD600, ACRD600P series 1100 (1.5)

ACRD100 series 6
Number of Fans
ACRD600, ACRD600P series 2

Cooling Coil—Copper Tube/Aluminum Fin

ACRD100 series 0.37 (3.97)

Face Area – m2 (ft2)
ACRD600, ACRD600P series 0.56 (6.0)

ACRD100 series 2
Rows Deep
ACRD600, ACRD600P series 4

Filters—Washable (Standard)

Quantity 2

Size – mm (in.) 238 X 933 (9.375 X 36.75)

ACRD100 series
Depth – mm (in.) 13 (1/2)

Efficiency (%) <20% MERV 1

Filters—Pleated (Standard)

Quantity 3

Size – mm (in.) 418 x 470 (16.45 x 18.5)

ACRD600, ACRD600P series
Depth – mm (in.) 101.6 (4)

Efficiency (%) 30

Filters—Pleated (Optional)

Quantity 2

Size – mm (in.) 238 X 933 (9.375 X 36.75)

ACRD100 series
Depth – mm (in.) 51 (2)

Efficiency (%) 30% MERV 8

Filters—Pleated (Optional)

Quantity 3

Size – mm (in) 418 x 470 (16.45 x 18.5)

ACRD600, ACRD600P series
Depth – mm (in.) 101.6 (4)

Efficiency (%) 85

990-5801C-001 43
ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series Technical Data

Data Model Value

Physical Data

ACRD100 series 183 (404)

ACRD600 402 (886)

Weight – kg (lb) ACRD601/ACRD602 391 (862)

ACRD600P 413 (911)

ACRD601P/ACRD602P 402 (886)

ACRD100 series 1991 (78.39)

Height – mm (in.)
ACRD600, ACRD600P series 1991 (78.39)

ACRD100 series 300 (11.8)

Width – mm (in.)
ACRD600, ACRD600P series 600 (23.62)

ACRD100 series 1070 (42.13)

Depth – mm (in.)
ACRD600, ACRD600P series 1070 (42.13)

Connection Sizes

ACRD100 series 1/2-in. ODF brazed

ACRD600, ACRD600P series 3/4-in. ODF brazed

ACRD100 series 1/2-in. ODF brazed

ACRD600, ACRD600P series 3/4-in. ODF brazed

Condensate Drain

ACRD100 series 3/16-in. ID, 5/16-in. OD

Drain Line – in.
ACRD600, ACRD600P series 1/2

Supply Line – mm (in.) ACRD600, ACRD600P series 6.35 (1/4)


R410A (amount determined

ACRD100 series at installation)
R410A (amount determined
ACRD600, ACRD600P series
at installation)

Humidification—Solid State Electrode Canister

Flush Cycle ACRD600P series Automatic

Capacity – kg/hr (lb/hr) ACRD600P series 3.0 (6.6)

kW ACRD600P series 2.25

Reheat—Electric (Equally Loaded Three Stage, Finned Tubular, Low-watt Density)

Capacity – kW (BTU/hr) ACRD600P series 6.0 (20,491)

Stages ACRD600P series 2

44 990-5801C-001
Technical Data ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series

Altitude Correction Factors

Room Conditions: 22°C (72°F) DB/50%RH

Altitude – m (ft) Specific Volume – cm3/ Density –g/m3 (lb/ft3) Density Ratio* Capacity Correction**
kg (ft3/lb)

0 (0) 847.77 (13.58) 1185.37 (0.074) 1.000 1.000

305 (1000) 879.61 (14.09) 1137.31 (0.071) 0.964 0.981

610 (2000) 912.70 (14.62) 1089.26 (0.068) 0.929 0.962

915 (3000) 947.66 (15.18) 1057.22 (0.066) 0.895 0.933

1219 (4000) 983.86 (15.76) 1009.16 (0.063) 0.862 0.913

1524 (5000) 1021.32 (16.36) 977.13 (0.061) 0.830 0.884

1829 (6000) 1061.28 (17.00) 945.10 (0.059) 0.799 0.865

2134 (7000) 1103.10 (17.67) 913.05 (0.057) 0.769 0.846

2438 (8000) 1146.80 (18.37) 865.00 (0.054) 0.739 0.826

2743 (9000) 1193.00 (19.11) 832.97 (0.052) 0.711 0.807

3048 (10,000) 1241.69 (19.89) 80.92 (0.050) 0.683 0.787

*Density ratio is used for air flow correction factor.

**Capacity correction is used to de-rate performance.

990-5801C-001 45
ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series Technical Data

Electrical Data

Model MCA** MOP** FLA** LRA RLA Power
ACRD100—208-240 V, 1 Ph, 60 Hz 25.0 40 N/A 87.5 16.0 4.6
ACRD101—220-240 V, 1 Ph, 50 Hz N/A N/A 21 97.0 16.3 4.4
ACRD200—208-240 V, 1 Ph, 60 Hz 25.0 40 N/A 87.5 16.0 4.6
ACRD201—220-240 V, 1 Ph, 50 Hz N/A N/A 21 97.0 16.3 4.4
ACRD600—200-240 V, 3 Ph, 50/60 Hz 52.6 80 N/A 29.7* 36.6 14.6
ACRD601—460-480 V, 3 Ph, 60 Hz 24.4 40 N/A 28.1* 16.6 14.6
ACRD602—380-415 V, 3 Ph, 50/60 Hz 31.1 50 25.2 28.1* 16.6 14.6
ACRD600P—200-240 V, 3 Ph, 50/60 Hz 78.6 110 N/A 29.7* 36.6 23.5
ACRD601P—460-480 V, 3 Ph, 60 Hz 36.9 50 N/A 28.1* 16.6 23.5
ACRD602P—380-415 V, 3 Ph, 50/60 Hz 45.8 60 34.2 28.1* 16.6 23.5

NOTE: Above data is based on maximum operating condition. Evaluated at maximum allowable operating
conditions of: 39°C (102°F) DB, 11.1°C (52.0°F) DP, 46.0°C (115.0°F) ambient, 100% fan speed, 78 Hz
NOTE: Installation must comply with national and/or local electrical codes.
NOTE: All models are hard-wired.
NOTE: Use LRA for estimation of inrush current.
* The compressor is powered by the VFD.
**Cells marked N/A indicate that this information is not required because of regional differences in electrical

46 990-5801C-001
Technical Data ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series

Sound Data

ACRD100 and ACRD200 Series Tested Sound Data

Lp Sound
Airflow – m3/ Sound Power dB at Frequency – Hz re: 10-12W Pressure –dB
Fan Speed – Fan –
s (SCFM) re: 20 µPa*
125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 dBA** dBA

60 2300 0.66 (1400) 62.3 68.3 69.8 74.8 67.8 59.3 53.3 76.5 70.5

70 3000 0.78 (1650) 65.3 76.3 74.8 77.8 73.8 67.8 61.3 80.8 74.7

80 3450 0.85 (1800) 67.3 80.3 77.3 78.2 76.3 71.8 66.3 82.7 76.6

90 3800 0.92 (1950) 68.3 81.8 78.8 80.8 77.3 74.3 68.3 84.5 78.4

100 4300 1.08 (2290) 70.3 80.8 83.3 85.3 80.3 77.8 72.3 88.3 82.2

*Weighted sound pressure dBA in a 28.3 m3 (1000 ft3) room at 1.5 m (5-ft) distance.
**Based on compressor operating at full speed.

ACRD600 and ACRD600P Series Air-Cooled Tested Sound Data

Lp Sound
Airflow – m3/s Sound Power dB at Frequency – Hz re: 10-12W Pressure –dB
Fan Speed –
(SCFM) re: 20 µPa*
125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 dBA** dBA

50 0.95 (2000) 85.1 83.0 78.1 80.4 74.6 75.5 66.1 84.1 71.1

75 1.43 (3000) 89.4 84.7 86.1 83.5 78.8 76.8 68.0 88.1 75.0

100 1.89 (4000) 100.1 100.4 92.2 90.7 85.6 80.2 73.6 96.3 83.3

*Weighted sound pressure dBA in a 28.3 m3 (1000 ft3) room at 1.5 m (5-ft) distance.
**Based on compressor operating at full speed.

990-5801C-001 47
ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series Technical Data

Dimensions and Weights

ACRD100 and ACRD200 Series

Cooling Units

1070 (42

1991 (78

300 (12)

NOTE: Dimensions are shown in mm (in.).

Model Packaged Weight – kg Unpackaged Weight –

(lb) kg (lb)
ACRD100, ACRD101 221.0 (488.0) 183.0 (404.0)
ACRD200, ACRD201 237.1 (522.7) 199.1 (438.0)

NetShelter SX to VX Height Adapter


74.8 (

300 (11

NOTE: Dimensions are shown in mm (in.).

48 990-5801C-001
Technical Data ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series

NetShelter SX to 48-U SX Height Adapter


300 (1

NOTE: Dimensions are shown in mm (in.).

ACRD600 and ACRD600P Series

Cooling Units

) 600 (23.6)
1070 (42.1

2156 1991
(84.9) (78.4)


879 (34.6 .8)

) 1137 (44

Model Net Weight – kg (lb) Shipping Weight – kg

ACRD600 402 (886) 447 (986)
ACRD601 391 (862) 436 (961)
ACRD602 391 (862) 436 (961)
ACRD600P 413 (911) 458 (1,010)
ACRD601P 402 (886) 447 (986)
ACRD602P 402 (886) 447 (986)

990-5801C-001 49
ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series Technical Data

NetShelter SX to VX Height Adapter

74.8 (

600 (2

NOTE: Dimensions are shown in mm (in.).

NetShelter SX to 48-U SX Height Adapter



600 (2

NOTE: Dimensions are shown in mm (in.).

50 990-5801C-001
Technical Data ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series

Piping and Electrical Access Locations

Top Piping and Power Access Locations—Top View, Looking

Down (ACRD100 and ACRD200 Series)

88.9 (3.5)
55.1 (2.2)
47.8 (1.9)

42.6 (1.7)
85.6 (3.4)
38.2 (1.5)






NOTE: Dimensions are shown in mm (in.).

Item Description
Low voltage wiring input
Electrical input
Hot gas discharge line (ACRD100 series)
Water/glycol out (ACRD200 series)
Liquid line (ACRD100 series)
Water/glycol in (ACRD200 series)
Condensate pump outlet

990-5801C-001 51
ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series Technical Data

Bottom Piping and Power Access Locations—Bottom View,

Looking Up (ACRD100 and ACRD200 Series)

102 (4.0)
88.9 (3.5)
55.1 (2.2)







NOTE: Dimensions are shown in mm (in.).

Item Description
Electrical input
Low voltage wiring input
Liquid line (ACRD100 series)
Water/glycol in (ACRD200 series)
Condensate pump outlet
Hot gas discharge line (ACRD100 series)
Water/glycol out (ACRD200 series)

52 990-5801C-001
Technical Data ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series

Top Piping and Power Access Locations—Top View, Looking

Down (ACRD600, ACRD600P Series)

547 (21.54)

40 (1.58) 558 (21.97)

105 (4.12)

73 (2.86)

123 (4.84)
75 (2.95)
325 (12.78)
380 (14.94)
738 (29.04)

47 (1.85)


NOTE: Dimensions are shown in mm (in.).

Item Description
Refrigerant discharge line
Refrigerant liquid line
Trough for communication cables
Power connections
Humidifier water supply (ACRD600P series only)
Condensate drain line outlet

990-5801C-001 53
ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series Technical Data

Bottom Piping and Power Access Locations—Bottom View,

Looking Up (ACRD600, ACRD600P Series)

480 (18.90)
345 (13.58)
404 (15.91)
115 (4.53)

184 (7.24)

199 (7.84)
420 (16.54)

796 (31.34)

893 (35.16)
57 (2.25)


140 (5.51)

178 (7.00)

NOTE: Dimensions are shown in mm (in.).

Item Description
Humidifier water supply (ACRD600P series only)
Condensate drain line outlet
Power connections
Communication connections—27.80 mm (1.09 in.)
Condensate overflow—50.00 mm (1.97 in.)
Refrigerant discharge line
Refrigerant liquid line

54 990-5801C-001
Technical Data ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series

ACRD600 and ACRD600P Series







Item Description Item Description

Pitch in direction of refrigerant flow; 4 mm Check valve
per m (1/2-in. per 10 ft)
Reduction of piping diameter for vertical P-trap
piping run (if necessary)
Shut-off valve S-trap

Head pressure control valve Inverted P-trap

Pressure relief valve

NOTE: All lines are Type L ACR copper tubing.

NOTE: Shutoff valves shown nearest to the condenser are provided in
receiver kit.
NOTE: Route piping through the top or bottom of the InRow DX.
NOTE: Trap the vertical discharge line every 6 m (20 ft) to ensure proper oil
NOTE: The maximum piping run is 91 m (300 ft) equivalent length. Size the
piping pursuant to accepted refrigeration practice.
NOTE: The condenser can be placed up to 4.5 m (15 ft) below the indoor
cooling unit for equivalent line lengths of 8 m (25 ft) or less.

For Condensers Mounted Below the Level of the Indoor Unit

Piping Equivalent Length – m (ft) 91 (300) 76 (250) 61 (200) 46 (150) 30 (100) 15 (50) 8 (25)

Allowable Distance From Bottom of

Condenser to Bottom of Indoor Unit* 0.3 (1) 1.5 (5) 2.1 (7) 2.7 (9) 3.3 (11) 3.9 (13) 4.5 (15)
– m (ft)

*When condenser is installed below unit level, use 7/8 in. pipe for liquid line.
NOTE: The condenser can be placed higher than indoor cooling unit but height shall be no more than 27 m (90 ft), regardless of piping

990-5801C-001 55
ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series Technical Data

Water-Cooled Bottom Piping (ACRD200 Series)

Item Description
InRow DX
Balancing valve*
Strainer, 20 mesh*
Gate valve*
Hose bib*
*Field supplied and field installed

56 990-5801C-001
Technical Data ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series

Glycol-Cooled Bottom Piping (ACRD200 Series)


Item Description
Expansion tank*
Tank fill*
Airtrol fitting*
Temperature and pressure gauges*
Air vent*
Hose bibs*
Gate valve*
Balancing valve*
Check valve
Pump package*
Flow switch
Strainer, 20 mesh*
InRow DX
*Field supplied and field installed

990-5801C-001 57
ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series Outdoor Heat Exchanger Data

Outdoor Heat Exchanger Data

Mechanical Data
Air-Cooled Condensers (ACRD100 Series)

Air Connection Size Capacity

Ambient Temp Sound Fan – Unit – Weight –
Model Quantity –
– °C (°F) Pressure* Qty. kW Hot kg (lb) MBH/1°F kW/1°C
l/s (CFM) Liquid
35.0–40.6 2380 82
ACCD75214 (95.0–105.1) 65 (5,050) 1 1.1 1 1/8 in. 7/8 in. (180.0) 2.43 1.28

46.0 3040 118

ACCD75215 (114.8) 66 (6,450) 1 1.1 1 1/8 in. 7/8 in. (260.0) 4.00 2.11

35.0–40.6 2140 48
ACCD75216 (95.0–105.1) 59 (4,530) 1 0.8 22 mm 18 mm (105.8) 2.35 1.24

46.0 4280 89
ACCD75217 (114.8) 62 (9,060) 2 1.6 28 mm 22 mm (196.2) 4.30 2.27

35.0–40.6 2140 48
ACCD75218 (95.0–105.1) 59 (4,530) 1 0.6 22 mm 18 mm (105.8) 2.35 1.24

46.0 4280 89
ACCD75219 (114.8) 62 (9,060) 2 1.3 28 mm 22 mm (196.2) 4.30 2.27

35.0–40.6 2140 48
ACCD75220 (95.0–105.1) 59 (4,530) 1 0.6 22 mm 18 mm (105.8) 2.35 1.24

*(dbA) at 10 ft and 100% fan speed

NOTE: ACCD75220 is CCC certified for use in China.
NOTE: ACCD75216, ACCD75217, and ACCD75218 are CMIM compliant.

58 990-5801C-001
Outdoor Heat Exchanger Data ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series

Air-Cooled Condensers (ACRD600 Series)

Ambient Sound Pressure – (dbA)

Air Quantity – l/
Model Temperature – ° Fan – Qty. Unit – kW
Horizontal s (CFM)
C (°F) Vertical Airflow
ACCD75228 67.2** 65.0** 7780 (16,672) 3 3.13

ACCD75229 67.2** 64.5** 7488 (16,045) 3 3.19

ACCD75230 67.8** 65.0** 7780 (16,672) 3 3.13

ACCD75231 67.8** 64.5** 7488 (16,045) 3 3.19

ACCD75232 60.7 56.6 5133 (11,000) 2 1.20

ACCD75232-C 60.7 56.6 5133 (11,000) 2 1.32

ACCD75232-40C*** 60.7 56.6 5133 (11,000) 2 1.32

ACCD75233-C 60.7 56.6 5133 (11,000) 2 1.44

ACCD75234* 64 59 5400 (11,500) 1 1.45

ACCD75235* 64 59 5400 (11,500) 1 1.45

* Make-to-order. Additional lead times may apply.

** (dbA) is at 3 m. Note: (dbA) is at 5 m unless otherwise noted.
*** Minimum working temperature is –40°C (–40°F).
NOTE: ACCD75232-C is CMIM compliant.

Connection Size Capacity

Model Weight – kg (lb)
Hot Gas Liquid MBH/1°F TD kW/1°C TD

ACCD75228 7/8 in. 5/8 in. 218 (480) 5.7 3.0

ACCD75229 7/8 in. 5/8 in. 230 (509) 7.8 4.1

ACCD75230 7/8 in. 5/8 in. 218 (480) 5.7 3.0

ACCD75231 7/8 in. 5/8 in. 230 (509) 7.8 4.1

ACCD75232 22 mm 16 mm 144 (318) 8.3 4.4

ACCD75232-C 22 mm 16 mm 135 (298) 8.3 4.4

ACCD75232-40C 22 mm 16 mm 135 (298) 8.3 4.4

ACCD75233-C 22 mm 16 mm 136 (300) 8.3 4.4

ACCD75234* 1 3/8 in. 1 1/8 in. 250 (550) 10.0 5.3

ACCD75235* 1 3/8 in. 1 1/8 in. 250 (550) 10.0 5.3

* Make-to-order. Additional lead times may apply.

** (dbA) is at 3 m. Note: (dbA) is at 5 m unless otherwise noted.
NOTE: ACCD75232-C is CMIM compliant.

990-5801C-001 59
ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series Outdoor Heat Exchanger Data

Fluid Coolers (ACRD200 Series)

Air Capacity
Ambient Temp Fan – Con- Weight –
Sound Quantity – Unit –
Model – °C (°F) Qty. nection kg (lb)
Pressure* l/s (CFM) kW MBH/1°F kW/1°C
ACFC75210 40.0 (104.0) 68 2 2.0 1 3/8 in. 205 (450) 3.20 1.69

ACFC75255 35.0 (95.0) 65 2380 (5050) 1 1.0 1 1/8 in. 150 (330) 2.36 1.24

ACFC75256 35.0 (95.0) 62 4220 (8950) 2 1.6 1 1/2 in. 90 (198) 2.50 1.32

ACFC75257 40.0 (104.0) 56 2 1.4 2 in. 151 (333) 3.30 1.74

*(dbA) at 10 ft and 100% fan speed

NOTE: ACFC75257 is CMIM compliant.

60 990-5801C-001
Outdoor Heat Exchanger Data ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series

Electrical Data
Air-Cooled Condensers (ACRD100 Series)

Voltage, Phase,
Model Receiver Model Receiver Qty. FLA* MCA* MOP*

208-240V, 1 ph,
ACCD75214 ACAC75009 1 4.8 15 15
60 Hz
208-240V, 1 ph,
ACCD75215 ACAC75009 2 4.8 15 15
60 Hz
380-415V, 3 ph,
ACCD75216 ACAC75009 1 1.35 N/A N/A
50 Hz
380-415V, 3 ph,
ACCD75217 ACAC75009 1 2.7 N/A N/A
50 Hz
220-240V, 1 ph,
ACCD75218 ACAC75009 1 3.0 N/A N/A
50 Hz
220-240V, 1 ph,
ACCD75219 ACAC75009 1 6.0 N/A N/A
50 Hz
220-240V, 1 ph,
ACCD75220 ACAC75009 1 3.0 N/A N/A
50 Hz
* Cells marked N/A indicate that this information is not required because of regional differences in electrical codes.
NOTE: ACCD75220 is CCC certified for use in China.
NOTE: ACCD75216, ACCD75217, and ACCD75218 are CMIM compliant.

Air-Cooled Condensers (ACRD600 Series)

Voltage, Phase,
Model Receiver Model Receiver Qty. FLA* MCA* MOP*

208-240 V, 3 ph,
ACCD75228 ACAC75014 1 N/A 10.7 15
60 Hz
208-240 V, 3 ph,
ACCD75229 ACAC75014 1 N/A 10.7 15
60 Hz
460-480 V, 3 ph,
ACCD75230 ACAC75014 1 N/A 6.5 15
60 Hz
460-480 V, 3 ph,
ACCD75231 ACAC75014 1 N/A 6.5 15
60 Hz
230 V, 1 ph, 50
ACCD75232 ACAC75013 1 6.0 N/A N/A
230 V, 1 ph, 50
ACCD75232-C ACAC75015 1 6.0 N/A N/A
ACCD75232- 230 V, 1 ph, 50
ACAC75015 1 7.0 N/A N/A
40C Hz
230 V, 1 ph, 60
ACCD75233-C ACAC75015 1 6.0 N/A N/A
208-240 V, 3 ph,
ACCD75234* ACAC75014 1 6.4 8.8 15
60 Hz
460-480 V, 3 ph,
ACCD75235* ACAC75014 1 2.9 4.0 15
60 Hz
* Make-to-order. Additional lead times may apply.
**Cells marked N/A indicate that this information is not required because of regional differences in electrical codes.
NOTE: ACCD75232-C is CMIM compliant.

990-5801C-001 61
ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series Outdoor Heat Exchanger Data

Fluid Coolers (ACRD200 Series)

Voltage, Phase,
Model Frequency FLA* MCA* MOP*

ACFC75210 460 V, 3 ph, 60 Hz 2.6 15 15

ACFC75255 480 V, 3 ph, 60 Hz 1.3 15 15

ACFC75256 380-415 V, 3 ph, 50 Hz 2.7 N/A N/A

ACFC75257 380-415 V, 3 ph, 50 Hz 2.7 N/A N/A

* Cells marked N/A indicate that this information is not required because of regional differences in electrical codes.
NOTE: ACFC75257 is CMIM compliant.

ACCD75234, ACCD75235
NOTE: Dimensions are shown in mm (in.).
NOTE: Make-to-order. Additional lead times may apply.


1472 1175
(57.94 (46.24
) 1243
) )

ACCD75228, ACCD75229, ACCD75230, ACCD75231

NOTE: Dimensions are shown in mm (in.).
NOTE: Condensers shown have eight 22-mm (0.875 in.) mounting holes on
their lower rails.

1318 824
(51.88 )
) (32.45
1317 973
) (38.3)
( 9.48

62 990-5801C-001
Outdoor Heat Exchanger Data ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series

NOTE: Dimensions are shown in mm (in.).
NOTE: Condensers shown have eight 22-mm (0.875 in.) mounting holes on
their lower rails.

) 700

(39.37 1025 1050
) 1110
(40.35 ( 1.34
) (43.7)

ACCD75232-C, ACCD75232-40C, ACCD75233-C

NOTE: Dimensions are shown in mm (in.).
NOTE: Condensers shown have eight 22-mm (0.875 in.) mounting holes on
their lower rails.

(52.91 700
( 7.56

(39.37 1030 1050
) 1110
(40.55 (41.34
) (43.7)

990-5801C-001 63
ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series Outdoor Heat Exchanger Data

NOTE: Dimensions are shown in mm (in.).


762 1085
(30.00) (42.72)

NOTE: Dimensions are shown in mm (in.).


1016 1085
(40.00) (42.72)

ACCD75216, ACCD75218, ACCD75220

NOTE: Dimensions are shown in mm (in.).




900 900
(35.43) (35.43

64 990-5801C-001
Outdoor Heat Exchanger Data ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series

ACCD75217, ACCD75219
NOTE: Dimensions are shown in mm (in.).



(66.14 900

NOTE: Dimensions are shown in mm (in.).


(60.00 1079
) )

NOTE: Dimensions are shown in mm (in.).


762 1079
) (42.50

990-5801C-001 65
ACRD100, ACRD200, ACRD600, and ACRD600P Series Outdoor Heat Exchanger Data

NOTE: Dimensions are shown in mm (in.).


( 5.04)

(66.14) 900

NOTE: Dimensions are shown in mm (in.).




) 1260

66 990-5801C-001
Worldwide Customer Support
Customer support for this or any other product is available at no charge in any of the
following ways:
• Visit the Schneider Electric Web site to access documents in the Schneider
Electric Knowledge Base and to submit customer support requests.
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Schneider Electric
35 rue Joseph Monier
92500 Rueil Malmaison
+ 33 (0) 1 41 29 70 00

As standards, specifications, and design change from time to time,

please ask for confirmation of the information given in this publication.

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