Siemens Siemens Smart Building Whitepaper
Siemens Siemens Smart Building Whitepaper
Siemens Siemens Smart Building Whitepaper
Progress in building science, making structures But the future of buildings is still being written.
better for users and their physical environment, Present now, but still very much in the process
has long been defined by advancements in the of refinement, is the smart building, one charac-
hard and the tangible: architectural design, terized by the presence of a digital infrastructure
structural integrity, building materials, mechanical robust enough to collect and amass building
components and the like. operational data; provide connectivity needed
to analyze, learn from it and share it; and ulti-
Those priorities remain as vital as ever, but now
mately leverage it for the benefit of the broad
there’s a new wrinkle when it comes to creating
roster of stakeholders.
structures that will perform to modern standards
and expectations. Today, the qualities of a build- All of those capabilities are being exploited in many
ing’s digital infrastructure, the information and new buildings designated as smart. But just as
operational technology network embedded in there’s no ceiling on human intelligence, there’s
everything that enables its routine functioning, yet no evidence that smart buildings are nearing
easily rivals the physical infrastructure in impor- their full capacity in terms of functionality.
tance. While many technologies that make building
intelligence possible are now robust and capable
Digital technology, it’s safe to say, has been revo-
and delivering on their promise, more advance-
lutionizing buildings for some time, just as it has
ments are possible and bear watching, just as
been upending so many aspects of the human
new technologies now in their embryonic stages
experience over the last several decades. More
must be closely followed by all stakeholders.
controllable, better monitored and increasingly
A few core technologies and technology appli
responsive, technology-aided and -enhanced
cations, in various states of build out, should
buildings are delivering a better user experience
be on the radar of those interested in monitoring
and operating more efficiently.
and evaluating smart building progress.
We need to ensure that the technology
installed today is future-proofed and can
interact easily with other devices/control
systems – this is critical for smart buildings.
There is an emerging danger period
where we have technology that is quickly
becoming redundant.
Richard Hardy,
Managing Director, BRE Global
There has been the expectation that a digital
twin model will improve the operational
efficiency of a building. But in order to do
so, the digital twin will need to contain both
static data from the construction phase of
the building and the dynamic data of the
technical systems and the occupants during
the operational phase.
I think the industry is only at the beginning
of learning how to connect the static and
dynamic data into the digital twin.
Philip Chan,
Strategy Manager, Smart Infrastructure
Data connectivity and analysis systems, devices and assets, which may be sepa-
Building self-learning, which enables high-level rate from or incorporated into a building automa-
automation and control, relies on effective data tion system (BAS). The BIoT comprises a number
capture, sharing and crunching. Data captured of basic building blocks: sensors to capture data;
from sensors in a building’s complex web of actuators that use data and analytics to provide
systems that keep it running must be accessible a response; network standards that allow hard-
and capable of being interpreted and leveraged. wired or wireless transmission of data; application
Networks, in turn, are elemental to smart build- platforms that provide the language for communi-
ings, which are fast becoming an offshoot of cation; and data storage and analytics that form
the rapidly spreading and maturing Internet of the brains of the system and the functionality
Things (IoT) – an environment in which individ needed for automation.
ually addressable devices communicate via the
Many elements of the BIoT are well in place, but
Internet using a set of commonly understood
progress is still needed in the area of meshing
communications standards and protocols,
and merging different technologies and systems.
sharing data, responding to commands and
Common standards and the availability of flexible,
even acting autonomously.
open architecture for data networks are vital to
With the rise of smart buildings, the Building seamless communication.
Internet of Things (BIoT) is now taking shape.
It aggregates data from a building’s connected
Digital twin Cyber-security
Planning is essential to the development of smart buildings Connected devices are the foundation of smart buildings,
that end up utilizing technology effectively and working and little could be accomplished without them. But their
as intended and to the benefit of users. An important presence also poses a security risk that technology must be
emerging element of the planning process is the virtual capable of addressing.
fashioning of the structure utilizing building information
An Internet of Things configuration offers multiple points
modeling (BIM).
of entry for potential hacking. That exposes both building
One product of the process is a “digital twin,” a virtual information and operational technology systems. With critical
computer model of the structure that permits simulating, building systems networked to allow remote management
testing and correcting design options prior to construction. and monitoring, and both IT and OT communicating with
The twin simplifies coordination with multiple design each other, a cross contamination risk is real.
and engineering disciplines, sidestepping possible design
To limit the security threat potential, smart building tech
conflicts that can be costly to correct during or after
nologies must address both physical and cyber-security risk.
On one-layer, physical building access must be monitored with
In the context of designing a smart building’s features, occupancy monitoring and control systems for anomalies that
the twin would enable analysis of a structure’s response could indicate a cyber-attack. On another, digital networks
to changes based on such variables as occupancy levels or must be safeguarded with firewalls and data encryption.
different energy supply sources. The effect of, say, adding Thirdly, system integrity must be ensured with individual
a door or window, could be analyzed in the twin in the systems and terminals protected from access by unauthorized
context of different building evacuation scenarios and individual as well as unauthorized changes.
the impact on heating and cooling costs. Post-construction,
In short, the trend to extensive building digitalization, and
a digital twin can incorporate live data from the building
increased reliance on it, can be a double-edge sword when
and allow ongoing comparisons with original design.
it comes to security. Utilizing the full range of security
Serving as a central repository for all information associated
features a smart building system offers can limit the potential
with the building the twin becomes a platform for testing
for a cyber-attack that could put building operations and
and optimization of building control scenarios as needed.
users at risk.
Space management Predictive operation and maintenance
Gaining a better understanding of exactly how occupants Providing an integrated platform for all elements of building
use a building is a central component of the smart building management, digitization can transform the approach to
approach. Data captured through sensors is the foundation operation and maintenance. Typically, the current approach
of being able to program a building’s operational system so involves reliance on a mix of control and management
it aligns with usage patterns and responds appropriately to systems. That’s long been achieved with an expert operations
needs. Tracking and logging user movements, monitoring staff capable of managing troubleshooting, inspection, repair
building area occupancy levels and trends, and providing and replacement as needed. But even top-notch building
real-time information to occupants, smart building tech- operations and maintenance staff often must make guesses
nology helps improve space utilization to the benefit of about the source of system problems and the timing of
both users and the building’s energy requirements. service cycles and replacement; actual performance data
has played a limited role in decision-making.
Space under-utilization is one of the biggest inefficiency
problems buildings present. Some research suggests that In a smart building configuration, sophisticated sensoring
traditional assigned-desk configurations in office buildings technology enables deep monitoring of building physical
leave those desks unused up to half the day, and that plant operations that can supplement knowledge and
meeting rooms and other shared areas are often empty as expertise held in human hands. With digitalization, system
well. That means significant areas of a building, for signifi- performance can be monitored and tracked; servicing and
cant periods of time, are likely being lit and heated/cooled maintenance needs can be predicted and planned; and costs
when no one is present. can be better compared and estimated based on multiple
variables. They can include the age and service record of
Activity-based working (ABW) approaches have consequently
plant and equipment; its level of usage and how critical
begun to blossom. They move workers away from a single
it is to building functions; and the investment needed to
desk and toward a setup where workers can congregate in
repair or replace.
more defined, but less restrictive workspaces. The approach
offers more flexibility and potentially reduces the need to The result is more efficient and cost-effective system main
extend power and a working environment across large areas tenance and movement toward a predictive or “just-in-time”
of a building. approach to maintenance. That means less unplanned
downtime or outages, with necessary replacement or
The smart building configuration could go a long way to
repair optimally scheduled. Additionally, money is saved
making that more feasible for more employers. With real-
by reducing unneeded or premature parts replacements
time monitoring of desk and room occupancy via sensors
and by minimizing the impact on building operations.
embedded in desk or lighting systems, workers alone or
in groups could quickly locate available work areas tailored Energy needed to run building systems also can be better
to their needs. The information would be accessible via managed with smart building technology. In some buildings
mobile phones or live CCTV video feeds analyzed by facial energy management has become completely digitalized,
recognition software. with facilities managers able to review and optimize the
building’s energy performance using a mix of real-time
Occupancy detection is destined to become a central feature
and historical data to adjust or upgrade equipment such as
of smart buildings as efforts to improve space utilization
the HVAC system. Facilities managers are thus able to adopt
advance. By extension, building users stand to benefit
a more strategic stance informed by data provided by new
through enhanced productivity and better overall interaction
technologies aimed at improving facility performance.
with the building environment.
Digitalization hits all the sustainability elements.
It can provide efficiency improvements through
optimization way beyond the current building
management system (BMS) capability. It will
also be key for improving health and well-being,
and occupiers will soon want to know about
internal air quality, driving landlords to monitor
and improve air quality levels.
Ruairi Revell,
Sustainability Advisor Real Estate, Standard Life Investments
The smart technology that enables improved operational Through its Siemens Smart Infrastructure unit, the company
efficiency and energy savings positions enables the smart is laser focused on balancing the thirst for advanced building
building to be more environmentally friendly and sustain- technology with the practical, achievable needs of building
able. Buildings increasingly designed to have on-site renew- stakeholders. It understands that while technology, and data
able energy to supplement or even replace grid-supplied specifically, is the centerpiece of a smart building the value
energy are edging toward “zero energy building” status, comes from knowing its power – and its limitations.
which is likely to become the next meaningful marker for
Recent investments have driven Siemens Smart Infrastructure
a new generation of buildings.
deeper into its smart building commitment, ones that reflect
The sustainable building model has long revolved around the company’s vision and understanding of the need to
a building materials and equipment approach that ties develop a portfolio of vertically integrated solutions. Acquisi-
energy reduction to better physical infrastructure design. tion of Building Robotics and its Comfy building occupant
That remains important, but the other emerging dimension app; Enlighted, a provider of sensor and building analytics
relates to better building systems management. A more tools; and J2 Innovations, a building automation and oper-
proactive and ongoing effort to discover areas of energy ating system vendor, put more leading-edge technology
waste in operations, using smart technology, may prove into Siemens’ hands and give it the breadth of expertise
equally consequential. Improvements acquired through demanded of leading smart building solutions providers.
digitalization could translate into a new target for building
energy savings and reduction of the environmental footprint.
We have reached the tobacco moment of climate change,
and people are starting to take action against companies
and organizations. Pension funds have a duty to look
at the long term and therefore responsibility to manage
this risk. Digitalization can help with demonstrating this
risk management.
Tatiana Bosteels,
Director, RPI & Sustainability, Hermes Investment Management
Smart Infrastructure intelligently connects energy systems,
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