Sequence Series Mathongo

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An arithmetic progression (A.P.

A.P. is a sequence whose terms increase or decrease by a fixed number. This fixed number is called
the common difference. If a is the first term & d the common difference, then A.P. can be written as a,
a + d, a + 2 d,....... a + (n  1) d,........

(i) n th term of an A.P.

Let a be the first term and d be the common difference of an A.P., then
t n = a + (n – 1) d where d = an – an – 1

(ii) The sum of first n terms of are A.P.

If a is first term and d is common difference then
n n
Sn = [2a + (n – 1) d] = [a + l ] = nt  n1  ,
2 2  
 2 

where l is the last term and t  n1  is the middle term.

 
 2 

(iii) rth term of an A.P. when sum of first r terms is given is t r = sr – S r – 1.

Properties of A.P.

(i) The common difference can be zero, positive or negative.

(ii) If a, b, c are in A.P.  2 b = a + c & if a, b, c, d are in A.P.  a + d = b + c.
(iii) Three numbers in A.P. can be taken as a  d, a, a + d; four numbers in A.P. can be taken as
a  3d, a  d, a + d, a + 3d; five numbers in A.P. are a  2d, a  d, a, a + d, a + 2d & six terms in
A.P. are a  5d, a  3d, a  d, a + d, a + 3d, a + 5d etc.
(iv) The sum of the terms of an A.P. equidistant from the beginning & end is constant and equal to
the sum of first & last terms.
(v) Any term of an A.P. (except the first) is equal to half the sum of terms which are equidistant
from it. an = 1/2 (ank + an+k), k < n. For k = 1, an = (1/2) (an1+ an+1);
For k = 2, an = (1/2) (an2+ an+2) and so on.
(vi) If each term of an A.P. is increased, decreased, multiplied or divided by the sA.M.e non zero
number, then the resulting sequence is also an A.P..

Arithmetic Mean (Mean or Average) (A.M.):

If three terms are in A.P. then the middle term is called the A.M. between the other two, so if a, b, c are
in A.P., b is A.M. of a & c.

(a) n  Arithmetic Means Between Two Numbers:

If a, b are any two given numbers & a, A1, A2,...., An, b are in A.P. then A1, A2,... An are the
n A.M.’s between a & b.
ba 2 (b  a ) n (b  a )
A1 = a + , A2 = a + ,......, An = a +
n1 n1 n1

Sum of n A.M.’s inserted between a & b is equal to n times the single A.M. between a & b
i.e.  Ar = nA where A is the single A.M. between a & b.
Geometric Prog ression (G.P.)
G.P. is a sequence of numbers whose first term is non zero & each of the succeeding terms is equal to
the proceeding terms multiplied by a constant. Thus in a G.P. the ratio of successive terms is constant.
This constant factor is called the common ratio of the series & is obtained by dividing any term by
that which immediately proceeds it. Therefore a, ar, ar2, ar3, ar4,...... is a G.P. with a as the first term
& r as common ratio.
Example 2, 4, 8, 16 .......
1 1 1 1
Example , , , .......
3 9 27 81
(i) nth term = a rn1
a rn  1
   , r 1
(ii) Sum of the first n terms i.e. S n =  r  1
 na , r 1
(iii) Sum of an infinite G.P. when r < 1. W hen n  rn  0 if r < 1 therefore,
S = r 1 .
 
1 r

Properties of G.P.

(i) If a, b, c are in G.P.  b2 = ac, in general if a1, a2, a3, a4,......... an – 1 , an are in G.P.,
then a1an = a1an – 1 = a3 an – 2 = ..........................
(ii) Any three consecutive terms of a G.P. can be taken as , a , ar, in general we take

a a a
k , k 1 , k 2 ,.........a, ar, ar2,.........ark in case we have to take 2k + 1 terms in a G.P.
r r r
a a
(iii) Any four consecutive terms of a G.P. can be taken as 3 , , ar, ar3, in general we take
r r

a a a
2k 1 , 2k  3 , ......... , ar, .............ar2k – 1 in case we have to take 2k terms in a G.P.
r r r

(iv) If each term of a G.P. be multiplied or divided or raised to power by the some nonzero quantity, the
resulting sequence is also a G.P..

(v) If a1, a2, a3,........ and b1, b2, b3,......... are two G.P’s with common ratio r1 and r2 respectively then the
sequence a1b1, a2b2, a3b3, ..... is also a G.P. with common ratio r1 r2.

(vi) If a1, a2, a3,..........are in G.P. where each ai > 0, then log a1, loga2, loga3,..........are in A.P. and its
converse is also true.

Geometric Means (Mean Proportional) (G.M.):

If a, b, c are in G.P., b is the G.M. between a & c.
b² = ac, therefore b = a c ; a > 0, c > 0.

(a) nGeometric Means Between a, b:

If a, b are two given numbers & a, G 1, G 2,....., G n, b are in G.P.. Then
G 1, G 2, G 3,...., G n are n G.M.s between a & b.

G 1 = a(b/a)1/n+1, G 2 = a(b/a)2/n+1,......, G n = a(b/a)n/n+1

The product of n G.M.s between a & b is equal to the nth power of the single G.M. between a & b
i.e.  G r = (G)n where G is the single G.M. between a & b.
Relation between means :
(i) If A, G, H are respectively A.M., G.M., H.M. between a & b both being unequal & positive then,
G² = AH i.e. A, G, H are in G.P.

(ii) A.M.  G.M.  H.M.

Let a1, a2, a3, be n positive real numbers, then we define their
a  a 2  a 3  .......  an
A.M. = 1 , their
G.M. = (a1 a2 a3 and their H.M. = 1 1 1 It can be shown that
  ....... 
a1 a 2 an
A.M.  G.M.  H.M. and equality holds at either places iff
a1 = a2 = a3 = ..............= an

Arithmetico-Geometric Series:
A series each term of which is formed by multiplying the corresponding term of an A.P. & G.P. is called
the AritH.M.eticoGeometric Series. e.g. 1 + 3x + 5x 2 + 7x 3 +.....
Here 1, 3, 5,.... are in A.P. & 1, x, x 2, x 3..... are in G.P..

Sum of n terms of an ArithmeticoGeometric Series:

Let S n = a + (a + d) r + (a + 2 d) r² +..... + [a + (n  1)d] rn1

then S n =

d r 1  r n 1

 
a  (n  1) d r n , r  1.
1 r 1  r2 1 r
a dr
Sum To Infinity: If r < 1 & n  then Limit n   r = 0  S = 1  r
n  .
1  r 2

Important Results

n n n n n
(i)  (ar ± br ) =  ar ±  b r. (ii)  k ar = k  ar .
r1 r1 r1 r1 r1

(iii)  k = k + k + k...............n times = nk; where k is a constant.

n (n 1)
(iv)  r = 1 + 2 + 3 +...........+ n =
r1 2

n (n  1) (2n  1)
(v)  r² = 12 + 22 + 32 +...........+ n2 =
r1 6
n 2 (n  1) 2
(vi)  r3 = 13 + 23 + 33 +...........+ n3 =
r1 4
(vii) 2 a a
i  j 1
i j = (a1 + a2 + ........+ an )2 – (a12 + a22 + ...... + an 2)

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