Pharmacognosy 1.1
Pharmacognosy 1.1
Pharmacognosy 1.1
The use of plants as medicine is as old as human civilization. Men of all ages
in both developing and undeveloped countries use plants in an attempt to cure various
diseases and to get relief from physical sufferings. India is known as the “Emporium
has the richest and varied flora than other tracks of equal area in India, possible in the
geographical situation and topography. The Western Ghats have been designated as
one of the hot spots of global biodiversity. A rich depository of flora with high
endemism is found in the Western Ghats. The immense taxonomic diversity of the
country throws a challenge to the Indian chemists and biologist to transform the
enormous bioresource into economic wealth and intellectual property. The state Tamil
Nadu is endowed with a very rich flora due to the various physiographic features and
physiognomic factors and different types of vegetation exist in the state. A total of
5640 species of the flowering plants (including 6 gymnosperms) are reported either
naturally occurring or cultivated in the state (Nair and Henry, 1983). Among them
numerous plants have been reported to be medicinal plants. However, our knowledge
of medicinal plants has mostly been inherited traditionally. Our ancestors had a
profound knowledge of these medicinal plants and they knew innumerable remedies,
a fact indicated in the writings of Siddhars of Tamil Nadu. Had their expertise
documented properly it would help the modern man to find more effective
Modernity has brought us several new things and we have discarded certain
old beliefs and practices little realizing the adverse impact on our physical well being.
Now the side effects of most effective life saving allopathic drugs have recently
opened the eyes to look behind for effective non-toxic safe drugs. The modern
pharmacologists now strive to learn more about ancient systems of medicine and the
vast treasure of the herbal wealth of our country (Pandey et al., 1995). Even today,
years after the introduction of modern medicine in our country, the Indian systems of
traditional medicine continue to provide medical relief to nearly 80% of our total poor
people (Saxena and Tripathi, 1989). It has also been estimated that as many as 90%
of the world’s rural population rely on herbal drugs for their primary health care
(Yoganarasimhan, 2000).
and little known herbals have gained their drive since the upsurge of interest in the
and shrubs (and a few herbaceous plants, mangroves) in the order Geraniales.
Meliaceae is a woody family widely distributed throughout the tropics and subtropics,
with only slight penetration into temperate zones; they occur in a variety of habitats
from rain forests and mangrove swamps to semi-deserts. It consists of about 50 genera
and about 500 species (Pennington and Styles, 1975). About 20 genera and over 75
species of Meliaceae are reported from India. Common Indian species include
Azadirachta indica (Neem), Melia azedarach and Toona ciliata. The family contains
many important medicinal, timbers and ornamental trees. Other uses of Meliaceae
comprise shade and street trees, fruit trees and sources of biologically active
synthesize and accumulate bitter and biologically active nortriterpenoids, which are
also known as limonoids and meliacins. These and other compounds have aroused
(Aboutabl et al., 2000), and anti viral (Singh et al., 1988) activities as well as their
(Hooker, 1872), Naregamia alata Wight & Arn. It is commonly called as Goanese
Ipecacuanha. It is a rare under shrub, 15-45 cm tall, found mainly on rocky or grassy
slopes in western peninsular India upto 1000m height. It has been used in traditional
medicines in India and elsewhere in the treatment of rheumatism, itch, malarial and
chronic fevers, wounds, anaemia, enlarged spleen, ulcers, vitiated conditions of pitta
dyspepsia and catarrh. In Southern India, a small dose of the plant is used as an
expectorant and depurative (Biju, 2014). The root of Naregamia alata is used to cure
asthma, bronchitis, biliousness and ulcers. Naregamia alata has been reported to be a
species in India (Hooker, 1872) but Willis (1955) reports the occurrence of 15 Indo-
malayan species of the genus. Walsura trifoliata (A. Juss.) Harms. (Syn: Walsura
the tropical areas of Asia, such as Southern China, India, Malaysia, and Indonesia
(Chetty et al., 2008). It grows on dry deciduous forests of 200 to 300m height. This
plant is well reputed in traditional system of medicine and used by tribal people to
treat various diseases like skin allergies, astringent and diarrhoea (Pullaiah and Rani,
emmenagogue and emetic properties. The fruit pulp is used as fish poison
(Anonymous, 1976).
deals with the drugs of vegetable, animal and mineral origin. It may be defined as an
applied science that deals with “biological, biochemical and economical features of
natural drugs and their constituents”. Pharmacognosy helps to study the identification
of the source of the material forming drug, description of its morphology and
anatomy, investigation of its potency, purity and freedom from admixture, devising
processes and studying the constituents of the drug and investigation of their physico-
The pharmacognostical studies of the herbal drugs have become imperative for
several reasons. As per the WHO norms, every drug has to undergo botanical
constitutes the major part of pharmacognosy. This primary step enables the
tenet that certain microscopic characters are specific and restricted in distribution
application under certain circumstances, have still highly reliable diagnostic values
and Walsura trifoliata of Meliaceae reveals a lacuna in the pharmacognosy and other
parameters. This fact induced the present investigation of the micro morphological
1990). It has the advantage of requiring only small quantities of material, economical
such plants will be helpful fulfilling a need for information on plant identification and
quality control.
drug analysis and powder microscopy were given due importance. These studies will
offer the scope for easy and accurate identification of the specimen either in
The following plant species were selected for the present investigation.
The plant names, localities and dates of collection are furnished below:
5 Naregamia alata Wight & Arn.
Vernacular Names :
Tamil : Nilanarai
Malayalam : Nilanarakam
Botanical descriptions:
Inflorescence /flower : White flowers (Fig. 1.4), 2.5-5 cm long, arise solitary in
peninsular India.
6 Walsura trifoliata(A. Juss.) Harms. :
Vernacular names :
Botanical descriptions:
Trunk & Bark : Bark pale brown, shallowly fissured, lenticels rusty
Branches and
above; secondary nerves 7-13, gradually curved; tertiary
Inflorescence /
Fruit and Seed : Berry ovoid (Fig. 8.4), to 1.3 cm long; seeds 1-2, pale
varying shapes, single layer of palisade and difference in vascular bundle shape have
types and sizes of secretory cells and solitary/clustered crystals have been observed as
Ahmad et al., 2010 recognized the polygonal cells with smooth walls in leaf
Jafari et al., 2013 studied the peltate trichomes in the leaf epidermis of
Azadirachta indica and Melia azedarach. Fragments of lignified vessels with spiral
mesophyll is composed of two layers of elongated closely packed cells. The spongy
Lagos et al., 2007 studied the leaf of Trichilia catigua (Meliaceae), and
reported that the leaf midrib is convex and traversed by one collateral vascular bundle,
periderm, consisting of suber, phellogen and various layers of phelloderm. The fibres
Attarde et al., 2010 reported the presence of more amounts of cluster type
Ibrahim et al., 2006 examined the powdered bark of Khaya species. This
Singh et al., 2012 studied the powdered bark material of Toona ciliata and
showed the presence of pointed lignified fibres, scattered stone cells, few in groups
Bhat, 1994 studied the vascular tissue of Aglaia barberi and according to him
the phloem rays were 1 to 3 seriate more commonly biseriate ranging from 100 to
450µm in height and 10 to 35 µm in width. Phloem rays were closely spaced and
heterogenous with usually a single marginal row of square cells. Ray heterogeneity
The present proposed study is justified since it may throw immense light on
the anatomical and phytochemical dimensions of the two selected species. The study
will provide a protocol for the pharmacognostic standardization of the two species.
The plant specimens were collected from the southern Western Ghats, and
C cadre, Central council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha, Government of India.
The Flora of presidency of Madras (Gamble, 1997) and Flora of Tirunelveli Hills
(Manickam et al., 2008) were referred for the identification of the chosen plants. The
taxonomic identity of the medicinal plants were confirmed by comparing the collected
voucher specimens with those of known identity and voucher specimens deposited in
the Herbarium (SJCH 935 & 936) at PG and Research department of Botany,
Preparation of specimens
Healthy plants and normal organs were collected carefully. The required
samples of different organs were cut and removed from the plant and fixed in FAA
the specimens were dehydrated with graded series of Tertiary Butyl alcohol (TBA) as
per the schedule given by Sass, 1940. Infiltration of the specimens was carried by
gradual addition of paraffin wax (melting point 58-60oC) until TBA solution attained
The paraffin embedded specimens were sectioned with the help of Rotary
Microtome. The thickness of the sections was 10-12 µm. Dewaxing of the sections
was carried out by customary procedure (Johansen, 1940). The sections were stained
with Toluidine blue (O’Brien et al., 1964). Since Toluidine blue is a polychromatic
stain, the staining results were remarkably good; some cytochemical reactions were
also obtained. The dye rendered pink colour to the cellulose walls, blue to the
lignified cells, dark green to suberin, violet to the mucilage, blue to the protein bodies
and other necessary sections were also stained with safranin and Fast-green and
KI(for Starch).
distribution, paradermal sections (sections taken parallel to the surface of leaf) as well
materials. Powdered materials of different parts were cleared with NaOH and
mounted in glycerine medium after staining. Different cell components were studied
and measured.
labphoto 2 microscopic Unit. For normal observations bright field was used. For the
study of crystals, starch grains and lignified cells, polarized light was employed. Since
these structures have birefringent property, under polarized light they appear bright
against dark background. Magnifications of the figures are indicated by the scale-bars.
Descriptive terms of the anatomical features were given as in the standard Plant
Ash values
Ash values are indicative to some extent, of care taken in collection and
preparation of drug for market and of foreign matter content of natural drug. The
a. Total ash:
analytical chemists (Horwitz, 1980). 2 gm of the sample was taken in a silica crucible
which had been previously ignited and cooled before weighing. The ignition was
The ash was boiled with 25ml of water and was filtered through an ashless
filter paper (Whatman 41). It was followed by washing with hot water. The filter
paper was ignited in the silica crucible, cooled and the water insoluble ash was
weighed. The water soluble ash was calculated by subtracting the water insoluble ash
It was determined by boiling the water insoluble ashes with 25ml dilute HCl
for five minutes and filtering through an ashless paper (Whatman 41). The filter
paper was ignited in the silica crucible, cooled and acid insoluble ash was weighed.
d. Loss on Drying:
Loss on drying is the loss in weight in percent w/w resulting from loss of
water and volatile matter of any kind that can be driven off under specific conditions.
5 gm of powdered sample was weighed and placed in a crucible of silica. The crucible
was cleaned and dried and weight of empty dried crucible was taken. The powder was
spread as a thin uniform layer. The crucible was placed in the oven at 105oC. The
powder was dried for 2 hours and cooled in a desiccator to room temperature and the
1.3.3. Solubility:
5gm of air dried, macerated and coarsely powdered sample was soaked with
100ml of alcohol in a closed flask for twenty four hours, shaking frequently for six
hours and was allowed to stand for eighteen hours. It was filtered rapidly, taking
precautions against the loss of alcohol. 20ml of the filtrate was evaporated to dryness
in a tared flat-bottomed shallow dish. Again it was dried at 105oC to obtain constant
weight. The percentage of alcohol soluble extractive was calculated with reference to
It was proceeded as directed for alcohol soluble extractive, using water instead
of alcohol.
The freshly collected plant material was cut into small pieces. It was dried
and coarsely powdered. The powdered material of 5gm was taken in Soxhlet
apparatus and successively extracted with n-hexane, petroleum ether, chloroform, and
alcohol till the extracts became colourless. Nearly 80% of the solvent was collected
and distilled over boiling water bath. The extracts so obtained were further dried in
1.3.5. Thin Layer Chromatography:
overnight, boiled for 10 minutes and filtered. The filtrate was concentrated and made
upto 5 ml in a graduated test tube. 10 and 12µl of this solution was applied on Merck
aluminium plate 60 F254 precoated with silica gel of 0.2mm thickness and the plate
was developed in Toluene: Ethyl acetate 1:1. After drying, the plate was visualized
under UV 254 and 366 nm and photographs were taken. The plate was dipped in
vanillin-sulphuric acid reagent and kept in oven at 105oC till the colour of the spots
Fluorescence of the drug was observed in day light and UV light (265nm &
365nm) using various solvent extracts of the drug. The powder was treated with
neutral solvents like hexane, petroleum ether, chloroform, ethyl alcohol, ethyl acetate,
distilled water, acid like 1N HCl and alkaline solution like 1 N NaOH (Chase and
Pratt, 1949).
The 90% alcoholic extract of the aerial part of the plant was subjected to
acetic acid, acetic anhydride, two drops of con.H2SO4 and heated gently. Blue (or)
b. Noller’s test: (Triterpenoid)
A few mg of the substance in a dry test tube was treated with a bit of tinfoil,
0.5ml of thionyl chloride and heated gently. Pink colour showed the presence of
c. Alkaloid:
A few mg of the substance in acetic acid was treated with two drops of
d. Phenol:
e. Sugars/Glucosides:
A few mg of the substance was mixed with equal quantity of Anthrone and
treated with two drops of con.H2SO4. It was then heated gently on a waterbath. Dark
f. Quinone:
A few mg of the substance was treated with con. H2SO4 or aqueous NaOH.
g. Coumarin:
and few drops of con.HCl. Red or Pink colour indicated the presence of flavonoid.
i. Ehrlich’s test: (Furanoid)
j. Tannin:
A few mg of the substance in alcohol was treated with a few drops of lead
About 2gm of the powdered sample was boiled in 2ml of distilled water in a
water bath and filtered. 10ml of the filtrate was mixed with 5ml of distilled water and
shaken vigorously for a stable persistent froth. The frothing was mixed with 3 drops
of olive oil and shaken vigorously then observed for the formation of emulsion.
Microscopic features Leaf:
The leaf has thick midrib which is projecting on both adaxial and abaxial
sides. The lamina is thin and dorsiventral (Fig. 1.5). The midrib has thick, short and
cylindrical adaxial hump and fairly wide and thick abaxial part. The epidermal layer
of the midrib consists of squarish, thick walled cells with prominent cuticle. The
ground tissue is parenchymatous and the cells are angular, thin walled and compact
(Fig. 1.6).
The vascular system consists of two vascular strands: one strand is small,
The abaxial strand is larger, bowl-shaped in outline and collateral. It includes several
short, parallel lines of narrow angular thick walled xylem elements and small groups
of phloem elements located at the lower end of each xylem strand (Fig. 1.6). A thin
layer of fibres occurs all along the abaxial part of the vascular strand.
The lamina is smooth and even on adaxial and abaxial sides (Fig. 2.1). The
adaxial epidermal layer consists of thick, rectangular cells with thick and smooth
in shape; the cuticle is thin. The mesophyll tissue is differentiated into a thin adaxial
row of short conical compact palisade mesophyll cells and abaxial zone of five or six
layers of spherical or lobed, loosely arranged spongy mesophyll cells. The lamina is
120µm thick.
Leaf Margin:
The marginal part of the lamina is slightly dilated and bent down. It consists
of small squarish epidermal cells with very prominent cuticle (Fig. 2.2). The size of
the epidermal cells becomes gradually reduced in size in the abaxial side of the leaf
margin. The differentiation of the mesophyll tissues remains unchanged in the leaf
The stomata were studied from the surface view of the paradermal sections
(Fig. 2.3 and 2.4). The epidermal cells are small and polyhedral in outline. Their
anticlinal walls are thin and straight. The stomata are diffuse in distribution. The
stomata are cyclocytic type: each stoma will have six or more subsidiary cells which
will radiate in all directions from the guard cells. The stomatal complex will appear
star shape in surface (Fig. 2.4). The guard cells are 15×20µm in size.
The lamina has distinct intra marginal veins and distinct reticulate venation
system. The lateral veins are thick and prominent. The vein lets are thin and less
prominent. They form vein islets of various shape and size. Within the islets occur
the vein terminations. The terminations are either unbranched or branched once or
The leaf has decurrent leaf base and in cross sectional view of the petiole there
are two lateral wide wings. The petiole consists of adaxial thick, short adaxial hump
and wide and thick abaxial part (Fig. 3.1). The petiole is 900µm thick, the adaxial
hump is 250µm wide and the abaxial part of the petiole consists of small, squarish
epidermal cells with thick cuticle which consists of minute cuticular spines. The
ground tissue is circular, less compact and some of them contain tannin bodies. The
vascular system of the petiole includes two prominent strands of which one is adaxial
and semi circular and the other is wide and bowl shaped. The adaxial strand consists
of several, short parallel rows of small, angular thick walled xylem elements and a
prominent horizontal band of phloem elements on the adaxial side. The strand being
protected by a thick arc of lignified fibres. Abaxial strand is wide and thicker it is
also collateral with upper xylem and lower arc of phloem elements. The xylem
elements are in short, parallel rows comprising narrow, thick walled xylem elements
and phloem arc includes small isolated clusters of sieve elements (Fig. 3.2). Stem:
periderm, thick cortex, narrow phloem cylinder and dense solid xylem cylinder (Fig.
3.3 and 3.4). The periderm is enclosed within an intact darkly stained epidermal cell.
The periderm is 100µm thick. It includes about eight layers of tabular, homocellular
suberized cells arranged in thick radial row. The cortex is wide and includes large,
thick walled less compact parenchyma cells of various shape and size. Secondary
phloem occurs in continuous circle around the xylem cylinder. It includes small
clusters of sieve elements mixed with phloem parenchyma. The sieve elements have
distinct companion cells (Fig. 3.5). Secondary xylem is compact dense cylinder and
includes vessels, xylem fibres and xylem rays. The vessels are fairly wide and
circular or narrow and not very distinct from wide fibres. The vessel walls are thick
and lignified. The fibres are highly thick walled with wide lumen and the xylem rays
are prominent and occur in straight prominent lines. The ray cells are also wide,
thick walled and lignified. The vessels are 20µm in diameter and the narrow vessels
20 Root:
Thin root:
A thin root measuring about 2.35mm thick was studied (Fig. 4.1). The thin
root is circular in cross section with undulate outline. The epidermis and a few
cortical cells are crushed forming dark surface layer. The cortical zone is wide and
the cortical cells are large, lobed and compact (Fig. 4.2). The secondary phloem
consists of a thin continuous layer running around the xylem cylinder (Fig 4.2). The
vessels which are thick walled (Fig. 4.2). The vessels are upto 25µm in diameter.
The fibres are angular, thick walled and lignified. The fibres occur in compact regular
radial rows. The fibre walls are thick and lignified and the lumen is fairly wide. The
xylem rays are straight and narrow and their cells are also lignified.
Thick root:
The thick root is highly wavy in outline due to the presence of thick and wide
fissures. The thick root is 4mm thick (Fig. 5.1). The root consists of very thick
periderm which is deeply folded and grooved. The periderm is differentiated into
outer thick wavy cylinder of suberized phellem cells and inner equally thick
phelloderm layers. The phelloderm cells are squarish in shape with thin walls and
deeply stained. The cortical zone is very prominent and thick. The cells are
parenchymatous variously shaped and compact (Fig. 5.2). The secondary phloem is
quite thick and surrounds the xylem cylinder all around. It consists of collapsed outer
phloem and inner narrow non collapsed phloem (Fig. 5.3). In the collapsed phloem
the parenchyma cells and phloem rays are dilated and the sieve elements are crushed
into dark tangential lines (Fig. 5.4). The non collapsed phloem is very narrow and
includes a few layers of intact sieve elements. In the phloem parenchyma cells have
dense accumulation of starch grains (Fig. 5.6). The starch grains are also seen in the
cortical parenchyma.
The secondary xylem is circular, dense and compact. It includes circular lines
of narrow, thick walled, solitary vessels and thick walled lignified compact radial
lines of xylem fibres. The vessels are narrow or wide. The vessel elements are upto
apostomatic. The epidermal cells are small, and their anticlinal walls are thick
II) The abaxial epidermal peeling was also seen in the powder. The epidermis is
polar subsidiary cells and two lateral subsidiary cells. Some of the stomata
have more than four subsidiary cells which encircle the guard cells (Fig. 6.2
and 6.3). The anticlinal walls of the epidermal cells are thick and wavy. The
III) Foliar sclereids: Long, filiform, branched thread like foliar sclereids are
wide spread in the lamina. The sclereids run along with the veins and at
certain places they come out of the veins and penetrate into the vein islets
(Fig. 6.4, 6.5, 7.1 and 7.2). The sclereids are 10µm thick and unlimited in
IV) Epidermal trichomes: Epidermal trichomes are seen either attached on the
lamina or free from the lamina (Fig. 6.5 and 6.6). The trichomes are
unicellular, unbranched, pointed at the tip and highly thick walled. The
trichomes are nonglandular type. The trichome measures 400µm long and
20µm thick.
V) Xylem fibres: Xylem fibres are abundant in the powder. The fibres are
narrow, thick walled and tapering at the end. The cell lumen is fairly wide.
No pits are evident. The fibres are upto 550µm long and 15µm thick (Fig. 7.4,
VI) Vessel elements: Vessel elements are equally abundant in the powder. Most
of the vessel elements are long, narrow and fibre like in appearance. They
have simple, oblique elliptical perforations at the end. The pits are circular,
multiseriate and bordered. Some of the vessel elements have long narrow tails
VII) Epidermal cells: The epidermal cells of the stem were seen in surface view.
The cells are vertically elongated, rectangular and run parallel to each other.
The cells have thick walls and circular wide simple pits (Fig. 7.8). Leaf:
The leaf in sectional view exhibits smooth adaxial surface and prominent
midrib with adaxial concavity (Fig. 9.1). The midrib is concavo-convex in sectional
view, having wide shallow adaxial concavity and thick convex on the abaxial side.
The midrib 500µm in vertical section and 500µm in horizontal plane; it is 450µm in
The epidermal layer of the midrib consists of small, highly thick walled
squarish cells with thick cuticle. The ground tissue includes angular, thin walled
compact parenchyma cells; some of the ground parenchyma cells possess dense
The vascular system includes two circular masses of collateral strands located
in the adaxial side and one wide bowl shaped abaxial strand (Fig. 9.3). Both adaxial
and abaxial strands are collateral and their xylem strands are just opposed. Phloem
occurs on the outer part of the xylem. The xylem elements are wide, elliptical in
outline and occur in short or long radial chains. Phloem elements are in small groups,
located on their outer part of the xylem mixed with parenchyma cells and fibre sheath.
The fibre sheath extends cellular growth on the adaxial and abaxial surfaces of the
ventral surfaces. The adaxial (Ventral) surface of the lamina consists of prominent
vertically oblong epidermal cells with thick cuticle. The abaxial epidermis includes
small, squarish thick walled cells with finger like epidermal trichome arising from
every epidermal cell, the lamina is 260µm thick (Fig. 10.1). The palisade cells occur
in one or two compact dense layer of cells on the adaxial side. The spongy mesophyll
includes lobed small cells interconnected with each other and forming wide air
chambers. Vascular strands are seen in the middle part of the mesophyll.
Leaf margin:
As seen in T.S view the leaf margin is slightly bent down and it measures
about 200µm thick. The basic structure of the leaf margin is similar to that of lamina
region; it includes adaxial palisade zone abaxial reticulate spongy mesophyll tissue
and small vascular strand located in the mesophyll tissue. The extreme margin of the
lamina includes a small compact mass of thick walled cells (Fig. 10.2)
Epidermal cells and stomata:
The epidermal cells and stomata were studied in surface view of the
paradermal sections. The epidermal cells are small polygonal with thick straight
anticlinal walls. The stomata are deeply sunken in the epidermal layer. The guard
cells are surrounded by 9 to 11 radiating subsidiary cells. Thus the stoma appears to
be stellate stomata (Fig. 10.3, 10.4 and 10.5). The guard cells are broadly elliptical
measuring 20×20µm in size. The stomatal aperture is narrow and slit like (Fig. 10.4
and 10.5).
The veins and vein lets are thick and straight. They form fairly wide vein
islets with well defined thick and straight vein boundaries (Fig. 10.6). Almost all vein
islets have vein terminations. There may be more than one termination in vein islet.
The terminations are either unbranched or branched once. They are short and thick
The petiole is circular with short two lateral wings. It is 1mm thick. The
petiole consists of thin epidermal layer which is often broken due to growth in
diameter of the petiole (Fig.11.1). There is a narrow less prominent periderm. The
cortical zone is parenchymatous the cell being small and circular. The inner boundary
vascular cylinder consists of outer wide cylinder of xylem and phloem and central
mass of tangentially oblong vascular bundle. The outer cylinder includes outer thick
cylinder of secondary phloem in which the phloem elements occur in radial compact
files. The secondary xylem includes several radial lines of xylem elements and thick
walled xylem fibres. The central strand consists of a few compact lines of xylem
elements mixed with phloem fibres. The phloem elements occur in the form of wide
hollow cup on the lower arc of the xylem strand (Fig. 11.2). Stem:
secondary phloem and secondary xylem. The stem is 2.35mm thick (Fig. 11.3). The
producing narrow periderm zone. The cells of the epidermis have thick walls with
spiny cuticle. The periderm cells are in 4 or 5 layers of rectangular cells and
suberized. Inner to the periderm is wide cortex which includes small, compact
parenchyma cells of various shape and size. The cortical zone is about 50µm in
thickness. The boundary layer of the cortex is marked by a few isolated irregular
masses of sclerenchymatous cells (Fig. 11.4). The secondary phloem quite thick
The outer part of the secondary xylem includes collapsed sieve elements and inner
part includes non collapsed intact sieve elements. Secondary xylem cylinder is
circular and lobed. It includes several radial lines of vessels and xylem fibres. Xylem
rays are well marked and they are thin and straight, running from secondary xylem to
secondary phloem. The vessels are circular and the secondary xylem vessels are upto
30µm wide. The pith includes both thin walled parenchyma and thick walled fibres.
These two types of cells are mixed with each other (Fig 11.5).
The surface of the stem bark is highly fissured with remnants of peeling of
surface fissures. There are deep and wide fissures left by scaling off the periderm
(Fig. 12.1). The periderm seems to be deeper in origin arising from several layers of
inner secondary phloem. The periderm includes larger portion of inner periderm
which has arised from outer part of the secondary phloem. This periderm consists of
several radial files of rectangular thin walled suberized phellem cells. Inner to this
periderm zone is the collapsed phloem which consists of several tangential bands of
sclerenchyma segments alternating with collapsed phloem tissue (Fig. 13.1 and 13.2).
The rays are also dilated in the collapsed phloem zone (Fig. 12.2). The non collapsed
phloem is sharply distinguished from the collapsed phloem by the absence of wide
dilated rays and intact sieve elements. In the non collapsed phloem the phloem fibres
are seen in several tangential blocks alternating with non collapsed phloem cells (Fig.
13.3 and 13.4). The phloem rays are narrow, and do not expand crushing the sieve
elements. In the non collapsed phloem the sieve elements are located in radial lines
and the cells are rectangular with lateral companion cells (Fig. 13.4).
The phloem rays are non-storied. They are long and spindle shaped. The ends
of the rays are located at different levels. The individual rays are multiseriate,
biseriate or uniseriate. The multiseriate rays are heterocellular and they possess
middle squarish cells and terminal upright cells. The end wall plate of sieve element
is simple and vertically oriented (Fig. 14.1 and 14.2). Calcium oxalate prismatic
crystals are abundant in the phloem rays and phloem parenchyma. They are seen
arranged in continuous vertical rows. The crystals are rhomboidal or prismatic type
27 Powder microscopy:
view. The adaxial surface of the epidermis exhibits square shaped cells which are
compact two or three layered and wide circular simple pits are seen on the walls of the
Vessels and fibres are abundant in the powder (Fig 15.3). The fibres are long,
thin needle shaped. A fibre is 500µm long and 10µm thick. Some of the fibres have
Vessel elements:
Long cylindrical thick vessel elements are found in the powder. They have
simple slightly oblique end wall perforations (Fig. 15.6). Some of the vessel elements
have short tails and well developed pits (Fig. 15.7). The vessel elements are upto
were studied by determining the total ash value, alkalinity, water soluble ash, acid
insoluble ash, loss on drying, water, alcohol soluble extractive and successive
extractive values in various solvents like hexane, petroleum ether, chloroform and
The TLC profile of ethanolic extracts of the two plants (Fig. 16) is tabulated in
Table 2 and 3. Fluorescence characters of the plants were studied under daylight and
ultra violet light (265nm and 365nm) in different treatments such as hexane,
Qualitative organic contents of the alcoholic extracts were studied and the
The family Meliaceae contains more than 50 genera and about 500 species all
over the world. These are mainly distributed in the tropics and warm temperate
regions. In India, this family is represented by 20 genera 113 species (Hooker, 1872).
fruits are capsule and petioles are winged. In Walsura trifoliata, flowers occur in
corymbose panicles and the fruits are berry and the petioles are not winged. These
Walsura trifoliata.
species and shrub species. In Walsura trifoliata, the upper epidermal cells are
vertically oblong with thick cuticle. In shruby species (Naregamia alata), epidermal
cells are thick with smooth cuticle. Both the species are characterized by cyclocytic
Of the two species studied during the present investigation the correlation of
the epidermal cell walls, parenchyma distribution of the plants could not be
inhabiting dry-deciduous habitats the anticlinal walls of the epidermis are straight;
stomata is sunken; the palisade tissue is 1-2 layered; spongy mesophyll cells are
layers are short, conical and compact ones. Spongy mesophyll cells are loosely
The vascular system in the leaves of Meliaceae differs widely from one
sclerenchyma in the bundle sheath and vein endings. Thus the leaf vascular system
In the two species studied adaxial vascular bundle of Naregamia alata is small,
the midrib bundle is circular, collateral without the sclerenchymatous cap (Fig. 9.3).
Walsura trifoliata has more distinct vein islets and vein terminations are short, thick
and curved. In Naregamia alata intra marginal veins and vein islets are thin and less
prominent, and vein terminations are long slender and wavy (Fig. 2.6).
have been recognized by the earlier anatomists. Grew (1675), De Candolle (1879)
and Hare (1943) are the pioneers in the study of petiole and have proposed extensive
terminology and structural variations of the petiole. The two species of the present
study have distinctive structures of the petiole. Naregamia alata has two prominent
vascular strands, the adaxial side with semicircular and in abaxial side bowl shaped
vascular cylinder which is protected by thick arc of lignified fibre. Walsura trifoliata
has characteristic wide cylinder on adaxial side and abaxial side oblong vascular
cylinder. Thus the two species of the present study have distinctive features in the
Wood anatomy of the two species of the present study has the distinctive
anatomical features suitable for the diagnostic purpose. The stem woods of
Naregamia alata and Walsura trifoliata have mostly radial and multiples of vessels.
In Naregamia alata, vessels are long, narrow fibre like with oblique elliptical
perforations at the end with long narrow tails. The pits are circular, multiseriate. In
Walsura trifoliata, the wood has long, cylindrical, thick vessels. The vessels have
simple, slightly oblique end wall perforations with short tail and well developed pits
(Fig. 15.6 and 15.7). A comparison of salient features of two taxa is presented in
Table 6.
The present study reveals that the loss on drying does not vary much for the
two plants (7.87 and 7.01%w/w) (Table 1). Its dried form is expected to have a long
shelf-life with reduced chance of microbial growth due to its relatively low moisture
content. Insufficient drying favours spoilage by moulds and bacteria make possible
the enzymatic destruction of active principles. It is observed that the drug is properly
Total ash value for the two plants (5.82 and 4.97%w/w) indicates low
inorganic components in the plants (Table 1). Total ash is particularly important in
the evaluation of purity of drugs i.e., the presence or absence of foreign matter such as
The amount of acid insoluble siliceous matter present in the two plants is 1.04
and 0.34%w/w. The water soluble ashes are found to be 1.85 and 1.17%w/w(Table 1).
These parameters are used to detect the presence of foreign material exhausted by
water. As the ash values of the crude drugs lie within the fair limit which signify its
quality and purity and gives idea about the total inorganic content.
The water soluble extractive values are found to be 14.63 and 15.10%w/w
(Table 1). The alcohol soluble extractive values for the two plants are 12.31 and
glycosides and flavonoids. The water soluble extractive is found to be signifying that
the large amounts of constituents of the plants are soluble in water than in alcohol.
Extractive values of the plant with different solvents give a preliminary picture
of the percentage of the compounds extracted. Extraction with ethyl alcohol gives the
highest yield in the successive extraction (5.4 and 4.18%w/w). So ethyl alcohol is the
best solvent for extraction among the five solvents used (Table 1).
In the TLC profile, the extracts of the two plants in ethyl acetate and Toluene
(1:1) solvent system confirm the presence of diverse potent biomolecules in these
plants. In Walsura trifoliata it shows maximum seven bands under UV 366nm (Fig.
16.2). In Naregamia alata maximum seven bands are observed with vanillin
sulphuric acid spray reagent (Fig. 16.1). TLC analysis provides an idea about the
polarity of various chemical constituents, in a way such that compound showing high
Rf value has low polarity and with less Rf value has high polarity (Table 2 and 3).
These potent biomolecules can be further used for the development of different drugs
in future.
crude drug. The fluorescent light is always of greater wavelength than the exciting
light. Light rich in short wavelength is very active in producing fluorescence and for
this reason UV light produces fluorescence in many substances which do not visible
in day light. Plants usually contain both fluorescent and non-fluorescent compounds.
When powdered samples of these plants are exposed to UV light of shorter (265nm)
and longer wavelengths (365nm) they emit specific colours depending on the
wavelengths of light. However, the colours will be constant for any given extract.
This procedure helps to standardize the fluorescent colour characteristic for a drug
(Table 4).
For qualitative tests, ethyl alcohol extract was used for the two plants. The
extracts were positive for triterpenoid, alkaloid, phenol, flavonoid, coumarin, quinone,
furan, tannin and sugars. Steroid and saponins are absent in the two plants under
Thus, simple chemical analysis of crude drugs of the two plants helps in two
ways. It gives a preliminary idea for the prospects of the chemical compounds
present in the plants and it gives some chemical parameter for determining the quality
1. Habit Under shrub Tree
2. Habitat Moist deciduous forests Dry ever green forests
3. Leaf Trifoliate, cuneate-obovate Trifoliate, elliptic
4. Fruits Capsule Berry
5. Stomatal type Cyclocytic stomata Cyclocytic stomata
6. Subsidiary cells Six or more Nine to eleven
7. Guard cells 15×20µm in size 20×20µm in size
8. Lamina 120µm thick 260µm thick
9. Veinlets Thin and less prominent Thick and straight
10. Vein terminations Long, slender and wavy. Either unbranched or Short, thick and curved. Either unbranched or
branched once or twice branched once
11. Petiole Two lateral wide wings Two lateral short wings
12. Stem Occurs in continuous circle around the xylem Quite thick, comprising 2 or 3 layers of
Secondary phloem cylinder. phloem sclerenchyma, alternating phloem
13. Periderm Eight layers of tabular, suberized cells Four or five layers of rectangular, suberized
14. Powder microscopy Abundant, narrow, thick walled and tapering Equally abundant, long, thin, needle shaped
Fibres at the end, upto 550µm long and 15µm thick. upto 500µm long and 10µm thick.
15. Vessel elements Abundant, long, narrow and fibre like, they Abundant, long, cylindrical, thick, they have
have simple, oblique, elliptical perforations at simple slightly oblique end wall perforations,
the end, long narrow tails. Pits are circular, short tails and well developed pits.
multiseriate and bordered.
16. Sclerenchyma Present in the leaf vascular strand. Present in the stem cortex.
17. Spiny cuticle Present in the petiole epidermis. Present in the stem epidermis.
18. Epidermal trichomes Present in the leaf epidermis(lamina) (Powder Present in the leaf epidermis (lamina T.S).