Thamizharetthum Sri Manavala Maamuni

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Academic Sciences Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research

Vol 5, Suppl 2, 2012 ISSN - 0974-2441

Research Article

Vol. 4, Issue 3, 2011

- 0974-2441
Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar,Tamil Nadu-608002,India.
Email: [email protected]
Received:28 November 2011, Revised and Accepted: 15 February 2012
Ethnobotanical survey was made on the utilization of medicinal plants among the people of selected six villages from Jawadhu hills, in Tamil Nadu,
was carried out during December 2009-April 2010. They use forest plants, weeds, fruit plants, vegetables, spices, ornamental plants, ferns and many
others as traditional medicine. Although many of these species are known as medicinal plants, others are mainly used for non-medicinal purposes
such as preparing agricultural implements. Santalum album, Terminalia bellirica, Cassia fistula, Gymnema sylvestre, Melia dubia and Rauvolfia
tetraphylla are the leading species used as remedies against a variety of complaints. The results of the present study provide evidence that
medicinal plants continue to play an important role in the health care system of this tribal (Malayalis) community in Jawadhu hills of Tami Nadu.
Keywords: Ethnomedicinal ,Jawadhu Hill’s, Malayalis people, Thiruvannamalai
The medicinal plants are rich in secondary metabolites (which are Study Area
potential sources of drugs) and essential oils of therapeutic
importance. The important advantages claimed for therapeutic uses Jawadhu hills is situated in Thiruvannamalai district of Tamil Nadu
of medicinal plants in various ailments are their safety besides being in Southern India. The hills has an area of 150 km2 and a population
economical, effective and their easy availability (Atal and Kapoor of 80,00 (with 98% tribals and others 2%) with 11 Panchayat unions
,1989; Siddiqui,1993). Because of these advantages the medicinal and 229 mountainer villages. It is bounded on the East of Pollur (43
plants have been widely used by the traditional medical kms), on the West of Amirthi (33 kms) and on the North of
practitioners in their day to day practice. According to a survey Allangayam (25 kms) in Thiruvannamalai district and a part of the
(1993) of World Health Organization (WHO), the practitioners of Eastern Ghats. The beautiful mountain lies at about 2315 to 3000 mtrs
traditional system of medicine treat about 80% of patients in India, at the sea level. Jawadhu hills have many scenic spots. Temperature
85% in Burma and 90% in Bangladesh (Siddiqui,1993; WHO, 1993). varies with in the altitude and ranged from 12C to 33C. The area is
well known for excessive rainfall (> 1000 mm) and dry months are
Ethnobotany allows interaction between researcher with the local rare. The relative humidity remains high and varies from 40 to 85%.
people that have the knowledge about use of plants. These people
manage and conserve significant amounts of biological resources useful Ethnobotanical survey of six villages from Jawadhu hills, in Tamil
for industry and world community (Medeiros et al., 2007). Nadu, was carried out during December 2009-April 2010. During
the course of the study, six field trips were carried out in the study
Ayurveda is one of the most popular codified medical traditions in area totalling 30 days. Methods of selecting informants depend upon
India. Ayurveda traces its origins to the Vedic ages. The Vedic texts, the distribution of local people having folk knowledge. These
thereby, mention numerous Indian medicinal plants that are grown informants were traditional healers themselves or had tradition of
throughout the Indian subcontinent. Besides Ayurveda, Siddha and healing in their families and had knowledge of the medicinal use of
Unani medicinal practices also used several trees to prepare the plants. The wealth of medicinal plant knowledge among the
medicines. The usage of medicinal plants for curing diseases goes people of this Jawadhu hills is based on hundreds of years of beliefs
back several millennia. While most of the medicinal plants are and observations. This knowledge has been transmitted orally from
native to India, some have their origin in foreign countries. The generation to generation, however it seems that it is vanishing from
probable trade between the ancient civilizations and the arrival of the modern society, since younger people are not interested to carry
the Europeans paved the way for these plants “entrée” into the on this tradition.
According to World Health Organization (WHO) more than 80% of
the world’s population relies on traditional medicine for their Extensive field surveys were conducted in the six Malayalis villages.
primary health care needs. Use of herbal medicines in Asia A detailed household survey was conducted involving 50
represents a long history of human interactions with the households in the six villages. All the informations mentioned is
environment. Plants used for traditional medicine contain a wide based on first hand information on medicinal plants and their
range of substances that can be used to treat chromic as well as utilization, collected through personal interview with the villages of
infectious diseases. A vast knowledge of how to use the plants different age group and sex, the patients as well as the key
against different illnesses may be expected to have accumulated in informants locally called, vaidhyas. There were two well
areas where the use of plants is still of great importance (Diallo et al., knowledgeable vaidhyas in the study villages namely, Shri
1999). Govindan (age 56) and Shri Lakshmanan (age 75). The
information gathered from them was again crosschecked with the
Aim of the present study is to highlight the traditional uses of some other residents of same community. As the Malayalis are mostly
medicinal plants of Jawadhu hill’s in Tamilnadu. To document the illiterate, no structural questionnaire approach was used. The
natural resources use pattern of the study area and indigenous medicinal plant species were collected from wild and also from the
knowledge associated with them. To encourage the local homestead gardens for herbarium preparation. Identification and
communities especially the younger generation to propagate and nomenclature of the listed plants were based on the flora of
protect the medicinal plant wealth in the study area. To explore the Presidency of Madras (Gamble, 1935) and the Flora of Tamil Nadu
possibilities of conservation and sustainable development of rare Carnatic (Mathew, 1983). They were later verified at Botanical
and endangered medicinal plant by involvement of rural Survey of India, Southern Circle, Coimbatore, India. The voucher
communities in their native habitats. To assess and identify the specimens of each species have been deposited at the Department of
factors affecting biodiversity of medicinal and aromatic plants and Botany, Annamalai University.
indigenous knowledge of the area.
Ranganathan et al.
Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 5, Suppl 2, 2012, 45-49

The map shows Jawadhu Hills in Thiruvannamalai district

(Traditional Medicinal Practices Area/Study Area)


medicinal plants are arranged in alphabetical order. These plants
In the present study the medicinal plants were collected from 6 represented 25 angiospermic plant families. Most of the plants were
villages of Jawadhu hills in Thiruvannamalai district. A total of 25 collected from the wild habitat. A few species were grown in the
medicinal plant species used by Malayalis in their day-to-day life to Government Herbal Garden. In the Malayalis community, generally
cure various diseases have been documented (Table 1). The men are involved in the preparation of herbal medicine.
Table 1: Medicinal plants used by the Tribals in Jawadhu Hills
S. Plant name Family Vernacular name Parts Mode of application
No. used
1. Acorus calamus Acoraceae Vasambu Rhizome  The rhizome contains from 1.5-3.5% essential oil which is
Linn. extracted from the fresh roots or the unpeeled dried root
by stream distillation. The essential oil is anticonvulsant,
antiveratrinic and antiarrhythmic. It is also taken as an
infusion, tincture or fluid extract.
 The rhizome alcoholic extract has sedative and analgesic
properties and causes depression in blood pressure and
respiration. Extracts are used to treat intestinal cholis,
anorexia, gastritis and gastric ulcers.
2. Albizia lebbeck (L.) Mimosaceae Vagai Stem  The plant parts used for blood condition-higher blood
Benth. cholesterol, respiratory tract conditions, asthma, allergic
 The dried stem bark is used to cure allergic condition, reduce
the release of histamines through the stabilizing effect on most
3. Alpinia galanga Zingiberaceae Cittarattai Rhizome  The rhizome is a common ingredient in Thai soups and
(L.) Willd. curries, where is used fresh in chunks or thin slices, washed
and mixed into curry paste, or dried and powdered.
 Ground rhizome is washed, crushed and the juice is used to
cure the treatment of skin infections like eczema, ringworm,
4. Artabotrys Annonaceae Manoranjitham Leaves,  Leaves: The leaves are found to contain antiferlity
odoratissimus R. roots principle. A decoction of the leaves is given in cholera.

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Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 5, Suppl 2, 2012, 45-49

Br. exker Gaul.  Root: The root of A. odoratissimus is a Chinese folk remedy
for malaria.
5. Atalantia Rutaceae Kattu Elumichai Leaves,  Leaves: A decoction of the leaves is applied in itch and
monophylla L. root and other cutaneous complaints.
bark  Roots: The roots possess anti-spasmodic, stimulant and
resolvent properties and used rheumatism and swelling.
6. Bauhinia Caesalpiniaceae Eruvachi Flower,  Flower: The juice of the flowers is used to treat diarrhoea,
tomentosa L. root and dysentery and other stomach disorders.
bark  Root: The fresh root with water and made a paste and
gives orally or the fresh roots given to cure antidote to
snake bites.
 Bark: The juice of the bark is drank for treatment of cuts
and wounds and skin diseases, scrofula and ulcers.
7. Caesalpinia bonduc Caesalpiniaceae Kalichchikkai Leaves,  Leaves: Leaves and bark is used for treatment of febrifuge
(Linn.) Roxb. fruits, and and antiperiodic.
seeds  Fruits: Fruits are used as tonic and antipyretic.
 Seeds: Fatty oil extracted from the seeds is used as a
cosmetic and for discharges from the ear.
8. Calophyllum Clusiaceae Punnai Seeds  The nut should be well dried before cracking after which
inophyllum L. the oil-laden kernel should be for the dried.
 The seed oil meets all the major boil-diesel requirements in
the United States.
 Medicinal use or hair greese active ingredients in the oil to
regenerate the tissue and an ingredients in skin creams.
9. Cardiospermum Sapindaceae Kattu mutakathan Whole  Various parts of the plant can be extracted to provide
luridum (Bl.) plant laxative, emetic and diuretic, joint pain effects etc.
Adelb.  Leaves can be made into medic pulmonary complications.
10. Cassia alata L. Caesalpiniaceae Vandukolli Leaves  The leaves are ground in a mortar to obtain a kind of “green
cotton wool”. This is mixed with the equal amount of
vegetable oil then rubbed on the affected area 2-3 times a
day. A fresh preparation is made every day.
 Senna alata is often called the ringworm bush because of its
very effective fungicidal properties, for treating ringworm
and other fungal infections of the skin.
11. Cassia fistula L. Fabaceae Sarakkondri Whole  The leaves for erysipelas, malaria, rheumatism and ulcers.
plant The buds for biliousness, constipation, fever, leprosy and
skin disease.
 The fruit as anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, purgative and
good for chest complaints.
 Ayurvedic medicine recognizes the seed as antibilious,
aperitif, carminative and laxative.
 The root for adenopathy, burning sensations, leprosy, skin
diseases, syphilis and tubercular glands.
12. Chrysopogon Poaceae Vettiver Roots  Dried roots are mixed with coconut oil to reduce the
zizanioides (L.) dandruff, and hair falling.
Roberty.  Dried roots are used for cosmetics, perfumes and
aromatherapy, soaps, lotions, creams to cure for wounds
acne and irritating skins.
 The roots internally used to cure nervous and circulatory
problems, externally used to cure all around tonic bath, to
ease muscle pains, as well as treatment for lice.
13. Coleus forskohlii Laminaceae Maruthuvacoorgan Whole  The leaf is used as an expectorant, ernmenagogue and
(Briq.) plant diuretic.
 The tubers are prepared as pickle and eaten. Ayurvedic
systems of medicine, the plant has been used for treating heart
diseases, respiratory disorder, asthma, intestinal disorders,
 The plant is also used for veterinary purposes.
14. Commelina Commelinaceae Kanavazhai Whole  The whole plant used to cure a medicinal herb, that is said
benghalensis Linn. plant to have diuretic, febrifungal and anti-inflammatory effects.
 It is used to cure swellings of the skin, leprosy and laxative.
15. Curculigo Amaryllidaceae Nilapanankilengu Leaves,  Leaves: The peel is remedy for dysentery and is eaten to
orchioides shoots overcome halitosis. The distilled juice is given as a
(Gaertn.) sedative. The leaf juice, combined with that of Polygonum
and Indigofera is taken after childbirth. A leaf infusion is
given as an antispasmodic.
 Shoots: A decoction of the shoots of wild plant is
administered to improve appetite, relieve stomachache and
expel intestinal worms.
16. Datura fastulosa L. Solanaceae Karuoomathai Leaves,  Leaves: The leaves or juice of it, is consumed make the
flower person dumb (unable to speak).
 Flower: The dry flower, particularly the violet coloured, if

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Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 5, Suppl 2, 2012, 45-49

rolled and used like cigar, will help to relieve the asthma or
wheezing like symptoms.
17. Ficus racemosa Moraceae Atteeka Bark, root,  According to Ayurveda, roots are useful in hydrophobia
Roxb. latex and whereas bark is acrid, cooling, galactogogue and good for
fruits gynaecological disorders.
 Fruits are astringent to bowels, styptic, tonic and useful in
the treatment of leucorrhoea, blood disorders, etc.
 According to Unani system of medicine, leaves are
astringent to bowels and good in case of bronchitis
whereas, fruits are useful in treatment of dry cough, loss of
voice diseases of kidney and spleen. Bark is useful in
asthma and piles. Latex is applied externally on caronic
infected wounds to alleviate edema, pain and to promote
the healing.
18. Guizotia abyssinica Asteraceae Malai ellu Seeds  Seed oil is used reduce the body heat to cure the
(L.f.) cass. stomachache.
 The oil from the seed is used in the treatment of
rheumatism, it is applied to treat burns.
 A paste of the seeds is applied as a poultice in the treatment
of scabies, antirheumatic parasiticide and poultice.
19. Gymnema sylvestre Asclepiadaceae Sirukurinchan Leaves,  Leaf powder is mixed with cow’s milk and taken orally to
R. Br. root treat diabetes.
 A powder of the dried leaves is used to reduce the sugar
level of the blood.
 The root powder is taken orally and also applied on the
bitter spot to treat snakebite.
20. Hardwickia binata Fabaceae Achan Bark  Tannins from the bark are used to produce medicines for
Roxb. the treatment of diarrhoea, worms, indigestion and leprosy.
 These tannins also produce an appetizer.
21. Holoptelea Ulmaceae Aya Whole  The leaves and bark are used in treating, oedema, diabetes,
integrifolia (Roxb.) plant leprosy and other skin diseases, intestinal disorders, piles
Planch. and spruce.
 Seed and paste of stem bark is used in treating ringworm.
22. Limonia acidissima Rutaceae Vilam pazham Leaves,  Leaves: The leaves are aromatic and carminative. Leaves,
L. fruits bark, roots and fruit pulp are all used against snakebite.
The pulp is poulticed onto bites and stings of venomous
insects, as it the powered rind.
 Fruit: The fruit is much used in India as a liver and cardiac
tonic, and when curipe, as an astringent means of halting
diarrhea and dysentery and effective treatment for
hiccough, sore throat and diseases of the gums.
23. Madhuca indica Sapotaceae Elupai Flowers,  Flowers: Flower juice is used in the treatment of
Gmel. seed, bark enlargement of axillary grand, neurotic disorder and taken
with cow’s milk as an aphrodisiac, in cough and bronchitis.
 Seeds: Seed paste is applied to curve muscle fatigue and
relieve pain in the muscle and joints to improve the texture
and vigor of skin.
 Bark: Bark decoction is used in curing bleeding gums and
24. Marsilea Marsileaceae Aarakeerai Leaves  A juice made from the leaves is diuretic and febrifuge. It is
quadrifolia L. also used to treat snakebite and applied abscesses.
25. Melia dubia Meliaceae Malayvembu Leaves,  Leaves paste is applied topically on the body to treat small
Willd.Cav. seeds pox, rheumatism and skin diseases. The young twigs are
used as toothbrush to develop strong teeth.

The common diseases are diarrhoea, dysentery, whooping cough plants. Since, time immemorial these plants have been used by the
and malaria. Plant species, which used in traditional medicines are inhabitants of tribals in curing diverse ailments such as fever,
enumerated with their description, botanical and vernacular names, constipation, leprosy, asthma, bronchitis, anaemia, etc. The plant
family and uses of the plant parts in the various treatments and selected for the present study also exhibit interesting folk medicinal
mode applications. uses. They are used to cure stomachache, fever, chest pain, worm
DISCUSSIONS troubles, tooth diseases and amoebiasis (Dagar and Singh, 1999).

In India about 7300 plant species are used in traditional health care In the present study was carried out in six villages of Jawadhu hill’s.
systems such as Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and folk healing practices. The name of the area “Jawadhu Hills” is derived from sandalwood in
The booming of traditional medicine industry results in an the forest, as Jawadhu means the dry remains of sandalwood after
increasing demand on medicinal plant products. 90% of the the extraction of oil. In the year of 1985, a separate tribal Panchayat
medicinal plants come from natural habitats. The declining union was formed for sectoral development of tribal community.
availability of such plants and the fading of local traditional The cultural background of the Malayalis can be traced back to the
knowledge make the sustainable management of natural culture from the Pallava dynasty of medieval period, as the tribals
habitats a crucial environmental issue in South India, concerning identify themselves as the descendents of Pallava dynasty. The
biodiversity conservation and welfare of local communities.The Jawadhu hills come under the Taluk of Polur in the Thiruvannamalai
luxuriant flora of Jawadhu Hill’s include a large number of medicinal

Ranganathan et al.
Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 5, Suppl 2, 2012, 45-49

district of Tamil Nadu. Jawadhu hill’s comprise mostly of hilly forests scientifically. During scientific evaluation, the process of
and come under the national reserved forests of the Government of India. biopromosing using High Throughput Screening (HTS) is considered
an advanced method. Since this technique enables screening of
The present study was made to selected ethnomedicinal plants to thousands of plant samples in a short time.
screen the tribal Malayalis people of Jawadhu hill’s against human
pathogeneric, bacterial and fungal diseases. Herbal remedies play a CONCLUSION
fundamental role in traditional medicine in some tribal people of
rural regions in Tamil Nadu. The medicinal plants are often used as This study shows that knowledge and usage of herbal medicine for
the therapeutic agents as antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and in treatment the treatment of various ailments among Jawadhu hills tribals is still
of infections, diseases including candidiasis and dermatophytes a major part of their life and culture. They use forest plants, weeds,
(Shahidi, 2004). fruit plants, vegetables, spices, ornamental plants, ferns and many
others as traditional medicine. Although many of these species are
Tribal people of the Jawadhu hill’s in Thiruvannamalai district have known as medicinal plants, others are mainly used for non-
strong relations with their surrounding environment.Therefore, the medicinal purposes such as preparing agricultural implements.
indigenous people have not forgotten their age-old ethnicity and Santalum album, Terminalia bellirica, Cassia fistula, Gymnema
traditions. Knowledge about medicinal plants, which are used in sylvestre, Melia dubia and Rauvolfia tetraphylla are the leading
their daily life against various ailments still lies with them. species used as remedies against a variety of complaints.
The data collected show that majority of the remedies are taken
The present investigation highlights the age-old traditional orally. Most of the reported preparations are drawn from a single
knowledge about some medicinal plants used as remedy by the plant; mixtures are used rarely. In other parts of the country, the use
tribal people of Jawadhu hill’s. Fifty plant species belonging 29 of mixtures of plant species in treating a particular ailment is fairly
families of angiosperms were enumerated. Of these 46% trees, 36% common. Generally, the people of the study area still have a strong
herbs, 10% climbers and 8% shrubs. Many plant species belonging belief in the efficacy and success of herbal medicine. The results of
to families of Fabaceae, Caesalpiniaceae, Verbenaceae and the present study provide evidence that medicinal plants continue to
Combretaceae are frequently used. play an important role in the health care system of this tribal
Santalum album (sandalwood) has various and generally not well (Malayalis) community in Jawadhu hills of Tami Nadu.
documented medicinal uses. In samoa, a decoction of sandalwood REFERENCE
and Homolanthus leaves is taken to treat elephantiasis or lymphatic
filariasis. The oil from the heartwood, extracted by steam distillation 1. Atal CK, Kapoor BM,1989. Cultivation and utilization of
or by solvent, is used for cosmetics, scenting of soaps, perfumery, medicinal plants (Eds. PID CSIR).
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Jamaica ginger; it was classified as a stimulant and carminative and Plants), Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh Publishers,
used frequently for dyspepsia and colic. It was also frequently Dehradun, pp. 305-865.
employed to disguise the taste of medicines. Ginger is 4. Diallo, D., B. Hveem, M.A. Mahmoud, G. Betge, B.S. Paulsen and A.
contraindicated in people suffering from gallstones as it promotes Maiga, 1999. An ethnobotanical survey of herbal drugs of
the production of bile. Ginger may also decrease pain from arthritis, Gourma district, Mali. Pharmaceutical Biol., 37: 80-91.
though studies have been inconsistent and may have blood thinning 5. Gamble, J.S., 1935. The Flora of the Presidency of Madras,
and cholesterol lowering properties that may make it useful for Adlard and Son Ltd., London.
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The findings of the present study are in conformity with previous The Rapinat Herbarium, St. Joseph’s College, Tiruchirappalli,
study published by Nadkarni (1976) and Balakrishnan et al. (2009) in the India.
treatment of certain diseases with specific medicinal plants. For 7. Medeiros, M.F.T., L. Senna-Valle, R.H.P. Andreata and L.R.R.M.V. Fernandes,
example, plant species recommended for the treatment of asthma, 2007. Informacoes estrategicas geradas atraves do estudo de
cough, dysentery, jaundice and snakebite are essentially the same patentes de plantas medicinais citadas pelos sitiantes da
species, although the plant parts differed. However, there are Reserva Rio das pedras, Mangaratiba, Rio de Janeiro. Rev. Biol.
certain examples of other plant species, which are exclusively for the Neotrop., 4: 139-147.
treatment of specific diseases in the study area and represent the 8. Nadkarni, A.K., 1976. Indian Material Medica, Vol. I, Popular
first report of such uses. Prakashan, Bombay, pp. 1319.
9. Shahidi Bonaj, G.H., 2004. Evaluation of antimicrobial
Most of the species used in the preparation of herbal medicine are properties of Iranian medicinal plants against Micrococcus
collected fresh; very rarely, dried and stored materials were used. luteus, Serratia marcescnes and Bordetella bronchiseptica.
Among the various plant parts used for the herbal formulations, Asian J. Plant Sci., 3: 82-86.
leaves, stem, bark followed by root were preferred over other plant 10. Siddiqui HH,1993. Safety of herbal drugs-an overview. Drugs
parts such as flowers, seeds and fruits. News & Views, 1(2): 7–10.
11. Thomson, L.A.J. and A. Uwamariya, 2001. Santalum
Hence the role of ethnobotanical survey and field work is the crucial
austrocaledonicum Vieillard. and Santalum yasi Seeman.
importance as some miraculous medicines for uncurable diseases
Global Forestry Compendium, CD-ROM, CAB International,
are known to the local communities and aboriginals and much
acquired knowledge through the ages is usually passed on
12. WHO survey, 1993. In medicinal plants (Eds. Haq. I.) Hamdard
generation to generation as a guarded secret of families. Therefore
Foundation Press, Karachi, 13.
it is necessary to popularize the identify and utility of the medicinal
13. Wood, C. and M.H. Pittler, 2000. Comparison of efficacy of
ginger with various antimotion sickness drugs. British J.
The collection, identification and documentation of Anaesthesia, 84(3): 367-371.
ethnomedicinal data on biological resources were invitable steps
for bioprospecting. The native inhabitants were well-versed with the
utilization of plants of their surrounding by their long trial and error
method of using the herbal plants. These plants may serve as source
of some important medicine against some major diseases.
Therefore, these tribal claims should be further validated


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