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Name: Jhenie Cacactin


Subject: Profed 7 a Technology for teaching

Lesson no. 4


1. Who is at the center of the chart? What does the central location in the chart mean?

The learners we all know that we are in a technological era and this kind of pandemic hitted as
the most, Instruction begins with the definition of instructional objectives that consider the learners’
needs, interests and readiness.

2. What are the steps of the instructional process or the parts of a systematic instruction?

Appropriate methids, appropriate experience,select materials,equipments and facilities ,

personal roles,implement the instruction, evaluate outcomesrefine process, define objectives.

3. What does each step mean?

The purpose of a system instructional design is “to ensure orderly relationships and interaction of
human, technical, and environmental resources to fulfill the goals which have been established for

4. In what way does the chart show the systematic or systems approach to instruction? Are the
elements or phases of instruction independent of one another or do they relate to one another?

The systems approach views the entire educational program as a system of closely interrelated
parts. It is an orchestrated learning pattern with all parts harmoniously integrated into the whole; the
school, the teacher, the students, the objectives, the media, the materials, and assessment tools and
procedures. Such an approach integrates the older, more familiar methods and tools of instruction with
the new ones such as the computer.

5. Can the arrows be made to point also to the learners?

Yes because the arrows also be the guide for the learners to take the sequence or the steps


Test your understanding of a system approach. Put before the item that characterizes a systems
approach to instruction and an x before the item that does not characterize a system approach.

√ 1. The function of one part can be performed by another part of the system.
x2. One element can be substituted by another element in the system.

√ 3. There is interaction among parts of the system.

x4. Elements are independent of each other.

√ 5. There is interdependence of elements.

√ 6. The phases of instruction are viewed in isolation.

ACTIVITY-Accomplish this Learning Bank

Deposit Dividends
(Any Insights Drawn from the Lesson) (How will I apply that Insights)

If God let me to in this field I must apply what ive

learned and the steps and different approaches that I

Lesson no. 5

1. What are the learning aids found in the Cone of Experience?

Direct purposeful experiences, Contrived experience, Dramatized experiences, Demonstrations,
Study Trips, Exhibits-, Television and motion pictures, Still pictures, Recordings, and Radio, Visual
symbols, Verbal symbols

2. How are the experiences of reality arranged in the Cone of Experience?

cone of experience is a visual model, a pictorial device that presents bands of experience
arranged according to degree of abstraction and not degree of difficulty. The Farther you go from the
bottom of the cone, the more abstract the experience becomes.

3. Which way is closest to the real world?

Verbal symbols

4. Which way is farthest from the real world, in this sense most abstract?

Direct purposeful experiences

5. Is the basis of the arrangement of experiences difficulty of experience or degree of abstraction (the
amount of immediate sensory participation involved)?

The difficulties of experience

6. Do the bands of experience (e.g. direct experiences, contrived experience, etc.) follow a rigid,
inflexible patter? Or is it more correct to think that the bands experience in the Cone overlap and
blend into one another?

It is more correct think that the bands experience in the Cone overlap and blend into one

7. Does the Cone of Experience device mean that all teaching and learning must move systematically
from base to pinnacle?

Yes because everyone of us start from the bottom to experience every steps.

8. Is one kind of sensory experience more useful educationally than another?

Yes because sensory was the first thing you should know.

9. Can we overemphasize the amount of direct experience that is required to learn a new concept?


10. Are the upper levels of the Cone for the older student and the lower ones for the child?

Yes the more you grow the more eager you want to learn and experiences it.

11. The base of the Cone of Experience (direct purposeful experiences) is much wider than its apex
(verbal symbol). Does this have any educational significance? Any meaning that you can derive?
Yes the direct purposeful experience was the first hand of all the basic one for the beginner while
the verbal symbol it is for the pro. Or the experts they have no longer to use such actions and
interpretation in order for them to get it. The verbal was more in psychology.

12. What is cone of experience?

The cone experience is a visual representation of the impression that learning activities can be
placed in extensive categories based on the amount to which they express the non- abstract referents of
real-life experiences.


Are the implications of the Cone of Experience in the Teaching-Learning Process the same things that
are recommended by Bruner’s three-tiered model of learning?

Yes bruneres 3 tiere model of experience is the short cut of the cone experiences. They are the
same in thought also.

Making Connections:

1. After a lesson on the Cone of Experience, can you now explain why our teachers in Literature
discourage us from reading only comics or illustrated comic version of novel which can be read in

Yes because when we are young we are literally attracted to the pictures which will help us to
understand the story mor.

2. How does the dictum in Philosophy “there is nothing in the mind that was not first in some way
through the senses” relate to what you learned from the Cone of Experience?

At first we are more on sense which is true we are learning different sense and then after we learn
it we apply it in experiences to know it better.
Lesson no. 6

1. From the conversation, Linus said: “It was real field, and we saw it…we saw that field. What senses
were at work in the field trip?

I think there was no specific or exact meaning of that the pictures depicted as a low of
conveying messages.

2. Did the field trip accomplish something specific for Linus? Why do you say so?

No. the images was lack of conveying words and it was like a blank paper.


Accomplish the Learning Log

What I Learned (Deposit) How I apply what I Learned (Dividend)

When we try to conveying word it should be in a I will use the guidelines and have morelittle
perfect and prepared to have a clear messages creative to attract my learner eyes and get easily
what im trying to portraying.
Lesson no. 7


1. What do the three item in the Activity phase reveal about the capacity of the film, video and tv?

It was part of our history, through this 3 phase we can go back or reply what happening on the
past and we should also have the power to fast forward the movie we want to watched.

2. Passive spectator! That’s what we become when we view tv. How is this overcome with the coming
of the vcr?

We can enjoy the music while viewing the vidoes from it. Whilw the vcr its all about the usic
and hearing senses involve.

3. Can you think of some limitations of the film, video and tv?

In Some are more fictional and some are non-fiction some are edited an some are not. We
are could hardly determine what is real and non.


1. How do you counteract one disadvantage of tv, film, and video- development of passivity in the

We must have the equal discipline in using medias.

2. Go over your K-12 Curriculum guide. Find out which lesson can be taught with the tv

The technology itself how we use to create something.

3. “If Muhammed cannot go to the mountain, bring, bring the mountain to Muhammad.” Come up
with an analogy to show the power of tv bring reality to the home or to the school. e.g “If the class
cannot go to the sea, bring the sea to the class.”

Bring the world of reality to the home and to the classroom through a “live” broadcast or as
mediated through film or video tape.

Making the Connection

1. Some Filipinos want to be where the action is even if it would mean risking their lives in the
crossfire. Perhaps for curiosity’s sake? Or is this not more an evidence of the desensitizing effect of
violence in tv?

it was for there curiosity’s sake some people areeager to experience what they watched on tv
and tried ot by there own.
2. There are three types of tv teaching-total tv teaching, tv as complementary basic resource and tv
supplementary enrichment. How are they different?

It is a steps a different stepas wuth a different sequences.

3. Here is a comparison of the effects of tv viewing and reading:

TV requires little concentration, de-focuses the mind, offers electronically-produced images

and encourages passivity while reading necessitates concentration, thought, focusing and the ability to

What will you advise the parents of your students in a PTA Meeting if they want their children to

More on books instead of technology babys who are expose in technology can depend on it and
that was a nightmare for all the parents out there. Lack of patience to do something seems that
technology give a students a hint to have an easy peaky procedure to there lives.

Lesson no. 8


1. Pictures, slides, handouts, videos, mock-ups, models computer projectors and computer
presentations are visuals but are the visual symbols?

2. Summarize this lesson by means of a diagram.

They are different diagram, diagram help you to get the easy amount of data with a glimpse of a
seconds. Heres the different diagram that was discuss.

Making Connections

Make a tree chart by creating your own genealogy tree. Go as many generations as you can go.
Interview your parents and grand parents.
labarejos Ronaldo Gibo
togle Eufrancia cacactin
espiritu Ferdinand Patricia
manglal-lan Gozales

Magdaleno Ma.
togle Patricia Simeon
on Manglal- Cacactin
labarejo lan


Juan Manglal-
Connie lan Cacactin
labarejos togle


Lesson 9

Discussion Question:

1. What adjectives or adverbs can describe the class?


Created, simulated, perspective, primary


Teacher Nachielle teaches social studies, She teamed with a teacher in the science department
for the unit., In science, students created animations that simulated how the plague virus attacks the

2. Would you like to be in such class? Why?

Yes first and foremost I am a social studies major and id love to read about past. For me it’s a fun
and challenging class so iwould like to be in that class.

3. Why were the class so alive, which could have contributed to the creation of a highly animated

The class was alive because it is coordinating with other subjects, they can apply what they learn
and seek new knowledge form it.


What do you think of the following? Support your stand.

 Did the class have clear goals?

Yes they chopped sentence by sentence the topic clearly
 Was the student’s work in school connected to the real world in which the students live?
Yes the past events are now connected to the present which imbodily the situation of
todays issues
 Was the class project a one-shot lesson or did it extend over a significant period of time?

It is significant period of time

 Was the teacher clearly in charge of the class?

 Did the teacher give leeway to the students to make decisions within reasonable limit?
 Did the students work collaboratively?
For me yes

Get hold of the competencies taught in the elementary/secondary level of the K-12 Basic
Education Curriculum. Choose a competency that can be taught by the use of a project-based
multimedia strategy. Discuss how you will teach it by way of this strategy. Keep yourself focus on the
lesson objective.

Multimedia. In multimedia project, students do not learn simply by “using” multimedia

produced by others; they learn by creating it themselves. The development of such programs as
HyperStudio, Kid Pix, and Netscape Composer has made it possible for students of all ages to become
the authors of multimedia content. As students design and research their projects, instead of gathering
only written notes, they also gather-and-create-pictures, video clips, recordings, and other media
objects that will later serve as the raw material for their final product. I choose this because in our era
students are not only engage in books or what we teach them as teacher we cant be limit their
knowledge about technology instead supporting them and create adventure experience in teaching.

Making the Connection

1. What principles of teaching discussed in the subject on Principles of Teaching are very much
illustrated by project-based multimedia learning?

employs project-based multimedia learning is highly animated and actively engaged.

Together with other students, every student is absorbed in a task in line with the goals and
objectives made clear at the start. Time has wings. Time flies so fast that students don’t feel it
passing. Teacher does not just stay in front of the class lecturing. She monitors students as they
work. Students consult her guidance and comments. She does not impose her will on students.
With her guidance, she allows students to make decision for themselves. She has more time for
those students in need of greater help and attention. By going around, she can sense if students
are not on the right track and if the goals and expectations set at the start are not set aside but
remain to be the governing factor behind every activity. The students’ intellectual powers are
very much challenged as they read, research for basic information and as they analyze and
organize these bits of information. Much of their technical skills learned from their computer
courses and creativity and imagination are demanded when the students produce multimedia
presentations by using multimedia produced by others.

2. Does project-based multimedia learning support authentic assessment in the form of products and

Lesson 10


1. Do you also memorize when you prepare for tests?

Yes but sometimes no

2. Do you like it?

Definitely yes

3. Why do you have to memorize?

To have a perfect meaning of the questions

4. Would you still memorize even if teacher’s style of testing changes?

No I will understand yet memorize the highlight word


Discussion Question

1. What assessment practices were expressed in the conversation?


2. Do you favor such practices? Why or why not?

Yes putting these isolated facts together, from concepts and make meaning out of them. It is
connecting the integration of these facts and concepts to daily life. It is seeing the relevance of these
facts and concepts to what we value and treasure in life. If this is what learning is from the eyes of the
constructivist, then definitely, the pure memorization (sometimes without understanding) done for a
mere recall test does not jibe with such belief.

Making Connections

In your Principles of Teaching, you learned that “learning is a personal process” then what
mode of assessment is most appropriate? Will self-assessment be appropriate?

Yes self assessment may teach your students more without spoon feeding them they can learn
from themselves based on my experience learning by my own makes me learn more.

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