Chichu's Internship Report

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Submitted in partial fulfillment of BBA program

2016 – 2019

Submitted by Submitted To

Gaurika Adhikari Ms. ShaliniPathak

169199111 Assistant
Student Decleration

This is to certify that I , Gaurika Adhikari , have carried out my Summer Internship
in T.R Chadha & Co LLP in the area of Human Resources. It is also certified that the
work done by me is original with due refrences of sources, and has not been
submitted elsewhere by anyone for award of BBA degree.

Date: Signature


Name Of The Student


I ,Gaurika Adhikari, at the outset , would like to extend a sincere note of thanks to my
faculty guide Ms. Shalini Pathak as well as my company mentor Ms. Priyanka Sood (HR
Associate) for supervising and guiding me during the internship program . This
internship program helped me to apply my theoretical knowledge in practical field, and
hence enhance my knowledge about various aspects in a C.A firm.

I would like to show my sincere appreciation to Ms. Priyanka Sood who was an ideal
mentor in true sense who guided me and helped me in areas such as the topic of the
project, for suggesting alternative solutions, prepairing questionare fot the interview
and sharing her personal valuable experiences and knowledge with me.

Besides, this my sincere thanks goes to the authority of T.R Chadha & Co LLP for
facilitating me in a good working environment and making available all the required
facilities to accomplish this project.

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to my parents and friends for their valuable
support and cooperation which has enable me to complete this project fruitfully.
Executive Summary

People form an integral part of the organization. The efficiency and quality of its people
determines the fate of the organization. Hence, choice of right people and placing them
at right place becomes essential. Hiring comes at this point of time in the picture.
Hiring is a strategic function for HR department.

Organizations have now started realizing that the systematic attention to human
resources is the only way to increase organizational efficiency in terms productivity,
quality, profits and better customer orientation.

The project has been accomplished in one of the esteemed consulting company– T.R
Chadha & Co LLP. This is one of the dynamic and integrated consulting group that
specializes in Business Growth Advisory and Human Resources services headquartered
in New Delhi, India.

The project is about the working of an HR department consisting HR processes, Policies

and Systems at T.R Chadha & Co LLP. The various processes like recruitment and
selection, induction, employment verification, training and development,
performance appraisal, exit interviews, etc. are explained.

In order to learn the HR process, training was done for 12 weeks at T.R Chadha & Co LLP,
Gurgaon. It is a well-equippedfor faster, timely and efficient sourcing to cater to all
Manpower Recruitment, Training and Development and Performance Management.
They specialize in providing client-specific tailored solutions keeping the professional
ethics at its core.

Today, in every organization personnel planning as an activity is necessary. It is an

important part of an organization.
Human Resource Management is a vital ingredient for the success of the organization in
the long run. There are certain ways that are to be followed by every organization,
which ensures that it has right number and kind of people, at the right place and right
time, so that organization can achieve its planned objectives.

The objectives of Human Resource Department are Human Resource Planning,

Recruitment and Selection, Training and Development, Career planning, Transfer and
Promotion, Risk Management, Performance Appraisal, etc.

Each objective needs special attention and proper planning and implementation. For
every organization it is important to have a right person on a right job.

A good HR department is critical to an employee-oriented, productive workplace in

which employees are energized and engaged. The following are the duties and
importance of an HR-

 HR monitors the culture.

 HR owns the overall talent management processes. In conjunction with other

managers, HR leads the way in management development, performance

management, succession planning, career paths, and other aspects of talent
 HR is responsible for the overall recruiting of a superior workforce. HR must
provide leadership, training, scheduling assistance, a systematic hiring
process, recruitment planning processes, interview expertise, selection
monitoring, and more.
 HR develops the necessary skills and right attitudes among the employees
through training, development, performance appraisal, etc.
 HR recommends market-based salaries and develops an overall strategic
compensation plan. HR provides guidance to managers as they determine the
salary ranges within their organizations.
 HR helps in maintaining ethical policies and behaviour inside and outside the
 It is extremely important for all the organizations to pay special attention
towards workplace safety. The HR department takes necessary measures in
order to create a safe working environment for the employees.
  The HR department is responsible for maintaining relationships with employees
in a unionized work environment. It also focuses on strengthening the
relationships among employees.

The purpose of the study was to understand the process of recruitment, selection,
documentation, performance appraisal, policies, etc. Suggestions were made so as to
enhance the quality of the effort taken.

The report entails all the generic details related to HR starting from a brief introduction
of the company, its mission and vision to the HR practices and policies adopted by the
company. This report will also give a detailed answers on how human resource
management plays a vital and important role in the long term success of an
organization. It also gives the users of this report a fair idea on how human resource
management is aligned with organizational strategy to achieve organizational goals.

This report highlights what T.R Chadha & Co LLP is and the working of this company.
Lastly, this report tells that why human resource management is considered as an
investment rather than an operational expense and why we need to put a lot of
emphasis in the development of the employees.

The project is aimed to cover maximum knowledge of the HR practices followed in the
organization and how the performance is evaluated of employees, what primary factors
are considered, how data is maintained and finally the evaluation done. Here, the HR
practices of the company have been explained to understand how the company follows
these practices. The practical knowledge has been gained mainly by observing all the
activities taking place in the HR Department. This is a brief study done to have
understanding of the subject HR, how it is practically implemented, why it is necessary,
its implications and the benefits.

S.No. Title Page No.

1 Objective

2 Research Methodology

3 Introduction

4 Learning Experience

5 Suggestions

6 Conclusion

7 Bibliography
Chapter 1: Objectives of the Study

To know overall about T.R Chadha & Co. LLP. The objective of my study is to understand
and critically analyse the HR practices at TR Chadha Pvt. Ltd.

Main objectives of the study are-

 To understand the functions, various policies and processes of HR

 To understand the basic job description of an HR Generalist.
 To assimilate the computer knowledge required to be a good HR.

 To understand the hiring process.

 To assimilate the interview process.
 To learn the HRMS of TRC.
 To acquire knowledge about the procedure of HR Processes.
 To become competent in MS Excel in reference to the data file of the employees
working at TR Chadha & Co. LLP.
Chapter 2: Research Methodology
The process used to collect information and data for the purpose of making business
decisions. The methodology may include publication research, interviews, surveys and
other research techniques, and could include both present and historical information.

Types of research
Descriptive research methods are pretty much as they sound — they describe situations.
They do not make accurate predictions, and they do not determine cause and effect.
There are three main types of descriptive methods: observational methods, case-study
methods and survey methods.Types of research methods can be broadly divided into
two quantitative and qualitative categories.

Quantitative research “describes, infers, and resolves problems using numbers.

Emphasis is placed on the collection of numerical data, the summary of those data and
the drawing of inferences from the data”.

Qualitative research, on the other hand, is based on words, feelings, emotions, sounds
and other non-numerical and unquantifiable elements. It has been noted that
“information is considered qualitative in nature if it cannot be analysed by means of
mathematical techniques. This characteristic may also mean that an incident does not
take place often enough to allow reliable data to be collected”

Types of Research Methods According to the Purpose of the Study.According to the

purpose of the study, types of research methods can be divided into two categories:
applied research and fundamental research. Applied research is also referred to as an
action research, and the fundamental research is sometimes called basic or pure
Literature Review

Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment: The process of finding and hiring the best-qualified candidate (from within
or outside of an organization) for a job opening, in a timely and cost effective manner.
The recruitment process includes analyzing the requirements of a job, attracting
employees to that job, screening and selecting applicants, hiring, and integrating the
new employee to the organization.

Recruitment Process

Strategy Evaluation
Planning Searching Screening
Development and Control

1. Planning: The first stage in the Recruitment Process is planning. Planning involves
the translation of likely job vacancies and information about the nature of these jobs
into a set of objectives is targets that specify the number and type of applicants to be
2. Strategy Development:
 Make or Buy Employees
 Technological Sophistication of Recruitment and Selection
 Geographic distribution of labour markets comprising job
 Sources of Recruitment-
 Internal sources
 External sources

3. Searching:
 Source Activation- Source Activation takes place when a job vacancy exists in the
organization. If the organization has planned well and done a good job of
developing its source and search methods, activation soon results in a flood of
 Selling- In selling, both the Message and Media deserve attention in the
organization. Message refers to the employment advertisements. Media refers to
the source of any recruiting message. For example, Employment Exchanges,
Advertises in Business magazines.

4. Screening: The purpose of screening is to removefrom the recruitment process at an

earlystage, those applicants who are visiblyunqualified for the job. Effective
screening cansave a great deal of time and money. Caremust be exercised to assure
that potentiallygood employees are not lost.

5. Evaluation and Control: It is necessary as considerable costs areincurred in the

recruitment process. Statisticalinformation should be gathered and evaluatedto
know the suitability of the recruitmentprocess.

Selection: Selection is the process of picking or choosing the right candidate, who is
most suitable for a vacant job position in an organization. In others words, selection can
also be explained as the process of interviewing the candidates and evaluating their
qualities, which are required for a specific job and then choosing the suitable candidate
for the position.

The selection of a right applicant for a vacant position will be an asset to the
organization, which will be helping the organization in reaching its objectives.

Selection Process
Preliminary Physical
Job Offer
Interview Examinations

Selection Selection Contract Of

Tests Decision Employment

Reference and Evaluation of

Background Selection
Checks program

1. Preliminary Interview: The purpose of this interview is to scrutinize the applicants,

i.e. elimination of unqualified applications.

2. Selection Tests: Different types of selection tests may be administrated, depending

on the job and the company. Generally tests are used to determine the applicant’s
ability, aptitude, and personality.

3. Employment Interview: The next step in the selection process is employment

interview, an interview is conducted at the beginning, and at the selection process of
the employment, interview can be one- to-one interview or panel interview.

4. Reference and Background Checks: Many employers request names, address,

telephone numbers or references for the purpose to verify information and gaining
additional background information of an applicant.
5. Selection Decision: Selection decision is the most critical of all steps in selection
process. The final decision has to be made from the pool of individuals who pass the
tests, interviews and references checks.

6. Physical Examinations: After selection decision and before the job offer is made, the
candidate is required to undergo a physical fitness test. A job offer is often
contingent upon the candidate being declared fit after the physical examinations.

7. Job Offer: The next step in selection process is job offer. Job offer is made through a
letter of appointment. Such a letter generally contains a date by which the appointee
must report on duty.

8. Contract of Employment: Basic information is written in Contract of employment that

varies according to the levels of job. After the offer and acceptance of the job certain
document is the attestation form.

9. Evaluation of Selection program: The broad test of effectiveness of the selection

process is a systematic evaluation. A periodic audit is conducted in the HR
department that outlines and highlights the areas which need to be evaluated in the
selection process.

The sum of all forms of payments or rewards provided to employees for performing
tasks to achieve organizational objectives.
Compensation is the process of providing adequate, equitable and fair remuneration to
the employees. It is a comprehensive term which includes pay, incentives and benefits
offered to the employees.

Compensation is a systematic approach to providing monetary value to employees in

exchange for work performed.

Some of the various components of compensation and benefits are mentioned below:

1. Fixed pay: This is the basic salary paid to the employee irrespective of any other
factor. This is stated clearly in the employment contract. This is the compensation
or salary or wage which an employee or a worker will definitely get as long as he or she
is an employee of the company

2. Variable Pay: This is the additional compensation paid to employee based on

employee’s performance, company performance etc. Since variable pay is based on the
performance of an individual, it motivates the employees to perform even better.

3. Equity Pay: Employees are awarded shares of the company, often at a discounted

price. Employees are expected to make money out of them by the appreciation of the
stock price and the growth of the company. This is mostly given to the senior
management who have served the company for a long time

4. Other benefits: Benefits such as medical facilities, insurance policies, company

owned car or flat etc. all play an important role in motivating employees.

Performance Appraisal’s the systematic evaluation of the performance of employees
and to understand the abilities of a person for further growth and development.
Performance appraisal is generally done in systematic ways which are as follows:

 The supervisors measure the pay of employees and compare it with targets and
 The supervisor analyses the factors behind work performances of employees.
 The employers are in position to guide the employees for a better performance.


Performance Appraisal can be done with following objectives in mind:

1. To maintain records in order to determine compensation packages, wage

structure, salaries raises, etc.
2. To identify the strengths and weaknesses of employees to place right candidate
on right job.
3. To provide a feedback to employees regarding their performance and related
4. It serves as a basis for influencing working habits of the employees.
5. To review and retain the promotional and other training programmes.

It is said that performance appraisal is an investment for the company which can be
justified by following advantages:

1. Promotion: Performance Appraisal helps the supervisors to chalk out the

promotion programmes for efficient employees. In this regards, inefficient
workers can be dismissed or demoted in case.
2. Compensation: Performance Appraisal helps in determining the compensation
packages for employees. Merit rating is possible through performance appraisal.
Performance Appraisal tries to give worth to a performance. Compensation
packages which includes bonus, high salary rates, extra benefits, allowances and
pre-requisites are dependent on performance appraisal. The criteria should be
merit rather than seniority.
3. Employees Development: The systematic procedure of performance appraisal
helps the supervisors to frame training policies and programmes. It helps to
analyse strengths and weaknesses of employees so that new jobs can be designed
for efficient employees. It also helps in framing future development programmes.
4. Communication: For an organization, effective communication between
employees and employers is very important. Through performance appraisal,
communication can be sought for in the following ways:
a. Through performance appraisal, the employers can understand and
accept skills of subordinates.
b. The subordinates can also understand and create a trust and confidence in
c. It develops the spirit of work and boosts the morale of employees.
5. Motivation: Performance appraisal serves as a motivation tool. Through
evaluating performance of employees, a person’s efficiency can be determined if
the targets are achieved. This very well motivates a person for better job and
helps them to improve their performance in the future.

A HRMS (Human Resource Management System) is a combination of systems and
processes that connect human resource management and information technology
through HR software. A HRMS may help to revolutionize a workplace.

The automation of repetitive and time consuming tasks associated with human
resources management frees up some of the companies most valuable employees and
allows the focus to shift to culture, retention, and other highly impactful areas.

Selecting a HRMS to handle HR activities is a trademark of the modern company, there

are few successful companies in any industry that do not have some sort of automation
in place for HR tasks at this juncture. Mobile accessibility has further worked to
transform the landscape of HR, putting information and task management at the
fingertips of employees and managers. HRMS has helped to effectively break down
bureaucracy and “flatten” many organizations.

The function of the human resources department involves tracking employee histories,
skills, abilities, salaries, and accomplishments. By allowing employees to update
personal information and perform other tasks, information is kept more accurate and
HR professionals are not bogged down.

HRMS modules can assist with:

 Managing payroll
 Recruitment and onboarding
 Gathering, storing, and accessing employee information
 Keeping attendance records and tracking absenteeism
 Performance evaluation
 Employee self-service
 Employee scheduling

Training & Development[9]

Training is the formal and systematic modification of behavior throughlearning which
occurs as a result of education, instruction, development andplanned experience.
 It is a short term process.
 Refers to instruction in technical and mechanical problems
 Targeted in most cases for non-managerial personnel
 Specific job related purpose

Development is any learning activity, which is directed towards future, needsrather than
present needs, and which is concerned more with career growththan immediate
 It is a long term educational process.
 Refers to philosophical and theoretical educational concepts
 Managerial personnel
 General knowledge purpose

Training Methods
On-the-job training (OJT): Method by which employees are given hands-on experience
with instructions from their supervisor or other trainer. Employees are trained at the
actual job location. New employees observe the work and then try to imitate.


 The lack of a well-structured training environment.

 Poor training skills of managers.
 The absence of well-defined job performance criteria.

Job Rotation: Workers rotate through a variety of jobs.


 Allows for flexibility

 Creates task variety
 Good for training teams

Apprentice Training: A system of training in which a worker entering the skilled trades
is givensystematic instruction and experience, both on and off the job, in thepractical
and theoretical aspects of the work.


 training is intense and lengthy

 it is typically conducted on a one-to-one basis


 Length of training is predetermined by trade association, can’t be changed to

accommodate fast learners.

Mentoring: A mentor is a guide who can help the mentee to find the right direction and
who can help them to develop solutions to career issues. A mentor should help the
mentee to believe in herself and boost her confidence. A mentor should ask questions
and challenge, while providing guidance and encouragement. It is a chance to look
more closely at yourself, your issues, opportunities and what you want in life.
Mentoring is about becoming more self-aware, taking responsibility for your life and
directing your life in the direction you decide, rather than leaving it to chance.

Internship Programs: Are jointly sponsored by colleges, universities, and other

organizations that offer students the opportunity to gain real-life experience while
allowing them to find out how they will perform in work organizations.


 large number of trainees can be taught at once.

 Cost efficient.
 More effective if training need is the same across participants.


 One-way communication
 Lack of dialogue, questions, or discussions
 Not very effective (if have different training needs)

Chapter 3: Introduction
Human resource practices are strategic in nature. They represent a vital guidance
system that coordinates with the executive business plan. HR practices form the
foundation supporting the way the company’s human capital will operate.

Human resource functions include benefits administration, record keeping and new
employee and payroll processing. The extent to which HR department staff handle
these functions depends on their expertise, size of the workforce and the departmental

Human resource management used to be referred to as "personnel administration." In

the 1920s, personnel administration focused mostly on the aspects of hiring, evaluating,
training, and compensating employees. However, they did not focus on any
employment relationships in an organizational performance level or on the systematic
relationships in any parties. This led to a lacked unifying paradigm in the field during
this period. 

According to an HR Magazine article, the first personnel management department

started at the National Cash Register Co.  in 1900. The owner, John Henry Patterson,
after several union strikes and employee lockouts, he organized a personnel
department to deal with grievances, discharges and safety, and training for supervisors
on new laws and practices after several strikes and employee lockouts. This action was
followed by other companies, for example, Ford had high turnover ratios of 380 percent
in 1913, but just one year later, the line workers of the company has doubled their daily
salaries from $2.50 to $5, even though $2.50 was a fair wage at that time. This
example clearly shows the importance of effective management which leads to a
greater outcome of employee satisfaction as well as encouraging employees to work
together in order to achieve better business objectives.

During the 1970s, American business began experiencing challenges due to the
substantial increase in competitive pressures. Companies experienced globalization,
deregulation, and rapid technological change which caused the major companies to
enhance their strategic planning - a process of predicting future changes in a particular
environment and focus on ways to promote organizational effectiveness. This resulted
in developing more jobs and opportunities for people to show their skills which were
directed to effective applying employees toward the fulfillment of individual, group, and
organizational goals. Many years later the major/minor of human resource management
was created at universities and colleges also known as business administration. It
consists of all the activities that companies used to ensure more effective utilization of

Now, human resources focus on the people side of management.There are two real
definitions of HRM (Human Resource Management), one is that it is the process of
managing people in organizations in a structured and thorough manner. This means
that it covers the hiring, firing, pay and perks, and performance management.This
first definition is the modern and traditional version more like what a personnel
manager would have done back in the 1920s. [7] The second definition is that HRM
circles the ideas of management of people in organizations from
a macromanagement perspective like customers and competitors in a
marketplace.  This involves the focus on making the “employment relationship”
fulfilling for both management and employees.
Some research showed that employees can perform at a much higher rate of
productivity when their supervisors and managers paid more attention to
them. [6] The Father of Human relations, Elton Mayo, was the first person to
reinforces the importance of employee communications, cooperation, and
involvement. [6] His studies concluded that sometimes the human factors are more
important than physical factors, such as quality of lighting and physical workplace
conditions. As a result, in today's society, individuals often value more in how their
feels than in other workplace environments. [6] For example, the rewarding system in
Human resource management applied effectively, as in, all the employee's work
should be valued and awarded, can further encourage them to achieve their best
Human resources play an important part of developing and making a company or
organization at the beginning or making a success at the end, due to the labor provided
by employees. Human resources is intended to show how to have better employment
relations in the workforce. Also, to bring out the best work ethic of the employees and
therefore making a move to a better working environment.

Administration and operations used to be the two role areas of HR. The strategic
planning component came into play as a result of companies recognizing the need to
consider HR needs in goals and strategies. HR directors commonly sit on company
executive teams because of the HR planning function. Numbers and types of employees
and the evolution of compensation systems are among elements in the planning
role. Various factors affecting Human Resource planning Organizational Structure,
Growth, Business Location, Demographic changes, environmental uncertainties,
expansion etc. Additionally, this area encompasses the realm of talent management.

Seven Basic Elements of Human Resource Practices

Hiring:  How an organization defines and fills positions and roles with qualified people
from within and/or outside the organization; how an organization orients these new

Career Planning:  How an organization strives to help employees to learn their strengths
and to match these strengths, aptitudes, preferences, and abilities to future work.

Planning and Appraisal:  How an organization sets goals, plans performance, provides
ongoing coaching, and evaluates performance of employees (individuals and/or teams).

Individual and Team Development:  How an organization identifies the needs for
employee skill development, education, and growth and how they meet those needs.

Job Design:  How an organization determines the best methods for accomplishing a
work product or result. The two major types are the individual job and the team.

Classification:  The systematic process for evaluating the size and appropriate salary
ranges for different jobs and roles in an organization.

Compensation/Recognition/Other Rewards:  How an organization pays and rewards

employees (individuals and/or teams), through salary, bonuses, benefits and/or non-
financial rewards.

 The firm was founded on 10th May 1946.

 Mr. T.R. Chadha (Founder) laid down a solid foundation for the brand with
strong emphasis on client satisfaction and delivering excellence.

 T R Chadha & Co LLP has been one of India’s prominent Chartered accountancy

 Ranked among top 10 Indian audit firms as per economic times Headquarters at
New Delhi

 We are spread across 9 Different Cities in India i.e. Delhi, Gurugram, Mumbai,
Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai & Tirupati.

 Our diverse team consists of 17 partners across India.

 Total strength of the organization is 820 with over 167 Chartered Accountants
and other domain experts.

Services Provided
1. Audit & Assurance

2. Business Advisory & Internal Audit

3. Domestic Taxation & International Taxation

4. Inbound & outbound Investment and FEMA

5. Advisory services

6. India specific services

7. Company secretarial services

8. Good & services Tax (GST)

9. Valuation

Prachi Pandey

Gurugram New Delhi Mumbai Pune Bangalore Hyderabad Chennai Ahmedabad

Megha Ruchi Mehta Neha Lahu AAsha Rajni Kaur B Lavanya

Nikita Shah
Anand Bghal Krishna Pooja Bhatt

Tanya Maram V. Vasanthn

Priyanka Anish Kumar Barwal Kumar
Shri Laxmik


Mr. Ankit Chadha
(Branch Head)

Ms. Prachi Pandey Mr. Amit Saini Ms Dollma Rana Mr. Rinku Sharma

Ms. Priyanka Ms. Megha Mr. Vinod Mr. Sandeep Ms. Manju Mr. Harish
Sood Anand Sharma Bharadwaj Mohan Negi
Work Culture:

1.We work

(Applicable to all staff except Tax team)

(a). Monday to Friday and 1st & 3rd Saturday

Mon to Fri 09:30 to 6:00 ; Saturdays 10:30 – 4:00 (For articles); 10:30 – 5:30 (all other

8hrs hours in a day

(b). Applicable For Tax team only

Monday to Friday; Saturday & Sunday’s are off

Mon to Fri 10:00 to 06:30

8hrs hours in a day

2. Dress Code
Monday to Friday – Formal Clothing

Saturday – Preferred Casual Clothing

3. Access Card & Biometric

Biometric system is used for monitoring attendance punch-in and punch-out at the
access point & do not tail gate

Ensure to escalate if you notice an unauthorized person in the building

or HR immediately in case it is lost.

Registration Procedure

 An article is hired as Loan Staff.

 Registration happens with our registered vendor / CA.

 Once the registration is done, an article has to be submit form 103 to HR Tea.

 An article cannot be transferred to the other department.

Article Benefits

 Leave:
An article is entitled for 156 leave within 3 years of his tenure in the firm within a month
2 leave can be utilized .If 156 leave has been exhausted, the duration of article gets

 Public Holidays:
Fixed days per calendar year (Jan – Dec) – Holiday list announced in advance

 Cab Facility:
Cab facility is available for all staff in Gurgaon office to and fro Sikanderpur metro
station to Gurgaon office.The cab facility can also be used to visit clients who are based
in Gurgaon.

Pre booking is required for usage of cab facility.

*Cab facility is subject to availability.

 In house Cafeteria:
Beverages - Tea/ coffee vending machine available on all floors

Snacks – breakfast & snacks available in cafeteria on chargeable basis.

Profile of the Organization


TRC Corporate Consulting Private Limited (T.R CHADHA) is one-of-its kind, experienced
yet dynamic, consulting group providing financial advisory and business consulting

The group engages in providing client-specific tailored solutions keeping the

professional ethics at its core. We offer support to our clients in the following lines of

 Governance, Risk and Compliance: The end result of an internal audit is no longer
limited to focusing on the processes and controls surrounding financial reporting.
Internal audit now has a more strategic role. It can create value by identifying
enterprise-wide risks, leveraging synergies, monitoring and providing early warning of
new risks; and improving processes/ efficiency.

T.R CHADHA provides a platform to its clients to achieve more from the business by
providing internal audit services of highest standard.

Taxation Services consists the following-

1. Corporate Tax Return

2. Tax Audit

3. Withholding Tax – Retainership and Advisory

4. Tax Consultancy and Advisory

5. Opinions on various transactions from domestic law to tax treaty viewpoint

6. Advising on tax planning opportunities

7. Taxation relating Certifications – 15CB, etc.

8. Conducting due diligence reviews and Health Check

HR Services: T.R CHADHA has always been focussed in helping its clients ease their
work. They let their client focus on their core competencies while they take care of rest
of the processes for them. They provide complete process outsourcing services
remotely at their own work space (including both Human resources as well as other
infrastructural requirements). The processes that they manage for their clients are as

1. Audit

2. Taxation (Domestic and International)

3. IT Hardware, Networks- ITGC

4. Contract Codification

5. Transaction Advisory

6. Contract Management

7. Vendor Management

8. Audit Support (Overall)

9. Accounting Set up

10. Complete Payroll Structuring

11. MIS Reporting/ Support

12. Management Audits

Company Secretarial Services: T.R CHADHA provides expert advice to their clients on the

1. Matters related to RD and ROC.

2. Matters related to Central Government approval, if any required.

3. Incorporation of Companies (Public/Private/OPC) and Limited Liability

4. Partnership.

5. Name Change of Company and Rectification of name.

6. Compounding and Condonation of Delay under Companies Act, 2013.

7. Dissolutions, Strike off and Winding up of Company and LLP.

8. Alternation of Memorandum and Article of Association (Change in object clause,

Change in name clause) by aligning with Joint Venture Agreement and Shareholder
Agreement (if any).

9. Change in Registered office of the Company.

10. Conversion of LLP into Company and Company into LLP.

Explicit services: An accounting process to keep track of companies fixed assets for
the purpose of financial accounting, asset maintenance and theft prevention.
FAM entails:

1. Fixed Assets Verification (FAV)

2. Maintaining Fixed Assets Register (FAR)

Activities performed under FAV/ FAR:

1. Achieving regulatory compliance applicable to the organization.

2.Assisting in performing dynamic inventory verification and identifying any ghost


3. Bar coding of individual asset tags will significantly reduce the effort necessary for
verification of inventories.

4. Enabling multiple concurrent inventories with centralized reconciliation.

5. Ascertaining fair value of the fixed assets that may reduce insurance/ tax costs by
ensuring accurate depreciation calculation/ valuation.

6. Tracking movement and disposal of the assets in a proper manner.

7. Ascertaining variance between books and physical verification.

Listing TR Chadha has expertise in FAM. Their vast knowledge in this activity helps
providing ready solutions to their elite clientele in all sectors. With their PAN India
presence, they aim at providing seamless quality services across India.

Established in 1999, T.R CHADHA group provides realistic solutions to complicated

business scenarios through a team of dedicated experts having rich experience across
diversified sectors and service lines. They help their clients identify issues, devise value-
added solutions and deliver services through the last mile of execution in a timely,
effective, seamless and cost efficient manner.

TRC Consulting provides Audit, Consulting, Tax, IBC Advisory and HR Services to many of
the world’s most admired brands. They are proud to be part of the largest professional
services network, serving their clients in the markets that are most important to them.

1. Experience in integrated professional and Consulting services

2. To be recognized as an impactful, innovative and efficient Consulting partner.Through
our One-Stop HR Shop we are your Professional HR Partner.

3. To make it a joy for all stakeholders to work with us

4. To help customers achieve their business objectives by providing innovative,best in-

class consulting, financial solutions and HR services.

We believe that the start of an enduring relationship is Trust. Our resources demonstrate
sincerity, integrity and enthusiasm. We are committed to constantly focus on enhancing
our quality of services and believe in partnering with our customers to help them sustain
and grow.

Our motto is- “Creating Opportunities, Unlocking Value”

Board of Directors
Organizational Structure


Executive Director


Vice President

Assistant VP

Senior Manager



HR System

T.R CHADHA uses Empxtrack as its HRMS.

Empxtrack is a cloud-based HRMS product, trusted by hundreds of large, midsize and

small firms across 20 countries.

It automates a wide range of people related processes such as Performance

Management, Talent Acquisition, Employee Records, Payroll, Self-Services, and more.

Designed around the 4-prong concept:-

 Engage, Measure, Process and Excel, the new software version of Empxtrack is user

friendly and intuitive.

1. Login page
2. Home Page of the Portal

3. Personal Profile
Job Description and Functional Profile

1. Application Form

2. Interview

3. Joining Form

4. Induction

5. Orientation of HRMS

6. Issuing of appointment letter

7. Provide support in creating database for the new employees

8. Inputting and updating employee data in company database

9. Email-id data creation

10. Responsible for employee files and documentation to ensure accurate and complete

employee records

11. ID Card data creation

12. Assist team with temporary hire process, including starting background checks,

confirming work eligibility, and working to obtain necessary approvals

13. Assist with the On boarding experience for new hires

14. Provide general administrative support as needed to HR Generalist team

15. Assist the HR team with the monthly newsletter- TRC Plus

16. Assist with policy administration

Chapter 4: Learning Experience

1. Recruitment and Selection Process

T.R Chadha Pvt. Ltd. aims in keeping its Employment policy non-discriminative. The
policy is framed in a way that it ensures consistency and equal opportunity. Utmost care
is taken to check any kind of discrimination based on caste,religion, color, age, sex,
national origin etc.

With such a policy in place, T.R CHADHA aims at:-

1. Merit based selection of candidates.

2. Select and appoint the most suitable candidate.

3. To ensure that all candidates are assessed objectively and fairly.

4. To appoint the right candidate for the right job.

The recruitment process starts with the arising of a vacancy in the organization. A
vacancy can arise in the following ways:

1. Transfer

2. Resignation

3. Termination

4. Death

5. New Position created (due to expansion of business)

After a vacancy is created, a justification for the same is made by the HR in co-
ordination with the Business/Function Head. This includes the reason for the vacancy,
job description, scope of work, business value, and core requirements of the new
candidates for the job and some other parameters. Then, the HR raises an online hiring
request with the director. Without this kind of approval, no employee can be appointed.
T.R CHADHA does recruitment through both Internal and External sources.
Following is the process of recruitment:

 Internal Recruitment: There is a policy of INTERNAL JOB POSTINGS. Herein, the

management posts certain vacancies through e-mail to all senior managers and
request them to communicate the same to their reportees. Also, vacancy gets
displayed at websites/branch office’s notice boards.
 External recruitment: External recruitment is aimed to attract available talent
outside and filling up vacancies through external sources.

At T.R CHADHA, external recruitment is done in mainly two ways:

1.Advertised on the T.R CHADHA website

2.Internal Data base

(a) Through consultant

(b) Online Portals

1. Unsolicited Resumes: T.R CHADHA receives resumes from jobseekers in dozens daily
which also acts as a potential source of recruitment.

2. Placement Consultants: Consultants are another option for the company to get good

3. Contractual Employees: T.R CHADHA also have contractual employees who are under
the contract of Team Lease. These employees work for T.R CHADHA but are under the
payroll of Team Lease. They are thus known as associates. All the salary disbursements
details are taken care of by them. HR executive from T.R CHADHA co-ordinates with
them in case of discrepancies.

1. Forms for employees

(a). EPF Form or Form 11

(b). Form 12 BB

(c). Form 2

2. Forms for Articles

(a). Form 102- Deed/Agreement

(b). Form 103- Details

(c). Form 108- Completion

(d). Form 109- Transfer

(e). Form 112- Graduation


HR raises hiring
requirement prepared HR posts
request through
in consultation with vacancies
online system

HR shortlists Divisional
CVs and sends Heads
to Div/Fun shortlists the
Heads candidates

Permission of
Interview current
conducted Div/Fun

Induction and Orientation

The main objective of induction and orientation is to ensure full utilization of the
inherent skills of the new entrants and provide them with comprehensive foundation
needed for efficient performance in their job.

The HR person will receive the new employee on the first day of joining and introduce
him/her to the department head after completion of all formalities and paperwork. The
induction program is held and it is mandatory for all the new joinees to attend it.

The Induction Schedule comprises the following:

1. Office Timings

2. Employee Attendance

3. Dress Code/ Assets Policy

4. Punctuality

5. Leave Approval

6. Exit Policy

7. Notice Period

8. Confidentiality

9. Cab Policy

10 .Enclosures

An employee joining T.R CHADHA is on a probation period of 1 year. Herein, they are
expected to understand their work profile, scope of work, their duties and responsibilities.
Also, they have to be able to adjust themselves with the work culture at T.R CHADHA
and the people around.

They are given targets and goals are set for them.At the end of the probation period, their
superior evaluates them based on various competencies and skills required for the
particular job and also other competencies that management personnel should possess.

Each of the competencies is defined in the Appraisal form for the ease of understanding
of the appraiser.

Compensation and Benefits

T.R CHADHA believes that compensation is an employer’s human capital investment
strategy that considers all aspects of rewards in creating a competitive compensation
package for the workforce,thereby improving business outcomes.

The compensation structure:

1. Fixed components includes:

1. Basic

2. HRA

3. Transport Allowances

2. Variable components are:

1. Local Bonus Plan

2. Sales Incentive Scheme

3. Top Performer Bonus

4. Provident Fund

3. Perquisites and Benefits

Details of Fixed Compensation

Basic: This component of the compensation directly impacts the statutory deductions
and HRA only.

1. House rent Allowance (HRA)

2. Conveyance Allowance

3. Medical Assistance

4. Reimbursement of Medi-claim Premium.

5. Special Allowance


1. Provident Fund

2. Superannuation

3. Gratuity, Perquisites and Benefits

Perquisites and Benefits include Housing Loans and higher education loan for
employee’s children. There is band wise eligibility for the cumulative benefit of these
schemes.Employees in the Functional Band and above are entitled for a company
maintained car which has to be used as a work tool. Similarly telephone connection for
official purposes is provided to certain employees irrespective of their bands.

Gross Pay: Basic + Allowance

Net Pay: Gross Pay – Relevant Deductions

Cost To Company (CTC): It refers to all the expenses that the company bears for
it’s the employees. Generally all increments are made on CTC.

Process Flow:
T.R CHADHA has a centralized system for payroll management. It uses Empxtrack as the
software to maintain its database and process the payments. This database contains all
the relevant information about the employee. Also, the payment details are entered
into the system, the moment the candidate joins the company.
There are 3 major processes in Payroll Management:

1. Master Maintenance:
This process starts with the new employee joining the organization. The joining form,
appointment letter along with the salary working is submitted to the payroll section
which in turn updates the database.

Herein the following details about the employees are updated:

o Personal details - DOB, details of dependents

o Salary with the breakup of different components

o Reporting line, Cost Centre, location

Similarly when an employee resigns, the HOD informs the HR. On completion of his/her
check out formalities his/her ID card is taken back and his employee code is deactivated
in the Empxtrack master files.

2. Attendance Recording and Payroll:

Every employee is given an ID card on his joining the company. The needs to punch in at
the reception at the time he enters the office. These details are maintained by the
Attendance incharge. The entry and exit time needs to be punched in Empxtrack. This
software gives complete information to the Attendance Incharge about leave, over time,
half days taken and the outdoor activity. The overtime are verified with the respective
HOD while leaves are verified with leave approvals which is approved by their HOD’s.

Leave without pay (LWP), OT etc. are manually entered in the required format which
forms an input for the payroll processing done with the help of SAP.

3. Payroll Processing And Disbursement Process:

The payroll is processed based on the data input from Attendance Incharge containing
LWP and other details. The SAP system processes the payroll and disbursement file is
generated. There are two modes of salary payments:

o Direct bank transfers-Wherein payment details are uploaded in banker’s

website.Confirmation of the same is obtained from the bank.

o Direct Cheques-Wherein cheques are issued directly in the employee’s name. In most
cases, direct bank transfers takes place.

4. Training and Development:

Training and development is perhaps one of the fastest growing fields in

any company. The significance and value of training has been recognized by
the corporate world to a great extent. Training is an act of increasing the
knowledge and skills of an employee which they need to perform their jobs.

Need for Training and Development in an Organization:

1. Contributes towards organizational objectives.

2. Acquiring the requisite knowledge, skill and attitude

3. To achieve individual growth

4. Need for cross functional managers

5. Prepare employees for higher level jobs

T.R CHADHA too recognizes the importance of training for its employees and has a very
systematic approach towards it. The training program usually occurs on the 1 st and 3 rd
Saturdays of every month.
The first step toward training and development is TNI – Training Need Identification.

The need for training is identified in the following manner:

1. Probation Appraisal Forms: The appraiser appraises the performance of the employee
and gives the recommendations as to the kind of training required by the individual.
Thus, the training need identified.

2. Through PMS: In the system, the individuals are supposed to identify training areas
for themselves along with their superiors doing the same. This is utilized by the HR.

3. Departmental Needs: If a new system is started in a particular department, the

employees of that dept. are required to be trained for using the same.

4. Transfer: If an individual is transferred from one dept. to other, he needs to be


5. Promotion: If an employee is promoted, he may require training in the skills to

handle the new position. Also a gap arises in his current position and to fill this gap,
training may be required.

6. Succession planning: Training has to be imparted to groom a person to occupy a new

position identified for him.

After identifying the training needs of the employees, HR forms a summary of the same
and compiles the data in a tabular form showing the number of people requiring
training in a on a particular topic (division wise and band wise). After this, the HR
personnel designs a training calendar for the entire year. This calendar has a schedule
of various internal and outbound training programmes to be conducted for the
employees throughout the year. This is made considering the training needs identified.

The HR circulates this calendar to the various Bus/Div Heads who in turn inform their
subordinates. Then nominations for various Training programs are received by the HR
from the various Bus/Div Heads.
A month prior to the training program, reminders are sent and confirmations are
received from the candidates and their heads.

T.R CHADHA has a set of trainers who are invited for conducting various workshops and
training sessions. Along with this, the HR keeps on scanning various other trainers from
outside and evaluates them and if required invites them for conducting training

Getting feedback about the training program conducted is emphasized at T.R CHADHA.
The candidates are given a feedback form wherein they evaluate the various aspects of
the session according to its usefulness in their professional life. A summary of this is
made and kept for further reference and is also sent across to the trainer which could
be useful to him for improving the training sessions in future.


The leaves granted to the employees will be of following kinds:

Type of Leave Number of Days

Leaves 21 days per year

Maternity Leave (ML) 180 days per occasion

Separation and Exit Management

The employees may be separated from the organization due to the following




-Termination by Organization

An employee who is not willing to continue his/her service in the organization, can give
his/her resignation letter to his Division / Function head and the same will be forwarded
to the HR after comments from the division head.

Every employee is required to adhere to a notice period mentioned in the appointment

letter. However under certain circumstances, the HR after discussions with the Division
head can relieve the employee earlier.

After the receipt of the resignation, the HR would discuss this with the division head and
then convey the acceptance of the same to the employee. It is the responsibility of the
employee to get clearance from the various departments on the Exit form and submit it
to the HR for the final settlement.

#Exit form consists of five parts:

 Part A of check out form has to be filled by the Reporting Manager and Reporting
Partner of the employee. It consists of the Assignment and Execution Handovers
which an employee has to return (if applicable). The Reporting Manager and
Reporting Partner has to sign against each saying that the same have been

 Part B has to be signed in a similar manner by the Information Technology and

HR Department wherein his loan dues, notice pay is adjusted against the final
settlement amount. Only after all these have been cleared, the employee is
relieved. After this he is given the relieving letter and the experience certificate.

 Part C has to be signed by the Finance and Admin confirming whether the
employee has surrendered the company flat, furniture/equipment, telephone
and car to the company and stating that any amount pertaining to advances,
canteen dues or any other dues have been cleared by the employee.

 Part D includes the contact details of the employee after leaving T.R CHADHA.

 Part E has the final sign offs by the Supervising Partner and Branch Incharge.

Filling of the Exit form is a process that remains the same for all employees including
employees who have resigned, retiring employees, as well as for those who have been
terminated from the organization.

Exit Interviews:
T.R CHADHA has a policy to conduct an Exit interview for the employees. These are
conducted for employees who have resigned from their posts and have decided to leave
the organization.

Once an employee resigns, he/she has to contact the HR dept for his/ her check out
formalities. During this time he/she has one-on-one dialogue with the HR manager who
tries to understand the reason for his/her resignation. He/She also needs to fill in an exit
interview form.

The Exit interview form has a list of questions for which an employee may leave an
organization. The employee is asked to fill the form.

He/She is asked to mention some positives and negatives of working with T.R CHADHA
and give his/her suggestions to make it a better place to work. Generally at the time of
resignation, people are reluctant to disclose the actual reasons. So, the HR plays a major
role to convince them and find out the actual reasons which have forced the employees
to quit the organization. This in turn will help HR to take corrective steps to retain their
valuable employees in case the attrition rate is too high. This form concludes with the
comments of the HR manager or the Assistant Manager-HR.

These interviews help the HR to have a healthy dialogue with the resignees and thus,
work on the suggestions given by them. It also enhances the image of the company
Chapter 5: Suggestions:-
1. Employees should decide and determine the training programs they need so that
they can work more effectively and efficiently.

2. The organization should promote employee referral programs in order to increase

the hiring through internal referrals and the referee should be rewarded.

3. There should be at least 1 Medical room in the office.

4. Proper interview system to avoid time-wasting and be more productive.

5. Cafeteria can be improved by providing meals for the employees and the variety and
quantity of snacks should be increased.

6. Team outings every month for effective team building.

7. At least 1 female housekeeping.

8. 1 extra leave or 1 day work from home to female employees every month.

Chapter 6: Conclusions
This study was done to learn about all the practices adopt by Human Resources at TR

Chadha & Co LLP . After the tenure of 12 weeks, it has been noted that TR Chadha
conducts various HR practices such as-

1. Recruitment and selection

2. Induction

3. Employment verification

4. Training and development

5. Performance appraisal

6. Exit interviews

7. The project helped me gain intense knowledge about the Human Resource

8. Department and the work being done by them.

Chapter 7: Bibliography











10. Koch Michelle,


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