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PPSC Paper (A.O / F.M / C.

I) 17-03-2018 compiled By
Atif Naeem M.Sc. (Hons) Plant Breeding and Genetics (0302-4091828)
Raza Ijaz Ph.D. Agri. Extension (0304- 8696910)

1. Seed rate of wheat which sow from 21st Nov. to 15 35. Powdery mildew is caused by (Fungus)
December (50-60 kg/acre) 36. Sugar cane Pyrilla (Sucking insect)
2. Seed rate of gram (30 kg/acre) Kabli Gram 37. Organization of soil particles….soil texture, soil
(35kg/acre) structure, soil organization (?)
3. Seed rate of sunflower (2-2.5 kg/acre) 38. Vegetable harvested for seed production
4. Seed rate of cotton for ridge sowing (6-8 kg/acre) though…manually, mechanically, combine
5. B.t stand for correct spelling (Bacillus harvester (manually)
thuringiensis) 39. Potassium fertilizer used for…..crop disease
6. Which one is fly of cotton (white fly) resistant, crop susceptible, grain development
7. Which nozzle is used for insects/pests (Hollow con (crop disease resistant)
nozzle) 40. Viticulture (Grapes cultivation)
8. World food day (16 Oct.) 41. Pomology (Fruit study)
9. Seed multiplication included (All) 42. Apiculture (Honey bee rearing)
10. Hybrid seed development required (All) 43. Where sprinkler irrigation (undulating soil)
11. Laggards are at which rank to adopt inovation (End 44. Problem of rainfed areas (water availability)
adopter) 45. (Goals)
12. Awareness, Interest, Evaluation, Trial and 46. Pussinia recondita is a disease of (Wheat….Brown
Adaption is steps of (Adoption process) rust)
13. WTO is established in (1995) 47. Fertigation (fertilizer with water application)
14. Short duration crop which grow b/w two main 48. Tunnel (All)
crops (catch crop) 49. Trench technology (Sugarcane)
15. Crop susceptible to salinity, potato, groundnut, 50. Rice sowing banned before (20 May)
maize (?) 51. Ear and grain rot disease which of the following
16. Which is not oil seed crop (cluster bean) crop….Sorghum, millet, corn, none (Corn)
17. Wheat seed stored at moisture level % (10%) 52. Material is not used in hydroponic (Soil)
18. Rice grain stored which moisture level (12%) 53. Pest scouting (all)
19. Farm planning is (farm budgeting) 54. Nitrogen % in urea (46%)
20. Barani Wheat Variety (Fathe Jhang 2016) 55. Element added in soil by legumes crops (N2)
21. Wheat variety (Buorlagh) 56. Increases the soil fertility (manure)
22. Hysun-33 is (Sunflower variety) 57. Cereals grown in Punjab …..Maize, Paddy, Pearl
23. Sugarcane approved variety (CPF-249) Millet (all)
24. Rice banned variety (Kashmira) 58. Which is cereal crop…(all)
25. Pest scouting (All) 59. Hydrometer method….soil EC, soil pH, Soil
26. Crop water requirement based on, soil texture, clay texture(soil texture)
pores, evapotranspiration (Evapotranspiration) 60. Hybrid variety of maize (FH1046)
27. Magazine published by Agri. Punjab (Ziratnama) 61. Cotton sensitivity to water (High)
28. Helplines of Agri. Extension Punjab (0800-15000 62. Guava is propagated by (Seed)
& 0800-29000) 63. Study of ornamental plant (Landscape &
29. Jethy tery hall wagh day radio station (Lahore) Floriculture)
30. pH of Pakistani soil (7.5-8) 64. Seed test for…seed purity, seed germination, seed
31. efficient irrigation system for orchards (Drip moisture (All)
irrigation) 65. Crysanthemum is vegetative propagated by(?)
32. Agriculture Extension education is (non-formal) 66. Which crop required less water (winter)
33. Comparison b/w two approved and manually 67. Purpose of mulching
practices on basis of results is….demonstration, 68. IPM involves use of (a & b)
result demonstration, comparison (Result 69. seed stored in store need (fumigation)
Demonstration) 70. shallow rooted crops are …summer, winter, off
34. Red rot of Sugarcane caused by (Fungus) seasons (winter)

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PPSC Paper (A.O / F.M / C.I) 17-03-2018 compiled By
Atif Naeem M.Sc. (Hons) Plant Breeding and Genetics (0302-4091828)
Raza Ijaz Ph.D. Agri. Extension (0304- 8696910)

71. fruit hot water treatment to prevent from

72. fidelity (effectiveness)
73. T & V approach involved…researcher, extension
worker, farmer (all)
74. Aphid attack is increasing to which crop recently
75. Which seed can be used by former and sale in
market (Certified Seed/approved seed)
76. Denitrification is more problematic in which type
of soil (waterlogged soil)
77. Which hormone is responsible for fruit ripening
78. Imbibition of seed through temperature (?)
79. Cotton insets…spotted bollworm, Pink bollworm
80. Which solution is used for delinting of seed cotton
(Sulfuric acid)
81. Why seed cotton delinting done…To remove pest
larva from fuzz….To increase germination (All)
82. Face to face communication called (Interpersonal)
83. Minimum sugarcane buds present on setts for
sowing (minimum 2 buds)
84. Problem of agriculture in Pakistan (All)
85. Participatory approach is the types of approach (?)

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