Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Hira

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Document Title

The Tata Power Company Ltd Hazard Identification & Risk

Assessment (HIRA) Procedure
Document No.
Date of Issue: 01/09/2016

Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA)


Rev No. Reason for Revision Prepared By Checked By Approval by

Rev No. R&P Sub-
First release D R Kamath Vijay Chourey
00 committee

Rev No. Standardization of

01 procedure Navendra Singh Rajesh Sharma
Vijay Chourey
(Group Head – P & ( Head – Corp Safety
(Chief – Corp Safety)
CB; Corp Safety.) Operation)

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Document Title

The Tata Power Company Ltd Hazard Identification & Risk

Assessment (HIRA) Procedure
Document No.
Date of Issue: 01/09/2016


Section Description Page No.

2.0 SCOPE 3
12.0 REVIEW 10
-- Annexure – 1: Risk Priority Number (RPN) Matrix 10
-- Annexure – 2: Table for Frequency 12
-- Annexure – 3: Table for Severity 13
-- Annexure – 4: Risk Based Control Plan 14
-- Annexure – 5: Types of controls and their effectiveness 15
-- Annexure – 6: HIRA Format (GSP/HIRA/005/FORM/01) 16

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Document Title

The Tata Power Company Ltd Hazard Identification & Risk

Assessment (HIRA) Procedure
Document No.
Date of Issue: 01/09/2016

Objective of this procedure is to define guidelines for Hazard identification, Risk
assessment and determination of controls.

This procedure applies to all operating plants and project sites of Tata Power Group

3.1. Manage activities with reduction of risk involved with acceptable risk and safely.


4.1. ACCOUNTABILITY: Concerned Division’s Heads/Assets Custodian.
4.2. RESPONSIBILITY: Respective Core team members / Head of Departments - HODs
(Unless otherwise specified).

BC – Business Concern: Any hazard and Risk which will result in Fatal accidents /
severe damage to human health and safety, Damage to property resulting in loss of
Production, huge financial implications etc. (Example - major fire, gas leak, explosion,
toxic release etc.)
Controls: Methods used to manage safety risks. Controls can be Elimination, Substitution,
Isolation/ separation, Engineering controls, signage/warnings and /or administrative
controls, PPE.
Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment: Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment is to
identify and evaluate the hazards, Risk and put controls measures for safe execution of
Hazard: Source or situation with potential for harm, something that can cause body injury /
occupational illness, damage property.
IPC – Interested Party Concern: The hazard / Risk having a concern expressed by
Employees, Neighbours, local residents etc.(Example –excavation on public road for cable
laying job which involve traffic interface, erection of transmission tower at community area
Job Safety Analysis: Job safety analysis (JSA) is a procedure which helps integrate
accepted safety and health principles and practices into a particular job. In a JSA, for each
basic step of the job, it is to identify potential hazards and to recommend the safest way to
do the job.
Job: A piece of physical work defined by time or other limits and that has a clear start and
end point

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Document Title

The Tata Power Company Ltd Hazard Identification & Risk

Assessment (HIRA) Procedure
Document No.
Date of Issue: 01/09/2016
(Note: The head of the department conducts the risk assessment for any complaint
received by any employee or interested party and if he is convinced with complaint then
the same is considered as interested party concern and the risk is treated as significant.
Proper control measures are to be taken to manage the risk)
LC – Legal Concern: The hazard or risk is addressed by applicable legal requirements
such as Indian Factory act / State factory rules, Indian electricity Act & rules etc. (Example
- use of uncertified lifting tools & cranes, operation of unguarded machines etc.)
Non Routine Job / Task: Where an SOP / SMP is not available or the conditions of the
SOP / SMP have changed.
Non-Significant Risk: Any risk less than RPN 6 and not falling under any of qualitative
risk category (Legal Concern, Business Concern and Interested Party Concern).
OCP: Operational Control Plan
Risk: The likelihood (probability) which can lead to potential negative consequences.
Risk Assessment: A systematic and structured process whereby hazards present in a
workplace, or arising from workplace activity, are identified, risks assessed / evaluated,
and decisions prioritized in order to reduce risks to acceptable levels.
Severity: The level of consequence / harm of an event that could occur due to exposure
to the hazard present.
Significant risk: Any activity falling either under any of qualitative risk category (Legal
Concern, Business Concern and Interested Party Concern) or having Risk Priority Number
(RPN) 6 and above.
Shall: Mandatory requirement
Should: Optional requirement
Statutory requirements: Laws, regulations applicable at the location of plant /work.
SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
SMP: Standard Maintenance Procedure
Task / Activity: A sequence of steps taken to conduct a job. A task is a sub element of a
Unacceptable Risk: Any activity having Risk Priority Number (RPN) 10 and above.
WI: Work Instructions

6.1. General:
6.1.1. All Tata Power Divisions/JVs/Subsidiary shall maintained updated list of all
Activities of significant risk (qualitative) and having Risk Priority Number (RPN) 6
and above, which include Medium Risk, High Risk and Very High Risk (refer
Annexure – 1: Risk Priority Number (RPN) Matrix and Annexure – 4 : Risk Based
Control Plan).
6.1.2. All Tata Power Divisions/JVs/Subsidiary shall develop, maintained and
implement updated HIRA (Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment) register for all

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Document Title

The Tata Power Company Ltd Hazard Identification & Risk

Assessment (HIRA) Procedure
Document No.
Date of Issue: 01/09/2016
significant risk (qualitative) and having Risk Priority Number (RPN) 6 and above,
which include Medium Risk, High Risk and Very High Risk Activities. The
Procedure for Hazard identification and Risk assessment is defined below.
6.2. Methodology for Preparation of HIRA. Following methodology shall be followed for
preparation of HIRA (Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment).
6.2.1. Key Requisites: Classify the work activities Identify the Hazards & determine Risks. Determine existing control measures. Assess the Risk considering the probable failures in the existing risk
control measures (i.e. Effectiveness of existing risk control measures). Decide whether the risk is acceptable. Decide the additional Risk Control Plan to bring risk to acceptable level.
6.2.2. Composition of Team: The HIRA is generally carried out by a team comprising
of - Employees supervising the job Employees with safety knowledge Employees with technical knowledge of the activity/Job The number of team members will depend on and vary with the complexity
of the Activity/job.

6.3. Steps of preparation of HIRA:

6.3.1. Step -1: Collection of information: Team shall collect the following information
wherever possible, for each work activity.
i. Activities to be carried out, its duration and frequency.
ii. Location/s where the activities to be carried out.
iii. Persons involved in the activities?
iv. Other persons who may be affected by the work (e.g. visitors, contractors, the
v. Training of persons involved in the activities.
vi. Type of activities – Routine/non-routine activities
vii. Availability of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)/Standard Maintenance
Procedure (SMP) for Routine Activities.
viii. Availability of Permit-To-Work (PTW) for Non-Routine Activities.
ix. Size, shape, surface conditions, weight of materials that might be handled.
x. Utility services such as compressed air/steam.
xi. Other materials to be used or encountered during the work
xii. Physical form of materials to be used and its recommendations as per Material
Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
xiii. Legal and other requirements applicable for the activities.
xiv. Records of past incident/s and analysis pertaining to activities.

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The Tata Power Company Ltd Hazard Identification & Risk

Assessment (HIRA) Procedure
Document No.
Date of Issue: 01/09/2016
xv. Communications from employees and other interested parties (if any).
xvi. Work place monitoring data.
xvii. Existing Control measures to be in place.
xviii. Safety committee reports

6.4. Step – 2: Hazard Identification: Identify hazards and determine risks. Hazard
identification and risk assessment to be pro-active rather than reactive.
The broad categories of hazards are:
i. Mechanical (Example: Fall / slip due to slippery floor, Exposure to moving /
rotating parts of machine etc.)
ii. Electrical (Example: Electric shocks / electrocution)
iii. Chemicals (Example: acids / alkali /salts etc.).
iv. Fire and Explosion.
v. Radiation (Example: Exposure to X-rays/ Radiography during Non-Destructive
Testing (NDT) etc.)
vi. Toxic release (Example: Leakage of chlorine, ammonia etc)
vii. Natural calamities.(Earth quake, Floods, Severe wind storm, lightening etc)
viii. Biological hazards (Example: Sources of biological hazards include bacteria,
viruses, insects, plants, birds, animals, and humans. These sources can cause
a variety of health effects ranging from skin irritation and allergies to infections
(e.g., Tuberculosis, AIDS, Cancer etc.)
6.4.1. Following three questions to be explored and recorded during hazard
i. Is there a source of harm?
ii. Who (or what) could be harmed?
iii. How could harm occur?
6.4.2. Following factors shall be considered while identifying the hazards and
determining the risks-
i. Human behaviour, capabilities and other human factors.
ii. Hazards originating “outside the workplace” capable of adversely affecting
the health and safety of personnel under the control of the organization within
the workplace.
iii. Hazards created in the vicinity “inside the workplace” by work related
activities under the control of the organization.
iv. Infrastructure, equipment and materials at the workplace, whether provided
by the organization or others.
v. Changes or proposed changes in the organization, it’s activities and
vi. Applicable legal obligations relating to risk assessment and implementation of
necessary controls.

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The Tata Power Company Ltd Hazard Identification & Risk

Assessment (HIRA) Procedure
Document No.
Date of Issue: 01/09/2016
vii. Design of workplace, processes installations, machinery / equipment,
operating procedures and work organization, including their adaptation to
human capabilities.

6.5. Step – 3: Review of Existing Control Measures: Team shall carry out review of
adequacy of existing control measures and based upon review of the adequacy of
existing control measures qualitative and quantitative risk assessment shall be done as
6.5.1. QUALITATIVE ASSESSMENT OF RISKS: Concern (LC): The hazard or risk is addressed by applicable legal
requirements such as Indian Factory act / State factory rules, Indian
electricity Act & rules etc. (Example - use of uncertified lifting tools & cranes,
operation of unguarded machines etc.) Interested Party Concern (IPC): The hazard / Risk having a concern
expressed by Employees, Neighbours, local residents etc.(Example –
excavation on public road for cable laying job which involve traffic interface,
erection of transmission tower at community area etc.)
(Note: The head of the department should conducts the risk assessment
for any complaint received by any employee or interested party and if he is
convinced with complaint then the same is considered as interested party
concern and the risk is treated as significant. Proper control measures are
to be taken to manage the risk) BC – Business Concern (BC): Any hazard and Risk which will result in:
Fatal accidents / severe damage to human health and safety. Damage to
property resulting in loss of Production, huge financial implications etc.
(Example - major fire, gas leak, explosion, toxic release etc.) Potential Emergency (PE): Situations which result in loss or damage to
humans / property / environment. Any situation, such as arising out of
major fire, gas leak, explosion, toxic release, flooding which is likely to go
out of control and requires controlling by a pre-determined team. The
situation may result in injury/ill health to group of employees and/or general
public and/or, property damage which require mitigation of losses. All such
potential emergencies shall be assessed and considered in any of LC, IPC
or BC category as appropriate. Hazard / Risk which is associated with a Legal Concern (LC),
Interested Party Concern (IPC), and Business Concern (BC) are
considered as Significant Risks by default irrespective of its subsequent
Risk Priority Number (RPN) as per Quantitative Risk Assessment and
necessary control measures shall be taken address all such concerns..

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The Tata Power Company Ltd Hazard Identification & Risk

Assessment (HIRA) Procedure
Document No.
Date of Issue: 01/09/2016

6.5.2. QUANTITATIVE ASSESSMENT OF RISKS: After identifying the hazards and

determination of risks, carrying out risk assessment and classify the risks based on
the risk priority number (RPN) refer Annexure - 1. RISK PRIORITY NUMBER (RPN) is obtained by multiplying the following
factors: RPN = F x S. Where;
F - Frequency: likelihood of the occurrence on Incident
S - Severity of harm: The risk from the hazard is determined by estimating
the potential severity of the harm.
Refer to Annexure- 2 & 3 for allocating values for Frequency (F) &
Severity (S) While assigning Frequency (F) & Severity (S) ratings, consider the
adequacy and effectiveness of existing risk control measures (probable
failures in existing risk control measures).Some Examples of probable failures
in control measures.
i. Supervision / Human intervention is must for Controls.
ii. People not wearing PPE, / PPEs not available,
iii. People not aware of control measures / untrained personnel,
iv. Damaged PPEs etc. Additional control measures shall be recommended to reduce the Risk as
per Risk Control Plan mentioned in Annexure – 4. Hierarchy of Risk Control measures: While determining risk controls or
considering changes to existing controls, consideration shall be given to
reducing the risks according to the following hierarchy:
(Example - If practicable, Eliminate the hazards altogether, or
combat the risk at source, for example Use Hypo-chloride in place of
Chlorine, Use tools instead of handling with bare hands, Use trolley
and truck instead of hand carrying, Use man lift instead of Ladder)
(Example - Fully automate process, Application of interlocks,
Installation of Safety Valve, Alarm & Detection System etc.)
(Example- Good housekeeping, Safe systems at work, Training and
information, Welfare, Monitoring, Training, supervision etc.)
However PPEs are mandatory for all jobs.

6.6. Step- 4: HIRA Format (GSP/HIRA/005/FORM/01) as per Annexure - 6 should be used

for recording Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA).

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The Tata Power Company Ltd Hazard Identification & Risk

Assessment (HIRA) Procedure
Document No.
Date of Issue: 01/09/2016
6.6.1. Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) shall be approved by Division

6.7. Step – 5: Hazard identification and Risk assessment shall be reviewed at least once in
two (02) years to keep this information up-to-date. However, Hazard identification and
Risk assessment shall be reviewed before implementing changes to the activity /
process / equipment / existing risk control measures. Review of Risk assessment shall
be carried out during the following situations.
i. During changes from normal operation,
ii. New or modified process/ installation,
iii. Changes in raw materials, chemicals etc,
iv. During expansion, contraction, restructuring
v. New or modified legislation etc.
vi. New information/inputs from interested parties

7. Records:
1.1. HIRA Register as per HIRA Format (GSP/HIRA/005/FORM/01) - Retention period five
(05) years
1.2. List of Unacceptable (High & Very High) Risks activities/Jobs (RPN 6 and above) -
Retention period five (05) years

8. Training & Communication:

1.3. Training of Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment (HIRA) shall be included and
covered in Safety Training Calendar as per Safety Training needs.
1.4. Initial Communication to be done through Corporate Communication, Email and
subsequently shall be made available at safety portal at Sangam.

1.5. Verification of implementation shall be done during Safety audit, field safety visit and
site inspections.

10. Exceptions: Any Exception to this procedure shall only be done as per Document
Control .Procedure (TPSMS/GSP/DC/014).

 Tata Power Safety Management System (TPSMS) Manual
 OHSAS 18001:2007
 Tata Power Document Control Procedure (TPSMS/GSP/DC/014).
 Tata Power Safety Capability Building procedure(TPSMS/SCB/DC/016)

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The Tata Power Company Ltd Hazard Identification & Risk

Assessment (HIRA) Procedure
Document No.
Date of Issue: 01/09/2016

12. Review: Review of this procedure shall be done as and when but not later than once in
every three (03) years. Typical Factors like Changes in legislation, Review of Incident Reports,
Inspection & Audit findings, Feedback from users, Recommendations in Incident investigation
reports may be inputs for the review and revision of the procedure.

Annexure – 1: Risk Priority Number (RPN) Matrix
Annexure – 2: Table for Frequency
Annexure – 3: Table for Severity
Annexure – 4: Risk Based Control Plan
Annexure – 5: Types of controls and their effectiveness
Annexure – 6: HIRA Format (GSP/HIRA/005/FORM/01)

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The Tata Power Company Ltd Hazard Identification & Risk

Assessment (HIRA) Procedure
Document No.
Date of Issue: 01/09/2016

Annexure – 1
Risk Priority Number (RPN) Matrix
5 5 10 15 20 25
(Very High - Has (Low) (High) (High) (Very (Very
happened more than High) High)
once per year in the
4 4 8 12 16 20
(High - Has happened in (Low) (Medium) (High) (Very (Very

the Division and more High) High)

than once per year in

3 3 6 9 12 15
(Medium- Has happened (Low) (Medium) (Medium) (High) (High)
in the Company)
2 2 4 6 8 10
(Low- Happened in The (Very (Low) (Medium) (Medium) (High)
Power Industries globally
last 20 Years)
1 1 2 3 4 5
(Very Low- (Very (Very Low) (Low) (Low) (Low)
Happened in the
Industries globally last
10 years )
1 2 3 4 5
(Very (Low) (Medium) (High) (Very High)


Annexure – 2

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The Tata Power Company Ltd Hazard Identification & Risk

Assessment (HIRA) Procedure
Document No.
Date of Issue: 01/09/2016

Table for Frequency

Rating Level Description

5 Very High Has happened once during last one year in the
4 High Has happened in the Division or once during last
one year in Company
3 Medium Has happened in the Company

2 Low Happened in The Power Industries globally during

last 20 years.
1 Very Low Happened in the Industries globally during last 10

Annexure – 3

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The Tata Power Company Ltd Hazard Identification & Risk

Assessment (HIRA) Procedure
Document No.
Date of Issue: 01/09/2016

Table for Severity

Very Low Low Medium High Very High
1 2 3 4 5
Consequence Severity Increases
People Physical Noticeable Temporary Partial Fatal/Total
(Health and discomfort and requiring Disability Permanent Permanent
Safety First Aid or (MTC/ Disability/ Disability
slight health RWDC) or Lost work (TPD) or
problem health Day case severe health
problem (LWDC) or problem
causing major health causing
MTC/RWDC problem Fatal/TPD
Environment Negligible Minor effects Localize Major Massive
al effect neighbours release makes release make damage
confined to adjacent to local TV national TV makes
within plant plant coverage / coverage / International
grounds / complain newspaper news paper TV coverage
environment / new paper
Product or Some product Several Several Important / Loss of
Service or service costumer customer major substantial
Quality fails to meet complain complain in customer marked share
standards verbally writing cancelled due problem
Asset or Slight damage Noticeable Large damage Major Severe
financial loss is upto Rs. damage 1 Lakh to 10 damage 10 damage more
10,000/- between Rs. Lakhs Lakhs to 1 than 1 crore
10,000 to 1 crore
Reputation Slight to Loss of Loss of Loss of Loss of
(Local, moderate reputation at reputation at reputation at reputation at
National, or impact Community State Level National International
International level Level Level

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The Tata Power Company Ltd Hazard Identification & Risk

Assessment (HIRA) Procedure
Document No.
Date of Issue: 01/09/2016
Annexure- 4
Risk Based Control Plan
RPN Risk category (Risk based Control Plan) Decision / What needs to be done?

Control Plan (CP) - 1

<3 Very Low
• Activities having RPN < 3, considered as acceptable risk. No additional controls
Risk ( Non- are necessary other than to ensure that existing controls are maintained &
Significant) implemented.

3–5 Low Risk Control Plan (CP) - 2

• Activities having RPN between 3 -5, considered as acceptable risk.
( Non- • No additional controls are required unless they can be implemented at very
Significant) low cost i.e. improved supervision, enhanced monitoring.

6–9 Medium Control Plan (CP) - 3

• Additional control measures shall be put in place to reduce the RPN to acceptable
Risk level (less than 6).
( Significant) • The risk reduction measures shall be implemented within a defined period.
Arrangements shall be made to ensure that the controls are maintained.

10 – High Risks Control Plan (CP) - 4

• Engineering control/Work Instructions (WI) shall be followed to reduce risk to
15 ( Significant & acceptable level (less than 6).
Unacceptable) • In case of absence of Work Instructions (WI), Job/activity specific Operational
Control Plan (OCP) shall be developed and followed
The risk reduction measures shall be implemented within a defined period (before
• start of work).
The work activity should be halted until risk controls are implemented. If it is not
• possible to reduce the risk, the work should remain prohibited.
• Arrangements shall be made to ensure that the controls are maintained.

Control Plan (CP) - 5

16-25 Very High
• It shall incudes all the requirements of Control Plan (CP) - 4 and necessary
Risks changes by Engineering Controls (for example - Fully automate process,
( Significant & Application of interlocks, Installation of Safety Valve, Alarm & Detection System
Unacceptable) etc.) to reduce risk to acceptable level (less than 6).
• The work activity shall be halted until risk controls are implemented as Control
Plan (CP) - 5. If it is not possible to reduce the risk, the work shall remain
• Arrangements shall be made to ensure that the controls are maintained.

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The Tata Power Company Ltd Hazard Identification & Risk

Assessment (HIRA) Procedure
Document No.
Date of Issue: 01/09/2016
Annexure- 5

Types of Controls and their effectiveness

Type of Controls Effectiveness

1. Eliminate the hazard completely. 100%

2. Engineering Controls: Create a barrier between

the person and the hazard.

3. Administrative Controls: by use & implementation

of regulation, law, SOP/SMP/WI/OCP, safety procedures,
etc. 20–40%
4. Provide personal protective equipment.
1- 20%

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The Tata Power Company Ltd Hazard Identification & Risk

Assessment (HIRA) Procedure
Document No.
Date of Issue: 01/09/2016
GSP/HIRA/005/FORM/01 Annexure – 6

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